
Side dish to the lung. Delicious and varied side dishes for meat

Garnish should only emphasize the taste of meat and in no case should it suppress it. In addition to the usual and boring mashed potatoes, you can cook delicious side dishes for meat , which have a high nutritional value and are better absorbed by the body in combination with meat dishes. About such side dishes, the article and video will tell.

Delicious side dishes for meat

Many people are mistaken in thinking that side dish for meat limited to mashed potatoes served with grilled meats. You can get enough, but it doesn’t look refined, it looks far from appetizing, and such food is not at all dietary.

But in order to give the dish a spectacular look, chefs use a variety of vegetables, fragrant and colorful, or serving in forms. The same puree can be put on a plate with an original mold, garnished with vegetables, and look like this.

Of course, you should not forget about yourself side dish for meat . According to nutrition experts, a mixture that includes lettuce and a small amount of vegetables seasoned with olive oil is best suited for any meat.

The appearance of such a side dish will refresh the plate and please the eye. And its composition will help the stomach to better cope with protein fibers, and in itself it is dietary. But do not forget about stewed vegetables, fried potatoes, rice, mushrooms and

Side dishes for pork

Pork is a fairly soft, light meat. The taste can be described as neutral (in relation to other types of meat), so it is best suited side dishes for meat with sweet and sour taste. It can be sauerkraut, stewed vegetables, and onions. not compatible with asparagus.

And the good old puree can sparkle in a completely new way if you add fried mushrooms or onions, pesto sauce, baked garlic or chopped herring to it. In general, a huge number of recipes have been invented based on potatoes, among which you can easily find something original and please your household or guests.

Side dishes for lamb

Lamb has a rather strong, aggressive taste, for this reason it needs a side dish to match. The mild taste of broccoli or buckwheat is hardly suitable. Again, you can add more garlic or onions to it. Bulgarian pepper with eggplant and tomatoes - what you need. Saute vegetables with onions and garlic, or just fry - the choice is yours. Onions, moreover, are chemically compatible with lamb.

A very important point: remember that mutton fat freezes at 40°C, and our temperature is 36.6°C. Therefore, use and side dish for meat should only be served hot, otherwise digestive problems may occur.

Do not serve lamb side dishes containing pasta, cream and horseradish.

Side dishes for veal

Veal is considered one of the most useful. The side dish served with this type of meat should have a mild taste, without a bold aroma, and in no case should it be sour.

Fried potatoes, mushrooms (mushrooms and porcini are good), mashed potatoes with cream, egg yolk and blue cheese. You can use green beans, Brussels sprouts, corn, carrots, zucchini, peas. However, the most suitable side dish for beef steak is considered to be spinach stewed in cream and boiled asparagus.

But pineapples, buckwheat and stewed cabbage with beef are better not to serve.

As you can see, nothing super complicated, a little experience and knowledge. And you will surprise with original side dishes for meat everyone who will be at your table.

Lovers of delicious and healthy food will love these interesting recipes.

A side dish is an addition to a main course served with meat, fish or poultry. They not only combine well, but also saturate each other with an unusual aroma. As a rule, it is prepared quite quickly and without much effort. Consider several recipes with photos of side dishes for meat.

Pasta with fresh asparagus

This is an original Italian dish. It has an exquisite taste, cooks quickly and leaves a pleasant aftertaste. So, for cooking you will need:

  1. Macaroni - 450 g.
  2. Garlic powder - on the tip of a knife.
  3. Fresh asparagus (can be replaced with frozen) - 200 g.
  4. Spices - to taste.
  5. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon.
  6. Parmesan or other cheese - quite a bit.

Preheat oven to 250 degrees. In the meantime, put a pot of water (2 liters) on the burner and wait for it to boil. In the meantime, prepare the asparagus. Cut it in half and put it in an empty container, where mix the vegetables with garlic, salt, pepper, sugar. Then flatten the asparagus on a baking sheet, sprinkle with lemon juice on top and place in the oven for 10 minutes to roast.

Pour vegetable oil into boiling water, salt to taste and pour pasta. Once it boils, turn off the burner. Cover the pot with a lid and let it simmer for 2-3 minutes. Then they will not boil soft, they will taste good, that is, al dente.

When the pasta and asparagus are cooked, mix them in a separate bowl, sprinkle with parmesan and let it brew. You can sprinkle cheese on top before serving. If desired, add greens, which will add spice to the dish. You will get a very tasty side dish for meat, which the household will appreciate.

Rice with vegetables

The dish is prepared quickly and easily. Ideal with beef or poultry. You will get a nutritious, but at the same time dietary lunch. Prepare the ingredients:

  1. Two types of oil (olive, sesame) - 10 ml each.
  2. Steamed rice, you can and ordinary - 600 g.
  3. Cilantro - if desired.
  4. Sauce (soy or oyster is better) - 10 ml each.
  5. Bulb - 100 g.
  6. Dry frozen vegetables - 1 pack (about 0.4 kg).
  7. Fresh chopped ginger - 3-4 g.
  8. Garlic or garlic powder - optional.
  9. Medium eggs - 3-4 pcs.

Remove the vegetables to defrost, and in the meantime, pour a little olive oil into the pan, beat in the eggs here and immediately mix them so that small pieces are obtained. Cut the onion into small cubes and lower it into a deep frying pan, where you preheat the olive and sesame oil. Add garlic, ginger, frozen vegetables to this and fry the mixture for no more than 5 minutes. Set the pan aside, cover with a lid, let it brew.

Steam the steamed rice until cooked, then pour it into a separate deep container. In the same container, add the fried vegetables, eggs in pieces, oyster and soy sauces. Stir gently with a wooden spatula so the rice doesn't fall apart. Garnish for meat is ready to eat.

stuffed zucchini

A vegetable side dish for zucchini meat is prepared for both lunch and dinner. They can also be replaced with zucchini. For one serving, prepare the ingredients:

  1. Zucchini - 1 pc.
  2. Tomatoes (large) - 2 pcs.
  3. Processed or other cheese - 3 pcs.
  4. Ketchup - if desired.
  5. Garlic - to taste. The recipe calls for 2 cloves.
  6. Greens in the form of parsley, basil, dill, etc. - 1 sprig each.

Add your favorite spices if desired. These can be: salt, paprika, pepper, basil, cumin, cilantro, etc. Turn on the oven at 200 degrees.

Cut the zucchini in half lengthwise and carefully remove the core with a spoon. Wash the tomatoes and remove the stems. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, place vegetables on it for roasting for only 5-7 minutes. Remove the tomatoes, peel them, and let the zucchini bake for about 7 more minutes.

Meanwhile, grind the cheese with a fork. Add chopped garlic, herbs and tomatoes. Mix thoroughly and stuff the zucchini with this stuffing. Top with ketchup if desired.

Baked potatoes in the oven

From baked potatoes you can make not only a simple dish, but also a festive one. This is the perfect side dish for French meat. To prepare it for one serving you will need:

  1. Potatoes - 400 g.
  2. Any greens, but we took cilantro and parsley - 2-3 leaves each.
  3. Salt - a small pinch.
  4. Foil.
  5. Bulb - 1 pc.
  6. Pepper - to taste.

If desired, you can slightly change the recipe and add green onions, garlic, spices in the form of paprika, red pepper, etc.

Now start cooking vegetables. Peel potatoes. Chop the onion into small sticks or cubes, finely chop the greens. Put 1 piece in foil. potatoes, a little onion, herbs, salt, pepper and wrap. Do the same with the rest of the vegetables and let them stand for a few minutes, marinate. Then put in the oven at a maximum of 200 degrees for baking.

What side dish for meat can you think of? Of course, the most common, bright and varied vegetables. They go great with any meat. So, you need to prepare:

  1. Bulb - 1 pc.
  2. Multi-colored pepper (red, yellow, green) - 3 pcs.
  3. Squash - 1 pc.
  4. Zucchini (can be replaced with zucchini) - 1 pc.
  5. Tomatoes (cherry) - 10-15 pcs.
  6. Skewers.

Soak the skewers overnight in cold water. The next day, wash the vegetables, peel them, remove the insides from zucchini, peppers and squash. Vegetables should be cut into an empty container into cubes or circles of the same thickness, salt and pepper to taste, strung on skewers and put in the oven to bake for 10-15 minutes.

Now you know what side dish for meat you can cook more. Roasted vegetables are perfect with pork or lamb.

This recipe for a side dish for meat in the summer is often prepared for the festive table. The dish is beautiful, tasty, original, with a spicy taste. For its preparation for one serving you will need products:

  1. Tomatoes - 300-400 g.
  2. Spinach - 1 bunch.
  3. Seasoning for vegetables.
  4. Processed cheese - 1 pc.
  5. Butter - 5-7 g.
  6. Garlic - 1 clove.

Wash the tomatoes and cut off the top. Remove the core into a separate container, chop the spinach, garlic and melted cheese here. Mix the mass thoroughly. Fill the empty tomatoes with the filling, put them on a baking sheet and put in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

Look for softness. If the skin has slightly changed color, then the vegetables are ready.

This dish is considered dietary and will appeal to almost every housewife who watches her figure. See how appetizing meat with a side dish looks in the photo. You can’t even say that this dish has few calories. So, you will need:

  1. Oil (vegetable or olive, but the second is more useful) - 2 tsp.
  2. Salt (preferably sea) - quite a bit.
  3. Spices - optional. The recipe says it's on the tip of a knife.
  4. Meat broth (pork, beef, lamb, chicken - depending on the cooked meat) - 1 tbsp.
  5. Thyme - a few leaves.
  6. Bulb - 2 pcs.
  7. Parsnip - 1 branch.
  8. Garlic powder - 2 tsp
  9. Lavrushka - 1 pc.
  10. Turnip (if you like) - 2 pcs.
  11. Carrot - 1 pc.
  12. Potato - 1 kg.

If you do not use turnips, then you can slightly change the recipe and add more potatoes, which definitely will not spoil the taste of the dish, but will only add its own zest.

Cut the vegetables listed in the recipe into slices, and the onion into small cubes. Chop garlic, thyme, parsnips. Mix all the ingredients, put on a baking sheet, add the necessary seasonings, mix.

Pour in the beef broth. Put in the oven at 250 degrees. Bake for about 20 minutes.

Eggplant dish is not only tasty, but also very healthy. This is another one of the meat side dish recipes. To prepare it, you need:

  1. Mozzarella cheese (can be replaced with processed) - 200 g.
  2. Eggplant - 300 g.
  3. Homemade mayonnaise - 200 g.
  4. Tomatoes are not very large - 300 g.
  5. Seasoning (salt, pepper, etc.) - to taste.
  6. Garlic - 2-3 cloves.

Cut eggplant into thin slices. Dip them in warm salted water for 20 minutes to remove the bitterness. Take them out on a paper towel and the excess liquid will be gone within 3 minutes.

Fry each eggplant slice in vegetable oil until lightly browned on both sides. While they are cooling, make the filling: cut the tomatoes and cheese into small cubes, chop the garlic, add seasoning to taste and a little mayonnaise.

Stir the stuffing thoroughly. Put the mixture of tomatoes on the edge of the eggplant and roll up the rolls.

Classic buckwheat porridge

You can always turn an ordinary dish into an original one. You just need to show imagination. To cook buckwheat porridge for a family of 4, you need to pour 2 tbsp. cereals in a saucepan, where also pour 4 tbsp. water. When it boils, add salt (about 0.5 tsp. salt) and cook for about 20 minutes. Dip the butter at the end of cooking.

Now grate one medium-sized carrot on a grater and cut the onion into small sticks or cubes. Pour vegetable oil into the pan. Saute the onion until translucent, add the carrots. Roast vegetables until tender. If desired, you can add a slightly spicy tomato sauce.

When the porridge is cooked, add plums to it. oil and roast. Stir gently with a wooden spatula. Serve as a side dish for meat. It can be: pork, beef, chicken.


Try to always decorate the dish before serving. Then it will not lose its original and presentable appearance. There are many options for decorating dishes. For example, you can put red, black and green berries on top, which will add color and originality to the dish.

Grate hard cheese for the presentation, and finely chop the greens. Mix them and sprinkle on top of the dish. Greens will give a spring mood, and cheese - an unforgettable taste.

Make a beautiful lattice of sauce in a circle on a plate. Add a slice of lemon or a sprig of thyme for beauty. In general, you need to decorate dishes according to the season. After all, every season is beautiful in its own way and has a storehouse of vitamins.

William Pokhlebkin is a famous culinary specialist who taught many housewives women's wisdom and tricks in the kitchen. Let's consider the main ones:

  • To remove various bugs from vegetables, it is enough to place them in cold salty water for several minutes.
  • Always use wooden spoons and forks to preserve vitamins.
  • Rinse the rice with salt water before cooking.
  • Dry vegetables with paper towels before frying or roasting.
  • The taste of vegetables is better preserved if they are dipped in boiling water, rather than cold and not warm.
  • Withered greens can be saved if they are dipped in water with vinegar.
  • To remove the bitterness from the onion, it is necessary to pour boiling water over it already in chopped form and put it in a colander.

It is impossible to list all the tips and tricks for cooking, as there are too many of them. They are simply indispensable in the kitchen. After all, you can cook not only delicious, but also fragrant, original, festive dishes with a spicy taste.

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How to choose the right side dish for different dishes? How to choose the perfect tasty side dish for meat and meat products? What recipes for delicious side dishes to cook for meat? Also, the article has step by step video recipe for a delicious side dish! Read more about it in our article!

Recipes for delicious side dishes for meat

How to choose the right side dish for various meat dishes?

Each meat dish needs its own side dish. The right combination of garnish and meat gives the dish completeness. Different types of cereals or vegetables are suitable for different types of meat.

Many people think that garnish is mashed potatoes, buckwheat, rice or pasta.

Such a side dish is served on a flat plate with a piece of fried or baked meat, well, or cutlets. Looks simple and no frills. The main thing is tasty and satisfying.

The very meaning of the word garnish translated from French means a beautiful decoration, filling and addition to fish or meat.

French chefs use colorful vegetables for this, and even dyes. Spread all possible figures, turrets, slides and other forms.

But the garnish is not only the beauty of the dish, but also its flavoring and nutritional additions.

Most chefs and nutritionists believe that the right side dish for meat dishes is a vegetable salad dressed with olive oil. A bright combination of colors of fresh juicy vegetables, lettuce and greens will decorate any piece of meat. The composition of the vegetable salad helps digest faster fatty meat, and the low calorie content of vegetables makes the dish almost dietary.

However, not everyone agrees to have lunch or dinner with a side dish of grass. First of all, men and children will protest. No matter how useful all the vegetables are, every day everyone will quickly get tired of them. Diversify the home menu and feed everyone hearty fried and stewed vegetables, baked potatoes, stewed cabbage, fried mushrooms, fragrant boiled rice and more will help.

The combination of meats with side dishes

Boiled rice, stewed or baked eggplant and fried onions are most suitable for lamb dishes.

Mutton has a specific pronounced taste. Only a more specific garnish can interrupt and emphasize it.

Buckwheat, stewed cabbage or mashed potatoes just can't do it. Use potatoes as a side dish only if sautéed with lots of garlic, basil or cilantro. If there is rice on the side dish, add stewed carrots, zira and barberry to it.

Excellent side dishes will serve t sun-dried tomatoes with sweet bell peppers and onions. Vegetables for garnish are stewed in vegetable oil, fried or baked in the oven or on the grill.

A good combination as a side dish would be baked eggplant with cheese and garlic. You can also serve eggplant rolls stuffed with vegetables. You can cook baked eggplant for lamb skewers like this.

Eggplant cut into longitudinal strips, fry. Put 1 clove of chopped garlic, a slice of tomato and 1 tsp of cilantro greens on each strip. Fold in half, put in a baking dish. Bake in the oven. It is recommended to pour tomato paste and cover with grated cheese. Salt and pepper the garnish to taste.

most suitable side dishes for fatty pork are cabbage and potatoes.

Side dishes for pork can actually be very diverse. It can be stewed fresh or sauerkraut, boiled, fried or baked potatoes, boiled rice, buckwheat, stewed eggplant, stewed carrots or zucchini.

Delicious and unusual various vegetable cutlets and cereal meatballs can be a side dish for pork gravy or frying.

An exotic side dish will be mashed avocado, mango or pineapple. Tasty and in our opinion serve pork with stewed mushrooms. Cooking fried mushrooms is easy. Wash any mushrooms, boil until half cooked, chop and fry with onions. Add mayonnaise or sour cream to taste. Such a side dish will be very satisfying, since mushrooms are pure protein.

Try the recipe "Village Mushroom Sauce"

An interesting side dish can be mashed green onions or sorrel.

An ideal side dish for beef would be mushrooms, stewed carrots or steamed asparagus.

Recipes on the topic of the article:

"Carrot cutlets" "Mushroom basket in tartlets"

Beef is one of the most expensive and delicious types of meat.. It is low in fat, amazing taste and healthy value of beef dishes have always been considered high society dishes. Beef does not tolerate sweet sour or too salty in sauces and side dishes.

Here you need special delicacy in the choice of side dishes. You can serve it with plain mashed potatoes, but it should be the simplest. Just butter and salt. You can also serve beef meat dishes with fried potatoes, stewed Brussels sprouts, carrot cutlets, baked zucchini.

If you are preparing planed beef, then in addition to mashed potatoes, boiled buckwheat is also suitable for it. The ideal side dish for a juicy beef steak is steamed asparagus without salt or spinach puree with cream,

Grilled vegetable skewers are a great side dish. String cherry tomatoes, small onions, small young corn on wooden skewers. Grill. Serve with steaks and mustard sauce.

Which side dishes do not go well with which meats?

In no case these types of meat and side dishes do not combine What to cook for lunch

Side dishes are designed to complement the main dish, emphasize its taste, decorate the dish. It is no coincidence that the word garnish comes from the French garnir "to decorate". As an addition to the main dish serve:

  • cereals (rice, buckwheat, bulgur, millet, barley, etc.);
  • pasta (spaghetti, pasta, noodles, etc.);
  • vegetables (potatoes, corn, cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes, etc.).

There are simple side dishes, consisting of one component, and complex ones, combining several ingredients.

What to do if you are tired of banal side dishes and want something tasty and new, but affordable? We offer a choice of several original recipes that will diversify the menu, delight the family, and you will surely take them to your bookmarks.

Side dishes for meat

Meat - be it pork, lamb or beef - is a protein product that takes a long time to digest by the body. That is why the side dish for meat should help the stomach process food, and not create an extra load. Fried potatoes with onions, unfortunately, are superfluous here.

For a change, it is worth preparing a delicious multi-colored Mosaic side dish. The combination of rice and vegetables is both healthy and tasty, and bright colors can please the eye and add appetite.

Mosaic rice side dish recipe

Rice - two glasses, one carrot, one onion, a can of canned green peas, 50 grams of sunflower oil, salt and pepper to taste.

Peel the vegetables, grate the carrots into a coarse grater, chop the onion into cubes. Saute the cut for 5 minutes in a frying pan with oil, add green peas, continue to simmer for another 5 minutes. Add spices.

Pour pre-washed rice, tamp it with a spatula, pour boiling water from the kettle so that the water is 1 centimeter higher than the rice. After the mixture boils, reduce the gas, cover with a lid, cook for another 20 minutes.

You can take long-grain rice or parboiled. In the first case, the side dish will be more crumbly, and secondly, the cooking time will be reduced.

An excellent alternative to boring side dishes is a vegetable bright vitamin mix. Quickly fried vegetables are great as a complement to meat - beef or pork.

Vegetable garnish recipe "Orange Summer"

Bell pepper bright yellow - 1 piece, frozen beans - half the package, one onion, garlic clove, herbs, vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l., salt, spices.

My onion, peel, cut into half rings and fry until golden brown. We put it in a cup. In the same pan, fry the pre-washed green beans, then add the washed and chopped peppers. Fry vegetables until soft, add salt.

We send the fried onion to the pan, mix, add the greens with a freshly squeezed clove of garlic. Put on a dish, serve with meat.

Garnish for fish

Fish can be baked, fried or boiled. It is usually served with potatoes or rice. But it’s worth adding something new to your table: for example, emphasizing the delicate taste of the fish by preparing Sauteed Vegetables. It prepares quickly. It tastes amazing, and it looks beautiful and appetizing on the table.

vegetable saute recipe

Zucchini - 1 piece, one onion, one carrot, one bell pepper, vegetable oil - 50 ml, cream - 15% - 100 ml, salt, pepper, spices - to taste.

Cut the washed and peeled vegetables: onion, zucchini and pepper into cubes, carrots into semicircles. Fry carrots and onions, add bell pepper, and at the end of frying - zucchini. Simmer for 2-3 minutes, pour in the cream, simmer until thickened. Arrange on plates, put portioned fish on top - boiled or fried.

For a duet with sauté, any river fish is suitable - pike perch, carp, etc. To make it tastier and juicier, before frying, you can soak the pieces in milk for an hour.

Garnish for poultry

Most often on our table there is chicken, duck, turkey. On holidays, it is customary to bake a goose, and very rarely there is a game. The beauty of poultry as a product is that it cooks quickly, goes well with any side dishes, sauces. You can cook a huge number of dishes from poultry - tasty and nutritious.

To emphasize the delicate taste of the dish, you can cook a side dish such as couscous. Sounds unusual, looks interesting, easy to prepare. Couscous is wheat groats cooked in a special way. Distributed in African countries, Algeria. Now gaining popularity in Italy, France and Russia. Couscous is a healthy product, rich in B vitamins and microelements - potassium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, etc. An excellent tool to increase hemoglobin and support a weakened body.

Chicken couscous recipe

Couscous - 250 grams, ready-made hot chicken broth - 200 ml, coriander, salt, spices to taste.

Pour the cereal into a saucepan, pour hot broth, add salt and spices, cover the pan with a lid and leave for 10 minutes. Garnish is ready. It will be very tasty if you serve a side dish with chicken breast or duck legs stewed with mushrooms.

If there is no chicken broth, it can be replaced with concentrated broth from a cube, diluting half in boiling water.

Potato casserole: a versatile side dish

Potato and cheese casserole recipe

It will take 2 potatoes, one onion, hard cheese - 100 grams, vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Wash and peel the potatoes, grate, mix with salt in a large bowl, squeezing with your hands. Onion cut into half rings, fry until golden.

Grate cheese, divide into two parts. Add one part of cheese to a bowl with potatoes, mix, put in a mold, sprinkle with the remaining cheese on top. Bake in a preheated oven for 15 minutes at 200 degrees, until golden brown on top. Take out, cut into portions. Serve with fish, meat, poultry, along with herbs and fresh salad.
