
What are the dangers of dry yeast. The unique secret of making the healthiest bread is revealed

If you want to be healthy and strong, it is very important to learn how to monitor the state of your body. Listen to him after playing sports, what will he tell you? Of course, he will express his deepest gratitude. Now listen after eating. In the summer he will be delighted with salads, fruits and dairy products, but how will he react to the use of yeast products? Most likely, you will feel lethargic and heaviness at any time of the year - this means that this product must be immediately excluded from the diet, it does not benefit you at all.

Yeast appeared on the territory of our country even before the war, and in the documents of Nazi Germany it was said: "If the Slavs do not die in the war, they will die from yeast."

Why can we feel something unpleasant after eating yeast products, and why are they so dangerous for the body? There are several extremely important factors.

1.Artificial product

Yeast is not found in nature, thermophilic yeast - saccharomycetes, an artificially created product that has been actively used in recent decades, while earlier starter cultures were prepared from rye flour, oats, barley, and wheat. Until now, in remote villages there are wonderful recipes for making bread without yeast. And it is this bread that can enrich the body with organic acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and fiber.

2. Our cells are destroyed by yeast

Saccharomycetes are more resistant than human tissue cells. They are so strong that they are not able to be destroyed either during cooking or in the human body, thus, yeast cells destroy our more sensitive and less resistant ones. And then our cells become more permeable to pathogenic viruses and microorganisms.

3. Violation of digestion

In our digestive tract, yeast multiplies very quickly and inhibits the normal flora. Because of this, the normal activity of the stomach, pancreas, gallbladder, liver, and intestines is disrupted.

4.Poor effect on the regeneration process

One of the most remarkable features of the human body is the ability to regenerate. For example, if someone removes 80% of the liver, then in 3-4 weeks in a healthy body it can fully recover. One of the main conditions for the successful restoration of our cells is the absence of fermentation processes in the body, which appear mainly due to yeast.

5. Tumor formation

Many scientists believe that yeast disrupts normal cell reproduction and provokes chaotic cell growth with the formation of a tumor. Here the experiment of Professor Wolf from the University of Cologne deserves special attention. For 37 months, he grew a malignant tumor in a test tube with a yeast solution. The size of the tumor became three times larger within one week, but as soon as the yeast was removed from the solution, the tumor died. From this we conclude: the yeast extract contains a substance that determines the growth of cancer cells.

Being healthy is your conscious choice. Fortunately, today there are so many substitutes for yeast bread and enough opportunities to make it yourself without the use of yeast.

Hello dear readers! Once, at an appointment, a gastroenterologist therapist told me the following phrase - to exclude yeast baking, if possible, completely from my diet. And after 35 years, you should completely forget what it is. And you know, understanding in more detail this issue of the benefits and dangers of yeast baking, I learned a lot of interesting information. Maybe it will be useful for you too.

Yeast baking. To eat or not to eat?

To optimize the bakery industry, scientists have created baker's yeast known to all housewives. They actively multiply and grow in a liquid and warm environment, leading to the formation of carbon dioxide and alcohol. The dough increases several times due to bubbles of carbon dioxide. The more carbon dioxide the dough receives, the more fluffy and fluffy the finished baked goods will be.

Fragrant and tasty bakery products, for the majority of the population, are one of the important components included in the daily menu. These products are not only appetizing, but also very nutritious. How good or bad is it for our health?

In recent years, there has been a particularly active debate about the dangers, and vice versa, the harmlessness of yeast baking and baker's yeast. How to understand - this is another baseless horror story or a really unsafe product for the human body?

How is yeast made?

Yeast-free bread in Sweden, the USA and other countries is recommended by experts for the treatment and prevention of cancer. For their population, this is a familiar product. Why so?

Baker's yeast is a fungus that does not exist in nature, but is created artificially from chemical starter cultures, which indicates their dubious benefits. Modern technology for the preparation of this product makes the advantage rather in the negative direction.

According to the official state document GOST 171–81, 36 types of basic and 20 types of additional chemical raw materials are used to manufacture the product. Of the 56 constituents, only about 10 are harmless to health when eaten. The chemistry used to produce yeast "feeds" the human body with various metals, including heavy and dangerous ones.

Any element of the periodic table is not harmful if its presence in the body is not more than acceptable. Exceeding a certain norm in multiple sizes poisons tissues and leads to various diseases.

Many people have heard about the benefits of natural brewer's yeast. That they are able to establish the work of the whole organism, and are a biologically active substance. But what usefulness can be expected from baker's yeast produced in an artificial "intimidating" way?

Does the fungus die during the baking process?

It is worth noting that the topic of harm to the health of yeast baking remains controversial even among scientists and biologists.

Bread baking experts claim that all yeast cultures die when heated to +60 degrees, and when baking bread, the temperature in the middle of the crumb reaches +90 degrees. If this is so, then why is kvass cooked on the crusts of purchased bread, and homemade sourdough baking is not suitable for this purpose?

The favorite food of yeast cells is everything sweet - these are maltose, fructose, sucrose and glucose. As confirmation, you can conduct an experiment: throw a piece of white bread into the water with sugar and follow the further reaction.

Adherents of proper nutrition, as well as many nutritionists and gastroenterologists, recommend that you stop eating foods containing yeast. They assure that people who have excluded the usual pastries, in the presence of diseases or for personal reasons, feel positive changes in their state of health.

Live fungi are insidious. If they do not die at the temperature of baking bread, then how can this affect a person?

  1. Violation of the intestinal microflora (dysbacteriosis)

Together with fresh bakery products, aggressive yeast fungi enter the body, which very quickly begin to grow and multiply. This process contributes to the development of putrefactive dyspepsia. If the normal balance in the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed, the immune defense is significantly weakened. And the basis of good immunity is a healthy intestine.

Antibiotics have a negative effect on the microflora, which form yeast (like all other fungi) in the process of life. All useful substances - trace elements and vitamins that come with food, begin to be absorbed worse.

Often, after eating a pie or a bun, there is a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. By themselves, all flour products are difficult to digest. And in combination with yeast, they cause indigestion and indigestion.

  1. Development of acidosis

All yeast-based baked goods based on refined flour (having no nutrients, but only one starch) are characterized as an acidifying product that disrupts the acid-base balance - the road to good health and ideal weight. With acidosis, people begin to complain of muscle pain (from excess acid), rapid mental and physical fatigue. As well as a gray coating on the tongue, bitterness in the mouth and nausea. Fighting this disease, the body begins to spend calcium - an alkaline element, resisting the imbalance. A chronic lack of calcium can lead to the development of osteoporosis (bone tissue disease).

  1. Abduction of important trace elements in the life of the body

Baker's yeast is a fast growing fungus. For him, the department of the digestive system is an excellent food environment. What does yeast need to survive? In minerals, carbohydrates, vitamins that come with food. As a result, there is a lack of trace elements in the body.

  1. Harm of fermentation processes

People who are especially fond of yeast baking often experience: fairly quick fatigue of both the body and the brain, decreased immunity and low body resistance to various infections. Yeast fermentation causes a number of negative effects. As a result of excessive gas formation, the organs of the digestive tract begin to clamp. It is not a rare case when the gallbladder leaves its "bed" and changes shape.

Fermentation is the main cause of stagnant processes in the head, lower extremities and pelvis. Such pathologies can provoke the formation of blood clots, a further decrease in immune defenses and varicose veins.

  1. Bad effect on the regeneration process

One of the features of the body is the ability to restore cells. Yeast provokes fermentation, which prevents the successful renewal of the structural units of a living organism.

  1. Development of tumors

Scientists have put forward the opinion that the fermentation provoked by yeast is directly related to the manifestation and growth of cancer cells in the human body. An experiment was conducted: a tumor of a malignant nature was grown in a vessel with a solution of a yeast fungus for three years. By the end of each week, it increased several times. But when the yeast was removed from the vessel, the tumor died!

Is modern white flour a storehouse of vitamins and minerals?

Our ancestors used only whole grain flour to make bread, and were much stronger and healthier. It is better absorbed, gives energy, does not affect the metabolism badly and activates the proper functioning of the intestines. The shell of the grain contains enzymes, vitamins, amino acids - almost all the necessary substances for the benefit of the body.

Today, store shelves are filled with far from high-quality products of dubious benefit. This also applies to refined white flour. Why is it called a "dead" product? For its manufacture, a carefully crushed core of grain without a germ and is used. And these are practically pure carbohydrates, with which the body is generously filled, spoiling the figure and leading to metabolic disorders. Together with the shell, almost all vitamins and trace elements are lost. Yes, it is ideal for biscuits, muffins, buns - rich yeast dough, very airy and tender. It's hard to argue with that.

In production, such flour is bleached, the removed living vitamins are compensated by the addition of artificial ones. It also includes antioxidants and flavors. Refining kills the natural strength of the grain. And for what? To extend the shelf life of the product and keep it from spoilage.

Refined flour has the property of slagging the body. She lies down in a lump on the bottom of the stomach, turning into a mucus-forming product.

Say no to yeast baked goods

To exclude yeast dough products from your menu or not is a personal right and a conscious choice of everyone. More and more people are thinking about their health, trying to change their diet, wondering what is bad and what is good.

Having given up yeast baking, many begin to notice positive changes in the body. Namely:

  • Heaviness in the stomach and heartburn disappear - a burning sensation in the esophagus;
  • Reduces gas and bloating. Fermentation processes are not so active;
  • Normalizes pressure;
  • Extra pounds go away;
  • The internal organs begin to work better;
  • Improves complexion;
  • Pass inflammatory diseases of the skin on the face, back and chest.

Harm and contraindications to the use of yeast baking

  1. Allergic reaction;
  2. Individual intolerance;
  3. kidney disease;
  4. intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  5. Gout;
  6. endocrine disorders.

And what do you think about this, dear readers, have you ever worried about the benefits and harms of yeast baking?

The ancient Egyptians knew about the existence of yeast, they baked bread and made beer. Their official discovery was made in the middle of the 19th century by the microbiologist Pasteur. The benefits and harms of yeast were identified, and since then this product has been widely used throughout the world. The modern food industry uses fresh pressed, baker's, dairy, food, dry, beer and other types of yeast.

Fresh yeast benefits and harms

They are grayish-brown briquettes, contain about 70% moisture. When cooking, such yeast is dissolved in warm water without adding salt. Store fresh yeast for about two weeks in the refrigerator or 2-3 months in the freezer.

Fresh yeast is used to make a dough that does not require repeated and lengthy proofing. They are suitable for baking cheesecakes and bread, croissants and Easter cakes.

The benefits of fresh yeast

Fresh yeast is a rich source of biologically active micro and macro elements. They contain many vitamins, minerals, amino acids, organic iron.

In folk medicine, fresh yeast in combination with lecithin is used to lower cholesterol levels, reduce pain during spasms, neuritis, colitis, and burning in the intestines. But our grandmothers advised us to eat a pinch of fresh yeast when boils, boils appeared, and this remedy really helped.

Harm of fresh yeast

This product also has contraindications. For example, women should consult a gynecologist before starting to eat fresh yeast. This is due to the fact that this product, with uncontrolled use, can cause thrush. Fresh yeast is also harmful for dysbacteriosis, gout, endocrine disorders and kidney diseases.

Baker's yeast: harm or benefit

If we talk about the pros and cons of baker's yeast, then most likely the advantage will be in the negative direction. It's all about the technology of their preparation, which appeared several decades ago. Previously, our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers baked bread on natural sourdough: from sprouted rye, oats or wheat, hops, malt, raisins. Such bread was really useful and could be used as a separate product.

Then thermophilic yeast was invented, which we know as baker's yeast. Their production is simply frightening, because they are made from chemical starter cultures - saccharomycetes, artificially created by man. When using products based on thermophilic yeast, stones appear in the liver, gallbladder, pancreas. It also gets to the intestines, in which the processes of decay are growing.

Harm baker's yeast is extremely serious. Their use is fraught with a violation of metabolic processes, a change in the biochemical composition of the blood, a violation of the acid-base balance and other negative consequences. Therefore, if possible, refuse products made on the basis of baker's yeast.

Benefits of lactic yeast

But unlike baker's milk yeast is a valuable product. They contain healthy enzymes. Milk yeast is found in fermented milk products, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, and with constant use strengthens the immune system. Acting on our body from the inside, they significantly improve the condition of the body.

By the way, why are there many centenarians among the inhabitants of the Caucasus? The fact is that they are very fond of and drink drinks from lactic acid bacteria. So if you want to live longer, drink more yogurt.

nutritional yeast

They are famous for their high content of proteins and vitamins. They are sold in the form of powder, tablets or flakes. Vegetarians love them because nutritional yeast can also be used as a substitute for cheese, meat, and dairy products.

Thanks to their "cheesy taste" they are added to pizza, soups, casseroles, sauces, omelettes, spaghetti sprinkled with them instead of parmesan.

Harm and benefit of nutritional yeast

Some of the health benefits of nutritional yeast include:

  • - lowering cholesterol levels;
  • - normalization of pressure;
  • - help with constipation;
  • - prevention of pancreatic cancer;
  • - improvement of intestinal microflora and others.

Harmful qualities include:

  • - individual intolerance;
  • - allergic reactions.

Dry yeast

They are sold in small portions in sachets. They are divided into active and fast-dissolving. Active dry yeast is spherical granules of different diameters. Their shelf life is quite long - up to two years, while all the healing properties remain intact.

To activate such yeast, they are diluted with warm water, milk and wait 10-15 minutes, after which the yeast is introduced into the dough.

Instant Dry Yeast is a finely ground light brown powder. They are added directly to the dough without activation. The only condition is that the dough with such yeast needs proofing, but it will fit quickly enough.

The harm and benefits of dry yeast

They are not recommended for use in the following diseases:

  • - dysbacteriosis;
  • - gout;
  • - acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Some of the health benefits of dry yeast include:

  • - high content of proteins;
  • - help with anemia;
  • - strengthening of immunity.

Brewer's yeast

Grown by fermentation of high-quality beer wort from hops and malt. They are dry, liquid or pressed. Liquid yeast has a very short shelf life, but dry brewer's yeast can be used for quite a long time. Dry yeast has a strong yeasty smell. They are produced in the form of powders, tablets, dragees, capsules. Obtained by dehydration of liquid yeast.

The most useful yeast - beer

They are not reputed to be very useful for the figure. Although the reason here is not at all in the yeast, but in the preservatives that are contained in beer. Quality live beer is very healthy. After all, the composition of brewer's yeast, in addition to vitamins, proteins, amino acids, includes enzymes, peptides, fatty acids, sorbents, lipids. There are a lot of minerals in them - zinc, iron, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, sulfur, manganese, calcium, copper, sodium and others.

Brewer's yeast and preparations based on it are widely used in medicine for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. They improve metabolic processes, strengthen the immune system, increase efficiency, improve brain activity, and well-being. Brewer's yeast is recommended for the normal functioning of the digestive system. They improve the absorption of food, increase appetite, activate the secretion of digestive juice, increase intestinal motility and its microflora, and slow down the aging process of cells.

In addition, such yeast:

  • - increase the body's resistance to stress;
  • - remove toxins;
  • - strengthen the skeletal and nervous system;
  • - strengthen nails and hair;
  • - cleanse the skin;
  • - reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Brewer's yeast is especially effective in diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, hypertension, anemia and anemia, radiation exposure, heart disease, skin diseases, intoxication (alcohol, smoking). They are recommended to be taken after viral diseases.

There are few contraindications for brewer's yeast. They are not consumed with individual intolerance to this product, with gout, renal failure.

Rarely there are people who know about the dangers of yeast for the human body.

Most of the population cannot live even a moment of life without bread in the diet or bakery products that are made using nutritional yeast.

So why are they harmful to humans? According to its structure, this product belongs to fungi. They multiply and develop in the presence of moisture and the appropriate temperature. But they can also die during heat treatment.

Why is yeast harmful?

With thermophilic yeast, which is widely used in the production of bread, the situation is different. It turns out that the thermophilic variety of this product was brought out by a person, initially they did not exist in nature.

The harm of baker's yeast is as follows: even after baking bakery products, the cells of the fungus remain alive, they enter the human body with food, then from the digestive system they spread along with the blood throughout the body. Fungi significantly increase the permeability of body cells, which leads to easier susceptibility to various diseases. It becomes much easier for various microbes and viruses to overcome the immune barrier of our body.

After entering the body, thermophilic yeast begins to multiply at an incredible rate, since the environment inside our body is very favorable for them. First of all, the harm of dry yeast begins to manifest itself in a violation of the microflora. Fungi destroy the normal state of the microflora, forming a pathogenic one, as a result of which the bacteria of the body die, which produce vitamins and various amino acids for us, which are necessary for the formation of our own proteins.

The benefits and harms of brewer's yeast

Such fungi are used not only for the preparation of the well-known alcoholic drink, they are also used for medical purposes. The composition of such yeast includes carbohydrates, vitamins, and other useful substances. The most useful ones can be distinguished: vitamins PP, E, H, provitamin D, folic acid, choline, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, thiamine and other substances.

The rich composition has made this product an indispensable tool for combating depression, raising tone and improving mood.
Doctors say that eating brewer's yeast can improve the health of hair and nails, as well as tone the skin of the face and slow down its aging. The optimal amount of yeast when consumed is 5-7 grams per day. This product helps a person fight acne, which is very important in adolescence.

As for the harm of brewer's yeast, it is worth noting the following:

  1. They should not be taken by individuals with individual intolerance to their components.
  2. Brewer's yeast can cause an allergic reaction, in which case its use should be stopped immediately.
  3. They are contraindicated in people with kidney failure, as well as gout.
  4. Yeast can cause a violation of the intestinal microflora and its dysbacteriosis.
  5. It is contraindicated to take them to individuals with gynecological diseases, as well as to nursing and future mothers.

Unfortunately, baking, which was widely used by the Slavic peoples, has become harmful today due to the use of thermophilic yeast in it. Protect your family by buying or baking only unleavened bread and rolls. In some cases, yeast can be replaced with soda in baking. Choose those dishes that do not contain yeast and you will keep the whole family healthy!

Yeast benefits and harms depend on many environmental factors, as well as the method and amount of their use.

Now yeast is showing useful properties in many areas - from food to cosmetics.

The preparation of yeast bakery products is attractive in that the dough increases at least twice during baking.

This effect was noticed many centuries ago, and since that time, the benefits of yeast for the body have been proven repeatedly.

But not all yeast and not always equally useful. In some cases, regular use of yeast does more harm than good.

Yeast: composition, calorie content, how to use

Mankind has been using yeast for a very long time, but it was only at the end of the 19th century that they were able to understand their essence and principle of operation. Groups of unicellular fungi found in liquid and semi-liquid substrates with an abundance of nutrients - this can be said in general about yeast. Yeast, unlike other types of fungi, is able to ferment, and die only at temperatures above 60 degrees Celsius.

Scientists are working on breeding new types of yeast.

It is conditionally possible to divide the most common groups used by humans into:

"live" bakery;

Natural (for example, formed on the surface of grape berries);

Beer (can be found in the form of various dietary supplements).

The calorie content and benefits of yeast for the human body are determined by their composition:

Protein (up to 66% of the total mass);

Amino acids;

Folic acid;



Vitamins of groups B, C, H and P, and other minerals.

Yeast has a fairly low calorie content - only 75 kcal per 100 grams. At the same time, carbohydrates are completely absent in yeast, a low percentage of fats, but 12.7 grams of protein. In cooking, a person uses 4 types of yeast fungi: preparing beer, bakery products, sour-milk products and wine drinks.

Yeast: what are the benefits for the body?

Consumers are becoming more aware of the quality of their diet and other products they purchase. Increasingly better ingredients are being used to produce consumer products, and yeast plays a significant role. The medical, food, cosmetic and biotechnology industries are actively using the beneficial properties of yeast.

Medical uses of yeast

Scientific studies have proven the undoubted benefits of yeast for restoring metabolism. First of all, scientists pay attention to the protein content, which ensures the best absorption of nutrients, improves the absorption function of the intestine. The protein in yeast is no less important for the human body than fish or meat protein.

Yeast: benefits for immunity

A person constantly needs to protect the body from the harmful effects of the environment. The immune system gives us effective protection against infectious and other diseases. From the walls of baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the human body extracts the strongest immunostimulants β-glucans. In Asia, yeast is especially valued for its beneficial yeast extracts in the form of peptides and glutathione (a unique amino acid).

The gastrointestinal tract cannot live without yeast

About 100,000 billion bacteria of several hundred species are involved in human digestion, and human health directly depends on the stability of this intestinal microflora. As strange as it may sound, the baker's probiotic yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. boulardii helps maintain the delicate balance of microflora and gut health.

Yeast is considered a natural dietary supplement designed to stimulate the production of secretions in the stomach and improve bowel function, ensure the full functioning of the digestive tract in case of ulcers, gastritis, colitis, and other diseases of the digestive system.

Traditional healers use dry yeast to relieve the symptoms of enterocolitis and colitis - add a teaspoon of yeast to 200 ml of fresh carrot juice and let the patient drink this mixture after 20 minutes.

Antioxidant Benefits of Yeast

The oxygen we breathe every day oxidizes the cells of our body. Oxidative reactions are exacerbated by stress or pollution, and lead to oxidative stress situations. To prevent damage to DNA or proteins, antioxidants neutralize oxidizing factors and restore balance.

Selenium is recognized as one of the strongest antioxidants, which perfectly copes with the regulation of oxidation in the body. It reduces the risk of cancer and is used for colon, prostate, lung, and other types of cancer. Selenium improves the condition of the thyroid gland and treats iodine deficiency diseases.

Unfortunately, up to 80% of the population is deficient in selenium. You can replenish it if you use selenium-fortified yeast, which is of particular benefit in the bioavailable form of this antioxidant.

The creation and functioning of the cells of the human body is impossible without yeast. In some cases, they are prescribed even for diseases of the hematopoietic system, up to anemia.

Yeast: benefits for hair and skin

As soon as a person begins to use yeast prescribed by a doctor, his skin, hair and nails immediately reflect this. Skin elasticity is restored, hair and nails become stronger, grow faster.

Both external use of yeast and taking them internally helps to cope with:






To nourish and improve the appearance of the skin, you can use the following masks:

Mix a teaspoon of honey with 20 grams of yeast, add a tablespoon of rye flour, pour four tablespoons of warm milk;

Mix kefir with 20 grams of yeast, the mask should have the consistency of thick sour cream.

Yeast face masks are applied to a cleansed face for no longer than 15 minutes, after which they are thoroughly washed off with warm water.

To strengthen the hair, dissolve half a pack of yeast with a teaspoon of sugar in a water bath. Leave until fermentation begins. Add a teaspoon of mustard and honey. Apply to the hair roots, spread over the entire length and cover with a plastic bag or cap. Wrap a towel over the top and leave for an hour and a half. Rinse hair well with water.

How much yeast does a person need per day

About 5-7 grams of yeast per day is enough for the average person. But the body requires more yeast in certain conditions:

Weak immunity;

Constant stress;



Diseases of the skin, hair and nails;

Oncological diseases;

Metabolic disorders;

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract;

Intense mental and physical stress;

Lack of vitamins and nutrients in the diet;

Regions with harmful exposure to radiation or hazardous chemicals.

The proportions of useful substances in yeast are perfectly matched, the substances complement each other and have a general strengthening effect. Yeast is suitable for vegetarians to replenish nutrients.

All the benefits of yeast are preserved at temperatures up to 60 degrees Celsius. If the yeast was subjected to heat treatment at higher temperatures, then the healing properties are completely leveled. Doctors advise using yeast with sugar, liquid, bran and other suitable additives.

Yeast: what is the harm to health?

The above benefits of yeast are complemented by some of the harm that they can cause if used improperly, or if unnatural yeast is used.

Scientists have proven that yeast kvass, “live” beer, fermented milk products and grape wine are of exceptional benefit due to their types. But as for yeast baking, there is almost unanimous opinion about the dangers of yeast in combination with flour and fats after processing at high temperatures. Especially dangerous are dry substrates, which we used to add to baking.

Indeed, in many diseases, yeast has a saving effect. But yeast can be beneficial and harmful at the same time. When the balance of microorganisms is disturbed, the body is vulnerable to infections.

In bread and other pastries with yeast, the harm undoubtedly outweighs the benefits. All the necessary substances are destroyed during baking, only those that cause fermentation processes, dysbacteriosis, fungal diseases (candidiasis) and even cancer remain.

Yeast causes harm when the body is fed up with them. As a result, the microflora is disturbed, pathogenic microorganisms penetrate into the blood. They reduce the body's resistance to the environment, contribute to early fatigue and provoke the rapid growth of a cancerous tumor.

Uncontrolled consumption of yeast and its products causes increased gas formation, constipation, kidney and gallstones, pancreatic disorders and pathology of vital organs.

Yeast for children: good or bad

For children, brewer's yeast is prescribed by doctors to maintain protein and carbohydrate metabolism with an unbalanced diet. Intensive loads, radiation and other damage to the body, post-infection rehabilitation, obesity and dystrophy, angular stomatitis are just some of the problems in the fight against which brewer's yeast is undeniably beneficial.

Indeed, in some cases, a doctor may prescribe brewer's yeast to children. But side effects in the form of flatulence, diarrhea, dysbacteriosis, allergic reactions or intolerance make you seriously think before giving your child brewer's yeast. If you decide to do this, then please note that you can’t give yeast to children before seven years old, but it’s better from 13-15 years old, when the child can understand if something goes wrong.

Brewer's yeast: what are their benefits

Brewer's yeast was originally intended for the manufacture of beverages. But humanity has proven their benefits for the body, and now it is an excellent bioactive food supplement that can be found in every pharmacy. Brewer's yeast, its benefits in lowering cholesterol levels, controlling blood sugar and maintaining a stable weight.

In addition, for medicinal purposes, you can use brewer's yeast with nutritional deficiencies, digestive disorders (constipation and diarrhea), vitamin deficiency and skin problems. But brewer's yeast is not only beneficial.

There are a number of conditions incompatible with brewer's yeast:

Flatulence, increased gas formation;

The use of drugs (monoamine oxidase inhibitors, antidepressants, narcotic painkillers, drugs for hypertension and diabetes);

Fungal infections;


Individual intolerance.

Despite all the benefits of brewer's yeast, do not be too lazy to consult a doctor before using them.
