
Bergamot fruit. What is bergamot? Cultivation, application, properties

A pear-shaped citrus hybrid obtained by crossing a lemon with a bitter orange is bergamot. What kind of plant, probably everyone knows. It is widely used in perfumery, cooking and folk medicine. But under this name, another medicinal plant is known, monarda, a beautiful honey plant, the flowers of which contain great amount trace elements useful for the body.

Bergamot grass, monarda or American lemon balm - a herbaceous plant from the Rut family is characterized by excellent aesthetic properties, due to which it is used in landscape design to decorate flower beds. Ground parts are used as raw materials in official pharmacology. The flowers of the plant evaporate tender citrus aroma, which bears a close resemblance to famous fruit. It is thanks to this characteristic that the monarda acquired the name bergamot.

What does bergamot look like?

Monarda is an annual or perennial plant, the stems of which can reach 1.5 m in height. Light green, lanceolate leaves are arranged oppositely. The flowering period falls on June-September. Funnel-shaped tubules bloom on peduncles, collected in large inflorescences. The most common herb is bergamot, the flowers of which are painted in a purple hue.

Benefits of Bergamot Herb

medicinal plant characterized by rich chemical composition, which includes a large amount of micronutrients. One of the main components is thymol - a powerful natural analgesic and antiseptic. Monarda contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid, retinoids, antioxidants, etc.

The main beneficial properties of bergamot herb:

  • normalizes the emotional and mental background (helps to cope with stress, depression, including postpartum);
  • improves performance of cardio-vascular system, helps to reduce the concentration of harmful cholesterol in the blood and lower blood pressure;
  • has antiseptic properties, destroys pathogenic microorganisms, due to which it is actively used in violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • helps to reduce body temperature by accelerating metabolic processes and increasing sweating;
  • effectively fights headache and muscle pain due to the analgesics linalyl acetate and linalool included in the composition;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system, prevents constipation, has a mild urine and choleretic effect.

This is not the whole list of healing properties of bergamot herb. A medicinal plant in fresh or dried form is used to make tea, oil, decoctions, tinctures.

The use of bergamot

American Melissa - unique grass which has a wide range of applications. Garden bergamot is very attractive during flowering, so it is often used for decorative purposes in landscape design. It vaporizes a pleasant, persistent, citrus aroma. Monarda leaves are good taste properties so they are used in cooking. Due to the rich chemical composition and content beneficial trace elements the plant is used in cosmetology, pharmacology, medicine.

Tea with bergamot

Cooked with Monarda hot drink not only useful, but also delicious. Brewing it is very easy. Pour the usual amount into the kettle leaf tea, add a few inflorescences of bergamot grass, pour boiling water. Regular use drink will help strengthen the immune system, increase defensive forces organism, to make it more resistant to pathogens of infectious and colds. Bergamot tea - effective remedy to improve the condition of the heart and blood vessels. It is useful to drink it for hypertensive patients, people with diabetes the second type, atherosclerosis.

Oil for various diseases

  1. Essential oil garden bergamotunique product, with the help of which it will be possible to strengthen the health of the body. The tool can be bought, or prepared at home. To get a concentrate, you need to pick the leaves and inflorescences of the plant during flowering, finely chop, pour olive oil in a ratio of 1:10. Boil the mixture for two hours small fire. After filtering, using cheesecloth or a fine strainer. You can store the product in a glass, hermetically sealed container. The finished product is used to improve the patient's condition in various diseases.
  2. Genital infections. It is enough to add a few drops of oil to tea. Due to its expressive antiseptic properties, the agent kills pathogens.
  3. Colds. Before use, the oil is diluted with water in the amount of 3-4 drops per 200 grams. The mixture can be used for instillation of the nose with a severe runny nose or gargle for sore throat, cough.
  4. Insomnia. The essential oil of garden bergamot has a tonic, relaxing effect. Before going to bed, you can take a bath with the addition of a concentrate or drink tea.
  5. Headache. Monarda will help get rid of an unpleasant symptom, regardless of the reasons for its appearance. You just need to rub a little oil into the whiskey.
  6. Fungus. You can do nail baths or simply treat the affected areas with the product for 5-7 days.

Monard oil will help get rid of worms, accelerate the healing of wounds, burns. It is effective in various inflammatory diseases, has antiviral and bactericidal properties, and is an excellent immunomodulator. The tool helps to cleanse the blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques, normalizes arterial pressure, improves well-being under stress. Garden bergamot oil is one of the few products with an expressive radioprotective and anticarcinogenic effect.

Bergamot oil in cosmetology

Garden bergamot is widely used in cosmetology. The most effective is the essential oil. With its help, you can effectively cope with the problem of hair loss, strengthen the roots.

Cosmetologists appreciate Monarda oil for the following properties:

  • normalizes the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • helps to cope with dandruff and dry scalp;
  • improves condition and appearance skin cover;
  • whitens and strengthens tooth enamel.

Bergamot herb essential oil - a real salvation for people with problem skin. The tool effectively fights rashes, ulcers, acne, black spots. The active components of the product saturate the cells of the epidermis with useful substances. As a result of the use of oil, the skin looks fresh, healthy and radiant.

How bergamot oil is used in perfumery and aromatherapy

Monarda extract is used in the manufacture of perfumes. With it, you can create unique aromatic compositions. Perfumes with notes of garden bergamot are in the collections of famous brands.

American lemon balm is used for aromatherapy sessions, which are very useful during viral and colds. To improve the microclimate in cold, damp rooms, you can dilute a few drops of bergamot oil in water, spray the resulting mixture on the walls and ceiling, and ventilate the room.

Bergamot in cooking

Based on the leaves of the monarda, you can prepare not only tea, but also delicious cocktails. The plant is used as a preservative. It is simply added to soups, light salads, main dishes, to which the grass gives bright flavor accents. Spices from garden bergamot can transform any dish. Leaves and flowers are suitable for harvesting. They contain a large number essential oil. The grass must be cut (retreating from the soil 25 cm), dried and ground into powder. The spice is stored for a long time in a dry, tightly closed container.

Harm and contraindications when using

The benefits and harms of bergamot herb for human health are controversial. At misuse or overdose, it can cause side effects. If you do not take precautions, you may experience symptoms such as headache, nausea, vomiting. In such cases, the use of funds based on this medicinal plant should be stopped immediately, consult a doctor. Before using bergamot herb, you should read the list of contraindications.

Monarda should not be used in such cases:

  • the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance to plant components;
  • low blood pressure;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • propensity to allergies;
  • childhood;
  • heart failure;
  • chronic kidney and liver diseases.

The unique properties of Monarda have been known for a long time. The medicinal plant was used even by representatives of the ancient Indian tribes.

It is often confused with bergamot. Monarda has nothing to do with the evergreen tree on which they grow citrus fruit, has no, except for a specific persistent aroma.

At correct application american melissa renders positive impact on the state of the human body. Means prepared on its basis help to fight against various diseases, enhance the effect of some medicines, accelerate recovery in many pathologies. Before using garden bergamot in medicinal purposes it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Bergamot belongs to citrus fruits. This small pear-shaped fruit grows on low trees and is cultivated exclusively in southern Italy. Bergamot is primarily associated with famous variety Earl Gray tea. But few people know how else to use bergamot, what dishes it can be added to, and in general what benefits it can bring.

More than anything this product known to people as a fragrant-spicy tea additive. Its fundamental qualities remain in the shadows. Therefore, it is worth learning more about the beneficial properties of this unusual fruit for us, how useful it is, and, of course, about contraindications and possible harm this fruit.

Bergamot is a hybrid of bitter orange and lemon. According to another version, bergamot is the result of a mutation of the same bitter orange. Whatever it was, but appeared in the root family the new kind plants, thus adding to the world list of terrestrial vegetation with an evergreen tree from the category of citrus fruits, which can grow up to 10 m in height.

Its leaves are oblong and green. During the flowering period, rather large flowers spread around pleasant aroma. True, the resulting pear-shaped fruits of a yellow-green color are completely unsuitable for consumption due to the pronounced bitter-sour taste.

However, bergamot is of great importance not as a food product, but for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Therefore, it is grown for this purpose.

The first to discover this unusual citrus were the Chinese. According to some versions, they themselves created it by crossing an orange and a lemon. But further development and even naming such a hybrid is directly related to Italy.

It was here that all the qualities of citrus fruits were appreciated after their appearance on the Iberian Peninsula. Naturally, they were brought to Europe by merchants trying to acquaint their compatriots with something overseas.

A suitable climate for the plant was selected in the province of Calabria. Therefore, extensive plantations were established on its territory, and the name "bergamot" itself came from the city of Bergamo, which differs the largest number overseas trees.

Although bergamot can also be called in addition special grade pears similar to this citrus in appearance. But wild bergamot belongs exclusively to herbaceous plants and generalizes it with the famous "relative" only citrus smell.

It is very useful for tourists to know that in Germany and Austria bergamot is often attributed to the creation of a Cologne pharmacist. Although he only recognized the bergamot scent in some French perfumes produced since the 14th century.

To date given plant cultivated in the south of Italy, in China, India, countries Black Sea coast and even in Africa.

Composition of bergamot

Although the bergamot fruit is practically not edible, its chemical composition has not gone unnoticed by scientists. It turned out that it contains many different compounds related to flavonoids. Moreover, in high concentration.

Fruit juice and its extract can improve the cardiovascular system, including lowering cholesterol, high blood pressure, and improving the elasticity of blood vessels.

Many bergamot flavonoids are structurally similar to statins, which affect cholesterol levels.

Found in bergamot and compounds that are strong antioxidants. The composition of bergamot essential oil is richer.

As a fruit, bergamot is low-calorie foods. It is only 35 calories per 100 grams.

The benefits of bergamot

The most valuable essential oil in bergamot is considered to be an essential oil widely used in perfumery (the first bergamot perfume-cologne was created in the 17th century and was called “aqua regina”, that is, “royal water”; later German perfumers renamed it “Eau De Cologne”, “ Cologne water). Seriously, for the sake of it, this plant is grown.

Essential oil of bergamot is obtained mainly from the peel of the fruit. It is an oil with a very pleasant delicate aroma and markedly different from other citrus oils and has a wide range actions.

As in ancient times, the main goal for a person was to identify useful medicinal properties every plant. So the fate of a series of experiments did not bypass the bergamot.

As a result, it was found that its fragrant essential oil, obtained from the pulp, peel, leaves, flowers and young shoots, can bring many benefits to our health. It:

  • performs an antiseptic function and, as part of balms and ointments, it helps well with skin infections and inflammations;
  • used in the treatment of viral and colds, strengthens the human immune system;
  • able to relieve spasms and calm the mental and emotional state, stimulate creativity, imagination, thinking;
  • improves digestion and appetite;
  • taking tea with bergamot helps to cleanse the skin by toning it and narrowing enlarged pores;
  • also, such tea will relieve general fatigue and remove the effects of a stressful situation;
  • in cosmetology, bergamot essential oil is necessarily included in lotions intended for the care of oily skin face and scalp;
  • diluted with water, it relieves irritation after insect bites;
  • has a diuretic and antihelminthic effect;
  • stimulates lactation.

In order to have a non-tactile effect on the body, you should inhale the aromas of bergamot oil only if you are not allergic to it.

Application in cooking

Despite the fact that fresh bergamot fruits are not at all used in cooking, Italian chefs nevertheless, they created a recipe for the preparation of bergamot marmalade and jam. If you are lucky enough to visit Italy and bring bergamot, you can cook.

To do this, you will need water, sugar, lemon and the peel of five bergamot fruits, cut into small squares, which must first be soaked in clean water for three days. In this case, the water must be changed every day.

Then the soaked peel, which gave off excess bitterness, is boiled with sugar until the syrup spreads over the saucer like jam.

After boiling, you must add to the bergamot "jam" lemon juice and pour into moulds.

It turns out unusual marmalade that will please many.

Harm of bergamot

In our country, bergamot is almost impossible to find freely on store shelves. But still, you need to know about the dangers of this fetus and contraindications. So, bergamot can be harmful if overused. True, as you already learned from the article, it tastes completely unpleasant and you won’t eat a lot of it.

Therefore, everything else is more about bergamot essential oil. It cannot be used for:

Individual intolerance or allergy to citrus fruits;

Do not use pure undiluted oil directly on the skin;

May cause malaise, dizziness, weakness, because. the aroma of the oil is strong;

Do not use during pregnancy and lactation, as well as children under 12 years of age.

Here is such an unusual and little-known fruit of bergamot.

Table nutritional value bergamot per 100 grams of product

Origin and description

Historical evidence indicates that bergamot was first discovered in China. At the same time, it began to be grown and used by man as a culture not far from the Italian town of Bergamo, from the name of which it received the now known name. At that time, it was used to prevent colds, as an analgesic, and also in perfumery. The first thing you need to know about a plant like bergamot is that it is a hybrid of several citrus fruits at once. It has oblong leaves oval shape and reaches ten meters in height. Its trunk and branches are covered with thorns, the length of which is about 10 centimeters. The fruits of this plant are round and almost repeat the structure of an orange: inside they consist of slices, each of which is covered with a skin. There are also seeds here. The fruits are yellow-green in color and ripen at the end of the year. Due to the sour taste, they are not used everywhere in the form of food. Bergamot, whose photo is on the left, is now grown mainly in Argentine, Brazilian and Indian plantations. It can also be found on the Italian coast and in several African regions with suitable climates.

Application in medicine

Many people think about bergamot that it is only an additive to tea, not even suspecting that the most valuable in it is oil, which is a pale green fragrant liquid. It is obtained by cold pressing. fruit peel, as well as leaves with flowers. It is widely used for massages and aromatherapy. This is due to many of its properties. The oil helps to restore a person's energy as a result of excessive fatigue, as well as raising the mood during depression. Among other things, it is considered an excellent antiseptic, in this regard, it is also used to treat rashes, itching and age spots. It contains components that reduce the temperature and increase immunity to many infections and viruses. And that's not all healing properties that bergamot possesses - the plant is also excellent remedy for anesthesia.

Cosmetology, perfumery and food industry

The next area of ​​​​application of the plant, without a doubt, is the food industry. Along with this, one cannot fail to note the fact about bergamot that it is not only tea, but also a tonic drink. In different European countries, various goods are produced from it, starting with jam and ending with marmalade with pieces of fruit. This plant is also very popular in perfumery, where its oil is used in the form of fragrances for creams, ointments, and even shampoos and soaps. In turn, his unique aroma is great addition even for expensive branded perfumes.

Bergamot at home

It has already been mentioned above about bergamot, that it is first of all an incredibly healing aroma. Based on these considerations, the plant is widely used in home incense bowls, because it helps to provide good mood and also prevents the development of all kinds of viruses. Which, in turn, is the key to well-being and harmony in the house.

fragrant aroma and healing properties bergamot draw attention to its use in different areas activities, and decorative look tree, especially during the flowering period, is the main advantage when choosing it as a garden or houseplant. But, is this really the case - you need to figure it out.

General description of the plant

Bergamot, from lat. Citrus bergamia, is an evergreen tree of the genus Citrus, bred as a result of crossing species of the orange family (kinotto) and citron (zedrat). The fruits of the tree are commonly called "bitter orange".

The name of the plant was given by the area where this plant was first cultivated - in the northern part of Italy, the city of Bergamo. There are some inconsistencies in the history of the origin of the "bitter orange".

So, according to one version, its name comes from the name of the Bergamot pear variety, to which the fruits are similar in shape and color. Another version says that Christopher Columbus brought the fruit to Europe from the Canary Islands. What is true and what is false is unknown.

Did you know? In the distant past, bergamot oil was used as a substance to get rid of "bad" breath.

The tree loves heat, so it prefers to grow in a subtropical climate with high humidity, but when proper care and maintaining optimal conditions thrives well in our climate.
Under natural conditions, bergamot trees grow along the Ionian coast of Italy, but with great success also grown in the USA, Brazil, France, Greece and Africa. Widespread use in various fields of activity began in the 18th century in aromatization. cosmetics that time.

As a tea flavor, "bitter orange" was officially first used in 1892 in the UK, and the reason for this was a banal desire to hide the poor quality of tea.

Did you know? Phytoncides reduce the concentration of viruses and bacteria by 250 times per square meter of the room.

Botanical description varieties:
  1. The tree can reach a height of 10 m. The branches are thin and long, covered with 10 cm thorns. The leaves are dark green, glossy, with serrated edges.
  2. Flowering occurs from March to April. The flowers are large, white or purple, solitary, collected in racemes, bisexual and do not require pollination, they have a fragrant persistent aroma.
  3. The fruits are pear-shaped, yellow-green in color. The peel has a pronounced fragrant aroma. The pulp is segmented, juicy with a sour, grapefruit-bitter taste. The fruiting season is November-December.

Important! The bitterness of bergamot fruits implies their inedibility in a natural (natural) form.

The tree has a constant high level of fruiting, but does not have frost resistance. A plant of the genus Monarda, which is also distinguished by a fragrant citrus aroma, is often attached to this species, but there is no true relationship between these plants.

Useful material

The main value of the "bitter orange" brings the essential oil obtained by cold pressing from the peel of the fruit of the tree. Essential oil has a complex chemical composition. In its composition there are substances responsible for the smell:

  • limonene - 59%;
  • linalyl acetate - 16.8%;
  • linaool - 9.5%;
  • bergaptol, geraniol, citral and others - 14.7%.

In addition, the composition includes:
  • saturated (limiting) and polyunsaturated acids;
  • vitamins:, nicotinic acid, etc .;
  • minerals:, etc.;
  • salt: , .

These components of the "bitter orange" characterize its use not only as a fragrance, but also as a product with biologically active substances that determine the healing properties.

Did you know? To get 900 ml of essential oil, you need the peel of 1000 pieces of fruit.

Medicinal properties

"Bitter Orange" thanks to the active substances has medicinal properties and is widely used in recipes traditional medicine. natural substances contained in it have a lot of medicinal properties, and the volatile substances produced by the plant - phytoncides - show their activity against viruses, bacteria and fungi.
Therefore, in the seasons of colds, "bitter orange" is additional protection body:

  • the local irritating effect of phytoncides in the composition relieves headaches and relieves migraine pains; this property is also effective in other conditions associated with pain;
  • phytoncides help to lower the temperature and are highly effective in febrile conditions;
  • being an antiseptic and a natural antibiotic, "bitter orange" is effective in the treatment of diseases gastrointestinal tract(GIT), kidneys and liver;
  • antiseptic properties are beneficially displayed on circulatory system a person, cleansing the blood of excess cholesterol, which subsequently leads to the normalization of pressure;

The rich and complex chemical composition of the "bitter orange" makes its use effective in many diseases, therefore medical treatment together with the use of oil in traditional medicine recipes, it guarantees success in achieving recovery.

Important! Some antibacterial and antiviral drugs are incompatible with bergamot oil, so you should consult a doctor before using it together.


Rich composition, citrus smell and bright taste qualities allow the use of bergamot in various fields of activity, in particular in cosmetology, cooking and even psychology.


Bergamot oil maximizes its qualities when used in the field of cosmetology. In this area, the use of oil is permissible in a "pure" form or as part of cosmetics.

The use of oil in a "pure" form is permissible and effective:

  • in cosmetology during cosmetic procedures using aromatic mixtures;
  • in conducting a massage course as part of aromatic oil mixtures.

Penetrating deep into the skin, "bitter orange" nourishes and regenerates the skin, improves elasticity and helps to preserve its youth. By normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands, it helps to narrow the pores and reduce the manifestations of oily skin, and the relationship with citrus fruits contributes to its effectiveness in the fight against cellulite.

Important! Bergamot oil without preliminary dilution provokes burns on the skin, so it cannot be used in a concentrated form.

The presence of bergamot oil in the composition of cosmetics is associated not only with its active chemical composition, but also with a wonderful aroma that gives citrus note cosmetics.

The ability of the “bitter orange” to influence the functioning of the sebaceous glands contributes to its addition to cosmetics for care:

  • for hair (shampoos, balms, masks);
  • for facial skin (scrubs, lotions, tonics, creams);
  • for body skin (scrubs, creams);
  • for the skin of the hands (balms, creams).

At home, the use of bergamot oil is also possible when preparing face or hair masks. Their preparation is simple and does not require special conditions for application, and recipes are easy to find in magazines or the Internet.


In cooking, the use of "bitter orange" is rare, and it is used mainly only in the preparation of desserts. Cooking use requires fresh fruit, but this fruit does not grow in our latitudes, and its conditional inedibility makes the supply of fruit to the country unprofitable.

Did you know? Notes of bergamot in 18th century perfumes were so unique and popular that even the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte used at least 1 bottle a day.

In countries where the "bitter orange" grows, jams, marmalade, and candied fruits are made from it. It can also be found as an ingredient in salad dressings or meat dishes.
But its main “purpose” is the aromatization of tea. Transferring its citrus aroma to tea, it gives vigor and adds energy to the person who has consumed it.


The use of bergamot oil in psychology is dictated by the ability of bergamot oil to increase the threshold of nervous sensitivity and calm nervous system.

Psychologists advise using oil in aromatherapy sessions:

  • add to water when taking baths;
  • add to aroma lamps.

The use of bergamot as non-traditional methods psychotherapy is associated with its influence on brain activity, namely:

  • to relieve fatigue and invigorate;
  • How alternative way fight depression.

  • Important! Multiple use a large number bergamot oil can lead to an overabundance of phytoncides and cause conditions opposite to its influence - weakness, headaches, dizziness.

    Bergamot oil helps to restore the nervous system without the use of drugs.

    What are the harms and contraindications

    Despite the benefits, "bitter orange" has some contraindications and can be harmful to the body.

    Contraindications for use:

    • individual intolerance to substances in the composition of the oil; helps eliminate allergies regular test on a small area of ​​the skin, carried out in 24 hours;
    • taking antibiotics and antiviral drugs;
    • people suffering from insomnia;
    • children under 12 years of age.

    The effect of bergamot on the body of a pregnant woman has not been fully studied, therefore, during gestation, it is necessary to use the oil with caution, having previously prevented the harm caused (for example, allergies). Also, the use of oil in the summer can be harmful.

    The furocoumarins in the oil cause a tendency to pigmentation, so it is not recommended to use bergamot oil in the warm season before going outside or before visiting the solarium.

    Did you know? Bergamot belongs to aphrodisiacs - substances that stimulate sexual desire. It stimulates blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which helps to increase libido and emancipation.

    How to choose the right tea

    Observations of scientists helped to establish that tea flavored with bergamot normalizes not only the psychological state, but also tones up brain activity. A cup of tea with bergamot gives vigor and freshness, relieves fatigue and improves immunity.
    The choice of tea with bergamot is not difficult. To date, the range of tea with bergamot is quite wide, and the price categories are able to satisfy every customer.

    Bergamot is most compatible with black tea, and it is represented by such well-known trademarks: Alokozay, Ahmad Tea, Bastec Earl Gray, Betford Earl Gray, Greenfield, Milton Earl Gray Classic, Qualitea. Aromatization green tea also found and represented by trademarks: Grace, The Tao of Tea, Hyson, Riston, etc.

    The choice of tea is influenced primarily by the price category. It's no secret that premium teas (such as Betford Earl Gray) are more likely to have real bergamot zest added than low-end teas.

    Moreover, the content of bergamot zest must be indicated on the packaging, the taste of such tea will be higher than that of cheap tea flavored with bergamot. Therefore, when choosing such tea, it is necessary first of all to be guided by financial possibilities.

    Important! On the package true tea with bergamot, there is always the inscription "Earl Gray", which indicates its classic version.

    Bergamot or "bitter orange" - exotic fruit kind of citrus. The rich composition allows it to be used in various fields of activity, but, unfortunately, it is impossible to meet it in our latitudes.

    It is quite affordable for everyone to use oil based on it, the content useful substances there is no less in it than in the fruit itself, and the benefits for the body are great. But the most popular teas with its addition. Black tea with bergamot - classic English tea bringing vivacity and a positive attitude.

    Bergamot is fragrant and useful fruit, which, unlike its counterparts in the citrus family, is eaten only in processed form. Jams, marmalade, preserves are cooked from it, added to sauces. Bergamot oil is a great fragrance.

    Bergamot: a healthy fruit

    History of Bergamot

    Bergamot, or Citrus Bergamia, has been known for hundreds of years. It is cultivated on the coast of the Ionian Sea, mainly in Calabria, a region of Italy, but is used far beyond cultivation. There is a legend that bergamot was brought to Europe from the Canary Islands by Christopher Columbus. Another story connects the origin of the fruit with the Italian city of Bergamo, but both versions have no conclusive evidence.

    The first written mention of bergamot dates back to 1714. In the archives of the Farina family of perfumers, it is described as a fragrance. In the Florentine annals dating back to 1725, the compiler saw fit to mention its use in the treatment of fever and intestinal helminthiasis.

    The bergamot fruit is often confused with the herb monarda, which is also sometimes referred to as bergamot due to its similar citrus scent. The leaves of the plant are used as spicy-aromatic herbs, adding to salads and drinks.

    Bergamot essential oil is rich in alpha-pinene and limonene, known for their stimulant and anti-depressant properties. Also, these substances improve blood circulation, expanding blood vessels and giving the body an additional tone. Bergamot is able to stimulate digestion, assimilate and decompose sugars, maintaining their stable level in the blood, inhibit enzymes, reducing the level of bad cholesterol. Bergamot tea and jam is good for the core. Due to its antiseptic properties, bergamot fights viruses and bacteria. It also has an antipyretic effect, which makes it useful in the fight against SARS and acute respiratory infections. The ability of citrus to increase metabolism is useful not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for those suffering from fever. Bergamot stimulates perspiration, thereby reducing body temperature. Acting as an antibiotic, bergamot is able to cope with infections in the colon, intestines, urinary tract and kidneys.

    Bergamot essential oil is used in aromatherapy to relieve stress, fight depression and loss of appetite. Bergamot is also used externally as an antiseptic, disinfectant and wound healing agent. In perfumery, it is not only one of the components of perfume, but also a popular natural deodorant. Bergamot oil treats dandruff and psoriasis. Adding it to your mouthwash helps with bad breath, and dripping it into inhalers can help with nasal congestion.

    Bergamot is not eaten "raw", as the fruit itself is very bitter.

    The famous bergamot tea

    One of the most famous aromatic fruit products is Earl Gray Tea with its unique smell and taste. original recipe of this drink is based on a blend of Chinese black tea with bergamot essential oil. Tea owes its name to Charles Gray. In his youth, the future Earl Gray worked in the Chinese mission, where, according to legend, he received secret recipe. After moving to England and becoming Prime Minister, Gray did not give up his love for original drink and soon flavored tea became part of the famous British fife-o-clock.

    Tea "Lady Gray" (Lady Gray tea) contains several times less essential oil of begramot, in addition, it is added lemon peel and orange peel oil

    Bergamot: use
