
Eat some more of these soft French rolls and drink some tea. Eat more of those soft English rolls and have some tea French rolls and have some tea

Current page: 9 (total book has 10 pages)

Beria's showing of the entire production took almost two hours. His engineering education played a role, so Beria inspected the entire production very carefully. And he asked about everything - the machines are so, the tip of the iceberg. He was interested in the organization of the work process. When the day begins - and our working day began at ten in the morning, when it ends - at six in the evening, when, where and how people dine, how they relax. We went to our relaxation rooms, which were quiet, comfortable, there was a jukebox and an aquarium with fish. We went to look at the mammoth tusk, that is, to my workshop, looked at the manufacture of ultra-precise parts. My father worked in the workshop with the help of the Module. Figuratively speaking, he monitored the work of automation and, following the prompts of the module, did what was asked of him. He mastered the profession - already at the level of the first category.

In the workshop, Beria finished the inspection and said to me:

Well, I'm satisfied with my work. You really made a good enterprise for the tochmash, now it's time to think about how to build the business further. Do you already know what you are going to do next?

- Certainly. While we cannot make jet engines and must improve aviation piston engines, I will deal with them. You have already seen the assembly line. There is no aircraft for ASh-82 type engines yet, so I deal with piston engines and machine tools.

– Yes, yes, I know. So listen, the thing is like this, - Lavrenty Pavlovich said quite seriously, - we have a war on our nose, but we still need to live to see it. And it is desirable to live well, Stalin decided so. The country currently needs a lot of parts for the production of high-quality fuels and lubricants.

- Details - I understand that, gsm - no. Let's draw the drawings and my guys will do everything as it should be. It is unlikely that this is the purpose of your visit. So, I'm listening, - I crossed my fingers in front of me and stared expectantly at Beria.

Lavrenty Pavlovich hesitated for a while, after which he said all the same:

- Okay, I won't be dark. We work with almost all the information that you gave and everything that is needed is already being done by people. But our possibilities are limited by the fact that we must not sharply strengthen our positions. Therefore, Stalin decided that before the war it was necessary to concentrate special forces on strengthening the national economy, and not the army. The army will develop in the same way as it should. Do you understand what I mean?

– To be honest, not really.

- The country needs to create a strategic stockpile of weapons and ammunition, fuel, metals, and so on. Comrade Stalin asked me to keep you busy with something useful to the country.

“I’m already doing something useful to the country,” I retorted, “or don’t you think so?” I nodded at the engines.

In short, if you remove all unnecessary, then things were like this. Looking at how I modernized the ZIS - and Likhachev and I essentially increased the resource and power of the ZIS-5, due to new equipment and doubled the production capacity. Stalin decided that I should not strain our "partners" once again and should work quietly. And of course - to do something very important. But not straining the foreign military.

Computers - computers are different. Computers are different - large and small, performing super-complex mathematical calculations and quite everyday functions. Computers were needed in every industry. The first computers were very inconvenient, expensive, complex and massive. And yet, they were. Why? Because despite all these weaknesses, everyone needed computers, especially mathematicians to perform a large number of calculations. Uniform and monotonous. The use of the computer has made it possible to solve many physical, chemical and social problems. Analysis, calculation, compilation of various tables used in industry...

In fact, there was a lot of such mathematical work, tedious and monotonous. When it was necessary to count sequentially according to complex formulas with different variables and painstakingly enter the data into a table. And such calculations were not uncommon in industry and the army. Calculation of the strength characteristics of parts of different sizes, shapes and compositions. Calculation of economic indicators. We are used to the fact that we don’t have to think about it - everything somehow happens by itself.

The most interesting application of computers, to be precise, the xflow program, which is designed for three-dimensional modeling of the behavior of air and water environments, for example, for analyzing various objects, was the miscalculation of the aerodynamics of aircraft manufactured in the USSR. Considerable attention was paid to this, because aerodynamics allows you to increase the speed of the aircraft without increasing its mass and, most importantly, without spending scarce materials. The strength analysis of the aircraft structure also required physical modeling, as well as the creation of very complex three-dimensional drawings, models, on which the Module and the entire robotic line worked. And the more complex the plane was, the more time it took for these calculations.

What is important is the task of Beria. The finances of my enterprise did not sing romances only because the workers received wages according to the staffing table, but otherwise ... otherwise, the enterprise had no financial reserves. And it bothered me a little, and I began to think - where and how you can make money. I needed money—that was definitely a lot of money. Currency, to be precise - to earn cash by market methods did not seem realistic at all. It was here that I thought about business and began to analyze it. As a result, I came to an interesting decision - the best way to get money is to sell goods. Cars? An expensive toy, a demonstrator of technologies that should not yet be publicly demonstrated to Western countries.

Okay, what other options were there? After all, not to trade in the products of your factory - you get too little income. The products are too complex and even unique. No, something more... more had to be done. More interesting.

My thoughts rested on the need to build a manufacturing plant in which many robots would be installed to save money. And then the module made me happy - it turns out that it has already mastered thermonuclear energy. And I was wondering where such powerful equipment as an electric furnace and so on comes from. It turns out that he arranged a real small thermonuclear reactor in the workshop and powered the entire workshop and plant from it. So we didn't pay for electricity.

Sell ​​energy? Irrational. But it was possible and necessary to use this discovery for the production of aluminum - it is very dependent on electricity. The simplest method of extracting it requires not so much mining as a complex process of extracting aluminum from the rock using an electric current.

In general, I received consent from the Module and even a drawing of a possible enterprise, which I passed on to Beria further down the list. It was necessary to organize mass mining. So far aluminum has been pulling out the Module. Hm...

- Listen, - I stopped in my office and spoke aloud to the module - no one here will definitely hear, - can you pull valuable resources into our world? Still...

- I can pull out any amount of resources. The number of layers of reality is theoretically infinite, but not all of them have identical physical laws. In fact, they are all different. But the materials extracted into this world will have physical properties characteristic of this world and their atomic composition.

- That is? I asked in surprise.

– In their reality, they may have other properties. My capabilities have greatly increased since the construction of the reactor. The transferred mass requires energy and the more energy, the more mass.

- It's clear. So now you can drag more?

– I’m already doing this, – the Module answered me, – before, I could only carry phones for little things, but now I’m dragging entire buildings and multi-ton industrial robots. And nothing. My ability to repair with built-in tools also depends on energy.

- Interesting...

- Yes. So what did you decide?

I decided that we need to earn money for our enterprise. It certainly lives well, but it's time to grow fat.

Officially, you mean. After all, I can already pull out everything I want almost without restrictions.

Yes, officially. Show that we can do it. I have three possible options in my mind. First, we organize the creation of vending machines.

It's easy to do with electronics. Now, when banknotes are not even marked ... it's complicated.

- Agree. The second way is to organize a complex processing center. Plastic cards and so on.

"It doesn't bring in much profit," Modulus remarked.

- Yes, this option has not been worked out. Well, the third option is to produce and sell the final product. Medicines. Everyone in all countries of the world needs a large number of medicines, and there are not so many monopolists in this market, that is, we will face more or less adequate competition.

- This is the correct option. Medicines are needed by everyone and always, they quickly deteriorate - that is, the saturation of the market will not be too intense. Plus, the world doesn't know about antibiotics yet. We can become monopolists in this area.

- Exactly, - I echoed, - in short, listen, I see the enterprise like this - a large pharmaceutical plant, which mainly employs robots and machines, with a minimum of people. Simply because they are afraid to admit them to such responsible productions.

“Well, it’s possible,” the module answered me, “however, I’ll disappoint you here - there is a more effective way, but from the year 2257…

L means Logic. We did not even need to build a separate huge plant for the production of medicines - one new workshop was enough. In the meantime, let me remind you, June was coming to an end.

However, there were security measures - you'll rock! The mechanics buzzed and rumbled, and the robots sorted the medicine jars into boxes. I just looked surprised. At the head of all this was a large unit, similar to a bulk casting machine, only it gave out not casting, but ... medicines.

“I don’t understand,” I asked the Module, “how could you do that?”

This device is called a bioreactor. And don't laugh, it's designed to create chemical and biochemical compounds through subatomic compound modeling and molecular formation. It consumes as fuel biological raw materials of several types, the most different. And issues connections according to the established pattern.

In the meantime, the door of the lock chamber opened and a box drove out along the conveyor, which was immediately picked up by a large robot and placed on a cart standing right there. A robotic cart that brought products to a warehouse and stored them there.

The drugs that we produced were carefully considered and we decided to produce these, and no others so far. I didn’t want to shine with antibiotics ahead of time - they would quickly ask me, plus they would create unbearable conditions for competition.

Therefore, antibiotics are our trump card in the war, but for now - we settled on Drotaverin, he is noshpa, painkiller - promedol. A powerful analgesic that was often used in surgery and could even be addictive - a narcotic. As well as another tool designed to normalize cardiac activity.

But it is, flowers. What was the main thing? The main thing was to create reserves in case of war. Or rather, to the war, so Athens, mesocarb, phenazepam, cystamine, triftazine, doxycycline, eufillin went into production at this unusual futuristic reactor.

To be honest, the medicines poured into plastic syringe tubes bothered me a little. Especially drugs, but what can you do. Especially triftazin is a powerful tool that can specifically help if the roof starts to go. Well, lethargy, state of shock and so on, I think in wartime soldiers may need it, especially green ones. I can say the same about phenazepam - judging by the memories of people, their life was not sugar. And even the fact that we take action this time does not change anything. In short, this psycho-suppressor is very useful to calm a person down. But mesocarb is my charm, it is an analogue of amphetamine, only less narcotic and less powerful. But nevertheless, it can give a surge of energy and suppress depression and a state of inhibition. To test the drugs received on someone ...

– Hello? - I dialed Beria's number, - Lavrenty Pavlovich?

- Yes, Dudin, what is it?

- Lavrenty Pavlovich, do you have a couple of hundred prisoners that no one will ask about?

- Where do these questions come from? Beria was worried.

- I've set up the production of drugs and stimulants. Very powerful drugs and stimulants, you need to test them. War is a time of depression and psychosis.

- Oh, - Beria at the other end of the tube, in my opinion, grabbed his heart, - of course I will find it, where are you now?

- At your factory, - I answered with a smile, - you are not in a hurry, the right amount of material will be available only tomorrow.

- Wow, so, this needs to be urgently reported to Stalin. He already touched on this topic, I'm on a report, and you prepare something interesting for tomorrow to demonstrate!

- It's clear. Then I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Call when you arrive.

“Look how you ordered... okay, wait for the call. Maybe it will be necessary to march in formation to the Kremlin.

This topic is also interesting - the evacuation of the wounded and medical vehicles and equipment. How was medicine established in the Soviet army? There were doctors, hospitals, how the wounded were evacuated - I still do not understand a little. But somehow they evacuated. It was in the post-war Soviet army that there were different vehicles for this need - armored personnel carriers, and my favorites are LUAZ-TPK, they are frogs, they are suckers, they are also good compact landing vehicles. I think that the appearance of such equipment in the Soviet army will not greatly strain a potential enemy - this rumbler looked painfully funny. And the car was made mainly from materials well mastered by us, and it knew how to swim - which is important. However, Luazik did not go into the series. But I decided to mass-produce another car - the BTR-40. The armored personnel carrier of this model was perfectly suited in terms of dimensions for transporting three fighters on a stretcher, they could even be installed in two tiers, that is, five stretchers on one vehicle. Or sitting people five to eight wounded. The armored personnel carrier was based on the GAZ-63 units, so the drawings and the technical task flew to the tochmash plant - to do it! I went on the luasik pulled out by the module towards the workshop, drove up to the gate and then went on foot, went inside through the hermetic doors.

- Comrades! - addressed the people loudly, - Comrade Stalin may come to us tomorrow. We have to show him a new medical machine, so we start working. In emergency mode! You have to stay at work until late.

The workers looked at me with interest. I set a very modest eight-hour work day for them, so they have never been late at work until now. Except individual individuals. Looking into the eyes of people and not finding discontent there, he said:

- You already have the drawings, get to work. The stamping shop will start work soon, don't slow down. At eight in the evening we will have another break for dinner and at ten - the end of the working day. Thank you all for your attention.

What does the manufacture of new equipment to create a machine look like? Oh, very simple - a huge blank for a mold is installed next to four powerful industrial robots with high-speed cutting heads. Then the usual procedure takes place - the acceleration of the heads and the robots begin to cut out an accurate engraving in durable metal, an alloy of tungsten, osmium, iridium and a dozen different metals. Accurate to one micron - for this, the cutting heads are equipped with ultra-precise laser sensors that measure the surface around the processing. Rough processing is carried out roughly, with large cutters, after which a squeal begins - four drills cut out the engraving of the future workpiece in detail. Then it is additionally polished, removing the last layer. After that, the metal is coated with a complex coating of wear-resistant metal that does not oxidize in air. The engraving is ready. This workpiece is turned over and the attachment points for the machine are roughly milled on it. Each machine has its own way of holding the mold.

The second mold is made in exactly the same way - a double-sided machine clamps the workpiece between two molds. The detail is ready, in draft. Post-processing remains, if an excess of material is detected somewhere due to incorrect operation of the machine - they are brought to the standard by metal-cutting machines. But not always, but only in mechanical parts.

The work of the cutting machine is easier. Sheet metal is fed into the machine, after which the actual cutting takes place with a high-power laser. With thick metal, an even more powerful plasma cutter on ultra-fast high-temperature plasma comes into play - the plasma flow speed is supersonic and it does not have time to give the metal a high enough temperature for boiling - the plasma flow instantly melts and washes the metal, leaving slightly uneven cut edges, which, however, do not need to be further processed when it comes to the automotive industry. An uneven surface is only a plus, because when the metal is welded, it will give additional strength and increase the contact area of ​​the welded ends.

Sheet metal up to two millimeters thick could be perfectly welded with a laser, but thick metal with a plasma. Arc welding had too many nuances and weaknesses, but it was also used there. Where welds are not particularly responsible.

This is what happened with the BTR-40 armored personnel carrier, which it was decided to build in the amount of thirty pieces by tomorrow. It is simple and technological - it played into my hands. The hull of the armored personnel carrier consisted of rough steel sheets. Frame - almost identical to the ZIS-5 frame, with some differences in strength.

The production of automotive parts, a full cycle, has already been mastered - we have only made minor adjustments to these details, because an armored personnel carrier should not be either luxurious or well-equipped. At first. The frame, bridges, armored vehicles, a simple folding shield instead of a windshield, and an engine that was mastered not so long ago at the ZIS, of which we had a supply of one and a half hundred pieces - a reserve, so to speak. Having installed the engine and connected it to the reinforced ZIS gearbox, I calmed down. All that's left is a clean finish. The cars have already left for painting - they were equipped with wheels.

The last touch, which I added after midnight, was medical equipment. Basically, it was the BTR-40, but with some details from the ZIS-5 modified by us. Engine, gearbox, bridges and partly - frame. That is, an armored personnel carrier was made rather on the basis of the ZIS-5. The driver's seat is simple, made of a simple steel sheet five millimeters thick, bent with the letter zyu. The armored personnel carrier was equipped with a high roof for an armored personnel carrier, which made the roof protruding. But on the other hand, with a height of eighty meters, it was possible not to portray a passenger of a gazelle minibus, but to stand at full height. Most of the Red Army soldiers, due to hungry years, had a growth in the region of eighty meters, only fifteen percent went beyond one hundred and eighty-two centimeters.

Rubberized flooring, shock-absorbing aluminum stretchers were installed in the cabin, which, when driving over bumps and bumps, protected the wounded from sharp shocks, compensating for them by rocking the stretcher, which the assigned paramedic can stop manually, or even block the suspension.

Next - the most important place of the paramedic, or surgeon. We should not hope that the Fritz will not shoot at our doctors, so the place is well armored. An on-board first aid kit is installed on board - with many cells. Installed mounts for droppers under the ceiling - if necessary, it will be possible to hang a dropper. And finally, medical equipment.

It turned out that my transport could well be considered an ambulance. That is, the coolest transport for an ambulance - infusion, trauma, resuscitation kits, even a doctor's kit. And these are not only medicines, of which there were also, these are medical equipment and instruments. The same intensive care unit - an artificial lung ventilation apparatus, a cardiograph, a pacemaker, a defibrillator, an inhalation anesthesia apparatus - is combined with a ventilator, mattresses, kits for immobilizing injured limbs, in general, the most juice and relish. Thanks to the high ceiling, it was possible to place all the equipment. In the process of manufacturing the second car, I had to increase the base and add another non-driving axle to the car, because the two-axle two-ton armored car could not pull out all this stuff along with the doctor and driver. After that, we also attached a rigid coupling of the rear axles and spaced the axles along the geometry - one was the front, the second in the middle, the third behind.

It turned out ... quite worthy, the cross-country qualities were improved, the weight distribution of the car improved. The elongated armored personnel carrier had a length of seven and a half meters and the wheels from the ZISochka no longer suited it - the Module had to pull out powerful cargo wheels from our time. As a matter of fact, these are ordinary wheels from KAMAZ with rubber for all-terrain driving.

When all the workers left, I continued to work on the machines, because they were assembled automatically, for the most part. Yes, here the help of the module was also needed. An additional compact diesel generator was installed on the car to power medical equipment and a windshield was installed, and the shield lowered onto it was made monolithic, it could be lowered when entering the danger zone.

Stalin prudently invited only one person with him - only his personal doctor, whom he more or less trusted. They arrived in a cortege of three ZIS-101 cars, Stalin, Beria, Stalin's guards. But three of us went to the hangar - Stalin, Beria, a doctor. I was waiting for them at the door of a large arched hangar with powerful lighting - this structure was erected in obvious haste. as an additional warehouse. Plus it was big - forty meters from edge to edge and two hundred meters in length. There was a platform near the entrance, on which two dozen ambulances were located. Stalin and Beria entered and looked at this with great surprise. No, they are used to not being surprised, but for some reason my car surprised them. The cars had khaki color and a red cross on board, stood in one row, slightly obliquely, there were several meters between the cars. Stalin greeted and asked:

– What is this car? I did not see this in your information, comrade Dudin.

- Medical armored personnel carrier. We made these particular machines last night.

- Yes? I don’t recognize the brand, this is not an armored personnel carrier-forty, and not one hundred and fifty-second, although it looks like both options.

- Um... - I hesitated, - initially I wanted to make an ambulance based on the BTR-40, but in the process of manufacturing and filling it was changed. The units were installed from a modified ZIS-5, a third bridge was added in the center, and a lot of things inside.

- So this car was designed by you? Yesterday?

- It turns out that way.

- And how did the quality of the car not suffer? - the leader of the peoples asked meticulously, - hastily tailored is not worn for a long time.

“The quality hasn't suffered at all. Everything has been calculated and thought through. The units have a margin of safety and the vehicle can take about six more tons of armor, if necessary. All three bridges are leading, the patency of the car is simply amazing. Run-in already on factory gullies and slopes.

“Well, it makes sense for you to believe,” Stalin nodded, “Leonid Alekseevich, please, evaluate the filling of the car. Comrade Dudin, brag about what you've done.

And I went to show on the example of the nearest car. Leonid Alekseevich - a man in a civilian suit, with an intelligent look, wearing glasses, looked at me a little down, but when we switched to his professional topic, I forgot about it and the story began and the demonstration of everything that was in the car began.

The most difficult thing for me was to stand the test of the doctor's questions about what the equipment and medical equipment that are installed here are intended for and how they work. And if there were no questions about the usual equipment, except perhaps about the amount of this very equipment, which was a lot - only a few syringes ... but about the electrocardiograph, I had to pass an exam for knowledge of the materiel. The most surreal in his opinion was the ventilator and pacing equipment, as well as equipment for blood transfusion and anesthesia. And even a gas tank for him.

In general, the doctor questioned me for a long time. Finally, we moved on to the topic of medicines, which Stalin promised to show him. And here the nightmare began, because I knew little about medicines and spoke mainly on the prompts of the Module.

In the end, I just showed him a brochure-instruction on the medicines used in the first-aid kit. Some of them were already commercially available, and some of them raised a lot of questions - especially phenazepam and ketorol. And we got to the less powerful and more conventional drugs that doctors often carry with them. From Validol to...

In general, the interrogation of my beloved doctor ended only an hour later, while Beria and Stalin warmed their ears, I tried to the best of my ability to answer what I knew, for the rest I sent the doctor to the book. My answers didn't look unsure.

The doctor turned to his chief patient and exclaimed:

- It's amazing! Especially those antibiotics. They will allow to defeat many diseases and seriously reduce mortality. Especially from tuberculosis and pneumonia. This is a real world-class discovery!

- I do not argue. But their time has not yet come,” Stalin answered, “in five to seven years we will be able to create and apply them.

- Why, then?

– Because we do not want them to be effectively used in the armies of our opponents, while we will not have the opportunity to synthesize them. So after all, comrade Dudin?

- I agree, I had the same thoughts, - I nodded, - however, I plan to start trading in some medicines soon.

“Extensive clinical studies are needed,” the doctor immediately protested.

“They were carried out, no doubt about it. Medicines comply with standards much more stringent than in any country in the world.

- I have not heard of such a thing.

“It would be foolish to disclose all the information on medicines that have not yet been tested and let competitors develop their proposal,” I shrug my shoulders, “antibiotics are not right away, this is a secret remedy.

“Well, it’s always like this,” the doctor was indignant, “people are dying of pneumonia right now, every minute, and we have a remedy, but we cannot help them for some reason.

Everyone needs help, not just one in a thousand. Otherwise, others will blame us for not being able to help their families. Although ... - I looked at Stalin - if you do not disclose all the information on the pharmacokinetics of the drug and give it in hospitals at least to children, the result should be quite good.

– Are you sure? - Stalin asked sternly, - what are our potential, - he emphasized this word in a tone, - the enemies will not find this means?

- Good question. Depends on how the medicine is used. We could give it secretly, through the organs of the NKVD, under the guise of conventional drugs, and control every swallowed pill. As far as I know, before habituation, the effectiveness should be phenomenal, the doses will be quite tiny. As addiction to antibiotics develops, the dose will have to be increased. Therefore, it is impossible to take them as a conventional medicine in any case.

- Well, - Stalin surrendered, - I approve if you do this, Lavrenty? - turned to Beria, - do you think you can handle it?

The theme with pills did not last long - I could not sell drugs calmly - extensive tests were needed and this business required a long preparation. And the money was needed already yesterday, so I acted in a way that was unexpected for everyone. We needed a small, expensive and popular product that would bring a good income.

In the meantime, two new workshops of my plant and another enterprise in the east were being actively built at once - “PK Vostochny” from our Center for Experimental Instrumentation, TsEP. Radio tubes became such technology. Extremely useful, necessary and valuable equipment, which in turn is needed by everyone. There is never too much of it - I finally decided to get serious about the technologies for the production of radios and other equipment. The production of radio tubes was ... not easy, but I already had experience in this, moreover, there were excellent examples from the future. And the lamps that we were going to create had to be of the quality of the future.

A workshop for working with glass, metalworking, especially precise processing, as in moving mechanics, is not necessary here. The main difficulty is the assembly of the radio tube. And already radio tubes allowed me to enter the instrument market! Everyone really needed this, and vast markets were covered at the same time.

The production of radio tubes was planned in such volumes that the Soviet, hand-assembled ones, did not lie around. An unimaginable amount! My radio tubes... Without a twinge of conscience, I took the range of tubes from those produced in the USSR - anyway, these were the most popular tubes in the world, copied somewhere, somewhere unique.

I took the Rigonda radiogram as a sample. I saw this bedside table in my childhood with my grandmother. Radiola - just a cabinet on four thin black legs - this style seems to be popular in the sixties and seventies ... not here. By itself, Rigonda was pretty good - I brazenly changed the circuit, instead of one speaker - two detachable on the sides so that they can be placed away from each other, thereby improving the sound. Further - a lonely platform for a plate from above received a mechanism of a full-fledged tape recorder in the neighborhood. But after thinking a little, I removed the tape recorder, leaving the plate rotation mechanism shifted to the left. On the right, I installed a full-fledged equalizer.

OK it's all over Now. The music center is a dream of the forties, ready. I tried it with the records I had - only a special stereo head could play stereo records. For these purposes, I even hit the road to the studio where Ksyusha worked and recorded several tracks in stereo on special records. Equipment for stereo recording will have to supply their own recording studios.

The body of the receiver has undergone changes - it has become smaller due to the fact that the speakers were detachable on the sides. But with columns even more than the original rigonda.

The industrial production of printed circuit boards was completely different from the methods used in the Soviet Union.

With my go-ahead, a special machine began to work, on which boards were made every second. And the assembly began. Moreover, there were no scarce materials in the radiol - it did not really distract the workshops either, the stamping of all stamped parts was carried out on machines of a low accuracy class and high productivity.

In Russian, such phrases are called

Pangram is a phrase whose words use all or almost all the letters of the alphabet.

Pangrams are commonly used to demonstrate fonts, check the transmission of words of text over communication lines, test printers, etc.

And what phrases contain all the letters of the Russian alphabet?

Eat some more of those soft French buns and have some tea.

or the shortest expressions, but more funny:

Hey goon! Where is the ace? Hide the young tenants in the closet.

Loving, eat the tongs, - the mayor will sigh, - the buzz is burning.

The boss is furious point tongs echoing goodbye Jules.

The program "Keyboard Solo" by V. V. Shakhidzhanyan uses:

An expert artist with a computer just packed eggs in a voluminous low box.

Here the plot cannot embrace all the emotions - a lisping runner in a skirt drags hot honey.

Initially, the developers of Microsoft Word, starting with the Windows 95 operating systems, demonstrated in such a cunning way how letters look in Cyrillic fonts. But for some reason, the phrase was without “zhe” and instead of “yo” it was written “e”:

Eat some more of those soft French buns and have some tea.

On foreign versions of Windows:

English version: “ The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

German: " Kaufen Sie jede Woche vier gute bequeme Pelze xy«

French words: Portez ce vieux whiskey au juge blond qui fume«

Pangram in Spanish: " El veloz murcielago hindu comiafeliz cardillo y kiwi. La ciguenatocaba el saxofon detras del palenque de paja«.

Japanese poem:さきゆめみし ゑひもせす.

And a few more fun pangrams:

In the thickets of the south, there lived a citrus ... - yes, but a fake copy!

A South Ethiopian rook led a mouse by its trunk to a lizard convention.

Linguists are horrified: figs pronounce the sketch: "the rise of Chelyabinsk, the smell of cabbage."

Oh, I’ll be furious, I’ll push the phlegmatic: “I would give you the hottest cabbage, Peter!”

Write: the son-in-law ate an egg, another vat of swede ... eh! Waiting for a fig!

This phlegmatic camel chews a drying bitter dog rose at the entrance.

A chauffeur arrived in a refrigerator to load eggs for elite medical students.

Once having eaten feijoa, I, like a fixated, nostalgic more and more for this miracle.

    What is the shortest phrase that contains all the letters of the alphabet?

    In Russian, such phrases are called pangrams. A pangram is a phrase whose words use all or almost all the letters of the alphabet. Pangrams are usually used to demonstrate fonts, check the transmission of text words over communication lines, test printers, etc. And what phrases contain all the letters of the Russian alphabet? Eat some more of those soft French buns, yeah...

As we, dear participants of the "MoveCode" project, agreed, now every week in the blog will be held under the sign of one of the technologies. This is done so that you gradually, step by step, learn the basic aspects of web development, receiving information on one topic during the week in a concentrated form. In the course of the story, we will repeat what we have already gone through before.

How is hypertext different from plain text? Not only the ability to place links to other documents, but also the ability to give the text the desired look.

The text today is paramount in terms of the importance of presenting the material. There is no site where there would be one video or one picture without any text at all. Even despite the abundance of multimedia projects.

Therefore, first of all, you must learn how to properly handle the text.

So, here you have the text. Just text. what can we do with him?

Let's take a phrase known to all designers:

If you are not familiar with them yet, then you need to make friends, or, in other words, learn basic text formatting tags.

  • or - Bold highlight tag.
    "Eat more of these soft French rolls soft French rolls yes, have some tea
  • or - italic tag.
    "Eat more of these soft French rolls Let's have some tea." Eat more of these soft French rolls, have some tea.
  • - underscore tag.
    "Eat more of these soft French rolls Let's have some tea." Eat more of these soft French rolls, have some tea.
  • or - strikethrough tag.
    “Eat some more of those soft French rolls and have some tea. » Eat more of those soft French buns yes, have some tea.
  • - header tags.
    By changing the number from 1 to 6, you get headings of different levels. Do not abuse them, it will not be to the taste of search engines.

    "Eat some more of those soft French buns and have some tea."

    "Eat some more of those soft French buns and have some tea."

    "Eat some more of those soft French buns and have some tea."

    "Eat some more of those soft French buns and have some tea."

    "Eat some more of those soft French buns and have some tea."
    "Eat some more of those soft French buns and have some tea."

    "Eat some more of those soft French buns and have some tea."

    "Eat some more of those soft French buns and have some tea."

    "Eat some more of those soft French buns and have some tea."

    "Eat some more of those soft French buns and have some tea."

    "Eat some more of those soft French buns and have some tea."
    "Eat some more of those soft French buns and have some tea."
  • - paragraph. "Eat more of these soft French rolls, and drink tea."

    "Eat some more of those soft French buns and have some tea."

Do not be surprised that one tag can be in two forms, for example, or . In fact, there is no difference in their use. I recommend using a shorter version, which saves a little, but saves the bytecode sent to the user in the browser.

This topic is covered in more detail here:

Tomorrow we will continue the topic by talking about lists.

I am a guy who decided to lose weight. It would seem that surprising? But as soon as I made such a decision, the people around me began to behave very strangely.

With my high height, I have not yet reached the “fat” state, but still, weight under a centner is not very useful for my sore back, so I decided to lose 10-15 kilograms. Since I'm not a dieter and I really like to eat (and even devour), I decided to start small - just reduced my daily portions to 900 grams of food per day (about 30% of my standard portion) and gave up the habit of eating 5-6 sandwiches at night. Weight went down ... But what started here!

Even at parties, when I refused to drink, they did not try to get me drunk as much as they are trying to feed me right now. I do not hide from anyone that I am on a diet, and when they offer me, for example, pizza, at that time I choke on salad, looking with hatred at those who eat it. After all, I can eat pizza with you, but not more than one slice, and not four or five, as before. I eat everything I always do, just less. But after the phrase: “Thank you, one piece is enough, I’m losing weight,” everyone tries to feed me.

Parents say: “You began to eat little”, “You don’t eat anything at all”, “You will spoil your stomach like that”, “Make you sandwiches?” “Let’s order pizza for you, you’re starving”, “Why are you weighing this portion, plus or minus one hundred grams - it’s nonsense.”

Colleagues echo: “A man should eat well”, “Men shouldn’t go on a diet, you’re not a woman”, “What did you bring so little from home?”, “You’re not fat at all, go eat, I’ll share.”

Devil, a month ago, when I had not yet begun to lose weight, it was impossible to ask my parents for a sandwich: “It’s big already, my hands won’t dry out.” Every day I heard: “well, I’ve eaten my cheeks”, “well, ryakh”, “you have a belly”, “enough to eat, you won’t go through the door”, “you’re eating again?”, “you need to close the refrigerator from you”, “you used to have cubes, and now a ball” and so on. From colleagues, too, constantly received recommendations to stop eating pizza, eat less, eat right, otherwise you “get fat before your eyes.”

I lost only 5 kilos, I didn’t become Thumbelina from this and with my 190 centimeters of growth I won’t become her, my cheeks have slightly decreased, but I don’t look haggard, hungry, exhausted by a secret passion for food, etc.

But for some reason, people have changed: in a month, those who shouted “you need to eat less” suddenly became kindness itself and even offer their own food. Seditious thoughts are already beginning to creep in in me that people who cannot lose weight themselves (the majority of those who offer by no means models) are simply envious that someone is trying to do this, I see no other arguments. Tell me if you know.

Today we will introduce you to another linguistic phenomenon called "pangram". This is a Greek term that means "παν" - "all" and "γραμμα" - "letter" and denotes a phrase or sentence that contains all or almost all the letters of the alphabet of a particular language. In some languages, due to the specificity of the alphabet, it is very difficult to compose pangrams with the repetition of a letter in a sentence only once, therefore deviations from this rule are acceptable: some letters can be repeated, abbreviations are used, in accordance with the ancient Roman tradition, the letters J and U are replaced by I and V.

Pangrams were originally used to test the functionality of typewriters and keyboards, to see if all keys worked equally well, and to showcase fonts in a print shop. But besides this, in every country there are pangram lovers who independently compile them. A good pangram is one that not only contains all the letters of the alphabet, but is also fairly short and has a specific meaning, rather than being a collection of incoherent words.

The most famous English pangram is the following statement, consisting of 35 letters (there are only 26 letters in the English alphabet):

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. - A nimble brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.

Here are some more examples from English:

Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.- The jackdaws love my big quartz sphinx. (31 letters)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly.- The five boxing wizards jump fast. (31 letters)

Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.“Pack my box of five dozen jugs of booze. (32 letters)

Cozy sphinx waves quart jug of bad milk. The cozy sphinx is waving a quart of bad milk. (32 letters)

The jay, pig, fox, zebra and my wolves quack!- Jay, pig, fox, zebra and my wolves quack! (32 letters)

Crazy Fredrick bought many very exquisite opal jewels.“Crazy Frederick bought a lot of very fine opal jewels. (46 letters)

And here are examples from the Russian language:

Would citrus live in the thickets of the south? Yes, but a fake copy!(without "ъ" or "ё")

Our bank paid F.Ya. Eichgold commission for valuables. (without "ъ" or "ё")

Loving, eat the tongs, - the mayor will sigh, - the buzz is burning.- 33 letters of the Russian alphabet, each of which is repeated only 1 time.

Hey goon! Where is the ace? Hide the young tenants in the closet.(33 letters)

Eat [the same] more of these soft French rolls and drink tea.– This pangram is used by Microsoft in fontview.exe for Cyrillic fonts without the “y” particle.

What pangrams do you know? Share with us in the comments!

Pangrams were originally used to test the functionality of typewriters and keyboards, to see if all keys worked equally well, and to showcase fonts in a print shop. But besides this, in every country there are pangram lovers who independently compile them. A good pangram is one that not only contains all the letters of the alphabet, but is also fairly short and has a specific meaning, rather than being a collection of incoherent words. The most famous English pangram is the following sentence, consisting of 35 letters (there are only 26 letters in the English alphabet): The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. - A nimble brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. Here are some more examples from English: Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz. - The jackdaws love my big quartz sphinx. (31 letters) The five boxing wizards jump quickly. - The five boxing wizards jump fast. (31 letters) Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs. “Pack my box of five dozen jugs of booze. (32 letters) Cozy sphinx waves quart jug of bad milk. The cozy sphinx is waving a quart of bad milk. (32 letters) The jay, pig, fox, zebra and my wolves quack! - Jay, pig, fox, zebra and my wolves quack! (32 letters) Crazy Fredrick bought many very exquisite opal jewels. “Crazy Frederick bought a lot of very fine opal jewels. (46 letters) And here are examples from the Russian language: Would citrus live in the thickets of the south? Yes, but a fake copy! (without "b" or "e") Our bank paid F.Ya. Eichgold commission for valuables. (without "b" or "e") Loving, eat the tongs, - the mayor will sigh, - the buzz is burning. - 33 letters of the Russian alphabet, each of which is repeated only 1 time. Hey goon! Where is the ace? Hide the young tenants in the closet. (33 letters) Eat [the same] more of these soft French rolls and drink tea. – This pangram is used by Microsoft in fontview.exe for Cyrillic fonts without the “y” particle. What pangrams do you know? Share with us in the comments!
