
Different types of nuts and their uses. Pecan - the benefits of nuts for men and women

Nuts are a group of various fruits, consisting of a dry woody shell (shell) and an edible kernel (seed) enclosed in it. In everyday life and trade, the most common nuts include: peanuts (peanuts), walnuts, hazelnuts (hazelnuts), hazelnuts, pine nuts, almonds and pistachios.

Nuts are valued as tasty and high-calorie foods rich in fat, protein, mineral salts and other beneficial substances.

In cooking, nuts are often used in the preparation of sweet dishes (fillings, creams, ice creams, etc.), flour confectionery, sauces (for example, Georgian cuisine nut sauces). Nuts also produce a very valuable nut oil used in cooking, in the food industry and for technical purposes. Nuts in their natural form are widely used as a favorite dessert.

Peanut(earthen, or Chinese, walnut) - the fruit of an annual herbaceous plant of the legume family; in the CIS it is bred in Ukraine, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Georgia, Armenia. Especially a lot of peanuts are sown in China (hence the name "Chinese nut").

Peanuts are harvested in late autumn, pulling the bush out of the ground along with the beans (the beans develop in the ground), then the beans (pods) are dried and stored in a dry room.

Peanut fruits are elongated-cylindrical fruits from 2 to 6 cm long, 1-2 cm in diameter; outside, the beans are covered with a shell (peel), inside which 1-2 large dicotyledonous nuclei (seeds) are enclosed. The peel makes up about 25% and the kernel - 75% of the total weight of the nut.

Roasted peanuts are used as a delicacy, as well as in home cooking and in the confectionery industry for making cakes, pastries, halva, sweets, and various sweets; it is also salted, served with champagne

Most of the peanuts are processed into peanut butter, which is used for food and technical purposes; cake, obtained as a by-product during oil extraction, is used in the confectionery industry for the manufacture of chocolate (mixed with cocoa), halva and other products.

Peanut flour is used to make muffins, biscuits and other products for diabetics.

Walnuts(Voloshsky) - the fruits of a tree of the walnut family, growing in the southern regions of the CIS. They are harvested in their mature form, when the outer shell dries up, cracks and a nut falls out of it, consisting of a hard shell with a core enclosed inside; the nucleus is divided by 2-4 incomplete septa.

Harvested nuts, after being shelled, are dried in the sun or in dryers, which aids their storage.

According to the degree of hardness and the number of shells, walnuts are divided into thin-shelled (shell thickness up to 1.5 mm, the core weighs about 50% of the total weight of the nut) and thick-barred (the shell is thicker than 1.5 mm, the core is 30-35% of the total weight of the nut). The size of the nuts is from 3 x 2.8 cm to 5.5 x 4 cm, and the weight is from 8 to 15 g.

Walnuts are rich in vitamin C (up to 85 mg%). There is especially a lot of vitamin C in immature nuts (up to 3000 mg%), which far exceeds the content of this vitamin in all fruits and berries. Green walnuts are used for the preparation of various medicinal vitamin preparations, confectionery and for making jam.

Walnuts are sold whole (in shell) and peeled (kernel).

Crushed, mashed, chopped walnut kernel is used to prepare some salads (from apples, celery, etc.), as well as to prepare many dishes, sauces and gravies.

The walnut kernel roasted with salt is served with champagne and grape wines.

We offer several recipes for walnut dishes.

Peanut sauce. Crush the walnut kernel with garlic, add salt and ground red pepper, chopped onion or green onion, parsley, mix all this thoroughly and dilute with vinegar (to taste). The sauce is served as a gravy for various dishes.

For 100 g of walnut kernels: 100 g of onion or green onion, 50 g of parsley, garlic, vinegar, salt, ground red pepper - to taste.

Nut stuffing (prepared from walnuts or other nuts). Grind the roasted nuts with butter, powdered sugar or waffle crumbs until a thick mass is formed.

Use this filling for cakes, pastries, pies and other products.

Pine nuts- the fruits of the Siberian cedar, or, more precisely, the cedar pine, which grows mainly in Siberian forests (cedar forests), are less common in the northern regions of the European part of the Russian Federation.

Pine seeds (nuts) are enclosed in cones, each of which contains up to 100 seeds. Cedar bears fruit in 3-4 years. The nuts are usually harvested in September-October, before frost, since the nuts harvested after frost are poorly stored, moldy and acquire a bitter taste.

2 types of pine nuts go on sale: taiga - small (6-9 mm), in a reddish or dark brown shell, and a larger one, the so-called kondovy, 7-13 mm in size, which differs from the taiga in its angular shape, light brown color and stronger shell; the kernel accounts for about 45% of the weight of the nut.

Cedar oil is extracted from pine nuts, which is used mainly for the preparation of confectionery. Cakes obtained by pressing the oil are used in the manufacture of cakes, pastries, halva, etc.

Fresh and especially dried pine nuts are eaten fresh as a delicacy.

Forest or hazelnuts- the fruits of shrubs, less often trees, of the birch family, growing in dense thickets in forests almost everywhere in Ukraine and the CIS. In the northern and central regions, hazelnuts are smaller (0.5–1.0 g) than in the south (1–2.5 g).

The kernel makes up about 40% of the weight of the nut, rich in fat and protein; It is used to obtain high-quality oil with good nutritional properties and is widely used in the confectionery industry.

The kernel of the hazelnut is used raw as a delicacy, as well as whole and crushed in home cooking and confectionery for various types of culinary products.

Hazelnut- cultural or garden variety of hazelnut (hazelnut); widely cultivated in the southern regions - in the Crimea, Transcaucasia, the North Caucasus and Central Asia.

In accordance with the shape and size of nuts in trade, they are divided into 2 groups: badem-hazelnuts - with larger nuts, 2.5-3.0 x 1.5 cm in size; kerasund (curly), or semi-hazelnuts - with small nuts, 1.6 x 1.5 cm in size. Each of these groups goes on sale in the shell and without the shell.

Like other types of nuts, hazelnuts serve as a valuable nutritious product; are used for eating raw, used in home cooking and in confectionery production.

Almond- the fruit of the almond tree; grows wild in Central Asia and produces fruits with a bitter core and a very hard shell.

Almonds with a sweet kernel are bred in the Crimea, Transcaucasia, and Central Asia; subdivided into hard shell and soft shell; in the latter, the shell is easily crushed by hand. More valuable - soft shell almonds, its core is larger. Almonds ripen in August-September.

The almond fruit has an elongated ovoid shape, laterally compressed, from 10 to 60 mm long. When ripe, the outer shell dries out and cracks, releasing the nut. A nut consists of a shell and a kernel (seed) enclosed in it. The outer shell makes up 25 to 48%, the shell 37 to 50% and the kernel 11 to 17% of the weight of the fruit.

Almonds go on sale in the shell (almond nuts), as well as peeled (almonds).

The almond kernel contains valuable essential oils that give the almond kernel a specific aroma. Bitter almonds are distinguished by a high content (from 2 to 4%) of glucoside - amygdalin, from which, when rubbed with water, poisonous hydrocyanic acid is formed. Therefore, bitter almonds can be eaten only in very small quantities (up to 5-6% of the total amount of sweet almonds) and used only for flavoring confectionery.

Sweet almonds are eaten fresh; in the confectionery industry - in the manufacture of cookies, cakes, marzipan, caramel fillings, as well as for obtaining very valuable edible almond oil. Bitter almond oil is obtained from bitter almonds for special technical purposes.

pistachios- a genus of plants (trees or shrubs) from the sumac family, grow in Transcaucasia, Moldova, on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and Crimea, in Central Asia.

The fruits are small, weighing from 0.6 to 1 g, have a thin, but hard, cracking shell in half, from which a two-cotyledon nucleus (seed) is greenish in color, with a thin brown peel. The kernel accounts for about 48% of the weight of the nut.

From pistachios, a very valuable edible oil is obtained, used in the confectionery industry.

In cooking, pistachios are used in grated or crushed form (in halves) in the manufacture of cakes, pastries, creams, etc., they are also added to some meat dishes, in poultry soup; prepare pistachio-stuffed duck, chicken. Pistachios are served roasted and salted with champagne and strong dessert wines.


To remove the thin skin from the nuts, they must be soaked briefly in cold salty water. Then rinse and dry.

In order to make it easier to peel the almonds, pour boiling water over them for 1-2 minutes, then rinse with cold water and dry.

c If the nuts are roasted in the oven for 8-10 minutes at 200 °C, their taste and aroma will improve significantly.

If the walnuts have dried out and lost their characteristic taste, hold them without breaking them in lightly salted water for 2-15 hours. The kernel will regain its texture and flavor.

Hazelnuts to remove the skin are poured onto a baking sheet and placed for several minutes in a very hot oven. Under the influence of high temperature, the skin bursts and separates from the kernel. Then it is cleaned as usual, peeling between the fingers. Hazelnuts should be stored in a cool, dry place, otherwise they will quickly go rancid.

Walnut is a plant known to us since ancient times. Even in the Middle Ages, it was considered an indispensable food due to its nutritional value and calorie content. What are they? Do they have any contraindications? You will find answers to all these questions in the article.

Varieties of nuts

In the modern world, nuts are as popular as they were in the Middle Ages. And given their diversity, even the most fastidious person will be able to choose something for themselves to taste.

So what are nuts? Today, there are many varieties of them. They are the following:

  • Peanut.
  • Greek.
  • Cashew nuts.
  • Water.
  • Chestnut.
  • Cedar.
  • Coconut.
  • Cola.
  • Macadamia.
  • Almond.
  • Muscat.
  • Pecan.
  • Pinii.
  • Pistachios.
  • Hazelnut.

That's what nuts are. Walnut is especially popular in our country, because it is quite easy to get it, and it has a low cost. Nuts, whose names we have listed above, bring both benefit and harm. This will be discussed further.

benefit and harm

Peanuts are an annual herbaceous plant of low growth, which belongs to the legume family. It grows in countries where a warm and humid climate prevails.

Peanuts are nuts, the benefits and harms of which have been studied for a very long time. What can be said about them, except that they are delicious? are that it contains a huge amount of unique amino acids and vitamins (A, B1, B2, D, E, PP). And also there are lyonoleic and folic acids, fats obtained from plants.

Peanuts contain 35% protein and approximately 50% fat, no cholesterol.

Due to the optimal ratio of amino acids in peanut proteins, they are well absorbed, and fats are able to have a slight choleretic effect on the body, which greatly helps in the presence of a stomach ulcer or gastritis. In addition, regular use of peanuts improves memory, hearing, vision, and potency increases in men. And the folic acid contained in peanuts promotes cell renewal.

It is noted that in America, doctors prescribe peanuts to people who have problems with the nervous system, there is insomnia or a constant breakdown.

But despite the apparent benefits, peanuts can also cause harm.

As a rule, the use of raw peanuts entails problems with the digestive system. In addition, its peel is one of the strongest allergens, so this type of nut is best eaten fried.

It is strictly forbidden to eat peanuts for diseases such as gout, arthrosis and arthritis.

Since peanuts are high in calories, their excessive consumption is fraught with problems with being overweight.

Even if a person only eats roasted peanuts, it is very important to store them properly. In places with excessive humidity, it can become covered with a fungus, which, when it enters the body, causes significant damage to internal organs.

The benefits and harms of walnut

Walnut is a tree from the walnut family, reaches a height of 4 to 25 meters, a trunk diameter of about 1.5 meters.

Each of the parts of this tree has a whole list of useful trace elements:

  • the bark contains triterpinoids, steroids, tannins and vitamin C;
  • leaves contain essential oils, alkaloids, vitamins PP and C, aromatic hydrocarbons and much more;
  • pericarp - carotene, tannins, vitamin C and much more.

A distinctive feature of walnuts is that, despite the presence of a large amount of fat in their composition, they help to significantly reduce the level of cholesterol contained in the blood. A few years ago, this was even confirmed by American scientists.

Walnuts are very high in calories - 654 kcal, which is twice as much as the calorie content of premium wheat bread.

Walnut decoctions have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, in the presence of abrasions and scratches, it is recommended to make lotions from such an infusion.

Nuts, whose names you know so well, may not be entirely beneficial for the body. Among the harmful properties of walnuts, the following can be noted:

  • the product contains a lot of vegetable protein, which is not only poorly absorbed by the human body, but also causes an allergic reaction;
  • the use of this type of nuts is contraindicated for people with psoriasis or eczema, since the substances contained in the product can contribute to the exacerbation of diseases;
  • during the day you can not eat more than 100 grams of nuts, since their excessive consumption can cause swelling of the larynx, inflammation of the tonsils and migraine.

The benefits and harms of hazelnuts

Hazelnut is a nut obtained from hazel or Lombard. That is, hazelnut and hazelnut are one and the same. The main scope of its use is confectionery.

Hazelnuts contain even more calories than walnuts - about 700. If we draw an analogy with other products, this is 8 times more than milk. This nut contains acids that lower blood cholesterol levels and reduce the likelihood of vascular disease.

In addition, the Lombard nut includes a large amount of vegetable protein, B vitamins, as well as C and E, many minerals - potassium, iron, calcium, zinc and others.

This nut is indispensable for the prevention of cancer, problems with the heart and blood vessels. It is also worth noting that with the regular use of hazelnuts, male strength increases significantly. And the high content of calcium in this nut helps to strengthen human bones.

Among the negative effects of hazelnuts on the human body, the following stands out:

  • it is forbidden to give to children with various kinds of liver diseases and diabetes, since an exacerbation of the disease may occur;
  • is a strong allergen;
  • when consumed per day more than 50 grams of hazelnuts, a migraine may occur.

It is imperative to buy hazelnuts with a shell, as it allows the nut to retain its beneficial properties for a longer time.

The benefits and harms of eating almonds

The almond is a small tree that belongs to the Plum family. For many years, there have been disputes between gardeners regarding the belonging of almonds, some argue that it is a nut, while others classify it as a stone fruit. In their appearance, peanuts and almonds are not at all similar, as many claim. The latter is very much like a peach pit. Peanuts are smooth and more regular in shape.

Almonds contain a wide variety of minerals and vitamins, including vitamin E, which has a strong effect on blood lipids. In addition, this type of nut is an excellent substitute for animal protein. It is widely used in folk medicine to detect problems with the kidneys and digestive system.

The combination of almonds with sugar improves memory and cleanses the internal organs. In addition, this combination is used to treat ailments such as insomnia, cough, anemia.

Quite often, almonds are prescribed in the diet for problems with the intestines (the walnut also copes well with some problems, such as constipation).

Among the harmful factors of this nut are the following:

  • high calorie content - it is forbidden to use for overweight people;
  • there is a direct effect on the cardiovascular system, so people who have this kind of problem should abandon this product;
  • Raw almonds contain hydrocyanic acid, poisonous to the human body.

The positive and negative effects of pine nuts on the human body

Pine nuts are small pale yellow grains that are found in cones growing on cedar pine.

This nut contains a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. According to information received from scientists, 100 grams of pine nuts contain a daily dose of manganese, copper, and zinc necessary for the body.

Pine nuts are simply an indispensable thing for those who have switched to a vegetarian diet, since its use provides the body with all the missing protein.

It is strictly forbidden to buy peeled ones because they may contain a fungus dangerous to human health.

It is noted that after eating these nuts, a large number of people feel bitterness in the oral cavity.

The benefits and harms of pistachios

Pistachio is an evergreen tree from the sumac family.

It is a high-calorie variety of nuts, contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins.

It is recommended to use as an astringent. Decoctions of these nuts are widely used for external use, namely in the form of compresses for burns and weeping ulcers. It is noted that tinctures and decoctions from this tree help even with diseases such as tuberculosis and pneumonia.

It is strictly forbidden to use women during lactation. In addition, pistachios should be discarded for hypertension, kidney failure and a tendency to edema.

Useful and harmful properties of pecans

Pecan is the closest relative of the walnut. Their taste is quite similar, but pecans are softer and more tender.

One of the most high-calorie, approximately 200 grams contains about 1700 kcal, which exceeds the daily allowance.

The benefit of this nut is that if you eat it regularly, you can prevent the growth of cancer cells.

It is a strong allergen, so children are generally forbidden to use this nut. If you eat this product in large quantities, you may experience problems with digestion.

The benefits and harms of the body from cola

Cola is a nut that grows on an evergreen tree of the stekuliaceae species.

This product effectively reduces pressure. And decoctions from it help with hepatitis and rheumatism.

Overconsumption of cola can cause stomach problems, heartburn, vomiting, and nausea.

Now you know what nuts are, their benefits and harm to the body. Be healthy.

» Walnut

Walnut is one of the most useful products on our table. Mentions of its various types are found in legends and epics, old manuscripts. Even the ancient peoples noted that this product perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger.. In addition, each fruit is enclosed in a shell, which allows it to be preserved for a long time and not deteriorate.

Each type of nut has its own advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of any type of nuts is their high calorie content and a large number of various vitamins that make up their composition. Below is a list of the most popular nuts.

There are practically no drawbacks to these fruits. However, it is not recommended to give them in large quantities to children, and people suffering from food allergies should not eat nuts. Although it is not established that these fruits can cause an allergic reaction, but sometimes this can happen.

A nut is usually called the fruit of some types of fruit trees or shrubs, which consists of a kernel and a hard shell - the shell.

In botany, a nut is understood as a fruit that is unopened, with a pericarp, inside which is the kernel or seed. Nuts include hazelnuts, hazelnuts.

There is also a whole family of Nuts, which look like nuts, but are not nuts from a botanical point of view. And all the other fruits that are called "nuts" are not.

The main types of nuts are:

  • from the Nut family- walnuts, black, Manchurian, hazel, bitter;
  • from the Birch family- hazel, hazelnut, Turkish walnut;
  • from the Beech family- chestnut, chinarik, acorn.

There are other types of nuts, which will be discussed a little below.


This peanut belongs to the legume family. It is eaten much more often than almost all other types of these fruits.. During the Second World War in the United States, it was peanuts that were one of the main products, thanks to which the food problem in this country was solved.

The composition of peanuts includes the following substances and elements that are beneficial to the human body:

  • antioxidants;
  • chemical compounds that increase blood clotting;
  • fats that are part of peanuts and products based on it do not contain "bad" cholesterol;
  • peanut butter contains polyunsaturated linoleic acid;
  • it also contains vitamins of groups E and B.

This nut is more than half fat, in addition, in contain such macro and micronutrients: K, P, Fe, Mg, and vitamins A, B. And a couple of Brazil nuts contain a daily dose of selenium for an adult.

It is this nut that is advised to use in order to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, as well as to normalize the level of glucose. Children should eat it to grow better, and nervous - to put the nervous system in order. To give the body vigor, it is enough to eat just one such nut.

Brazil nuts in South America are advised to be eaten by couples to improve their sexual functions.

water chestnut

This plant is an annual. The plant is attached to the bottom with the help of last year's nuts.. If the current becomes stronger, then it tears off the stalk of this nut and drags it along until the plant is nailed again to shallow water. There, the nut attaches to the bottom and begins to grow further.

This nut contains:

  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • triterpenoids;
  • phenol compounds.

All parts of this aquatic plant are used in folk medicine. They are used in the treatment of dyspepsia, as a diuretic, and also as a sedative and diaphoretic and choleretic agent.

The fresh juice from the leaves is helpful in the treatment of certain eye diseases, as an antiseptic in the treatment of bites from stinging insects or snakes. This nut can also help relieve stress., enhances immunity, helps in the fight against viral infections.

This nut contains a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids. which are necessary for the fruitful functioning of the brain.

It also contains vitamins of groups A, B, E, C, as well as trace elements such as Fe, Co, Zn, K, Mg, Ca, I, P.

Thanks to so many different elements and vitamins walnut is recommended to eat with anemia, it strengthens the immune system, lowers blood pressure. It should also be included in the diet of older people, pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding.

This nut is another healthy high-calorie product that is desirable to have in your diet. But it should be remembered that because of their calorie content, nuts are best consumed separately from other products.

Hazelnuts contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, various macro and microelements, vitamins of groups B and E. These vitamins support the normal functioning of the central nervous system, improve metabolism in the body, and prevent early aging of the body. Hazelnuts also contain vitamin C and nicotinic acid.

The fruits of this shrub should be eaten if you need to recuperate after a serious illness or operation. A large number of nutrients contained in these nuts, helps to cope with anemia, and additional vitamins are supplied to the internal organs.

By regularly eating hazelnuts, you can reduce the amount of "bad" cholesterol, reduce the risk of varicose veins, cleanse the liver of toxic substances, remove decay products. In addition, these nuts have a calming effect on the nervous system, relieve feelings of anxiety, and improve sleep.

Although there are many varieties of chestnuts, sweet chestnuts are traditionally eaten. They are baked on coals.- This delicacy has long been prepared in many countries of the world, especially for Christmas.

Chestnuts are not nuts, but for their nutritional value they are ranked among such nuts as walnuts.

Useful substances are found not only in fruits, but also in leaves, bark, flowers. They contain glycosides, tannins, astragalus, carotenoids, steroids, vitamin C.

Almost all parts of pine nuts are useful- from kernels to shells, resin and needles. And all of them have a unique set of mineral elements, vitamins and other useful substances, which together give Siberians health.

Fats, proteins and amino acids included in pine nuts are easily digestible, they contribute to the growth of the teenage body are indispensable in the nutrition of pregnant women.


Cashew nuts have recently appeared on the shelves of our stores, but have already gained popularity among customers. They are not only used in cooking, but also used in the treatment of a number of diseases..

These nuts are low in fat, but have more fiber and carbohydrates than walnuts, for example. However, vitamins of groups B, E and P, as well as such chemical elements as Zn, Fe, Mg, Na, Ca, K, Mg, Cu, Se, help to establish the work of many internal organs in our body. And saturated fatty acids Omega - 3 are able to maintain the youth of the body, improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails.


This nut can perfectly replace animal proteins in the diet., it also contains beneficial macro and microelements, as well as antioxidants.

The presence of unsaturated fatty acids in pecans helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system.

What is rich in this nut? It contains easily digestible fats, carbohydrates, thiamine, vitamin B6, Fe, Mg, P, K, Zn, Cu. mg.

B vitamins improve the condition of nails and hair, improve the condition of the skin. These vitamins also prevent muscle cramps and make tissues more elastic.

The substances that make up these nuts give a person a charge of vivacity, help fight cancer cells.

Pistachios are another type of nuts that are beneficial to the human body. In their composition were found:

  • oleic, palmitic, stearic amino acids;
  • vitamins A, E, B, P;
  • proteins, carbohydrates, starch;
  • Cu, Mg, Mn, K, Fe, P.

These nuts satisfy hunger well, give vigor, and also saturate the body with useful amino acids.


The trees on which these nuts appear can bear fruit for about a hundred years, and the yields do not decrease, despite the age of the tree. Fruits ripen for a long time - up to 7 months.

The composition of the fruits of this nut contains vitamins, chemical elements, various acids, dietary fiber, unsaturated fatty acids.

These nuts have medicinal properties, helping with headaches, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve the condition of the skin, help restore strength, improve brain function, and remove “bad” cholesterol. And this is not a complete list of useful properties of macadamia.


Any type of nuts is very valuable for the human body.. Therefore, they should be regularly included in the diet. Moreover, you can eat both each of the species separately, and several different nuts together.

Nuts are meant to be eaten because they are a) delicious and b) boast an incredible concentration of vitamins and minerals. In this article, we talk about nuts that you most likely have never heard of.


Let's start with one of the most expensive nuts with a melodic name - macadamia. In Australia, at home, a kilogram will cost $30, and in Europe they come already more expensive - $60. In addition to taste and nutritional value, the price of the nut is determined by the difficulty of growing (constant hurricane winds from the ocean), the difficulty of extracting the nut from a strong shell, as well as a small number of plantations.

The tree begins to bear fruit from the age of 10, but gives fresh nuts up to 100 years. The taste is moderately sweet, someone compares macadamia with cashews, someone with hazelnuts.

Mullimbimbi (one of the local names) has long been used in the diet of the natives and was valued as a particularly nutritious product. 100 g contains 718 calories! And also 76 g of fat, 368 mg of potassium, 14 g of carbohydrates, 8 g of protein. Essential oil, vitamins B and PP - all this makes macadamia one of the most valuable nuts for humans.

Despite the calorie content, nuts contribute to weight loss, because they remove cholesterol from the body. Substances contained in macadamia help to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system and internal organs. This nut can be eaten roasted or as an addition to any dishes.

But be careful - macadamia is poisonous to dogs!


Yes, yes, everyone knows the chestnut, with which children love to play so much. Well, to be honest, not quite the same: most often we see horse chestnut, but it is not edible. But the second type - the noble chestnut is willingly consumed in the diet. In France, it is a national delicacy.

154 calories, 14 mg sodium, 329 mg potassium, 2.25 g protein and 0.53 g fat – this is what chestnut looks like. And of course vitamins B6, C, thiamine, minerals iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and others.

Chestnut contains a lot of tannins, which limits the raw consumption of nuts. Chestnuts are best eaten baked: they crack slightly and create a wonderful aroma. In addition to direct consumption, chestnut can be crushed as a spice. The nut is sweet and slightly starchy in taste.

cola nut

In West Africa, kola trees are actively cultivated, reaching a height of 20 meters. Nuts grow in "boxes", each of which contains 5-6 nuts. Opening a nut is not so easy - they either have to break when they fall, or they are soaked to soften. The price of cola is quite high, and local tribes used to (and still today) used nuts as money.

The composition contains starch, cellulose, protein, tannins, essential oils and caffeine. Walnut has powerful tonic properties. The properties of cola are somewhat reminiscent of alcohol - this makes the nut popular in Muslim countries where alcohol is prohibited.

After cleaning and drying, nuts can be eaten. In Africa, nuts are eaten as an aperitif before the main meal.

By the way, kola nut extract is used in the Coca-Cola drink.

Kukui nut

A tree native to Panama gives us the little-known "candle tree nuts". With 620 calories per 100 grams, kukui is one of the most nutritious foods on the planet.

Nuts are rich in protein, carbohydrates, fats, as well as calcium and iron. Kukui strengthen teeth, prevent anemia and bone destruction.

The use of raw kukui nuts is unacceptable - they are toxic. But after careful heat treatment, they resemble macadamia. They are used as spices and as a complete product.


Unusual nuts that taste like cookies with a vanilla-chocolate flavor. In North America, pecans are an integral part of the Indian diet. They even make “milk” from nuts: the finely ground mass is stirred with water until a milky-white liquid forms.

The tree bears fruit for 300 years.

It is best to eat pecans immediately after peeling, as the nuts spoil very quickly after peeling.

Pecans are high in calories and boast a 70% fat content. In addition, it contains a lot of iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and zinc.

Helps with beriberi, fatigue and lack of appetite.

water chestnut

A plant with a frightening name has a very peculiar appearance. It develops for a year, after which the dead "drupe" sinks to the bottom and becomes an "anchor" for the process, which will form the next year. The plant is attached to the bottom and emerges on the surface of the reservoir in a strange shape with 4 horns-outgrowths. Often it comes off the bottom and floats freely.

Inside the "drupes" is a white mass. It is incredibly rich in carbohydrates, phenolic compounds, flavonoids, triterpenoids. Also present are tannins, nitrogenous compounds and vitamins.

You can eat raw, boiled in water with salt, and also baked in ash.

pine nuts

Mediterranean incredibly picturesque pine pine reaches a height of 30 meters and lives up to 500 years. Abundantly growing cones are filled with dark seeds (nuts). Small seeds, up to 2 cm, are covered with a thick shell and a coloring pigment. Therefore, the hands of harvesters are usually painted dark brown.

Peeled nuts are not stored for more than two weeks. Fats oxidize and nuts become bitter.

630 calories, 11g protein, 61g fat, 9g carbs, ash, water, all per 100g nuts. The benefits of nuts were first described by the medieval Persian scholar Avicenna.

Pine is widely used in spice mixtures for French and Italian cuisines. Especially spicy nuts in the composition of confectionery.


A light-loving plant from South Africa begins to bear fruit only by the age of 25, and lives on average 70 years. Growing in the desert, the tree has adapted to preserve the nutritional properties of its fruits: the nuts fall to the ground green and can be stored for up to eight months without loss of nutrition.

Mongongo after harvest is subjected to steam treatment. As a result of this, the pulp exfoliates from the peel and becomes available for consumption. The delicate flavor is reminiscent of toffee and cashew nuts. Widely used in cooking for decoration.

black walnut

American relative of the walnut. A very beautiful fruit that even grows in the south of Russia. The plant serves as a real treasury of useful substances: the leaves contain a huge amount of minerals, the nut shell concentrates vitamin C, A and quinones, sugar, and the core consists of 75% polyunsaturated acids. In addition, there are many rare elements in the nut, such as cobalt, selenium, phosphorus and manganese.

Tinctures and jams are made from black walnut. The fruits are added to salads and other recipes. It can be consumed both raw and cooked.

Philippine Canarium

And let's finish with exotic - canarium nuts, which are also called pili. They are native to the Philippines and the Pacific Islands. Oblong, similar to an elongated plum, the nuts have a dense pulp and have a special astringent taste.

If you try them raw, you will remember the taste of pumpkin seeds. When fried, the aroma and taste transforms into a kind of almond. Nuts are added everywhere: in confectionery and chocolate, pastries and hot dishes. Raw nuts make healthy oil.

The nut is very high-calorie - 719 per 100 grams! Fat 79.6 grams, proteins almost 11 grams. It contains many vitamins, including A, B, C, PP. There is also manganese, potassium, iron, sodium.

In the end, I would like to add that not so many nuts grow in Russia. And of those listed in the article - almost no species are found. However, this does not mean that you cannot find the nut you are interested in in the store. Enjoy the shopping!

Dmitry Shevko

Walnut is one of the oldest food products. Mentions of him are found in epics, legends and myths of all cultures of the world. The product also occupies a special place in Slavic folklore. Even our ancestors noted its special nutritional properties. This product is stored for a long time, and for many centuries it has been used as a preparation for the winter. There are many types of nuts that differ from each other in size, shape, taste and growing environment.

Product Definition

Nuts are the fruits of shrubs or trees. They are a box that consists of an edible core and a shell - a shell.

According to the botanical definition, walnut is an indehiscent fruit with a pericarp, inside which is a seed or kernel.

There is a whole family of plants - walnut. However, cultures only look like nuts, while biologically they are not.

There is also a whole family of nuts that look like nuts, but, from a botanical point of view, they are not. popular nuts(types and names):

  • Walnuts - walnuts, Manchurian, black, bitter nuts, hazelnuts;
  • Birch - hazelnut, hazel, Turkish walnut;
  • Beech - chinarik, chestnut, acorn.

There are many other varieties, among them earthen, and. It is noteworthy that it is the fruit and seed of plants.

Classification and features

There are hundreds of varieties of nuts, but there are several dozen edible and used for food. It is worth highlighting the most popular species that mankind cultivates in an industrial mode. These nuts can be found on store shelves:
