
Light and dark agave nectar: ​​useful properties and uses. Agave syrup is a natural but unhealthy alternative to sugar

This is a perennial stemless plant that belongs to the succulent genus, loves the desert or semi-desert. Natural distribution zone - Mexico, Central and North America, the Mediterranean. There are about 400 types of agave. In appearance, it is similar to the aloe plant familiar to all of us.

Thanks to its soothing properties, agave is great for treating various neuralgias. It also improves metabolic processes in the body, removes excess fluid, promotes the speedy regeneration of tissues and enhances lactation in nursing mothers.

Agave has another property - contraceptive - due to the presence of substances that suppress the activity of eggs. These substances are isolated for the preparation of natural contraceptives, which are enough to take several times a month.

Prepared from agave and medicines for external use. They help with sciatica (inflammation of the sciatic nerve), radiculitis, rheumatism, furunculosis, breast diseases, bruises and sprains. Agave root is used to treat sexually transmitted diseases. Juice relieves teenage acne, acne, boils.

Those who want to lose weight should pay attention to this plant. Due to the fact that agave gently cleanses the body, removes excess water and normalizes metabolism, it is an indispensable tool in the fight against extra pounds.

Agave nectar and syrup are the same product, obtained from the juice of the core and leaves of the plant. In terms of its carbohydrate composition, or rather, in terms of the ratio of fructose and glucose, agave nectar is a unique product. It is about 1.5 times sweeter than sugar.

100% amenable to yeast fermentation, which is an advantage for baking.

Around the world, agave nectar/syrup has firmly taken its place as a natural sugar substitute among people who are watching their weight and leading a healthy lifestyle.

Most people, giving up sugar, make their life boring, because they deny themselves a good mood and delicious food.

But we should not forget that there are a huge number of different alternatives on the market, using which you can not only get rid of extra pounds, but also rejuvenate the body as a whole.

It characterizes the ability of food to increase blood glucose levels. That is, the faster a person's blood glucose level rises during a meal, the more GI the product has.

However, it should be remembered that its value is affected not only by the characteristics of carbohydrates, but also by the amount of food eaten. Carbohydrates are conventionally divided into two types: complex (complex) and simple.

The classification of carbohydrates is based on the calculation of the number of simple sugars in the molecular chain:

  • simple- monosaccharides or disaccharides, which have only one or two sugar molecules in the molecular chain;
  • complex (complex) they are also called polysaccharides, since they have a large number of structural units in their molecular chain.

Since 1981, a new term has been introduced - "glycemic index". This indicator characterizes the level of sugar entering the bloodstream after eating a product containing carbohydrates.

The well-known glucose has a GI of 100 units. At the same time, the body of a healthy adult requires no more than 50-55% of carbohydrates in daily calories. Moreover, no more than 10% should fall on the share of simple carbohydrates. However, in patients with coronary heart disease, the proportion of carbohydrates increases to 60%, this is due to a decrease in the amount of animal fats.

For patients with type 2 diabetes, doctors recommend completely eliminating corn flakes, white rice, wheat bread, and other foods rich in simple carbohydrates from the diet.

Agave syrup

The glycemic index of agave syrup is 15-17 units. It's sweeter than sugar. This sugar substitute contains a large amount of trace elements and prebiotic inulins, which favorably affect the functioning of the digestive tract.

But still, agave syrup is a rather controversial sweetener, since it consists of 90% fructose, which is easily deposited on the internal organs in the form of fat.

Agave syrup

At first glance, agave syrup resembles honey, but only much sweeter, for some it may seem cloying. Many doctors claim that it is a useful dietary product, and, therefore, people who monitor their weight can use it.

After all, the carbohydrates contained in the syrup do not cause a jump in blood sugar. This property makes it popular among diabetics and dieters.

Another positive feature of this product is its calorie content, which is 310 kcal / 100 grams, which is 20 percent less than cane sugar, but at the same time it is 1.5 times sweeter. A low glycemic index is achieved due to the high content of fructose.

We should not forget that a large intake of fructose can have a devastating effect on health.

Benefits of honey - myth or truth?

The beneficial properties of honey have been known since ancient times. After all, this liquid nectar is a storehouse of useful trace elements, it includes:

  • manganese;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • calcium.

Honey soothes and softens coughs, relieves sore throats, is easily digested and improves digestion.

The only disadvantage of honey is its relatively high glycemic index, which ranges from 60 to 85 units and depends on its type and time of collection. In addition, honey, like agave syrup, has a high caloric content (330 cal / 100 g).

The glycemic index of honey varies according to its composition. As you know, honey consists of fructose, with an index of 19, glucose with a GI of 100, and a dozen more oligosaccharides. In turn, depending on the nectar from which honey is produced, the ratio of fructose and glucose in its composition changes.

For example, acacia and chestnut honey has a low glucose content of about 24%, as well as a high fructose content of at least 45%, as a result, the glycemic index of such honey varieties is quite low.

By replacing sugar with chestnut honey, an overweight person will significantly reduce their size in a couple of weeks.

Benefits of maple syrup

Maple syrup is a famous representative of natural sweeteners with a pleasant taste. In addition, it contains antioxidants, minerals and some vitamins.

Maple syrup

The glycemic index of maple syrup is around 54 units. It consists of 2/3 of sucrose. This sweetness is obtained by evaporating the sap of the Canadian maple. It contains substances such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron and antioxidants.

Maple syrup for type 2 diabetes can stabilize sugar levels, in addition, it helps the body fight free radicals.

Other sweetener syrups


Coconut sugar syrup, or coconut sugar, is by far the best natural sweetener in the world.

It is made from the nectar of flowers growing on the coconut tree. Freshly collected nectar is heated to 40-45 degrees, at this temperature, evaporation occurs for several hours.

The result is a thick caramel syrup. On sale you can find coconut sugar in the form of such a syrup and large crystals.

The GI of coconut syrup is quite low and is equal to 35 units. In addition, it is saturated with B vitamins and an element that successfully fights depression - inositol. Coconut pollen sugar also contains 16 amino acids and a sufficient amount of trace elements for a good mood and well-being.


Sweet syrup "stevioside" is obtained from the leaves of a plant called honey grass. The main property of stevia is its calorie content and glycemic index, which are equal to zero.

Stevia syrup is 300 times sweeter than sugar, that is, it should be used in dishes in small quantities..

Stevia contains trace elements, vitamins A, C, B and 17 amino acids. Honey grass syrup has a detrimental effect on bacteria in the oral cavity, due to which it can often be found in the composition of toothpaste or rinses.

The low GI makes stevia syrup quite popular among people with diabetes, as well as among those who have completely abandoned refined sugar.

Jerusalem artichoke syrup

It is made from tubers of the root crop, it resembles honey in texture and taste.

The glycemic index of Jerusalem artichoke syrup ranges from 15 to 17 units.

But not only the low GI makes it so popular, it contains a high level of inulin, which is a strong prebiotic that treats the gastrointestinal tract, is used in the treatment of dysbacteriosis to normalize the intestinal microflora.

With moderate and regular intake of syrup, even in diabetic patients, normalization of sugar levels is noted, even a decrease in the need for insulin is noted.

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So, in the world there are many natural sugar syrups with different glycemic indices. Of course, the final choice always remains with the end consumer, only he can decide what to eat. But still, do not forget that the earlier a person consciously refuses refined sugar, the healthier his body will be in the future.

The homeland of the blue agave, from which the world-famous drink tequila is made, is Mexico. Juice for its preparation is obtained from large fruits of the plant, reaching 90 kilograms in weight. Now more and more often this drought-resistant plant is grown in domesticated conditions. Blue agave is used not only to make tequila, but also to make a delicious and healthy syrup.

Description of Agave Syrup

Syrup, or nectar, agave appeared on the shelves of domestic stores relatively recently, but immediately received recognition from supporters of a healthy diet. Later, he was appreciated by those who are actively fighting overweight.

The syrup has a fairly simple production technology. For its preparation, juice is first extracted from the fruits of the plant. Then it is heated to a certain temperature and slowly evaporated until a thick, viscous consistency is obtained, which is inherent in most syrups. The shade of nectar also depends on the duration of heat treatment. Variants from light yellow, amber to dark brown are allowed.

The consistency of agave syrup is very similar to honey. But the taste of nectar is a little different, special. Sweet syrup has a pronounced creamy flavor with pleasant hints of caramel. It is good both as an independent product and as one of the ingredients in desserts and pastries.

Chemical composition

Agave syrup contains a large amount of essential vitamins: A, group B, E, K, PP. It also contains many important minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, copper, iron, phosphorus, selenium and manganese. Such a rich composition allows the use of agave syrup as an effective immunomodulatory agent. It is not only a natural, but also a healthy sugar substitute.

Fructose in the composition of nectar helps to speed up metabolism, remove toxins from the body. When consumed in large quantities, the syrup has a laxative effect on the body. It is recommended for people suffering from constipation.

Agave syrup does not contain proteins, fats - less than 1 gram, carbohydrates - 75 grams.

Calorie content and glycemic index

Calorie content of agave syrup is 310 kcal per 100 grams. This is even less than that contained in regular sugar - 370 kcal. And this is not the only benefit of nectar obtained from the agave plant.

Its juice has about 20-27 units. Such a low value of the indicator is explained. It contains 90% fructose with a low glycemic index and 10% glucose. That is why agave syrup is positioned as For comparison, the glycemic index of sugar is 70 units.

Benefit and harm

Due to the rich vitamin and mineral composition, agave syrup is very beneficial for the body. It even has a number of advantages over other sweeteners.

  1. Agave syrup is sweeter than sugar. And this means that, despite almost the same calorie content, it should be added to dishes or drinks in smaller quantities. Careful care for the figure and dental health is provided.
  2. For people with and suffering from type 2 diabetes, agave syrup is a safe sweetener. This is explained by the content in the nectar of inulin - a polysaccharide that helps reduce cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood. The organic matter has the same sweet taste as fructose.
  3. Agave nectar has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to the presence of fructose, the syrup is effective for constipation. It gently cleanses the body of toxins. Inulin in the composition of the syrup acts as a prebiotic. It helps to increase the number of lacto- and bifidobacteria in the intestine.
  4. Agave juice removes not only toxins and toxins, but also excess fluid from the body. Therefore, it will be useful for diets.
  5. The rich vitamin and mineral composition of the product provides excellent prevention of viral diseases and strengthens the immune system.

Agave syrup has practically no contraindications, but its use should be limited:

  • all allergy sufferers;
  • women planning pregnancy, since the juice of the plant negatively affects the production of eggs;
  • overweight people.

Excessive consumption of nectar can lead to rapid weight gain, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Contraindications to the use of syrup are diseases of the liver and gallbladder, type 1 diabetes mellitus and diseases associated with impaired hormone production.

What is the difference between dark and light agave syrup?

The color of agave syrup may vary depending on the time of preparation. The longer the nectar is boiled, the thicker and darker it becomes. The taste qualities of the product of different colors are also not the same.

Light syrup is more like flower honey. It has a mild, slightly caramel flavor. It can be added to cold cocktails or to ice cream. Dark nectar is used in the preparation of sauces or marinades for main courses. It will make the taste of the dish more piquant and interesting. Agave syrup is suitable for pastries and other confectionery products. They replace sugar in traditional recipes.

How much does agave syrup cost (average price per 1 liter)?

Syrup is not just a product among others. According to some reports, it originated in France in the Middle Ages. According to the encyclopedia, syrup is a concentrated solution of individual sugars (glucose, sucrose, maltose and fructose) and their mixtures in natural fruit juice or water. Also, the syrup can be called a "transparent viscous liquid" that has the aroma of the corresponding fruits (fruits, berries or plants).

Among the products that deserve the most attention is agave syrup. Its distinctive features include increased calorie content, high sugar content (from 40 to 80%), pronounced sweet taste and fresh aroma of agave. This plant grows mainly in Mexico.

Agave syrup comes in a small container. However, it should last for a long time. The main distinguishing feature of the syrup is that it can be used by diabetics, for whom regular sugar is harmful. Not surprisingly, agave is used as a sugar substitute in ice cream and confectionery.

Agave Syrup Options

The drink can be consumed in a variety of variations. For example, they drink it solo before or after a meal. The syrup is considered both a good aperitif and a digestif. To do this, you need small glasses with a capacity of not more than 50 ml. Agave syrup is a wonderful dessert. It will serve as an excellent end to lunch or dinner, cheer up and give the body the necessary tone.

Agave syrup pairs well with silver and gold tequila, as well as liqueurs and bitters. An experienced bartender will be able to offer at least 15 cocktails that use this product. The most famous of them are Mexican breakfast, watermelon margarita, platinum berry, a postcard from Italy and some others.

The benefits and harms of agave syrup

The syrup has a lot of useful properties. Add to this valuable nutrients: vitamins, saccharides, minerals, etc. You can also find resins and essential oils in the drink. Agave syrup is suitable for the treatment of neuralgia, has antipyretic, antiseptic and analgesic effect. The drink should not be consumed by people with problems with the liver and gallbladder.

Calories in Agave Syrup kcal

Energy value of agave syrup (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju).

With the growing interest in proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, the demand for dietary products has increased, among which is agave syrup, used as a natural replacement for white sugar. The benefits and harms of agave syrup are the main topic of the article with details on the beneficial properties, contraindications for use, use, and existing alternatives.

History of syrup

Agave is native to Mexico. This is a fairly unpretentious plant that does not need fertilizers or pesticides and gives a rich harvest. Outwardly, it resembles a huge aloe with small blue flowers. From unopened buds, valuable nectar is obtained by cold pressing. The resulting product is 1.5 times sweeter than white sugar. The simplicity in growing agave provided her with popularity and widespread distribution.

How is agave syrup made?

The variety used to produce the nectar is called the blue agave. It is also an ingredient in the preparation of such a popular drink as tequila. The juice is squeezed out of the buds using a press, then the nectar is thickened by heating to 46 ° C. There are production technologies that completely exclude heating: then a thick consistency is achieved with the help of special additives.

Some manufacturers use filtration to obtain a product of different shades.

Composition of agave syrup

  • fructose - 85 - 95%;
  • dextrose - 3 - 10%;
  • sucrose - 1.5 - 3.0%;
  • inulin - 3 - 5.0%.

This high fructose content is what makes the syrup sweet. The total weight of carbohydrates in the product is 76%.

Calorie and glycemic index of agave syrup

The glycemic index (GI) is a measure of a food's ability to raise blood sugar levels. If the foods we eat have a high GI, then the level of glucose in the body rises rapidly. The GI of agave syrup is low: from 15 to 17 units, which, combined with a low calorie content (310 kcal per 100 g), has helped it become a world-famous product in the diet and special diabetic menu.

The fact that agave carbohydrates do not cause a jump in sugar has a positive effect on maintaining the health of the body. Due to its high fructose content, agave syrup is one and a half times sweeter than white or cane sugar, which makes it economical to use in order to obtain the desired taste.

Benefits of Agave Syrup

If you look at the pages of online health and diet stores selling agave syrup, you can find a lot of information about its beneficial properties. Review sites are filled with testimonials from satisfied customers. The basis for such claims is the low GI mentioned above. The use will not cause a sudden jump in sugar, which, with a low calorie content and a high concentration of fructose, speaks in favor of the use of agave syrup by those who suffer from diabetes or simply follow a healthy lifestyle.

The Aztecs knew the useful antiseptic properties of the plant, lubricating it with tincture of the wound.

Real, properly prepared agave syrup has useful properties:

  • contains a complex of vitamins;
  • due to the content of fructose, it is able to normalize metabolism;
  • removes toxins;
  • contains saponins, which help fight germs, inflammation, and help strengthen the immune system.

The fructan substances in the composition of the product, represented by inulin (in unfiltered dark varieties) and other varieties, have the following properties:

  • create a feeling of satiety;
  • reduce appetite;
  • provide an antioxidant effect;
  • lower bad cholesterol;
  • improve calcium absorption by 20%.

Thanks to fructans, agave syrup is not only successfully used in the fight against excess weight and in the menu of diabetics, but also recommended in moderation in old age to increase bone density.

The plant is also used to prevent pregnancy, because the dinordrin and anordrin present in it are herbal contraceptives.

Steroid saponins in the composition of the plant help with rheumatism.

Thus, numerous beneficial properties make agave a home remedy.

How to use agave syrup in cooking

Agave syrup can be used in cooking instead of regular sugar, but due to its high cost, this practice has not found wide distribution among housewives. More often it is used in confectionery and in the production of expensive drinks: alcoholic (vodka, wine) and non-alcoholic (for example, lemonade).

At home, a sweet drink is considered an aperitif - a means to improve appetite before dinner. It is served in its pure form and after meals, dosing in 50 ml glasses, as well as in cocktails with tequila, liquors.

Harm of agave syrup and contraindications for consumption

In addition to the benefits, the product has a negative effect on the body. To avoid harm, they should not be abused.

Having discovered the possibility of using agave syrup as an alternative healthy sweetener in dietary nutrition, it was recommended to patients with diabetes. At the same time, they did not focus on its possible harm.

Later it was discovered that only the juice of the plant, not subjected to heat treatment, has useful properties. When heated, useful fructooligosaccharides turn into fructose, which is not so unambiguous in terms of the properties of its effect on the human body.

Indeed, fructose does not increase blood sugar levels, but its systematic use can suppress a person's ability to naturally produce and use the hormone insulin, which in fact is a pre-diabetic condition, fraught with the development of type 2 disease.

In addition, in large quantities, fructose harms the overload of the liver, as a result of which it is transformed into fats, some of which can be dangerous to the cells of the liver itself and provoke fatty organ disease.

Only unrefined nectar will be of real benefit. Industrial filtration products partially or completely lose their benefits.

Data on the properties of the plant allow us to conclude that the regular inclusion of agave syrup in the diet causes the harm of the following irreversible disorders:

  • development of hypertension;
  • intense deposition of fat;
  • the appearance of insulin resistance - insulin resistance;
  • weakening of the liver.

There are groups of people who have contraindications:

  • diabetics who should not consume syrup on a regular basis;
  • with a tendency to obesity;
  • pregnant and lactating women.

Attention! It is undesirable to teach young children to use syrup.

What is the difference between dark and light agave syrup?

The color of the agave nectar indicates its quality, preparation method and degree of filtration. There is a light, dark and amber syrup. Light and dark varieties are produced from the same raw materials. But in the second case, the product is filtered less: then it is rich in inulin. Light or dark yellow hue in properties depends on the factor of duration and intensity of heating during thickening. The taste of light syrups is less intense.

What to substitute for agave syrup

Sometimes those who want to use the recipe with agave syrup as an ingredient are puzzled by the question: what to replace it with? Previously, corn syrup, similar in properties, served as a substitute. But it was banned for use because of the danger of developing obesity. The preference was given to the healthier agave. But this product should not be abused. Less calories contains maple syrup.

Alternative natural sweeteners are also considered:

Xylitol is a natural sweetener whose benefits have been known to medicine for half a century. The human body produces it on its own in small amounts. In the compositions of products, it is designated as E967. The study of its properties gives reason to assert that there is no harm to the body.

Erythritol is another body-safe natural substitute with a minimal calorie content of just 6 percent of the calories of white sugar.

Stevia is a South American crop whose leaves are used to produce a sweetener in the form of a dry plant, powder or liquid. This is the leader in sweetness among other substitutes: 10-15 times higher than sugar. Stevia has almost zero calories, so it is useful for weight control.

Important! For those who suffer from diabetes, the selection of a sweetener is allowed only after consultation with an endocrinologist.


The benefits and harms of agave syrup remain an unexplored and therefore controversial topic.

The considered properties represent this exotic sugar substitute in two aspects. On the one hand, produced from organic plant raw materials in a gentle way, it is very popular and appreciated in nutrition. But the high content of fructose in it can serve as a risk factor for people with diabetes and a tendency to obesity, so the use of an alternative sweetener should be strictly dosed.
