
Home culinary recipes main dishes quick khachapuri. Details on how to make khachapuri from pita bread

Khachapuri with cheese, step by step photo recipe in the oven, in the pan and in the slow cooker

Khachapuri is a traditional dish of Georgian cuisine, figuratively - a cheese pie, and literally - bread and cheese. I’ll tell you how you can cook delicious pies with cheese, khachapuri at home.

There are many delicious khachapuri recipes:

  • Adjarian khachapuri (in the form of a boat filled with egg),
  • Georgian khachapuri,
  • khachapuri in Imeretian style,
  • khachapuri in Abkhazian style,
  • Megrelian khachapuri (this is when cheese is put on top of khachapuri before baking),
  • Svan khachapuri (with meat),
  • Ossetian
  • armenian khachapuri.

Traditional khachapuri is prepared with unleavened curd cheese such as Adyghe and an egg, or from feta cheese, suluguni with the addition of cottage cheese, but there are many recipes where hard cheeses are used in addition to Adyghe cheese, greens are not added to khachapuri. And some housewives make this recipe their own, special, and put in the filling for khachapuri not only greens, but also garlic, ham, meat, smoked cheese, potatoes, champignons, fish. Nimble housewives love to cook khachapuri quickly and use ready-made puff pastry or pita bread to prepare lazy khachapuri. We will cook real khachapuri with yeast dough, and we will try to bake them not only in the oven and pan, but even in a slow cooker!

In the khachapuri recipe, we will use the following products:

  • Wheat flour - 1kg
  • Warm water - 0.5 liters
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • Dry granulated yeast - 1 tablespoon
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • Butter or margarine - 50 g per dough
  • Butter - 100 g for the filling
  • Cheese - 1400 g

From this amount of ingredients, we will get 4 khachapuri cakes, each will take about 350 g of cheese filling

Ideally, for the filling, of course, use tender slightly salted Adyghe cheese, Ossetian or Imeretian,

How to cook khachapuri:

Let's start with the preparation of yeast dough for khachapuri

(You can still often find dough for khachapuri in sour milk, yoghurt or kefir in recipes).

  1. Pour slightly warm water into a deep cup, pour sugar and dry yeast into it.

2. Leave them for 15 minutes, during which time the yeast will dissolve in the water and turn into foam.

3. You need to add salt to it.

4. Heat vegetable oil together with margarine or butter, do not make them hot, so as not to kill the yeast. Send to bowl with yeast.

5. Add the sifted flour to them and knead the dough. Sometimes I knead the dough for khachapuri in a bread machine.

6. Yeast dough in a warm place will come up and ripen for about 1 hour. In volume, it should increase well.

Preparation of cheese filling for khachapuri:

In order for khachapuri to be ruddy and shiny, you need to prepare a lubricant for them.

  1. To do this, the remaining yolks are mixed with two tablespoons of sunflower oil and three tablespoons of water.

The dough and filling for khachapuri is ready,

the next step is to tell how to make khachapuri stuffed with cheese and eggs.

Cooking khachapuri with cheese in the oven

Cooking khachapuri with cheese in a pan

Do not regret the oil for khachapuri, as soon as it is absorbed, you can try it.

Step-by-step recipe for making khachapuri at home

Prepare all the products that will be needed during the cooking process. Butter is best left in a warm place so that it is soft. If you purchased too salty cheese, then soak it in advance in water for 3-4 hours.

Melt the butter, the one intended for the dough. In a separate bowl, mix kefir with sour cream or pour in matsoni. Then add sugar, salt and soda, after the mass foams a little, pour in the melted butter. Mix thoroughly.

Now slowly add flour to the resulting mixture and gradually knead the dough. The dough should be soft and elastic, and thanks to the oil it will not stick to your hands.

Grate the cheese or chop it in any other way. Add softened butter, sour cream and salt, mix well, rubbing the whole mixture with a fork, the filling for khachapuri is ready.

It is allowed to take more cheese, this will not spoil the khachapuri, but less is not needed, since the dish will turn out dry. You can not add oil if the cheese is high in fat, you can also experiment with sour cream. You can also add greens to the filling, but this is optional.

Divide the resulting dough into five parts, roll out the cake on a floured table. Since the dough is very soft, you can roll it out with your hands. Put 1/5 of the filling in the center of the rolled cake and collect the edges of the cake in a kind of bag, if there are extra edges in the bag, then just tear off the excess dough.

Roll out the resulting bag with your hands or with the help of a rolling pin (to whom it is convenient to work), you will get a cake with a thickness of 1.5-2 centimeters. Do not make the cake thicker, it will not fry, and thinner is also not needed, the cake will tear and the filling will fall out.

Put khachapuri on a heated dry frying pan, khachapuri is baked without oil. Cover and bake for 3-4 minutes over medium heat. When you turn it over to the other side, bake without a lid for about the same time. When your khachapuri is covered with light brown spots on both sides, it means that it is ready.

When removing khachapuri from the pan, immediately grease them with melted butter, bake the other four khachapuris in the same way, settling and smearing them with butter. Cover them and keep hot until serving, they taste better when eaten hot.

There are many types of khachapuri, with cheese and meat, the dough is also made puffy, and each recipe is considered correct. Choose for yourself a recipe that is simple and you like it. Cheese filling is very useful for the human body, as it contains a lot of calcium and protein vitamins. The combination of different types of cheese will appeal to everyone. Cheese contains much more protein than meat or fish. Hundreds of varieties of this product provide us with an excellent choice. Cheese also contains important amino acids such as lysine, methionine, tryptophan. Many vitamins help people who are actively working to easily restore energy.

In connection with the word "khachapuri", the first thing I remember is the comedian Petrosyan with the phrase: "Our khachapuri makes our hari puffy." Now I understand that “hari puffs” not from low-quality products, but from the fact that homemade khachapuri cooked with soul is an insanely delicious thing. Delicious. And high calorie. Sooo high in calories.

In their right mind, it would never occur to a person to sharpen 200-300 g of cheese at a time. But if it is warm in khachapuri or small in a cheese salad with garlic ... Oooh.

Now, following Petrosyan, I recalled the story of R. Bloch, where the widow's rich husbands died one by one, and it was impossible to find fault. As a result, it turned out that this widow specially fed her husbands incredibly tasty and plentiful with all sorts of unhealthy dishes in large quantities. And the organisms of elderly men could not withstand the carcinogenic-cholesterol load, and that, this very one ... And the merry widow received another inheritance.

This associative chain was born to me as an introduction to this recipe. But do not pay attention, all these hypertrophied horrors in reality have very little to do with khachapuri - in fact, this is a wonderful dish of Georgian cuisine, a flat cake with cheese or meat, quite digestible in reasonable quantities.

The main thing is not to bake a lot of khachapuri at once, because when you eat them hot, it is impossible to stop ...

I will now give a very successful recipe for khachapuri dough (it is designed for 4 khachapurins), which I borrowed from the bins of my friend Elena with minor changes, and also tell you briefly about the cheese and chicken fillings that I used for my khachapureks.

To create dough for khachapuri, we need:

  • 7-8 glasses of flour (according to the recipe of Lena's friend, less flour is needed - 600g)
  • 2 teaspoons dry yeast
  • 0.5l milk
  • 100 g butter + a piece of butter for greasing the tortillas
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 yolk + milk (or egg with milk) for brushing

Preparation of dough for khachapuri. Mix salt and dry yeast into flour. Mix it, adding in small portions, with slightly warmed milk. Combine with softened butter and knead a pleasant elastic dough. Let rise in a warm place for about an hour. Divide into 4 parts. From one part, a cake with a diameter of about 20 cm is obtained. For one person, one cake is for the eyes. To put it mildly. All the extra pieces of dough at the moment can be removed in the freezer - they will not be bored there for a long time.

Fillings for khachapuri:

Cheese filling (based on 1 cake)

  • 100 g suluguni - on a coarse grater
  • 100-150 other cheese (of your choice - sharper, saltier, sweeter) - on a coarse grater

Chicken filling (based on 1 cake)

  • 3 boiled chicken thighs (about 250 g of boiled chicken by net weight), deboned and cut into small pieces

How to cook khachapuri, recipe:

  1. We knead a piece of dough with our hands into a cake with a diameter of about 15-17 centimeters
  2. We put the filling in this cake, pinch all the edges properly in the center.
  3. We turn over and carefully, so as not to tear the dough, roll out a cake with a rolling pin half a centimeter-centimeter thick (as you like).
  4. We put the resulting khachapurina on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. We pierce with a fork in many places.
  5. Lubricate the surface of the cake with either a beaten egg, or a mixture of eggs with milk, or just milk - as someone used to. From above, you can lightly sprinkle with grated cheese, if there is ownerless. But it will also be fine without it.
  6. We put it in a very hot oven - 250-270 degrees and bake for about 20 minutes, no more, maybe less - depending on the oven.

Pour 350 grams of flour and yeast into a bowl, mix.

Add salt, a pinch of sugar and sunflower oil to warm water, mix and pour into a mixture of flour and yeast, mix the resulting dough well.

Then, gradually adding the remaining flour, knead a soft dough that sticks well from the hands. Cover the dough with cling film and leave in a warm place for 30-40 minutes to rise.

To prepare the filling for khachapuri, grate suluguni cheese and butter, mix (leave a little grated cheese for sprinkling and do not mix with butter).

Divide the resulting cheese filling in half.

Divide the finished dough into 2 equal parts (2 khachapuri is obtained from this amount of dough).

Put the cheese filling in the middle of the rolled out dough.

Gather the dough towards the center into a knot.

Pinch the edges of the dough.

Carefully so as not to tear the cake, first stretch it with your hands, and then roll it out with a rolling pin. The thickness of khachapuri should be no more than 10 mm. Transfer khachapuri to a baking sheet covered with parchment or oiled. Poke a hole in the center of the cake with your finger to let the steam out.

Brush khachapuri with beaten egg.

Sprinkle khachapuri with cheese, which we left for sprinkling.

Khachapuri with suluguni must be served hot! Hot Khachapuri is especially delicious!

Bon appetit!

Perhaps the most common type of Georgian pie. Adjarian khachapuri is prepared in the form of a boat with a chicken egg on top. Such a pie is baked in two stages, 5 minutes before the end of cooking, you need to get it and break the egg on top. If you add it right away, then prolonged heat treatment will make it too dry, and it should be like in scrambled eggs in consistency.

  • 1-2 servings
  • 40 minutes
  • 5 steps


For test:

  • Wheat flour 250 g
  • Dry yeast 2 g
  • Margarine or butter 35-40 g
  • Milk 1.8% fat 125 ml
  • Warm water 40 ml
  • Vegetable oil 1 tsp
  • sugar pinch
  • Salt pinch

For khachapuri:

  • Suluguni cheese grated 200 g
  • Eggs 2 pcs.
  • Wheat flour 1 tbsp. l.
  • Butter melted 1 tsp
  • Sour cream 1 tbsp. l.
  • Butter 2 small sticks


For the dough: flour kitchen machine bowlMoulinex QA5001B1combine with soft margarine and mix. Dissolve sugar, salt and yeast in warm water. When the sugar dissolves, pour the liquid into the flour, add warm milk, vegetable oil and mix well. Cover the dough with cling film and leave at room temperature until it doubles in size. Then roll the dough into a ball. You can cook khachapuri or put the dough in the refrigerator, after wrapping it in cling film.


Put a ball of dough for khachapuri on a floured table and roll it into a round cake.


From above, distribute 100 g of grated suluguni cheese in the form of two strips and cover the cheese from the edges to the center with dough, pinch the edges and blind the khachapuri in the shape of a boat.


Mix sour cream with 1 egg and brush with the resulting khachapuri mixture. Pour the remaining 100 g of suluguni into the center of the "boat".


Bake khachapuri in the oven at 220 degrees until golden brown (6-12 minutes). Then carefully place a raw egg in the center. Bake for 1-2 more minutes. Spread hot khachapuri on top with melted butter. Insert a stick of butter into the center on both sides. Butter 2 small sticks
