
Interesting facts about sweets: what is useful to know. The most delicious desserts and sweet dishes in the world

” from the Latin language is translated as “prepared drug”. In the 16th century, candied fruits were sold in pharmacies for medicinal purposes. The term now refers to a wider range confectionery.

  • German psychologists conducted research and noticed that romantic natures prefer sweets with strawberry filling, shy with walnut, determined with cherry, and here creative people coconut.
  • For the first time sweets were prepared in Egypt. Since there was no sugar at that time, sweets were made from dates and honey. Mostly they were dried fruits in honey. IN Ancient Rome they were nuts in honey sprinkled with sesame seeds. IN Ancient Rus' there were also sweets, only they were made from maple syrup, honey and molasses.
  • In the 19th century, the most high-ranking and noble people hid sweets at noble receptions. This was explained by the fact that in Russia at that time there were no confectionery shops and each confectioner made sweets according to his own recipe, which were kept secret and passed on only by inheritance.
  • MatserFood has created the largest candy box in the world. It fit about 800 kg of chocolates.
  • Bear nicknamed Hagi-Boy is the largest candy, 1.68 meters high and weighs 632 kilograms. For its preparation, a mold weighing 4 tons was needed. It dried for about two weeks, and after it was polished.
    • WITH German language marmalade is translated as "jam". Marmalade appeared in Europe after the Crusades to Asia. It is Asia that is the birthplace of these sweets. Marmalade is considered one of the most healthy sweets which contains pectin. Pectin reduces the risk of cholesterol disease, has a good effect on the skin and does not contain fat.
    • Most any word for the sweet tooth "chocolate" comes from the Aztec word for "bitter water". Initially, they only drank chocolate.
    • In Bavaria, beer-filled sweets are preferred, and in France, cheese sweets. Each country has its own sweets, which differ in taste and ingredients. Sweets are not always sweet, as it turns out, and many are prepared without added sugar.
    • Japanese students take Kit Kat chocolates with them to exams as talismans. This is due to the fact that "Kit Kat" is consonant with "Kitto Katsu" ("definitely win").
    • Finnish sweets are considered to be the most unusual sweets in the world. The Finns cook them sour, salty for beer - the tastes are different, but sweets without sugar.
    • The Chupa Chups logo was designed by Salvador Dali. It remained virtually unchanged and has survived to this day.

    • "Chocolate from me" - The best way position the person. For example, American psychologists say that whoever treats “necessary” colleagues more often climbs faster. career ladder than their opponents.
    • In Switzerland, not only expensive watches, but also sweets. For example, sweets in edible wrappers, which are covered with real gold threads. Such a piece of confectionery will cost $ 100.
    • The very first chocolate candy is paraline. First cooked by a chef for a foreign ambassador and is currently one of the most famous and popular candies in Switzerland and Germany.
    • During the Christmas holidays, the French eat about 36,000 tons of candy.
    • Dark and bitter chocolate are the healthiest. A small daily intake of dark chocolate will protect against sun damage and prevent premature skin aging. Dark chocolate improves blood flow and reduces the risk of blood clots.
    • It is recommended to eat dark chocolate, not milk and white. It is important not to overeat, optimally - 30-50 grams per day.
    • July 11 World Chocolate Day. All the sweet tooth stock up on sweets and celebrate.
    • coffee sweets increase mental and physical activity, enhances response and reduces fatigue and drowsiness.
    • British scientists have proven that eating dark chocolate prevents premature aging, and dark chocolate very useful for losing weight. It reduces cravings for salty and sweet. 100 grams of dark chocolate can satisfy hunger and reduce appetite.

    All the best things in our lives taste sweet. And all the most harmful too. We most often begin to pay attention to the harm of sweets closer to summer - when the onset of the beach season is on the nose. It is then that we begin to reproach ourselves for the immoderate addiction to chocolates. But let's see, was it worth denying yourself small pleasures?

    Myth 1. Sweet is a friend of the brain

    A piece of sweet in the middle of the working day will not be superfluous - absolutely for sure. Since brain cells feed exclusively on glucose, they are very sensitive to its content in the blood. A malnutrition gray matter is instantly reflected in his work. However, one should not think that quantity in this case turns into quality. Rather, on the contrary, an excess of sweets will cause drowsiness and will only affect work “in the negative”.

    Myth 2. Sugar is a vitamin of joy

    "White" death, - the doctors will authoritatively declare. “But what a pleasant one!” Opponents will exclaim. But at the same time, tea lovers with three tablespoons of sugar should know that sugar first of all reduces the reserves of vitamin B1 in the body. The less vitamin B1 - the greater the likelihood of neurasthenia, depression, fatigue, muscle weakness. How do you like this perspective?

    Myth 3. Sweeteners help you lose weight.

    Although artificial sweeteners are virtually calorie-free, there is still a fierce debate about their health effects. So, for example, there are studies proving that due to the use of sweeteners, immunity is reduced. And members of the British Parliament even announced their intention to ban the use of aspartame, since it allegedly contains carcinogens. There are other rather controversial publications that indicate that certain sweeteners are added to the diet of pigs to increase their appetite. So - you think: is it worth giving up sugar and switching to such an “alternative”.

    Myth 4. Chocolate: tasty, but harmful

    We hasten to please lovers of black delicacy. His successful rehabilitation is carried out in Lately more and more professionals. So, at the annual conference of the European Association of Cardiology, information was heard that 100 grams of dark chocolate improve the functioning of blood vessels in an adult for at least three hours and protect blood vessels from the damaging effects of free radicals.

    So the next time you reach for a chocolate bar, don't beat yourself up for being weak. Perhaps you subconsciously care about your health.

    Myth 5. Chocolate constipation

    Many chocolate lovers are seriously afraid that after a gastronomic banquet they will face a painful retribution in the form of constipation. Perhaps if you don’t eat anything other than chocolate, then it will be so. But if you eat right, you can not deny yourself a little joy.

    Myth 6. Banana fast food

    Banana is ideal for a quick snack: it is perfectly digestible, is a source of potassium (which is especially useful for cores), helps to remove excess fluid from the body, and quickly satisfies hunger.

    At the same time, nutritionists are extremely wary of banana excesses, mercilessly placing them next to white bread and other prohibited foods. Moreover, due to a fair amount of sucrose (and the absence of fructose and glucose), bananas are contraindicated in patients with diabetes.

    Myth 7. These healthy dried fruits

    Nutritionists are unanimous: almost all useful material. However, the qualitative side of the issue is not at all equal to the quantitative one: dry fruits are a more concentrated version of the “live” ones. That is why the main thing in the absorption of dried fruits is moderation and accuracy. So, for example, it is recommended to eat no more than 4-6 dates per day.

    Myth 8. Sweet - only for dessert!

    In fact, sweets can play the role of a kind of anti-aperitif, calming the "wolf" appetite. If you miss another meal, start your meal with a piece of chocolate, a couple of sweets, a piece of cake, ice cream. This will speed up the saturation of the blood with glucose, reduce the feeling of hunger and save you from overeating.

    The word "candy" comes from 16th-century European apothecary jargon. This word, derived from the Latin confectum("manufactured"), candied fruits were called, which in those days were considered one of the types of medicines.

    An interesting fact: in medieval Italy, it was customary to shower newlyweds with small candied pieces of fruit, which were called "confetti". Over time, sweets were replaced with pieces of multi-colored paper, to which this name “migrated”.

    An interesting fact: a study by American sociologists showed that people who treat their colleagues with sweets are more successful in their careers than their “greedy” competitors.

    In the first half of the 19th century in Russia, even the richest and noblest ladies stole sweets from various celebrations. This was explained by the fact that confectionery factories did not exist yet, sweets were prepared by home confectioners who jealously guarded their secrets, so this delicacy was literally worth its weight in gold.

    A paradox: the name of the most common sweet - chocolate - comes from the Aztec word "chocolatl", which translates as "bitter water".

    An interesting fact: in Europe of the 16th-17th centuries, a real “chocolate mania” was observed among aristocrats. Many believed that chocolate has an almost magical effect on the body. Sometimes even adultery was attributed to him: there is a case when a court lady justified the birth of a black child with her excessive passion for chocolate.

    The largest box of chocolates was made by confectioners from Master Food for international competition cooks. In a box 2.5 by 1.5 meters there were about 8 centners of chocolates.

    In Belgium chocolate candies are very expensive: about 30-35 euros per kilogram. The fact is that almost 90% of this delicacy in the country is made by hand. unique recipes- hence the high prices.

    The largest candy "truffle" in the world was made in 2008 in Germany. This giant sweet weighing 196.3 kg was created by confectioners from Halloren Chocolate Factory.

    The largest toffee in the world was made in Norway. This delicacy weighs more than 1.5 tons.

    In 2004, confectioners from the Dutch company Mieke Stortelder created the longest candy in the world - a strawberry candy over 2 meters long.

    A box of the world's most expensive candy, Lake Forest Confections, costs about $1.5 million. True, their high price is mainly due to the design of the box, which uses diamonds, emeralds, sapphires and rubies.

    The largest gummy bear was prepared by specialists from the Gummi Bear Factory. The height of this "candy" was 1.7 meters, and the weight was 630 kilograms.

    An interesting fact: in English-speaking countries, the word marmalade designate exclusively jam / marmalade from citrus fruits. The usual marmalade is called there a cumbersome phrase candied fruits jelly.

    It turns out that there is an analogue of Bertie Botts sweets from the Harry Potter books on sale. Bean Boozled gummies also have the most different tastes, both familiar fruity and very strange, for example, vomiting, rotten egg and skunk excretions.

    The first space lollipops were the famous Chupa Chups. In 1995, cosmonauts from the Russian Mir station asked for some candy to be delivered to them. Chupa Chups were found to be the most suitable for weightlessness and delivered to the space station.

    Another very interesting fact is connected with Chupa Chups: the logo for these lollipops was designed by Salvador Dali himself!

    Japanese schoolchildren take Kit Kat chocolates with them to exams, believing that they bring good luck. The fact is that their name is consonant with the Japanese expression "kitto katsu" - "definitely win."

    Interesting fact: there is a "space halva". Asteroid No. 518 is called “Halva”, as the astronomer R. Dugan, who discovered it, adored this oriental sweetness.

    The famous Chinese fortune cookies that are widely sold in the US actually have nothing to do with China. Similar biscuits were used during religious ceremonies in Shinto shrines in Japan in the 19th century, arriving in the United States in the early 20th century with Japanese emigrants. Since the American government imprisoned all Japanese (including bakers) in filtration camps during World War II, the Chinese began to mass-produce fortune cookies. That is why Americans now associate this delicacy with China.

    1) The word "candy" came to us from Italy and is derived from the word "Confetto", meaning "Sweetness".

    2) The first sweet products, like sweets familiar to us, first appeared in ancient Egypt. Archaeologists have found 800-year-old desserts made from dried fruits, molasses and honey.

    3) The ancient Greeks, who did not yet have access to the technology of obtaining sugar, used almonds, dried fruits and apple syrup. The latter was made like this: freshly squeezed Apple juice placed under open Sun rays for a few days. It solidified, became thick and very sweet - great molasses to pour over almond candies.

    4) Rus' had its own unique secret making sweets. Used linden or herbal honey, maple syrup, dried fruits and walnuts- Until now, these components are used in the preparation of dietary and vitamin-rich desserts.

    5) With the advent of chocolate, miraculous abilities began to be attributed to delicacy. When hopes did not come true, in Europe they decided that chocolate, on the contrary, is the source of all diseases. It is good that the "theorem" was refuted in the future!

    6) The first mastics for decorating cakes began to be made in Belgium. The figurines were simple, while real works of art are made from mastic today. It's even a pity to cut such a cake.

    7) The oldest cake in the world recently turned 100 years old. He was accidentally found in the attic of one of the African houses. Since the cake was well soaked in cognac, it has survived to this day. Tasting is not allowed - the cake is in the museum.

    8) Acacia honey is rightfully considered the most useful and vitamin-rich sweetness. It is also lower in calories than maple or lime nectars.

    9) At the dawn of the reign of King Louis 15, as a present, the chancellor often presented the most exquisite sweets from around the world. And what was left to give to the emperor, who came to the throne at the age of 5?

    None festive feast can't do without dessert. Dessert is the finishing touch to a wonderful picture of the holiday, adored by all children and expected by many adults. Dessert is a word borrowed from French. Literally, dessert - "cleared off the table." According to the rules of etiquette, it is served at the end of the meal, completely removing other food and utensils from the table.

    Exactly french cuisine enriched the world huge amount recipes for delicious cakes, sauces, biscuits and creams, which are organically included in culinary traditions other countries of the world. For example, eclair - a cake with cream, is so fond of in Germany that it is called "coffee bar" or "hare's paw" there, and most Germans consider this cake an asset German cuisine. In the post-Soviet space, eclair is a synonym for "custard". So we paid tribute to the filling of the product, because the first eclair was just from custard. The biscuit is also a gift from France. Can't imagine more convenient dough for cakes than biscuit. It was his unique opportunity attach culinary product beautiful correct shape without loss palatability, allowed chefs around the world to make cakes not only delicious, but also stunningly beautiful.

    Continuing and developing the tradition French desserts inhabitants of Austria, and Viennese cuisine has become known for its sweet dishes. The famous Viennese cafes served cakes with whipped cream, a variety of jellies and mousses created according to special recipes who preferred to keep it secret. First Apple strudel- dough roll apple filling was baked in Austria and served with coffee with cream. Now they bake strudel with all kinds of fruit and berry fillings, and, literally, there is no such country that would not have its own own recipe strudel.

    For development culinary passions Europeans were strongly influenced by the Ottoman Empire in its time. It is especially noticeable in the Balkan countries. Desserts from Bulgaria, Serbia and Croatia are characterized by a large number of nuts, honey and raisins. competition biscuit dough here is sandy. And, of course, not a single meal ends without fruits (fresh or dried). In Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, several dozen recipes for making halva are known. Incredibly popular in these countries are such delicacies as baklava and Turkish delight. Turkish delight requires starch and syrup. Baklava is a sweet dish based on dough, nuts and honey, and there are more than a hundred recipes for its preparation. Croatia will definitely surprise you walnut cake With chocolate icing, while Bulgaria is characterized fruit salads seasoned with yogurt.

    In conclusion, a few rules of etiquette.

    Before dessert is served, all dishes are removed and the table is set again. If necessary, they change the tablecloth and put out a tea or coffee service.

    The cake is cut into pieces and put on plates with a special spatula, but cookies, sweets and cakes can be taken with your hands.

    Fruits are served in a vase, and everyone takes the fruit himself and peels the peel and seeds with a knife over his plate. Apples and pears are cut into quarters with a special dessert knife.

    Looks very nice dessert table, served with special dishes: multi-level vases for cookies and sweets, cake stands, bowls for ice cream and jelly.
