
Simple home methods for kindling honey while maintaining its original properties. How to melt candied honey

When choosing honey, buyers often prefer one that is in a liquid state. Unlike artificial honey, natural honey will be sugared over time. Therefore, we will talk about how to melt honey without losing its beneficial properties.

Why does it crystallize?

Honey is a supersaturated solution of sugars. In such a solution at a temperature of +4 ... +28 ° C, an excess amount of sugar passes into a solid state. This process is called crystallization or cage.

First of all, the ratio in the product between the amount of fructose and glucose affects the cage. Excess fructose promotes the dissolution of glucose crystals in it, and as a result, the crystallization process slows down. A large amount of glucose ensures a fast mounting. Excess glucose falls out in the form of white layers.

A cage with very small crystals is called fat-like, with larger ones - fine-grained, with large coarse crystals - coarse-grained.

Varieties from acacia, chestnut, cherry contain a lot of fructose, and they remain in a liquid state for a long time. However, most of the varieties crystallize, often very quickly: rapeseed - within a week, sunflower - within two weeks.

Why melt honey?

  1. Many people, what can you do, love liquid honey. Everything is clear with them!
  2. It is difficult to force a child to eat a crystallized product if he likes liquid. It is better to master the dissolution process than to waste your nerves.
  3. In cooking, they use the honey that is mentioned in the recipe. If you need liquid, but it is not, you can melt the candied one.
  4. Medicines on honey are serious. If required, melt, but in compliance with all the rules.
  5. Preparation of cosmetic home remedies based on honey.
  6. Beekeepers make candy to feed the bees in winter. This honey-sugar dough is based on powdered sugar and melted honey.

Basic rules to follow

If you decide to get a liquid product, then be sure to think about how to melt candied honey so that it retains its beneficial properties.

  1. The easier it is to melt honey, the smaller the amount is processed. Set aside the required portion in a jar for melting, let the remaining product stand until the next time.
  2. Glucose crystals dissolve at 40 degrees. The honey mass should be heated to this temperature or a little hotter. However, keep in mind that the heating of the product during the entire process should not exceed 50 ° C. At higher temperatures, bactericidal properties and aroma are lost. Heating above 60 ° C helps to reduce the activity of enzymes, and at 80 fructose begins to break down.
  3. Honey has a low thermal conductivity. To speed up the process, stir the melted mass from time to time.
  4. Do not try to make the honey become transparent and look like fresh. It is enough if it softens so that it can be poured.
  5. At the end of the process, quickly cool the container with the heated product.

Ways to kindle honey without losing its beneficial properties

Consider the main ways to melt honey at home.

Natural way

It is convenient and easy to melt honey near the battery. Place a filled container on a stand next to the heater. Then cover both the container and the battery with a blanket. After a while, stir the contents of the container and turn it with the other side towards the battery. In this way, the desired consistency of the product can be achieved in a few hours. The duration of the process will depend on its quantity.

Buyers tend to use small amounts and eventually think about the question: how to melt honey that has been candied in a glass jar. In summer, this can be done in direct sunlight. Wrap a glass jar with something dense (direct sunlight, falling on honey, will deprive it of its beneficial properties) and place it in a lighted place. Rotate it periodically. If the jar gets very hot, cover it with a folded cloth.

In the bath

Private households often have a bathhouse. In this room it is convenient to dissolve honey in large cans. After the bath is heated, you should wait for the temperature to drop slightly. Then the cans are brought in and left until the room cools down. The mass will not completely melt, but will become softer and more viscous.

On a water bath

You can melt honey with success in a water bath. Pour water into a saucepan. In a smaller saucepan or glass jar, put the required amount of honey mass. Then put it in a large pot of water. It is important that the walls of the inner container do not touch the walls and bottom of the outer one. To do this, put a special circle on the bottom to sterilize jars during canning. Put the entire structure on a heat source: gas or electric stove. Remember to stir the contents from time to time.

Pay attention to the main thing. It is necessary to ensure that the water in the external container is hotter than 40 ° C, but colder than 50 ° C. Your heat source must be adjusted so that it provides heating in the specified range for a long time. Otherwise, you will have to warm up, set aside, then warm up again. For your own convenience, you will need a special thermometer to measure the temperature of the water. If not, you will have to determine the temperature approximately, by eye.

When using a liquid product in cooking, you can heat the water more.

in the microwave

Many are interested in the question: is it possible to melt shrunken honey in the microwave, as they believe that the microwave oven has a negative effect on food. Scientists on this issue have not yet come to a consensus. You must make your own decision. But remember that the properties of a sweet product that has been processed in a microwave can change.

If you decide to use a microwave oven, select the required power of the device, which will provide slow heating to 40 ° C. As a rule, 300-400 watts is enough. Set the time to 20 seconds, stir after each microwave cycle. You will quickly receive a small jar of liquid product.

If it is necessary to use honey for culinary purposes, then there is no point in taking care of the beneficial properties, since the heating in the oven during cooking is most often more than 100 degrees.

So, we have dealt with the question of how to properly melt honey, and now you can save all its useful qualities. However, we note that conscientious beekeepers try to avoid such processing of the product. We recommend dissolving honey only if it is really necessary.

Candied honey does not differ in its useful and taste properties from liquid. But it is more convenient to eat a delicacy in liquid form, besides, such honey looks more beautiful in a saucer. It is worth figuring out how to quickly melt honey for cosmetic procedures or cooking culinary masterpieces.

Use heat no higher than 50 degrees - here's how to melt honey correctly.

How not to melt frozen honey

In order for honey to retain all its useful qualities during dissolution and not become harmful to health, in no case should you:

  • heat it above 50 ° C, because at higher temperatures it changes its taste and the toxic substance hydroxymethylfurfural is formed in it;
  • use plastic bowl when melting honey. It is better to put honey in a glass or ceramic container;
  • mix different varieties of honey - you need to melt one specific variety;
  • dilute the candied product with water - in this case, it will turn into sweet molasses, which can quickly ferment.

In order to melt solid honey, only heat is required. And the melted product should be eaten as soon as possible so that it does not deteriorate.

How to melt honey in a jar

Making candied honey in a glass jar liquid is very simple - just leave the container near the hot battery overnight. But you will need to rotate the container several times so that the honey “melts” evenly. With this option, the product does not lose its useful qualities, but it becomes more pleasant in appearance.

Do not know how to melt solid honey in a glass jar quickly - there is another way. The jar is placed in a bowl of warm water. The liquid temperature must not exceed 50 °C.

Soak the jar in this way until the honey liquefies, adding hot water as it cools

Another way to melt honey is in a water bath. To do this, a jar of honey must be placed in a container of water, which is heated over a fire. The container with honey in water should be almost full. Do not worry that the honey mass will also boil when the water boils - the honey will simply begin to melt, become soft and fluid.

Natural honey, unlike artificial, often crystallizes. This is a natural process by which the liquid bee product becomes thick. Crystallization does not affect its medicinal properties and useful qualities. The sugaring of such a product is an indication that it has been properly harvested. You can melt honey without losing its beneficial properties.

Honey is supersaturated solution of sugars, in which excess sugar at a temperature of +4 ... +28 becomes a solid state. This process is called crystallization. First of all, sugaring is influenced by the ratio between the amount of glucose and fructose contained in the product. An excess of fructose leads to the dissolution of glucose crystals, which slows down crystallization. But a large amount of glucose contributes to rapid sugaring.

You need to melt honey in the following cases:

  • many people love such a product in liquid form;
  • usually children do not like crystallized treats, so parents melt it;
  • in many recipes it is necessary to use liquid honey;
  • for the preparation of certain medicines or cosmetic home remedies.

Melt the bee product possible in a natural way, in a water bath, in the microwave.

If you need to melt candied honey so that it retains its beneficial properties, you must adhere to the following rules:

Melting methods

Here are the main methods on how to make honey liquid without losing its beneficial properties.

natural way

To melt the bee product, if it is candied, you can use battery, next to which you should put the filled container on the stand. Both the battery and the container must be covered with a blanket. After a while, the contents of the container must be mixed and turned over to the heater on the other side. This allows you to achieve the desired consistency in a few hours.

If you need to melt honey in a glass jar, in the summer you can use direct sunlight for this, under which a container is placed. The jar must be wrapped with something dense, otherwise the sun's rays can deprive the product of useful properties. Periodically, the glass container should be rotated.

On a water bath

To melt honey in a water bath, need two pots- more and less. Pour water into a container of a larger diameter and put on a slow fire. After that, a smaller pot is placed in it so that it does not touch the bottom or walls, into which water is also poured and a jar of candied honey is placed in it.

To control the temperature, you can use an ordinary outdoor thermometer, which is lowered into the water of a small saucepan. When the temperature on it reaches 50 degrees, turn off the fire and cover the pan with a lid. If the temperature dropped up to 40 degrees, and the honey is still solid, you can turn on the stove again.

In the microwave

You can melt honey in the microwave. Microwaves are able to quickly penetrate into the structure of matter, affecting the water contained in any honey. Heated water is able to transfer its heat to other components, due to which the sweetness starts to melt. Although this method is simple, it is not optimal.

Studies have shown that heating food in the microwave leads to a decrease in the nutritional value of products. If you multiply this by the high sensitivity of honey to high temperatures, then it is likely that when heated in a microwave oven, all the beneficial substances in this product may be lost. It is difficult to control the temperature in the microwave, so this method can only be used when you need to quickly melt the honey mass for baking or other dishes.

How to get a candied product out of a jar

Sometimes it is necessary to get a small amount of candied honey from a three-liter jar. In order not to break the spoon, can you heat it up and get a sweet treat from the container. Another way is to put a jar of bee products in a container with very warm water. From this jar will heat up, and the honey will soften a little. This is a safe method, since the product is not boiled, retaining all its beneficial properties.

Thus, if honey is candied and it becomes necessary to make it liquid, then there are various ways for this. So that it does not lose its beneficial properties, the bee product should not be exposed to high temperatures. But conscientious beekeepers avoid any means of processing it and melt it only in case of emergency.

Honey is one of the most useful products that is used to treat sore throats, rejuvenate, cleanse pores, boost immunity, bake, make medicines and much more. It is a storehouse of vitamins, enzymes and minerals. By the middle of winter, honey candied, which brings inconvenience, especially if it is in a glass jar. Such an elixir is not suitable for cleansing pores and all kinds of masks.

This happens due to the fact that the glucose contained in it crystallizes over time. Because the glucose crystals are heavier than the fructose found in honey, they gradually sink to the bottom of the jar. Moreover, if you mix this product, it will only speed up the sugaring process, because the number of foci with crystals will increase, and they will begin to interact with other glucose particles.

Is it possible to heat honey

There is an opinion that it is impossible to melt honey, because this will deprive it of all useful properties, but this is not entirely true. In the acidic environment of honey, fructose is modified over time into hydroxymethylfurfural, which is toxic, and at temperatures above 50 degrees, this process is faster. At the same time, its content in the honey product is no more than in roasted coffee beans or Coca-Cola.

Also, at temperatures above 50 degrees, some trace elements and vitamins decompose and evaporate, while potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese, magnesium, iron and some of the enzymes increase their effect when heated. At the same time, at a temperature exceeding 60 degrees, honey begins to caramelize, darken and become unsuitable for further storage, losing its antiseptic qualities. When baking all kinds of baked goods, which include this sweet nectar, hydroxymethylfurfural breaks down, and the final product loses the toxicity caused by this substance.

Heating honey in a water bath

The most popular way is to melt honey in a water bath. For this we need the following components:

  • two saucepans, so that one was a little smaller, but did not fall through, but clung to the handles, a glass jar with a candied product, water;
  • pour water into a larger saucepan so that it does not reach the bottom of a smaller container, and heat it on fire;
  • after boiling, reduce the fire and put a jar of honey;
  • constantly stir to evenly distribute the temperature so as not to overheat our sweet elixir;
  • to control the temperature, it is good to use a special thermometer;
  • to achieve smoother melting, water can be poured into a smaller saucepan, while it is important to ensure that its level is equal to the level of honey and not higher than the edge of the container;
  • to protect the jar from overflowing, it is advisable to cover it with a lid, but not tightly, because in this case the air expands, and under the resulting pressure the glass may burst;
  • this method will take from 15 to 60 minutes, depending on the amount of nectar;
  • at the end of the whole procedure, the container should be wiped and tightly sealed with a lid.

Melting honey with a microwave

This method has been introduced recently. For this method of kindling, we need special dishes. If the glass jar is too large to fit into the oven, then you will need to transfer the sweet nectar to a smaller container, it is advisable to use a container specially designed for the microwave. But even an ordinary half-liter jar will do. The action plan is the following:

  • set the average power;
  • put the container with honey inside and turn on the microwave for 20 seconds;
  • take out and mix;
  • if we see that there are still crystals left, repeat the procedure for another 20 seconds. And so on until the clots are completely melted and reach the desired consistency.

The main disadvantage of this method is a bad effect on the benefits of honey nectar, as well as the impossibility of complete temperature control and exposure of the product to microwaves.

Heating honey at the battery

In winter, melting honey near the battery is used as one of the more gentle and simple ways. We will need to take a jar, put it to the battery and periodically twist and mix so that the heat is distributed evenly. Since the flow of heat goes up, you should not put honey on the floor, but rather take a chair. The main problem with this method is the lengthy process. It will take a very long time to achieve the desired result. But on the other hand, the healing product will retain all the beneficial properties.


You can also use a decrystallizer to melt honey. It maintains the temperature of the honey product around 40 degrees. In production, the device is used so that it retains its useful properties, and at the same time it can be easily packaged in various containers. When the nectar reaches a sufficient temperature, the device automatically turns off. It has a continuous heating surface, which allows heat to be distributed evenly. There are several types of decrystallizers:

  1. Tape. It consists of a soft ribbon, well suited for home use, they are wrapped around a small container with sweet nectar like a glass jar, it is advisable to stir for faster melting.
  2. Spiral. Most often used before packaging. Honey diverges under its weight, gradually acquiring the proper consistency.
  3. conical. This type is intended for short-term heating of viscous types of a sweet product, when passing through filter elements.
  4. Cassette. This is a case with four cassettes, interconnected they form a closed space. Honey is poured into it and melted, heating to the desired temperature.
  5. Homemade. Of course, a cheaper option, but with its help it is difficult to control the proper temperature, and this can affect the usefulness of the sweet elixir. To build this design, it's a good idea to take foam sheets, adhesive tape, glue, self-tapping screws and a fan heater with a thermostat.

Dilution with water

This method is suitable if you plan to use this product in the next three weeks. It retains all the beneficial properties of sweet nectar, makes the taste less cloying, but it can only be stored in the refrigerator. In the case of repeated sugaring, it will no longer be possible to decrystallize it.

Honey is a waste product of honey bees. This wonderful product is obtained by processing nectar. In addition to honey, beekeepers extract propolis, royal jelly, bee bread and wax from hives. All of these components are unique.

After collecting sweet "gold" from bees, people place the product in jars and other containers. Over time, the bee product thickens. People unfamiliar with beekeeping are interested in how to melt the honey product.

In most cases, nectar is used in liquid form. Some people believe that it is impossible to melt the honey product, because it will become useless. This is not entirely true. If everything is done according to the instructions, useful properties will not be lost.

The process of candied honey begins a few months after harvest.

Honey is a living product, so it goes through several "life" stages. It should be noted that sweet "gold" consists of the following substances:

  • sucrose;
  • Glucose;
  • Fructose.

The crystallization process begins when glucose begins to precipitate in the form of crystals. That is why this process is called crystallization. The people most often say that the product of the vital activity of bees candied.

The crystallization process begins a few months after harvest. The period of sugaring depends on the variety of the bee product.

It should be noted that the rate of crystallization may depend not only on the variety of nectar, but also on weather conditions. High humidity slows down the sugaring process.

At what temperature does honey lose its beneficial properties

In the event that sugaring has begun, it is necessary to melt the honey. Unfortunately, scientists have proven that when heated, honey products lose their beneficial properties. That is why it is necessary to understand to what temperature the bee product can be heated.

Nectar, heated to a temperature of +40 degrees, begins to lose its nutritional properties. Despite this, the resulting syrup will contain a sufficient amount of fructose and glucose. In this case, the sweet "amber" will take on a dark shade and will no longer have its pleasant aroma. The longer you heat the honey, the worse it will be.

If honey is heated to +45 degrees, it will instantly change its composition. Energy and nutritional value will be lost, and enzymes will also be destroyed.

That is why it is better to consume honey products separately from hot drinks.

What is the best bowl for melting honey?

At a temperature of +40, honey begins to lose its beneficial properties.

Regardless of the reason why you have to melt the nectar, you must first prepare. In order to melt honey, it is best to use:

  • Glassware. A great option is a bank;
  • ceramic container;
  • Enamelware.

The choice of dishes for melting the honey product depends on the method that the person will use. Some people are interested in the question of whether plastic utensils or containers can be used. It's best not to. Otherwise, an unexpected situation may occur.

How to melt honey

To melt the crystallized nectar, you must choose a method that will make the product liquid. Before starting work, it should be noted that it is better not to overheat the entire stock. This is due to the loss of useful properties, that is, with repeated kindling, the honey product will lose all its nutritional and healing properties.

  • Do not heat the product above 45 degrees;
  • During remelting, it is strongly not recommended to combine different varieties of nectar;
  • Exclude the ingress of water into the product of the life of bees;
  • Drown sweet "gold" only in small portions.

If the honey has had time to be candied, it is easy to melt it, the main thing is to follow the rules for recrystallization.

Melting honey in a glass jar

Honey can be melted right in the jar. It is enough to put it next to a warm battery

Candied nectar is easiest to melt in a jar. This method is best used in winter when the heating is on. It is best to use a liter jar, which is filled with thick sweet "amber". After that, the container is installed next to the battery. If desired, you can use the oven. The only drawback of the method is that the container must be constantly rotated. If this is not done, the waste product of the bees will melt on one side only.

Melting honey in a water bath

Many people are interested in the question, how can honey be melted in a water bath? This is the most common way to remelt the product. To recrystallize the product, it is recommended to collect hot water in a saucepan, and then put a jar of honey.

It should be noted that the water will cool quickly, so it is best to add or change it. The bee product will become liquid fairly quickly. It is important that the water in the tank is not hotter than 50 degrees.

Melting honey in the microwave

Today, 80% of the population has a microwave oven. Therefore, the question arises, is it possible to melt honey in the microwave? Many people claim that this is impossible. Despite this, you can try to melt the candied bee nectar. To do this, you must use dishes that are allowed to be put in the microwave. It is enough to put the container with honey for a few minutes, and then remove it from the oven.

In addition, it is worth remembering the temperature, it should not exceed 45 degrees.

We use the oven

Once the honey has begun to crystallize, it can be melted in an electric or gas oven. To perform the recrystallization procedure, it is necessary to prepare a saucepan with water. At the next step, a container of honey is placed in the water. The saucepan is installed in the oven, on which the temperature regime is set to 40 degrees. As for the time, it’s hard to say, it all depends on the container that was set to warm up. As soon as a plastic mass appears, the container can be removed from the oven. In addition, do not forget to periodically mix the nectar.

Alternative tricks

In summer it is so hot that even in the shade the temperature reaches +40 degrees. This can be used to melt honey. A jar with a bee product is exposed to the sun. After that, it remains only to wait until the nectar melts.

When using this method, it is necessary to remember the dangers of ultraviolet radiation, which means that it is best to wrap the jar with a towel. It is important to periodically check the state of the nectar so that it does not overheat.

Will lemon help make honey liquid

Few people know, but the vitamin C found in lemon can melt honey.

Few people know, but you can melt honey with a lemon. This result is obtained because citrus contains acid and vitamin C. It is necessary to cut the lemon into large slices, and then place it in a container with sweet "amber". Soon you will get a real medical product that can treat acute respiratory infections, colds, flu, tonsillitis and scarlet fever.

We drown honey directly in the honeycombs

Honey in combs can be heated using a water bath or microwave. Honeycombs are best broken into several pieces, and then placed in a container. After melting, wax and debris will rise to the top. With the help of a spoon, everything is neatly collected, and honey is used as a delicacy, usefulness or remedy.

On a note

In order for honey not to crystallize longer, it is necessary to find out how long a particular type of bee product can remain liquid. If crystallization nevertheless occurred, you should choose the appropriate method, and then proceed to remelting the nectar. It is important, when melting honey, to observe the temperature regime, otherwise the product will not have a healing effect.
