
Homemade horseradish recipe for long-term storage. How to cook horseradish at home - recipes and nutritional properties of horseradish roots

Horseradish is a very valuable vegetable. The root of this plant has a sharp pungent smell, a sweetish taste, which later becomes sharp and burning. When grated, mixed with vinegar, it becomes an excellent seasoning for a variety of dishes. Its spicy taste is due to the presence of sinigrin glycoside, which, under the influence of the myrosin enzyme, breaks down, forming potassium sulphide salt, sugar and essential oils. It is allyl oil that acts on the mucous membranes, causing burning and tearing. Before we look at how to cook horseradish at home, let's get acquainted with its useful properties.

Beneficial features

Horseradish is an excellent remedy against scurvy, because it contains a large amount of vitamin C. Since ancient times, this plant has been treated for various diseases, including tumors. In general, homemade horseradish is a pantry of useful substances, it contains many vitamins, essential oils, phytoncides, resinous substances, fiber, as well as macro- and microelements. That is why this product has a powerful healing effect on the human body, stimulates the work of all internal organs and prevents the occurrence of diseases.

Now that we know about this medicinal plant, let's take a closer look at how to cook horseradish at home.

Russian table horseradish

To prepare such a dish, first the root is peeled with a knife and rinsed. Then rubbed on a grater. Cold boiled water is poured into the bottom of clean glass jars and the grated root is laid out in layers so that it does not have time to dry in the open air. A little water is added to the resulting mass until a thick slurry is formed, one piece of sugar or honey and salt to taste. You can also add juice and grated lemon zest, in which case the amount of water will need to be reduced.

We continue to cook horseradish at home. So, the remaining pieces of the root are placed in a bowl with grated product and mixed so that they are at the bottom. It should be noted that the finished horseradish should be of a thick consistency, and not watery. Before serving an appetizer to the table, each tablespoon is diluted with a dessert spoon of sour cream. You need to eat such a dish within twelve hours, otherwise it will lose all its nutritional properties.

Pickled horseradish

Ingredients: one kilogram of horseradish root, half a liter of water, forty grams of sugar, twenty grams of salt, fifty grams of vinegar (9%), cinnamon and cloves to taste.


The roots must be washed, peeled and grated, you can pass through a meat grinder. The mass is placed in dry sterile jars with a volume of half a liter. Then sugar and salt are added to the water, brought to a boil, spices are put there, covered with a lid and left until the mixture cools to fifty degrees Celsius. After that, vinegar is added and left for a day. After a while, the solution is filtered, poured into jars and rolled up.

Horseradish with tomatoes

Consider how to cook horseradish at home with tomatoes.

Ingredients: two hundred and fifty grams of horseradish root, three kilograms of tomato, two hundred grams of garlic, three tablespoons of salt and sugar.


The roots are well cleaned and soaked for half an hour in cold water. After a while, put in a blender and grind. Tomatoes are washed, cut into slices and scrolled in a meat grinder along with peeled garlic. All components are put in a blender, salt and sugar are added, and then ground. Horseradish appetizer is ready. It can be put in jars and stored in a cold place for a long time, but if consumed immediately after preparation, the body will receive all the nutrients from it. Numerous studies have shown that the pureed product retains all the vitamins for one week, so it is recommended to cook the seasoning in such an amount that it can be eaten during this time.


This appetizer is spicy, it has an unusual taste and goes well with fried and stewed meat, jelly, fish, dumplings and other dishes. Consider how to cook horseradish at home according to this recipe.

Ingredients: one kilogram of horseradish root, five hundred grams of beetroot juice, one hundred grams of granulated sugar, one glass of table vinegar, thirty grams of salt.


The root is cleaned, washed and twisted through a meat grinder. Raw beets are peeled, grated, and juice is squeezed out of the resulting mass, which is then filtered through gauze or a sieve. Sugar and salt are poured into it, mixed thoroughly, vinegar and horseradish are added. The resulting horseradish is laid out in sterile jars and closed with nylon lids, after which it is cleaned in a cold place. This recipe for homemade horseradish is very simple, but the result is a rather healthy dish that can be served with meat and fish.

apple horseradish

Ingredients: three hundred grams of sour apples, fifty grams of sugar or honey, one hundred grams of grated horseradish root, salt and lemon juice to taste.


Apples are washed and coarsely chopped, without peeling from seeds and peel. Then they are sprinkled with sugar or honey and stewed. Hot they are rubbed through a sieve, mixed with horseradish, salted and poured over with lemon juice. Snack is ready!

What do they eat horseradish with?

We already know how to cook horseradish at home, let's consider what dishes it is used with.

So, this useful product is served with all fish dishes, such as aspic, pies, calf, smoked stellate sturgeon, boiled sturgeon, and so on. At the same time, horseradish is consumed with cold meat dishes, especially pork. So, it is served with jelly, jelly, aspic pig, poultry aspic, boiled cold beef, tongue, pork head and others.

In Russian cuisine, horseradish was prepared immediately before serving, trying not to leave it for more than two days. At the same time, it was piquantly spicy, made without vinegar. Today, this seasoning is quite popular in cuisines around the world, it has a delicate mild taste along with unexpected piquancy, which is the greatest charm of the snack.

A few simple secrets

Knowing how to cook horseradish at home, you must not forget about some recommendations, the observance of which will help you get a real "Russian snack". So, according to the old Russian recipe, vinegar is not added to horseradish, so it must be prepared immediately before use (the shelf life in this case does not exceed four hours).

In order for the snack to be sweet, but "evil", you need to choose high-quality products for its preparation. The horseradish root in this case should be as thick as a finger, without any damage, strong and juicy. Even if the damage can be corrected by mechanical removal, cutting out bad places, the loss of juiciness is irreparable. Soaking the root also leaches out the juices that give the dish flavor and piquant causticity.

How to store horseradish?

A properly preserved plant root does not lose its beneficial properties; a snack from it will turn out to be “real”. To do this, it is kept in boxes of sand, stacked in rows so that one root does not touch the other. All rows are covered with clean sand without impurities. Once a week, each box is watered (sprinkled) with water so that the sand always remains wet. If you do everything right, then during the year you can get fresh, juicy horseradish.

A bit of history

In the recipes of ancient Russian cuisine, horseradish was used as a seasoning for fish as early as the sixteenth century. A little later, it was introduced into kalya, pickles, saltwort, gravy a few minutes before serving. With the invention of salads, horseradish began to be introduced into them. So, it was added to dishes from carrots, beets, radishes and apples, rutabaga, boiled root crops, as well as vinaigrettes.

Until the beginning of the nineteenth century, seasoning from this vegetable was dominant, had not only nutritional value, but also preventive, since horseradish helped prevent the development of various infectious and bacteriological diseases. Later, horseradish began to be replaced with mustard, but Russian cuisine only lost here. Today, the seasoning from this plant is indispensable on any table, because its taste is so peculiar and attractive that not everyone is able to resist. Moreover, this plant, being a natural antibiotic, is able to defeat many ailments, which is so important in our time. It is only necessary to remember that the dish can retain its beneficial properties for a short period of time, so you need to cook it before serving.

Horseradish grows throughout Europe. Both leaves and roots of the plant are used in cooking. The sauce of the same name from the root of this plant is indispensable as an addition to jelly and aspic fish, baked boiled pork and fried meat. It is served in the Czech Republic with the famous boar knee, and in Germany with sausages.

Housewives who make preparations for the winter know that for pickling crispy cucumbers, you need to add a horseradish leaf. The essential oils contained in the plant have disinfecting properties, and give the horseradish root sauce aroma and taste. Horseradish at home is used for preserving vegetables, making kvass and horseradish, as well as hot sauces.

Classic homemade horseradish recipe

Cooking horseradish according to the classic recipe is not difficult at all, but many people prefer this version of this sauce.


  • horseradish - 250 gr.;
  • hot water - 170 ml;
  • sugar - 20 gr.;
  • salt - 5 gr.


  1. The roots need to be washed and peeled.
  2. The best option for chopping horseradish is a manual meat grinder, but you can grate, chop with a blender or with a food processor with a suitable attachment.
  3. Dissolve the required amount of salt and sugar in hot water.
  4. The water should cool down a little, to about fifty degrees.
  5. Slowly add water to the grated horseradish to achieve the desired consistency.
  6. Transfer to a jar, tightly close the lid and refrigerate for several hours.

Table horseradish prepared according to this recipe cannot be stored for a long time. This sauce can be prepared just before the holiday.

If you want to make a sauce that will keep in the refrigerator all winter, then use this recipe.


  • horseradish - 1 kg .;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 60 gr.;
  • salt - 30 gr.;
  • water.


  1. Horseradish roots need to be cleaned and washed.
  2. Grind in any convenient way to a homogeneous gruel.
  3. Salt and add sugar.
  4. Pour in boiling water to make the sauce thick.
  5. Place in a sterile container.
  6. Sterilize in a pot of boiling water, if the jars are small, five minutes is enough.
  7. Add half a teaspoon of lemon juice or vinegar to them, cork with lids.
  8. Store in a cool place and open when needed.

Horseradish in the open form loses its properties. It is better to choose a container of small size.

Horseradish with tomatoes and garlic

A tasty and spicy appetizer goes well with meat dishes and protects against colds.


  • horseradish - 350 gr.;
  • tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • garlic - 50 gr.;
  • salt - 30 gr.;
  • water.


  1. Wash vegetables. Divide the garlic into cloves and peel.
  2. Peel the roots and cut into small pieces.
  3. From the tomatoes you need to cut the stalks and cut them into quarters.
  4. If the skin is too hard, it is also better to remove it. To do this, make small cuts on whole fruits and dip them in boiling water for a few seconds.
  5. Turn all the products with a meat grinder, mix and add salt. If the mass is too thick, you can add a drop of boiled water.
  6. Arrange in sterile glass containers, cork with lids.

You can use this sauce the very next day.

You can make horseradish with beets. This will give your sauce a vibrant pink color.


  • horseradish - 400 gr.;
  • beets - 1-2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 20 gr.;
  • salt - 30 gr.;
  • vinegar - 150 ml;
  • water.


  • horseradish - 200 gr.;
  • apples - 1-2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 10 gr.;
  • salt - 5 gr.;
  • vinegar - 15 ml;
  • sour cream.


  1. Clean the roots and rinse with cold water.
  2. Peel the skin off the apples and cut out the cores.
  3. Grate with a fine section, or grind with a blender into a homogeneous gruel.
  4. Salt, add sugar and vinegar. Put a tablespoon of sour cream, and mix thoroughly.
  5. Transfer to a clean container and store tightly sealed in the refrigerator.

This preparation is also suitable for barbecue or baked ham.

Horseradish sauce with sour cream

Such a product can be made as spicy as you like by adding more or less sour cream.


  • horseradish - 250 gr.;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 20 gr.;
  • salt - 20 gr.;
  • vinegar - 100 ml;
  • sour cream.


  1. Horseradish root must be peeled, washed and ground into gruel in any convenient way.
  2. Salt, add sugar and hot water.
  3. Pour in the vinegar, stir and place in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid.
  4. Refrigerate for a few hours, then top with sour cream before serving.
  5. You can set aside a small amount of horseradish in a bowl, and gradually add sour cream until the taste and spiciness of the sauce suits you.

This sauce is combined not only with meat, but also with fish dishes.

Horseradish with honey and cranberries

Such a sauce can be stored in a cool place for several months, and sweet and sour additives will give it a unique taste.


  • horseradish root - 200 gr.;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • honey - 50 gr.;
  • salt - 10 gr.;
  • cranberries - 50 gr.


  1. Clean, rinse and chop the horseradish in a meat grinder.
  2. Next, send cranberries to the meat grinder.
  3. Boil water, wait until it cools down, and dissolve honey in it. Hot water cannot be used, otherwise all the beneficial substances contained in natural bee honey will be lost.
  4. Mix all the ingredients and add a little salt to the sauce.
  5. Transfer to prepared container and store in the refrigerator.

This sauce boosts the immune system. Its use will help to avoid seasonal colds.

Horseradish sauce with spices

For this dish, any spices with a strong spicy aroma are suitable.


  • horseradish - 600 gr.;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • vinegar - 50-60 ml;
  • salt - 20 gr.;
  • sugar - 40 gr.;
  • cloves - 4-5 pcs.;
  • cinnamon - 10 gr.


  1. Peel the horseradish roots and grind in a meat grinder.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan, add salt, sugar and clove buds.
  3. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for a few minutes to release the clove flavor.
  4. When the solution has cooled slightly, add ground cinnamon and vinegar.
  5. Let it brew until cool, and mix with grated horseradish.
  6. Transfer to a suitable container and refrigerate.

Such a spicy and very aromatic sauce will decorate any meat dish.

Green horseradish sauce

The original spicy and fragrant sauce has a spicy taste and rich green color.


  • horseradish leaves - 250 gr.;
  • parsley - 150 gr.;
  • dill - 150 gr.;
  • celery - 300 gr.;
  • vinegar essence - 5 ml .;
  • salt - 10 gr.;
  • garlic - 80 gr.;
  • hot pepper - 4-5 pcs.


  1. All greens should be washed under running cold water.
  2. Lay out on a towel and pat dry.
  3. Cut peppers in half, remove seeds. It is better to wear rubber gloves, because the pepper is hot.
  4. Grind all the products in a meat grinder, salt, mix, and make a well in the center.
  5. When juice forms in the middle, pour the essence into it. Stir the sauce again.
  6. Transfer to a dry container, seal with a lid and refrigerate.

Such a spicy and beautiful sauce can be served with meat, poultry or fish dishes.

Plum and horseradish sauce with tomato paste

An interesting sauce can be prepared for the winter. It will appeal to all lovers of spicy.


  • horseradish root - 250 gr.;
  • plums - 2 kg;
  • tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • hot pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • bell pepper - 3 pcs.;
  • tomato paste - 200 gr.;
  • oil - 200 ml;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • garlic - 200 gr.;
  • sugar - 4-5 tbsp.


  1. Peel the horseradish root and soak in cold water.
  2. Remove the pits from the plums by cutting them in half.
  3. Wash the tomatoes and cut into quarters.
  4. Remove seeds from peppers and cut into small pieces.
  5. Clean the garlic.
  6. Turn plums and tomatoes in a meat grinder.
  7. Transfer to a saucepan and cook over low heat for about half an hour.
  8. In a bowl, turn all the other vegetables.
  9. Add to the pot and continue to cook over low heat for another half an hour. Salt and add sugar. Put tomato paste and vegetable oil.
  10. Pour hot sauce into prepared clean and dry jars and cork with lids.

The preparation is perfectly stored all winter and is suitable for all meat dishes.

Horseradish and green tomato sauce

With a good housewife, even unripe tomatoes become the basis for a delicious sauce.


  • horseradish root - 350 gr.;
  • green tomatoes - 1 kg .;
  • garlic - 50 gr.;
  • salt - 20 gr.;
  • hot pepper - 3-4 pcs.;
  • sugar.


  1. Wash the tomatoes and cut into pieces.
  2. Peel the horseradish root, cut into small pieces.
  3. Disassemble the garlic into cloves and peel.
  4. Remove the seeds from the hot pepper.
  5. Grind all products with a blender or turn in a meat grinder.
  6. Salt, add a drop of sugar. If you want to soften the taste a little, add a little odorless vegetable oil.
  7. Transfer to a suitable container, close tightly and store.

If desired, you can add chopped dill or any greens you prefer to the sauce.

Zucchini Sauce with Horseradish

This is another original horseradish spicy sauce recipe that you can make ahead of time.


  • horseradish root - 150 gr.;
  • zucchini - 1.5 kg;
  • garlic - 50 gr.;
  • oil - 200 ml;
  • salt - 20 gr.;
  • tomato - 150 gr.;
  • vinegar - 50 ml;
  • spices, herbs.


  1. Clean the zucchini from the peel and seeds. Young fruits can not be peeled. Check in a meat grinder.
  2. Put in a saucepan, add oil and tomato paste. Simmer over low heat for half an hour.
  3. Salt and add spices. Coriander and suneli hops will do.
  4. Peel the horseradish root and cut into pieces.
  5. Peel the head of garlic.
  6. Turn all remaining vegetables in a meat grinder.
  7. Add to saucepan and pour in vinegar.
  8. If desired, chopped cilantro or basil can be added before the end of cooking.
  9. Pour into clean containers and close with lids.

This sauce with the aroma of Georgian spices is suitable for barbecue and chicken.

Try to cook horseradish at home. You will surely get much tastier and more aromatic than the sauce that is sold in the store. Bon appetit!

Spicy and fragrant seasoning ennobles the taste of the dish, especially meat and fish snacks and hot dishes. We have prepared several recipes for homemade horseradish and will consider in detail how to cook it at home, including with beets. This most popular spicy sauce is a regular guest on our dining tables, moreover, for health - this is a valuable product!

Who among us is not familiar with such a home-style familiar cold horseradish sauce? Odorous and vigorous, it is rich not only in vitamins (especially vitamin C), but also in mineral salts, essential oils with high antiseptic properties. Also, products from this rhizome can be safely considered as a plant antibiotic. Green fresh leaves of this crop are actively used both in conservation and as a spicy ingredient in salads - they contain a lot of carotene and fiber.

But the most important effect of the use of seasoning from the root of this plant is that it naturally activates the secretion of gastric secretions and has a powerful effect on the activity of the entire digestive system. Agree that such a seasoning for protein foods is a reliable assistant to our gastrointestinal tract, able to help digest food and give us a feeling of lightness in the stomach after a hearty meal.

Let's cook homemade horseradish together, the recipes of which we will consider in detail. Making it at home is a very simple process, and the components are available almost at any time of the year.

Horseradish recipe with apple cider vinegar


  • Horseradish root - 100 g + -
  • Apple cider vinegar - 50 ml + -
  • - 50 ml + -
  • according to taste preferences + -
  • to soften the spiciness + -


  1. We first clean the roots with a sharp knife, then grind as finely as possible. If you have a blender, then this process will take you no more than a few minutes.
  2. Mix the resulting slurry with water and vinegar, add salt to taste. Sugar can be omitted, but 1 teaspoon can be added to soften the spiciness of the seasoning. Mix thoroughly.
  3. We shift the homemade horseradish into a glass jar and close it tightly. We send it to the refrigerator to infuse for several hours.

Seasoning is ready!

* Cook's Tip:
If you do not like to use vinegar, then you are right here! Horseradish at home, we cook right at the table and there is no need to do it for the future! After a couple of days, he already loses his vigorous sharpness! And although vinegar is a natural preservative, it also weakens the power and piquancy of horseradish, giving it unnecessary sourness.

Homemade horseradish with beets


  • Horseradish root - 500 g + -
  • Large beets- 1 root vegetable + -
  • to taste or 1 tsp. + -
  • - taste + -
  • Table vinegar - 2 tbsp. l. + -


We give the recipe for cooking with beets based on the number of roots you have. Those. You can adjust the amount of other ingredients yourself, according to the proportions indicated in the recipe.

  1. We clean the roots, cut them into small pieces. Grind with an electric meat grinder or blender and transfer to a liter glass jar with a lid.
  2. We clean the beets (we choose salad beets, with bright flesh), cut into convenient pieces and grind them as finely as possible. We only need beetroot juice, which we need to squeeze through two layers of gauze.
  3. Open a jar of ground root and pour beetroot juice into it. Top the contents of the jar with 1 tablespoon of sugar (or more or less) and 1 teaspoon of salt. All components carefully mix until smooth and only then add 9% vinegar (2 tablespoons).
  4. We fill the surface of the homemade blank with water (boiled cold) so that all the contents are covered with it, but no more! We do not spill water! Close the lid tightly and shake several times.

Ready! We put the prepared product in the refrigerator for aging. One night is enough to in the morning ... put yourself in a plate of cold or a couple of slices of fresh lard, put a spoonful of homemade hot product on the side and ... Lyapota!

As you can see, making horseradish at home is easy and simple!
The main thing you should remember is that it does not make sense to make a large amount of it. Why not lose its indescribable taste and its magical properties?

Horseradish is an indispensable component of home preservation, because the roots and leaves of this plant give pickled vegetables a piquant and spicy taste. But experienced housewives prepare the horseradish itself, making it a spicy seasoning. Appetizing horseradish preparations for the winter will not only be an excellent addition to fish and meat dishes, but also strengthen the immune system, which is especially important in the cold season.

Horseradish is an indispensable component of home preservation

Horseradish roots can be preserved both separately and with the addition of various ingredients, such as lemon, beets, apples or garlic. Recipes for horseradish sauces with various vegetables are called golden and for good reason, because they have a wonderful taste and exquisite aroma, and they can even be used as a dressing for salads.

Cooking horseradish without additives for the winter

The classic recipe for harvesting this healthy plant does not take much time and is prepared very simply and easily.

What you need:

  • fresh horseradish roots - 1 kg;
  • ordinary water - one glass;
  • acetic solution - 150 ml;
  • salt - 30 g;
  • sugar - 30 g.

The classic recipe for harvesting this useful plant does not take much time.

How to cook:

  1. The roots are peeled and each cut into two or three parts. Pour raw materials with ice water for half an hour. This method will make the root crops more juicy and help to process them effortlessly.
  2. The next stage is the grinding of horseradish. For this purpose, you can use a meat grinder, fine grater or blender.
  3. For the marinade, combine sugar and salt with water, bring to a boil and at the very end, carefully pour in the vinegar solution.
  4. The brine is cooled, mixed with grated horseradish, this mass is put into sterile glass containers and covered with lids.

Vinegar and citric acid successfully replace each other, so you can safely add it to the workpiece from horseradish root crops instead of the vinegar solution.

Horseradish for the winter in a jar without sterilization

This is a quick and easy way to preserve horseradish roots for the winter. This recipe does not use vinegar, so this preparation is considered more useful.

Horseradish, gorloder, Siberian adjika, horseradish, light, cobra - all these are the names of the same dish. A piquant sauce with a pleasant spiciness and a characteristic aroma goes well with meat, poultry, and simply with a slice of black bread. They also say that this vigorous, spicy snack can kill all germs, so with it you will not be afraid of either a cold or gastrointestinal infections. And if you still don’t know how to cook horseradish for the winter, I will be happy to share my favorite recipe with you.

What is included? Horseradish - tomatoes - garlic

The classic recipe for horseradish - real, Siberian - requires the use of horseradish root and tomatoes, garlic and salt, often with the addition of chili peppers. It is tomatoes that are an essential ingredient in the sauce - they give it a pleasant sourness and soften the sharpness of horseradish. Sometimes bell peppers and green apples are added to the seasoning. But here it is important not to overdo it, because a horseradish snack must be spicy! Therefore, vegetables can be added, but in moderation, otherwise the very “tearing” taste, for which we are preparing this product, will be lost.

My recipe for a horseradish snack for the winter includes only tomatoes, horseradish root, garlic and salt. It turns out "baking" and very piquant. If it's too spicy for you, you can add more tomatoes or a couple of green apples at any time, focusing on your taste.

To add sugar or not?

Sometimes granulated sugar is included in the composition of horseradish, especially if the tomatoes are too sour. I do not add sugar - it costs longer. Instead, I try to choose sweet tomatoes, ripe, not green, then the sauce turns out to be sweet and sour on its own. It is good if the tomatoes are dense and not too watery so that the appetizer does not “float”. For example, you can make a horseradish appetizer with cream tomatoes, which I think are just perfect for this appetizer.

How to make horseradish for the winter, so as not to sour?

A horseradish snack is well worth it in the refrigerator under a nylon lid. The main thing is to put the correct proportions of garlic and horseradish so that the seasoning does not ferment and does not turn sour, and also store it strictly in the refrigerator, not in heat. If it is laid out in sterilized jars and closed with clean lids, then additional preservatives (vinegar, citric acid or aspirin) are not required.

If the horseradish turns sour, then:

  • banks are poorly sterilized;
  • spoiled tomatoes;
  • little salt and garlic;
  • the workpiece is in a warm place.

For long-term storage, glass containers are suitable (it is best to use jars of small volume, 250, 300 or 500 ml). Capron lids are suitable for tight nylon, as well as screw caps - it is advisable to put a couple of layers of cellophane under them to minimize air access and contact with metal.

How to extend the shelf life?

The snack is well worth the whole winter. But still, some housewives, fearing that she will ferment, try to extend her shelf life as much as possible. Someone brings to a boil, someone adds vinegar or a glass of oil ...

I am categorically against any heat treatment that kills all the usefulness of this Siberian snack. Vegetables and roots twisted through a meat grinder should be stored raw, if they are boiled, the taste will become incomparably worse. It will no longer be crap, but adjika at best.

You can extend the shelf life in one of two more gentle ways:

  • pour oil under the cover;
  • grease the lid with mustard.

In the first case, the contents of the jar are filled with literally 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. It forms a thin film that prevents mold from forming on top. An alternative option is to smear the lid with mustard. This will also prevent mold in the jar, but without the extra calories in the end.

Ingredients for the classic horseradish recipe

  • tomatoes 1 kg
  • horseradish root 200 g
  • garlic 4 cloves
  • non-iodized salt 3 tsp.
