
How to cook strawberry jam for the winter. Delicious cherry jam in the oven without sugar

The green sepals of wild berries are very useful, so often housewives do not pick them from the berries, but cook jam for the winter along with them according to the classic recipe. Or dried along with twigs and leaves and brewed like tea.

The berries are boiled in the widest possible bowl so that there are as few layers as possible during the preparation process. Ideally, you should use a wide stainless steel dish or a large brass basin, but you can cook small portions of strawberry jam in a slow cooker.
Jam is cooked quite quickly, so it is also better to prepare sterilized dry dishes for storage in advance. It is best to pick up small jars with a volume of 0.5 or 1 liter.

How to cook wild strawberry jam?

Recipes for making strawberry jam differ mainly in the amount of added sugar. In all cases, they try to keep the berries as little as possible on the fire. In some cases, for a more pleasant taste, the hostess adds citric acid or a little red currant.

Classic strawberry jam recipe

The standard recipe is suitable for making jam from any berries, because it can be cooked in large volumes. Citric acid is added depending on the amount of strawberries and sugar. To make it easier to calculate the amount of lemon, remember the proportion: 2g per 1kg of berries.


  • 1 kg of strawberries;
  • 1 1/2 kg of sugar;
  • 2 g citric acid.

Strawberries with sugar are set aside for 3-4 hours until the juice is released. The workpiece is cooked in several stages. In the first circle, the jam is boiled for 15 minutes, after complete cooling, the circle is repeated, but the boiling time is reduced to 10 minutes. The number of circles is 3-4. On the last lap, citric acid is added. Additional sterilization of jam jars is not required.
The recipe is also suitable for larger garden strawberries.

Strawberry recipe in own juice with sterilization

This recipe uses very little sugar. Usually, its deficiency leads to rapid spoilage of jam: fermentation, mold formation. To avoid this, a jar of ready-made jam must be sterilized.
The number of ingredients varies depending on the container in which the jam will be laid out. You can even reduce the amount of sugar to a ratio of 3 to 1.

  • 2 cups of strawberries;
  • 1 cup of sugar.

The berries are covered with sugar and left for about 4 hours. During this time, the fruits will release a significant amount of juice. Without draining the juice, put the dishes on a small fire and boil, stirring constantly and removing the foam if necessary, cooking lasts 5 minutes from the moment of boiling.
Next, the jam is laid out in jars, but they are only covered with lids. A towel is placed at the bottom of a large saucepan, jars of jam are placed on it, and hot water is already poured. It should reach the shoulders of the cans. After boiling water, the jars are sterilized for 10 minutes. Then they are taken out and twisted for long-term storage.

Recipe for strawberry jam in a slow cooker


  • 1 glass of strawberries;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of water.

All ingredients are lowered into the multicooker bowl, the steam valve opens and the “Extinguishing” mode is selected. It takes 30 minutes to prepare the jam, but there is no need to stir the dish or remove the foam. The container is sterilized in any convenient way: over steam, in the oven or microwave. Banks with blanks are not additionally sterilized.

How to cook strawberry jam with currants without cooking


  • 1 glass of strawberries;
  • 2 cups of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of red currant.

The preservation of the integrity of the berries for this sweet dessert is not very important, so if some of the fruits accidentally wrinkled during preparation, you should not throw them away. The main thing is that the raw materials are not spoiled. Raw jam should be stored in the refrigerator, as it spoils quickly at room temperature.

Cooking such a jam is not at all necessary, it is enough to mix all the ingredients thoroughly and pack them in sterile jars.

But in order to increase the shelf life, the berries with sugar are boiled over low heat until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved in the berry juice. This should happen much before the jam approaches the boiling point. It’s not worth waiting for this moment, as in a strawberry five-minute, so the jam is laid out in jars immediately after the sugar is dissolved. It is best to use powdered sugar.

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Strawberry jam is very fragrant, and it has many useful properties. Each housewife has her own unique recipe. Many women make strawberry jam every summer in order to treat themselves to a natural and healthy dessert in winter.

It is added to pies, buns and other pastries. So, we offer you a few tried and tested recipes.

Unusual combination

Many chefs are always looking for or inventing recipes to find the original taste. They add a variety of fruits, berries, herbs, spices, and even alcohol. With their help, unique tastes are obtained, which are subsequently sold in expensive restaurants. So is strawberry jam. The recipes for this dessert are not only unique, but also diverse.

This berry is combined with many products. For example, strawberries with chocolate are very unusual. Children will enjoy using it. It is advisable not to offer this dessert to the baby until three years old, so as not to cause allergies.

Strawberries with liqueur or mint give a unique piquancy. It is not only delicious, but also refreshing. No one can refuse such a dessert. No less tasty delicacy - strawberry jam. Its recipe can be very original. It all depends on the addition of certain spices.

Strawberry jam with almonds

Have you ever tried this combination? The taste is unusual. So try to make one serving first. If you like it, then continue. After all, if you cook strawberry jam for the winter, and even with nuts, your household will be very grateful to you.

For this recipe you will need:

  1. Strawberries - 1 kg.
  2. Almonds - 85-100 g.
  3. Sugar - 800-850 g.

Rinse the berries, remove excess (tails and rotten parts). Now you can sprinkle with sugar. Let stand for half an hour to extract the juice.

Meanwhile, peel the almonds. To do this, pour nuts with boiling water for at least 5 minutes. Now the skin will peel off quickly.

When the strawberries are infused, mix them with nuts and cook over low heat. When boiled, cook no more than 15 minutes. Immediately put into jars (you can not let the jam cool down) and roll up.

Mistresses call such strawberry jam "five minutes". It is easy to make, and the taste, like the aroma, is simply unforgettable.

Strawberry jam with rum

This dessert is delicious. Alcohol is felt in it, but the combination with berries is amazing. For this you will need the ingredients:

  1. Sugar - 1500
  2. Water - 0.5 cups.
  3. Strawberries - 1 kg.
  4. Rum - 50-70 g.

Wash the berries. Cut off those that are spoiled. Separate 750 g of sugar and fill it with half a glass of water. Put on fire for 3 minutes to make syrup. Fill them with all the strawberries. Now you can leave the berries for about 2-3 hours to get as much juice as possible.

When the strawberries are infused, add the remaining 750 g of sugar and set to simmer for 5 minutes. Record the time from the moment of boiling. Leave for 5-6 hours. After the time has elapsed, again put on a slow fire for 5 minutes. Boiled and set again for 5-6 hours. Now, for the last time, boil the jam for 4 minutes. Now you can add rum. Let it boil with alcohol for no more than 5 minutes. Without waiting for cooling, quickly roll up.

Housewives usually stretch the cooking of such jam for two days. Yes, it takes a long time to cook. However, once you try it, you will realize that it is worth it.

Add ginger and rhubarb

This strawberry jam is very unusual. The recipe is simple, but the taste is spicy. You will need the ingredients:

  1. Strawberries - 1 kg.
  2. Rhubarb cuttings - 1 kg.
  3. Ginger root - 1 pc.
  4. Sugar - 2 kg.
  5. Water - 1 tbsp.

We wash the strawberries, and clean the rhubarb from unnecessary skins. Berries must be cut in half. If they are very small, then it is not necessary. Chop the rhubarb very finely and mix with the strawberries.

Now fill everything with one glass of water and put on a slow fire. When it boils, boil for 10 minutes. You need to constantly stir.

After ten minutes of cooking, put the whole ginger root (then you need to get it) and gradually cover it with sugar. Do not forget to constantly interfere, because if the jam burns, then all your work will be lost.

When all the sugar has been laid out, boil the strawberries for 5-7 minutes and set aside for 8-10 hours. So repeat 2 more times. When you put the berries to boil for the last time, remove the ginger, boil for 5 minutes, quickly place in jars and roll up.

Strawberry jam with mint and lemon

This dessert goes well with any pastry. Want to make this original strawberry jam? A recipe that has refreshing notes, you will surely like it.

To prepare it you will need:

  1. Berries - 2 kg.
  2. Mint - 20 leaves.
  3. Zest of two lemons.

We sort the berries, clean the excess and add sugar to make the juice stand out. In the meantime, wash the lemons well and grate the zest. Do not remove the pulp itself, but cut it very finely, you will need it a little later. Wash the mint. You can cut it. However, many housewives leave the leaves intact.

Now you can put the strawberries on a slow fire. As soon as it boils, spread the zest, chopped lemon slices and mint leaves there. Cooking should be no more than 15 minutes. Then leave for 8-10 hours. Then boil 2 more times in the same way. Roll up immediately.

strawberry jam

When cooking thick jam, you need to take a ratio of 1: 1. That is, for one kilogram of sugar, there are the same number of berries. To get started, take 500 grams for the sample. Put sugar in strawberries and leave for 8-9 hours, overnight.

In the morning, put the berries on a slow fire and cook. In order for the strawberries to remain whole, it is necessary to mix gently. From the bottom up, not the other way around. You need to mix often. After all, jam burns because of sugar. As a result, the smell is bad, dishes and mood are spoiled.

When the jam boils, boil for 10 minutes and leave for 4 hours. Many housewives claim that for a thicker jam, it is necessary to boil the berries 5-6 times for 10 minutes. That is, it should take you 2 whole days.

Strawberry jam with lavender

How do you want in the cold season, when there are practically no fresh berries, to try them. Therefore, many housewives roll up strawberry jam for the winter in different versions.

To make this dessert, you will need:

  1. Berries - 1 kg.
  2. Water - 0.5 tbsp.
  3. Sugar - 1 kg.
  4. Dried lavender - 70 g.

Lavender must be insisted. To do this, pour it with boiling water (100 ml) for 15-20 minutes. Now you can strain. Pour the berries with sugar, let it brew for two hours. Then pour strained lavender into strawberries and boil for 15 minutes. Roll up immediately.

Since it is cooked quickly, many housewives also call this strawberry jam “five minutes”.

Strawberries with gooseberries

Anyone who has ever tried this jam, consider this recipe amazing. You will need:

  1. Gooseberries - 0.7 kg.
  2. Strawberries - 1 kg.
  3. Sugar - 1.5 kg.
  4. Water - 1 tbsp.

First, rinse the gooseberries and clean them of small tails. Since it takes a long time to cook, pay more attention to it. Boil sugar syrup with water. Pour gooseberries over them and cook for 20 minutes. You need to stir every 2 minutes. Taste it: if it's soft, it's ready.

Pour the strawberries into the gooseberries and boil for 15 minutes. Now you can roll up. This recipe is quick and tastes amazing. Try it and you won't regret it. If you want to get a very tasty strawberry jam, try to stick to the recipe as much as possible. Then you will definitely succeed.

Now you know several options for how to cook strawberry jam. However, there are many secrets that not all housewives know about. First of all, pay attention to the pan. After all, the taste and quality of the dish depends on it. In enamelware, jam often burns. Therefore, aluminum is the best choice.

If you want strawberry jam with whole berries, you need to take them the same size. For example, too large will quickly turn into porridge, and a small one will remain almost unchanged.

If you constantly remove the resulting foam, the jam will not only be tasty, but also beautiful.

If you add little sugar, a jar of berries will not stand until the winter and will quickly deteriorate. A very important secret used by many experienced chefs. Before rolling the jam itself, put 0.5 teaspoon of sugar in a jar. So the product will last for a long time.

The most delicious jam comes from the first harvest. For example, late berries have an herbal taste and do not have a pronounced aroma, like early ones.

Sometimes strawberries give off bitterness, so many cooks advise always adding raspberries. There is an opinion that it takes away an unpleasant taste. Therefore, it turns out strawberry jam without bitterness.

Fragrant, fragrant and incredibly tasty strawberry jam is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent!

This delicacy beckons with its mouth-watering appearance and incredible taste.

But, in addition to a wonderful taste, this berry has a high level of vitamins and beneficial properties.

Strawberry jam helps against colds, runny nose, and also increases the body's immunity. Therefore, be sure to stock up on this delicacy for the winter.

It is especially helpful when children are sick. After all, it is very difficult to force children to drink various pills and medicines, but they will eat strawberry jam just for a sweet soul. Below we consider the most interesting recipes.

Classic cooking method

What will be required:

  • 1 kilogram of fresh strawberries;
  • 700-1000 grams of sugar;
  • Water - 800 ml.

Let's start cooking classic strawberry jam:

  1. To begin with, wash the berry and clean it of debris;
  2. It is better to put strawberries in cool water, all debris, affected fruits will definitely float to the surface. All rubbish and unnecessary must be thrown away;
  3. Next, pour water into a container, place on fire and heat to a boil;
  4. Put the strawberries into the hot liquid and cook until boiling for about 5-7 minutes;
  5. Then we add sugar and cook for another 10-15 minutes, while periodically stirring everything;
  6. Remove from heat, insist all 2-4 hours;
  7. The cooled jam is again placed on the fire and boiled for another 15 minutes;
  8. Wash jars with kitchen detergent or clean everything with baking soda powder;
  9. Glass containers must be sterilized for a couple or in the oven;
  10. We spread the strawberry jam in sterilized jars and twist it with a seaming key;
  11. Ready jam should be stored in the cellar, pantry or in the refrigerator.

Wild strawberry jam for the winter

What you need for cooking:

  • Wild strawberries - 1000 grams;
  • Sugar - 1200 grams;
  • A little citric acid - about 1 or ½ tsp.

How to do:

Recipe "Five Minute" for the winter

What will be required:

  • Fresh strawberries - 1500 grams;
  • Sugar - 700 grams.

Rules for cooking wild strawberry jam "five minutes" for the winter:

  1. First of all, you need to carefully sort out the fruits, throw out all the garbage, sticks, branches. Wash the berry well;
  2. Pour the washed strawberries into a saucepan or dish, pour granulated sugar and leave for 4-5 hours;
  3. After the appearance of juice, everything is mixed and put on gas;
  4. We wait until the mixture boils, and boil for about 5 minutes, remove from the gas;
  5. Wash jars, then we sterilize them for a couple or in the oven;
  6. We put the cooled jam in jars, everything needs to be closed with metal lids;
  7. Put upside down, cover with a warm blanket and leave to cool;
  8. This jam should be stored in a cool place or in the refrigerator.

We cook in a multicooker

What you need for cooking:

  • 800 grams of strawberries;
  • Sugar - 400 grams.

How to cook strawberry jam in a slow cooker:

  1. The fruits should be carefully sorted out. All dry leaves, branches, sticks, rotten berries and other foreign debris should be picked up and removed. Rinse the strawberries with water;
  2. Pour strawberries on a sieve to drain excess liquid;
  3. Next, put the fruits in a slow cooker and pour everything on top with sugar. We insist under granulated sugar for several hours, and preferably all night. During this period, the berry will release juice;
  4. As soon as the required amount of berry juice stands out, mix everything, close the multicooker with a lid and set the “Extinguishing” mode;
  5. Boil strawberry jam until boiling. After boiling, cook for 10-15 minutes;
  6. In the process of cooking, you need to remove the foam from the surface;
  7. Turn off the slow cooker and leave the jam to cool;
  8. In the meantime, wash the jars with kitchen detergent or clean all over with baking soda powder;
  9. Then we sterilize the jars for a couple or in the oven;
  10. We put the finished strawberry jam in jars and close the lids on top;
  11. We turn the jars over, close with warm material. They must cool completely;
  12. We leave the finished dessert to be stored in a dark place with a temperature of no higher than 20 degrees or in the refrigerator.

Cooking rules:

  1. To begin with, we wash the fruits, sort out debris, dry leaves, stalks, twigs;
  2. Pour the peeled fruits into a container and pour half of the granulated sugar;
  3. With the help of a crush, mash the berries with sugar to a puree state. You can also grind everything in a blender;
  4. Next, pour the berry puree with the second half of granulated sugar and mix well;
  5. We leave to stand all night so that all the granulated sugar dissolves;
  6. We transfer the finished strawberry jam to a plastic container and put it in the freezer for storage. It can also be stored in sterilized jars in the refrigerator.

  • For wild strawberry jam, you need to use a berry of good ripeness and a small size. Ripe small berries have a delicate aroma and taste;
  • Be sure to sort through all the berries before cooking, remove the affected and rotten fruits, they will spoil the whole taste of goodies;
  • Sugar can be put not too much. Sour strawberry jam for the winter will have a very unusual taste and pleasant aroma;
  • So that the jam does not subsequently become sugared, it is best to add citric acid to it at the end of cooking.

It is advisable to store wild strawberry jam in a dark, cool place at a temperature of +7 to +20 degrees.

Strawberry jam is a very healthy and at the same time tasty delicacy. This preparation will be an excellent prevention for many colds, especially in the cold season.

In addition, it can be used to prepare many desserts, jelly and added to the filling of pastries. Therefore, rather go to the forest for this berry and start cooking this amazing delicacy!

This is one of the most delicious wild berry jams. If you are already tired of blueberry five-minute recipes, strawberry jam in 5 minutes too, then you should definitely try the most fragrant delicacy from a duet of these berries.

The flavor combination will please the most demanding gourmets, and there is nothing special in making such a jam. We offer recipes for a quick blueberry-strawberry dessert for the winter.

5-minute strawberry with blueberries

  • 1 kg of berries in any proportion
  • 0.5 kg sugar

How to cook five-minute blueberry and strawberry jam:

1. It is very desirable not to wash the berries before cooking, so as not to wash off the juice, but simply sort out debris and spoiled berries.

2. Pour berries with sugar into a saucepan and heat, stirring, over low heat until juice is released.

3. Increase the fire, cook after boiling for 5 minutes, then turn off and pour into hot sterilized jars. Seal tightly or roll up with lids.

Blueberry-strawberry jam in syrup

  • strawberries - 500 g
  • blueberries - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 1.5-2 kg
  • water - 400 ml

How to make Blueberry Jam with Strawberries:

1. Sort the berries, leave only the best, whole and ripe ones. Remove any debris.

2. Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar. Bring to a boil, cook, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. Got sugar syrup.

3. Put blueberries and strawberries into it, stir with a wooden spoon and simmer after boiling for 10 minutes.

4. At this time, jars and lids can be sterilized. Pour jam into hot jars and roll up.

5. Turn upside down and wrap in a warm blanket. After cooling, store in a dark place.

  • Wild strawberry jam

    Wild strawberry jam is a delicious dish that takes us back to a distant carefree childhood. Just a spoonful of this delicacy makes you close your eyes and remember how once, together with friends, we went to the forest and picked small red berries in dense thickets of grass. And the more such berries were eaten, the better the body was prepared for low-vitamin seasons. And our grandmothers always closed jam from them, which helped to maintain the body's strength in the cold winter months. So today we want to follow their example and make wild strawberry jam. Let's look at a few recipes.

    Strawberry jam is one of the most useful homemade preparations.

    cooking recipes

    Before you cook wild strawberry jam, you should collect and prepare the berries. The most suitable will be fruits of the same size without damage and traces of rot. The collected berries are sorted out, the sepals are separated and washed in a large amount of running water. As a rule, wild strawberries are rather tender, so it is advisable to wash them in a colander, laying them out in small portions; it is better not to help with fingers.

    Further, the washed fruits are combined with sugar and left for 5 hours - during this time, the strawberries should release juice. As for the ratio of berries and sugar, then approximately it should be 1: 1.5. After that, the strawberries, together with the released juice, are transferred to a container with a volume of 2 to 6 liters and boiled. And you can choose the cooking method from the options below.

    strawberry jam recipe

    Strawberry jam is considered not only the most delicious, but also very useful for the human body. Wild strawberries have collected a huge amount of vitamins, such as carotene, salicylic, citric and malic acid, and especially a huge amount of vitamin C and iron. From strawberries, not only jams and compotes are cooked, but also jams, tinctures, syrups and even cosmetic masks. Strawberries are valued not only here in Russia, in the East, because of its chemical composition, they call it the “berry queen”.

    From time immemorial in Rus', strawberry jam was part of the mandatory preparation for the winter. After all, properly cooked jam will retain all the important and useful properties of strawberries, which are very useful for gastritis, atherosclerosis. hypertension, stomach ulcers. in diseases of the kidneys and spleen, gout, anemia and diabetes. Strawberries also have bactericidal properties, can lower blood pressure, slow down and increase the heartbeat. Strawberries can also improve blood composition and regulate metabolism. It is very useful to use strawberries for women, as it enhances uterine contractions. Do not ignore strawberry leaves, they are also very beneficial for health. Strawberry leaves are able to remove excess salts from the body, have a strong diuretic, diaphoretic, choleretic and anti-inflammatory properties. An infusion of the leaves is recommended for diabetic patients, as they lower blood sugar.

    What is useful strawberry jam?

    The chemical composition of strawberries includes 1.8% pectin, from 6% to 9% sugars, approximately 90% water, vitamins, fiber, folic acid, nicotinic acid. carotene, thiamine, nitrogenous and tannins and 0.5% ash. In addition, strawberries also contain a large amount of calcium, about 870 mg per 100 g of dry berries, and the seeds contain iron. In cosmetology, strawberries were used to remove freckles and treat acne. Many women still use it to this day for skin rejuvenation, as it gives elasticity and firmness to the skin of the neck and face.

    You can list the useful properties of strawberries endlessly. All scientists, practitioners, and even magical figures are interested in this berry and are still studying it. Attracting not only with its bright color and juicy taste, strawberries are in the first place in terms of their chemical properties and special usefulness for humans.

    Homemade Canning Recipes for Strawberry Jam

  • Strawberry (strawberry) jam
    • strawberries (strawberries) fresh - 1 kg
    • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg
    1. Sort the berries, rinse with cold water and dry.
    2. Pour the berries with sugar (0.5 kg) and put in a cold place for 5-6 hours to extract the juice.
    3. Pour the released juice into a separate bowl, mix with the remaining sugar, bring to a boil and cook without adding water.
    4. Then lower the berries and cook on moderate until tender, constantly stirring the jam.

    Strawberry jam five minutes

    If you want to cook strawberry jam quickly, then the proposed Five Minute recipe is for you.

    This jam is quickly prepared and retains the taste and aroma of this wonderful berry for the winter.

    Five-minute jam has many advantages over regular jam:

    • it does not need to be boiled, stirred, defended for a long time
    • much less sugar
    • minimal heat treatment retains more nutrients

    Delicious strawberry jam 5-minute

    From this amount of products, 2 cans of strawberry five-minutes with a capacity of 0.5 liters are obtained, which you will need to rinse with soda and sterilize in advance.

    How to roll strawberry jam:

    1. Peel the berries from blades of grass and ponytails. Place in an enamel basin, sprinkling each layer with sugar, soak for 3-4 hours.

    2. Put on a small fire and bring to a boil. Gently stirring, boil for 5-7 minutes.

    3. Pour immediately into hot dry jars. Roll up the lids. Turn upside down and cover with a blanket to cool completely.

    You can also make the same quick five-minute recipe with strawberries.

    Wild strawberry jam five minutes

    Wild strawberry is the most fragrant berry. And when cooking jam, it is important to preserve this aroma in full. It will turn out only with short-term cooking, because the shorter the cooking time of the jam, the more aromatic it is.

    How to quickly cook strawberry jam:

    1. Sort out strawberries - select garbage and rotten berries. Rinse in cool water and leave for 10-15 minutes in a colander to drain the water. If your strawberries are clean, then it is better not to wash them at all.

    2. Pour 2 tablespoons of water into a saucepan and add berries and sugar. Take the amount of sugar to taste. Some housewives, when preparing five-minute jam, take the proportions of berries and granulated sugar even 3: 1.

    3. Put the pan on a large fire. When the jam boils, remove the foam from it.

    4. Cook with stirring for 3-5 minutes from the moment of boiling. It should thicken up a bit.

    5. Pour the jam into prepared (washed and sterilized) jars. Roll up the lids and wrap in a blanket. Leave it like this for 1-2 days.

    A five-minute strawberry jam recipe will delight you with its unique aroma in winter, reminding you of the hot, sunny days spent in the forest while picking this wonderful berry.

    Other recipes for blanks:

    Delicious cherry jam in the oven without sugar
  • Strawberry jam in a slow cooker
  • Gooseberry jam with oranges

    Wild strawberry jam five minutes

    Five-minute wild strawberry jam is an echo of a hot summer, the fruit of the painstaking work of caring hands. On neat strawberry bushes with graceful flowers and miniature berries look like toys. Collecting them is a kind of exciting quest. The berries are small, they hide under abundant foliage, they make them bend down, look under the leaves, reject the bush and inspect it ... Remember how in the cartoon "Pipe and Jug" - I take one berry, look at another, notice the third ... But the result of such a "hunt" will not slow down enjoy sweet strawberries! On the warm sunny days of June, strawberry clearings finally pleased with the first fragrant berries. And it's time to stock up on the gifts of summer for the winter. Useful blanks can be prepared from strawberries - berries grated with sugar, strawberries can be dried or frozen. All these are methods that will maximize the preservation of useful trace elements and vitamins. Less vitamin blanks that are cooked with heat treatment, but they are no less tasty and original. Fragrant jam or jam will serve as an excellent addition to light cottage cheese, fresh pastries, crispy toast. The easiest and most troublesome strawberry jam recipe is five minutes. This is where novice cooks can do it. Well, let's get started. Strawberries are a tender berry, especially wild berries, and do not tolerate delay.

    • 1 cup ripe strawberries
    • 1 glass of granulated sugar.

    How to cook a five-minute strawberry

    Sort the berries, among them there should not be twigs or sticks. Sepals, if any, should also be carefully removed. Do not throw away this valuable raw material, dry it and use it to make tea.

    Strawberries must be washed, preferably by completely immersing the berries in a bowl of water, and then rinsing under a gentle stream of running water. So it will be guaranteed to remove sand and earth from the berries. Place clean strawberries in a saucepan where jam will be cooked and cover with sugar.

    Raise the pan and gently shake it so that the sugar penetrates between the berries, and does not subsequently "take" a hard crust over the berries. Leave the berries sprinkled with sugar for 3-6 hours.

    Then put the pan on the fire and start heating slowly, stirring the berries from time to time with a wooden spatula. Be sure to remove the foam, which strives to form on top. When the fragrant mass boils, the jam must be boiled over medium heat for exactly 5 minutes (hence the name of this blank - five minutes). Next, transfer the hot jam to a prepared clean jar, seal with a sterile metal lid or roll it up with a key, turn it over and leave it under a woolen scarf or blanket until it cools completely.

    Such jam can be stored in a closet or in a cellar.

    Frozen strawberry jam

    Is it possible to make jam from frozen strawberries? Not only possible, but necessary!

    Otherwise, why did you freeze these berries for the winter? The recipe for frozen strawberry jam is very simple. Of the products, only sugar is additionally needed.

    Thawed strawberries are not as good as fresh ones, but frozen strawberry jam is simply delicious. It can be prepared literally for a week, cooked and eaten.

    If you don’t have strawberries in the freezer, you can buy a bag in the store, much healthier and cheaper than ready-made strawberry jam with stabilizers and preservatives.

    Frozen strawberry jam five minutes

    Quick frozen strawberry jam and cooking and eating is a pleasure.

    • 1 kg frozen strawberries
    • 700 g sugar
    • wide bottom saucepan

    How to make frozen strawberry jam:

    1. Put the frozen strawberries in a deep dish. Pour in sugar, mix. Leave at room temperature until defrosted and juice is released.

    2. Transfer the contents of the dish to a saucepan and place over medium heat.

    When the jam begins to boil, reduce the heat and cook for exactly 5 minutes. All! Can be served at the table.

    If you want a thick strawberry jam made from frozen strawberries, boil for 25-30 minutes. Then turn off the heat for 30 minutes, let it brew.

    And so repeat 1-2 more times until the desired density. A couple of times the jam must be carefully stirred with a wooden spatula.

    Frozen strawberry jam in a slow cooker

    • frozen strawberries - 300 g
    • granulated sugar - 300 g
    • water - 40 ml

    Jam in a slow cooker should be cooked in small portions, because during the cooking process it increases in volume.

    In models with a pressure cooker function without the possibility of removing the steam valve, it is better not to experiment with such a dish.

    How to cook strawberry jam from frozen berries in a slow cooker:

    1. Put the strawberries in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar. Wait until the berries secrete juice and completely defrost.

    2. Add water and mix well.

    3. Turn on the “Extinguishing”, “Simmering”, “Milk porridge” mode and cook the default time for this mode.

    If you use the "Multi-cook" mode, then set the temperature to 100 degrees for 30-35 minutes.

    Ready strawberry jam should be cooled and put into jars. Bon appetit!

Wild strawberries ripen in June-July. This is the best time to make jam from it.

Strawberry jam is simply a royal delicacy, it is simply impossible not to love it.

This berry is also called wild strawberry and wild strawberry.

Strawberry jam has a pleasant fragrant and amazing taste and is a storehouse of vitamins.

Many healing properties are attributed to the berry and strawberry leaves:

Wild strawberries are rich in vitamins A, C, B, flavonoids, pectins, it also contains fiber, alkaloids, carotene, salts of iron, calcium, manganese.

It has diuretic, anti-inflammatory, healing properties.

Has a beneficial effect on digestion. Strawberries are useful for gastritis, colitis and dysentery.

Fresh fruits - help in the treatment of anemia.

Improves cardiovascular activity.

It is widely used to treat colds.

Delicious, fragrant, fragrant, and most importantly healthy jam, you must definitely prepare for the winter.

Not only is it delicious, it's a slice of summer in the long cold winter.

You need to collect strawberries on the day the jam is made, a maximum of one day before cooking, in dry, sunny weather.

And better, of course, yourself. Moreover, in nature you can relax from the bustle of the city.

Berry preparation:

We carefully sort out the collected strawberries, remove the stalk and leaves.

Do I need to remove the stem?

After all, it contains more vitamins and microelements than berries. It also has a minimal sugar content compared to berries.

The healing properties of strawberries become stronger if the strawberries are boiled with the stalk. Some housewives even add strawberry leaves to jam, believing that this gives the berry both flavor and healing properties.

To remove or not is a moot point. I think it's a matter of your taste.

Let the water drain.

The berry is ready.

Preparing dishes:

We treat the preparation of dishes with all responsibility.

Usually, for cooking jam, dishes with a capacity of up to six to seven kilograms are used. it is desirable that it be a stainless steel basin.

The best dishes for ready-made jam are jars from 500 ml to 2 liters.

Before laying jam in them, the jars must be thoroughly washed and sterilized.

You can sterilize jars over steam (at least 10 minutes), you can in the oven.

Before filling the jam, the jars must be dry, otherwise they may burst. Is it dangerous!

During the cooking process, a wooden spatula, a slotted spoon and dishes for foam should be at hand.

Berries should not be very large and approximately the same size, as large ones take longer to cook and useful properties are lost.

You need to collect strawberries on the day the jam is made, a maximum of one day before cooking.

You need to pick berries in dry, sunny weather.

The fire during cooking should be weak.

The foam that comes out when boiling strawberries should be collected as often as possible.

To prevent sugaring at the end of cooking, add citric acid, a few grams.

Jam from the fruits of the first collection is more fragrant and tasty.

If the berry is juicy, then you do not need to use syrup for jam.

Strawberry jam grated with sugar should be stored in the refrigerator.

Unlike strawberries, strawberries have a more viscous juice, so you need to stir it regularly when cooking, you can add 1/6 of the red currant to the jam or add raw peeled carrots when cooking (then remove).

It should be borne in mind that with an insufficient amount of sugar, the jam will not be stored well - it can ferment or become moldy.

If there are no scales at hand, then when cooking strawberry jam, you can take the ingredients in the following proportion: for 1 cup of sugar - 3 cups of berries.

Wild strawberry jam, recipe “Five Minute”

1. Pour the berries into a saucepan or stainless steel basin.

2. Add sugar: for 1 kg of strawberries - from 1 to 1.5 kg of sugar.

3. Mix carefully so as not to damage the berry.

4. Leave strawberries with sugar for 6-17 hours, but no more than a day. For the berry to give juice.

5. We put on fire. Bring to a boil.

6. Gently stir the jam.

7. Remove the foam.

8. Cook for 5 minutes. At the end of cooking, add citric acid.

9. Then pour the hot jam into sterilized jars.

10. Hermetically roll up with a canning machine.

11. Cool at room temperature upside down.

The jam is ready! You can also try!

Bon appetit!

Wild strawberry jam with whole berries in own juice


  • strawberries - 1 kg,
  • sugar - 1.2-1.3 kg,
  • citric acid - a few grams.


We spread our pure strawberries in a cooking basin in layers, alternate berries and sugar and let stand in a cool place for 6-8 hours so that our future jam gives good juice.

Then we put the basin on the stove and cook, alternating heating with cooling:

To do this, bring the berries to a boil and boil for several minutes, and then remove the basin from the stove (or turn off the gas) and let stand for 15-20 minutes.

So we repeat several times.

Before the end of cooking, add citric acid to the jam - this will help to avoid sugaring.

Pour hot into jars.

Roll up.

Jam should be stored in a dark place.

Wild strawberry jam in syrup

This jam is made from berries with dense pulp.


  • strawberries - 1 kg,
  • sugar - 1.2-1.5 kg,
  • citric acid - a pinch.


Cooking cheese:

For 300 ml of water we take from 1.2 liters to 1.5 liters of sugar. Pour sugar with water and heat on the stove until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Pour the berries with this syrup.

We put on fire until boiling.

As soon as the jam boils, turn off for 15 minutes.

The procedure is repeated about four times.

At the end of cooking, put citric acid.

Pour into jars and roll up.

Wild strawberry jam grated with sugar


  • strawberries - 1 kg,
  • sugar - 2 kg.

We spread our berry in a pan or basin.

Then we grind the berries. You can use a blender or meat grinder.

Sprinkle strawberries with sugar. Stir, and let the berry brew until the sugar dissolves.

Under no circumstances should you boil.

In such a berry, not only vitamins are preserved, but also fiber. Jam stays fresh and healthy for a long time.

Keep refrigerated.

Preparations have been made. We can drink tea!

Bon appetit! Be healthy!
