
How to cook meat stew. Pork stew at home - just delicious

Today we will tell you how to make stew at home. It should be noted that this method of processing meat is especially popular in rural areas. After all, after the slaughter of livestock in summer time years, not all housewives have the opportunity to distribute a large number of beef or pork freezers. That is why in such cases, the usual preservation of the product comes to the rescue.

General information about the workpiece

Few people know how to make stew at home. After all, most people prefer to purchase a meat product in a frozen or chilled form. It should also be noted that in modern stores you can find not only fresh pork or beef, but also canned stew. Although, as practice shows, such a product does not always meet all safety and quality requirements. In this regard, we suggest that you cook the stew yourself at home.

Making a pork tenderloin

Where to begin? Pork stew at home is especially tasty and nutritious. That is why such meat is used for the preparation of such preparations most often. Due to the fat content of pork, dishes from it are very tasty and rich.

So, figuring out how to make stew at home, you should prepare ingredients such as:

  • pork shoulder - about 500 g;
  • white fat - about 300 g;
  • laurel - 1 leaf;
  • ground black pepper and salt - use to taste.

Product preparation

What to do next? Cooking stew at home requires a lot of free time. After all, such a preparation is done about 3-3.5 hours. First you need to process the pork shoulder. It needs to be washed, cut off all unnecessary elements in the form of films and veins, and then chopped into pieces 3-5 centimeters in size. After that, the meat product must be placed in a large container, seasoned with ground allspice, salt and mix well with your hands. As for fat, it should only be cut into big pieces and melt in a frying pan so that about 100 ml of liquid hot fat is obtained.

Forming and heat treatment of the product

How to make stew at home from pork shoulder? To do this, pre-sterilize a liter or 750 g jar with a lid. Next, at the bottom of the container, you need to place Bay leaf points and tightly lay out the chopped pieces of meat, flavored with spices. After that, the jar needs to be slightly covered with a sterilized lid and put in a cold oven. Having set the temperature at 250 degrees, you should wait until the meat in the container begins to boil. In the future, the temperature in the oven must be reduced to 150 degrees. Under such conditions, the stew must be cooked for 3 hours.

Conservation process

As you can see, cooking stew at home can take quite a lot of time. After the meat is thermally processed, melted hot lard should be poured into it, and then immediately rolled up using a special kitchen appliance. In this form, the stew must be left at room temperature until it cools down completely. After that, it can be removed in the pantry, cellar, cellar or refrigerator.

How to use?

It is recommended to eat pork stew after 2-3 weeks after its direct seaming. During this time, the meat should be well saturated with spices, become more fragrant, soft and tender. Such home product you can easily take it with you on a hike, as well as cook goulash, soups and other meat dishes from it.

Cooking stew at home from chicken meat

Poultry stew is more dietary and tender than a similar pork product. That is why such blanks are especially popular with those who carefully monitor not only their weight, but also their health.

So, chicken stew at home requires the use of components such as:

  • chicken legs - about 1.2 kg;
  • chicken breast - about 0.7 kg;
  • table salt and any spices - use to taste;
  • peas of black pepper allspice - about 20 pcs.;
  • laurel - 2 leaves.

Meat processing

How to process it? To make chicken stew at home as tasty and tender as possible, only the fleshy parts of the carcass should be used for its preparation. For this, hams and breasts are ideal. They need to be washed well, and then cut off the entire skin and remove the bones. The remaining pulp must be chopped into medium pieces 3-5 centimeters in size.

After the described actions, the chicken should be put in a bowl, and then seasoned with salt and other favorite spices. After mixing the ingredients, they must be covered and left in the refrigerator for 35-45 minutes.

Formation process

While the chicken pieces are marinating in the refrigerator, you should start preparing the jars. They need to be washed well and then sterilized together with the lids in any way. Next, at the bottom of each container, you need to place a bay leaf and lay out pieces of meat. Loosely closing the jars with lids, you should begin the process of extinguishing.

Heat treatment

In order for the chicken to cook well in jars, you should take a wide pan, put a small towel on its bottom and set the filled containers. After that, it is necessary to pour into the dishes plain water, not reaching the covers of 2-3 centimeters. Under such conditions, the workpiece should be cooked for 4-5 hours on a fairly low heat. If during the boiling process the volume of water will noticeably decrease, it must be added periodically.

Product seaming

After the specified time, the jars of chicken stew should be carefully removed from the pan and twisted or rolled up very tightly. After that, it is necessary to wait for the blanks to cool completely, and then put them in the cellar or pantry. It is advisable to store meat in this state for no longer than 6 months. You can use homemade poultry stew both cold and as hot second or first courses.

We cook stew at home from young beef

To make such a preparation, experienced chefs It is recommended to use only the freshest chilled meat. A steamed or frozen product is not suitable for this. If you neglect this advice, then most likely you will get a rather tough and not very tasty preparation.

So, independent production stew at home requires the use of the following components:

  • beef as young as possible (fresh and chilled) - about 1 kg;
  • white pork fat - about 200 g;
  • table salt - a dessert spoon;
  • laurel - 2 leaves;
  • peas black pepper - about 10-14 pcs.

Main product processing

Before making such a preparation, you must first prepare the meat product. Fresh and young beef must be rinsed in slightly cool water, and then cut off all inedible elements in the form of various films, veins, etc. Next, the meat piece needs to be chopped into not very large pieces (3-4 centimeters in size).

Simmering on the stove

After the chilled meat has been properly processed, it should be seasoned with salt and put in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Turning on a very low fire, the beef needs to be stewed in closed about 5-6 hours. In this case, water should be added only after the juice from the meat begins to evaporate under the influence of high temperatures.

After 2 or 3 hours, half the finely chopped lard should be added to lean beef. And exactly 60 minutes before turning off the stove, it is advisable to add a couple of leaves of fragrant laurel to the meat and allspice in the form of peas.

We form and preserve the stew

After the meat is well stewed on the stove (about 5-6 hours), it should be distributed hot in jars. In this case, containers with lids must be sterilized in advance by any known method. Next, you need to melt the second part of the lard in a pan or in a bowl, and then pour the hot fat into the same jars where the finished pieces of meat were previously placed. After this, the containers must be tightly rolled up and left to cool at room temperature.

Store home-cooked stew, preferably in a cellar or refrigerator. But if it is not possible to place a large number of filled jars there, then they can be kept at room temperature. But in this case, you will have to use pork, beef or chicken stew no later than 3-4 months.

Summing up

As you can see, making your own pork, poultry or beef stew is not so difficult. The main thing at the same time is to choose and process the meat ingredient correctly.

To make this preparation very tasty and fragrant, we suggest using the following tips.

  1. Meat for cooking homemade stew is best purchased without fat. After all, in the future it is poured like that big amount melted lard.
  2. To get a more aromatic stew, beef, pork or poultry should be additionally flavored with various spices and seasonings.
  3. Before laying out meat product prepared jars are recommended to be sterilized over steam or in a microwave oven.
  4. After seaming pork, beef or chicken stew it must be cooled, and only then placed in a cool room.
  5. For cooking various dishes from homemade stew it does not need to be cooked additionally. The meat should only be warmed up, as well as seasoned with various sauces or add vegetables, cereals.

1. First you need to do meat. If you are cooking stew for the first time, you can take the ingredients for just 1 jar. Pork should be thoroughly washed and cut into medium pieces (it all depends on your taste preferences- can be cut completely small pieces, then the structure of the stew will be more uniform, or large, so that the pieces do not lose their shape during the cooking process). Classic recipe homemade pork stew involves the use of medium fat meat.

2. Salt and pepper the meat to taste. Mix everything thoroughly and put in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes. If desired, you can add a little onion for taste and softness. It must be cleaned and passed through a meat grinder, and then the resulting mixture should be added to the meat. You can also add other spices for meat, but it is important not to overdo it so as not to interrupt the taste of the stew.

3. Cans for stew should be properly washed and sterilized. At the bottom of each jar, if desired, you can put a bay leaf and peppercorns.

4. Arrange the meat in sterilized jars. Boil water separately and add to jars with stew.

5. There are several options for making homemade pork stew. You can send it to the oven, for example, and also cook it in a pressure cooker or pan. Put a towel on the bottom of the pan and carefully place the jars, having previously covered them with lids (do not twist tightly). Pour in water, bring to a boil and cover with a lid. On low heat, cook the stew for about 3-4 hours. It is important to monitor the water level, and add more if necessary.

It is unlikely that home-cooked pork stew is sold on the market. But it is quite possible to cook such preservation at home. Canned homemade pork stew is not necessarily for the winter. If you like to travel with your family or live in a summer house where there is no suitable conditions cook dinner, then the best option storage ready and amazing tasty meat. It is clear that canning pork at home is much more expensive than buying a jar in the store. But this product is environmentally friendly and apart from salt and spices, nothing else is added to the jar. Therefore, if it is possible to buy homemade pork, then it is better to cook it at home, and from.

Ingredients for Homemade Pork Stew:

Goes to 1 half-liter jar:

  • Pure pork pulp - 420 g;
  • Pork fat - 70 g;
  • Salt - 1/2 tsp;
  • Ground pepper - 1 pinch;
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • Peppercorns - a pinch (about 5 pcs.).

How to cook homemade pork stew in the oven:

1. First take two bowls and process the meat. Select the beautiful pulp, cut it into large pieces. The size of one piece is 3-4 centimeters. Please note that we have pork without veins and chaff, but pieces of lard are allowed. Place all chopped pork in one bowl.
For lard, take another bowl. Remove the skin from the bacon. In the recipe, we described that if the product is fresh, then the skin comes off easily. A piece of bacon should be 1.5 to 3 centimeters in size. But not too small so that it does not burn out during frying.

2. Unlike seaming, we do not sterilize jars for this recipe, but we do wash them with soda. Rinse the dishes thoroughly.

Put a pinch of peppercorns on the bottom of the container. And salt, so that it is convenient for you, immediately measure, pour on a saucer and add small pinches to the layers of meat.

3. Since we have already prepared meat and lard and laid out in different bowls, it costs nothing to put it in jars.

4. Line up the jars in one row and evenly lay the first layer of pork. Immediately add some salt, one bay leaf and ground pepper.
Advice: do not pack the pork pulp very tightly; juice should circulate between the pieces.

5. Add more meat to the jars, and put pieces of lard on top.
Advice: the fatter the pork, the higher its layer will be. Since at high temperature the fat will immediately begin to melt, and its fat will flow down. So it turns out that the most "dry" pieces will boil in own juice and fat. It turns out that this way the fat is distributed evenly throughout the jar. Remember, we put the clean pulp on the bottom of the jar, the fatter pieces in the middle and place the fat on top.

6. Now let's prepare a baking sheet for cooking stew at home in the pork oven. Because in cold oven we will also send cold jars with raw meat, at the bottom the stew can burn even before fat forms there. To prevent this, lay a towel or a piece of burlap on the bottom of the baking sheet and pour cold water over it.
Advice: Another one good way so that the stew does not warm up at the bottom of the jar - this is to pour about a centimeter layer on a baking sheet table salt, and already put the pork jars on the salt. This The best way, because you don’t have to worry until the end of cooking. And the jars will be intact and you don’t need to pull the oven all the time to add water.
Now the lids. In principle, how to cook pork stew at home is already clear. You can roll up as regular banks turnkey, and in jars with screw caps. Only here the main task is not to spoil those covers with which you will roll. Banks should be sent to the oven covered. If you roll in half-liter Soviet cans, then cover them iron lids“Without rubber bands” (with the lids that you will preserve). If you have screw caps, then pay attention to their inner surface - it is rubberized. That is why screw caps cannot be sent into the oven! Homemade pork stew in twist jars is covered only with ordinary iron lids without rubber bands or foil.
Place the baking sheet with the stew in a cold oven and immediately set the temperature to 250 degrees Celsius.

7. Exactly one hour after turning on the oven, broth will form in the jars and their contents will boil.
Important point: if you are cooking pork stew at home on a baking sheet with water, then keep in mind that water has such a property to boil away. In this case, you need to have boiling water in the kitchen. And as soon as you see that the water has boiled away in the pan, immediately add boiling water.

8. After boiling the contents of the jars, you need to lower the oven temperature by about 150 degrees. But be sure to make sure that the broth in the jars boils slightly. From now on, mark 3 hours. Exactly after this much it will be possible to preserve the stew. And 10 minutes before the end of cooking, boil the screw caps with which you will roll.

Advice: if the meat is fried by more than 2/3 of the can, then 30 minutes before the end of cooking, you can take several cans of stew and gradually add a little of them to the rest and pour the juice. But at the same time, make sure that there is 2 centimeters of empty space to the top. After this procedure, return the stew to the oven, “finish” the remaining 30 minutes. Be sure to check how the stew boils. The broth should not boil strongly.

After turning off the oven, homemade pork stew is ready. Carefully remove the baking sheet, take one jar at a time, remove the lids or foil with which they were baked and immediately tighten with hot screw caps. If the jars are Soviet, then put rubber bands in those lids with which they were covered during cooking and roll them up under the key.

Nowadays, when you can buy everything in the store, not many people decide to cook stew at home: you need to put a lot of effort and time, and a one-time purchase of meat will cost a lot. However, the opinion that cooking stew is hard work that does not pay off either materially or morally is erroneous.

Firstly, as with any other preservation that you prepare yourself in the summer, in the case of stew, you know exactly what is included in its composition (and this is only high-quality meat, salt, spices and a little water, and no GMOs, soy, meat waste, etc.). And if you buy products in the village from the owners, then you are sure of the quality of the meat itself, which very few residents of megacities can boast of.

Secondly, cooking stew at home at a price is not more expensive than a store, but you eat it with pleasure, without fear for your health and the health of your household.

Thirdly, the preparation of stew takes place, as a rule, in winter, when there is not so much other work, all conservation is already in the cellar.

What meat to buy? Preferred for beef stew fresh beef V large pieces(fillet). Already chopped meat is also suitable - azu or goulash. Veal, although considered dietary product, clearly loses to beef in taste properties, as well as the "protein" of the product. Frozen meat is also highly undesirable.

In order for the stew to be stored, the finished meat is poured on top with fat. By itself, beef usually does not contain the right amount fat, therefore, when preparing beef stew, fat of a different origin is used, for example, lard. If you are making pork stew, you can cut off the fat from the purchased meat, and at the end of cooking, melt and pour the stew over it.

Stew can be prepared with fresh pork, beef, lamb, rabbit and poultry.

During the cooking process, the beef is boiled down by about 40%. It means that fresh meat you need to buy more than you need stews.

The female experience of more than one generation is not to do any conservation on critical days.

At home, it is more convenient to preserve the stew in half-liter or liter glass jars and roll up tin lids. Jars and lids are pre-sterilized in boiling water. So that the lids do not rust, it is advisable to lubricate them on top with any fat.

The container must be sterile - it must be boiled (or at least poured over with boiling water) and dried. For heat treatment, it is preferable to use an oven.

You need to store the stew in a cool cellar or other similar place. At normal cooking homemade stew can be stored for five years.


Beef 900 g, bay leaf 6 pcs., salt 2-2.5 tsp, ground black pepper 1 tsp, lard 50 g.

meat cut large pieces. Repulse from all sides. In a one and a half liter container (for example, glass jar or clay pot) put 4 bay leaves. Sprinkle the beef pieces with salt and pepper. Pack tightly into a jar. Finely chop the salo and put on top of the beef. Lay bay leaves on top. Seal the neck of the jar tightly with several folds of foil. Put the jar in a small frying pan or pan (in case of an accident). Put the frying pan with the jar in a cold oven on the lower level. Set the temperature to 180 C and simmer for 3 hours.


Roast beef can be cooked in in kind and with vegetables. For this purpose, the meat of the sirloin is best suited, a thick and thin edge (what for a chop). The meat must first be stewed, then fried a little in the oven, cut into small pieces, put in 0.5 l cans, pour boiling tomato sauce and add spices, browned onions, carrots. Sterilize for an hour, roll up the lids, wrap until completely cool.


Wash the meat, cut into pieces, put in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and let stand for about 30 minutes. Sterilize liter or half-liter jars and lids, put the meat there, cover with lids and put in a cold oven. Do not add liquid, the meat will give its juice. Stew meat for 2.5-3 hours. In the process of cooking, the meat will sit down, then from one jar add to the rest to the top. Just do everything with a sterilized spoon. Then take it out of the oven and roll up. Put for a day in something warm, like in a bath.

HOME stew

Chop beef or pork in small pieces, put out in a pressure cooker in a small amount of water. Do not forget to add salt, pepper at your discretion, bay leaf. It is necessary to stew the meat for 1.5-2 hours. When the meat is ready, hot, place it tightly in clean glass jars, close can lids and pasteurize: pasteurize a half-liter jar for 30-40 minutes. After that, jars with hot stew are placed in a pan with warm water for cooling.

HOME stew

Cut the cooked meat (beef, pork, lamb) into large pieces, trying to make them the same size and salt to taste. At the bottom of each jar, lay 1 bay leaf, 10 peas of black bitter pepper. Fill the jar with prepared meat, evenly distributing fatty and lean pieces, also do not forget to add to jars internal fat. Cover tightly filled jars with glass lids, place on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 200 ° C. Sprinkle a layer on the baking sheet coarse salt. After boiling the contents of the jar, keep it in a preheated oven for about 2 hours, then remove and roll up with sterile lids.


To prepare homemade stew, you can use fresh chicken meat along with the bones. Gut and singe the chicken carcass. Rinse it and remove the whole skin from it. Then the carcass must be cut into large pieces, salted and placed in sterile glass jars. Add internal chicken fat(if any), spicy dry greens of marjoram or savory, 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric, 10 black peas hot pepper. Place the jars on a baking sheet on a layer of coarse salt, cover with lids (temporary lids, only for stewing in the oven!). Place a baking sheet with jars in an oven preheated to 200 C and keep after boiling the mass in jars for at least 2 hours. After that, you need to remove the jars and immediately roll them up with sterile lids. In the same way, you can cook stew from other types of birds: goose, turkey, duck.

HOME stew

For 18-20 half-liter cans.

Fatty pork - 3-4 kg. You can buy a whole pig's head for savings. Average weight heads - 9-10 kg. The cost today is 11-13 UAH. per kilogram. So that the stew is not too oily, the cheek can be cooked separately. Cooking method - like boiled pork. Ears can be used in the preparation of jelly. Cut off the rest of the meat and fat from the bone - it turns out just 3-4 kg., Beef - 3-4 kg. you can save money - buy undercooking, water - 1.5-2.5 liters, salt - 2.5-3 tbsp. l., spices: bay leaf, black peppercorns, allspice - to taste.

Wash the meat and lard thoroughly, cut the meat into pieces of 2-3 cm, lard - 1 cm. Put everything in a saucepan, add water and put on fire. After boiling, simmer over low heat for 3-4 hours, stirring occasionally. Half an hour before the end of cooking, add salt, bay leaf, spices.

Then we pour it into clean non-sterile jars (the most optimal jars are 0.5 liters), cover with lids (but do not roll them up) and sterilize in boiling water for 15-20 minutes.

Sterilization process

We put a towel on the bottom of a large wide pot (for several jars) with boiling water, put the jars filled and covered with lids on it so that they are “up to their shoulders” in the water, and sterilize over low heat. After sterilization, we take it out with special tongs (or a towel - so as not to get burned), roll it up and put it on a slow cooling under the covers.

Compare the cost of one half-liter can of homemade stew with how much this one costs " strategic product"in the supermarket - you will be pleasantly surprised.

HOME stew

900 g beef pulp, 6 bay leaves, 2~2.5 tsp salt, 1 tsp ground black pepper, 50g lard

HOME stew

Fresh meat; lard (by weight about 5 times less than meat); salt (no more than 1 teaspoon per kilogram); bay leaf, peppercorns; some large pots; packaging containers.

Chopped meat should be put in dry pans, salted and put on a very low heat. Do not add water to pots. Fresh meat contains enough moisture for cooking, which will be squeezed out of it at the beginning of the stew. (If there is a lot of meat, you can not put it all at once, but cut and add as the volume decreases, but you should not delay the process of adding meat for more than an hour and a half.) You have to stew the meat, stirring occasionally, for 4.5-6 hours, so be patient and time. In the middle of the process, we take half of all the fat, finely chop and add to the meat. At the end of cooking, put the bay leaf and peppercorns. Unlike homemade roasts, neither onions nor garlic can be put into the stew - otherwise it will not be stored for long. The readiness of the stew is determined by taste. We lay out the still not cooled stew in a dry container. Now you just need to melt the remaining fat and pour it over the cooled meat.

HOME stew

Glass jars (0.5-1 l) are sterilized, filled with meat and spices, closed and placed in a cauldron with cold water on a grate placed at the bottom. When the water boils, put on a small fire (so that only the boiling does not stop) and extinguish for several hours (usually 5-7). When the stew is ready, the jars are taken out of the boiler with a grab. The recipe is simple, but it has a few tricks. If the meat is not fat enough, it is worth adding lard to the raw materials. We need some kind of device that would not allow the banks to explode. Either use reusable lids that are attached to the jar with a spring (such lids easily release excess pressure, and after cooking securely seal the jar), or use special clips that hold the disposable lid in place. The water from the boiler gradually boils away. Banks should always be in water, and only boiling water should be added - otherwise the bank may suck in water. Factory cooking stew is not much different from homemade - only tin cans that can easily withstand high pressure and quality of raw materials.

HOME stew

Sterilized jars are filled with meat and spices, covered with lids and placed in a preheated oven. For more uniform heating, coarse salt is poured onto a baking sheet. After cooking (2-3 hours from the moment of boiling), they are taken out and rolled up. This recipe is faster and does not require any technical tricks. The disadvantages of this recipe are the lower quality of the product and the higher the likelihood that the jar will depressurize.

HOME stew

Cut the meat into large pieces of the same size, salt to taste. Place 1 bay leaf, 10 peas of black hot pepper on the bottom of each jar, fill the jar with prepared meat, evenly distributing fatty and lean pieces, add internal fat to the jars. Cover tightly filled jars with glass lids, place on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 200 ° C. Sprinkle a layer of coarse salt on a baking sheet. After boiling the contents of the jar, keep it in a preheated oven for about 2 hours, then remove and roll up with sterile lids.

HOME stew

To prepare the stew, you need to take meat without bones, veins and veins, cut it into pieces of medium size, put it in a saucepan and pour water 1-1.5 centimeters above the level of the meat. Put the saucepan on fire. After boiling water, remove the foam. Add 10 black peppercorns, 2 onions cut in half, parsley, one chopped carrot and cook for 3-4 hours over low heat. The broth MUST NOT BOIL HARD! It should just "bub" a little. After 2 hours, salt the meat a little, remove the onion. After another 1-2 hours, when the meat is completely ready (it is freely pierced with a fork), add salt to taste, put 2 bay leaves, boil for another 15 minutes, then remove the bay leaf, otherwise there will be a bitter taste. At the end of cooking, the broth should remain almost flush with the meat. Without turning off the fire, the meat is taken out and placed in pre-sterilized glass 0.5-1 liter jars and fill it with broth to the brim, after which the jars are rolled up with tin lids, turned over and set to cool.

HOME stew

Pork (pulp) - 2-2.5 kg; melted animal fat - 0.5-1l; salt - two tablespoons; bay leaf - 3-5 pieces; black pepper (peas) - about 20 peas; garlic - 4-5 cloves; sage greens - one bunch; parsley - half a bunch; onion to taste.

Grind and mix spices and herbs. We cut the pork pulp into small cubes (about 5 cm), rub them abundantly with a mixture of spices and spices, then put them in a dish made of non-oxidizing material and cover with a lid. In this form, marinate the meat in the refrigerator for a day.

After pulling the meat out of the refrigerator after 24 hours, it must be washed in cold water and pat dry with paper towels. Then the meat is placed in a deep dish and poured melted fat until it is completely hidden. On the stove, the fat must be brought to a low boil, after which the dish is cooked without a lid in an oven preheated to 90 ° C for 4-6 hours.

After ready meal cool, it can be stored in the refrigerator or freezer for up to 3 weeks and 4 months respectively. serve homemade canned meat You can already after a day of storing the dish in the refrigerator in a warm form.


Take meat (with bones) of any poultry, rabbit, pork and beef ribs, chop into pieces that fit into a jar, and soak in water. Prepare a brine - for 3 liters of water, 2 cups of salt and boil. Put the meat into the boiling brine and boil for 25 minutes (removing the foam). Then put the meat in sterilized jars, add brine and roll up the lids. Shelf life - 1-2 years. This meat is suitable for fast food borscht and soups.

MEAT stew

Cut the meat into pieces (you do not need to wash it so that water does not get into it), pepper it with black pepper and put it in 1-2 l jars. At the bottom before this, put 1 fragrant pea and 4-5 pcs. black bitter pepper, 2-3 bay leaves, 1 teaspoon of salt (in a 1 liter jar). Then take a 5-bucket pan, put 2 bricks on the bottom, and on them - a lid from a 3-bucket boiling pot (with holes all over the surface), pour 12-13 liters of water and put the jars of meat, covering (but not rolling) with lids . Close the pan with a lid, which is covered with dough for three quarters of the entire circumference (the remaining quarter is to find out when the water boils and to let off steam). Water is enough for 4 hours of boiling, it all boils away. Then you need to get one jar out of the pan and roll up the lids. The stew turns out tasty and is stored for 3 years. Stew can be made from any meat, including poultry (chopped into small pieces with bones).


Per 1 kg raw meat(beef, lamb and pork) add 2 heads of garlic, 4 bay leaves and 10-12 black peppercorns.

Meat is placed in a pressure cooker, previously washed from small bones and blood, stuffed with garlic (on a piece of meat with a knife, make several cruciform cuts into which to "drown" peeled and salted garlic cloves: the meat is saturated with garlic juice and salted from the inside). Water is poured into the pan so much that, together with the immersed meat, its level does not exceed half the pan. Add salt (0.5 tablespoons), close the pressure cooker, and from the beginning of the hissing of the valve, keep on fire for 25-30 minutes for beef and 20 minutes for lamb or pork.

While the meat is cooking, you can sterilize the jars and prepare the seasoning. For this, in a small enamel saucepan or a mug, boil for 3-5 minutes (in 100 ml of water) pepper, bay leaf and mint. When the meat is ready, it is laid out hot in hot sterilized jars, seasoning and finely chopped garlic (the second head of garlic) are added. Then the broth is added from the pressure cooker and a layer of melted fat or ghee is added on top (about 1 cm) so that there is an empty space (about 1 cm) to the edge of the jar, and immediately the jars are rolled up with lids. Canned food prepared in this way is stored at room temperature for one to two months.


Cut the pulp into pieces of 30-40 g, salt at the rate of 25-30 g of salt per 1 kg of meat and leave for 10 minutes. Place in a frying pan or shallow saucepan pork fat and warm up well. In it, and fry the meat until a light crust forms and the juice stops secreting. Then put the meat in prepared steamed and dried glass jars, pour melted fat to the very top. Immediately cover the jars with boiled lids and roll them up. Meat closed in this way can be stored in a good cellar or refrigerator for up to six months.


900 g of beef pulp, 6 bay leaves, 2-2.5 teaspoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of ground black pepper, 50 g of lard.

Meat cut into large pieces. Repulse from all sides. In a one and a half liter container (for example, a glass jar or clay pot), put 4 bay leaves. The extinguishing container must be taken thick-walled and vertically elongated. If stewed in a flat frying pan, the meat will rise high above the allocated juice. In this case, you will have to add a lot of water. The result is boiled, not stewed, meat. Plus it will be tougher. Sprinkle the beef pieces with salt and pepper. Pack tightly into a jar. Finely chop the salo and put on top of the beef. Lay bay leaves on top. Seal the neck of the jar tightly with several folds of foil. Put the jar in a small frying pan or pan. Put the frying pan with the jar in a cold oven on the lower level. Set the temperature to 180 ° C and simmer for 3 hours.


It is prepared immediately after the pig is slaughtered, while still warm. Cut into pieces (so that they pass into the neck of the jar), dip in salt, fold tightly into jars and cover completely with salt. Then roll up the bottles with lids and let stand in a warm place until morning. Then take them to the basement. Fat preserved in this way costs 3-4 years without aging.

HOME stew

The following fixture is being prepared in advance - you need a cylindrical tank with a lid of suitable size. From sheet metal with a thickness of 3-5 mm, circles are cut out of such a size that they fit freely into the tank. You need 3 such circles, and 4 of the same circles of dense rubber. Three holes will be brought together in circles at a small distance from the edge after 120 degrees, and 3 long studs with a diameter of 6-10 mm are prepared accordingly (the length of the studs depends on which jars are supposed to be used).

Raw meat mixed with fat is cut portioned pieces, slightly salted, tightly fit into jars (we used 700g) with the addition of spices (usually for one jar of 5-6 black peppercorns, two bay leaves). Banks slightly heat up and roll up. Now we proceed to assemble the device - we insert studs with nuts screwed on the lower edge into the lower metal pancake, put a rubber pancake on it, put cans with prepared meat on the rubber so that there is a small gap between the cans, again rubber - metal -rubber pancakes, the second floor of cans, rubber - a metal pancake - we slightly tighten the entire structure with nuts. Then everything is simple - carefully lower the resulting structure into the tank, fill it with water, put it all on gas from the moment of boiling, cook for 5-6 hours. We cool in the same tank, take it out - the stew is ready.

Approximately 30 - 34 cans are placed, of which 2-3 pieces are defective in the heat treatment process. Shelf life up to 5 years.


2 kg of any liver, fat, any meat, onion, How much to eat, heart and lung.

Grind everything in a meat grinder, add 12 raw eggs, salt, ground pepper (to taste), mix well. Arrange the resulting pate in 0.5 l jars (2 fingers to the edge), you should get 20 jars. Then roll up the jars with lids, put them under a press and cook for 6 hours (on medium heat - 1 hour, then on low). Remove the saucepan from the heat along with water and a press and let cool. If there is no press, cover the jars with lids (do not roll them up), put them in a saucepan, put a load on them and cook, adding boiling water (instead of boiled water) so that its level is 1-2 fingers below the lids. After 6 hours of cooking, remove the load, take out the cans and roll up.


Cut the meat, salt, put in jars (not to the top), add bay leaves and peas 3 peppers cover with lids without rubber bands and put in a cold oven, heat at medium temperature for at least 1 hour, roll up hot.


3900 g of beef pulp, 6 bay leaves, 2~2.5 teaspoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of ground black pepper, 50 g of lard.

Meat cut into large pieces. Repulse from all sides. In a one and a half liter container (for example, a glass jar or a clay pot), put 4 bay leaves. The extinguishing container must be taken thick-walled and vertically elongated. If stewed in a flat frying pan, the meat will rise high above the allocated juice. In this case, you will have to add a lot of water. The result is boiled, not stewed, meat. Plus it will be tougher. Sprinkle the beef pieces with salt and pepper. Pack tightly into a jar. Finely chop the salo and put on top of the beef. Lay bay leaves on top. Seal the neck of the jar tightly with several folds of foil. Put the jar in a small frying pan or pan. Put the frying pan with the jar in a cold oven on the lower level. Set the temperature to 180 ° C and simmer for 3 hours.


Meat (whatever you eat or prefer: poultry, pork, lamb or beef)

Seasonings (salt, pepper, peas, lavrushka) Broth, glass jars, baking sheet.

Separating the meat from the bones is a must, excess fat(still leave a little) and remove the film. Cut the meat into beautiful, neat pieces (you can not cut the chicken, but leave the pieces as they were after separation from the bones). In a deep bowl, mix with salt and all seasonings (to taste) - let stand. In the meantime, boil the broth from the bones and scraps and strain. Cool down. Sterilize jars. Fold the meat tightly, trying not to leave voids. The meat will release juice. If the meat is not covered with juice, then top up with broth. Close the jars, twist, but not quite tightly, not to the very end. We put the jars in a deep baking sheet, pour water (into a baking sheet, of course), put this structure in a cold oven. now we need to cook the stew at a temperature of about 120C. Cooking time 2-3 hours - the countdown goes from the moment of reaching desired temperature! you will see how the meat juice boils right in the jars. After the expiration of the term, take out the jars and immediately "roll up", turn over - after 5 minutes turn them back, let them cool in a blanket.

LAMB stew

Lightly fry the lamb pieces, then simmer until tender. At the same time, add salt and spices to taste. Already prepared lamb is thrown into a container and poured with pre-melted lamb fat. So that the fat covers the pieces. Then you seal the container properly.

BEEF stew

To prepare the stew, you need to take meat without bones, veins and veins, cut it into pieces of medium size, put it in a saucepan and pour water 1-1.5 cm above the level of the meat. Put the saucepan on fire. After boiling water, remove the foam. Add 10 black peppercorns, 2 onions cut in half, parsley, one chopped carrot and simmer. After 2 hours, salt the meat a little, remove the onion. After another 1-2 hours, when the meat is completely ready (it is freely pierced with a fork), add salt to taste, put 2 bay leaves, boil for another 15 minutes, then remove the bay leaf. Without turning off the fire, take out the meat and put it in pre-sterilized glass jars of 0.5-1 liter and fill it with broth to the brim, then roll up the jars with tin lids, turn over and leave to cool.

BEEF stew

Wash the meat, cut into pieces, put in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and let stand for about 30 minutes. Sterilize liter or half-liter jars and lids, put the meat there, cover with lids and put in a cold oven. Do not add liquid, the meat will give its juice. Stew meat for 2.5-3 hours. In the process of cooking, the meat will sit down, then from one jar add to the rest to the top. Just do everything with a sterilized spoon. Then take it out of the oven and roll up. Put for a day in something warm.


Prepare an enameled tank with a capacity of 25 liters. Put a wooden circle on the bottom of it. Prepare seven liter jars (that's how many of them fit freely in the tank) and seven metal caps. Sterilize jars and lids for 10 minutes over a boiling kettle.

With a sharp knife, remove the meat from 4-5 carcasses of rabbits. It will be enough to fill the banks. Separate the internal fat of the rabbits and put in a separate bowl. If the rabbit carcasses are not fatty, then cook a little fatty pork meat(lard), cutting it into pieces with Walnut. At the bottom of each jar, put 1-2 well-washed and scalded bay leaves and internal rabbit fat or lard in a 2 cm layer. Then tightly pack the rabbit meat into the jars. In each jar, put 3-4 peas of allspice, 5-6 peas of black pepper or black pepper, 2-3 cloves to other available spices. Add a heaping teaspoon of salt to each jar. Top the meat with the internal fat of the rabbit or lard 2-3 cm thick. After filling the jars to the brim, cover with lids and place them in the tank so that they do not touch each other and the walls of the tank. Fill the tank with warm water up to the shoulders of the jars and put on low heat. As the water in the tank and the meat and jars heat up, increase the burner flame, and when the water boils, adjust the fire so that the water does not boil too much and does not splash the jars.

To prevent the lids from lifting up and lying tightly on the cans, put on top of them

A wooden circle of such a diameter that it overlaps the covers of the entire battery by about half or a little more. Close the tank tightly with a lid. From time to time, adjust the degree of boiling of water, and adjust the cans with a knife blade so that they do not touch the walls of the tank. 5 hours after the water starts to boil, remove the jars and, without lifting the lid, roll up. Shake the finished corked jar slightly to mix its contents. Do this carefully and not too abruptly - to avoid knocking the cover off. Then turn the jar upside down and listen carefully for a hiss. Otherwise, roll such a jar again with a machine for rolling caps and mark. It is better not to store it for a long time and, if necessary, open it first. If everything was done conscientiously and cleanly, then the stew can be stored for a long time, retaining its excellent taste qualities. If the stew is prepared in half-liter jars, then the sterilization time in the steam-water "bath" is halved, respectively.


Cut the meat into large pieces of the same size, salt to taste. Place 1 bay leaf, 10 peas of black hot pepper on the bottom of each jar, fill the jar with prepared meat, evenly distributing fatty and lean pieces, add internal fat to the jars. Cover tightly filled jars with glass lids, place on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 200 C. Sprinkle a layer of coarse salt on a baking sheet. After boiling the contents of the jar, keep it in a preheated oven for about 2 hours, then remove and roll up with sterile lids.

PORK stew

Take clean meat without bones. Lightly fry for homemade oil(until the water disappears), then salt. After that, put the pieces of meat in a jar. Put the jar in a pot of water, boil for 1.5 hours. Spices: 1 bay leaf, black peppercorns 5-7 pcs. put just before closing. The jar and lid must be sterilized. Close the jar hermetically with a machine and put the lid down until completely cooled. From the stew, you can quickly cook both first and second courses.


At the bottom, cut the fat into small pieces, then sprinkle a layer of meat with a little salt, black peppercorns, bay leaf - and so on to the top. Water is not needed, everything should be stewed in its own juice, we close the pressure cooker hermetically and on fire. how to boil slow fire and 40 -4 5 minutes, then spread hot into sterilized jars and under the lids.


Cut the bird into small portions, salt and pepper to taste. IN clean jars 0.7 put 1 bay leaf on the bottom, stuff with meat, cover with lids. Put in a cold oven, turn it on, heat up to 200 C. Simmer for 1-1.5 hours, immediately take it out, roll it up and under the covers until it cools.


To prepare the Carpathian stew, you need to take meat without bones, veins and veins, cut it into pieces of medium size, put in a saucepan and pour water 1-1.5 cm above the level of the meat. Put the saucepan on fire. After boiling water, remove the foam. Add 10 black peppercorns, 2 onions cut in half, parsley, one chopped carrot and simmer. After 2 hours, salt the meat a little, remove the onion. After another 1-2 hours, when the meat is completely ready (it is freely pierced with a fork), add salt to taste, put 2 bay leaves, boil for another 15 minutes, then remove the bay leaf. Without turning off the fire, take out the meat and put it in pre-sterilized glass jars of 0.5-1 liter and fill it with broth to the brim, then roll up the jars with tin lids, turn over and leave to cool.

PORK stew

Do not wash meat. If the skin is clean, well processed, you can not cut it off. Cut the fat into large pieces, put in a tank and put on fire, stirring so as not to burn. When a little fat is rendered, add the meat, cut into medium-sized pieces, salt. Stew until tender in its own juice, without adding water. At the end of the stew, put the bay leaf, peppercorns. Without removing from the heat, put the boiling stew into sterilized jars to the top so that it overflows to remove air, and quickly roll up with sterilized lids. Turn the jars upside down, leave until the fat solidifies. Put in the cellar the next day.


For 1 kg of meat, 100 grams of carrots, 50 grams of onions, 3 grains of pepper, 2 leaves of parsley.

The meat is cut, placed in a saucepan and poured with water to cover the meat by 1 cm. Add onions, carrots, salt. at the end of cooking put lavrushka and black pepper. in general, like a broth, only more concentrated. Cook for 1.5 hours. after hot, they are placed in sterilized jars, poured with broth 3 cm below the neck. put in a saucepan with hot water and sterilized. For cans with a capacity of 0.5 l - 30 minutes. Then corked. A clamp is installed on the jar and sterilized in boiling water three times for 80 minutes with an interval of 24 hours with the lid closed. After each sterilization, the jars are cooled in the pan where they were sterilized. The cover is not removed

Delicious homemade beef stew different ways: in the oven - as our grandmothers cooked, in a slow cooker - modern variation stew, in a pressure cooker - for quick cooking various kinds meat.

Before you cook beef stew at home, the Billets website recommends that you familiarize yourself with.

Beef stew in the oven


  • beef - 1 kg,
  • pork fat - 200 grams,
  • bay leaf - 10 pieces,
  • allspice - 5 pieces,
  • black peppercorns - 10 pieces,
  • salt to taste.


  1. Beef should be washed with cold water and cut into not very large pieces.
  2. Salo should be cut into small cubes.
  3. Then start filling the jars. The container must be pre-sterilized, it is better to lubricate the lid of the jar a small amount fat to prevent oxidation.
  4. The container should be a liter or half a liter. A bay leaf is placed at the bottom of the jar, then beef cubes and lard with allspice and black pepper and the remains of a bay leaf are poured on top.
  5. The resulting number of cans is placed on a baking sheet, which is previously covered with foil - during the cooking process, juice may flow out of the cans. The jars are covered with lids without rubber bands and sent to a cold oven in which temperature regime around 180 degrees. Then you can reduce the temperature to 160 degrees and simmer for all 3 hours.

It is better not to open the oven - if the temperature drops, the jars may burst. After the time has elapsed, without opening the door, wait for the cans to cool completely. Then put rubber bands on the lids, roll up the jars and send them to a cool place.

Cooking a quick delicious beef stew in a pressure cooker


  • beef - 1.5 kg,
  • salt - 2.5 teaspoons,
  • black peppercorns - 5 pieces,
  • bay leaf - 3 pieces,
  • allspice - 6 pieces,
  • water - 300 ml.


  1. The meat must be washed and cut into medium cubes.
  2. In a bowl, mix the beef and all the above spices.
  3. The whole mass is transferred to a pressure cooker and filled with water.
  4. The pressure cooker must be hermetically sealed and put on fire until boiling - this will be heard by the whistle from the hole on the pressure cooker.
  5. The fire decreases, becomes almost minimal and is detected for 1.5-2 hours.
  6. During that time, you can sterilize half-liter jars.
  7. After the time has elapsed, the steam is carefully vented and the pressure cooker opens.
  8. The meat is transferred to already sterile jars and covered with lids.

Meat jars should be sterilized in a water bath for at least 40 minutes after the water boils. After the banks roll up and go to a dark place.

Beef stew in a slow cooker


  • beef - 1.5 kg,
  • salt - 1 teaspoon,
  • bay leaf - 4-5 pieces,
  • ground black pepper - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • rosemary - 0.5 teaspoon.


  1. The meat is well washed, dried on paper towel and cut into small cubes 2 * 2.
  2. The meat is lowered into the slow cooker, you can not add water, because. the beef will release a lot of juice.
  3. The slow cooker is put into stewing mode for 6-7 hours - it all depends on the stiffness of the meat, the harder the meat, the longer it stews. It is better to taste the meat again at the end of the stew and adjust the cooking time.
  4. We leave the meat in this mode for 3-4 hours, it is advisable not to open the lid often to avoid evaporation of water, the meat may be dry. If the water still evaporates, you can add a little water.
  5. 1.5-2 hours before the end of the program, you need to add all the spices and continue stewing.

Distribute the prepared beef stew in sterile jars, tamp well and pour over the remaining meat juice. Then put the container with the stew on a baking sheet and send it to the oven to be sterilized at 200 degrees for 20 minutes. Then let the jars cool and roll up.

  • the meat should not be frozen - the stew will be dry and not have a good taste;
  • it is better to store homemade stew for no more than 2 years, the home conditions for its preparation do not provide a sufficient level of elimination of bacteria, unlike factory stews;
  • meat during the cooking process is boiled down by almost 40 percent, this must be taken into account when calculating a ready-made stew.
