
Homemade pudding recipe. How to Make Pudding at Home: Best Recipes, Cooking Tips & Reviews

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Pudding is a traditional English dessert based on eggs, cereals, milk, cottage cheese, flour and fruit. There are many variations of this dish, differing in combinations of ingredients and cooking methods. Only its delicious taste remains unchanged.

website shares the most interesting recipes pudding, which are also easy to perform.

Pudding with blackcurrant and cherry


  • ½ cup cherries
  • ½ cup blackcurrant
  • 2 tbsp. l. cornstarch
  • 2 tbsp. l. sugar (preferably cane)


  1. Rinse currants and cherries with water. Remove pits from cherries.
  2. Mix cherries with sugar. Add blackcurrant. Put the mass on the stove and bring to a boil.
  3. Dilute corn starch in water and pour into the mass. Stir and simmer for about 1 minute until thickened.
  4. Pour into molds, cool and refrigerate until set. To serve, garnish the pudding with any dark berries.

Semolina with raisins


  • 80 g semolina
  • 500 ml milk
  • 120 g sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 120 g raisins


  1. Soak the raisins in a bowl warm water. Boil milk, adding 65 grams of sugar, pour semolina and cook for 5 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly. Remove from fire.
  2. Add raisins, but leave a little for garnish. Beat the egg in a separate bowl, adding a little of the mixture from the pan. Pour this mixture into a saucepan and mix thoroughly.
  3. Prepare the caramel by melting the remaining sugar in a saucepan over low heat. Pour it into a baking dish. Pour semolina porridge with egg on top and bake in an oven preheated to 140 ° C for 25 minutes.
  4. Allow the pudding to cool slightly before inverting onto a plate. Garnish with raisins or fruit pieces.



  • 300 g rice
  • 2 glasses of milk
  • 50 ml cream
  • 25 g gelatin
  • 100 g ice cream
  • 2 cups raspberries (you can use frozen)
  • 1 cup of sugar


  1. Soak gelatin. Rinse rice and boil until tender in three glasses of water. Cool and mix with milk, cream and melted ice cream.
  2. Put the mixture on low heat and warm for 15 minutes.
  3. Strain the soaked gelatin, mix with half the sugar and pour into the rice-milk mass. Mix, pour into molds and refrigerate.
  4. Rub the raspberries with the remaining sugar. If desired, you can add a little cognac to the sauce. Drizzle over chilled pudding when serving. raspberry sauce and decorate fresh berries.



  • 400 ml milk
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 2 tbsp. l. cocoa
  • 2 tbsp. l. ground hazelnut(optional)
  • 2 tbsp. l. starch (preferably corn starch)


  1. Heat the milk over low heat so that it is very warm, but not yet hot.
  2. Remove milk from heat, add all ingredients. Beat thoroughly for about 5 minutes until a homogeneous mixture without lumps.
  3. Return mixture to fire. Bring to a boil while continuing to stir. Boil for 1 minute, then pour into molds.
  4. Let cool and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.



  • ¼ cup flour
  • 2 lemons
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 2 eggs
  • ¾ cup sugar
  • ½ tsp salt


  1. Separate eggs into yolks and whites. Grate lemon zest, squeeze juice. Lemon without zest cut into rings.
  2. Mix flour, sugar, lemon zest (2 tablespoons), salt, egg yolks, lemon juice (¼ cup), milk.
  3. Beat the whites so that they do not settle. Add to dough and mix gently.
  4. Divide the mixture into 4 portions and pour into portion molds. Put on a baking sheet. Pour about 1 cm of hot water into the bottom of the baking sheet. Place the pudding in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 35-40 minutes.
  5. Finished puddings can be garnished with lemon zest and lemon rings.



  • 400 g cottage cheese
  • 400 ml heavy cream
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 lemon
  • 6 art. l. Sahara
  • 4 tbsp. l. flour
  • 1 st. l. vanilla sugar
  • creamy margarine for mold


  1. Whisk the eggs. Add regular and vanilla sugar to them. Beat again until thick foam.
  2. Add cottage cheese, cream, flour and zest of one lemon. Mix.
  3. Grease molds with margarine. While stirring, pour the mixture.
  4. Bake the pudding in the oven at 175°C for 40-50 minutes.
  5. Serve with fresh berries, dried fruit or jam.



  • 2-3 cups pitted cherries (can be made from compote or frozen)
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup flour
  • ½ cup milk
  • 10 g baking powder for dough
  • 40 g butter
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg
  • 1 pinch of salt


  1. Sprinkle cherries with sugar (2 tbsp.) Add half of the flour. Mix carefully with a spoon. Transfer the mixture to a baking dish.
  2. Sift the remaining flour. Mix it with sugar, baking powder and salt.
  3. Separately combine milk and melted butter. Whisking constantly, add dry ingredients and beat until smooth.
  4. Spread the batter over the berries. Mix the remaining sugar with the nutmeg and sprinkle over the surface of the pudding.
  5. Bake in the oven at 180 ° C for about 50 minutes (to form a golden, dense crust).



  • ½ l milk
  • 1-2 eggs
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 2 tsp vanillin or vanilla beans
  • 2 tbsp. l. starch
  • syrup (to taste)


  1. Pour 400 g of milk into a saucepan, put on a small fire and dilute in it, stirring, sugar and vanilla. Boil.
  2. Dilute the starch in the remaining cold milk, add the yolk (yolks, if the eggs are medium-sized) and gradually pour, stirring all the time, the yolk-starch mixture into a saucepan with milk and sugar.
  3. Boil. Cook, stirring, 1-2 minutes. Remove from stove. If desired, add syrup for flavor.
  4. Pour the hot mass into molds, after rinsing them with cold water. Cover with foil or film. Put in refrigerator. It can also be used hot as a cream for sweet dishes.

Rice with strawberry sauce


  • 150 g rice
  • 500 ml coconut milk
  • 3 art. l. coconut flakes
  • 250 g strawberries
  • 30 g sugar


  1. Boil the rice in boiling water until half cooked (about 10 minutes), drain the water.
  2. Put the rice back into the pot, pour over the coconut milk, add the shredded coconut. Cook over low heat, stirring regularly, 10-15 minutes. During this time, the milk should not evaporate completely.
  3. While the rice is cooking, prepare the strawberry sauce. To do this, grind strawberries in a blender, add sugar and mix thoroughly.
  4. decompose rice pudding into glasses, top with strawberry sauce and refrigerate for at least an hour. Garnish with strawberries when serving.



  • 35 g pistachios
  • 50 g brown sugar
  • 235 ml milk
  • 1 egg
  • 1 st. l. cornstarch
  • 1 st. l. butter
  • 1 st. l. water
  • 1 pinch of salt


  1. Grind 25 grams of pistachios in a blender, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and water and continue to beat until a paste forms.
  2. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and add milk. Heat the mixture, stirring constantly.
  3. In a small bowl, mix 2 tablespoons of sugar, egg yolk, cornstarch and salt. Add some hot milk to make it easier to mix. Pour the mixture into a saucepan with milk and pistachio paste.
  4. Continue cooking, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens. Remove from heat and add butter. Whip until butter melts.
  5. Pour the pudding into molds and leave to cool for at least 4 hours. Decorate with the remaining pistachios before serving.

Chocolate avocado pudding


  • 4 avocados
  • ¼ cup coconut milk
  • 4 tbsp. l. cocoa powder
  • 60 g dark chocolate (80%)
  • 3 art. l. honey
  • 1 pinch of vanilla
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • coconut flakes (to taste)
  • chocolate chips (to taste)


  1. Blend avocado pulp in a blender.
  2. Melt chocolate and cocoa powder in coconut milk, add vanillin, honey, salt.
  3. Mix ingredients until smooth. To make the dessert thicker, put it in the refrigerator for several hours.
  4. Garnish the pudding before serving. coconut flakes or chocolate chips.

Banana protein


  • 1 liter of milk
  • 4 eggs
  • 350 g sugar
  • 4 tbsp. l. (heaping) flour
  • 2 bananas
  • 50 g milk chocolate for sprinkling
  • vanilla or nutmeg to taste


  1. Mix flour, sugar (150 g) and nutmeg (vanillin is possible).
  2. Bring milk to a boil, but do not boil. Switch off and let cool slightly.
  3. Separate the whites from the yolks. Whisk the yolks with a whisk or fork. Mix with ¼ of warm (but not hot) milk.
  4. Add the previously prepared dry mixture and stir so that the mass does not clump. Combine it with the remaining milk. Bring to a boil and simmer for a few minutes until thickened over low heat.
  5. Beat whites with sugar until thick consistency. Slice bananas.
  6. Divide some of the pudding into glasses. Lay banana slices on top, on bananas - protein cream, then bananas again. Finish off with the rest of the pudding. Decorate with chocolate chips. Put in the refrigerator for several hours.

pudding is the most delicate dessert, which is a typical representative of English cuisine. He has a lot of advantages. Delicate, airy, amazingly tasty. At the same time, it is prepared from the simplest products in just a matter of minutes. Today we will look at milk pudding recipes. Be sure to try one of them. It will become a favorite in your cookbook.

Little fussy

It's no secret that children rarely like healthy food. Sweets, chips and crackers are always welcome. But to drink milk before going to bed - this still needs to be persuaded. Do not need anymore. If you know the recipe for milk pudding, then you have already found an option on how to feed healthy dessert your baby. By the way, you can cook several servings at once, because dad will also not refuse such a treat.

Dish properties

Of course, this is a healthy and high-calorie dessert. Below we will look at milk pudding recipes, among which you are sure to find the one that you like the most. Calorie content per 100 g - 110 kcal. But try to resist and not eat a few of these servings. However, children, with their mobility, will only benefit.

  • Dessert is easily absorbed by the body and does not irritate the mucous membranes. It is useful for good blood circulation, bone repair and growth, and a fast metabolism.
  • It helps to keep the body in good shape, promotes tissue regeneration and stimulates appetite.
  • Of course, it is possible to say exactly about the properties of a dish only by analyzing a specific recipe. Milk pudding can be made with chocolate, berries and fruits, condensed milk. All these components change the calorie content and vitamin and mineral composition.

main ingredient

Of course it's milk. Moreover, you can change the calorie content by adding butter or cream. In this case, the dessert will turn out even more tender. Egg, sugar and starch are also often used for cooking. Sometimes swollen gelatin is added to the mass. Puddings can be boiled or baked, cooked in a water bath. After that, the mass is poured into molds and sent to the refrigerator for cooling.

Delicate milk pudding

A recipe with a photo makes it possible to evaluate the result in advance and decide for yourself whether to cook this dish. But since it is eaten very quickly, there is a reason to make several servings at once. Let's look at the cooking method:

  • Soak a teaspoon of gelatin in a quarter cup of water. Leave to swell.
  • Pour 400 ml of milk into a saucepan, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and vanilla. Cook until sugar dissolves.
  • Beat the yolks of two eggs and add to 100 ml of milk. Pour the mass into a saucepan.
  • Keep on fire for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly.
  • Pour the mass into molds and send to the refrigerator.
  • After hardening, it can be decorated with chocolate.

Vanilla cream pudding

Most people like the classic version, but some prefer a more delicate and creamy treat. In this case, consider the step-by-step recipe with a photo. Milk pudding is similar to ice cream. The difference is that cream and butter are used. Another highlight is the use of vanilla and cinnamon. Thanks to them, the dessert acquires a special flavor. Do not save on the quality of products, only in this way you can please your family with a tasty and healthy dish.

  • Take 250 g of milk and cream.
  • 2 tablespoons of cornstarch and powdered sugar.
  • Yolks from three eggs.
  • Vanillin.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Butter. Approximately 30 y.

Pour half of the milk and yolks into a cup. Add powder, starch and spices. Mix thoroughly. Bring the rest of the milk and cream to a boil, remove the pan from the heat and combine both parts. Now put back on the fire and bring to a boil. Add butter. After a minute, pour the mass into molds and put in the refrigerator.

starch recipe

Milk pudding can be prepared with a little starch added. But if you like a dense dessert, then be sure to try this option. You will need half a liter of milk and a bag of pudding powder. It can be taken different, almond, vanilla, coconut. Dilute the contents of the sachet in a small amount of milk.

Put the rest of the milk on the fire, add sugar, salt and butter. Bring to a boil and remove from heat. Now pour into the starch diluted in water and boil again. Remove from heat again and boil again. But don't boil the pudding, otherwise it will become like rubber. Serve the pudding to the table by pouring chocolate or sprinkling with coconut.

pudding for tea

It is prepared very simply minimum set products. The result is a nice cake that is great for tea drinking. And it will look good not only as a dessert for afternoon tea but also on the festive table. Moreover, all the products for dessert are already in your refrigerator.

Consider the cooking method:

  • Pour a glass of milk into a saucepan, add 3 teaspoons of tea leaves and bring to a boil. Now it needs to be filtered and cooled a little.
  • Beat one egg with three tablespoons of sugar and put in total weight. You can add some vanilla.
  • Pour the pudding into molds and bake in the oven for 30 minutes. The temperature must be set to a small, 130 degrees. The finished dessert must be poured into molds. You can decorate before serving gentle cream.

Treats for children

If the holiday is approaching, then every mother wants to please the baby with something tasty. Why not make milk pudding for a one year old. The recipe can be slightly modernized for your child, so that the result is healthy treat, taking it into account individual characteristics.
The pudding has a particularly tender texture than regular porridge. Therefore, the baby rarely refuses such a treat. The kid will enjoy this dish with great pleasure. You can cook it on the basis of milk rice or semolina porridge. If she stayed after breakfast, then she would do just fine. The preparation is very simple. Add yolk and raisins to the porridge, mix well and add whipped protein. This mass must be placed in a baking dish and baked in the oven until golden brown.

Starch based baby pudding

Do not forget that when you cook for children, you must definitely carry out heat treatment products, so jelly options don't fit here. Try the classic milk pudding for a 1 year old. The recipe consists of the simplest products.

  • Dissolve 15 g of starch and one yolk with sugar in 100 g of milk. Beat everything and add a couple of tablespoons of flour.
  • Separately, you need to bring 300 ml of milk to a boil and pour the prepared mass into it. At the end, add a little butter and whipped protein.
  • The pudding is baked in the oven for 5 minutes.

This dish will help diversify your table, and prepare a new and interesting dessert on hastily. Change the design, add berries and fruits - and get the perfect option every time.

10 pudding recipes you can make at home

Pudding was invented in England and was considered one of the main dishes on the Christmas table. For several centuries, porridge has been cooked in meat broth. Bread crumbs, almonds, raisins, honey, prunes were added to it and such a dish was served hot. Before serving, it was doused with cognac and set on fire. Gradually, the pudding recipe changed. And appeared great amount recipes for this dessert. We will tell you about the top 10 of them in this article, and you will learn how you can make pudding at home.

1. Semolina pudding with raisins

To make this pudding you will need the following ingredients:

  • Semolina porridge - 80 g;
  • Milk - 500 ml;
  • Sugar - 120 g;
  • Egg -1 pc;
  • Raisins - 120g.

First, soak the raisins in warm water. Let the milk heat up. As soon as it boils, add 65 g of sugar and semolina. Cook for 5 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly. Then remove from fire. Add raisins, but leave a little for garnish. In a separate bowl, beat the egg and a small amount of the prepared mixture from the pan. Pour the mixture back into the saucepan and mix thoroughly.

Now you need to prepare caramel. Melt the remaining sugar in a saucepan over low heat. Pour the finished caramel into a baking dish, top with semolina porridge with raisins and an egg. Preheat the oven to 140 degrees and send the pudding to bake for 25 minutes. Remove the finished dessert, let it cool, and then invert the pudding onto a plate and garnish with raisins.

2. Raspberry pudding

Here are the main ingredients you need to make this dessert:

  • Raspberries - 2 cups;
  • Rice - 300 g;
  • Milk - 2 cups;
  • Cream - 50 ml;
  • Ice cream - 100 g;
  • Gelatin - 25 g;
  • Sugar - 1 cup.

Soak gelatin in water in accordance with the proportions. Rinse rice and cook until tender. After it has cooled, add milk, cream and melted ice cream and mix everything thoroughly. Put the resulting mixture on low heat and heat for 15 minutes.

After the gelatin swells, strain it, mix with 0.5 cups of sugar and pour into the rice mass. Mix thoroughly, pour into molds and refrigerate until completely solidified. Meanwhile, grind the raspberries with sugar. Drizzle with raspberry sauce before serving.

3. Chocolate pudding

Below is a list of ingredients that are needed for chocolate pudding:

  • Milk - 500 ml;
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • Cocoa - 3 tbsp;
  • Starch - 3 tbsp.

Pour milk into large saucepan and put on low heat. It should be very warm, but not hot. Remove from heat and add the rest of the ingredients. Mix thoroughly for 5 minutes. You should get a homogeneous mass and there should be no lumps. Believe the resulting mixture on low heat, stir constantly until it boils. Boil for 1 minute, turn off and pour into molds. Put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

4. Curd pudding

Here is another delicious and healthy pudding recipe. To prepare it, you need to buy the following components:

  • Cottage cheese (granular) - 450 g;
  • Fat cream - 450 ml;
  • Eggs - 4 pcs;
  • Lemon - 1 pc;
  • Sugar - 6 tablespoons;
  • Flour - 4 tablespoons;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • Creamy margarine - 50 g.

Take a deep bowl, add regular and vanilla sugar, eggs and beat thoroughly. You should get a thick foam. After that, add cottage cheese, lemon zest, cream and flour. And mix everything again. Lubricate each mold with margarine. While stirring, pour the mixture into molds. Preheat the oven to 175 degrees and send the pudding to bake for 40-50 minutes. Before serving, decorate with fresh berries, fruit or jam. The pudding is ready! Bon appetit!

5. Vanilla pudding

The recipe for making vanilla pudding is very simple and you only need 4 ingredients, namely:

  • Eggs - 4pcs;
  • Milk - 500 ml;
  • Sugar - 85 g;
  • Vanilla - 1 pod.

First, take the vanilla pod and use the tip of a knife to remove the seeds. In a saucepan, combine milk, sugar, seeds and vanilla pod. Place over low heat and bring to a boil. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs and then pour the hot milk mixture into the bowl, stirring well. Pour the resulting consistency into molds, put on a baking sheet, pour water to the bottom to half. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and send a baking sheet with molds for 20 minutes. Make sure the pudding doesn't boil. Remove from oven and place in refrigerator for 3 hours.

6. Caramel pudding

Ingredients for Caramel Pudding:

  • Water - 3 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 9 tablespoons;
  • Milk - 250 ml;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml.

First you need to take baking molds and grease them with vegetable oil. After that, add 4 tbsp to the saucepan. sugar and 1 tbsp. water, put on low heat and cook the caramel until golden brown. Then remove from heat and add 2 tbsp. hot water and stir quickly. Pour caramel into moulds.

After that, pour the milk into a clean saucepan, add the remaining sugar and put on medium fire. Heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Whisk the eggs in a bowl and add the warm milk mixture. Mix everything thoroughly. Strain through a sieve and pour into moulds.

Cover each pudding mold with foil and place on a baking sheet with water. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees and send the caramel pudding to bake for 30-35 minutes. Then turn each mold on a plate and decorate if desired.

7. Lemon pudding

To prepare this recipe, you need the following ingredients:

  • Lemon - 2 pcs;
  • Flour - 0.5 cups;
  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs;
  • Sugar - 3/4 cup;
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp

Separate the yolk from the protein. Grate the zest of the lemon fine grater, and cut the lemon into rings. Squeeze the juice from the second lemon. In a bowl, mix flour, sugar, 2 tbsp. lemon zest, salt, egg yolk, ¼ cup lemon juice, milk. Mix until smooth. Whip the egg whites until foamy, and add it to the dough, mix gently. Divide the resulting mixture into 4 parts and pour into molds. Pour into a baking sheet hot water, put molds and dough. In an oven preheated to 180 degrees, bake the pudding for 40 minutes. Garnish the finished pudding with zest and lemon slices.

8. Cherry pudding

Main pudding ingredients:

  • Cherries (fresh or frozen, pitted) - 2.5 cups;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Flour - 1 cup;
  • Milk - 0.5 cups;
  • Baking powder - 10g;
  • Butter - 40g;
  • Nutmeg - ¼ tsp;
  • Salt - 1 pinch.

Put the cherry in a bowl, add 2 tbsp. sugar and 0.5 cup flour. Gently mix everything with a spoon. Pour into a baking dish. In a separate, clean bowl, mix the sifted, remaining flour, sugars, salt and baking powder. In another saucepan, combine melted butter and milk. Stir constantly while adding dry ingredients. You should get a homogeneous mass without lumps.

Pour the batter over the berries that are already in the baking dish. Sprinkle sugar and nutmeg on top. Bake the pudding in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 50 minutes.

9. Banana protein pudding

Banana protein pudding is made with the following ingredients:

  • Bananas - 2 pcs;
  • Milk - 1 l;
  • Sugar - 350 g;
  • Eggs - 4 pcs;
  • Milk chocolate - 50 g;
  • Nutmeg - to taste.

Mix flour, 150 g sugar and nutmeg. Bring milk to a boil, then turn off and let cool. Separate the white from the yolk. Beat the yolks themselves well and mix with a small amount warm milk. Then add the dry mixture and stir until there are no lumps. Pour the remaining milk, put the mixture on medium heat, bring to a boil, make a small fire and boil for 2-3 minutes.

Beat egg whites with sugar until stiff. Cut bananas into slices. Arrange part of the pudding in cups, top with bananas, protein cream, then banana slices again. Spread the rest of the pudding on top. Sprinkle with grated chocolate and refrigerate for 3 hours.

10. Apple-pumpkin pudding

Pudding Ingredients:

  • Pumpkin - 100 g;
  • Apple - 2 pcs;
  • Semolina - 2 tablespoons;
  • Eggs -2 pcs;
  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Butter - 1 tsp

Peel pumpkin, cut into small pieces, put in a saucepan, pour milk and simmer until half cooked. After that, add grated apples and gradually, stirring, add semolina. Make a small fire and stir constantly.

Turn off the heat and let the pudding cool. Whisk the eggs and butter until foamy, add to the pudding, mix well and put in the preheated oven to bake for 30 minutes. Garnish with honey or nuts before serving.

Now you know the 10 most popular pudding recipes that you can make quickly and easily in your kitchen. All ingredients can be purchased at any store or found in your kitchen. Try to cook them all! Delight yourself and your loved ones with delicious desserts.

10 best pudding recipes with photos: how to make pudding at home
Pudding - quick and easy recipes for every taste for cooking at home. Learn recipes for chocolate, raspberry, vanilla, lemon pudding. Delight your loved ones, relatives and friends with delicious homemade pudding.

Source: elgreloo.com

Pudding is a traditional English dessert made from milk, flour, eggs and sugar. Fruit and spices are usually added to the pudding. Pudding is usually consumed chilled.

For a long time, pudding was a festive Christmas dish in England. True, at that time he hardly resembled modern dessert. It was rather porridge with raisins, prunes, nuts and honey. But since the 13th century, pudding has acquired its usual form, so this dish has a rich history. Before serving on the Christmas table, the pudding is poured with cognac and set on fire. In this form, it becomes even tastier.

Today's puddings original recipe rarely cooked. Mostly mixes are used in bags, which only need to be diluted with milk and cooled. And yet, homemade pudding is much tastier, and making it is not at all difficult.


The basis for making puddings is the same:

Vanilla pudding is always appropriate - natural or vanilla sugar. Perfectly complement the taste of fruit juices and chopped fruits and berries.

milk pudding recipe


  • Milk - 500 ml
  • Yolks - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Starch - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp
  • coconut flakes
  • Cocoa


  1. Pour milk (400 ml) into a saucepan, add sugar, vanilla and heat slowly until sugar dissolves.
  2. Dissolve starch in 100 ml of milk.
  3. Beat the egg yolk and slowly pour into the milk.
  4. Combine all ingredients and cook, stirring constantly, for 3 minutes.
  5. Pour into molds, cover with cling film and refrigerate for 2 hours.
  6. Before serving, sprinkle with coconut, chocolate, ground nuts or cocoa.

Vanilla milk pudding recipe


  • Milk - 800 ml
  • Cream - 200 ml,
  • Powdered sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • Corn starch - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Yolks - 3 pcs.
  • Butter - 2 tablespoons,
  • Vanilla
  • Cinnamon


  1. Mix starch, powdered sugar, vanilla.
  2. Pour in 6 tbsp. cold milk.
  3. Add yolks.
  4. Mix everything carefully.
  5. Bring to a boil again.
  6. Add butter and cinnamon, cook for a minute.
  7. Wet the molds with cold water and pour the pudding
  8. Leave in the refrigerator until cold.

Kiwi milk pudding recipe


  • Milk - 1 l
  • Potato starch - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons
  • Kiwi - 4 pcs.
  • Chocolate - 2 pieces.


  1. Bring 800 ml of milk to a boil over low heat.
  2. Dissolve starch and sugar in the remaining cold milk.
  3. Slowly pour the mixture of starch and sugar into boiling milk, stirring constantly.
  4. When the pudding begins to thicken, turn off the heat.
  5. Put kiwi slices on the bottom of the molds.
  6. We pour the pudding.
  7. After 10 minutes, when the pudding hardens, decorate with kiwi slices and sprinkle with chocolate.

Milk tea pudding recipe


  • egg - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • milk - 1 tbsp.
  • tea leaves - 3 tsp
  • vanilla


  1. Bring milk to a boil
  2. Add tea leaves and mix
  3. Cool down
  4. Beat egg with sugar
  5. Pour into milk
  6. Add vanilla
  7. Pour into molds and bake in the oven for half an hour

Milk pudding is eaten cold. Before serving, you can sprinkle with coconut flakes or grated chocolate, you can serve with pudding custard or any other sweet sauce of your choice.

homemade pudding recipe
Homemade Pudding Recipe Pudding is a traditional English dessert made from milk, flour, eggs and sugar. Fruit and spices are usually added to the pudding. pudding accepted

Source: dealinda.ru

Pudding is a rather unusual dish at first glance. At first, puddings were made only from leftovers, scraps of other dishes and, as it were, fused together.

Thus, the pudding technology involves ready-made raw materials that can be mixed with various ingredients, quickly heated and eaten.

The basis in puddings always serve boiled rice, white bread, and fillers- oil, fat or various meat or fruit components.

Bonding fill for puddingo they usually serve an egg in combination with milk or small amounts of alcohol - rum, cognac, which not only accelerate the fermentation of the products included in the pudding, but also play the role of "cleaning" various, especially meat, trimmings.

Interesting Pudding Facts

The pudding was prepared in large copper cauldrons a few weeks before Christmas by the whole family. When cooking, each member of the family made a wish. Four items were placed in the pudding: a coin, a thimble, a button and a ring. Later, when the pudding was eaten, every item found in the pudding had a meaning. A coin meant wealth in the new year, a button meant a bachelor life, a thimble for a girl meant an unmarried life, a ring meant marriage (marriage).

A dream about pudding portends a small income. There is pudding - it means that your business will go badly. Making pudding - in reality you will be disappointed in your lover and break off all relations with him. For married people, a dream about pudding portends sexual problems.

Christmas pudding in England is made on the eve of last Christmas. After a year, a rather stiff pudding is soaked with an alcoholic drink, usually brandy, decorated and served at the table.

Throwing black pudding is one of the most famous pastimes in Irish pubs. Black pudding is a local delicacy consisting of a cooked mixture pig blood, fat and crackers enclosed in the long intestine.

For the first time, the recipe for this dish came to Great Britain many centuries ago, as they say, it was brought from Europe by monks on a pilgrimage from the Apennines to Lancaster. This is where the dish got its name black pudding.

The goal of the annual tournament is who out of three attempts will be able to shoot down large quantity Yorkshire puddings from a wooden platform set 6 meters above the wall of the pub, throwing the stormy pudding at them. It is believed that this competition originates from the long-standing confrontation between the two British royal families - Lancaster and York.

According to one of the legends, the competition dates back to a real story that happened during the War of the Scarlet and White Roses (1455-1485), when both armies, having used all their ammunition, began to throw provisions at each other.

And now the recipes.

Let's start with the simplest to prepare, but not to taste.

cottage cheese pudding

The pudding turns out to be tender, juicy and very fragrant. Sugar can be put a little less. Usually, I make two servings at once, because one is simply not enough!

– 250g cottage cheese from 9%
- 3 eggs
- 100g sugar
- 1 orange

Cooking method: Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer for 5 minutes.

Mix cottage cheese with whole zest and juice of ½ orange. Carefully combine the curd mass with the egg mass and pour into a greased or parchment-lined mold.

Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes at 180°C. The pudding will rise well when baking, but will fall off as it cools.

Can be served both warm and hot.

bread pudding

Surely it happens to everyone that a loaf of bread for the whole family was not eaten and it dried up. You shouldn't throw away the bread, you need to make a delicious pudding!

The main rule of bread pudding is that you can cook only from moldy bread and you will get an unrealistically tasty and very healthy dessert.

So to make 4 servings of this wonderful dessert, we need:

– Somewhere half a loaf of stale white bread

– One glass of milk

– Three apples, pears or apricots

- A little bit of cinnamon

- One teaspoon of vanilla sugar

The process of preparing our wonderful pudding:

1. First you need to cut bread and fruit slices into rectangles, then put it all in layers in a baking dish.

2. In another saucepan, mix sugar, cream, vanilla and a pinch of cinnamon. Turn on the stove and put this mixture on it.

3. As soon as it all starts to boil, you need to remove the saucepan from the heat and mix, adding the eggs.

4. Pour bread with fruit with this mixture, wait 10 minutes until it is all soaked and put in the oven for about half an hour.

5. Serve with cream, honey, jam, jam or condensed milk - this is already a matter of taste.

Tricolor semolina pudding

You will need:

Semolina - ½ cup
Eggs - 3 pcs.
Milk - 1 glass
Butter - 4 tbsp.
Sugar - 3 tablespoons
Jam (your choice, but I use cherry) - 1-1½ tbsp
Cocoa (powder) - 1 tbsp.

Cooking method:

Preparation of pudding begins with the preparation of semolina porridge. To do this, you need to boil milk, add semolina, sugar to it, and cook it all over low heat, constantly stirring the contents. When the porridge is ready, put the oil in it, stir and let it cool to room temperature.

While the porridge is cooling, separate the whites from the yolks. Proteins need to be whipped into a strong foam, so use a mixer.

When the porridge has cooled, first enter the yolks into it, mix everything, and then carefully add the whipped proteins, mix everything again and divide the entire resulting mass into three equal parts.

Leave one part as is, mix the second with jam, and add cocoa to the third.

Now, grease the mold with oil and put all the parts one on top of the other in turn, trying not to mix them. Place the mold in a saucepan filled with water, and boil the pudding in a water bath for one hour.

Then, carefully remove the pudding from the mold, cool slightly and serve. If you save condensed milk for this pudding, you will get such a yummy that it is beyond words!

Mushroom pudding with onions

500-600 g fresh mushrooms, 5 medium potatoes, 6 onions, vegetable oil, salt, sour cream (mayonnaise).

Cut fresh washed mushrooms coarsely enough, salt and fry in vegetable oil. Fry separately finely chopped onion. Wash potatoes and cut into thin rings.

Place fried mushrooms, onions and potato slices in layers in an earthenware cup or deep pan, greased with vegetable oil. Salt potatoes. After laying out the second layer of potatoes, salt and grease it with sour cream or mayonnaise.

Put the third layer of mushrooms, onions and potatoes, grease with sour cream or mayonnaise, bake in the oven for 45 minutes at a temperature of 220-230 C.

homemade pudding recipe
Pudding is a rather unusual dish at first glance. At first, puddings were made only from leftovers, scraps of other dishes and, as it were, fused together. Thus, the technology for making puddings involves ready-made raw materials that can be mixed with various ingredients, quickly under ...

Source: www.stepandstep.ru

Puddings are made from eggs, sugar, cottage cheese, poppy seeds, rice and other products.
Puddings can be boiled in special forms or baked. The form should be greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, put the prepared mass into it (fill no more than 1/2 of the volume of the form), cover with a lid, put in another bowl with boiling water and cook for about 1 hour.
The cooked pudding is pulling away from the edges of the mold. When the pudding is cooked, it is removed from the fire, but it is not removed from the mold before serving.
Before serving, tip the pudding out of the mold onto a plate or dish.
Puddings can also be baked in a refractory glassware. Grease the bottom of the form with oil, sprinkle with white breadcrumbs, fill with the prepared mass no more than 2/3 of the volume of the form. Bake in an open form without moving it so that the pudding does not settle. The baked pudding is pulling away from the edges of the mold.
Puddings are served hot with sweet sauces or berry juices.

rice pudding

4 eggs, 100 g rice, 2 tbsp. butter, 1/3 cup sugar, 1/2 cup raisins, 1/2 cup milk, 1/2 cup fruit juice, 1 vanilla stick.

Boil milk with vanilla, add oil, rice and cook until the rice is soft. Grind the yolks with sugar, put cooked rice, washed raisins, whipped whites in them, mix. Put the mass into the prepared form and cook for 1 hour or bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes.
File with fruit juice.

bread pudding

4 eggs, 1/2 cup black breadcrumbs, 1/2 cup milk or cream, 1/2 cup sugar, 100 g potato starch, cinnamon, cloves.
For the wine sauce: 1 cup wine, 1/4 cup water, 1/3 cup sugar, 3 egg yolks, avocado drops.

Rub the yolks with sugar. finely crushed breadcrumbs mix well with milk or cream so that they swell, then combine them with mashed yolks. Stir, add whipped proteins, starch, ground spices and mix gently. Then pour into the prepared pudding dish and bake or boil.
Serve the sauce with wine to the pudding, which is prepared as follows. Pour wine into boiling water. Grind the yolks with sugar, brew them with wine, add arak drops and beat into foam.
Prepare the sauce just before serving.

Apple pudding with rice

1 cup rice 1/2 cups sugar (in rice), 2 cups milk, 1 tbsp. butter spoon, 4 sour apple, 1/2 cups sugar (in apples), 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crackers, 1 egg, 1/2 cups of raisins, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, salt.

Rinse rice. Put rice, butter, salt, sugar into boiling milk and cook until the rice is soft. Add raisins to cooked rice.
Peel apples, finely chop, add sugar, cinnamon and mix well. In the prepared pudding mold, put alternately in layers boiled rice and cooked apples. Top with egg, put butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and bake.

cottage cheese pudding

2 cups cottage cheese, 4 eggs, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, 1 cup of sugar, 1/2 cups raisins, cinnamon, 3 tbsp. spoons of white crackers.

Rub butter with curd well. Separately grind the yolks with sugar. Put the mashed yolks, raisins, ground cinnamon, crushed white crackers and whipped whites into the cottage cheese. Stir, put the mass into a pudding mold and bake or boil for 1 hour.
The pudding is eaten with melted butter, sprinkled with cinnamon sugar. It can also be served with sauce.

Cowberry pudding

1/2 liters of cranberries, 3 tbsp. spoons of flour, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, 4 eggs, 6 tbsp. spoons of sugar 1/2 cups of sweet almonds

Rub the butter well, add one yolk, a spoonful of sugar and rub until all the yolks are pounded. Add peeled and ground almonds, washed lingonberries, whipped proteins, flour to the prepared mass, mix gently, put in a pudding mold and cook. Puddings are also prepared from other berries.

homemade pudding recipe
Puddings are made from eggs, sugar, cottage cheese, poppy seeds, rice and other products. Puddings can be boiled in special forms or baked. The form must be greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, put in it

Source: domochag.net

Important Tasty - a collection of home cooking recipes.

Homemade puddings - how to properly and tasty cook a healthy homemade pudding. Homemade pudding recipes.


Break the vanilla crackers, put them in a saucepan or bowl, pour over hot milk, cover and leave for 15-20 minutes. Cut the candied fruit into small cubes, sort the raisins and rinse in cold water. Separate egg yolks from proteins, grind with sugar and mix with soaked crackers. Then put chopped candied fruit, raisins, melted butter, beaten egg whites and mix it all well. Put the prepared mass into a special form with a hole in the middle, after lubricating it with a thick layer of oil and sprinkling with breadcrumbs. The mold only needs to be filled 3/4 full to leave room for the pudding to rise. Leave the filled form for 30-40 minutes. into the oven or oven at medium heat. The pudding is considered ready when it becomes elastic, rises and lags behind the edges of the form. Put the finished pudding on a dish and serve hot. If desired, the pudding can be doused with fruit or berry sauce.
For 150 g vanilla crackers- 3 eggs, 0.5 cups of sugar, 2 cups of milk, 50 g of candied fruit, 100 g of raisins and butter.

Put the sorted and well-washed rice into boiling water. After 10 min. Boiling rice should be thrown into a sieve, let the water drain, then put it back into the pan, pour hot milk, cook for another 15 minutes. and cool slightly. Grind egg yolks with sugar, add vanilla and mix with cooked rice. There also put pieces of candied fruit, washed raisins, butter, peeled and finely chopped nuts and egg whites, beaten in thick foam. Mix it all well. Put the prepared mass in a special form or in a frying pan, greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, and put for 30-40 minutes. into the oven or oven at medium heat. Before serving, put the pudding out of the mold on a dish. Separately, in a gravy boat, you can serve fruit or berry sauce.
For 250 g rice - 1 cup sugar, 100 g butter, 2.5 cups milk, 4 eggs, 50 g candied fruit, 100 g raisins, 1/4 vanilla powder or 0.5 vanilla sticks.

Rinse the sorted sago in cold water and lower for 5 minutes. in boiling, lightly salted water (5-b glasses). Then throw the sago on a sieve, let the water drain, put it back in the pan, pour hot milk and cook for another 10 minutes. until soft, but without letting it boil. Cool the cooked porridge slightly, put in it butter, peeled and finely chopped nuts, raisins, egg yolks, mashed with sugar and vanilla, and mix it all well. After that, add the beaten egg whites, slightly knead the mass from the bottom up, put it in a special form greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs or in a frying pan and put for 30-40 minutes. into the oven or oven at medium heat. Remove the finished pudding from the oven and put on a dish. The pudding is served hot on the table, if desired, warmed berry jam is poured on top.
For 3/4 cup sago-150 g sugar, 100 g butter, 2 cups milk, 4 eggs, 50 g raisins, 100 g nuts, 150 g jam, 0.5 vanillin powder.

Soak the crumb of white bread in milk. Lightly dry the nuts, peel and pass through a meat grinder. Grind the egg yolks with sugar and combine with the nut mass, white bread soaked in milk and melted butter. Mix it all well, add beaten egg whites and put in a special form or in a frying pan, oiled and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. The pudding should be baked in an oven or oven with medium heat for 30-40 minutes. Put the finished pudding out of the mold on a dish and serve hot. Pudding can be poured on top vanilla sauce or serve the sauce separately.
For 150 g walnuts- 3 eggs, 250 g white bread, 150 g sugar, 3/4 cup milk, 100 g butter.

Pour crackers with 2 cups of hot milk and let them swell. In a separate bowl with sugar or honey, beat the eggs, add 1 glass of milk, melted butter, cinnamon, 0.5 teaspoon of salt and, mixing everything together, pour into the crackers. To this mass, add the sorted and washed raisins, mix again, put in a greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs form and bake. Serve with sweet sauce or jam.
For 250 g breadcrumbs- 3 cups milk, 2 eggs, 1/2 cup sugar or honey, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of oil, 100 g of raisins.

Sort the raspberries, wash them and pass them through a meat grinder along with the cottage cheese several times. Mix the resulting mass with semolina and beaten eggs with sugar. Lubricate the form for baking pies and cakes with a small amount of butter or vegetable oil and sprinkle with semolina. Fill the form with mass. Bake the pudding until done. Carefully place the finished pudding out of the mold on a dish, cool slightly and serve with sour cream whipped with raspberry syrup.
raspberries - 2 cups, cottage cheese - 1 kg, eggs - 2 pcs., sugar - 2/3 cup, semolina - 1/2 cup.

100 g cottage cheese 1 egg 20 g sugar 10 g butter 20 g crackers 1 g salt
Rub 100 g of dry cottage cheese through a sieve, grind half with 20 g of sugar and 0.5 tbsp. oils. Mix everything together with cottage cheese, add 1 tbsp. (with top) sugar flour, beat the protein; carefully mix it with the curd mass (from top to bottom), put it in a mold, greased with oil and sprinkled with sifted breadcrumbs. Steam in the oven for 30 minutes. The cottage cheese pudding should be pulling away from the edges when baked. Served with fruit or some fruit sauce.

250 g cottage cheese 2 eggs 2 tablespoons semolina 2 tablespoons sour cream butter or vegetable oil salt to taste sugar to taste soda - on the tip of a knife
Wipe the curd. Mix with eggs and semolina. Add sour cream. Let stand 15 minutes for the semolina to swell. To make a lush pudding, add salt, sugar and soda. Place the pudding on a greased baking sheet. Top with sour cream if desired. Bake.

Sift crushed crackers through a sieve. Scald the almonds with boiling water, peel, finely chop, fry in the oven until light brown and grind in a mortar with 2 tablespoons of sugar. Peel raisins from twigs and rinse in warm water. Add sugar, 3 tablespoons of melted butter, egg yolks, 0.5 teaspoon of salt, lemon zest to the curd rubbed through a sieve and carefully knock out with a wooden spatula. Then mix the curd mass with crushed crackers, nuts, raisins and then mix in the egg whites whipped into a thick foam. Lubricate the inside of the pudding mold with butter, sprinkle with sugar and fill with curd mass. It is necessary to fill the mold only three-quarters, close the lid and place in a large pot of water (the water should only reach half the height of the mold). Put thick paper or cheesecloth folded in half at the bottom of the pan. Cover the pan with a lid and cook the pudding for about an hour, adding water little by little as it boils away. The uniform elasticity of the curd mass that has risen and slightly lagged behind the edges is a sign of the readiness of the pudding. Put the finished pudding out of the mold on a dish and serve hot, with fruit syrup or with sour cream.
For 500 g of cottage cheese - 3 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, 5 eggs, 0.5 cups of sugar, 4 tbsp. spoons of crackers, 100 g of raisins, 50 g of almonds, lemon or orange zest.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, put egg yolks, sugar, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, orange zest, semolina into it and pour in the melted butter. Knock out all this mass with a wooden spatula. Then mix in peeled and washed raisins, candied fruit, cut into small cubes, and egg whites whipped into a thick foam. Transfer the curd mass to a mold, greased inside with butter and sprinkled with sugar, and steam or bake in the oven. In the latter case, sprinkle the form not with sugar, but with crushed breadcrumbs. The pudding is served hot, with fruit syrup or jam.
For 500 g of cottage cheese - 3 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, 4 eggs, 0.5 cups of sugar, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of semolina, 100 g of candied fruit, 50 g of raisins, orange zest.

Add egg yolks, 2 tablespoons of melted butter, sugar, salt, semolina to the grated cottage cheese. Mix it all well and beat out with a wooden spatula. Sort the green spinach, remove the stems, wash the leaves in two or three waters, put on a sieve, let the water drain, then finely chop and mix with the curd mass. After mixing this mass with whipped proteins, put it on a frying pan greased with oil and sprinkled with crushed breadcrumbs or in a saucepan, level the surface, grease it with sour cream, sprinkle with grated cheese, drizzle with oil and put in the oven for 25-30 minutes. Put the finished hot pudding on a dish, pour over with oil and serve with cold sour cream.
For 500 g of cottage cheese - 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, 1 cup sour cream, 3 eggs, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of semolina, 250 g of fresh spinach, 25 g of Dutch cheese.

cottage cheese - 250 gr. rice - 0.5 cups carrots - 7 pcs. butter - 70 gr egg - 3 pcs.
Peel the carrots, grate and stew in a small amount of water. Wash the rice and put it in a small amount of water. Combine rice, carrots, egg yolks and cottage cheese. Shuffle. Beat the egg whites until a stable foam forms and add to the previously obtained mixture. Mix and put in a mold greased with oil. Bake in a preheated oven. Serve by drizzling with melted butter.

cottage cheese - 500 gr. cyxari breadcrumbs - 1 cup egg - 6-7 pcs. caxap - 1.5 cups apple - 6-7 pcs. butter - 70 gr. fruit syrup - 1.5 cups
Mash cottage cheese with a fork. Wash the apples, remove the core with stones and grate. Combine cottage cheese, apples, bread crumbs, egg yolks and saxap. Mix thoroughly. Beat the egg whites into a stable foam and carefully add to the previously obtained mass. Mix and put in a mold greased with oil. Cover over with oiled food paper. Cook in a water bath until fully cooked. Transfer the finished pudding to a dish and serve with fruit syrup. Instead of fruit syrup, you can use jam.

cottage cheese - 400 gr. egg - 5 pcs. semolina - 1 tbsp. l. milk - 1 cup saxap - 3 tbsp. l. butter - 25 gr. raisins - 0.5 cups cinnamon - 0.5 tsp fruit coyc - 1.5 cups
In boiling milk, with constant stirring, pour semolina. Add butter, egg yolks, saxap, steamed raisins, cinnamon and cottage cheese to the prepared cooled semolina porridge. Mix thoroughly. Beat the egg whites into a stable foam and add to the previously prepared mixture. Shuffle. Put the resulting mass in a mold lubricated with oil. Cook in a water bath for 25-35 minutes. Serve with fruit coy.

cottage cheese - 400 gr. caxap - 80 gr. vanillin - to taste an egg - 2 pcs. butter - 25 gr. pistachios - 80 gr. cream - 0.75 cups
Combine cottage cheese, caxap, vanillin and eggs. Mix thoroughly. Add softened butter, chopped pistachios and whipped cream. Mix thoroughly. Put the resulting mass into molds sprinkled with water. Put in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes. Serve cold, garnish with pistachios and cream.

cottage cheese - 450 gr. egg - 3 pcs. caxap - 2 tbsp. l. flour - 2 tbsp. l. raisins - 2 tbsp. l. butter - 1 tbsp. l. cyxari breading - 1 tbsp. l. sour cream - 1 tbsp. l. fruit coyc - 0.75 cups vanillin - to taste salt - to taste
Combine cottage cheese, caxap and egg yolks. Shuffle. Add salt, vanilla, steamed raisins and flour. Mix thoroughly. Add egg whites, whipped into a stable foam. Shuffle. Put the resulting mass in a mold lubricated with oil and sprinkled with cyxariae. Lubricate the surface with sour cream. Bake in a preheated oven until fully cooked. Get the mold out of the oven. Leave for 5-10 minutes. Get the pudding and cut into portioned pieces. Serve with fruit coy.

cottage cheese - 500 gr. semolina - 2.5 st. l. caxap - 3 tbsp. l. egg - 2 pcs. raisins - 3 tbsp. l. butter - 15 gr. vanillin - to taste cyxa and breadcrumbs
Mash cottage cheese with a fork. Steam the raisins, take them out of the water and dry them. Dilute vanillin with a small amount of hot water. Combine egg yolks with sugar and rub thoroughly. Beat the whites until a stable foam forms. Combine cottage cheese, yolks, raisins and vanilla. Shuffle. Add proteins. Shuffle. Put the resulting mass in a mold lubricated with oil and sprinkled with cyxariae. Put the molds in a water bath. Cook for 20-30 minutes. Serve pudding with sour cream, jam, jam or sweet sauce.

cottage cheese - 500 gr. semolina - 150 gr. milk - 350 ml. egg - 4 pcs. caxap - 50 gr. vanillin - to taste zest of 1 lemon raisins - 50 gr.
In boiling milk, pour semolina in a thin stream, with constant stirring. Boil for 8-10 minutes. Cool down. Rub the cottage cheese thoroughly. Add yolks, vanilla, grated lemon zest and steamed raisins. Mix and add to semolina porridge. Shuffle. Combine proteins with caxar. Beat until a homogeneous mass is formed and combine with the curd-semolina mass. Shuffle. Put the prepared mass in a mold lubricated with oil. Bake for 20-25 minutes in a preheated oven. Serve with melted butter or sour cream.

cottage cheese - 500 gr. butter - 60 gr. semolina - 1.5 cups egg white - 4 pcs. salt - to taste fruit syrup - 50 ml. cyxa and breadcrumbs
Combine cottage cheese, softened butter, semolina, fruit syrup and whipped whites. Water it down. Mix thoroughly. Put the resulting mass on a napkin, lubricated with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Roll up with a roll, tying the edges of the napkin. Boil for 30 minutes in boiling salted water. Pour the finished pudding with melted butter and sprinkle with cyxars.

cottage cheese - 500 gr. cyxari breadcrumbs - 0.5 cups saxap - 0.5 cups egg - 4 pcs. raisins - 0.75 cups opex - 5 tbsp. l. butter - 50 gr. sour cream - 0.75 cups vanillin - to taste
Combine egg yolks, caxap and softened butter. Rub thoroughly. Add grated cottage cheese and mix. Add bread crumbs, washed raisins, vanillin and crushed nuts. Water it down. Shuffle. Add whipped whites. Shuffle. Put the prepared mass in a mold lubricated with oil, filling three-quarters. Sprinkle with caxar. Put on a water bath. Cook until ready. The pudding will be ready when the mass rises, becomes elastic and will easily move away from the mold walls. Serve hot, pouring sweet sauce, jam, jam or sour cream.

cottage cheese - 500 gr. butter - 40 gr. egg - 5 pcs. lemon zest - 1 tbsp. l. cyxari breadcrumbs - 2 tbsp. l. peeled almonds - 5 tbsp. l. saxap - 0.5 cups raisins - 1 cup sour cream - 1.5 cups salt - to taste
Combine cottage cheese and part of caxapa. Rub thoroughly. Add melted butter, egg yolks and lemon zest. Water it down. Shuffle. Finely chop the almonds and fry until golden brown. Add the remaining caxap. Shuffle. Add bread crumbs, almonds, steamed raisins and whipped whites to the curd mass. Shuffle. Put the prepared mass in a mold sprinkled with sweet water. Cook in a water bath until fully cooked. The pudding will be ready when the mass rises, becomes elastic and will easily move away from the mold walls. Serve with sour cream, fruit syrup or coy.

500 g of milk, 60 g of flour, 180 g of sugar, 0.5 teaspoon of salt, 2 eggs, 2 teaspoons of butter or margarine, 1 teaspoon of vanillin.
Pour milk into a 2 liter glass pan. Heat at full power for 2-3 minutes until the milk is fully heated. Whisk flour, sugar, and salt together in a medium (1.5 L) saucepan. Gradually add milk, stirring with a wire whisk. Heat on full power for 3-4 minutes until thickened, stirring once. Pour half of the hot mixture into raw eggs, stir and pour back. Heat again at full power for 2-3 minutes until it begins to boil. Beat the mixture well with a whisk, add the butter and vanilla and divide into serving cups.

4 sour apples, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of raisins, 40 g of ground crackers, 40 g of sugar, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, a pinch of salt, 50 g of oil.
Peel the apples, cut into quarters and place in a wide glass dish. Sprinkle raisins on top of apples. Pour crackers, sugar, cinnamon, salt and oil into a saucepan, mix and heat at full power for 1 minute until the butter melts, stirring during cooking. Pour the warm mass over the apples, cover the mold with a lid and bake for 7 minutes at full power.

300 g baked apples or other fruits, 75 g of butter or margarine, 1 egg, a pinch of salt, 60 g of powdered sugar, 100 g of plain flour, 0.5 teaspoon of baking powder.
Place the prepared fruit on a round or oval non-metallic ovenproof dish. Grind the butter and powdered sugar, beat with the egg, adding the sifted flour, salt and baking powder. Pour this dough over fruit. Heat at full power for 5-7 minutes. The fruit should be soft and the biscuit should be well baked.

50 g of jam, 150 g of flour, water for dough, milk for wetting the edges, 75 g of kidney fat (or butter).
Knead the dough from flour and finely chopped lard. Add enough water to ready dough it was thick and soft. Roll out the dough into a cake rectangular shape and spread a thick layer of jam on top. After that, wet the edges of the dough with milk and roll it up. Wrap the roll with greaseproof paper (baking paper) and bake at full power for 5-7 minutes. Let stand for a few minutes. Then remove the paper, cut the pudding and serve.

60 g butter, a glass of flour, 0.5 cup powdered sugar, 1/4 cup cocoa powder, 150 g milk, 1 teaspoon vanilla essence(or 0.5 tsp vanilla sugar, or 4 tbsp vanilla liqueur), 1/3 cup cocoa powder and 3 tbsp. tablespoons brown sugar (for sprinkling), 2 cups boiling water.
Put the butter in a pudding pan, melt for 45 seconds on full power. While stirring, add flour, sugar, cocoa, milk and vanilla. Beat until a homogeneous mass is obtained. mix Brown sugar and cocoa powder. Sprinkle with pudding mixture. Pour in boiling water. Bake for 12-13 minutes at medium power. Remove from oven, let stand and serve after 5 minutes.

250 g strawberries 250 g apricots lemon zest 50 g pudding sugar and 3 tbsp. for cream 130 ml red currant juice 2 tbsp. starch 400 ml milk 1 tsp. vanilla sugar 8 g gelatine 4 egg yolks 200 ml heavy cream 50 g roasted 1 sprig feijoa balm or grapes for garnish
Cut the strawberries in half for the pudding. Remove the pits and skin from apricots, cut the flesh into slices. Fruit pour 80 ml of red currant juice, add zest, sugar and boil. Stir the starch with the remaining juice, add a thin stream to the fruit, stirring constantly. Boil and cool. Remove the zest. For cream, soak gelatin in 100 ml of cold water. Boil milk, adding vanilla sugar, cool slightly. Beat the yolks and sugar in a water bath. While stirring, pour in the milk, cool slightly. Add gelatin and heat the mass until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Cool the cream and let it harden a little. Whip the cream, crush the grillage. Add cream and roasting to the cream, mix. To serve, layer the brittle cream and chilled pudding in 4 bowls. Decorate with lemon balm leaves and berries.

Boil milk with sugar and boil starch in it, mixed with cold milk. Cook, stirring over low heat until thickened. Remove the mass from the heat, cool and add the strawberries mashed with sugar. Mix everything thoroughly. Mix the finished pudding with whipped cream, garnish with fresh berries, mint leaves and orange slices.
milk - 0.5 cups, sugar - 2 hours. l., starch - 1h. l., strawberries - 250g, cream - 100g.

semolina pudding
200 g milk 50 g semolina 25 g granulated sugar(jam) 20 g butter 1 egg
Boil a glass of milk and half a glass of water in a small saucepan, add 2 tbsp. semolina, without ceasing to stir the milk, and add 2 tsp to the same place. sugar (jam). Mix well until the porridge thickens. Remove from heat, stir in 10 g of butter, let cool. Beat the egg, pour it into the cooled porridge, mix well, put the whole mass into a well-oiled mold and bake in the oven. The pudding is served with gravy from fruit puree, jam, compote. Delicious pudding with sour cream.

Important Delicious - collection of recipes home cooking
You should always be able to cook a delicious and healthy pudding. For your attention popular recipes homemade puddings. How to cook vanilla pudding or what to quickly whip up a pudding out of. Recipes correct quick puddings for home cooking will help you prepare a real homemade pudding.

A long time ago, pudding was a dish consisting of the remains of a wide variety of dishes - lemon or orange peel, chicken, eggs, raisins, sugar, sausage trimmings and many other ingredients. But now the pudding is no longer the remains of food, but full meal, which is very fond of both children and adults, which, moreover, is prepared as easy as shelling pears. And in this article you can read the top most delicious recipes how to make pudding at home.

And before reading our selection, we recommend that you look at the photo pudding recipes that have already been published on our website:

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One of the simplest, but very tasty and fragrant desserts is an orange-curd pudding that requires very little time and effort to prepare. First of all, you need to break 3 eggs into a bowl, add 100 grams of sugar to them and beat it all for 5 minutes with a mixer. Then the pudding recipe requires taking 250 grams of cottage cheese with a fat content of at least 9%, add to it, squeezed from half an orange, juice and finely chopped peel from a whole orange, and then mix well.

Now it remains only to mix the curd and egg mass, and then pour the resulting mixture onto a mold covered with parchment and oiled, which will need to be placed in an oven preheated to 180 degrees C for half an hour. And in half an hour, the orange-curd pudding will be completely ready for use!

If previous recipe does not suit you, and you are looking for other options on how to make cottage cheese pudding, use the recipe for cottage cheese and semolina pudding, which conquers with its delicate taste. And the first thing you need to cook is ordinary semolina porridge in milk, for which you first need to put 0.5 liters of milk on the fire, and as soon as it boils, add 150 grams of semolina there, and cook the porridge, stirring constantly until cooked.

In the meantime semolina prepare, take a pound of cottage cheese with a fat content of at least 9%, knead it, and immediately add a pinch of vanilla, 50 grams of raisins, finely chopped lemon peel and 4 egg yolks to it. The whole mixture is thoroughly mixed and combined with cooked semolina. After that, beat with 50 grams of sugar 4 egg whites until foam forms there, and combine them with the curd-semolina mass.

Now it remains only to put the mixture into a mold covered with parchment and brushed with oil, and send it to the oven preheated to 1800 C. Bake pudding until golden brown.

And you will surely like it.

Appetizing bread pudding

Thinking about what and how to make pudding at home again, look around you in the kitchen and you will surely see a stale half-eaten bun or white bread that has already become hard as a stone, but has not become moldy. So it will be the basis for the preparation of another delicious dessert.

First, prepare the ingredients for the pudding. To do this, we break 250 grams of bread into small pieces, mix them in a plate with finely chopped three apples, pears or apricots, removing the peel and seeds from them, and set aside.

Then we mix a glass of milk, half a glass of sugar, a pinch of cinnamon and a teaspoon of vanilla in a small saucepan, and send the mixture to the fire. As soon as the milk boils, you need to remove the pan from the heat and wait a bit for it to cool. After that, add 4 eggs to it and mix thoroughly.

Now it remains only to put bread with fruits on a mold covered with parchment and pour them with milk and eggs. Then it is worth waiting for 10 minutes until the bread is saturated with milk, and send the form to the oven preheated to 1800 C for half an hour. You can serve the pudding with cream, jam, condensed milk, jam or honey at your discretion.

Rice pudding is very popular among families, and its preparation is similar to that of bread pudding. To make it, first pour half a liter of milk into the pan, then add finely chopped lemon peel, a glass of cream and half a glass of sugar. Mix the whole mixture thoroughly, and then put the pan on medium heat. As soon as the liquid boils, remove the pan from the heat and add 50 grams of butter and finely chopped nutmeg to it.

Then we take 200 grams of rice, wash it thoroughly under running water and put it on a mold covered with parchment and greased with vegetable oil. After that, pour the rice with the liquid from the pan, and put the form in the oven preheated to 1800C for 20 minutes. Later given time we take out the mold, mix the almost ready pudding, and then send it back to the oven and bake until the liquid has completely evaporated.

Sweet tooth will definitely love the easy to prepare chocolate pudding. To prepare it, the first step is to grate 100 grams of dark chocolate. Then you need to melt 2 tablespoons of butter and mix them with 100 grams of flour, and then add half a glass of cream there, mix everything again and pour the mixture into a saucepan. We put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and immediately add the grated chocolate, 2 tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of vanilla. Then we wait until it all boils again and set the pan aside.

While the mixture is cooling, separate the yolks from the whites of 4 eggs, then beat them separately and add to the pan, then mix again. Now it remains only to cover the baking dish with parchment, grease it with oil, pour the resulting mixture into it and send it to the oven preheated to 1800 C for 30 minutes. After the allotted time, we take out the mold from the oven, sprinkle the pudding with grated milk chocolate, cut it into portions and serve.

And be sure to try it, it turns out very tasty.

On holidays great success will use chocolate and vanilla pudding, which is not only very tasty, but also looks very impressive. True, in order to cook it correctly, you need to constantly look at the pudding recipe with a photo during cooking.

First of all, mix a glass of sugar, 3 tablespoons of flour and a glass of milk in a saucepan, and then put the resulting mixture on medium heat. We wait until the mixture boils, reduce the heat and continue to cook it until it thickens, not forgetting to stir from time to time so that nothing burns. In parallel with this, melt 1 tablespoon of butter, and as soon as the mixture thickens, remove the saucepan from the heat, add butter to it and mix.
After that, it will be necessary to divide the milk mixture in half, pouring half of the milk into another saucepan. Then add 2 tablespoons of vanilla sugar to one saucepan, and 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder to the other, after which we put both mixtures on the fire and cook until they thicken even more, remembering to stir.

Now it remains only to chop with a knife 3-4 walnuts for the layer and you can proceed to the last step. To do this, take transparent cups and pour, alternating, mixtures from the first and second stewpan, between which we pour some nuts. We decorate the dessert with grated chocolate on top and send the festive pudding for children and adults to the refrigerator for half an hour, so that it finally thickens.

apple banana pudding

Very nutritious for children and adults will be apple-banana pudding, which is both tasty and rich in beneficial to the body vitamins and minerals. To prepare it, you need to grate 2 sweet apples and 2 bananas peeled and peeled on a coarse grater, add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon to them, the same amount of lemon juice and mix everything thoroughly. Then grind 1 cup of hercules in a coffee grinder and add it to the fruit, after which we mix everything again. Next, add 1 tablespoon of butter and 1 glass of milk to the fruits and hercules - and mix again.

Then we take another bowl, break 4 eggs into it, add a pinch of salt and half a glass of sugar to them, and beat it all until a white foam appears. As soon as the foam appears, pour the egg mixture into a bowl with the rest of the ingredients and, again, mix thoroughly. Now it remains only to shift the mixture into the multicooker bowl, close it with a lid, set the “Frying” mode and bake the pudding in the multicooker for an hour. And after 60 minutes, the finished pudding can already be served with tea.

Pudding - a traditional dish English cuisine. There are many varieties of this dessert, however, milk pudding can be safely classified as a classic. The undeniable advantage of milk pudding is that it is very easy to prepare. True, care must be taken to prepare enough portions, as the dessert is eaten as quickly as it is prepared.

Judging by the name of the treat, it is easy to guess that the main ingredient is milk. However, it can always be supplemented with cream and butter - in this case, the milk pudding will turn out even more tender and creamy. Yolks (or the whole egg), sugar and starch are also used for cooking. In some cases, swollen gelatin is added to the pudding mass. Pudding can be boiled, baked in the oven or cooked in a water bath. After that, the mass is poured into molds and sent to the refrigerator to cool.

Milk pudding - preparation of food and dishes

To make milk pudding, you will need a small bowl, a measuring cup for milk, cream and bulk products, pudding molds and a small saucepan. Ready formed pudding can be put on a flat dessert plate and decorate chocolate chips, nuts or cream.

Cooking milk pudding does not require complex or lengthy preparation of ingredients. All you have to do is measure measuring cup right amount milk and cream (if they are used in the recipe), you also need to measure the sugar. Prepare the required seasonings in advance: vanillin, cinnamon, nutmeg, etc. Take care of decorating the pudding: grate chocolate, chop nuts or prepare a gentle cream.

Milk pudding recipes:

Recipe 1: Milk pudding

Great dessert for the whole family, which is prepared very quickly and simply. It is better to cook more of such a delicacy, as milk pudding is eaten in an instant.

Required Ingredients:

  • Milk - 0.5 l;
  • Yolks of two eggs;
  • Sugar and starch - 2 tablespoons each;
  • Vanillin - 4 g;
  • Gelatin - 1 tsp;
  • Water - a quarter of a glass;
  • Cocoa;
  • Coconut shavings.

Cooking method:

Soak the gelatin in a bowl of warm water until soft. Pour about 400 ml of milk into a saucepan, add sugar and vanillin, then swollen gelatin. Put the pot of milk on slow fire and stir the contents until the gelatin and sugar are dissolved. Beat the yolks and add to 100 ml of milk. Add starch to it as well. Stir until the starch is completely dissolved and carefully pour into the saucepan with milk. Cook all ingredients on fire for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly. Then pour the mass into molds and cover cling film. After cooling, put in the refrigerator to cool. Sprinkle the finished milk pudding with cocoa, coconut flakes or grated chocolate.

Recipe 2: Milk pudding with vanilla

This milk pudding recipe uses the same recipes as in classic version dessert preparation. The difference is that cream and butter are used here, which makes the treat more tender and creamy. And vanillin and cinnamon give the milk pudding an unforgettable taste. delicate fragrance.

Required Ingredients:

  • Milk - 4/5 l;
  • Cream (22-23%) - 1/5 l;
  • According to 2 tbsp. l. cornstarch and powdered sugar;
  • Three egg yolks;
  • Vanillin;
  • ground cinnamon;
  • Butter - 2 tablespoons (about 30 ml).

Cooking method:

Mix powdered sugar, starch and vanilla. Add 90 ml of milk and yolks. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Combine the rest of the milk with cream, put on fire and bring to a boil. After boiling, remove the pan from the heat and add the previously prepared mixture. Mix all ingredients and put back on fire. After boiling, add butter and cinnamon. Cook, stirring constantly, for another minute. Moisten the molds with water, pour in the mass and leave to cool, then put in the refrigerator.

Recipe 3: Milk pudding "Tea"

Such milk pudding is prepared very simply and from a minimum set of ingredients. For cooking, you will need sugar, an egg, vanillin, milk and tea leaves.

Required Ingredients:

  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • Milk - 200 ml;
  • Tea leaves - 3 tsp;
  • Vanillin.

Cooking method:

Pour tea leaves into milk and put on fire, bring to a boil. Then the "tea" milk needs to be cooled down a bit. Beat 1 egg thoroughly with sugar and put in the milk mixture. Then add a little vanilla powder. Pour the mass into molds and put in the oven for half an hour to bake. The finished milk pudding should be cooled in the refrigerator, then sprinkled with grated chocolate or coconut flakes, pour over with syrup or decorate with a delicate cream.

Milk pudding can be varied with pieces of fruit, dried fruit or fruit juice. Also, the finished treat can be sprinkled with chocolate chips, ground nuts, coconut flakes or poured over with syrup.
