
Becherovka coffee. Becherovka - the main source of Karlovy Vary

If one of your friends has been to the Czech Republic, then most likely you have the main Czech souvenir in your bar - a bottle of Becherovka liqueur. Indeed, the country of origin of Becherovka is the Czech Republic, or rather, the famous health-improving Karlovy Vary region. This national drink produced since 1807, and during the times of socialist Czechoslovakia it was the main export commodity. Today it is one of the most popular bitter herbal liqueurs in the world.

History of Becherovka

Josef Vitus Becher (1769 - 1840) was an experienced businessman - he traded in maritime and colonial goods, and also experimented with perfumes and making tinctures in his shop "Three Foresters". In 1805 he spent much time with Prince Maximilian von Plettenberg's physician, Christian Frobrig. This pharmacist gave Becher unique composition herbs for tincture. In 1807, Jan Becher began selling English Bitters, and the word Becherovka began to be used in 1834.

The drink was originally positioned as a medicinal drink: people came from afar to buy this magical tincture for stomach diseases, which heals not only the body, but also the soul. Unlike dried herbs and additives, it was a ready-to-drink drink, so it was very popular.

Already during the First World War, the tincture conquered Europe, Turkey and Egypt, and after the end of the ban on alcohol - the United States and Great Britain.

Since 1838 and for 40 years the company has been run by the son of the founder, Jan Becher. It was he who created the liquor the way it is exported today. In the 1945-50s, only 500 bottles of liquor per year were exported, and in the 1960s - already 100 hectoliters annually.

After World War II family business was nationalized, and the state owned the brand for 57 years. Today the company is again transferred to private ownership.

Despite the fact that production has repeatedly changed hands, technologists manage to maintain traditional recipe Becherovka, recreated from the notes of Christian Froberg.

Becherovka - what is this drink?

National Czech drink refers to the classic bitter herbal liqueurs. The drink has a rich, sweetish and at the same time bitter-tart taste. The color of the drink is sunny golden. Many compare it with another herbal liqueur - the popular Jägermeister. Those who know well what Becherovka tastes like, admit that it is drunk much softer and more pleasant than Jägermeister. It is drunk as an aperitif or, more often, a digestif, in the evenings from small glasses.

Becherovka is served in shot glasses for strong drinks, the manufacturer also produces gift sets complete with glasses or special porcelain cups for use in medicinal purposes.

The composition and medicinal properties of Becherovka

Only two people in the world know the exact composition of Becherovka, all these years it was passed down in the Becher family through the male line. Becherovka is made from the famous Carlsbad healing water, a mixture of herbs and spices and natural sugar. It is known exactly how many herbs there are in Becherovka: 20 types of herbs and spices are collected for liquor, among which are anise, cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, orange peel and others. Experienced sommeliers, who know how to distinguish the composition by the finest shades of taste and aroma, also guess wormwood and chamomile in the composition.

Only 4 ingredients are collected in the vicinity of the plant, and the rest are brought from different parts of the country and from abroad. The exact composition and proportions cannot be recreated, so Becherovka remains a unique drink.

The collected herbs in jute bags are dipped in alcohol, heated, and the maceration process is carried out for a week - all active substances from a dry mixture they pass into an alcohol tincture. The resulting extract is diluted with water, mixed with sugar and transferred to oak barrels for several months. So it turns out an incredibly tasty and fragrant liquor (or tincture, which is also correct) called Becherovka.

The medicinal properties of Becherovka are due to its bitter taste: herbs cause the secretion of gastric juice and bile, increase appetite and promote digestion. That is why 20 grams of liquor taken before a meal relieves heartburn, poor appetite, belching and other digestive disorders. Becherovka in therapeutic doses helps with more serious diseases, for example, helps to heal mucous membranes internal organs with gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Let's not forget that the liquor is made on the basis of the healing water of the Karlovy Vary region: in itself, it improves metabolism and normalizes many processes in the body.

To maximize the benefits of Becherovka, it is important to choose the right dose. As Hippocrates said, "everything is a medicine, and everything is a poison - it's just a matter of dose." Becherovka for medicinal purposes, it is correct to drink 20 milliliters per single dose. In terms of volume, it is a little more than a tablespoon. For colds, just add a few drops of liquor to tea.

Since Becherovka is inherently - alcohol tincture with a strength of 38 degrees, she also has contraindications. It is not recommended to drink it during an exacerbation cardiovascular disease, with an increase or decrease in pressure, liver diseases. Despite the beneficial properties, you should not give it to children - in this case, it will only cause harm.

Views of Becherovka

As we have already said, the composition of the original Becherovka includes 20 types of herbs. However, there are other versions of the drink with additional ingredients − lime blossom, red wine or citrus fruits. Although the buyer is primarily familiar classic version Becherovka in a green glass bottle with a yellow-blue label, today other varieties of Becherovka are also produced at the plant.

The brand portfolio includes the following varieties:

  • Becherovka Original is a classic of the genre, according to the secret recipe of the founding father. Fortress - 38 degrees.
  • Becherovka Cordial is a tincture with lime blossom, its strength is slightly lower.
  • Becherovka Lemond ("Becherovka lemon") is a liqueur with a bright citrus hue, its strength is only 20%.
  • Becherovka KV 14 is an interesting version with red wine.
  • "Ice and fire" (ICE and FIRE) is an innovative product in the line with a strength of 30 degrees. Ideal for cocktails with tonic or ginger ale.

In Russia, you can buy only two types of liquor, original and lemon. Traveling in the Czech Republic, you can stock up on other varieties.

A great variety is also observed in relation to containers - this drink is sold in volumes from 50 ml to 3 liters.

In any kind of liquor, the recognizable taste of Becherovka remains: bittersweet, bright and spicy, with a long pleasant aftertaste.

How to drink Becherovka and what to eat

Over the long history of existence, enthusiasts have come up with many ways to drink Becherovka. The manufacturer on the site recommends drinking liquor in pure form serving chilled. This tradition goes since the creation of the liquor, because then it was medicinal tincture, and no one thought about what glasses to pour Becherovka into and what to serve with.

However, today it is customary to accompany strong herbal liquor with other drinks. Of course, we are not talking about vodka or cognac, but tea, coffee and juices perfectly complement the taste of Becherovka.

  1. One popular way to consume is to drink Becherovka with beer. This is often done in Slovakia - they drink a glass of cold Becherovka light beer. In this method, the aftertaste that the beer acquires after the liquor is valued. This method also has an obvious by-effect: rapid intoxication. However, if the procedure is not repeated too often, it will be possible to appreciate the taste of an unusual tandem without consequences.
  2. If you are confused by the bitter taste of the tincture, try drinking Becherovka with apple juice. Dilute in the proportion in which you will be pleased to drink the drink.
  3. Various cocktails are prepared on the basis of herbal liquor. Their names can be very different, but Becherovka goes well with tonic, blackcurrant juice and cherries. For example, the Magic Sunset cocktail includes 40 ml of Becherovka Original, 150 grams of fresh orange juice and Grenadine syrup in an arbitrary proportion. On the official website of the manufacturer, based on Becherovka, it is recommended to prepare a cocktail "Concrete": traditional version with tonic (proportions to taste) or Beton espresso - "Becherovka original" (40 ml) + tonic (100 ml) + espresso coffee (15 ml).

The best snack for Becherovka will be fruits and berries, but meat and fish delicacies do not go well with the taste of Becherovka. Apples, oranges, dates, dried fruits, and especially dark chocolate - these are the best things to serve Becherovka with.

In the Czech Republic, Becherovka is drunk exclusively in the evenings, after a hearty dinner - here the drink is perceived as a digestif. And the Czechs recommend eating it with a slice of orange flavored with cinnamon. Too warm "Becherovka" is difficult to drink, although it becomes more aromatic, so cool the drink properly before serving.

Shelf life

It is believed that this herbal balm there is no expiration date - that is, Becherovka can be stored for as long as you like. However open bottle it is better to use it within six months, since this is the shelf life of Karlovy Vary mineral water, on the basis of which Becherovka was made.

Acquaintance with Becherovka

The modern factory where the liquor is produced meets the growing demand for the drink. It was built in Karlovy Vary in just one year. The first bottles here were released in 2010. Do you want to know what herbs are included in Becherovka, what kind it is and what is the best way to drink Becherovka? We are ready to tell about all this in detail at the plant during the tour.

Becherovka was created in the Czech Republic, but the liquor also moved to other countries. Traditionally it is used in Europe, Russia, America and Asia. The drink has gained wide popularity due to its exquisite taste, a wide list of ingredients, healing properties. In addition to the main ingredients such as alcohol and granulated sugar, the liqueur is prepared with the addition herbal preparations, honey, citrus, spicy spices.

Composition of Becherovka

The creators of the liquor keep the drink recipe under 7 seals, but experienced connoisseurs still got a short composition. To date, it is known that liquor is produced on the basis of 20 types medicinal herbs. At the same time, at least 5 varieties grow in the Karlovy Vary region (Czech Republic). The remaining list of plants is delivered from abroad directly to the plant.

Experienced sommeliers through numerous tastings have identified additional ingredients included in the drink. These include chamomile, coriander, honey, lemon juice, orange, cloves, cardamom, vanilla (not in all types of Becherovka). It was also possible to establish the presence of spring water taken directly from Karlovy Vary.

Views of Becherovka

  1. original. Liquor "Original" has been produced since the beginning of 1807, since then the recipe for the drink has not changed much (as far as the sommelier knows). This type Becherovka is considered a classic of the genre, on the basis of which other variations are being prepared.
  2. Becherovka Lemond. The drink includes citrus essences, juice of orange, lemon, grapefruit, lime. Liquor has a strength of 20 degrees, so it is suitable for use in pure form or as part of cocktails.
  3. Becherovka Cordial. The drink has a strength of about 35 degrees, so connoisseurs will like it. The basis of the liquor is linden blossoms, chamomile and cardamom.
  4. Becherovka KV-14. Herbal alcohol contains red wine. As a rule, it is dessert, cloyingly sweet. The drink has a strength of 40 degrees, but is drunk with ease even in its pure form.
  5. Becherovka Ice Fire. Black liqueur includes sharp notes chili pepper, menthol aftertaste, herbal aroma. Thanks to the strength of 30 degrees, Becherovka is used in cocktails and pure form.

Healing properties of Becherovka

  1. Initially, the liqueur was made in small quantities in order to improve health and strengthen the immune system. To this day, the inhabitants of the country-creator use Becherovka for medicinal purposes, and this is not surprising.
  2. Liquor increases the feeling of hunger, so it should be drunk 10 minutes before meals. Daily use in small quantities accelerates metabolism, normalizes stool, heart rate and arterial pressure. In addition, toxins are removed from the internal organs, toxins are broken down many times faster.
  3. Becherovka contributes to the rapid release of gastric juice, which is important for people who follow the figure. Food is digested not in 4 hours, as we used to believe, but in 2-2.5. herbal drink tones the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, reduces the risk of poisoning.
  4. For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, only the classic Becherovka marked "Original" should be consumed. You can add liquor to tea and coffee or consume 20 ml daily. before the meal. It all depends on personal preference daily allowance is 60 ml.

Method number 1. How to drink Becherovka in its purest form

  1. As mentioned earlier, liquor was invented for medicinal purposes. Already in the future, experienced tasters adapted Becherovka in their own way.
  2. Traditionally, the liqueur is drunk neat. It is preferable to choose evening time after dinner, however, you can enjoy the drug after a hearty lunch.
  3. As for dishes, choose glasses with a narrow bottom that gradually expand towards the edges. The volume of dishes is 40-60 ml. First, the glasses must be cooled to 6 degrees to emphasize the taste.
  4. Pour Becherovka, stepping back from the edge by 1 cm. Garnish with a slice of orange or grapefruit, sprinkle citrus with cinnamon. Put the liquor in your mouth, count to 40, swallow.
  5. This is how they drink the drug in the Czech Republic, and this is considered correct. The second glass is poured at will after 15-20 minutes. It is worth remembering that a “hit in the head” from Becherovka does not occur immediately, but after half an hour.

Method number 2. How to drink Becherovka with coffee and tea

  1. It was mentioned above that the liquor is also used for medicinal purposes. Use only pure drink marked "Original". Daily dose- 60 ml., This amount must be divided into 3-4 doses.
  2. Add Becherovka to strong tea without sugar (black, green, hibiscus) and freshly brewed coffee. A combination with heavy cream is allowed (from 33%), milk should not be mixed.
  3. Daily use for a month helps to strengthen immune system, normalization of stool and digestive tract generally. Often, Becherovka is drunk with hot drinks during the flu and cold season.

Method number 3. How to drink Becherovka with juice

  1. Not everyone prefers to drink liquor in its pure form, with beer or in combination with coffee / tea. Fans of low-grade drinks drink Becherovka diluted.
  2. The types of liquor "Original", "KV-14" and "Lemond" are considered ideal. Mix the drug with juice in a ratio of 3:1. For 60 ml. Becherovka accounts for about 20 gr. thinner.
  3. If we talk about juices, give preference to lemon, currant, apple, cranberry, orange, grapefruit and cherry. Of course, it all depends on personal preferences, experiment.

Method number 4. How to drink Becherovka with beer

  1. In Slovakia, herbal liqueur is washed down with wheat foam, preferably live. This use option is suitable for all varieties of the drug, most importantly, pre-cool the liquor.
  2. Choose glasses of the shape you like with a volume of up to 50 ml, put them in the freezer for 10 minutes. It is important to ensure that the glass temperature drops to 5-7 degrees.
  3. Pour about 45 gr. Becherovka. Fill another glass with beer. First, put the liquor in your mouth, count to 30, swallow. Immediately drink beer in 2 sips.
  4. This variant of use involves a snack of hazelnuts or almonds without salt. It should be remembered that foam in combination with hard liquor strikes quickly.

Method number 5. How to drink Becherovka in cocktails

  1. Bianca. Mix 45 ml. sparkling rose wine or martini with 50 ml. Becherovka Original. Pour into a 200 ml glass, fill crushed ice. Drink through a straw, snacking on raspberries or lime wedges.
  2. Punch. Combine in a shaker 85 ml. carbonated mineral water, 45 ml. Becherovka Lemond or Original. Add 20 ml. sweet sugar syrup, 15 ml. lemon juice. Shake the ingredients in a bowl, then heat to 68 degrees. Consume with a snack of citrus fruits.
  3. Jellyfish. Mix 40 ml. currant liqueur with 20 ml. ale (ginger). Add 35 ml. Becherovka "KV-14", juice of half a lemon. Fill a glass with the cocktail and top with crushed ice. Garnish with lemon and serve chilled.
  4. Lagoon. Cut a whole lime into slices, sprinkle cane sugar or powder. Soak in a glass with a wide bottom for 1 hour, then pour 60 ml. Becherovka (any). Stir the cocktail by swirling the glass in your hand. Use in one gulp.
  5. Sherry. Mix 60 ml. chilled cherry juice with 30 ml. Becherovka Original or Lemond. Add 10 gr. vodka (you can replace 30 ml. Martini). Stir, garnish with fresh cherries, consume.
  6. Oasis. This cocktail will require Triple Sec liqueur in the amount of 50 ml. Pour it into an elongated glass, drip 5 ml on top. lemon juice. Now pour in 30 ml. Becherovki of any kind, cover again with lemon juice. Powder powdered sugar, immediately drink in one gulp.
  7. Concrete. Often a cocktail is served in Europe under this name. In Russia, the drink is called "Bejitto". Mix the tonic with the original Becherovka in a ratio of 2:1. Cool, drink in small sips, holding the composition in your mouth for 20 seconds.

For medicinal purposes, they drink Becherovka mixed with tea or coffee. If you want to fully experience the taste, use the pure liquor. It should be noted that the drug with beer quickly intoxicates. It makes sense for ladies to consider cocktail recipes based on Czech herbal infusion.

Video: how to drink Becherovka

A trip to the Czech Republic is ancient Prague, amazing cuisine and an excellent climate. But there is another concept that is inextricably linked with the culture of this country and its flavor - Becherovka liqueur. This business card Czech Republic.

The history of this alcoholic drink began in Karlovy Vary in 1805, when the English doctor Frobrig appeared in the house of the local pharmacist Josef Becher. Men very quickly found mutual language largely due to their shared professional interests. The doctor and the pharmacist very often spent time together mixing various herbs and oils with alcohol. Soon they created the basis for the preparation of the tincture, which Josef Becher completed on his own.

In 1807, a Czech pharmacist completed the recipe for a tincture designed to improve digestion. Soon she went on sale under the name Carlsbad English Bitter stomach drops. After some time, Josef came up with the idea that it would be nice to perpetuate his name as well - this is how the legendary Becherovka tincture appeared, the recipe of which was kept secret for a long time.

The drug to stimulate digestion was in demand, and Josef Becher decided to tell his son about the secrets of making it. Johann Becher turned out to be more enterprising than his father - it was he who came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a flat green bottle and a bright label (up to this point, Becherovka was sold in nondescript containers).

Subsequently, the family business was continued by Josef Becher's grandson and his brother. Thanks to the latter, the tincture became known far beyond the borders of the Czech Republic. At one time, even the Austrian king was pleasantly surprised by the rich taste of Becherovka and annually ordered more than 50 thousand liters of tincture for the royal court.

Czech tincture: production secrets

"Becherovka" is the symbol of the Czech Republic. Of course, no one will tell all the secrets of its manufacture and production.

But a wide audience knows that it includes more than 20 species of plants: some of them grow in the Czech Republic, and some are brought from abroad. Only a few plant species are known that are uniquely part of the tincture:

  • Cardamom and peel.
  • Cloves and anise.
  • Allspice.

All herbal ingredients put in a canvas bag and insist on alcohol for about a week, then the mixture is poured into oak barrels of a specific oval shape and add one of the most important ingredients - sweetened Karlovy Vary water. Legend has it that someone once found out secret recipe preparing the tincture and took it out of the Czech Republic. However, "Becherovka" did not turn out the way it should be in reality, but all because of the fact that it contains healing water from Karlovy Vary.

With not yet ready tincture, they are stored in cellars for several months, while a certain temperature and humidity level are maintained in the room.

Healing properties of Czech tincture

"Becherovka" is a medicinal tincture that is designed to improve performance. At least, that was the original purpose of this liqueur. Currently, doctors are rather skeptical about the healing properties of this drink, believing that it does not therapeutic effect to the digestive system.

"Becherovka", the recipe of which is carefully kept secret, is recommended for use as follows: 20 ml immediately before meals. By the way, the use of liquor in moderate amounts hasn't hurt anyone yet.

How to drink Becherovka tincture?

At home, it is very difficult, in addition, the drink still does not turn out the way it is produced in the Czech Republic. How to drink "Becherovka"? There are several ways to drink this drink:

  • Manufacturers strongly recommend drinking the tincture in its pure form, from cognac glasses, for a pleasant conversation in the company of loved ones. Classic snack- fresh oranges sprinkled with cinnamon. This is how you can truly enjoy exquisite taste drink and evaluate its properties.
  • In Slovakia, for example, they like to make cocktails with Becherovka - most often they drink it with beer. Liqueur (40-50 grams) is cooled in the refrigerator, drunk in one gulp and washed down with good beer.

Types of Czech tincture

Becherovka is part of Czech culture. And if earlier this drink was made only on the basis of one recipe, now the manufacturer offers several interpretations of this legendary liquor, which differ different flavors and cooking methods:

  • BECHEROVKA LEMOND - Czech tincture with a rich aroma of citrus and kumquat. Liquor has a pronounced aroma of lemon with light orange notes. This drink is characterized by a lower strength than the traditional Becherovka - 20%.
  • BECHEROVKA KV is a Czech liqueur based on good red wine. This drink has a fairly high strength - about 40%.

"Becherovka" at home

Undoubtedly, exact recipe no one knows - this drink is prepared exclusively in Karlovy Vary. However, many lovers of this liquor have been able to create a recipe that, to some extent, can convey the taste and aroma of the Czech traditional drink. To prepare this tincture, you will need the following ingredients:

  • a little more than 1200 ml of alcohol with a strength of 50-55%;
  • 5 grams of cinnamon;
  • 15-20 pieces of cloves;
  • 1 gram of cardamom;
  • 2 grams of anise;
  • 8-10 peas;
  • orange zest (no white part)
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • about 300 grams clean water.

All spices must be poured with alcohol, tightly close the container and put in a dark, warm place. The tincture should stand for a week, during this time it is advisable to shake the container periodically. After a week, strain the mixture.

To prepare syrup, dilute sugar in water and put on slow fire. Stirring constantly, wait for the sugar to dissolve completely, while making sure that the syrup does not boil. Cool the water and add the syrup to the tincture. It is worth noting that it is desirable to pour alcohol into water, so first you need to pour the syrup into a large container and after that add the filtered infusion.

The result should be a homemade "Becherovka". The recipe is not complicated, you can treat your friends and relatives with such a drink.

The cost of Czech tincture

The savory Czech liqueur has been popular for two centuries. This drink can be bought in stores and salons specializing in the sale of elite Becherovka Tincture, the price of which varies within 1000 rubles, is traditional drink, which eloquently reflects the Czech flavor.

You need to choose a drink very carefully, for fear of fakes. Pay attention to the shape of the bottle and the label. It is advisable to visit the official website of the company and see how the tincture itself should look like in order to avoid buying uncertified goods.

Not every drink becomes legendary. Czech Becherovka(Becherovka) is among the rare exceptions. For more than two centuries it has been produced according to the same genius recipe and, most surprisingly, the secrets of manufacturing are kept secret.

The drink was conceived as a medicine (it was created by the pharmacist Josef Becher). Today it is more of a popular liquor that can be appreciated only by learning how to drink and eat it properly.

original liquor

No matter how hard the competitors tried to sort out the ingredients of Becherovka, they failed to find out about all of them. It is only known that the composition of the liquor contains more than two dozen medicinal plants(mainly herbs), and that among them there are definitely anise and cardamom, cinnamon and cloves, and even allspice and orange peel.

However, if someone manages to reveal all the secrets, it is unlikely that it will be possible to start production of Becherovka outside the Czech Republic: it main secret– healing water from Karlovy Vary. The keepers of the recipe (by the way, it is passed down from generation to generation through the male line) once conducted an experiment - they tried to make a drink outside their country. "One on one" did not work.

Although the composition and production technology were completely reproduced, when the herbal ingredients placed in a canvas bag are infused for a week, and then poured into oak barrels, in which the drink is born for several months.

Interesting! According to the recipe of 1807, the original Becherovka is produced with a strength of 38%.

Several varieties have also been created:

  • Becherovka Kordial - 35% alcohol (in a set herbal ingredients lime color included);
  • Becherovka lemon - the weakest of the entire "venerable family" with a strength of 20%;
  • Becherovka Ice and Fire - a fortress of 30%;
  • Becherovka KV-14 - its strength is 40%, red wine is included in the composition.

Almost all types of liquor are very strong, heady. However, the "burning taste" can be muted by a slice of cinnamon orange. In addition, Becherovka is rarely consumed in its pure form, which makes it possible to enjoy the drink for those who do not use very much. strong alcohol, especially ladies. However, by drinking liquor with beer (there is such an option), you can get even more intoxicating alcohol than the original.

Using Becherovka as a medicine, they drink it 20 ml in the process of eating (without diluting it) or adding a little to tea. The beneficial properties of the drink are not a myth at all, not a trick that justifies the use of alcohol.

Conducted medical studies have confirmed: Becherovka is useful for the digestive organs, speeds up metabolic processes in the body, protects against various infections.

We use according to the rules

In the language of professionals, the classic Becherovka is a digestif. This is the name of drinks that are served after the meal is over to help the body quickly cope with everything eaten and drunk. Becherovka KV-14 has a different purpose, usually it is served as an aperitif - before meals, to increase appetite.

There are several options with which you can use the original liquor:

An open letter from a reader! Pulled the family out of the hole!
I was on the edge. My husband started drinking almost immediately after we got married. First, a little bit, go to the bar after work, go to the garage with a neighbor. I came to my senses when he began to come back every day very drunk, rude, drinking away his salary. It really got scary the first time I pushed. Me, then my daughter. The next morning he apologized. And so on in a circle: lack of money, debts, swearing, tears and ... beatings. And in the mornings, apologies. Whatever we tried, we even coded. Not to mention conspiracies (we have a grandmother who seemed to pull everyone out, but not my husband). After coding, I didn’t drink for six months, everything seemed to get better, they began to live like a normal family. And one day - again, he stayed at work (as he said) and dragged himself on his eyebrows in the evening. I still remember my tears that night. I realized that there is no hope. And about two or two and a half months later, I came across an alcotoxin on the Internet. At that time, I had already completely given up, my daughter left us altogether, began to live with a friend. I read about the drug, reviews and description. And, not particularly hoping, I bought it - there is nothing to lose at all. And what do you think?! I began to add drops to my husband in the morning in tea, he did not notice. Three days later he came home on time. Sober!!! A week later, he began to look more decent, his health improved. Well, then I confessed to him that I was slipping the drops. He reacted adequately to a sober head. As a result, I drank a course of alkotoxins, and for six months now I didn’t have to drink alcohol, I was promoted at work, my daughter returned home. I'm afraid to jinx it, but life has become new! Every evening I mentally thank the day when I found out about this miracle remedy! I recommend to everyone! Save families and even lives! Read about the remedy for alcoholism.
  1. In its purest form. This method helps to appreciate the richness of the bouquet. Liquor must be cooled to 5-7 ° C, this requirement also applies to glasses. They should be small in volume, repeating the shape of a bell, with a thick bottom. After taking a sip, the liquor is kept in the mouth for half a minute.
  2. Combined with coffee or tea. Depending on the size of the cup, 20-40 ml of Becherovka are added to the drink. Such a drink is considered therapeutic (strengthens the immune system, improves general well-being) provided that no more than 60 ml of liquor, divided into 2-3 servings, is consumed during the day.
  3. With beer. To some it may seem that such use is barbaric. However, in the Czech Republic, both drinks are respected - to herbal liqueur and light, live beer brewed from wheat. In no case should they be mixed in one container. First, they drink a glass of Becherovka (up to 40 ml), followed by a mug of cold beer. Connoisseurs note the original aftertaste created by the combination of herbs and malt, but warn that this method of consumption is fraught with an unpleasant hangover.
  4. With juice. In this case, the drinks are mixed, and in any ratio that is required to make the drink less or more strong. The standard ratio is 3:1 in favor of the juice. Apple, cranberry, cherry are best suited for this purpose.

Cocktails are prepared with Becherovka:

  • "Ocean" - with grape juice, Blue Curacao liqueur and a piece of orange;
  • "Tears of Raquel" - with Triple Sec liqueur, which, without stirring, is carefully poured over Becherovka and set on fire;
  • "Oasis" - with lime slices, sugar and ice;
  • "Bianca" - with dessert vermouth, champagne and decoration in the form of raspberries and a slice of lime;
  • "Punch" - prepared with lemon or other citrus juices, with addition sugar syrup and water, heated and served hot.

Sometimes there are disputes about which Becherovka is more interesting - chilled or warm. Here's what the experts say: warm drink recalls medicine and it's more fragrant. The cooled one is inferior to it in the aroma of individual components, but it perfectly reveals the rich range as a whole - the tastes are revealed one by one, one after the other, the aftertaste is long and very pleasant.

Interesting! For lovers of sweets, such Becherovka types as Cordial and lemon can replace dessert. They are usually served with cakes, butter cookies, sweets.

If in the morning you can afford a drop of alcohol, add Becherovka to a cup of coffee or tea ( any will do, even hibiscus). In cold seasons, this will be a good preventive measure, the drink does not pose a threat to the gastric mucosa. Important nuance: adding milk is not recommended, but heavy cream would be quite appropriate.

Becherovka can be useful for those who are worried about their figure. A drink consumed after a meal speeds up the process of digestion of foods - instead of the traditional 4 hours, this work will take the stomach from 2 to 2.5 hours.

Do you want to try the liqueur the way it is drunk in the homeland of the drink, in the Czech Republic? Fill the glass so that the edge remains 1 cm, garnish with a slice citrus fruit(you can take a grapefruit), sprinkle it with cinnamon. Have a drink.

The next glass, if there is a desire to "repeat", pour not earlier than in 15-20 minutes. Do not overdo it, as alcohol is very strong and there will still be a “hit in the head”, although not immediately, but after about half an hour.

What to eat

Used in its pure form as a digestif, Becherovka does not need snacks. This option does not suit everyone, because the stereotype works: drank - have a bite. In this case, experts recommend serving fruit slices. Appropriate apples, bananas, grapes and berries - raspberries, strawberries. You can serve dried fruits (for example, dried apricots, dates), dark chocolate(tiled and as part of sweets), nuts.


To such elite alcohol like Becherovka, an appropriate attitude is required. If you ignore the rules developed over the centuries, the drink can be disappointing the first time.

If the ritual is fully observed, Becherovka will generously reveal its richest bouquet. It is also important that with moderate use, the liquor remains healing agent, as the author of the drink conceived it in his time.

Hello friendly company!

Today's post will start with a digression into history. Studying the biographies of great writers and artists while still at school, few people noticed that they all repeatedly traveled to Karlovy Vary (at times this resort was called Karlsbad).

Even Russian emperors, starting with Peter I, very often visited this albeit pretty, but nothing special, town - there are resorts in Europe that are both cooler and healthier.

But I guessed what it was! They all went to enjoy Becherovka, the most famous Czech alcoholic drink. What kind of a miracle is this and what they drink Becherovka with - now I will tell you some interesting information.

Becherovka belongs to fernets (beaters) - bitter alcoholic tinctures on herbs. This is not herbal vodka, and not a liquor, as the Czech drink is mistakenly called - even on Wikipedia. Fernets are made using a completely different technology and, in fact, they are more related to medicinal tinctures than a drink for intoxication.

History of creation

The rights to the drink were patented in 1807 by a certain Josef Becher, a German by birth, who opened a pharmacy in Karlovy Vary to serve wealthy compatriots.

Together with Dr. Frobrig from England, who treated the German Count Plettenberg Metingen, he studied local traditions, learned how the inhabitants are treated, and came up with a tincture based on the principle of making the famous Alpine balms.

This tool was called stomach medicine", then Carlsbad English Bitter", and it became Becherovka only in 1841, when everyone appreciated unique taste and the aroma of fernet, and its industrial production began.

The trademark "Johann Becher" was registered in 1890 by the son of a pharmacist, Gustav Becher.

When Czechoslovakia became a socialist country, after the end of World War II, the Becher factories were nationalized, and trademark renamed to "Becherovka".

It is not clear who owns the rights to TM Becherovka now. For several years now, lawsuits have been going on between the Czech company Jan Becher Karlovarska Becherovka, the Russian company PR Rus and the Czech businessman Zdeněk Hoffman. Everyone has documents confirming their rights to this promoted brand.

We really don't care. The main thing is that Becherovka regularly arrives on the shelves of the store, and its recipe has not changed in 200 years, but only Becherovka Original. And what Turgenev and Chekhov drank it - we can drink it with you. And how it will be best - I will sit down.

The composition of Becherovka is a mystery shrouded in darkness

Like the components of other famous balms and liqueurs, what exactly and in what quantities is included in the Czech fernet - a big secret. Only the director and technologist of the plant know it, and all operations are divided in such a way that workers do not have the opportunity to control the infusion process.

It is known that alcohol is infused with 20 herbs and spices, and then it is diluted to a strength of 38 degrees with Karlovy Vary water from one source. Of the 20 components - 4 local herbs, 16 - spices from around the world.

According to expert tasters, you can definitely name wormwood, cloves, chamomile, cardamom, anise, coriander, allspice, honey, orange peel, lemon.

Today on sale you can find the following types of becherovka:

  • Becherovka Original classic recipe, fortress 38%.
  • Becherovka Cordial - tincture with the addition of lime blossom extract, which is added to classic version until you get 35% of the fortress.
  • Becherovka Lemond - ladies' version with the addition of citrus fruits (lemon, red orange, grapefruit, kinkan, etc.). Alcohol only 20%.
  • Becherovka KV 14 is a red aperitif. Alcohol 39%. Used for cocktails.
  • Becherovka KV 15 is no longer in production. It was the strongest option - 40 degrees.
  • Becherovka ICE & FIRE – New Product, released in March 2014. Fortress - 30%.

How Becherovka is made at the factory

Large metal containers are brought to the plant with the purest alcohol 99%. Previously, in conditions of strict secrecy, the technologist fills canvas bags with herbs strictly according to the recipe stored in a safe in the director's office.

These bags are placed in alcohol for 7 days. It turns out rich in aromas and flavored extract. Next, the alcohol is poured into oak barrels of an unusual oval shape (only new ones - then they are used to make wines), water, sugar and honey are added.

Infusion is made for 3 months, then ready drink bottled in bottles, the design of which has changed 6 times over the entire time.

By the way, if you want to good gift connoisseur quality alcohol– buy gift set from 6 bottles of 50 ml. Each has a design different years release.

How and with what to drink and what goes for a snack

The “correct” Becherovka is sold in branded boxes (cardboard and metal), often complete with 2 special 50 ml shots. It is in such portions that it is supposed to be drunk - as an aperitif after dinner.

First you need to cool the drink to 5 degrees, in general, it is better to keep the bottle in the refrigerator all the time. For a snack, it is customary to serve only a slice of orange sprinkled with ground cinnamon. Warm becherovka is more fragrant, but its taste is very sharp and bitter.

To use the drink for healing, in the evening you need to add 2 tablespoons of the original Becherovka to a cup of hot tea. It helps with stomach pains, is used as a prevention of colds, to increase immunity.

In Slovakia, bars can offer you original version Usage: strongly chilled Becherovka is immediately washed down with cold light draft beer. This is a kind of Czech "ruff".

It turns out very tasty, but very intoxicating. They don’t pour more than three times, otherwise even strong men turn off.


  1. With juices in a ratio of 1:1. Currant, apple and cherry juice are used for this purpose.
  2. Concrete is a popular European cocktail of becherovka (1 part) and tonic (2 parts).
  3. Ale cocktail with ginger root, drinks are used in a ratio of 1:2.
  4. Cocktail Bejito: 40 ml of becherovka, 50 ml of tonic (soda), plus 150 ml of blackcurrant juice.
  5. Layered cocktail "Rachel's Tear": at the bottom 50 ml of Becherovka, on top it is carefully poured along the wall Triple liqueur Sec, also 50 ml. Before serving, set on fire.
  6. Cherry cocktail: mix 40 ml of becherovka, grapefruit and cherry juices. Serve with cocktail cherries.
  7. Punch: you need to mix 50 ml of fernet, 10 ml of freshly squeezed orange and lemon juice, add 90 ml of pure water, 1 tablespoon of sugar syrup. Then heat everything up to 70 degrees and serve with slices of citrus fruits - lemon, orange and lime on one skewer.
  8. B-Cola cocktail: 50 ml of chilled Becherovka and 150 ml of Coca-Cola.
  9. The Bianca cocktail is made as follows: 30 ml of Becherovka, champagne and dessert white vermouth are mixed. Ice is added fresh raspberries and lime.
  10. Cocktail Oasis: cut a whole lime into circles, sprinkle with sugar, wait for the juice to appear, then add 50 ml of fernet.
  11. In 2017, the 200th anniversary of the creation of the drink will be celebrated. By this date, a special B-Celebration cocktail has already been created: 100 ml of apple liqueur XXX (or whatever is) is poured into a glass, then 30 ml of Becherovka and 5 drops ginger ale. Garnished with mint and lime slice.

Well? I am impressed and interested. I will buy a bottle of Becherovka - purely for health. And I recommend you. But remember that overuse alcoholic beverages harms your liver, wallet and family idyll.

Next time I will tell you how metaxa differs from cognac and why it is so tasty. So I'm waiting for you to visit - subscribe to notifications and new articles.

Goodbye everybody! Dorofeev Pavel.
