
Black tea assam properties. Harmful effects of improper use of Assam tea

The tea ceremony, in principle, historically belongs to the Chinese. It was they who shared this drink with the whole world. However, it is worth paying tribute to the British: this country spread the addiction to tea throughout the colonies of the former empire, infected its associates with love for it, popularized the drink among its neighbors and did a lot to improve it. Until now, the most popular Indian varieties, including Assam tea.

Origin of tea

It owes its name to the name of the region, which is located in the delta of the river with a purely Indian nickname Brahmaputra. Now it is the largest area in the world where tea is cultivated. A significant advantage of this area is their height: they grow up to 20 m, unlike their Chinese counterparts, whose height does not exceed four meters. The leaves of the plant are much larger if collected from a bush growing in the Assam region. Tea from them turns out a beautiful reddish hue, although it is considered black. The leaves of the Indian bush are not as dense as the Chinese bush, due to which it is easier to give taste and aroma to the drink.

However, the British, who were then the masters of India, did not stop at cultivating a wild plant: they crossed it long and hard with "relatives" of Chinese origin, experimented with agrotechnical processing of plantations, harvesting methods and brewing methods. finished product, achieving unique taste and smell qualities. And what made Assam world-famous as a result? tea grown here.

Superiority controversy

The popularity of this variety at one time even gave rise to jealous discussions on the topic of who gave the world assam tea. The official discoverer is considered to be an English military man who discovered unique tea trees during his travels and brought seeds and seedlings to the ruler of the Assam region. It happened in 1823, which has since been considered the beginning of history and distribution. However, the major's brother named Charles claimed that it was he who first discovered amazing plants. Robert's next opponent was Charlton, a lieutenant, who claimed that in 1831 he sent samples of bushes to a society engaged in horticulture and agronomy. However, it was Robert Bruce who went down in history, and how things really were is shrouded in the darkness of obscurity.

Taste and consumption rules

I must say, "Assam" is one of the most famous and preferred varieties. Only it smells slightly, but quite noticeably, of malt; only in it honey taste is combined with astringent astringency. Yes, and a rather unusual red hue is very attractive for a lover of such a drink. If you are a sincere connoisseur of tea diversity and want to enjoy the whole bouquet of aroma and taste from the bottom of your heart, try to inhale the air immediately after each sip both through your nose and through your mouth. You will fully feel all the subtleties and hidden shades, including a barely noticeable menthol note.

If you do not want to delve into the nuances of preparing individual varieties of Assam tea, you can stick to the average. That is, put a couple of tablespoons of raw materials in a 300 ml teapot, pour boiling water and leave for five minutes. However, keep in mind: you can lose a lot in aromatic and taste sensations.

Indian diversity

It should be noted that assam-tea of ​​the “native” production is very diverse in the assortment. There is enough a large number of variations within those teas that are produced in Assam. For example, "Kiyung TGFOPI" is still considered a new variety, which recently began to be grown on the Kiyung plantation. Its refined aroma and viscous taste is very different from what BLEND ST.TGFBOP has assam tea. It should be noted that it is a product of the second collection and consists of a mixture of several black teas. This allows you to brew a very strong drink with a very deep and rich taste. One of the most appreciated (and at the same time - especially expensive) - "Assam MOKALBARI". In him increased content kidney tea tree(bush), due to which the taste of malt and honey becomes more noticeable. But there are also varieties "Daisajan TGFOP", "Dinjan" and so on, and each of them has its own taste advantages. So a person who wants to find the most suitable assam tea for him will be forced to try quite a few drinks before choosing his own.

Features of brewing individual varieties

Note that, despite the general similarity different varieties for getting best taste it is worth listening to the manufacturer's recommendations. So, the same "Kiyung TGFOPI" is advised to brew for only a couple of minutes, and the boiling water should cool down to 90 degrees. And MOKALBARI is recommended to brew with even cooler water, but it needs to be insisted longer. So black tea "Assam" produced by different varieties has its own subtleties when used.

Kazakh view on Assam tea

India with this Central Asian country has different views on the "right" tea. Kazakhs, in particular, are not too inclined to drink a drink made from leafy raw materials. Therefore, Assam tea from Kazakhstan mainly comes in granular form. Since 2009, there has been a parallel Kazakh tea bag. For true drink aficionados, this is not a good replacement for the Indian offerings, but the Kazakh versions are much cheaper and travel-friendly. Friendly Territory offers "Assam" in the following variations: evening, morning, GOLD, green and fruity. All of these are packaged or granular packaging, which are quite cheap. However, if you are interested real tea"Assam", the price should not confuse you. Raw materials simply have to be sheet, and the origin is Indian. But then you will have to pay from 240 to 700 rubles per 100 g - it depends on the variety. For Kazakh teas, you will pay from 25 (!) to 150. Choose what you like best.

Assam tea is popular all over the world. This drink is famous for its rich taste and beautiful amber hue. It is brewed in pure form or added to various tea compositions. Naturally, many fans this drink interested in additional information.

What properties does this tea have? Is black assam good for health or can it hurt? How to prepare a drink? Where can you buy it? The answers to these questions will be useful to many.

What is tea?

Tea "Assam" is a classic variety of large-leaf black tea. This drink has a bright and rich reddish-brown color (possibly a slight orange tint).

Reviews indicate that the prepared drink has a spicy, even floral aroma with light honey notes that are considered unusual for black tea. However, it is strong enough. During the tasting, malt shades and a slight eucalyptus flavor can be distinguished. Many connoisseurs prefer to brew tea and consume the drink in its pure form, although it goes well with additives, such as milk or a slice of lemon.

A bit of history

First you need to figure out where this black tea grows. Assam, a state located in the northeastern part of India, is where the Assam tea tree grows in the valley of the Brahmaputra River, almost at the foot of the Eastern Himalayas.

The discoverer of the drink is considered to be Robert Bruce, a Scot who at one time was engaged in trade in the Assam region. It was he who begged the representatives of the local population for several leaves of tea for further study. Tea was introduced to Europe by the British.

Stages of collecting raw materials

Due to the mild climate, tea leaves in the Assam region are harvested almost all year round(except winter period). The taste and color range of the drink largely depends on when exactly the raw materials were collected.

  • Spring collection starts in March. Tea tree leaves collected during this period do not yet have such a rich aroma. Nevertheless, the drink has an exquisite sweetish aftertaste, for which it is valued.
  • Summer is considered the most successful period for collecting. The leaves of the plant have already reached their maximum size. The taste of tea leaves is brighter, the color is more saturated.
  • Collect tea leaves in the autumn months (if the weather permits, then until mid-December).

tea production

It should immediately be said that all the leaves on the Assam plantations are harvested and sorted by hand. Further, the raw material undergoes mechanical processing. Tea leaves are dried, then fermented and lightly roasted. Then the raw material is crushed and sorted. By the way, the tea dust formed during the processing has also found its application - it is used for the production of bagged and granulated tea.

Assam tea: description of useful properties

Thanks to exquisite taste This drink has gained popularity. But not everyone knows that Assam tea is also good for health.

  • Young tea leaves contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Its regular use saturates the bones with calcium, strengthens the immune system, has a positive effect on the work of the heart, makes the walls of the arteries more elastic and strong.
  • Indian tea "Assam" contains phenols and other antioxidants that protect cell membranes from the effects of dangerous free radicals. These same substances are used to prevent cancer.
  • The composition of the drink contains caffeine, which improves brain function, saturates with energy. True, you should not abuse these properties of tea. Connoisseurs do not recommend drinking more than five cups of the drink a day.

How to prepare tea?

Assam tea is famous all over the world for its incredibly rich taste and pleasant aroma. But in order to be able to fully enjoy these qualities, the drink must be properly prepared.

To do this, it is better to use dishes made of clay or thermal glass. Boil water first. Scald the inner walls with boiling water teapot. Now you can pour tea leaves inside (1 teaspoon per cup) and pour hot water(its temperature should not exceed 80 degrees). Cover the kettle with a lid and let the tea steep for 20 minutes. Your drink is ready. As already mentioned, the drink can be consumed with milk or lemon.

Are there contraindications?

As already mentioned, Assam tea is incredibly healthy. However, don't abuse it. delicious drink because it contains caffeine. Prolonged use can cause increased excitability and nervousness, or, conversely, weakness and apathy. By the way, tea is not contraindicated for pregnant women, but no more than two cups a day.

The drink must be drunk fresh. If the tea leaves are infused for too long, then harmful compounds that cannot be consumed begin to be released into the water. It is not recommended to drink tea along with alcohol, as this releases substances that adversely affect the functioning of the kidneys.

Types of Indian tea

There are many types of this tea, because taste qualities drink depends on the season of collection, production technology, the exact place of growth (the Assam region consists of many tea plantations):

  • Harmutti- one of the most popular varieties among gourmets. Has a pleasant tart taste.
  • Gold- this tea is considered the best, and it is produced in strictly limited quantities (the price, accordingly, is also higher).
  • Mocalbury- a drink made from this tea leaves has a more pronounced honey taste. By the way, tea is named after the plantation where it grows.
  • Dijou- tea leaves have a beautiful reddish-golden hue. The prepared drink has an exquisite fruity taste.
  • Raidang- a drink made from this tea leaves has a rich reddish-amber taste, reminiscent of a shade of cognac. By the way, the drink leaves a pleasant aftertaste and has a tart aroma.
  • Green "Assam"- also grown on Indian plantations. The prepared drink has a warm, yellowish-green color. The taste is rich, slightly tart. Release given tea both in pure form and with additives (for example, dried fruit pieces or jasmine flowers).

Where can the product be purchased? famous brands

Many people are interested in the question of where to look for tea leaves. For example, where can I buy Assam tea in Moscow or any other city?

In fact, everything is simple: many trade marks This tea is produced under different names. Manufacturers such as Meleng, Newby and Ahmad offer traditional Indian tea leaves. Also full of flavor and bright aroma owns Assam tea from Greenfield. As you can see, the real indian drink can be purchased in almost every store - it remains only to cook it correctly.

What buyers say about this variety tea? Reviews are mostly positive. True fans of this drink can appreciate the rich malt flavor with notes of freshness and a bright, floral aroma.

Regular consumption of this drink helps to improve well-being. People who drink Indian tea in the morning say that it invigorates much better than coffee. The advantages of the drink include ease of preparation and relatively affordable cost.

Publication 2017-10-20 Liked 12 Views 6842

Darjeeling is assembled by hand

Sikkimese tea is new

"Special" Masala

Real Ceylon tea

Types of Indian tea

India is known for the abundance of its products and perhaps the most popular of them is Indian tea. climate and proper care created a magical tea plant ideal conditions to supply divine drink not just one country, but the whole world.

Tea from India is famous excellent taste aroma and benefits for body and soul

Assam - popular Indian tea

Its history began in the 19th century, when the British brought its first seeds to the state of Assam. The growing conditions were suitable, and a few years later, the world's first tea company with the same name "Assam" appeared. Plantation owners began shipping Indian black tea to Britain. It is still the market leader to this day. Assam has a tart taste and spicy aroma With honey notes. It perfectly invigorates and strengthens blood vessels, if you drink it in moderation.

Indian tea is grown exclusively in tropical highlands.

Darjeeling is assembled by hand

Around the same time, in the 19th century, the seeds of the tea plant also came to Bengal, the Darjeeling district. The mountainous area in northeastern India on the border with Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet has become the birthplace of the eminent Indian variety "Darjeeling". Workers on the plantation were recruited from Nepal, and, of course, the British were in charge of the business. In the 1970s, almost all the land was bought by the Indians. Until now, Indian tea is harvested by hand. For two centuries, the clothes have not changed, the women pickers are the same.

Popularization healthy lifestyle life in the last decade has caused a new wave of interest in Darjeeling. Because of the nutmeg, refined and delicate taste, the drink is called "tea champagne". Darjeeling invigorates, tones and improves digestion.

From the leaves collected by the residents of the Darjeeling district, an amazing Indian tea will turn out

Sikkimese tea is new

In India, another young and unique species grows - Sikkimese tea. It appeared on the market only at the end of the 20th century, but quickly won the love of connoisseurs. The conditions of the highlands of the eastern Himalayas lend Indian Sikkimese tea sweet taste assam and nutmeg aroma of darjeeling. The first harvest of the year of this Indian black tea is considered the most valuable, refined, preserved a large amount useful substances, and, accordingly, the most expensive and rare.

Tea is the second most popular drink after water. And almost a third is in Indian

Nilgiri - elite Indian tea

India is known for another variety - "nilgiri". This Indian variety is not easy to buy: 1 kg of dried leaf costs about $600. Therefore, if you usually see a low price tag on a package of nilgiri, it is most likely mixed with cheaper varieties. It grows in southern India, where abundant rains allow tea to grow all year round. It has soft and light taste shaded by notes lemon flavor. The antioxidants found in nilgiri can help therapeutic effect on the cardiovascular system.

One kilogram of leaves makes almost 400 cups of tea.

"Special" Masala

Now a few words about the famous Indian masala chai. "Masala" is translated from Hindi as "spice", that is, masala is tea with. Any black (preferably Indian) tea is taken as the basis, milk, sweetener, cardamom, cloves, ginger, black pepper, cinnamon, anise and other spices are added to it. In Asia, masala can be bought at ready-made- the powder is poured with boiling water, it remains to add only milk and sugar to taste. However, the most delicious masala is the one prepared at home, with your own hands. This Indian tea warms, reduces fever during colds, satisfies hunger, and regulates blood pressure.

Masala - the gastronomic heritage of India

Real Ceylon tea

Very often, Ceylon tea is confused with Indian tea due to ignorance. Ceylon is the old name for the island. Tea from here ranks third in the world in terms of the number of exports to the world market. It, unlike the real Indian, is both black and green, while India is famous for its predominantly black varieties. The legendary Thomas Lipton, whose name has been heard for many years, in the 1890s acquired most Sri Lankan plantations. He began to grow tea on them and sell it at the lowest price, which made him famous all over the world.

Ceylon tea ranks third in popularity after Chinese and Indian teas.

Variety of varieties Ceylon tea creates some difficulty with his choice. However, do not be afraid, you need to understand. Variety "Nuwara Eliya" grows at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level, has a soft and delicate taste. It is intolerant, contains the aroma of herbs that grow nearby. "Uda Pussellava" grows 200 meters lower than the previous one, has an average strength and slight astringency. Varieties "Dimbula", "Uva", "Kandim" and "Rukhuna" decrease by 200-500 meters, respectively, and the lower the level of the mountains, the stronger drink. To feel their differences, you need to buy a 100% variety of one tea, refusing blends (blends).

There are about 1500 varieties of tea in the world

Types of Indian tea

By way machining tea leaves Indian tea can be divided into four types:

  • sheet. It happens large - and medium leaf
  • granular - these are crushed and twisted in a special way leaves
  • pressed. It is divided into brick and tile (tablet)
  • powder. This type of tea is packaged in bags.

Both green and black Indian teas are made from the same plant. The difference is in processing.

It is believed that it is leaf Indian tea that preserves maximum amount nutrients, retains aroma and taste. Granular is brewed many times faster than others and is more economical. Pressed gets such a shape for convenient transportation over long distances with the preservation of aroma and taste. Powdered Indian tea is packaged in bags, it goes into mass sale - the aroma and taste are significantly lost.

Even 200 years ago, tea cubes replaced money in Siberia

How to choose the perfect Indian tea

You can buy Indian tea both in India and abroad. A special marking on the packages indicates its quality. If you want to find top class, look for the tops of the plant's shoots and avoid "firewood powder". That is, with impurities of branches or other varieties.

The first mention of tea in the 16th century

Six signs of original tea:

  1. Smell. The drink should smell pleasant even when dry.
  2. Color. When brewed, tea looks according to its variety.
  3. Humidity. good tea Fairly dry but not overdone.
  4. Appearance. The original tea leaves are always twisted, regardless of the size of the leaf.
  5. Marking. Must be present on the package.
  6. Storage. The ideal Indian tea should be fresh and not sit on the shelf for more than a few months.

Brew yourself and loved ones Indian tea

Choosing your favorite Indian tea is like a science or an art. Try, experiment, comprehend this knowledge, and very soon the magic of this drink will give you its fruits.

A real Indian grandfather shares a recipe for real Indian tea. Masala with my own hands- a magical result is guaranteed!

Assam is the name of an Indian province. It was there, in the 19th century, that wild-growing tea trees were discovered, whose leaves, when brewed, gave a fragrant strong infusion with a special malty aftertaste. Subsequently, this variety of black tea began to be bred on Indian plantations, and it gained popularity in all countries of the world.

Today, more than half of all Indian tea is produced in Assam, as the nature and microclimate of this place contribute to a rich harvest. This variety of tea is harvested twice a year - from mid-spring to mid-summer and in the autumn-winter period. Subsequently, Assam, harvested in the summer, becomes the most expensive and elite, since at this time of the year the tea leaves reach largest sizes, which is the main quality indicator for this variety.

The specific place of its growth also affects the quality of tea. Yes, this Indian province divided into Upper Assam and Lower Assam. It is in upper Assam that elite varieties, since its climatic conditions contribute to the greenhouse effect, which favorably affects tea leaves. In lower Assam, CTC tea (small and medium leaf) is produced.

Black Assam is brewed in its pure form, or added to tea compositions. The British, for example, use it as the main ingredient in their traditional breakfast tea. The infusion of Assam is distinguished by its strength and amber-red color. It goes well with both milk and lemon or mint. True, true tea lovers prefer to use it without additives in order to enjoy true taste with hints of malt and eucalyptus freshness.

In order for Assam to fully reveal its taste, it must be properly brewed. Water must be boiled, rinsed boiling water glass or clay teapot, and pour tea leaves there at the rate of a teaspoon per cup. In the meantime, the water should cool down to a temperature of 60-65 degrees. Now you can pour it into the kettle and let it stand for about five minutes. After that, you can start drinking tea.

It is important to consider that when stored at home, Assam easily absorbs the odors of other products. Therefore, it is advisable to give him a separate shelf in the kitchen cabinet. best packaging for this black tea is can. By the way, it is in such a container that it is often sold.

The price of Assam, compared to other varieties, is quite high - about 250 rubles per 100 grams. Elite pure varieties of this tea are best purchased in specialized tea boutiques. On the shelves of Russian supermarkets, it can most often be found only in compositions that, unfortunately, cannot convey the whole unique range of taste and aroma of natural Assam.

Assam tea is named after the province in India where it is grown. In Europe, it is called "Irish breakfast tea". This drink is strong and tart, so it invigorates and tones well, and in addition, it has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Indian black tea Assam - description and composition

This large-leaved variety is obtained from the tea leaves of the Assam tree. In nature, it can grow up to 20 m, but in tea plantations its height is no more than 2 m.

Assamese trees are grown in the northeast of India in the province of Assam. This region is the leader in the cultivation of tea. Products from here are exported to all countries of the world, but mainly to Europe.

Note. Assam is popular in the UK as "breakfast tea".

Tea leaves are harvested 2 times a year: in spring-summer and autumn-winter periods. Raw materials collected in summer are most valued, since the leaves obtained at this time are juicy and small in size. Elite varieties of the drink are made from them.

The place of growth also affects the price and quality of tea. Upper Assam has a more suitable climate, so raw materials are used for expensive varieties. In lower Assam, fine and medium leaf tea is produced. But no matter what, all tea leaves and buds are harvested by hand. Only young raw materials are selected for production.

Ingredients of Assam tea:

  • antioxidants;
  • tannins;
  • caffeine;
  • phenols;
  • phytoestrogens;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins of groups B and C;
  • minerals;
  • essential oils.

These components are included and provide beneficial features drink.

Taste of the drink

Description of tea Assam says that it belongs to the varieties of the highest category. By taste characteristics this type of drink stands out from all black Indian teas with its rich taste and aroma. Assam black tea is distinguished by astringency and viscosity, but there is no bitterness in it. He is stronger Chinese varieties, but softer than Ceylon.

A feature of Assam is a honey-malt finish with a hint of menthol.

After brewing, the drink acquires a red-brown hue. This color indicates its strength. The tea is thick, and its aroma contains fruit and berry and floral notes.
