
Description and characteristics of varieties of Chinese pear. Useful properties and calorie content of Chinese pear

The main difference from European varieties is a rounded shape, high cost. This is due to the fact that the cultivation of the Chinese pear is laborious and very troublesome, it is quite picky. It is important to note that nashi is slightly sweet, juicy, tasty and crispy.

Due to the unique, inimitable and unique taste, the fruit can be eaten in its pure form. In addition, with their participation there are a number of delicious and simple recipes. This pear can be added to pastries, salads and desserts, make jam from it, it will turn out fresh and tasty, and most importantly, very healthy.

Chinese pear what is it

Before you get acquainted with the benefits and harms of a Chinese pear, you first need to figure out what it is. There are about two dozen varieties of fruit. Its distinctive feature is a light yellow color and a round shape of the fruit.

Chinese pear Neshi pear is characterized by the presence of brown spots on the skin. The flesh is white, sweet and very juicy, often lacking acid. Regarding the average weight, somewhere it ranges from 190-305 grams. When the fruit is fully ripe, a bright and rich aroma appears.

The Chinese pear has many names. It is known to gardeners as a sand, Asian, Taiwanese and Japanese pear, as well as nasi and neshi.

The seedlings proved to be very positive, showing a high level of productivity. There is a chic resistance to frost and pests, early fruiting is characteristic. Neshi trees perfectly adapt to the conditions of drought, heat, which makes them popular among gardeners and gardeners.

The advantage of the Chinese pear is that the fruits are intended for long-distance transportation, and this is a huge plus. If the fruits are too overripe, then you can not store them at room conditions for a long time. Cool storage will help to preserve the appearance, properties and commercial qualities for several weeks.

Chinese pear calories

The nutritional value of this Asian fruit deserves special attention. Calorie content in 100 grams of fruit is only about 42 kcal.

Also for losing weight people should not forget about the ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

Energy value of Nash:

  • Fats - 0.23g
  • Proteins - 0.5 g
  • Carbohydrates - 7.05 g

Given the information presented, you can see that the benefits of Chinese pears for weight loss will be quite large. It can be safely eaten by those who want to lose weight, as well as those who follow their figure and want to keep it always in good shape. Most of all calories are carbohydrates coming from the fibers of the pear. Fiber gives a feeling of satiety, having a beneficial effect on the microflora.

The chemical composition of the Chinese pear:

Nashi are unusually rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Unique fruits contain a minimum number of calories and a maximum of valuable micro and macro elements.

  • Vitamins K, B, E, PP, C
  • Potassium, calcium
  • Ash and magnesium
  • Phosphorus, zinc and selenium
  • Manganese, copper, cobalt
  • Essential oils
  • Pectin
  • tannins tannins

In a pear, the ratio of fructose is higher than that of glucose. Therefore, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas. After all, then (for the assimilation of fructose) it is not necessary for the body to produce insulin.

For this reason, this pear is great for people suffering from diseases such as diabetes and obesity.


Harm from Chinese pear

Despite the valuable properties and unique composition of the fruit, it is worth knowing what the harm from the Chinese pear is.

The main danger of these pears is that they are contraindicated in stomach ulcers, especially when raw.

Harm from Chinese pear:

  • In order not to provoke indigestion of the gastrointestinal tract, it should not be consumed with dairy and meat products.
  • In case of intolerance, an allergic reaction - you need to abandon the goodies
  • Given that the fruits have a bright diuretic effect, it is not advisable to eat them before bedtime.
  • It is forbidden to feast on an empty stomach, otherwise there will be severe heaviness in the epigastric region, flatulence and even painful heartburn
  • Do not drink them with water (especially cold)
  • In order not to be poisoned by fertilizers, chemicals, it is advisable to peel

As you can see, the harm from the Chinese pear is not too great. And if you adhere to the proposed rules and do not abuse them too much, then you can avoid damage to your own health.


Benefits of Chinese pear

These Asian fruits are recognized as a valuable storehouse of nutrients.

Vitamins and micro and macro elements contained in this fruit play an important role in the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, blood and musculoskeletal system. Vitamin K reduces excess calcium in the blood, preventing atherosclerosis.

Potassium, which is found in a sufficiently large amount in Neshi, has a good effect on the heart muscle and is useful for cell regeneration.

Due to the increased level of vitamin C in Neshi pear fruits, the immune system can be strengthened, the elasticity of blood vessels improves.

It is allowed to eat even during pregnancy, as the fruits contain folic acid, which is needed by the baby and mother.

Even the seeds of this pear are extremely valuable - they will help in getting rid of worms. As you can see, the benefits of the Chinese pear are definitely noticeable.

Neshi fruits are also rich in dietary fiber, which ensures excellent intestinal activity and normalizes its peristalsis. They help regulate cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Chinese pear is the best remedy for weight loss. If you eat two pears a day, you can lose unwanted weight.

Benefits of Chinese pear:

  • Pectin normalizes blood pressure indicators
  • Stimulates brain activity
  • The psychological background stabilizes, which is possible due to folic acid
  • Magnesium helps to fully work the cardiovascular system
  • Dietary fiber cleanses the gastrointestinal tract
  • Strengthens hair, nails and teeth
  • Fight bad cholesterol and plaque
  • Metabolism normalizes, so minerals and vitamins are better absorbed

The fiber contained in the Chinese pear prevents the formation of gallstones.

100 g of Chinese pear contains the daily content of the element cobalt, which is so useful for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

In addition to the noted properties of Nasha, special attention should be paid to the benefits of the fetus during pregnancy. Due to the increased level of minerals, vitamins, the female body is saturated with everything necessary. The watery base of the pear improves the functioning of the kidneys, helps to lower the body temperature (permanently), and this is very important in the first three months.

It is allowed to eat up to 500 grams of Nashi per day during pregnancy. As you can see, the benefits and harms of the Chinese pear are quite obvious. That is why it is recommended to introduce this fruit into the diet, adhering to the rules and advice.

How to choose a Chinese pear

The main selection criteria that you should pay attention to when choosing neshi are peel, density and taste.

  1. It is advisable to buy a pear in the off-season and in the market, as there will be an opportunity to taste the fruit, which you cannot do in a store.
  2. If the fruit is ripe, then it has juicy pulp without lumps, a slight sour note may be present.
  3. The fruit cannot be soft, only dense. There is no deformation under the fingers.
  4. The peel should be smooth and speckled brown.
  5. There should be no mold and dark spots, be careful when buying.
  6. If the neshi is not completely ripe, it is strictly forbidden to eat it, this will negatively affect the state of health.

Thus, the Chinese pear is very useful for a person, it becomes not harmful, if some recommendations are not neglected. If you are a fan of watery fragrant and unusually juicy fruits, then Asian fruits are just for you.

A crystal pear or a Chinese pear appeared on the tables of Russians relatively recently. But its taste, juiciness, combination and pears at the same time fell in love with them instantly. To whom a pear is shown, how to choose it correctly, eat it - read in our material. And at the end of the article a surprise awaits you: a selection of varieties that can really be grown in our country and reap a big harvest.

The Chinese pear or neshi fruit is a relatively new product. It appeared on the shelves of the store along with the globalization of the economy and quickly fell in love, thanks to its dense white pulp, not cloying taste. Because of the branded crunch, it is often called crystal, and the Neshi fruit also has a dozen useful properties and is recommended for adults, children, pregnant and lactating women.

The Chinese pear, as the name suggests, came to us from China. However, there are many names for the Chinese pear - Taiwanese, Japanese, sand, and the list can be enumerated. It originated from a variety of Neshi pear trees (Yamaneshi), and became a successful hybrid of Chinese agronomists. Once the Chinese decided to combine the virtues of pears and apples, for which they tried to develop a variety of fruit that was neither sour nor sugary-sweet. This is how nashi appeared - a little tart, like a pear, and juicy, like an apple. The shape of the fruit is also more apple, from the pear they got a slightly elongated tail to the base.

Neshi pear quickly fell in love with its delicate unusual taste with crunchy pulp, crumbling in the mouth with grains of sand, like shortcrust pastry.

In addition to the Celestial Empire, gardens are willingly bred in other countries: Korea, Japan, Israel, where it is saturated with a warm, slightly salty Mediterranean breeze and becomes even tastier and juicier.

Chinese pear calories

The calorie content of the Chinese pear is minimal, which is its first and main plus for fruit lovers. There are only 42 kcal per 100 g of product. How much does one Chinese pear weigh? Maximum 300g, so a crystal pear is a great snack option for anyone who is watching their weight.

BJU looks like this:

  • proteins - 0.5 g;
  • fats - 0.24 g;
  • carbohydrates - 7.06 g.

Nutritionists recommend including the Chinese pear in the diet for everyone at the stage of active weight loss, they allow people with diabetes to eat (only after consultation with the doctor!), Eat the fruit in raw and baked form. It is good in salads, as a raw material for fruit and vegetable smoothies, fillings for cakes, pies familiar to everyone. Spicy notes will appeal to everyone in meat and fish dishes, which will become more original in taste and much healthier.

The chemical composition of the pear

Like any fruit, it contains valuable trace elements and fiber, without which it is impossible to imagine the smooth functioning of the digestive tract. It contains fructose, a complete substitute for glucose, causing a sharp rise in blood sugar levels. Fruit juice almost entirely consists of water, fruits quench thirst in any heat no worse than a glass of mineral water.

Nash also contains:

  • vitamins of groups B, E, PP, C, K;
  • calcium and potassium;
  • copper, cobalt, iron;
  • pectin;
  • magnesium and ash;
  • selenium, phosphorus, zinc;
  • essential oils.

Since there are a lot of tannins in all varieties, any pears are slightly tart fruits.
Everyone who suffers from constipation should follow the measure, do not eat in large quantities.
Due to its high fiber content, one fruit eaten for breakfast along with natural yogurt will fill you up for hours on end. Fiber fibers, like a sponge, swell in the stomach and you don’t feel like eating after such a breakfast for quite some time.

Useful properties of Nash

The Chinese appreciate the fruit for its high content of water, fiber, pectin and a huge amount of valuable trace elements. In the Celestial Empire, Neshi is used everywhere, from cooking to medicine and cosmetology. Where the Chinese pear grows, many Chinese cosmetic products, ointments, oils and ointments are made with essential oils and extracts from the Neshi fruit.

Healing properties are irreplaceable:

  • folic acid promotes tissue regeneration, it must be consumed by young girls who dream of healthy offspring;
  • magnesium calms, normalizes sleep, strengthens the heart and blood vessels;
  • fruit fiber saturates, absorbs harmful decay products, poisons and toxins and gently removes them from the intestines;
  • potassium maintains an optimal balance of alkalis and acids in the body, strengthens the heart and blood vessels;
  • pectins are famous for their ability to normalize blood pressure - hypertensive, hypotensive patients feel much better with regular use of the substance once or twice a week;
  • fruit acids tone and cleanse blood vessels, neutralize the effect of poisons that enter the body from the environment;
  • calcium and phosphorus take an active part in strengthening the musculoskeletal tissue: health of bones, teeth, nails.

Vitamins play a huge role - their composition is well balanced, they complement each other's action, which is why the so-called synergistic effect is achieved. They improve brain activity, memory, regenerate body cells, and prevent cancer.
The Chinese believe that the Chinese fruit neshi are rejuvenating apples that prolong longevity and youth.

For adult women and men

For men and women, Chinese Neshi helps to maintain a toned figure and accelerate metabolic processes. Due to the low energy value of the fruit, nutritionists advise eating nash at least 2-3 times a week, eating raw, baked, and making smoothies. Perfectly saturates the combination of fruit with cottage cheese. Why such desserts are useful, because they give satiety for a long time, and you don’t want to break into harm. You can spend fasting days on a pear diet. It has been proven that they help to lose 1-2 kg in one day. The ability to maintain potency is also attributed to the fruits - it is a strong natural aphrodisiac.

Since the Chinese pear contains a huge amount of folic acid, it is recommended in preparation for pregnancy and during its first trimester. Pregnant women have a double need for minerals, vitamins, Nashie more than covers it without adding extra calories. Cosmetic masks made from grated fruits can be compared to fruit peeling in a light concentration - the skin looks fresher and younger.

For children

The delicate body of children is prone to viruses, colds, and the Chinese pear lowers body temperature in a natural way, maintains an optimal acid-base balance. The use of Chinese fruits is useful during a period of active growth - the musculoskeletal system becomes strong, and the immune system becomes hardened. The main thing is that the child does not have an allergy to fruits.
Pediatricians are allowed to give pears only after the child is one year old - Nash is not suitable for early feeding.

For the elderly

Very often, Chinese neshi is advised to eat by the elderly. Firstly, to maintain clarity of mind, and secondly, to prevent diseases of the urinary system. Chinese pear keeps the kidneys in order, has a slight diuretic effect.

Pears strengthen the heart, keep blood vessels clean, clearing cholesterol plaques. Also, fruits normalize blood pressure. Elderly Chinese start their day with a glass of fresh juice, and then feel cheerful all day long.

Harm from Chinese pear

There are practically no contraindications for the use of pears. Only unripe Chinese neshi fruits are able to strengthen the stool, which is especially dangerous for children.

Also, do not eat fruit before bed. Like everyone knows, pears have a pronounced diuretic effect.

How to choose a Chinese pear

The best pear is considered to be harvested in autumn - like apples, fruits are harvested from September to early October. Good fruits are recognized by the following features:

  • juicy pulp with slight sourness;
  • smooth elastic and glossy skin without dents, blackening, spots;
  • hardness - soft Chinese pears do not exist.

High-quality fruits are yellowish-amber, as if glowing in the light, but they are recommended to be eaten without a peel. To increase the shelf life of Chinese fruits, ease of transportation with the preservation of the presentation during harvesting, pears are treated with chemicals. It is easy to protect yourself if you cut the skin with a vegetable peeler. Another option is to plant a tree in your summer cottage and enjoy the fruits in season without dangerous chemicals.

Varieties of Chinese pear

In Russia, varieties that are popular with the Chinese are also bred. There are several varieties that easily take root in our climate.

The three most popular varieties are:

  1. Morning freshness. Summer variety, which is harvested from August 15th. The tree quickly grows up to 4 meters, produces large gray-green fruits with a shiny skin, weighing 140 g. These are the sweetest, juiciest neshes. The variety has one drawback - during severe Russian frosts, the tree often dies.
  2. Kosu. This is also a summer variety of fruit, ripening already in the 20th of July. Trees are not so tall, rarely grow above 3 meters. But they give round ones, of an unusual bronze hue weighing up to 160 g. The variety rarely gets sick, withstands frost even without wrapping, and is unpretentious in care. There is only one minus of the variety - pears are not stored, they must be eaten, processed immediately after harvest. Taste of the Chinese pear neshi variety Kosu is amazing with a velvety slightly sandy texture of the pulp.
  3. Hosu. A new modification of the Chinese variety: a columnar tree, no more than 2 meters high without a crown. Trees bear fruit with large fruits weighing up to 300 g. The color of the fruit is yellowish-bronze, with amber tints, the taste of the pulp is very sweet and rich. The fruits are firm, perfectly stored, strong, juicy. Trees tolerate frost well, are not capricious in care.

As you can see, in order to eat exotic, you can refuse to use the Asian pear brought from distant countries and grow it with your own hands. Other Chinese fruit lovers have the opportunity to purchase fruits in stores, markets, and then eat with great pleasure! Pamper yourself with useful neshes, be healthy.

Today, the Chinese pear can be found on the shelves of many supermarkets and vegetable markets, and all because, compared to other varieties of pears, it is considered tastier and sweeter. There are more than 100 varieties of this pear in the world. She is also known by the original name "Nashi", but many call her simply Asian.

What does it look like?

The Chinese pear grows in many Asian countries including Korea, China and Japan. Recently, it has been actively imported into our country, where many fruit connoisseurs have already fallen in love with it. In appearance, it resembles an ordinary pear that grows in Russia, but differs slightly in its color and rounded shape. Also, a distinctive feature can be characteristic brown spots on the fruit.

Chinese pear is very juicy, sweet and slightly crunchy. The pulp is white. Its unique taste and original appearance make it almost indispensable in the fruit and vegetable market. On average, one pear weighs up to 300 grams. Ripe fruits have a pleasant and rich honey aroma.

The appearance of pears does not suffer from long-term transportation, in addition, the fruits themselves are considered very resistant to transportation, and therefore you should not be afraid that pears bought in local markets are of poor quality. You can keep the attractive appearance of pears at home by storing them in the refrigerator. Although the fruits tolerate well and being at room temperature.

Beneficial features

The composition of the pear contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fiber, organic acids, pectins and other nutrients that have a positive effect on the body as a whole.

The benefits of the Chinese pear are due to the presence in it of a large amount of vitamins from group B. They not only raise immunity, but also contribute to the development of brain cells. In addition, B vitamins are essential for proper metabolism. The fruit also contains dietary fiber, which helps to cleanse the body, while improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the entire digestive system. The fiber contained in the fruits of Chinese pears has a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines, removing toxins harmful to the body from it. In addition, thanks to fiber, the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood is significantly reduced.

The benefits of ascorbic acid are known to everyone. It is thanks to her that overall immunity rises and cells that fight colds are activated.

Chinese pear is very fond of Asian women, but this is due not only to its taste properties, but also to the presence of vitamin E (tocopherol) in it. It is he who preserves and prolongs women's health, and is also an excellent antioxidant that prevents the destruction of cells in the body.

Also, the Chinese pear is also useful for the presence of vitamin K in it, which prevents the appearance of oxidative processes in the tissues of the body, and also participates in their regeneration. This vitamin also has a positive effect on the normalization of blood sugar, which is why this fruit is allowed for consumption by diabetics.

In general, we can say that this fruit has only positive qualities and there are practically no contraindications for use.

Pear fruits are very rich in vitamins and minerals, and therefore they will come in handy for patients with liver disease. Also varieties of Chinese pear are recommended for people suffering from diseases of the heart and vascular system. Proper and regular consumption of this kind of fruit significantly reduces the risk of arrhythmias, heart attacks and heart attacks.

A large amount of calcium in fruits has a positive effect on the condition of teeth, hair and bones. The presence of potassium prevents the development of cancer cells and oncological diseases. Also, such pears are recommended by doctors to pregnant women. It is in Chinese pears that folic acid is contained, which has a beneficial effect on the formation of the fetus.

Calorie content and nutritional value

The Chinese pear has a low glycemic index, which is why many experts consider it a dietary product. So, for 100 grams of fruit, there are approximately 40-45 calories. The calorie content of one Chinese pear on average reaches 80-100 kcal and depends on its weight.

The calorie content of the fruit may vary, especially if it is processed. Dried fruit will already have about 250 kcal per 100 grams.

As for the balance of BJU, this ratio varies significantly. This type of pear is very rich in carbohydrates, which exceed the amount of fat and protein. Approximately 80-85% of the total number of BJU are carbohydrates. About 3 grams in a pear is dietary fiber. This fruit is considered watery, and therefore ideal for people who are on a diet.

The composition of the pear contains a large amount of fructose, which largely exceeds the amount of glucose. The Chinese pear saturates the body with everything necessary, allowing you to forget about the feeling of hunger for a long time.

Harm and contraindications

Such a healthy fruit as a Chinese pear practically does not cause any harm to the body. Of the contraindications, individual intolerance and allergic reactions to the product are most often distinguished.

Also, experts do not recommend combining fruits with milk and meat at the same time, as this can adversely affect the digestive system and lead to dysbacteriosis. You should not eat still immature fruits, this is also fraught with bad consequences for the digestive tract.

It is important to note that many of those who have problems with high acidity in the stomach leave feedback that the pear did not benefit them, but only caused discomfort. It is equally important to remember one simple rule: everything should be in moderation. If you abuse any product, including a pear, you can get negative consequences for the body.

To avoid heartburn and stomach pain, it is best not to eat fruits on an empty stomach. The pear can be peeled before consumption, especially if there is a risk that it has been treated with chemical fertilizers.

How much can you eat per day?

On the day you can afford to eat a few fruits of the Chinese pear. It is best for pregnant women to reduce this amount to 1-2 fruits per week. Do not eat pears on an empty stomach and before going to bed. They have a diuretic effect, and therefore restless sleep is possible.

The Chinese pear is best consumed fresh, because it is in this case that it retains all the beneficial substances, including vitamins and amino acids. It is often added to pies or jam is made from it, but in this case it will not be so useful for the body.

If you want to go on a fruit diet, then the amount of pear fruits consumed is very important to discuss with your personal nutritionist, since only he can say for sure how much and with what this kind of fruit should be consumed.

How to choose?

Choosing a good fruit is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Since the fruits of the Chinese pear are exported to our country, and not grown in our area, they are removed from the trees unripe and they “ripen” along the way. But if it so happened that you have already acquired an unripe fruit, then be sure to give it a few days to ripen. It is best to buy fruits in bazaars and farm outlets, but only from trusted and licensed suppliers.

When choosing a pear, give preference to smooth fruits without visible flaws, spots, cracks and dents. Specify the date of collection of fruits. Before putting them in the refrigerator, do not wash the fruits. It is necessary to wash fruits only before use, otherwise they may deteriorate.

For the benefits of Chinese pear for colds, see the following video.

The Chinese pear is one of the sweetest fruits in the world and is often the most beloved for this reason. White apple, pineapple and apricot are the flavors that make up this fruit. Nutritionists and doctors quite often use it in their activities. The Chinese pear is also called the Asian or Taiwan pear, but in other countries such as Israel, Japan and Korea, this fruit has long been successfully grown, and, I must say, it is no different from its Chinese counterparts. A whole bunch of useful substances that positively distinguish it from all other fruits, which will certainly please dieters.

This fruit has a rather sweet taste, but in ancient times it was sour, breeders managed to correct this shortcoming. In appearance, the fruit resembles the same apple and pineapple. So, nevertheless, the Chinese pear is good or bad - we will analyze in more detail.

What is useful Chinese pear? The Chinese pear has useful substances necessary for a person, one hundred grams contains two grams of fiber, and a fifth of a gram of ash. This fruit is enriched with many useful components such as zinc, copper and magnesium, phosphorus and potassium occupy higher lines in terms of content. Vitamin C, K and choline also put the Chinese pear in the best light, they are needed by every person.

Chinese pear - calories

The Chinese pear with the exotic name "neshi" is the result of selection, thanks to which a rather hard and sour fruit has acquired excellent taste and juiciness. Now it is grown not only in China, but also in many Asian countries, where it is valued for its pleasant taste, tender flesh and rich biochemical composition.

Composition and calorie content of pear

Nash is a small rounded fruit that looks like an apple and a pear at the same time. Its taste combines sweetness with a pleasant and piquant sourness. The very low calorie content of the Chinese pear and the content of nutrients in it makes this fruit a valuable nutritional component when dieting.

One average fruit weighs about 200 g. Considering that 100 g of neshi contains only 42 kcal, then the calorie content of 1 piece of pear is 84 kcal. With such a low energy value, the Chinese pear has a rich composition of minerals and vitamins.

  1. Potassium - about 250 mg, which more than covers the body's daily need for this mineral. Potassium regulates the water-salt balance, takes an active part in the functioning of the nervous system, stimulates the intestines, is necessary for the urinary system and maintains normal blood pressure.
  2. The content of phosphorus (22 mg), magnesium (16 mg), calcium (8 mg) allows you to enrich the body and balance the work of internal organs and systems while dieting or during active physical exertion.
  3. Vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, PP, C, K, E, choline make neshi a valuable dietary product that can and should be consumed to replenish the body with essential nutrients.

Regular consumption of Chinese pear helps cleanse the intestines, balance the digestive system, improve metabolism, replenish potassium, phosphorus and folic acid (B9).

Calorie content of Chinese pear, dried and dried

Pear (1 pc. per day) will practically not affect the daily calorie content, but will please you with its delicate taste and enrich the diet.

The Chinese pear is one of the sweetest fruits in the world and is often the most beloved for this reason. White apple, pineapple and apricot are the flavors that make up this fruit. Nutritionists and doctors quite often use it in their activities. The Chinese pear is also called the Asian or Taiwan pear, but in other countries such as Israel, Japan and Korea, this fruit has long been successfully grown, and, I must say, it is no different from its Chinese counterparts. A whole bunch of useful substances that positively distinguish it from all other fruits, which will certainly please dieters. This fruit has a rather sweet taste, but in ancient times it was sour, breeders managed to correct this shortcoming. In appearance, the fruit resembles the same apple and pineapple. So, nevertheless, the Chinese pear is good or bad - we will analyze in more detail.

  • Chinese pear calories and sizes

A tasty and sweet fruit, no matter how surprising it sounds, but it has a rather low calorie content, so it is successfully used in weight loss dishes. The weight of a Chinese pear is about one hundred and eighty grams, about forty-five of which is water.

Chinese pear useful properties

Useful properties, low calorie content, taste and unusual appearance are the main distinguishing properties of the Chinese pear. Thousands of people from all over the planet regularly consume this fruit, someone for weight loss, someone because of the taste, someone because of the beneficial properties. But we must remember that everything is good in moderation, an excess of substances contained in a Chinese pear can adversely affect a person’s well-being.

You should also not forget that some people are allergic to this fruit, so you should not eat a lot at the first purchase, you must first try at least one fruit. An exotic fruit can cause stomach pains, for this reason it is also worth trying a small amount of Chinese pear to start.

Unfortunately, quite often this crop is grown with the help of harmful fertilizers, in order to avoid poisoning, it is necessary to carefully remove the skin before consuming the Chinese pear.

Chinese pear benefit and harm or is it still good?

What is useful Chinese pear?

The benefits and harms of eating Chinese pear

The Chinese pear has useful substances necessary for a person, one hundred grams contains two grams of fiber, and a fifth of a gram of ash. This fruit is enriched with many useful components such as zinc, copper and magnesium, phosphorus and potassium occupy higher lines in terms of content. Vitamin C, K and choline also put the Chinese pear in the best light, they are needed by every person.

The composition, among other things, includes folic acid, thiamine and other components. Low calorie content and useful substances are the main positive aspects of the Chinese pear and, you see, are important. How many calories are in a Chinese pear? This fruit has only forty-two calories per hundred grams. The energy value of the Chinese pear is quite low, which can be emphasized from the low calorie content of this crop. In order for the Chinese pear to bring maximum benefits, you need to eat it about three times a day for an average fruit.

Nutritional value of Chinese pear

Carbohydrates in this fruit are only seven grams of the total mass (average), and proteins and fats are almost insignificant, together they all equate to zero eight-tenths of a gram. How, with such a sweet taste, the calorie content remains quite small? This is the achievement of breeders.

Useful properties and their actions:

  1. Chinese pear fiber helps cleanse the intestines, the digestive system functions better, which is very good for both health and mood.
  2. Fiolic acid has a positive effect on pregnancy, a very important property of the Chinese pear.
  3. Vitamin C is known to have a positive effect on the immune system, and in this culture it is more than enough.
  4. Calcium makes healthy and strong bones and hair.
  5. Phosphorus has a beneficial effect on protein synthesis in the body, strengthens muscles.
  6. Potassium reduces the risk of stroke, as well as heart attack, of course, this is one of the most important beneficial effects of Chinese pear vitamins.
  7. Magnesium improves atrial function, which means that the heart begins to work better.

The dose for pregnant women is about half a kilogram, it is best to take it during the day. It is not recommended to consume Chinese pear at night.

You can list the beneficial properties of the Chinese pear for a long time, which help human health and win more and more consumers for this culture, but these are the main ones.

Japanese pear, or Nash (Pyrus serotina, Rosaceae family)

Synonyms: ours, Japanese, Asian or sand pears, Japanese ours of the 20th century
The homeland of Japanese pears, often called neshi in Russia, is the territory of northern China, Korea and Japan. Representatives of this species are also found in New Zealand. Work on the selection of Pyrus serotina began only in the 20th century (hence one of the names of the fruits). The most successful results have been obtained in Japan, where most of the best varieties of Neshi have been bred. Their cultivation is currently carried out in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, New Zealand, Australia, Spain, France, Italy, the USA and Chile.
Japan is one of the largest fruit producers (200,000 tons per year). The main region of their cultivation is the prefecture of Tottori. In Japan, neshi are very popular, despite the high cost due to the complex agro-technical process, which includes artificial pollination and wrapping the ripening fruit in paper. To ensure uniform fruiting and fruit growth, all flowers are hand pollinated with a brush. Wrapping each fruit in waxed paper protects the fruit from damage by insects and birds, as well as from the appearance of unwanted yellowish-gray or yellow-red color, or blush on the fruit, and thereby increases the yield of marketable products. Japan's main varieties are 20th Century, or Japanese Golden Neshi, Nijseiki, Shinsui and Hosui. The main period for the supply of fruits on the domestic market falls on September-January. The first deliveries of Neshi from Japan to the European market (to Germany) were made in 1964.
In New Zealand, the first industrial plantations of Nashi were established only in 1984. However, in a short time, she managed to become one of the largest producers and exporters of fruits in the world. The main varieties cultivated in the country are Hosui, 20th Century, Nijseiki, Kosui and Shinsui. Fruit picking is carried out from January to March.
The largest Nash cultivation areas in Australia are in Central Victoria (Goulboum Valley region, 200 ha) and New South Wales (150 ha). Harvesting is carried out at about the same time as in New Zealand.
In the United States, the production of nashi is distributed mainly in the states of California and Washington.
One of the most important varieties is Kikusui. The harvest period lasts from late July to early September, the offer of fruits to the world market from August to October.
In recent years, due to the growing popularity of nashi pears in Europe, Spain, France and Italy began to allocate more and more areas for this crop. Currently, four varieties are cultivated: Shinseiki, Nijseiki, Hosui, Kosui. Fruit picking in Italy begins with the Shinseiki variety (beginning of August), and then continues with the Kosui varieties (from mid-August) and Hosui, Nijseiki (from the beginning of September. The fruits enter the European market from Italy and Spain - from August to December, from France - from October to February.
Nash supplies to the Russian market are carried out from New Zealand (February-August), Chyush (January-April) and Korea (October-April). Fruits of Japanese origin (October-March) are extremely expensive on the world market and therefore, despite the excellent taste quality, they practically do not enter the Russian Federation. A small demand for fruits, due both to the unknownness of nashi to a wide range of consumers, and their high price 2-3 times higher than the price of pears), is satisfied by re-export from Holland.
General information. Neshi pears are the closest relatives of common and Chinese pears. Nashies are a relatively new fruit, as they were bred in their modern form only in the 20th century.
The shape of the fruit is the same as that of apples, but the peel is denser and tougher. The mass of fruits is on average 250 g. To obtain larger size neshes, thinning of flowers or set fruits is carried out. Skin color varies from greenish-yellow to yellow or brownish. The flesh of the fruit is white, dense and crispy, but juicy, and may contain a large number of stony cells. It is no coincidence that in a number of countries the Neshi is called an apple-pear: the taste of the fruit is mild, from moderately sweet to sweet, and resembles, depending on the variety, a pear or an apple. Their refreshing taste is especially pleasant in hot weather. For food, they are mainly used fresh, and takav are used to make marmalade and confiture.
The best varieties are "XX Century" (20th Century), Hosui, Kosui, Nijisseiki, Shinseiki ("New Age"), Shinsui, as well as Ichiban Nashi and YoinnskL Already the name of the varieties indicates the appearance of the fruit.

Useful qualities and delicious recipes from Chinese pear

Varieties ending in "seiki" have smooth skins, while those ending in "sui" have rough skins.
These varieties synthesize ethylene in medium quantities (at 0 ° C - 1-3 μl / kg per hour). Fruits of the climacteric type when ripe are sensitive even to extremely low concentrations of ethylene in the storage atmosphere (1 ppm), in the presence of which the destruction of chlorophyll is accelerated and the density of the pulp slightly decreases.
Japanese pears are characterized by low respiration rate during storage. At 0°C, it is 1-4 ml CO2/kg per hour, but it increases markedly when the fruits are warmed, reaching 10-15 ml CO2/kg per hour at 20°C.
Unlike European pears, Japanese pears are sensitive to elevated concentrations of carbon dioxide. Storage in an atmosphere with a carbon dioxide content of 2% for a number of varieties is possible for no more than one month, since longer storage leads to physiological damage to the fruit.
Japanese pears (especially XX century varieties) are extremely sensitive to static mechanical loads and shocks, therefore, when working with them, a more careful attitude is required than with traditional pears.
quality requirements. Despite the absence of an international standard for neshes and, accordingly, their division into commercial grades, almost all fruits supplied by producers to the international market can be attributed to the first or highest grade. This is due to the fact that the national standards of the exporting countries and the internal standards of producers and exporters impose extremely stringent requirements on the quality of fruits: integrity, unconditional freshness and purity, pulp density, absence of mechanical damage, damage by agricultural pests, as well as physiological and microbiological diseases, absence of shape and skin defects affecting the quality of fruits, their appearance and presentability of the whole package.
Packaging and labeling. Nashes are extremely sensitive to pressure and pressure, so each fruit is placed in a styrofoam net, wrapped in waxed paper or placed in special in-line packages - trays with an individual place for each fruit, usually no more than two rows. For packaging, corrugated cardboard boxes are used, designed for 4 kg of fruits (New Zealand, Australia, South Korea and Chile), as well as 8 (Australia), 10 (France, Spain, USA, North Korea) and 15 kg (Japan, North Korea, Taiwan and others). The label contains the name of the product, the pomological variety, the country of origin, the address of the packer or importer, and the caliber or number of fruits in the box. A four-kilogram package may contain 10, 12, 14, 16, 18,20,23 or 25 fruits.
Storage and transportation carried out at 0 ° C. The shelf life at this temperature is 12 weeks.
Diseases during transportation and storage are the same as in ordinary pears. However, more often when stored in Japanese pears, physiological disorders and defects develop: a watery core, damage due to low oxygen content in the atmosphere, as well as damage caused by an increased content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Symptoms of a watery core are glassy watered areas of the pulp. Affected tissues may have a sweet taste and brownish tones in color. Most often, the defect appears on pear varieties Nijisseiki, Shinseiki and Hosui, collected from plants grown under intensive growth conditions. Picking fruits at the optimum stage of ripeness reduces the chance of a defect.
Elevated concentrations of carbon dioxide (more than 2%) in the air cause browning of the core and the pulp around it. In severe lesions, cracks appear as a result of desiccation and tissue death. The lack of oxygen (1% or less) in the storage atmosphere causes the appearance of small brownish depressions on the surface of the fruit. The defect develops, for example, on the fruits of the “XX century” variety already after 4 months of storage at 0 ° C.

columnar pear

A real gardener with joy and delight tries to grow new and rare varieties of horticultural crops, thereby testing his abilities and satisfying the desire for something new. So, for example, a columnar pear is considered unusual. It was bred by the scientist Kachalkin as a dwarf pear subspecies.

The columnar pear is extremely popular among gardeners due to its compact size. A small and low trunk of a tree is usually crowned with several fruit formations of a shortened length - capes, which are covered with fruits with the approach of autumn cold weather. Thus, the trees do not have branches, which means that the columnar pear needs very little space in the garden. In addition, an unusual seedling does not require pruning. That is why this fruit tree is so in demand. But in order to get a guaranteed harvest, the owner of the site will need knowledge about the features of caring for columnar pears.

Varieties of columnar pear

There are not so many varieties of columnar pears. So, for example, the fruits of the Decora variety ripen in August. They have a reddish color and a pleasant sweet-sour taste. Seedlings of the Sapphira variety are winter hardy. Juicy pear fruits are greenish-yellow. Pear columnar Honey gives delicious yellow fruits with a wonderful aroma. The creator of dwarf pears identified five varieties:

  1. G 1 - seedlings of the winter variety. Their fruits are yellow, bumpy with tender pulp.
  2. G 2 - late autumn trees. Their fruits, ripening in late autumn, are greenish-brown, sweet, bumpy.
  3. G 3 is characterized as an early autumn variety of trees that bear large bright yellow fruits.
  4. G 4 - pear columnar autumn with wide large fruits.
  5. G 5 - yellow-brown fruits in trees belonging to the summer-autumn variety of columnar pears. Their fruits are distinguished by excellent taste and aroma.

Planting columnar pears

It is best to plant annual columnar pear seedlings, which tolerate transplanting better. The optimal time for planting is until mid-October in the fall and in April in the spring. The tree planting pattern can be dense. The most optimal distance between the pits is 40-50 cm. Planting pits are best dug in advance - 2 weeks in advance. The depth of the pit should reach about 80 cm, and the diameter should be 60 cm. Pour a bucket of humus or compost, as well as a bucket of sand, into the bottom of each pit. Before planting, a bucket of water is poured into the bottom of the pit, and only then a seedling is placed in it.

Chinese pear: what it looks like, the benefits and harms of a pear, where it grows and what is the calorie content

Its roots must be carefully straightened. Then the excavated earth is covered in two stages, each time trampling. At the end, the earth around the trunk is watered.

Columnar pear care

For a columnar pear, it is important not to allow drying out. It is better to water the trees every three to four days. If the weather is very hot, water the ground every two days. Use mulch to retain moisture in the soil - cover the ground around the trunk with straw, peat, sawdust.

In the first year, a columnar pear tree will not give you a full harvest. But she will certainly have inflorescences. It’s better to remove them so that the forces of the seedlings are not wasted, but contribute to better rooting. After a year, the flowers can not be removed, and then several fruits will appear on the tree. Their number will increase every year. By the way, fruiting in columnar pears lasts about 15-17 years.

Fertilize pears periodically - in spring and mid-July. Use chicken manure, humus, saltpeter or urea. We recommend spraying trees with solutions from pests and diseases from time to time.

For the winter, the lower part of the columnar pear tree should be covered from frost.

PEAR VARIETY BRONZE / Varieties of pears

Pear variety Bronze - description. Advantages and disadvantages of the Bronze pear variety. In the section "Photo of the Bronze pear variety" your photo of the variety can be presented as your author's work.

Pear variety Bronze. Photo layout.

The Catalog on the site contains a description of 243 pear varieties in all regions of Russia. There is no high-quality photo of the Bronze pear variety in the author's collection.

Your photo of the Bronze pear variety can be submitted and signed in place of the “Photo Layout”

Description of the sections of the page "Variety of pear Bronze".

Chinese pear: benefits and harms

Pear variety Bronze. Description.
2. Variety of pear Bronze. Advantages and disadvantages.
3. Pear variety Bronze and "Photo variety".
4. Pear variety Bronze and gardening answers.

Pear variety Bronze. Description.

Bronze*. The seedling from free pollination of the Cholsan variety is early. Received as a result of the joint work of the Crimean Experimental Breeding Station VNYIR and the All-Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crops Breeding in 1978.
The pear variety Bronzovaya was accepted for state variety testing in 1995. Recommended for testing in the North Caucasus region.

The pear variety Bronze in the description is for the autumn period of consumption. Winter hardiness is above average. Resistant to scab, bacteriosis, rust. The yield is average. Fertility is above average. Canteen.

The tree in the description is vigorous. The crown is spreading, dense. Fruits below average size, 90g; flat-round shape, the surface of the fruit is smooth. The stem is short, thick. The funnel is wide. The saucer is wide.

The color of the fruits of the Bronze pear variety in the description is dark golden yellow with clearly visible large rusty subcutaneous dots. Cover color is absent.

The pulp of the fruits of the Bronze pear variety in the description is creamy white, juicy, dense. The taste is sweet with a characteristic spicy aroma, very good.

Pear variety Bronze. Advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of the Bronze pear variety. Good winter hardiness, resistant to scab, bacteriosis, rust. Fast-growing. Sweet fruits.

Disadvantages of the Bronze pear variety. Vigorous tree. The fruits are below average.

Pear variety Bronze and "Photo variety".

The author does not have a high-quality photo of the Bronzovaya pear variety in the collection. If you have a high-quality photo of the Bronze pear variety in your collection, at least 600 X 450 pixels in size, you can send it to me by mail and your signed photo of the Bronze pear variety will be published on this page of the site. Enter your full name and city of residence.

Pear variety Bronze and gardening answers.

From the page " Pear variety Bronze» You can go to the friendly website www.narod-sad.ru via transition page.

Read about other varieties of pear in the article in the menu section "Pear Variety".

The Chinese pear is a new fruit for our stores, which has managed to acquire many legends about the benefits and harms to health. Today we will try to figure out what a Chinese pear really is.

The Chinese pear is also known to the domestic consumer under other names - Japanese, Neshi, Taiwanese, Asian, sand and even water pear. Such a variety of names is due to the place of origin and cultivation of the fruit.

The Japanese Yamanashi pear, which was not popular in its native country, was taken as the basis for selection. This fruit has a firm pulp that tastes like a mixture of lemon and walnut. Such characteristics made Yamanashi unfit for consumption raw. But Chinese breeders thought about improving the taste of the Yamanashi pear. As a result of their work, a Chinese pear was born, which surpasses its progenitor in all respects.

However, having appeared in China, varieties of Chinese pear spread to other Asian countries - Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, where they began to be actively grown for export. It is for this reason that we have not established a single name for Nash.

The Chinese pear has a rounded shape, resembling something between an apple and a regular pear. Fruit weight varies depending on the variety - 100-300 g. The skin is pale yellow, matte, and on the surface there are many dark dots and specks. The peduncle is usually short and brown. Under the thin skin lies juicy, moderately firm and fragrant flesh. Neshi was especially fond of her taste - sweet, with a slight sourness and a spicy aftertaste.

The Chinese pear, due to its taste and attractive appearance, is actively used in cooking and decorating dining tables. In addition, its beneficial properties are recognized by traditional medicine and nutrition.


Benefit for health

Like most fruits, the Chinese pear has a number of beneficial properties for the body.

First of all, I would like to emphasize the general strengthening properties of Neshi: regular consumption of pears fills the body with useful trace elements, including vitamins B, C, folic acid, iron, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, and selenium. Based on the list of chemical elements, it becomes clear that pear pulp improves the condition of hair, skin, and nails.

In addition, the undoubted advantage of this type of fruit is their benefits for the figure. The calorie content of the Chinese pear is 42 kcal per 100 g. The moist base of the pulp improves kidney function and metabolism, due to which excess water is removed from the body and fat is burned.

All the healing properties of the Chinese pear will be revealed in the case of proper and moderate use of the fruit. Limit the use of nesha at night, as well as in cases of kidney and intestinal diseases.

Video "Formation of the crown of a pear"

From this video you will learn how to form the crown of a fruit tree.
