
How to make homemade apple wine. Making homemade wine from apple jam

Many have thought at least once in their lives about making wine with their own hands. In fact, anyone can make this tasty, healthy and invigorating drink at home.

Wine is made not only from grapes, but also from other berries and fruits. Consider in this article: how to make homemade apple wine, general recommendations for cooking and a few popular recipes.

To make apple wine at home correctly, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • Study the entire sequence of a specific recipe as it should, and only then proceed to the actions.
  • If you have a goal - to learn how to make wine according to several recipes, start with easier ways. Winemakers advise starting with the preparation of dessert and fortified apple wine. These varieties of drink do not require special equipment. In addition, summer varieties of fruits do not need to be prepared in the same way as autumn and winter ones.
  • Choose carefully the raw materials and equipment for making the drink. For example, if using a plastic container, make sure it is suitable for food storage. Otherwise, there is a chance that the wine will come out with a chemical aftertaste.
  • If you are using a water seal or its analogues for the first time: a tube, a glove, learn more about how to make a tap. The container may burst if this device is incorrectly installed. For example, when using a medical glove on jars, do not forget to make holes with a needle in the extreme phalanges of the fingers on it. The larger the volume of the container, the more punctures. Usually 1-3 punctures are made on each finger of the glove.
  • Stick to average optimal temperatures for making a drink. For fermentation - 22-25 degrees, for ripening - 10-14, for storage - 10-15 without strong temperature changes.

What types of apples should be used to make certain types of wine

To prepare table wine or cider, it is advisable to pick up autumn varieties of sweet apples with a sour taste. Antonovka is good for making fortified wine. To make the drink tart, you need to use wild apples. For a sweet, semi-sweet wine, autumn and winter varieties are suitable.

The taste of sourness is always good in wine, so if you intend to use very sweet apples, it is better to add other sour fruits, berries, dried fruits to them.

As an additive, turn, lemon, orange peel, mountain ash, raisins and others are well suited.

The benefits of homemade apple wine

Different types of wine are made from apples: dry, fortified, sweet, cider and others. Each of them retains the beneficial properties of vitamins and minerals of this fruit. Homemade apple wine, when consumed in moderation, has the following beneficial effects:

  • relaxes from nervous and physical fatigue;
  • uplifting;
  • improves the functioning of the stomach;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • in the content of cosmetics gives a rejuvenating effect;
  • strengthens the hair structure when added to shampoo;
  • helps women with hormonal disruptions;
  • accelerates the metabolism and processing of fats, therefore it is a good tool for those who want to lose weight;
  • protects against the development of cancer.

Apple wine at home - a simple recipe

This method is one of the easiest to make wine from apples. With proper manufacture, the drink turns out to be no more than 12 degrees in terms of revolutions.


  • 20 kg of apples;
  • 2-3 kg of sugar.


  1. Wipe the apples with a clean, dry towel. They cannot be washed in water, as the yeast necessary for fermentation will be lost.
  2. Remove seeds from fruits. They are harmful and spoil the taste.
  3. Squeeze the fruit in a juicer or chop on a grater. The main thing is to get mashed potatoes with juice.
  4. Pour the resulting composition into a jar. Cover it with insect-proof gauze. Let the mixture sit for 3 days. The pulp will rise to the top, separating from the juice.
  5. Stir the composition with a wooden spoon 4 times a day. When it is infused, on the third day, take out the pulp with a spoon or colander.
  6. Depending on the sweetness of the variety, add 100-150 g of sugar per 1 liter of drink. Accordingly - the sweeter the apples, the less sugar is needed. Mix the drink well.
  7. Wait 5 days, then pour the same amount of sand and mix.
  8. Install a water seal.
  9. Add the same amount of sugar every 5 days.
  10. For good fermentation, the composition should be poured into an airtight container, and drained. Bottles fit well. After pouring the composition into them, make holes for the tube and insert them there.
  11. Place a glass next to each bottle and insert the tubes into them. This promotes the release of carbon dioxide from the mixture and closure from oxygen, which prevents fermentation.
  12. The drink during the fermentation stage should be kept in a room with a temperature of 23-26 degrees. This process will take one to three months.
  13. When this stage is completed, sediment will appear at the bottom. This is an indication that the wine has fermented well.
  14. Pour the drink into another container without sediment. Put it to ripen in a cooler room with a temperature of no more than 15 degrees. The second stage of infusion will take 3-4 months.
  15. Watch for sediment. When it appears, pour the drink into another container. If no sediment appears within two weeks, the wine is ready.

It has an amber color and a pleasant apple aroma. Shelf life - 3 years.

Apple fortified wine

This recipe for apple wine at home requires the addition of an alcoholic beverage. Here we will consider the method with the content of vodka. The wine will turn out with a strength of 12-16 degrees.


  • 10 kg of apples;
  • 2 kg of sugar;
  • 100 g raisins;
  • 200 g of vodka.

Prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Wipe the fruit with a dry cloth.
  2. Remove seeds.
  3. Grind the fruits in a meat grinder or on a grater, mix them with sugar and raisins.
  4. Place the composition in an airtight container, install a water seal.
  5. Put the future drink to ferment in a warm room with a temperature of 24-26 degrees for 3 weeks.
  6. After this time, sediment will appear at the bottom of the container. Pour the mixture into another container, add 1 cup of sand and stir it.
  7. Leave the drink to infuse for another 2 weeks.
  8. Then, again pour into another container, getting rid of the sediment, and add vodka.
  9. Mix the composition and move the container to a cooler room for 3 weeks.

This wine has a golden color, sweet and sour taste and the smell of fresh fruit.

Semi-sweet homemade

This type of drink is prepared using the same technology as those mentioned above. Only it is required to add more sugar to it - 250-300 g per 1 liter of the mixture.

Cooking technique:

  1. Clean the fruit from dirt and rot with a rag.
  2. Grind them in the way that is available to you.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into a container, covering it with gauze.
  4. When pulp appears on the surface, stir it in the composition.
  5. After 5 days, remove the pulp from the future drink. Leave a thin layer of pulp - about half a centimeter.
  6. Divide the sugar into 10 equal portions. Add to the composition and stir one. Then add and stir sugar in this amount every 5 days.
  7. Install a water seal.
  8. Infuse the drink for a month and a half at a temperature of 20-25 degrees.
  9. After that, semi-sweet wine will be ready. In order to improve its taste, it should be allowed to stand in a cool place for another 4-5 months. In this case, it is necessary to regularly release the composition from sediment.

How to make apple wine with raisins

To make wine with a special taste, you should add other fruits, dried fruits, berries to it. Raisins serve as a good catalyst for fermentation. Therefore, if your goal is to make wine tastier and faster, this method will suit you.


  • sweet apples - 10 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • unwashed raisins - 100 g.

How to cook:

  1. Sort the apples, clean them of dirt, rot and seeds.
  2. Grind on a grater or in a meat grinder.
  3. Add 2 kg of sugar and 100 g of raisins to the resulting mass. It is not necessary to wash the dried fruit so that it does not lose its main property in the preparation of wine - the acceleration of fermentation.
  4. Transfer the composition to the bottle and seal it with a pierced rubber glove.
  5. After 21 days, strain the composition through cheesecloth and add 200 g of sugar to it. Stir it until completely dissolved. Close the mixture tightly and place in a dark room.
  6. After 2-3 months, the drink must be filtered. You can add 100 ml of vodka.
  7. Pour the resulting wine into clean containers and store in a cool place.

Recipe for apple wine with black chokeberry

Apple wine with the addition of chokeberry has a tart, astringent, pleasant taste. In addition, it is very beneficial for health: it stabilizes blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, improves tone and mood.


  • apples - 3 kg;
  • chokeberry - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

How to cook:

  1. Peel apples from dirt, rot and seeds and chop.
  2. Chop the rowan.
  3. Mix fruit with chokeberry and 330 g of granulated sugar.
  4. Place the composition in a sealed container, add warm boiled water, cover with a cloth and place in a warm room.
  5. Install a water seal.
  6. After a week, add another 330 g of sand and stir until dissolved. Stir the mixture every day.
  7. After a week, add the last portion of sugar and shake the mass.
  8. Stir the drink for 14 days. Then put infuse in a cool room for a month.
  9. When sediment appears, the composition should be filtered and poured into other containers.

Preparing a drink from compote

Wine can be made from spoiled homemade apple compote.


  • compote - 3 liters;
  • sugar - 200-250 g;
  • raisins - 50-100 g.

Cooking technique:

  1. Pour the compote into another jar, add sugar and raisins and mix the ingredients.
  2. Put on a medical glove on the neck of the jar, and leave the composition to wander in a dark room for 2 weeks.
  3. After this time, remove the pulp from the mixture and strain it through cheesecloth.
  4. Leave to infuse in a dark place for 2 months, periodically pouring wine to get rid of sediment.

The drink should turn out transparent, monophonic and tasty.

After reviewing these recipes, it becomes clear that making wine is not so easy, but not so difficult either. With the intention of any person is able to make a quality drink. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of experienced winemakers, to follow a clear sequence of actions according to the recipes. Wine combines useful and taste properties. As the creator of penicillin, Alexander Fleming, said: “Antibiotics cure people, but only wine can make them happy.”

This autumn in our village, all the corridors and pantries were full of apples. The smell was awesome! Antonovka is one of the most fragrant varieties. You can’t lay a lot for storage, it’s unrealistic to recycle everything. So my husband, after a short argument with me, decided to start winemaking again.

We argued about the expediency of this rather laborious process - we have had wine since last year. But since it is a pity to throw away apples, the husband won.

For about a month and a half, we could hear a measured gurgling in a warm corner - the wine walked well. And since such a thing, I decided to tell the readers of Alimero about how to make this delicious low-alcohol drink, which is also called cider. This is not entirely correct, since cider is a carbonated drink, and it is problematic to make it at home. But they have the same composition - apple juice.

I once tried to make my own apple wine. A friend supplied me with a bunch of apples and the corresponding recipe. I got busy. Squeezed 3 liters of juice manually, since then I didn’t have a juicer, I added the right amount of sugar to the jar and started stirring. To do this, I took a stainless steel spoon. Girls, do not repeat my mistake! One gentle blow to the wall of the jar - and apple juice gushed in my kitchen. I poured out the rest, threw away the jar, cleaned it for half an hour. This is where my experiments with making cider ended. Now I'm only with my husband in the wings.

To make apple wine you need

Apples, or rather, freshly squeezed apple juice

The quantity can be completely different, and the final proportions are as follows:

For 1 liter of apple juice, 280 grams of granulated sugar and 100 milliliters of water. Just do not rush to mix everything - first things first.

Cooking time

The wine is prepared in several stages.

From the moment the juice is squeezed to the moment the sweet amber drink appears on the table, it takes from 2.5 to 6 months (depending on how long you will age the wine).


If you have a juicer, it's not difficult, but you'll have to tinker.


We pass the apples through a juicer, pour the resulting juice together with the remaining pulp into one container and leave it in a warm place for fermentation for 3 days.

During this time, stir the wort several times.

After 3 days, strain the juice from the pulp and measure the amount of pure juice. We add 100 g of water for each liter of juice.

We pour into bottles or jars, leaving room for fermentation and counting on the addition of sugar.

We add sugar based on 1 liter of pure juice (we do not take into account water) in 4 doses:

1 day - 100 g.

4 day - 30 g.

Day 7 - 30 years

We close the bottles with corks (this is done on the very first day), we insert a PVC hose (you can buy it by the meter) so that the carbon dioxide formed during the fermentation process comes out. If your wine will ferment in jars, you will have to ruin the nylon cover: punch a hole in it, insert a hose and cover it around, for example, with plasticine.

To prevent juice oxidation, which may result in vinegar instead of wine, we make a water seal: the gas will go out, but oxygen will not.

After a month and a half, fermentation will end, that is:

    gurgling stops;

    the juice is a little lighter;

    the pulp particles stop moving;

Carefully drain the fermented juice from the sediment using the same PVC hose. Throw away the sediment.

We pour it into bottles or jars (now there is no need to leave a place for fermentation), close it with corks or lids. We leave the wine material for another month, preferably in a cool place. During this time, it will become transparent and acquire an amber color.

After that, we again drain it from the sediment - bottle it, add sugar to each liter of wine material:

100-160 g for dessert wine,
- 200 g. for liquor.

Homemade apple wine is ready. Unfortunately, we do not have a wine meter to measure the strength of the drink, but, of course, it is not strong. If you want the wine to acquire a fuller and more harmonious taste, cork it and put it away for 2-4 months for aging.

Such wine wine is well stored in a cool place, does not turn sour and does not grow moldy. So in the apple year, you can make this healthy (if you follow the measure) drink for the whole year.

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The topic of homemade spirits would be incomplete without apple wine recipes. Today we will learn how to make different drinks from apples for a home feast. A simple recipe for apple wine at home should definitely appear in every housewife's notebook. How to make wine worthy of the royal table from apples?

Apple wine at home: a simple recipe without juicing

As always, I will start introducing you to homemade winemaking recipes, starting with the simplest ones.

What we need:

  • Apples of sour and sweet and sour varieties, well ripened;
  • Sugar - at the rate of 150 g per 1 kg of apple mass.


Let's prepare a clean dry glass bottle, an enameled bucket, gauze, a medical rubber glove.

We will not wash the apples, we will just try to take clean, healthy, well-ripened fruits, the most ideal option is to remove the apples from the tree. Because this recipe is yeast-free, the must will be fermented by its own fungi living on the surface of all the fruit. Today we will study a simple recipe without squeezing juice, we will use apple mass.

  1. We remove the core from the apples, scroll through a meat grinder, put the apple mass in a clean enameled bucket, add sugar at the rate of 150 g per 1 kg of apple puree, mix well.
  2. Transfer the apple mass with sugar to the prepared bottle, filling it by 2/3 of the volume.
  3. We tie the neck of the bottle with a clean gauze napkin. Put the bottle in a dark place and let it ferment for a few days.
  4. After 15-20 hours, the fermentation process should begin, i.e. active reproduction of yeast cells. Every day we will mix the contents of the bottle so that the particles of apples sink to the bottom and the foam settles.
  5. After 4 days, pour the fermented juice into another clean glass bottle, filtering it through a few layers of gauze. Squeeze out the rest of the apple mass, it is no longer useful.
  6. How to put wine to ferment correctly? We will find a dark warm place so that fermentation is active. We put on a rubber medical glove on the neck of the bottle, piercing a small hole in it to release excess gas.
  7. The whole process will take about one and a half to two months. The fermenting wine will make characteristic gurgling sounds, the escaping gas will inflate the glove.
  8. As soon as the glove falls off, the liquid will become light, all small particles will sink to the bottom, and the gurgling will stop - this stage can be considered completed.
  9. Young wine is carefully filtered from the sediment, poured into clean glass bottles or jars, hermetically sealed, cutting off air access. In this form, they are kept for at least 3 months in a cool room.

The finished homemade wine has an amber color, a pleasant balanced taste, a strength of 12-15 °. How to make homemade wine fortified? It is necessary to add alcohol or vodka at the stage of wort fermentation in order to increase the strength to 18-20 ° and kill yeast fungi.

In the box of useful tips: Making a wine with a balanced sweet and sour taste involves the use of apples and sour and sweet varieties, in a ratio of 2:1.

A drink made from wild apples or apples of winter varieties will turn out to be more tart due to natural tannins.

The warmer the room, the faster the fermentation process will take place. Temperature range for fermentation: 18-23 ° C, drops in the direction of lowering or raising the temperature will slow down the vital activity of the yeast, which will necessarily affect the quality of the drink.

Wine made from apple juice

A big harvest of apples will never be a problem for a smart housewife. Apple homemade wine is a wonderful option for the proper use of resources.

How to make delicious wine from apple juice? To begin with, we must get apple juice using a juicer or in a more time-consuming way - chop the apples on a grater or pass through a meat grinder, then squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. We remember our little helpers - yeast, and do not wash apples, wipe dirty fruits with a napkin.

What we need:

  • Apple juice;
  • Sugar at the rate of 200 g per 1 liter of juice.

Prepare a clean glass container with a wide neck, gauze, a rubber glove.

  1. Pour apple juice into the prepared container, filling it 2/3 of the volume, tie the neck with gauze and leave to ferment for 3 days. Periodically we will mix the juice to fall off the foam.
  2. After 3 days, strain the juice through cheesecloth and place in a clean glass bottle, add sugar, mix. We put a rubber glove on the neck of the bottle, put it in a warm place for 1-2 months. We will monitor the fermentation process so as not to miss its end.
  3. The young wine is carefully salted, strained, poured into jars or bottles, hermetically sealed and put away in a cool place. We will withstand 3-6 months, during which time it will lighten, a dense sediment will settle to the bottom. Before use, salt from the sediment and strain, pour into beautiful bottles.

Into the piggy bank of useful tips: It is undesirable to use juice from a juicer for making wine, it turns out to be practically sterile, fermentation will be very weak, and the drink will not taste good.

The strength of the drink will depend on the amount of sugar taken for each liter of juice. 100-150 g of sugar will produce dry wine, 400 g of sugar - a dessert drink.

A simple recipe for dry apple wine

How to make dry wine from apples? The drink differs from all other wines in its low sugar content.

What we need to make dry apple wine:

  • Ripe apples;
  • Sugar at the rate of 100g per 1 liter of juice.

Prepare a clean glass bottle, wide-mouth container, gauze, rubber glove.

  1. We take ripe, sweet, healthy apples, without wormholes. We will not wash them, as you already understood, if the fruits are dirty - just wipe them with a napkin.
  2. We remove the core from the apples, chop in a meat grinder or grate, put the resulting applesauce into a clean glass or enameled container with a wide neck, tie the neck with gauze and put in a dark place for primary fermentation.
  3. We will stir the apple mass several times a day so that the fermentation process proceeds evenly throughout the volume, in addition, stirring saturates the liquid with oxygen, which yeast fungi need.
  4. On the third day, we separate the juice from the sediment by straining it through cheesecloth.
  5. We no longer need the pulp, and pour the wort into a clean glass bottle. For each liter of juice, we add 100, maximum, 150 g of sugar, mix, put a rubber glove with a hole on the neck.
  6. We will place the bottle in a warm, but not hot place, we will observe the maturation of the wine for 1-2 months. During this time, it will ferment, gas formation will stop, a sediment of small particles will settle to the bottom.
  7. Carefully drain the wine from the sediment, strain and pour into clean glass jars, seal tightly, send to a cool place for ripening.

In the process of ripening, our home-made homemade apple wine will lighten, become transparent, and acquire a bright classic taste.

Wine from apples without yeast

How to make homemade wine without industrial wine yeast? Elementary!

What we need:

  • Sweet and sour apples;
  • 250 g of sugar per liter of juice;
  • 150 ml of water for every liter of juice.

Let's prepare a clean glass bottle, a clean enameled bucket, gauze.

  1. We will take the late apples, we will select large juicy fruits, we will not wash them, if they are dirty, we simply wipe them with a napkin. We remove the core from the apples, chop in any way available to us to get applesauce with juice.
  2. Place the applesauce in a bucket, cover with gauze and let it ferment for 3-4 days, stirring the contents several times a day. During this time, the apple mass will be separated into pulp and liquid.
  3. Strain the contents of the bucket into the prepared bottle, squeeze the pulp, it is no longer needed. We measure the volume of the resulting juice, calculate the amount of water and sugar for the syrup. Dissolve sugar in hot water, boil for 2-3 minutes, cool and mix with apple juice, mix well.
  4. We install a water seal on the neck of the bottle. If there is no water seal, remember a simple recipe with a glove that removes excess gas no worse than a water seal. We will put the bottle in a warm place for 1-2 months.
  5. When the fermentation comes to an end, and gas formation stops, we will carefully pour the young wine into glass containers in which it will ripen - jars or bottles. The main thing is to seal the container hermetically so that there is no air access.
  6. The drink will ripen in a cool place for at least 2-3 months. The longer the exposure, the richer the bouquet and less astringency.
  7. To clarify the drink, it is advisable to pour it several times into a clean container during ripening, getting rid of the fine sediment. As soon as the sediment disappears completely, the wine is ready.

Into the piggy bank of useful tips: You can improve the taste of wine, diversify its bouquet, using a technique such as blending. You can mix raw materials at the stage of fermentation of the berry mass, you can mix musts or ready-made wines after they have been clarified.

If you get a poor-tasting apple wine: how to make the right blend? When blending finished wines, it is advisable to do pre-mixing: take small portions of each drink, for example, 100 ml, mix them in different combinations, achieving a certain taste and strength. A truly new bouquet of blended wine will be formed only after 1-2 years of aging.

Wine from apples and pears

How to make wine from homemade apples and pears? Such a drink will take all the sweetness of pears and astringency of apples, their combination will give a light pleasant taste at the end.

What we need:

  • sour apples;
  • Pears;
  • 250 g of sugar and 150 ml of water for every liter of apple juice.

We will prepare a clean glass bottle, an enameled bucket, a water seal or a rubber glove.

  1. Do not wash apples and pears, just remove the core. Grind the fruits separately to a puree state, squeeze the juice from the apple mass.
  2. If there is a juicer, it is better to drive the apples through it. Pears do not give much juice, we will use their pulp. The ratio of apple juice and pear pulp will be 1:2.
  3. Place apple juice and pear pulp in an enameled bucket, stir.
  4. We calculate the amount of sugar and water for the syrup, boil the syrup from water, sugar, cool and pour the fruit mass, mix again.
  5. We cover the bucket with gauze and leave it for fermentation for 2-4 days, periodically mixing the contents.
  6. When the pulp rises with a hat, remove it, strain the wort into a clean bottle, install a water seal. The drink will ferment for 2-3 months.

The pear will make the liquid cloudy, so the clarification process will take 3-4 months. But the result will be worth all our efforts - wine made from apples and pears is very fragrant and soft.

As the saying goes, it's better to see once than hear a hundred times. We will definitely look at the video on how to make wine from apples at home, a simple recipe from a master of his craft will save you from doubts about whether it is worth doing home winemaking.

Wine from apple pomace after a juicer

What we need:

  • Apple pomace;
  • 200 g of sugar and 1 liter of water for every kilogram of cake.

Prepare a clean glass bottle, wide-mouth jar, cheesecloth, water seal or rubber glove.

  1. Weigh the apple pomace to calculate the amount of sugar and water. We will fill the jar by 2/3 of the volume.
  2. After squeezing the juice, very little moisture remains in the cake, so we will fill it with syrup. We put the cake in a jar with a wide neck, prepare a syrup from water and half the sugar, cool, pour the cake, mix well.
  3. We cover the neck with gauze, put the jar in a dark place for fermentation. Active fermentation will continue for 3-4 days, all the pulp will float to the top, we will periodically mix the contents of the jar.
  4. After 4 days, carefully pour the liquid into a clean bottle, filtering it through cheesecloth, add the remaining sugar, mix well and leave to ferment for 1-2 months.
  5. We put on a glove on the neck of the bottle or install a water seal. After fermenting, the wine will become more transparent, the rest of the small particles will settle on the bottom of the bottle.
  6. Carefully drain it, pack it in bottles, cork tightly and put it in a cool place to ripen for another 2-4 months.

I gave you a recipe without yeast, based on the active work of natural fermentation. But if the fermentation is very sluggish or completely stops, I advise you to use a simple recipe with wine yeast, which is added to the must.

It should be noted that baker's yeast is not suitable for winemaking, it develops too rapidly in the initial stages of fermentation and dies at an alcohol concentration of more than 15%.

It is better to take industrial wine yeast, one package weighing 5 g is enough for 10-20 liters of must to resume fermentation.

Wine from apple pomace after a juicer is called secondary, it is less saturated, its color is lighter, but, nevertheless, the drink turns out to be pleasant, light and less tart.

To get a drink with a brighter color and taste, you can add crushed chokeberry berries to apple pomace at the first stage of making wine, the rest of the process will remain unchanged.

Wine from chokeberry and apples based on pomace is no worse in its characteristics than a drink of the classical preparation method. Homemade apple wine is very popular at all festive feasts.

Green apple wine

How to make wine from apples at home if the fruits did not have time to ripen? Technologically, the process of making alcohol from green apples is no different from making it in the classical way, the difference is only in the source material.

What we need:

  • Green unripe apples of different varieties;
  • 150 g and 250 ml of sugar water for each kilogram of pulp.

Let's prepare a clean glass bottle, an enameled bucket, gauze, a glove.

  1. We will not wash the apples, we will remove the core with seeds, twist it in a meat grinder and put it in a bucket. Prepare a syrup from water and sugar, pour in the apple mass and mix well.
  2. Cover the bucket with gauze, put in a dark place. We will periodically mix the apple mixture, precipitating the pulp.
  3. After 4 days, pour the liquid into a clean bottle, filtering it through cheesecloth, squeeze the cake, it is no longer needed.
  4. We put a rubber glove with a hole on the neck of the bottle, put the bottle in a warm place, let the wine ferment for 2-3 months.
  5. We will drain the young wine from the sediment, pack it in jars or bottles, cork tightly and leave for another 2-3 months for final maturation. As a result, we get an amazing dry wine.
  6. According to the recipe of a famous winemaker, you can soften the harsh taste - at the last stage of ripening, add spices to taste: a pinch of cinnamon, a pinch of vanilla, star anise.

And now - the promised video from wine enthusiasts.

I hope that each reader will choose the most interesting and simple apple wine recipe for himself, try it at home and share his impressions!

Home winemaking has long occupied a well-deserved place in the preparation of stocks, along with canning, jam, pickles. Recipes for all kinds of drinks from a variety of, sometimes unexpected fruits, fruits abound in cookbooks and notebooks with notes of diligent owners. For many, making wine from a hobby develops into an occupation for the soul and for life. Apples are not an exotic raw material for making a drink, however, homemade apple wine requires a lot of attention, patience, and a careful approach to following all the rules of preparation. But the result is an excellent apple wine that will please the most fastidious connoisseurs of wine drinks.

paradise fruit

You can grow an apple tree almost everywhere except the Far North. There are many varieties of this fruit. For each region, you can choose the best variety of apple trees. Apples help to effectively lower blood cholesterol levels, are low in calories, rich in pectin. The high content of pectins has made them one of the favorites for dietary and medical nutrition. It is pectins that tend to bind and remove salts of heavy metals (strontium, cobalt, cesium), various toxins, poisons, apple juices with pulp from the body - an integral ingredient in the diet of people employed in hazardous industries. Due to the presence of malic and citric acids in their composition, they help improve metabolic processes in people with diabetes. The inclusion of apples in the menu helps to deal with problems of the gastrointestinal tract (constipation, irregular stools). The high content of potassium has a beneficial effect on the conduction of electrical impulses of the heart muscle, prevents the occurrence of arrhythmia. The ability to have a beneficial effect on digestion is also manifested in the normalization of the removal of excess fluid from the body. This property is especially valuable for people suffering from cardiovascular and renal diseases, pregnant women. The rich content of fibers, fruit acids have a beneficial effect on the condition of the gums, teeth, the microflora of the oral cavity, stimulating the natural processes of cleansing. Even apple seeds are valuable for their content of iodine, vitamin K, which is necessary for participation in the process of normal blood clotting.

Features of making wine from apples

Not all varieties are suitable for making apple wine.

You should take only pressed live yeast, dry ones are categorically not suitable for this purpose. Wine made from apples can turn sour.

Finishing touches

It is important to properly prepare raw materials for making apple wine. For this, it is necessary to take only high-quality fruits, not broken, without flaws, since the presence of defects in apples can give apple wine an unpleasant taste and smell. As carefully as possible, peel the apples from the core. It is also important to carefully grind the taken raw materials. This can be done using a meat grinder, food processor. If the preparation of wine will be based on juice, it can be obtained using a juicer. A small amount of pulp will even have a beneficial effect on the process of making wine. Fermentation reactions will take place faster and better. Apple wine will be softer in taste.

Recipe 4d6


  • We take apples of different varieties: sour 4 parts, sweet 6 parts.
  • Granulated sugar - ratio to apples 1:4, i.e. for 10 kg of fruit 2.5 kg of sugar.
  • Prepared water - the amount equal to the juice from apples.

Wine preparation:

The recipe for such apple wine is simple in composition, but requires scrupulousness and accuracy of compliance. The result is a fairly strong alcoholic drink, slightly opalescent, color from yellow to light brown. Taste and aroma - ripe, sweet apples.

Recipe with honey


  • Sweet apples, prepared 15 kg.
  • Granulated sugar 4 kg.
  • Prepared water - 7 liters.
  • Honey - 2 kg.

How to make Honey Apple Wine:

Apple wine according to this recipe is opaque, with a rich honey taste and aroma. The combination of the taste of apples and honey leaves a unique feeling.

Recipe with yeast

This time we bring to your attention a recipe for apple wine with the addition of yeast.

What to take:

  • Apples 15 kg.
  • Water 8 liters.
  • Sugar-sand 6 kg.
  • Yeast - 150 grams.

Step-by-step instruction:

Wine made with yeast will ferment faster and therefore taste more like fresh apples. The aroma is more saturated, more pronounced if the wine is prepared according to this recipe.

Recipe with yeast and citrus

Apple-citrus wine. Here it is necessary to make a reservation that the addition of citrus fruits to wine drinks is rather an amateur. But well-made wines with a variety of fruit flavors are undeniably one of the favorites on our table.

What you need:

  • Apples 10 kg.
  • Water 5 liters.
  • Sugar-sand 5 kg.
  • Lemons or oranges, you can mix - 1 kg.
  • Yeast - 100 grams.

Step-by-step instruction:

I must say that the combination of apples and sour or sour-sweet citrus fruits is always advantageous.

Wine with such a bouquet of taste, of course, cannot but surprise fans of alcoholic drinks from apples. Having tried to make wine from apples, following this recipe, you will forever leave it in your culinary piggy bank.


Apples are an inexhaustible storehouse of all kinds of delicious recipes, not only for culinary masters, but also for lovers of home winemaking. You can diversify recipes for homemade apple wines with a huge number of ingredients. Rarely does not combine with apple taste and aroma. When making wine from apples, you can add not only honey, lemons, but also cinnamon, vanilla, raspberries, pears. The list is endless. For all its seeming simplicity, apples are just a gold mine for those who like to experiment, surprise family and friends with amazing recipes.

Many housewives in the hot and sultry summer are preparing soft drinks to quench their thirst.

The best option in this case would be homemade apple wine, made with warmth of the heart. That's about it, namely how to properly make wine from apples at home, and will be discussed in this article.

Iced teas, compotes and fresh juices are very popular at this time of the year. However, if there is a desire to go out into the countryside with barbecue or spend an evening in a warm and friendly company, then a reasonable question arises about drinks “hotter” than compote or fresh. An excellent option would be homemade apple wine.

Homemade apple wine. Preparing apples

Harvested on the ground or plucked from a tree, apples do not need to be washed, as their peel contains yeast, which necessary for fermentation. In case of heavy soiling of the fruits, you just need to lightly brush them with a clean brush or wipe with a dry cloth.

So that the finished homemade wine does not give off bitterness, it should be removed from apples core and seeds, as well as cut out moldy or rotten parts, if any.

How to make wine from apples. Wine made from apple juice

Methods for processing apples depend on the equipment available. The most convenient device for obtaining juice is a kitchen juicer that will squeeze clean apple fresh with maximum quality, which will simplify the further cooking process.

In the absence of a juicer, you can use a mechanical grater. But the resulting applesauce will have to be further squeezed out with a press or with the help of gauze. The main task at this stage of wine making is to get the most qualitative apple drink with a minimum amount of pulp.

How to make apple wine. Sedimentation of apple juice

The resulting apple juice or liquid puree for several days should be placed in a container with an open wide neck (jar or pan), while bandaging the upper part with gauze to prevent insects from getting there.

When natural yeast gets into the mixture of spores, it will begin to separate into pulp (pulp, peel remnants), which will begin to accumulate at the top and plain apple juice. In order for the yeast to be evenly distributed throughout the entire apple consistency, you need to mix the contents of the container (3-4 times a day) with a wooden stick or spoon for the first few days.

Approximately on the 3rd day, the pulp will gather in a dense layer on the surface and necessary remove with a colander or saucepan. After that, only apple juice should remain in the container, and a thin film on top. This stage can be considered completed only after the foam appears in the wort, which means the fermentation process has begun. This will also be evidenced by the acetic-alcohol smell and characteristic hiss.

Adding sugar

Wine made from apple juice

The required amount of sugar to add to apple wine is determined based on the initial sweetness of the fruit. If the sugar content exceeds 20 percent, fermentation will be poor or stop altogether. To avoid this, sugar is added parts, not all at once.

To get dry apple wine add 150-220 gr. granulated sugar per 1 liter of fermented juice.

If you want to make dessert or sweet wine, then 300-400 gr. 1 liter of sugar is enough for you. It is advisable not to exceed these norms, otherwise the final product will turn out cloying.

The first batch of granulated sugar (100-150 grams / liter) is applied after removing the pulp. It is poured into fermenting juice, while mixing the consistency well. On the fourth or fifth day after that, you can add a second portion of sugar (50-100 grams / liter) and do this as follows:

  • The water seal is removed.
  • The wort is poured into a separate container 2 times less than sugar is added (example: for 500 gr. - 250 ml).
  • Sugar is added to the drained juice and mixed.
  • The resulting sugar syrup is poured back into the original container and closed with a water seal.

The procedure for adding granulated sugar can be repeat several more times, achieving the sweetness you need with interruptions of 4–5 days using the above technology, while adding 30–80 gr. sugar per liter of apple consistency.


How much to wander under certain conditions

To begin with, it is necessary to exclude the possible contact of air and wort with the help of hermetic containers, otherwise vinegar may turn out instead of apple wine. In this capacity, jars, glass bottles or plastic eggplants are well suited.

Then you need to make a removal of carbon dioxide from the fermenting liquid, which can be made next way:

A small hole is made in the lid of the vessel and a small-diameter dropper-type tube is inserted into it. The end of the tube, which is located in the vessel, must be placed as high as possible, otherwise it will clog with foam, and lower the outer end into a container of water for several centimeters.

As a result of this, the gases from the wine container will freely go outside, thereby not oxidizing the future alcoholic drink.

There are alternative options, in which a medical glove with a small hole in the finger is put on the jar or a special lid is bought - a water seal.

To get apple mash, you can also use special apparatus, which is a large can with a special lid. This vessel is filled with almost 4/5 of the apple consistency, since the rest of the volume is needed for the accumulation of foam and carbon dioxide.

During fermentation, the can is placed in a warm (18–25 degrees) and dark place. In this case, the fermentation process lasts 30-60 days. The completion of this stage will be the absence of bubbles and characteristic hiss when the water seal is opened.

Important! If the fermentation dragged on for more than the prescribed period, then should pour the wine consistency into another container, but without sediment, to avoid the appearance of a bitter aftertaste.


As a result of the previous manipulations, a young apple wine should be obtained, which can already be tasted, but it will be a drink with a harsh taste and smell. And to eliminate these shortcomings wine necessary withstand a certain time and at the appropriate temperature. To do this, you need a new sealed and completely dry container, which will exclude the ingress of third-party yeast.

The pouring of apple wine is done very carefully using a water seal tube. During this process, it is necessary to drain the upper clarified layers, leaving sediment at the bottom. If desired, you can sweeten the filtered drink by adding sugar to it to taste or pour in one seventh of the vodka of the total volume of wine so that the apple wine becomes stronger. This contributes to the long storage of the wine drink, although its taste becomes tougher.

Then the vessel is filled to the top with wine and hermetically sealed. In case of adding additional doses of granulated sugar, it is advisable to keep the wine for another 1.5 weeks under a water seal in case re-fermentation occurs.

It is best to store the resulting wine drink in a cool (6-16 degrees) and dark place for 2-4 months. This will be quite enough for the full maturation of the wine and improve its taste.

And to make an apple strong drink absolutely clean and tart, it is necessary to systematically (every 1.5 weeks) remove the sediment by regularly pouring the wine into an appropriate container until there is practically no sediment left.

And finally, a small “miracle” happens and the apple fortified drink is completely ready in every sense of the word. Now the fun begins - the spill miraculous wine drink in the containers prepared for this. But first, a small tasting is needed, and only then reliable sealing of the filled container. Wine is ready!

Subject to all according to the rules for making apple wine, this drink should smell of ripe fruits and be amber in color. Without fixing, its "degrees" should vary from 10 to 12 percent, and for at least three years it can easily be preserved in its original form.

Easy homemade apple wine recipe

Homemade apple wine.

The strength of this drink is approximately 12 degrees, and preparing it is quite simple.

To do this, you need only four kilograms of sugar and 20 kilograms of apples.

Apple wine recipe:

  • Pass unwashed apples through a juicer.
  • Pour the resulting juice into a jar and cover with gauze.
  • Stand the drink for three days, collect the pulp, and then stir regularly with a wooden spoon, adding granulated sugar in the right amount, depending on the intended purpose of the wine (quantitative indicators of sugar added to certain types of apple wine are indicated above - "Adding sugar"). The technology for bringing a wine drink to the desired condition is also similar to the above (see "Maturation").

Similarly, semi-sweet and fortified apple wine is made, subject to the appropriate proportions above.

apple jam wine recipe

If you find old apple jam in your home bins, you should not throw it away decisively. After all, you can make wonderful homemade wine from it, which is not always possible to buy even in a store. To prepare it, you will need for one liter of jam:

  • Water - 1 liter.
  • Seedless raisins - 100 gr.

Wine making process:

Apple compote wine. original recipe

If the old apple compote has gone bad, then do not despair about this. You just have a reason to make him beautiful apple wine. For three liters of such compote, you need only a handful of raisins and three hundred grams of granulated sugar. Do not be lazy, and choose free time, following the following recipe:

  • Pour the fermented compote into an absolutely clean jar, add raisins with sugar and mix well.
  • If you have a medical glove on hand, put it on the neck of the jar and send the jar to a dark room for two weeks.
  • After this period, you need to remove the pulp and strain the drink through cheesecloth.
  • Then close the resulting drink with a tight lid and leave it to store for several months in a dark room.
  • At the same time, do not forget to regularly check the presence of sediment in the container, and if it is found, pour the wine into another appropriate container, leaving the “wine sludge” in the previous container.

It's interesting and helpful! In the absence of raisins, do not despair, it can be easily replaced with rice, which is even more economical. It will require literally a few grains, and the result will be identical to the original.

And in conclusion, I would like to dwell on the following point, which once again confirms the usefulness of an apple wine drink, whether it is cider or fortified wine.

The fact is that all the vitamins and microelements contained in apples, with proper preparation of wine from them, retain all their useful properties and have a beneficial effect on all organs.

This fact is indisputable, in the case of using a quality product, that is, apples. Therefore, you need to use the generous gifts of nature and enjoy the excellent taste of homemade wine drinks made by yourself.

Attention, only TODAY!
