
Triple Sec is the most "cocktail" liquor. Orange liqueur "Triple Sec"

Regulars of bars and nightclubs are well aware of the name Triple sec, because it is found as an ingredient in many of the most popular alcoholic cocktails. What kind of alcoholic drink is it, what are its features and what it is best combined with, more on this below.

Triple dry oranges

Triple Sec is a classic, sweet, orange-flavored alcoholic drink that can vary in strength from 15 to 35 degrees.

The history of this drink dates back to the second century, and exact recipe kept in strict confidence. One thing is known for certain: the basis for the preparation of liquor is dried orange peel, which is infused for at least a day on alcohol.

The manufacturing technology of this aromatic liquor necessarily involves triple distillation or distillation. This is what gave the name to the drink - "triple sec" can be translated as "three times dry."

Triple sec will decorate any holiday party or a pleasant stay, but you can drink this drink in pure form.

What should be the real liquor?

The authors of this alcoholic drink almost simultaneously declared themselves two famous brand alcoholic products: French brand "Combier" and "Curaçao". In addition to them, triple sec liquor is also produced by others. famous brands, bringing their own notes to the classic recipe.

That is why, depending on the brand you prefer, the characteristics of the drink may differ. The minimum strength offered by manufacturers is 15 degrees, the maximum is 40.

The color of the drink ranges from almost transparent, slightly caramel to rich dark orange. The density of the liquor also varies depending on the brand.

Popular orange flavored cocktails

Triple Sec liqueur brings pleasant sweetish and aromatic notes to any cocktail, both shot (small volume, drunk in one gulp) and long (large volume cocktail, which is drunk for some time). You can improvise with liquor and any juices and other favorite drinks. But you can use proven recipes that have found their fans around the world.

One of the most famous "quick" cocktails is "Kamikaze". To prepare it, you need to mix in equal parts lemon juice, triple sec liqueur and vodka. For a standard dose of a cocktail, 30 ml of each drink is enough. Mix all ingredients in a shaker with ice and serve with a slice of lemon.

Great shot - "Radiator". His recipe is also not complicated:

  • 15 ml triple sec liqueur and white rum pour into a shaker with ice;
  • add 25 ml of sweet vermouth, for example, "Martini";
  • mix the ingredients thoroughly and pour into a small glass;
  • garnish with an orange slice.

Triple Sec can be added to almost any cocktail. The price of such a drink may not be too high, and the taste and aroma of liquor will give it sophistication and nobility.

long pleasure

This fragrant liquor is very often added to large glasses with cocktails. Perhaps the most famous such long cocktail is the Devon. To prepare it, you need 90-100 ml of natural cider, 20 ml of gin and 1-2 teaspoons of triple sec. The ingredients should be poured into a cocktail glass with ice, lightly mixed before drinking.

Very interesting cocktail called "Summer Storm" is prepared as follows:

  • will be needed in equal number(approximate dose 15 ml) triple sec liqueur, Amaretto, sambuca and hazelnut liqueur;
  • in a mixing glass, add 120 ml of medium-strength black tea to the liquor mix;
  • Mix and pour into a tall glass with ice.

You can also just add a little liquor to your favorite juice, vermouth or champagne and enjoy a pleasant sweet aftertaste and unique aroma.

Pleasure in moderation

Cocktails, especially with liqueurs, are very tempting, but insidious. They are very easy and tasty to drink, while not leaving a feeling of a "heavy" head or intoxication.

At a party or in a club it is quite hard to stop, it seems that there will be no harm from a few cocktails. But this is not entirely true: a combination of several types alcoholic beverages, which, as a rule, are present in every cocktail, leads to an increase in the effect of alcohols on a person. It turns out that when drinking a cocktail, a person’s liver and kidneys experience a significantly greater load than when drinking a monocomponent alcoholic drink.

A fruit juices, fresh juices and sparkling water, which are also an integral part of cocktails, have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

But the negative factors that cocktails have on human health appear only when abused. If you drink at a party one or two delicious cocktails you will only enjoy good taste and cheerful company.

Experiment with flavors, but always remember healthy moderation!

Triple Sec is a brand of the Combier plant, a variety of Curacao. Because of the bright orange flavor liquor, its strength - 15-45% - is imperceptible. The transparency and viscosity of the drink, as well as its super-appetizing aroma, have turned it into the main component of many cocktails.

motherland- France, the city of Saumur.


Jean-Baptiste Combier - a French distiller - in the first half of the 19th century first launched the production of this amazing liquor. The version that the recipe of a friend in prison Francois Raspail prompted him to the orange experiment did not find confirmation - the liquor was created before they met. Most likely, Combier's invention was only corrected by the advice of a comrade to introduce aloe and cinnamon into the composition, nutmeg and saffron, cardamom and myrrh. Be that as it may, the Triple Sec production technology has not changed since its inception, and the new liqueur was named Royal Combier Grande. In the second half of the 19th century - after an exhibition tasting in Paris - real fame came to the drink.
Types and varieties:
In fact, all shades of Curacao liqueurs and the popular Cointreau are brothers of Triple Sec liqueur. Their basis is the zest orange tree, and small adjustments in the recipe set off the taste of each alcohol.

Action on the body: promotes digestion, invigorates and uplifts the mood.

How to drink and use liquor:

Triple sec is a wonderful digestif, so it is acceptable to savor it after a meal in its pure form. But cocktails with liquor are still indisputably in the lead. Sometimes orange liqueur is simply splashed into a glass of juice or soda, ice cream or coffee. Confectioners, without embarrassment, enrich pastries and desserts with it.

Production secrets:

The technology is based on triple distillation alcohol tincture orange peel. Spices give a piquant hue orange drink. At the end, the liqueur is sweetened. Some producers prepare it with cognac or brandy (like Grande Marnier) or recolor clear alcohol in gold or orange. However, the taste of De Kuyper Triple Sec and Bols Triple Sec is practically indistinguishable. You can only understand the difference between them in the laboratory. Popular brands liquor - "Curaçao" and "Combier" are more likely to distinguish not the taste of alcohol, but its degree.

Triple Sec liqueur (homemade recipe without distillation)

Due to the relative ease of preparation, many liqueur aficionados make Triple Dry on their own. Let's try to follow their example.


  • vodka - 400 ml
  • sugar - 400 gr.
  • oranges - 8 pcs.
  • water - 50-70 ml

You need to prepare like this:

  1. Wash the oranges, remove the zest, peel and peel, cut into small pieces.
  2. Place fruit slices in a bowl. zest and juice, which was formed during the cutting process.
  3. Pour granulated sugar and, pouring in water, put the saucepan on a small fire.
  4. When the mixture heats up (does not boil), you need to knead the orange slices so that all the juice comes out of them.
  5. After waiting for the boil, simmer under the lid for 10 minutes on minimum heat.
  6. Cool the drink, pour in vodka and insist for a day (in the same saucepan under a tightly closed lid).
  7. Strain the liquor through cheesecloth and pour into a bottle and let stand for 3-4 months.

Cocktails with Triple Sec

Cocktails with orange liqueur are prepared as "long drinks" or as "shots". This aromatic alcohol will add originality to martini and champagne, soda and juice. Cocktails in bars are quite expensive, but homemade options will cost much more budget. Playing the bartender is exciting and captivating - try it yourself. And the recipes the best cocktails with a delicate shade of orange are presented below.

"". Need to take: 100 ml. silver tequila, 50 ml Triple Sec, 50 ml lime juice and 25 ml sugar syrup. The components are mixed in a shaker with the addition of ice.

"". You need to take: 10 ml of Triple Sec, silver tequila, white rum, dry gin, vodka, sugar syrup and lemon juice, 30 ml of Coca-Cola. Ice sinks to the bottom of the glass, alcohol, syrup, juice and cola are poured in.

"Mai Tai". You need to take: 10 ml of sugar and almond syrup, 20 ml of orange liqueur and lime juice, 40 ml of rum. The components are mixed in a shaker with the addition of ice.

"White Lady". You need to take: 30 ml of orange liqueur, 75 ml of lemon juice, 100 ml of gin and 1 protein chicken egg. The components are thoroughly, until foam, mixed in a shaker with the addition of ice.

"". You need to take: 100 ml of citrus vodka, 50 ml of Triple Sec, 25 ml of lime juice and 250 ml of cranberry juice. The components are mixed in a shaker with the addition of ice.

"Devonian". You need to take: 10 ml of orange liqueur, 20 ml of gin and 100 ml apple cider. The components are mixed in a glass with ice.

"Mango martini". You need to take: 50 ml each of Triple sec and vodka, 25 ml each of fresh grapefruit and mango. The components are mixed in a shaker with the addition of ice.

"Kamikaze" (shot). You need to take: 10 ml of orange liqueur, vodka and lemon juice. The components are mixed in a shaker with the addition of ice.

"Klyukovka". You need to take: 50 ml of orange liqueur, champagne and vodka, 100 ml of cranberry juice. The components are mixed in a glass with ice.

"Brandy Crusta". You need to take: 10 ml of Triple Sec and Maraschino liqueurs, cognac, sugar syrup and lemon juice. The components are mixed in a shaker with the addition of ice.

"Radiator" (shot). You need to take: 15 ml of white rum and orange liqueur, 25 ml of martini or sweet vermouth. The components are mixed in a shaker with the addition of ice.

"Summer Storm" A mix of orange and nut liqueurs, "Kalua", "Amaretto", and sambuca taken 15 ml each and diluted with cold black tea in a volume of 120 ml.

When preparing "long drinks" you can mix the ingredients with crushed ice or cubes. However, for "shots" it is better to use large ice cubes, which will not have time to cool the mix without melting. When pouring "shots" into a glass, the cubes are removed from the shaker and thrown away.

By using alcoholic cocktails, do not get carried away, even if they seem very tasty. Our body tolerates mixes worse than one type of alcohol, so “busting” threatens with a morning headache, nausea and weakness. Remember that the norm of cocktails is one or two servings per evening.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

made at home and on your own save you time and money. It's a great way with joy, great taste and pass the time with your friends. Cocktails do not have to be alcoholic, which usually include cognac, vodka, rum, tequila, etc., there are a lot of varieties. Today we will prepare the most popular liquor that is included in many cocktails. Orange liqueur "Triple Sec" at home is easy.

For orange liqueur, you and I will need the following ingredients:
- oranges, -4pcs;
- vodka - 200gr;
- sugar - 200 gr.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Oranges for "Triple Sec" liqueur must be thoroughly rinsed under running water. Then we separate the peel from the pulp. Remove all white veins. Then cut the orange into cubes. If possible, the juice that begins to flow should immediately be drained into a separate bowl.
And is prepared in the same way.

Put the orange in a saucepan with a volume of about one liter. The juice that the oranges let out must be poured into a saucepan.

Then you need to pour all the sugar into the oranges at once. This will allow the oranges to release their juice faster.

We bet on slow fire so that the sugar does not caramelize, we need to add 50-70 grams of water. After a while, the water will evaporate and only sugar and sugar will remain. Orange juice.

Then you can use a potato masher, and as best as possible, crush and release the juice from the oranges as much as possible.

After the orange juice with sugar boiled, we need to measure 200 grams of the 40th drink. We measure vodka using a measuring stick or an ordinary faceted glass, which should certainly be in the household.

Pour vodka over oranges. Let it boil a little and remove from the fire. Let the orange liqueur "Triple Sec" brew for about 20-24 hours.

After our liquor has been infused, we need to strain it, separate the pulp of oranges from the liquor. This can be done both through an iron sieve and grandmother's way through gauze.

Do not rush to throw away the so-called orange cake. You can make "drunk" desserts out of it or lay it on top of any pastries for flavor and piquancy.

Orange liqueur "Triple Sec" can be used as a digestif, drink at the end of the meal in its pure form. cold winter evening, making yourself hot, add a little orange liqueur to it, please yourself with a wonderful taste and aroma.

And in summer time it can be used as a tonic by adding to it a large number of ice, diluting it with a carbonated drink with a sprite or schweppes.

Triple Sec orange liqueur at home is easy.

Triple Sec is an orange liqueur, one of the varieties of Curacao. Traditionally transparent color with a strength of about 30 °.

The drink was invented in 1834 by the French distiller Jean-Baptiste Combier. Based in Saumur, his Combier plant continues to produce this liqueur today. General scheme The preparation has not changed for centuries: dried orange peel is soaked for 24 hours in alcohol, and then distilled three times. Other flavoring components are kept secret.

Going into the etymology of the name, it is worth noting that in French "Sec" means "dry", which is explained by the distillation of the drink. Accordingly, "Triple Sec" translates as three times dry, or three times distilled.

However, besides Combier, other manufacturers also produce liqueurs under this brand. Among the most famous:, Cointreau, Curacao and Rose. In this connection, the taste and strength of Triple Sec differ significantly from different manufacturers.

In general, the degree of the drink can be in the range from 15 to 40%. Alcohol filler can also be different. So, they are made on the basis of cognac or brandy. Therefore, the color of Triple Sec can vary from transparent to deep golden.

Used as a digestif to improve digestion. However, it is most often found in combination with other drinks in various orange cocktails.


  • 30 ml Triple Sec liqueur
  • 30 ml vodka
  • 30 ml lemon juice

Cooking method

Mix all ingredients in a shaker with ice. Pour into a pile. Decorate ready-made cocktail slice of lemon.

The history of the drink

It is generally accepted that the Kamikaze cocktail was invented and first mixed in Japan. From Japanese, it translates as "Divine Wind", after the name of the terrifying typhoon, which in the Middle Ages completely destroyed the huge fleet of the Mongol Khan Kublai, who threatened Japan with ruin.

During the war on the coast Pacific Ocean The name "kamikaze" was given to Japanese suicide pilots, whose hurricane action was experienced by the Allied forces with full force.

Today, the Kamikaze cocktail occupies a well-deserved place among the top 100 most popular cocktails in the world - for juice.

Are you a connoisseur of gentle alcohol with a bright fruit flavor? Do you want to treat yourself to an exquisite assemblage with non-trivial tasting indicators this evening? To your attention liquors triple sec.

This is a special subspecies of drinks that can impress their consumer with orange freshness and versatility in terms of creating stylish cocktails.

By purchasing one of these assemblages for your own tasting, you are guaranteed to be able to count on creating the necessary atmosphere. Alcohol is great for both individual tastings and parties.

Did you know? Triple sec means "triple dry" in French.

When considering the possibility of purchasing triple sec liquor in a store, you should note for yourself the fact that these products have a different strength. Among them you will find light 15% drinks and very strong 40% assemblages.

Products are made from the peel of sweet and bitter oranges with the addition of various herbs. Each manufacturer has its own recipe, which is why it is almost impossible to find products of various brands that are perfectly similar to each other on the market.

The production process is based on the use of only dried fruits, and the product itself must undergo triple distillation in copper pot stills. It is because of this method of preparation that these drinks have earned their name.


The classic representatives of the segment have a pleasant transparent color, but drinks in various color variations are often found. It all depends directly on the recipes provided by a particular manufacturing company.


A triple sec bouquet is often based on a variety of citrus plumes, adorned with slight hints of herbs.


Gastronomic indicators are based on the balance between pleasant fruity sweetness, strength and refreshing effect.

How to choose the right quality assembly

In the process of choosing an exquisite assemblage, whether it be representatives of an affordable price segment, each consumer must pay Special attention nuances that predetermine high-quality alcohol.

Otherwise, with a negligent attitude to the choice, there is a high probability of buying a fake and spoiling the first acquaintance with one or another blend.

To prevent this from happening and you do not bring counterfeit products to your house, when purchasing triple sec liquor, consider the following points:

  • Place of purchase.

Today you can buy high-quality liquor only in specialized store. By trusting stalls, grocery stores, and in some cases small supermarket chains, you run the risk of becoming the owner of counterfeit goods.

In thematic alcohol boutiques, in addition to meaningful consultations, if necessary, quality certificates can be provided to the client.

  • Bottle and design.

Each manufacturer supplies alcohol to the market in its own authentic container, so before buying a triple sec you like, be sure to visit the official website of the manufacturer and get acquainted with how the original container looks like.

Also pay attention to the quality of the design. It must be flawless. Glue streaks, glass chips, misaligned labels are all signs of fakes.

  • The structure of the liquid.

Branded assemblage will please the consumer with exquisite purity. It should not have sediment, turbidity and other neoplasms.

Also, a high-quality assemblage has a slightly stretchy nature. If you shake the alcohol, then an oily trail of alcohol will flaunt on its walls for a few more seconds.

How to serve

Regardless of which product you prefer, be it Russian, French or Irish liqueur, be sure of its versatility. Triple sec is often an object, but it is also often served as a.

Due to the large number of herbs in the composition of triple sec, it normalizes digestive system organism. In this case, the supply of these drinks should be carried out in a classic style.

The pouring of alcohol is carried out either in small special glasses, or in full-bodied cognac glasses. The first option is suitable for those who like to enjoy the assemblage in its purest form, and the second one is for those who like to dilute blends.

The serving temperature should be at room temperature. These liqueurs do not require additional refrigeration.

What products are combined with

To fully appreciate all the color of colors that it offers, try to prepare a decent gastronomic accompaniment for it. Fortunately, alcohol itself is not capricious in terms of the selection of snacks.

Cheese and meat cuts, pastries, fruits and a large number of desserts. The drink goes well with white ice cream, complementing it with a light citrus flavor.

Triple sec cocktails

When you buy triple sec in a store and want to diversify the tasting with new bright emotions, you will definitely pay attention to cocktails. Based on these drinks, unique mixes are obtained that can satisfy the taste ambitions of even the most sophisticated tasters.

The most interesting cocktail recipes, in particular, include —Mai Tai—, Kamikadze, Margarita, —Cosmopoliten—, Long Island ice tea, Lambado, Cold lips, Panama, Voodoo and others.

What are the types of this drink

As practice shows, the modern alcohol market is oversaturated today big amount proposals for the purchase of drinks in the triple sec segment.

Therefore, you have to get acquainted with many brands from different parts of the world. If you do not want to make a mistake with the choice, we recommend that you pay attention to the following drinks:

  • Triple Sec. Alcohol of a transparent color with a fresh orange flavor. The aroma is based on citrus and spicy notes.
  • Marie Brizard Triple Sec. Pale golden assemblage with bitter orange flavor. The taste is built on the delicate undertones of bitter oranges.
  • Joseph Cartron Curacao Triple sec. Crystal clear drink with dry orange flavor and delicate fruity aroma.
  • Bols Triple Sec. Perfectly transparent assemblage, which acquires a matte shade when cooled. Its aroma hides the sweetness of citrus fruits, and in gastronomic indicators you can easily recognize spicy fruit bitterness.

Historical reference

The first triple sec was made in the 1830s. The creation of the recipe is attributed to Jean-Baptiste Combier. According to legend, at the age of 19, the master, together with his brother, moved to the city of Syumor, where he opened a small confectionery factory.

For a long time, the master was engaged in the production of sweets, but he had a passion, which consisted in blending alcohol. Thus, through numerous trials and errors, Jean-Baptiste nevertheless created his product, which was subsequently liked by consumers so much that its analogues began to be produced in all corners of the world.

Did you know? The most popular representative of the triple sec liqueur segment is the product trademark De Kuyper. At the same time, it can be considered the most concentrated in its own line.

Get exquisite pleasure and pleasant impressions

Triple sec is a great opportunity to diversify your gray everyday life. Thanks to these drinks, you can surround yourself with new vivid impressions.

Today, many manufacturing companies create triple sec, which means that every consumer will definitely find something for himself. perfect option fragrant and charismatic assemblage.

At the same time, the universal nature of these products deserves special attention. They work great in combination with the most a variety of snacks and ingredients.

Head to the nearest liquor store for a bottle of your triple sec, which will justifiably delight you with the best aromatic and gastronomic outlines.
