
Food in Vietnam. Crocodile, nails, young dog meat

You may know about Phu, but you can't be considered a connoisseur of Vietnamese cuisine until you try these dishes!

Banh Quon (Steamed Rice Cake)

Soft, tender steamed rice cake served with fried shallots, chopped cucumbers, chopped romaine lettuce, bean sprouts, pork sausage slices, chopped shrimp, onion feathers, ground beef - and all this splendor is poured over with fish sauce.

Sometimes Banh Quon is served with crispy potato slices and deep fried bean patties. Just lick your fingers!

Banh Mi (Vietnamese sandwich)

French baguette is nothing compared to it! Once you try it, you won't be able to eat a regular turkey sandwich with the same pleasure.

Goi kun (Chinese pie)

Please don't confuse our egg patties with goi kun. This is completely different. They are not fried in a pan, but they are still incredibly tasty! They are prepared with different fillings. My favorites are with fried pork (nem nyong kun). Dip them in peanut sauce and life will sparkle with new colors!

Ban Tseo (Hot pancake)

Crispy, with a golden crust, the pancake just asks for a mouthful!

Banh Khot (Small fried pancakes)

These little pancakes are a tasty morsel!

Kom tam (crushed rice)

This is not the kind of rice that you eat almost every day. Who is made from crushed rice grains! And it's always served crispy! Om-Nom-nom! Is lunch coming soon?

Bun Bo Hue (Vermicelli Beef Soup)

If you are not afraid of thrills, try this spicy soup. It is a meat broth with vermicelli, lemongrass and pork served in a pot.
Oh my mouth is on fire!

Ban Riyu (Noodles with Tomatoes and Crabs)

If you're still afraid of the thrill, try this one of my favorite homemade soups!

Hu Tju (noodles with rice)

In Cambodia, it is called Kew Tew. There are many recipes for making noodles with rice. For example, you can cook just noodles and rice, without any soup. Mm, how difficult it is to choose what to order in a Vietnamese restaurant…

Banh Canh Bot Lok (Thick Noodle Soup)

Thick soup with noodles. As you've probably noticed by now, there are a lot of cooking recipes when it comes to noodles and soup! Om-Nom-nom!

Can Yua (Vietnamese Tamarind Sour Soup)

Another soup you can make at home. After tasting it, you will certainly remember the trip to! Very tasty soup, especially if you add a little rice to it!

Chao (Rice porridge)

Chao is a Vietnamese version of chicken noodle soup. I think chao is good to serve when you have the flu or a cold!

What to Serve with Chao: Buy Chinese donuts called Yutiao, cut them in half and eat them with your soup. Just a meal!

Bo Luk Lak (beef chop)

The words of my boyfriend, unfamiliar with Asian cuisine, who tried this dish: how could I miss this dish?

Kom chien (fried rice)

Vietnamese fried rice is not the kind of rice you fry for dinner! This is rice, some vegetables, eggs, cilantro and a couple of very tasty sausages (hunyong lap). When I brought my lunch to the elementary school where I work, it went like hot cakes!

Ka someone (fish in caramel, served in a pot)

If you're talking to a Vietnamese, mention this dish, and you'll notice that the conversation gets a lot livelier.

Banh Kam (Orange stuffed with sesame seeds)

Don't forget the most important dessert. Here we have sesame heaven!

Banh Tet (glutinous rice cake)

When New Year is celebrated in Vietnam, the Banh Tet dessert is served - glutinous rice cake wrapped in a banana leaf, served with mung bean paste, or, as I like it more, a pie stuffed with bananas and sweet red beans .

Banh Kep La Dua (Coconut waffles with pandan)

If you have never tried these delicious waffles, what can I say. Buy it!

Che (Sweet pudding for dessert)

So much can be said about Che, both about his taste and about his many recipes! My favorite is trout dessert (Che Seong Sa Hat Lu)

Phu (Vietnamese noodle soup)

Phew, you can continue the list of Vietnamese dishes indefinitely, but you can’t forget about phoo! By the way, it's pronounced fu (wow, they even rhyme!)

Dedicated to gourmets…

For those who like to try new dishes and are not indifferent to Eastern cuisine, Vietnam with its abundance of cafes and restaurants will definitely suit. It is mistakenly believed that Vietnamese cuisine is spicy, in fact, unlike other Asian countries, Vietnamese cuisine is quite peaceful.

The basis of Vietnamese cuisine is an abundance of fresh seafood, meat and herbs. Not the last place is given to rice, rice is the main and indispensable component of Vietnamese cuisine.

Historically, Vietnam has been conditionally divided into three parts: North, Central and South Vietnam. The same thing happens with Vietnamese cuisine: in the south, one can feel the influence on the culture of food, which was made by immigrants from southern China and French colonists.

The south is primarily famous for the abundance of various herbs and the sweetish taste of many dishes. In the north, there is a more traditional cuisine with a select set of spices and ingredients. The central part of Vietnam, unlike the south and north, prefers small snacks and spicier food.

Despite the same names of dishes, the taste in different parts of Vietnam always remains unique in its own way.

Popular Vietnamese dishes:

Soup Pho (Pho)

There are several varieties of this soup depending on the meat: Pho Bo (Pho Bo) - with beef, Pho Ga (Pho Ga) - with chicken, Pho Ca (Pho Ca) - with fish. Soup is usually served with greens, herbs, vegetables, dipping sauces, various pastes and slices of lime or lemon.

Lau Soup or Hot Pot

This dish is worth ordering at least for the sake of participating in the cooking process. A saucepan with broth is placed on your table (sometimes there are two broths in a rhinestone in a saucepan), the tile (built-in or portable) is turned on and the exciting process of successive throwing of products begins. The minimum portion is designed for two people, so it is better to go in a company.

Ga Kho - chicken in caramel

A specific dish of Vietnamese cuisine that has a salty-sweet taste, as a rule, chicken meat is very juicy.

From the exotic worth a try: Crickets fried in boiling oil. Dishes of snakes, ostrich, crocodile, ostrich, turtles and snails.

Vietnam drinks

First of all, let me tell you about Local coffee. Vietnam is one of the world's leading coffee exporters. Traditionally, coffee is drunk quite strong and insanely sweet, sometimes condensed milk or sugar is added to it.

There is also a traditional Vietnamese drink - ice coffee ( Cà phê sữa đá) . It is made from dark roasted ground coffee and condensed milk with ice. Very often in stores came across cold instant coffee.

cane juice - another drink found in Vietnam. They also sell for a ridiculous price of 5.000 VND. The juice is prepared in front of you, adding ice and sealing it under a special press so that the drink splashes, cane juice helped us a lot during the heat.

Also not less popular in Vietnam are carbonated drinks , there is just a wild variety of locally produced flavors from the most unusual and specific fruits, herbs and vegetables.

Salty, sour, sweet, spicy, crunchy and enveloping, with peppercorns and an extraordinary smell that takes your breath away… Food in Vietnam, what is she? Words can't describe everything Vietnamese delicacies one must taste, savor, feel the aftertaste, be surprised at unfamiliar combinations and admire: and how do they eat it?

Today is all about what to try when traveling to Vietnam. I do not pretend to be a complete description of Vietnamese cuisine, I just want to go over the most famous dishes.

Soup Pho (Viet. - Phở)

Vietnamese eat pho soup for breakfast, lunch and even dinner. Throughout Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and in every nook and cranny of even the smallest provincial towns, there are huge vats of fragrant brew. The Vietnamese begin to cook Pho soup before dawn, so that by 5-6 in the morning they will feed people hurrying to work.

Fo is rich meat broth with secret spices, herbs and roots, fresh homemade noodles, thin pieces of boiled meat or chicken, sprouted soybeans and lots and lots of greens, which are supposed to be eaten as a bite instead of bread. In the south of Vietnam, chopped banana flower petals are also added to Pho soup, which become a real highlight in this dish. A must in northern Vietnam try black chicken pho soup.

The process of eating Pho soup is also an art. The Vietnamese eat it with chopsticks and a spoon, which they take in their left hand and scoop up the broth with it. At the same time, they grab the noodles and meat with chopsticks in their right hand and carefully place them in a spoon with broth. Soup Pho not spicy in itself (Vietnamese people add chili to their plate), excellent suitable for feeding children in Vietnam. Our daughter has been eating Pho since she was a year and a half old and feels great.

Soup Pho in Vietnam costs from $1 per plate in a street cafe with plastic chairs to several dollars in a decent ethnic restaurant. Phở soup comes with different meats, depending on this, the name also changes: Phở Ga(with Chiken), Phở Bo(with beef) Phở Heo(with pork).

French baguettes stuffed with Banh Mi (Viet. - Bánh mì)

Russians who have lived in Vietnam for many years call this dish "Vietburger", although with the usual high-calorie, fatty American hamburger, the Vietnamese counterpart has very little similarity. Baguette Banh Mi- it is hollow inside and almost weightless, crispy and oblong bun, which is stuffed with everything that comes to hand. Barbecued meat, ham, meatballs, fresh or pickled vegetables, fried eggs, cheese, herbs- all this serves as a filling for Ban Mi.

Banh Mi in Vietnam is usually eaten for breakfast, but burger stalls can be found on the streets of large cities until late in the evening.

Soup Bun Bo Hue (Viet. - Bún bò Huế)

At first glance, it might seem that Soups Fo and Bun Bo are the same, but they are not.. The only thing that unites them is the spicy meat broth, which the Vietnamese cook for several hours in a row. Instead of using oblong noodles, Bun Bo uses round rice vermicelli, and instead of thin slices of meat, this soup uses huge chunks of bone-in beef. In addition, in b bun bo broth add more lemongrass, shrimp paste and slices of beef bloodthirst. This soup is impossible to imagine without banana inflorescence shavings and a lot of greens. Soup Bun Bo comes from the royal city of Hue, which means that he was once a regular at imperial breakfasts or dinners.

Vietnamese fajitas Nem Nuong (Viet. - Nem Nướng̣)

Nem Nuong is eaten for dinner in Vietnam, because the ritual of eating this dish is very good for leisurely friendly conversations. Also, this dish is perfect for a home party. Making Nem Nuong is not so difficult, and you can feed a large crowd at a time. Nem Nuong consists of several ingredients that are arranged on different plates. The first one is Grilled small homemade pork sausages. Garlic, spices and baking powder for dough are added to minced meat, and then marinated in the refrigerator for several hours. Thanks to this, the cutlets are very tender and melt in your mouth.

Meat sausages (in some places minced meat is fried in the form of balls) are also served with fresh and pickled vegetables, usually carrots and daikon, as well as many, many greens: lettuce, basil, mint, dandelion leaves. To balance the taste for salty pickled cutlets and sour vegetables, you will be given sweet crunchy shallots, deep fried and sweetish spicy peanut-carrot sauce.

And now the most important thing - learning to put it all together to feel the unique taste of Nem Nuong. We put greens on a piece of rice paper. Choose what you love and do not skimp, there should be a lot of greenery. Top with meat sausage, pickled vegetables, crispy onions (sometimes they also serve deep-fried and crispy egg dough paper). Roll it all up, dip it in the sauce and eat it. Yummy is extraordinary.

Small cafes where Nem Nuong is cooked can be found in almost any town in Vietnam. Just enough write Nem Nướng̣ on a piece of paper and ask in the hotel lobby where you can taste this dish.

Crispy spring rolls (Viet. - Chả giò)

small crispy rice paper pancakes with all kinds of fillings can be found in many Asian countries. In Vietnam, they also love such food and cook it according to their own recipes. There are many varieties, as well as the names of such pancakes. In English-language menus, they are usually called Spring Rolls.

Cuon Ram- pancakes with greens and whole or chopped shrimp inside have this name. Sometimes other seafood is put in Ram.

Also there are pancakes with meat or chicken filling, mushrooms, glass noodles and vegetables. Fried pancakes are a more high-calorie analogue of the previous dish, but, of course, they will taste completely different delicacies.

Steamed rice cakes Bánh bao

Oh, these combinations of rice with meat, vegetables and herbs. Rice noodles, paper, boiled, fried, dry… How many variations are there in cooking? I think that Vietnamese cooks will count at least a hundred ways to make dishes from these components that are not similar to each other.

For example, Bánh bao. Such pies or even manti made from rice flour stuffed with meat, quail eggs and vegetables. Variations Banh bao a lot - it can be either completely closed large snow-white balls that are sold in all supermarkets, on street stalls and in many restaurants, or open options - as is customary to cook in Hoi An. Hoi An people don't waste time wrapping the stuffing in the dough, but put it on top.

Savory Aubergine Saute Cà Tím Kho Tộ

The most favorite dish that I personally can eat every day. This is not street food, but rather restaurant food, but it is not so difficult to find it in small inexpensive Vietnamese cafes. Usually eggplants are cooked in a clay pot along with tomatoes, chili peppers, onions, potato flour, rapeseed oil, coconut milk, spices, sugar, soy and oyster sauces, seasoned with herbs. By itself, this dish is very spicy, so you can’t do without a portion of rice as a bite.

Cơm around the head

Do you know who eats the most rice in the world, based on kilograms per person? Of course, the Vietnamese - 200 kilograms of rice per year (the Chinese only 150 kg). I have no idea how they stay so small and slender...

Rice is called Cơm in Vietnamese(pronounced simply "com"). On the streets you can often see such signs with the words: Cơm Gà (with chicken), Cơm Bò (with beef), Cơm Heo (with pork). That's right: rice in the first place, and meat only in the second. Rice in Vietnam, as in other Asian countries, is most often cooked without the addition of salt, oil and other spices. Rice is like the basis of a meal, on which the flavors of other dishes are then layered on top. Rice should be sticky so that it is convenient to eat with chopsticks, and insipid to set off spicy and spicy food.

On street stalls, a large portion of rice with meat costs from $ 1. In clean mini-restaurants - up to $ 5, depending on the complexity of the preparation of the dish. For Sasha, the ideal food in Vietnam is just rice with grilled chicken fillet pieces on a lemongrass stalk. This is really very tasty.

Vietnamese salads

Although the Vietnamese are not such masters of salads as the Thais, you can still learn a lot from them. Salads from banana blossom shavings(Viet. - Nom hoa chuoi), sprouted soy, pan choi and others (I have a separate post with a photo about them) are suitable for a light dinner. Usually such dishes have a spicy sweet and sour dressing, and they are decorated with nuts on top. Salads are the prerogative of restaurants and cafes, so you will not find them among street food.

Vietnamese desserts

Definitely worth a try while in Vietnam french desserts, which are sold in numerous bakeries throughout the country. The Vietnamese learned the art of creating miniature sweet masterpieces from the French during their occupation at the end of the nineteenth century. Complete food tour of vietnam you can, after drinking a cup of very strong and sugary vietnamese coffee, which is brewed and brought in special aluminum coffee pots. And if you are in Hanoi then you will surely enjoy the delicious egg coffee, which is not even just a drink, but a full-fledged dessert.

Good day to all readers and subscribers

In every country where I was lucky enough to visit, I try to try as many local dishes as possible. To get to know the national food of the people. There is even such a thing as gastronomic tourism. And Vietnam is no exception for me.

In one of my previous articles, I already wrote about . Today I present to you my rating best Vietnamese food.

Having visited the countries of Southeast Asia and Vietnam in particular, I realized that I really like Asian cuisine, and in particular, I really like it! Vietnamese food not yet as popular as the Thai ones. But this situation will surely change soon, because more and more of our compatriots have recently chosen Vietnam as their vacation spot. Yes, and in Russia more and more restaurants are being opened where they serve best vietnamese food.

What is she Vietnamese cuisine? It is original, but much is borrowed from China, Thailand and France (Vietnam was once a colony of France). Not as spicy as in Thailand, but still it has a lot of spices. As elsewhere in Asia, one of the basis of many dishes is rice. The Vietnamese also eat a lot of fresh herbs and noodles. Various soups are very popular (especially Pho soup), fried pork and some exotic dishes for Europeans, such as dogs, cats, rats, snakes, crocodiles (although this largely depends on the region, for example, in southern Vietnam, cats and dogs are not eaten, but in the north it is a delicacy). Lots of seafood dishes. And thanks to the French influence, Vietnamese cuisine is unthinkable without delicious fresh baguettes and pastries.

So, I present to your attention Top 10 Vietnamese Dishes:

1. Soup Pho (Pho).

The most popular dish in Vietnam. It's like in Thailand or borscht in Russia. Although no, in Russia they don’t eat so much borscht! Soup Pho cook in Vietnam just every step of the way. It can be tasted both in an expensive restaurant and in any cheap cafe with plastic chairs. It is especially popular with the Vietnamese for breakfast, but it is also good for lunch and dinner.

This is a fairly simple soup with the addition of noodles, germinated soy sprouts and pork (or chicken). It is served separately with chili peppers and a large plate with fresh herbs, which must be added to the soup. Sprouted soy is also sometimes served separately.

To be honest, I liked this soup, but still not as much as Tom Yam in Thailand and some others. vietnamese dishes.

2. Vietnamese soup with beef, noodles and carrots.

It is a kind of Pho soup, but I personally liked it even more! Especially thanks to the special very tasty broth. I advise you to try! Usually served in the same place as Pho soup. It's easy enough to tell from the picture on the menu.

3. Spring rolls.

Small rolls fried until crispy. The filling can be very varied, but most often it is vegetables with minced meat or shrimp wrapped in thin rice paper. Served with greens. It tastes better if eaten with soy sauce. I liked it very much! Especially good as an appetizer for beer.

4. Pancakes Nam.

Something like spring rolls. Only larger. They also use rice paper. Only here the filling is more diverse, often with the addition of mushrooms. There are options both fried and simply wrapped in a sheet of rice paper. I personally liked the fried ones better.

By the way, in one of my articles, I spoke in detail about the recipe for making nam pancakes. Read it.

5. Lau.

Lau- This is a boiling pot of soup in which mushrooms, tomatoes, herbs and lemongrass are added to a rich broth. Sometimes lau with seafood, chicken or meat. Noodles and a large plate of greens are served separately. Lau is served like this: they put a small burner on the table and put a pot on it, so the lau is served very hot. From the cauldron, lau is laid out in cups and noodles and greens are added to each cup separately.

This dish is designed for at least two. Very tasty and satisfying.

6. Vietnamese seafood.

Not surprisingly, Vietnamese cuisine has a lot of seafood dishes. If you look at the map of Vietnam, you can see that this country is, as it were, stretched along the sea coast and sea fishing is well developed here. fish and seafood in vietnam very popular. And in terms of price, seefood in Vietnam is more affordable than, for example, in Thailand (I generally keep quiet about Russia). Especially inexpensive fresh seafood delicacies can be tasted right on.

Personally, I especially like crabs! Also popular dishes are lobster, shrimp, oysters, mussels and scallops.

By the way, soon Vietnamese seafood and about that, I will release a whole post. Necessarily subscribe to blog updates so you don't miss a post!

7. Banh cuon (Vietnamese pies).

The filling for Banh kuon is rice, mushrooms, coconut, beans. They are of several types. They can be with minced meat or sweet, for dessert. These pies have one thing in common - they are wrapped in a banana leaf and fried.

They are sold in this form, wrapped in a banana leaf:

Unfold the leaf and eat - very tasty!

8. Vietnamese soup with dumplings.

We tried this delicious soup in Dalat. It is also a type of Pho soup. But despite some similar ingredients, it tastes very different. I liked him a lot more than Fo. I have never seen such a soup in Nha Trang, but in Dalat it is very popular. It’s true that in different places in Vietnam Pho soup is made in completely different ways.

We ate this soup in a modest place where mostly locals eat, with a sign like this:

Wake up in Dalat - be sure to come here! This place is located on THANG PHAN Street, not far from the large five-star Saigon Dalat Hotel, on the opposite side of the street from the hotel. It is practically in the center of Dalat.

9. Nem Nuong.

Nem Nuong are small pork sausages served with sauce, rice sheets, crispy rice dough paper and a lot of different greens:

All this is eaten as follows: more different greens are placed on the rice leaf, then sausage and fried rice dough; the rice leaf is wrapped in a tight tube and dipped in the sauce. It turns out just awesome!

Eating this dish turns into a whole process. It is good to order Nem Nuong for leisurely gatherings when a large company has gathered. Usually one portion of Nam Nuong is enough for two or even three people.

10. Pastries and cakes.

At first glance, it is surprising for an Asian country, but in Vietnam they make very tasty pastries, and cakes and pastries here are just licking your fingers. All thanks to French traditions. I am not a big fan of sweets, but I ate such delicious cakes in Vietnam with great pleasure! The price is also very attractive. So for those with a sweet tooth, Vietnam is a paradise!

Separately, I want to say about the Vietnamese fast food. These are crispy French baguettes with various toppings. Usually it is minced meat or ham with the addition of vegetables, herbs and various sauces. Such baguettes are sold in Vietnam just on every corner.

Many people like them very much, but I did not include them in my rating, because they seemed a bit bland to me. But tastes, as they say, do not argue.

Of course, this is not the whole list of what you can treat yourself to in Vietnam. Someone may not agree with my rating Top 10 Vietnamese Dishes, include other delicacies in it. Then share your opinion in the comments.

My friend Katya Zubkova continues the story about Vietnam: coffee and exotic dishes :-)

Have you ever tried crocodile, ostrich and turtle soup? :-)

But more on that later, but now about Vietnamese coffee.

vietnamese coffee

You can write about him endlessly (but this is in my opinion, people's tastes are undoubtedly different). This year, Vietnam has taken the 1st place in the world in terms of coffee exports, overtaking - yes, yes - Brazil.

How coffee is brewed in Vietnam

What is so special about this drink? :-) Let's remember that Vietnam was a French colony, and the French brought coffee to this country. There are many varieties - Arabica, Robusta, Mocha, the famous luwak. The very coffee that you will be offered in cafes and restaurants, the Vietnamese interfere from several varieties. This fragrance cannot be confused with anything. And the aftertaste… I was surprised when, after drinking a cup of this divine drink, I felt unusual freshness and coolness in my mouth.

Coffee is prepared using a Vietnamese filter (remember the French - it seems to me that the French press originated from this interesting device :-)). A metal filter is placed on a cup, 3-4 tablespoons of ground coffee are poured into it, then pressed with a press and poured with boiling water. Coffee drop by drop fills the glass, 3-5 minutes - and the aromatic drink is ready.

National way to drink coffee - with condensed milk

There is one more feature. The Vietnamese have a big sweet tooth and love the so-called "white" coffee - coffee with condensed milk. Moreover, condensed milk is 1/3 of the drink. In small cafes, they will pour condensed milk into the bottom of a transparent glass, and put a filter with coffee on top. And you will see the whole process with your own eyes :-)

This is how regular hot black coffee is served.

After that, you will probably want to take a few kilograms with you. Prices vary, it's up to you. You can find from 110,000 dong per kilogram of ground coffee (this is about 335 rubles). In this case, I recommend to take in the restaurant "Madame Dean". Come and have dinner there :-)

Soup Pho

The next dish that started every morning in Vietnam for me is the famous Pho soup. It is prepared in three versions - with meat, chicken and fish (Pho Bo, Pho Ga, Pho Ka).

The most popular Vietnamese dish in the world is Pho soup.

By the way, it is prepared in a peculiar way: first, a rich broth is boiled for 4-5 hours and in the morning it is poured into bowls, into which rice noodles, spices, bean sprouts, pieces of meat or fish, greens, lime are added - everyone chooses what to fill the soup with and becomes a little chef :-)

The day on the coast starts early, the sun rises around 6 am, and if you met the dawn, swam a little in the waves of the morning sea and walked just a little, then you will have an excellent appetite - Pho soup, fruits and coffee - wonderful "Vietnamese" choice.

fruit snack

Life hack. The sun is very active, and as a doctor, I advise you to sunbathe under an umbrella and be sure to use +50 protection for the first 3-4 days. Then you can lower it to +30 and for the last 5 days protect yourself with coconut oil, which is also used for tanning and wonderful skin. Don't worry, the tan will be great even if you are in the shade :-)

We left the beach at 11 am for a siesta. I highly recommend sleeping for three hours, the Vietnamese also sleep during the day. A light fruit snack and you're ready for more adventures. Those who do not like to sleep during the day can go to spas and massages. In hotels - a little more expensive, on the street and in local salons - cheaper. A good general massage for an hour costs from 150,000 VND, which is about 450 rubles.

turtle soup

Evening comes, Mui Ne comes to life, numerous restaurants open and you can cruise through the restaurants, each time trying something new.

Let's start with "Madame Dean", since the conversation has already turned. Tasty, but usually a lot of people, mostly our compatriots (there are also regular visitors). And, if you arrive at 7 pm, then there may not be any places. For my taste, once you can go.

What I advise you to choose is turtle soup (whatever the “greens” say, but it’s definitely worth a try! :-) For two, we took 1/2 turtle for 240,000 dong - this is a whole pot of soup that is cooked in front of you.

This is how turtle soup is made in Vietnam

As always, the broth, a lot of greens are poured into it, turtle meat is already cooked there. Add separately cooked rice noodles to the bowls and pour the soup. And then - your imagination: soy sauce, fish sauce, lime, seasonings ... The turtle tastes like a turkey, very soft and tender.

Let's try turtle soup :-)

And a bottle of red dry "Dalat Export" (120,000 VND) ...

And freshly squeezed mango juice... :-)

About crocodiles, ostriches and other living creatures

We tried the crocodile in different versions, starting from roasted on a spit right on the street - pieces are cut off from it right in the process and immediately sold to you. They took it in a restaurant made on the grill. Here it’s how lucky: in one place they did it amazingly, in another it was hard to chew. I really liked the crocodile stew with curry. The taste is somewhat reminiscent of white chicken meat, but everything else depends solely on the skill of the cook.

The ostrich didn't like it. Honestly.

This is how ostrich meat is served in Mui Ne

Reminiscent of beef: regular steaks of varying degrees of hardness. Very amateur. You can try it at lunch during excursions.

Seafood - yes, yes, yes - where else can you eat them for the future, no matter how in a fishing village by the sea! To fully appreciate the diversity, we gather and go to Boke. Bokeh is a set of open cafes on the local waterfront.

In the aquariums of each cafe and on the open counters with ice, we choose what we want to taste, order and wait. While your delicacies are being prepared for you, you can order snacks, juices, wine and enjoy the light evening breeze.

This and much more costs only 1,400 rubles!

This time we ordered 6 giant prawns, 10 mussels, 4 giant scallops, mango juice, green tea, a bottle of white wine, and eggplant stew. For everything - 460,000 VND, only about 1,400 rubles!

And finally:

Restaurant menu with prices

And about where to go from Mui Ne and what to see there, read in:

Spring in fruity Vietnam. Part 3

Menu of a Vietnamese restaurant for orientation in prices. Part 1
Menu of a Vietnamese restaurant for orientation in prices. Part 2
Menu of a Vietnamese restaurant for orientation in prices. Part 3
