
Culinary recipes and photo recipes. Nicoise: classic tuna salad recipe and modern variations

Today we will talk about how to prepare Nicoise salad. Initially, the Nicoise salad, a recipe that was invented in France, was a classic of Provencal cuisine. Over time, the recipe went beyond France, underwent many changes, and in fact, each cook prepares it in his own way, adding certain ingredients. Today, we will look at several options - Nicoise salad with tuna, classic Nicoise salad and the Nicoise salad recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya.

Nicoise salad - recipe

In order to prepare Nicoise salad, you will need the following products:

  • Salad - 1 piece
  • Tomato - 4 pieces
  • Boiled egg - 3 pieces
  • Bulb onions - 3 pieces
  • Anchovies - 8 pieces
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 piece
  • Small green olives - 2 tablespoons
  • Canned tuna, in oil - 150 grams
  • Lemon juice and beans - 2 teaspoons
  • Olive oil for dressing - 7 tablespoons
  • Garlic - 2-3 heads
  • Basil leaves - 7-8 pieces
  • Wine vinegar - 1.5 tablespoons
  • Salt, ground black pepper - to taste

First of all, we prepare the dressing for the salad, we cook it first, because it must be infused. For dressing, you need to mix olive oil with chopped garlic clove, add chopped basil, add wine vinegar and salt and pepper to taste.

After the dressing is ready, we begin to prepare the products. First boil the beans. Beans should be boiled in salted water for five minutes. Then douse with cold water. This is necessary so that the beans do not lose color and retain elasticity. Next, heat the olive oil in a frying pan, add chopped garlic and beans. Roasting time depends on taste. If you like beans to be crispy, then you need to fry for just one minute. If you like soft beans, then three minutes. After that, sprinkle the beans with parsley, remove from heat, cool and drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice.

Then, boil the eggs. Tomatoes, sweet peppers, onions and greens - thoroughly wash and cut.

Nicoise salad - cooking

We take a salad bowl, the one that expands to the top is best. Put lettuce leaves on the bottom of the salad bowl, then onions, then peppers and tomatoes, and beans. The layers are repeated several times. Drizzle dressing over salad. Before serving the salad on the table, it is necessary to spread the tuna on top. It is pre-disassembled into fibers, olives, anchovies and eggs are added. Then the Nicoise salad needs to be salted and peppered again, sprinkled with lemon juice and sprinkled with green onions.

Nicoise salad is ready! Can be served at the table.

Recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya

And now we will tell you how to cook Nicoise salad from Yulia Vysotskaya. You will need the following products:

For refueling:

  • Mustard
  • Olive oil
  • Grated garlic
  • chopped basil
  • Honey
  • Wine or balsamic vinegar

For the Nicoise salad:

  • Lettuce leaves - 1 piece
  • Tomatoes - 4 pieces
  • Quail boiled egg - 8 pieces
  • Red onion - 3 pieces
  • Anchovies - 8 pieces
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 piece
  • Green beans - 200 grams
  • Potato cut into slices
  • Green olives - 2 tablespoons
  • Chilled tuna - 150 grams
  • Hard cheese - 15 grams
  • Lemon juice - 2 teaspoons

As in the previous method, we initially prepare the salad dressing. Mix - mustard, olive oil, honey, vinegar, grated garlic, basil. Refueling should take about 20 minutes.

Next, heat the olive oil, add chopped garlic and beans. Further, if you like the beans to be soft, you need to fry for about five minutes, if you want to be crispy - two minutes. Drizzle beans with garlic oil and lemon juice, sprinkle with chopped parsley and remove from heat. Cool down.

Marinated tuna must be fried over high heat for one minute on each side. Tuna is fried with salt, pepper and lemon juice in olive oil.

Put boiled eggs. At this time, wash and cut - tomatoes, bell peppers, red and green onions.

When all the products are ready, you need to put them in a salad bowl. We lay out lettuce leaves down, then arugula, basil, onions, potato wedges, peppers, tomatoes and beans. Then comes the layer of tuna.

Before serving, decorate the salad with eggs, olives, anchovies. Drizzle dressing over salad, sprinkle with cheese. Salad ready!

Classic recipe

Nicoise salad is a famous culinary recipe of the French city of Nice made from vegetables, boiled eggs, tuna and olive oil dressing.

Salad Ingredients:

  • Salad - 1 piece
  • Tomatoes - 4 pieces
  • Eggs - 3 pieces
  • sweet onion - 3 pieces
  • anchovy fillets - 8 pieces
  • sweet red pepper - 0.5 pieces
  • green string beans - 200 grams
  • olives - 2 tablespoons
  • tuna in oil - 150 grams
  • lemon juice - 2 teaspoons

Dressing Ingredients

  • olive oil - 7 tablespoons
  • crushed garlic - 1 clove
  • chopped basil leaves - 7-8 leaves
  • wine vinegar - 1.5 teaspoons
  • salt, pepper to taste

Also, first prepare the salad dressing so that it has time to infuse. To do this, mix all the ingredients for dressing.

Then we prepare the ingredients for the salad.

Boil the beans. Dip in boiling salted water and cook for five minutes, put the beans in a colander and rinse with cold water. Heat olive oil in a frying pan, add crushed garlic and beans, cook for several minutes. If you want the beans to be crispy, then one minute, if you want them to be soft, then three minutes. Then sprinkle the beans with chopped parsley, remove from heat and cool. After the beans have cooled, pour over with olive oil, add wine vinegar. You can use lemon juice instead of vinegar.

Separate lettuce leaves, wash and dry. We roar large leaves and put them on the bottom of the salad bowl. Wash tomatoes, then cut. First, in half lengthwise, then each part into two or three pieces. We cut the red onion arbitrarily, as the soul lies. Rinse the olives from the juice and cut in half. Bell pepper is also washed and cut into thin strips. Boil eggs, peel, cut into quarters. Wash anchovies in cold water.

Put the products in layers in a salad bowl. First lettuce, then onions, tomatoes, then beans and peppers. Layers need to be repeated several times.

Mix the dressing and pour over the salad. Before serving the salad on the table, knead the tuna with a fork, put it in a salad bowl, add eggs and anchovies with olives. Sprinkle with lemon juice and pepper.

Nicoise salad - video

Nicoise salad is not only a cheap salad in terms of cost, but also nutritious. Moreover, cooking does not take much time. You can also watch the video on our website.

The world-famous Nicoise salad comes from Nice. It would seem that lettuce, tomatoes, olives, anchovies or juicy pieces of tuna seasoned with olive oil and supplemented with boiled eggs cut into quarters - what could be simpler? However, in the right combination of these available ingredients is the whole secret of the popularity of the Nicoise salad.

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Recipe for a delicious and hearty Nicoise salad with new potatoes, cod liver, green beans and tomatoes. This salad is sure to become a decoration of any festive table.

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Simply stunning tuna salad! I wish everyone to cook this salad for the New Year 2019 and try it. Something incredible, just a "rainbow of taste"! Bright, juicy, delicious and impossible to stop. Cook for health and with pleasure!

canned tuna, potatoes, eggs, green beans, cherry tomatoes, olives, lettuce, parsley, garlic, mustard, lemon juice, white wine vinegar...

The famous "Nicoise" from the French city of Nice is an anchovy salad, the original recipe of which includes only vegetables, boiled eggs, anchovies and olive oil. However, until now, even chefs in France are arguing about whose recipe is the most “real”. Tomatoes and lettuce are the “right” ingredients. But potatoes and boiled vegetables are not put in a salad. Often "Nicoise" is cooked with tuna meat. In this version, we will replace it with salmon. And "in Russian" we still add new potatoes.

salt, ground black pepper, young potatoes, green beans, salmon, salmon, lettuce, tomatoes, boiled eggs, red onion, anchovy fillet, olives...

Salad "Nicoise" (Niçoise) was invented in Nice. In terms of the number of ingredients and variations, it can be compared with Olivier. This is a well-known and beloved salad, but we will make our own version. You can cook salmon for salad yourself in a smokehouse.

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An improved version of the famous French Nicoise salad. With broccoli salad will be even healthier!

broccoli, potatoes, bell peppers, onions, green onions, lolo salad, lolo salad, black olives, olives, olive oil, mustard, lemon, salt, pepper

How to cook a classic Nicoise salad? There is no specific traditional recipe, but there are many different variations to suit all tastes. Below we offer you some interesting recipes.


Light, tasty, divine salad with the aroma of Provencal meadows and the taste of summer. All these qualities belong in French to an exquisite and impossibly simple salad with the tender name Niçoise. What is the secret of the centuries-old popularity of vegetable salad on all five continents? And how to prepare this salad so that it does not lose its authenticity? We will tell you about this in secret in this article.

The name Nicoise salad comes from the word niçoise, which is interpreted as "from the city of Nice." This is a French, and to be more precise, Provencal dish, the base of which consists of dried anchovies, olive oil, olives and tomatoes. Legumes, capers, eggs, lettuce are often used as additional components.

There is an indescribable number of different variations of this salad. Therefore, culinary historians and experienced gourmets are still debating which recipe the true Niçoise should correspond to: the one voiced by the restaurateur Auguste Escoffier, or the one proposed in the 20th century by the mayor of Nice, Jacques Medsan.

There are two more unlikely theories about the origin of this masterpiece salad. One version says that the Nicoise recipe became popular thanks to Catherine de Medici, who borrowed it from the Italians. And the other says that the salad was invented by English sailors 5 centuries ago.

But it is clear that the modern version of Niçoise could not have existed before the 17th century. Since tomatoes and legumes came to Europe thanks to Columbus only in the middle of the 16th century. But the first prototype of this salad with world popularity was eaten by the ancient Ligurian tribes, however, in a more modest version.

Sauce for Nicoise - an important accent in the salad

No matter how many Nicoise recipes there are, and no matter how many chefs prove their case when choosing the ingredients for this salad, everyone agrees on one thing: Nicoise should be seasoned with a special sauce.

For dressing, the base is first prepared from a mixture of fragrant oil, balsamic vinegar and Dijon mustard. And then you can safely experiment with herbs. Since the salad is considered Provencal, then the herbs should be appropriate - basil, rosemary, sage, oregano, thyme. Sometimes lemon juice is found in a salad recipe, and wine vinegar is used instead of balsamic. But the base of the dressing must retain its authenticity.

Traditional Nicoise Sauce - Recipe

To prepare a simple classic dressing, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Olive oil (unrefined) - 60 mg.
  • Dijon mustard - 6 tbsp. l.
  • Balsamic vinegar - 2 tsp.
  • Lemon - 2/3 pcs.
  • Ground black pepper - a pinch.
  • Fresh basil - 2 sprigs.
  • Salt - 3 g.

Step-by-step preparation of dressing for Nicoise salad with a photo:

  • Pour the olive oil into a glass or ceramic bowl.
  • Pour pepper into oil and squeeze lemon juice.
  • Add balsamic vinegar and stir in sauce.
  • Now stir in the Dijon mustard and chopped basil.
  • Stir the sauce until a homogeneous structure is obtained and send it to the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

This sauce can be used not only for dressing Nicoise salad. It is suitable for grilled meat, fish and vegetables. With this dressing, many dishes open up their taste in a new way.

Nicoise salad - a classic recipe

The traditional Nicoise recipe involves the use of fresh vegetables without heat treatment. Thanks to this, the salad is light, bright and juicy. And the addition of dressing with fresh Provence herbs opens up a riot of flavors, colors and aromas of this excellent appetizer. A fresh and vitamin-rich salad is especially tasty in summer, it is an excellent substitute for the main course or serves as an addition to meat or seafood.

Anchovies or more expensive tuna serve as the base for the salad, ripe tomatoes (yellow ones can be used), pink olives and garlic should also be present. Over time, boiled eggs, bell peppers and green beans were added to the recipe, but this is already a matter of taste. And the final ingredient of Nicoise is a dressing of fresh basil, olive oil, garlic and mustard. There are many disputes and misunderstandings regarding the quantitative composition of the dressing, so you can cook it at your discretion.

Unfortunately, there is simply no universal recipe for Nicoise. It is as varied as the imagination and skill of its performer. But still there is a traditional option from which you can build on in the process of your culinary creation. So, Provencal Niçoise is a classic recipe.

To prepare a vegetable mix with grilled tuna, you will need the following products:

  • Marinated tuna - 200 g.
  • Olives - 120 g.
  • Quail eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Cherry tomatoes - 160 g.
  • Salad mix (arugula, lettuce, romano) - 220 g.
  • Capers - 15 g.
  • Asparagus beans - 120 g.
  • Young onion - 40 g.
  • Potato - 160 g.

For sauce:

  • Olive oil - 30 mg.
  • Salt and pepper - 4 g each.
  • Basil - ¼ bunch.

For marinade:

  • Soy sauce - 35 g.
  • Salt, pepper - a pinch.
  • Garlic - 1 clove.

The process of making Nicoise salad with a photo:

  • First you need to prepare products that require heat treatment: boil eggs and beans, bake potatoes in their skins in the oven (do not remove the peel after the potatoes are ready!).

  • Onion (to give the dish brightness, you can take blue varieties) cut into half rings.

  • Cut the eggs, tomatoes, olives into two parts, crush the capers with a knife.

  • Cut the potatoes in the skin into slices, cut the asparagus beans in half.

  • Now marinate the tuna: mix the indicated marinade ingredients and immerse the tuna in this mixture for 20 minutes.

  • Then fry the fish in a grill pan over high heat so that ruddy stripes appear on top, and juicy half-baked flesh appears in the middle. Duration of cooking on one side 3 minutes.

  • Take a deep container, tear the washed and dried salad mixture into it.

  • Then add all prepared vegetables.

  • Whisk together all the ingredients for the salad dressing, add it to the vegetables and toss the salad.

  • The highlight of a real Niçoise is the garlic-smeared plate in which the dish is served. Therefore, prepare a salad bowl grated with garlic.
  • Put the salad in it, put slices of fried tuna on top, decorate Nicoise with basil leaves. Salad ready!

Interesting variations of Nicoise salad - recipes with photos

Nicoise salad can be not just a light snack, but also a full dinner. After all, it can be cooked in different ways! Grilled tuna can be easily replaced with anchovies, bell pepper and cucumber can be added to the taste, and potatoes and eggs can be excluded from the list of priority ingredients. And finally, you can "play" with the dressing, using new combinations of Provence herbs. Agree, not every dish gives vent to fantasy and innovation.

Nicoise salad with tuna and anchovies

If you can’t decide what to choose for a salad - anchovies or tuna, this Nicoise option is just for you. What is the secret of this salad? The combination of two types of fish and vegetables makes the taste of Niçoise balanced: fish provides nutrition, while herbs and vegetables provide lightness and aroma.

What products need to be prepared:

  • Tuna in own juice - 240 g.
  • Lettuce leaves - 120 g.
  • Green string beans - 250 g.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Potato - 150 g.
  • Bulgarian pepper red and yellow - ½ pcs.
  • Pitted olives - 8-10 pcs.
  • Anchovies (fillet) - 4 pcs.

For sauce:

  • Olive oil - 50 ml.
  • Wine vinegar (white) - 20 ml.
  • Garlic - ½ clove.
  • Salt, pepper, mustard - to taste.

Cooking features:

  1. Rub the potatoes well with a brush, wash and boil in their skins. Then cool in cool water and peel. Cut the root vegetable into circles.
  2. Dip the beans in boiling water for 8 minutes, then drain them in a colander and rinse under running ice water to keep their bright green color.
  3. Bake the pepper in the oven at 200⁰С until tender. Then put the vegetable in a bag and tie it tightly for 10 minutes. Then easily separate the skin and remove the seeds. Cut the pepper into strips.
  4. Slice the tomato into 0.5 cm thick slices.
  5. Put the eggs in a saucepan with water and cook for 9 minutes, starting from the moment of boiling.
  6. Then clean them, cut into 4 slices.
  7. Place the tuna on a paper towel to get rid of excess liquid.
  8. Put the crushed garlic, vinegar and salt in a bowl, start whisking the sauce with a whisk, slowly pouring in the oil. As a result, you will have an emulsion.
  9. Arrange a ball of lettuce leaves on a plate, put beans, vegetables, eggs on top. Then put the tuna, followed by anchovies with olives.
  10. Pour the dressing over the salad and you can start tasting.

Nicoise salad from Yulia Vysotskaya

Yulia Vysotskaya, well-known in the culinary world, kindly shared the secrets of the authentic Provencal snack Nicoise, which can be tasted in any institution on the Cote d'Azur. Vysotskaya considers exclusively canned tuna and young potatoes to be ideal products for Nicoise, while she prefers to leave peppers fresh without baking, and buys only frozen beans.

Main Ingredients:

  • Green beans - 350 g.
  • Cucumbers - 4 pcs.
  • Quail eggs - 10 pcs.
  • Cherry tomatoes - 300 g.
  • Tuna in oil - 2 cans.
  • Sweet yellow and red pepper - 1/3 each.
  • Young potatoes - 12 pcs.
  • Red onion - 70 g.
  • Green onions - 100 g (1 bunch).
  • Capers - 25 pcs.
  • Olive oil - 40 mg.

Filling ingredients:

  • Dijon mustard - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Red wine vinegar - 1.5 tsp.
  • Lemon - ½ pc.
  • Sea salt - ¼ tbsp. l.
  • Sulfur pepper - to taste.


  1. Boil the beans according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Boil young potatoes in salt water, then drain the liquid and place the potatoes in a container with ice. This will keep it from crumbling in the salad.
  3. Put the potatoes cut into 3-4 parts in a salad bowl, pour oil over it so that it does not stick together.
  4. Cut the green onion diagonally and send to the potatoes.
  5. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half, peel the peppers and cucumbers, cut into thin slices, cut the red onion into rings. Place vegetables in bowl with potatoes.
  6. Dip the eggs in boiling water for 2 minutes, then let them cool, peel and cut into 2 parts. Put them with vegetables.
  7. Add beans, capers and tuna (no oil). Mix everything and put in a portioned salad bowl.
  8. Whisk all the dressing ingredients with a fork and pour over the salad dressing.

Nicoise with tuna - a recipe with an unusual approach

What the human imagination does not come up with in the conditions of the modern rhythm of life. If you don't have time to leisurely enjoy the taste of a French dish or you unexpectedly decide to dine in nature, this is no reason to deny yourself your favorite salad. This original way of serving Niçoise in a sandwich is just great.

What do you need:

  • Fresh loaf or baguette (you can use wheat, buckwheat, with bran) - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes - 450 g.
  • Boiled eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Olives - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Capers - 15 g.
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves.
  • Canned tuna - 350-400 g.
  • Olive oil - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Basil - 1 handful.
  • Wine vinegar - 2 tsp.
  • Salt, pepper - a pinch each.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Stir olive oil with vinegar, salt, chopped garlic (you can add spices).
  2. Cut the loaf lengthwise into two even parts, grease the cut points with the resulting dressing.
  3. Cut tomatoes, eggs and olives into circles.
  4. Separate the tuna from the juice and crumble it with a fork.
  5. Take one part of a loaf, put a ball of tomatoes, a ball of capers, a ball of olives on top of the dressing, salt a little.
  6. Then add eggs and tuna. Spread basil on top.
  7. Now cover with the second part of the loaf and press the resulting sandwich tightly.
  8. Wrap the dish in cling film and leave it under the load for half an hour.
  9. Now you can remove the film and cut Nicoise into portions.

Nicoise with chicken in a new way

Who said that Nicoise is made with tuna and no substitution options are acceptable. It’s just that the poor sailors didn’t have anything but fish, and the chicken was beyond the bounds of possibility for them. But now the living conditions are completely different than a couple of millennia ago, so why not make a few changes to the old salad recipe.

You will need:

  • Chicken fillet - 700 g.
  • Arugula - a bunch.
  • Green beans - 200 g.
  • Black olives - 60 g.
  • Eggs - 3-4 pcs.
  • Cherry tomatoes - 200 g.

For sauce:

  • Olive oil - 1/3 cup.
  • Citrus juice - 20 ml.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.
  • Grainy mustard - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking process:

  1. Dip the washed chicken fillet in boiling water, remove the foam and cook it for 20 minutes. Then let the meat cool and cut into cubes.
  2. Mix chopped garlic with dressing products, mix everything until smooth.
  3. Boil the beans in chicken broth for about 7 minutes, drain them in a colander.
  4. Cut the boiled eggs, tomatoes and olives in two, wash the arugula.
  5. Tomatoes, olives, arugula and beans, pour ½ part of the dressing and mix.
  6. Place the tuna and eggs on top of the vegetables and drizzle with the rest of the dressing.
  7. Salad ready. Bon appetit!

When Niçoise starts to cook in the kitchen, the basic recipe shows incredible flexibility and tolerance. For starters, you can replace the fish. It is not always possible to find tuna or anchovy fillets, so using anchovy or capelin would be a good alternative. You can also use potatoes, which even the native French recognized in the salad, however, there was not without a loud debate on this topic. And at the end, you can endlessly add or take away fresh vegetables. In a word, every time you can get your signature Nicoise.

Remember, any French Niçoise recipe is just a guideline and an example for inspiration for you, and not a culinary dogma without the right to change. If you do not like some component in the salad, you can no doubt replace it with your favorite product. After all, the dish you have prepared should please you, and not Provencal restaurateurs.

Salad Nicoise with tuna is a dish that can be called a hallmark of the Cote d'Azur. Refined taste will captivate everyone who tries the dish. What a beautifully served salad!
A salad is usually prepared with anchovies, but with tuna it turns out much tastier. All vegetables present in the dish are raw. It is important to boil quail eggs in such a way that they are soft-boiled and hard-boiled at the same time. To do this, they are dipped in boiling water, boiled for no more than 3 minutes, and then transferred to cold water.
It is the dressing that makes the taste of the salad refined and spicy. Nicoise salad dressing is being prepared according to a specific recipe. Each product after adding is immediately whipped with a whisk. The filling will end up thick and viscous. After the Nicoise salad dressing is cooked, it must be left unattended for 15-20 minutes. During this time, all the aromas and tastes will open and unite.
Nicoise salad with tuna is served in portions. It is laid out on a flat salad plate. This dish is not served in creamers.

Taste Info Salads with seafood / Salads without mayonnaise

salad ingredients

  • red salad onion (1 piece),
  • small tomatoes (2 pieces),
  • bell pepper (1 piece),
  • lettuce leaves (6-8 leaves),
  • quail eggs (6-7 pieces),
  • tuna in oil (1 can);
  • For refueling:
  • garlic (2 medium-sized cloves),
  • olive oil (40 ml),
  • wine vinegar (4 tablespoons),
  • salt (0.5 teaspoon),
  • Dijon mustard (2 teaspoons)

How to make Nicoise Tuna Salad

1. First, start cutting all the ingredients needed for Nicoise salad. Red onion should be cut into half rings of medium thickness. If there is no red onion, it is quite possible to replace it with the usual onion, but the taste of the dish in this case will turn out to be sharper and sharper. Sprinkle the onion with salt and stir. Leave for 7-10 minutes.

2. Peel the bell pepper from the core with grains and cut into long strips.

3. Tomatoes are cut into slices. Here - attention: cherry tomatoes are used for this salad. They are small in size and look very nice on a plate. But, if you replace them with ordinary medium-sized tomatoes, you will not feel the difference.

4. Mix onion, pepper and tomatoes in one container.

5. Place a layer of chopped lettuce leaves on a serving plate. They can be cut with a knife or torn by hand. In the first case, the crushed leaves will look neater, and in the second, they will retain more usefulness.

6. On a layer of lettuce, spread randomly pepper with onion and tomato.

7. Place quail eggs in boiling water. Cook no more than 3 minutes. The water should boil slightly. It is important that the quail eggs are soft-boiled. After boiling, dip the eggs in cold water and cool. It remains to clean them, cut in half and lay out randomly on a serving plate.

8. The last ingredient is canned tuna. Arrange the fish on top of the rest of the ingredients.

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9. It remains to prepare the Nicoise salad dressing with tuna. First you need to mix salt, sugar and wine vinegar. Beat with a fork until the sugar is completely dissolved. Next, pour in the olive oil in a thin stream and simultaneously beat the mass with a whisk. Dijon mustard and minced garlic are added last to the salad dressing. Beat with a whisk and leave unattended for 15-20 minutes.

10. Immediately before serving, Nicoise salad with tuna should be poured with prepared dressing. Now the dish is ready to serve.
