
Beer with vodka and champagne - kamikaze cocktails. The best cocktails with beer

If you like beer, then try drinking this drink not in its pure form, but in a more original way, namely as part of original and delicious cocktails. Interesting options are presented below.

What beer is right?

Choose the right beer. First of all, it must be of high quality, so buying a drink in plastic bottles is definitely not worth it. Many prefer draft beer, but you should only buy it if you are sure of the quality. And in order to make sure of it, you need to ask the seller for documents confirming the origin, as well as quality certificates. By the way, real freshly brewed beer is stored for only a few days, not several months.

Pay special attention to the fortress. It will depend on the rest of the cocktail ingredients. So, if the use of strong drinks is supposed, then the beer should be light, that is, low alcohol (about 3-4 degrees). If you use beer as a base and dilute it with non-alcoholic components, then it can be stronger (over 4-4.5 degrees).

And finally, the variety. It will depend on your taste preferences, as well as on the recipe of a particular cocktail. So, in some cases, the addition of an exceptionally light and refreshing light beer is required, while in others only a more tart and rich dark beer is suitable.

cooking options

How to make delicious cocktails with beer? Below are some interesting options for every taste.


The birthplace of this cocktail is Germany, and in this country, as you know, beer is very loved and respected and, of course, they know how to make it. To get a drink loved by many Germans, you just need to mix two parts of light beer and one part of Cola. The taste will be very interesting and refreshing.

"Three Comrades"

The name speaks for itself, since only three ingredients are required for preparation: light wheat beer, grapefruit or lemon juice and vodka. The proportions will be equal. Just mix all the ingredients and, if desired, put ice in the glass.


This cocktail is considered one of the most popular, but you should be careful with it, it is very insidious! For cooking, you will need a mug of fresh beer and a glass of vodka. Just add vodka to your beer and enjoy.

But there is another more complicated version. Pour a mug of beer and a glass of vodka. Next, carefully place the filled glass directly into the mug, being careful not to mix the drinks. It is recommended to drink everything, and preferably in one gulp, so that the components mix.

Interesting: the second name of such a cocktail is “Polar Bear”.

"Russian cocktail"

You will need:

  • a glass of light beer;
  • 50-70 ml of vodka;
  • three tablespoons of honey.


  1. Take ice and crush, mix with vodka and liquid honey.
  2. Pour the resulting mixture into beer.
  3. Add more ice if desired and serve.

Cocktail "White"

This recipe involves a very unusual combination of ingredients and a way to use it, but you may like this originality. You will need:

  • 500 ml light beer;
  • two glasses of milk;
  • a tablespoon of sugar;
  • two peas of cloves;
  • small pinch of nutmeg

Description of the cooking process:

  1. Chop the cloves.
  2. Heat the beer a little, add cloves, sugar and nutmeg to it, mix everything well.
  3. Bring the milk to a boil and pour into the beer. This cocktail should be drunk hot.

"The Dragon"

With such a cocktail, you should also be careful. And for its preparation you will need:

  • one glass of brandy;
  • 1.5 liters of ale;
  • 1.5 liters of beer;
  • 2 bottles of champagne;
  • 120 ml syrup;
  • one lemon.


  1. Mix all liquid ingredients except champagne.
  2. Pour the mixture into glasses, add chilled champagne and ice to each.
  3. Decorate serving bowls with lemon slices.

Cocktail "Submarine"

For cooking, you need beer and tequila. First, pour a chilled foamy drink into a glass, then add tequila and ice.

Refreshing summer cocktail

Beer pairs well with juice, and you can use just about anything, like apple, lemon, cherry, watermelon, and even banana. Choose the proportions yourself, taking into account your preferences.

Sour cream beer cocktail

This combination will seem strange or even crazy to you, but in fact, some people prefer to drink beer with sour cream. And this, by the way, allows you to get drunk more slowly and weaker, because the snack is quite fatty.

So, pour 350 ml of beer into a sufficiently large container and add 100-150 grams of sour cream. Then mix everything actively or beat with a blender.


This cocktail is strong, but quite pleasant in taste. To prepare it, you will need half a glass of rum, a glass of dark beer and three eggs. Preparation: beat the eggs with a blender or mixer. Warm up the beer. Pour the egg mixture into it first, then the rum, mix again and serve.


This is a fairly popular and spicy Mexican beer cocktail, for the preparation of which you will need:

  • 500 ml light soft beer;
  • six tablespoons of celery juice;
  • one or two teaspoons of soy sauce;
  • two tablespoons of Tabasco sauce;
  • five tablespoons of salsa sauce;
  • one lemon or lime;
  • pepper and salt to taste.


  1. Cool the glasses well, grease their edges with lime or lemon juice and dip in salt to get an interesting edge.
  2. Next, put Salsa and Tabasco in a glass, then add soy sauce, then celery juice, then squeeze lime juice, put pepper, and then carefully fill everything with beer.

A few tips regarding both the preparation and consumption of beer cocktails:

  • Many beers have a fresh or even sweet taste, so that alcohol is almost not felt in them. And just this can play a cruel joke with you. Without feeling the fortress, you can get carried away and "to sort out", reaching a strong alcoholic intoxication. So you should know the measure in everything and always control yourself.
  • If you are afraid of getting very drunk, then regular beer can be replaced with non-alcoholic one. Recently, all the famous brewing companies have been producing such a drink, so you can find something to your liking. As a result, the drink will be no less tasty, but less strong.
  • You can drink beer cocktails only freshly prepared, because after standing for a while, they can run out of steam and lose their original taste.
  • All components must be pre-chilled, it is best to drink beer cocktails cool.
  • If you intend to use strong drinks, then they must be of high quality! Vodka or another similar component of low or dubious quality, firstly, will affect the taste, and secondly, it will increase the risk of a morning hangover and even severe poisoning.

Try interesting cocktails!

In addition to the previous post, how to drink properly. Everyone has heard about ordinary milk-based cocktails and alcoholic cocktails made from drinks with a strength of about 40. But about such beer delights - perhaps not. However, something similar can also be created from this intoxicating low-alcohol product. As they say, for every taste and color - there would be a desire.

I propose to find out 20 recipes for unusual beer-based cocktails that you can easily make and surprise your guests. It turns out that beer can be a great base for delicious and refreshing drinks. And to drink or not to drink - that is the question - you and your guests decide. :0)

So let's go!

1. "Black and tan"

Traditionally, this cocktail includes Guinness and Harp. First, fill the glass more than half full with light beer (ale), and then carefully pour in the dark beer, but do not mix.

2. "Refreshing Mary"

Ingredients: light beer and cucumber vodka. Not at all bloody, but refreshing Mary!

3. "Summer dance"

Mix light beer with watermelon juice, add Moraschino liqueur and a pinch of sugar.

4. "Meat and rye"

Belgian rye beer with a cured piece of meat is perfect for gatherings on the veranda

5. "Broadway"

Beer + cranberry syrup = sweet, tart cocktail

6. "Honey julep"

Bourbon, honey, fresh basil, ale and traditional julep take on a new flavor

7. "Root beer"

An interesting combination of Galliano and Kalua liqueurs with beer, reminiscent of the taste of root beer

8. "Monaco"

A taste of the Mediterranean: lager beer, lemonade and pomegranate syrup

9. Hillbilly

This summer kvass includes: gin, lager beer, grapefruit juice and ginger beer

10. Liquid Pie

The aroma of the pie comes from blackberries, blueberries, agave nectar and lemon juice, but the punch itself is made up of bourbon and lager beer.

11. Strawberry Beer Lemonade

From the name it is already clear that it is easy to make. Ingredients: light beer, strawberries, lemon juice and some sugar

12. "Guinness cream soda"

You may even think that Guinness was created for this thick, creamy, intoxicating cocktail. Ingredients: soda, vanilla liqueur, ginger liqueur and Guinness stout

13. "Harvey Weissbanger"

A new interpretation of the Harvey Wolbanger cocktail: Galliano liqueur, orange juice and wheat beer.

14. "Cure"

The "Cure" includes: light beer with lemon juice, ginger liqueur and thin strips of ginger. This summer cocktail was developed as a drink-cure for the economic crisis.

15. Fragrant

Light beer, Campari, Aperol, lime juice, syrup, sage leaves and a grapefruit slice - just a few minutes and this cocktail with an incredible taste is ready!

16. Raspberry beer cocktail

The perfect party cocktail: frozen raspberries, raspberry lemonade, vodka and beer.

17. "Godfather James"

The cocktail was created at New York's Mulino Prime Steakhouse. Ingredients: Guinness, Cutty Sark whiskey, Disaronno liqueur and mint

18. "Reality Check"

Raspberry, vodka, lime, Becherovka, Angostura, Budweiser Budvar beer and sugar syrup are mixed in a fruity herbal Reality Check

19. Bull

This Los Angeles Bull Has Horns: Grenadine, Lime Juice, Vodka, Light Rum, Light Beer

20. Pineapple Hops

You might want to make a whole jug of this drink for your friends gathering: pineapple cubes with sugar and apple cider vinegar, white rum, orchad (almond syrup) and lager beer.

Beer- a low-alcohol drink that is produced from grain (most often barley) by alcoholic fermentation of malt wort with the help of brewer's yeast and aromatization with hops. The content of ethyl alcohol in most beers is about 3-6% vol. (strong contains, as a rule, from 8 to 14% by volume, sometimes light beer is also isolated, which contains 1-2% by volume, non-alcoholic beer is separately isolated).

Types of beer:

Distinguished by color:

  • light,
  • dark,
  • red,
  • white
  • and mixed beer.

The color of the finished beer depends on the presence of dark malt in the original wort, as well as the amount and degree of roasting. The classification of beer by its color is widespread in Russia, as well as in some other European countries, such as Spain.

Dark beer is considered the most useful. It has been proven that it contains 121 billionths of free iron, while light beer can boast only 92. Since the presence of iron in the body is necessary for the production of hemoglobin, the benefits of dark beer are indisputable. Spanish professor Carlos Blanco argues that a high content of free iron is observed in hop and malt extracts, which serve as the raw material for the manufacture of dark beer.

There are four main types of dark beer:

  • - golden brown - produced only in Belgium and Britain;
  • - a fairly strong dark beer (made by mixing three types of beer: old ale, very strong beer and weak, not fully ripened fresh beer), this is a dark drink that has a slightly sweet taste.
  • stout
  • March beer.

Stout and March beer are characterized by a rich dark color, high viscosity and high alcohol content.

Stout is divided into sweet and bitter varieties, and March beer needs a lot of time to mature.

Blended beer is obtained by mixing dark and light beer and is the result of the Czech beer drinking culture.

Ginger - the phrase "ginger beer" in English does not mean beer at all in the usual sense, but non-alcoholic soda with the addition of ginger. Therefore, when it comes to beer, it is called "alcoholic ginger beer". In general, use in beer is a double-edged sword, because. ginger, on the one hand, can make the taste more interesting and add a spicy, spicy component, and on the other hand, if you overdo it with ginger literally by a “fraction of a percent,” then it instantly subjugates the whole taste, crossing out everything else.


Bear Cocktail Passion Cocktail Whiskey Bitter Cocktail Beer Punch English Beer Cocktail Shandy
Raspberry punch Cuckoo and Crocodile Dance Egg beer Beer with yogurt Port wine with Baba Luba's Kiss beer Warm beer Layered Cocktail Black and yellow (Black&Tan)
Cuban cocktail Lyrica

Cocktail "White Nights"


Place the eggs in a deep bowl, grind them thoroughly with sugar, pour in cold milk, blackcurrant juice, beer and liquor, pour the mixture into a mixer and beat it all well. Pour the finished cocktail into tall glasses, garnish with lemon slices and serve immediately. This beer and juice cocktail pairs well with dessert dishes.

Cocktail "Friendly Feast"


  • 2 liters of beer
  • 1 st. l. honey,
  • 1 glass of orange juice,
  • 2 tbsp. l. vodka,
  • 1 clove bud, cinnamon.


Pour beer into a container, put honey there, mix thoroughly, add orange juice, vodka, spices and place the drink for 30-40 minutes in a cool place. After that, pour it into cocktail glasses and serve with salty croutons or cold sandwiches.

Cocktail "Rainbow"


  • 0.5 glass of beer,
  • 1 st. l. Roma,
  • 0.5 cup lemon liqueur
  • 0.5 cup raspberry juice
  • 0.5 lemon, ice


Mix beer, rum, lemon liqueur and raspberry juice in a shaker for 2 minutes. Put a few ice cubes at the bottom of each glass, pour the cocktail and serve immediately (immediately after preparation).


The cocktail is made by mixing light beer with fruit juice (lemon, orange, grapefruit or cherry). After several trials, you can find the optimal proportion, but it is recommended to start with the addition of two parts of beer and one part of juice. True, you can buy ready-made "beer mixes" in stores, but such drinks include many chemical additives. Therefore, it is better to prepare such a beer-based cocktail on your own. Separately buy beer and juice, and then mix them to your liking.

Homemade beer-based drinks

Before you start tasting, remember that all beer drinks and cocktails should only be consumed in moderation!

viburnum beer


  • 1 liter of beer
  • 2 kg viburnum berries,
  • 3 glasses of water
  • 2 tablespoons sugar, ice


Sort the berries, wash, put in a saucepan, pour water, put on medium heat and, when the water boils, quickly remove from heat, squeeze the juice from the berries, strain through a fine hair sieve, add sugar, mix well and cool, then add beer and mix again. Put ice cubes in glasses, pour the drink and serve immediately (immediately after preparation). This homemade drink, made on the basis of beer, is perfect for hot sausages or crab stick salad.

Beer with sour cream

This drink has an original taste, but they should not get carried away. Too frequent use of it is harmful to the liver and can subsequently lead to alcoholism. In addition, this beer-based drink allows you to quickly gain fat mass, which can be beneficial for skinny and thin people.


  • 0.33 l of light beer,
  • 200 g sour cream.


Pour sour cream into a beer mug. Add 100-150 ml of beer and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Top up with the rest of the beer and stir again.

coffee beer


It will not be difficult to prepare such a cocktail, you just need to mix cold strong coffee (preferably brewed, not instant) and dark beer in a 1: 1 ratio. If desired, other ingredients, such as sugar or cream, can be added to the beer-based drink.

Recipes for beer cocktails with vodka and sprite

Dolly Sheep Cocktail


  • 20 ml of vodka,
  • 20ml Southern Comfort liqueur,
  • 10ml grenadine syrup
  • 400 ml light beer,
  • sprite,
  • Orange juice,

In a glass vessel, mix vodka with grenadine syrup, pour in liquor and light beer, add orange juice and sprite to taste, mix and serve with ice.

Note. Southern Comfort liqueur can be replaced with a mixture of 10 ml of whiskey and 10 ml of peach liqueur when preparing a cocktail with sprite and vodka.

Cocktail "Ruff"

This is the most famous beer drink of "lethal" power, which was very popular during the Soviet Union. But in order for it not to be just vodka with beer, you need to adhere to certain proportions, otherwise the result may be unpredictable.


  • 200 ml light beer,
  • 50ml vodka,
  • 1 tsp lemon juice (or sprite)


Pour cold beer into a large glass, add lemon juice (sprite), remove the foam, pour in vodka, cover the glass with your palm and mix thoroughly. A ready-made cocktail of beer with vodka should be drunk in one gulp.

Hot beer: drink recipes

The birthplace of such a drink as hot beer is Scandinavia. The inhabitants of the harsh peninsula invented it in the 15th century, and a few centuries later it had already spread throughout Europe. The Poles and Germans were the first to adopt the recipe for its preparation. Moreover, the latter used it not only as a drink, but also as a medicine for coughs and sore throats, and, I must say, very effectively. Gradually, hot beer along with mulled wine became a traditional European winter holiday drink, replacing tea and coffee. But in order to get a truly tasty and healthy drink, you need to not just boil ordinary beer on the fire, but you should prepare it according to a special recipe, which is given below.

Hot beer with cinnamon


  • 1 liter of beer
  • 1-2st. l. Sahara,
  • 3 egg yolks,
  • 1 lemon
  • 3-4 cloves,
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon.


Pour any beer (light or dark, it does not matter) into a saucepan, add cinnamon, cloves, lemon zest, put on fire and boil. Thoroughly grind the egg yolks with sugar (until foam forms), pour them into a pot of boiling beer, reduce the heat and cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens. A very important point: hot beer should not boil again so that the yolks do not boil. Pour the thickened drink into tall glasses and serve. In the treatment of sore throats and coughs, it is recommended to add a few tablespoons of honey to hot beer. The patient can drink 1 cup per day. Hot beer prepared according to this recipe tastes good and does not cause discomfort.

Goryachev beer with honey

This is another drink recipe that helps with colds, flu, sore throats and acute coughs. It should be drunk once a day before going to bed. After taking it, it is recommended to go to bed, wrap yourself in a blanket well and fall asleep. The result will be shown in the morning.


  • 0.5 l of light or dark beer,
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. honey.


Pour the beer into the pan and heat it over low heat, not bringing to a boil. Then add honey to hot beer and mix well.

Cocktails based on beer with cognac, alcohol and rum

Cocktail "Cognac beer"


  • 100ml beer,
  • 50ml cognac,
  • 1 tsp Sahara,
  • 1 lemon slice
  • 100 ml of water.


To prepare a cocktail of beer with brandy, you need to pour water into the dishes, dissolve sugar in it, put a slice of lemon and heat to a boil. In another bowl, heat the beer for 30 seconds, pour it into hot water with sugar, mix, strain, add cognac and pour into cups.

Cocktail "Kick with a hoof"

If you drink 2-3 servings of this cocktail in one evening, you can get very intoxicated, hence the formidable name of the drink.


  • 0.5 l of beer,
  • 1 cup of sugar,
  • 10 ml of alcohol.


Pour beer into a saucepan, put on fire, boil, add sugar to it, mix thoroughly, remove from heat and, after the drink has cooled to room temperature, pour in alcohol. Serve the cocktail well chilled.

"Devil's Cocktail"

Thrill-seekers will love this cocktail, as not everyone will be able to drink the entire portion at one time.


  • 250 ml beer,
  • 10 ml of rum,
  • a pinch of ground black pepper,
  • 5 g instant coffee,
  • 5 g salt.


To prepare a drink, you must first mix all the ingredients, then pour the cocktail into a glass and garnish with a slice of lemon on top.

Cocktail recipes with beer and egg

Egg beer


  • 1 liter of beer
  • 100-150 g of sugar,
  • 4 eggs,
  • 25 ml of rum,
  • cinnamon and salt - to taste.


Pour beer into an enameled pan, put sugar, a whisper of salt, a piece of cinnamon bark there, put on fire and heat slightly until sugar is completely dissolved. In another saucepan, beat the eggs, add the rum and, without stopping whisking, pour in the contents of the first saucepan, cool well and shake before pouring into glasses or cups.

Foamy beer


  • 3 glasses of beer
  • 3 eggs,
  • 1 glass of wine
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.


In a saucepan, beat eggs with wine well, add sugar, beer, put the mixture on low heat (preferably in a water bath) and beat until a thick layer of foam is obtained. After that, pour a cocktail of beer with an egg into glasses and serve.

Punch with beer, milk and egg


  • 200 ml milk
  • 2 eggs,
  • 3 art. l. Sahara,
  • 0.5 l of light beer,
  • 0.5 lemon,
  • nutmeg - to taste.


In a saucepan, placed in a water bath, beat milk and eggs and add sugar and light beer until it thickens. Warm the resulting mixture slightly, add the juice from half a lemon and grated nutmeg, mix gently and serve.

Other beer-based cocktails

Cocktail "Princess"

The proposed recipe for a cocktail with beer is a female version of a drink with an original sweetish aftertaste.


  • 150 ml of light beer,
  • bunch of white grapes
  • a pinch of ground ginger.


Wash the grapes, remove the berries from the bunch, cut them into halves, put them in a beer glass, add ginger, pour over cold beer and let it brew for 1-2 minutes.

Cocktail "Nutty"


  • 3 glasses of beer
  • 1 glass of dry white wine
  • 0.5 cup almond liqueur
  • 1 st. l. nuts, cinnamon, ice.


Grind the nuts by grating. Pour beer, wine, liquor into a glass jug, add nuts, cinnamon, mix everything thoroughly and put in a cool place for 2-3 hours. Put ice cubes into glasses, pour a beer cocktail and serve immediately.

Cocktail "Fizzy"


  • 0.5 l of beer,
  • 1 liter of coca-cola,
  • 750 ml of wine
  • 1 lemon.


Pour beer, Coca-Cola, wine into a three-liter jar, mix and pour into tall glasses. Before pouring the cocktail, put a slice of lemon into each glass and top it to form juice. It is recommended to eat a beer cocktail prepared according to this recipe with fruits (banana, orange, etc.).

When preparing alcoholic cocktails, someone likes to mix various liqueurs, balms and other exotic ingredients, while others most of all like "variations on the theme" of simple beer. However, even on the basis of beer, you can prepare drinks that are very unusual in composition and taste characteristics. Moreover, they can be both cooling and warming.

Cold cocktails with beer

Classic cocktail "Yorsh":
- 300 ml of light beer;
- 50 ml of vodka.
Mix beer and vodka in a beer mug and serve. "Ruff" is a strong alcoholic cocktail, as it causes noticeable intoxication.
Cocktail "Ruff in Mexican":
- 300 ml of light beer;
- 30 ml of tequila.
Pour beer into a beer mug and dip a tequila shot into it (the glass should be with a heavy bottom). Pour the tequila into the floating shot glass until it sinks to the bottom. Drink this cocktail in one gulp.

Cocktail "Highlander Spirit":
- 200 ml of beer "Guinness";
- 200 ml "Cola";
- 20 ml cognac
Take a beer mug, pour cognac into it, then "Cola" and beer.
Cocktail "Devil":
- 250 ml of light beer;
- 10 ml of light rum;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste;
- 1 slice of lemon for decoration;
- a pinch of ground coffee for decoration
Mix beer with rum, add salt and pepper to taste. Serve in a glass, sprinkled with ground coffee. Attach a lemon wedge to the rim of the glass.
Cocktail "Black eye":
- 250 ml of beer "Guinness";
- 30 ml Irish whiskey.
Pour the beer into the beer glass and then pour in the whiskey.
Layered beer cocktail:
- 200 ml of light beer;
- 200 ml of dark beer "Guinness".
Beer must be chilled. First, pour light beer into the glass, and on top of it, gently along the knife blade - "Guinness".

Cocktail "Milk Beer":
- 100 ml of milk;
- 20 ml of dark beer;
- 1 egg;
- 2 tsp powdered sugar.
Mix all the ingredients in a mixer and pour into an old-fashioned glass.
Paradise Island Cocktail:
- 100 ml of pineapple juice;
- 50 ml of light beer;
- 50 ml of gin;
- 15 ml of vodka;
- 10 ml of Malibu liqueur;
- 1 slice of pineapple for garnish
All ingredients must be chilled. Shake juice, beer, gin, vodka and liquor well in a shaker. Serve in a hurricane glass, garnished with a slice of pineapple.

Cocktail "Zorro":
- 180 ml of orange juice;
- 100 ml of light beer.
Mix beer with juice and serve in a glass with a straw.
Cocktail "Furlong":
- 120 ml of dark beer;
- 60 ml of light rum;
- lemon zest for decoration;
- ice.
Pour beer and rum into a glass filled with ice. Mix well. Garnish the finished cocktail with lemon zest.

Cocktail "Dirk Diegler":
- light beer;
- 60 ml of Jägermeister liqueur.
Pour Jägermeister into a highball glass and top up with beer.
Brazilian Beer Cocktail:
- 300 ml of chilled light beer;
- 1/4 lemon;
- pepper to taste.
Take a collins glass, put a quarter of a lemon in it, sprinkle it with pepper and pour in the beer.
Cocktail "KV flip":
- dark beer;
- 30 ml of light rum;
- 30 ml "Becherovka";
- 10 ml of almond syrup;
- 1 egg white;
- 2 dashes "Angostura";
- a pinch of nutmeg;
- ice cubes
Shake rum, Becherovka, Angostura, almond syrup and egg white in a shaker. Then add ice cubes to the shaker and shake it well again. Strain the resulting mixture into a glass, top up with beer and sprinkle with ground nutmeg.

Warm cocktails with beer

Cocktail "White":
- 100 ml of hot milk;
- 100 ml of warm light beer;
- 1 tsp granulated sugar;
- 1 clove bud;
- a pinch of nutmeg.
Add sugar, cloves, nutmeg to warm beer and pour in milk.
Cocktail "Little Russian":
- 200 ml of light beer;
- 70 ml of tincture "Pepper";
- 30 g of granulated sugar.
Heat the beer until hot. Stir the sugar well in the tincture until it dissolves. Pour the beer into the tincture and mix everything thoroughly.

Cocktail "Old":
- 200 ml of light beer;
- 80 ml of Starkey tincture;
- 2 eggs;
- 3-4 tsp granulated sugar.
Mix the tincture with sugar and egg. Heat the beer and pour into the tincture.

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