
How to tell if an egg is rotten. rotten eggs

Spoiled eggs, which do not have a rotten smell, look good, but are the most dangerous to eat. Low-quality eggs can be purchased both in the market and in stores. If there is the slightest doubt about the quality of eggs, use just one 100% verification method:

How to check the freshness of eggs in water

The method is based on the ability of the shell to pass microorganisms. The older the egg, the more bacteria multiply in it. The process of vital activity of bacteria is accompanied by the release of carbon dioxide. One conclusion can be drawn from this - the more gases, the older the egg. And you can determine this by placing an egg in water.

Rotten eggs cause severe poisoning.

Place the eggs to be checked in a deep bowl and cover them with water. Let's just observe:

Raw, you can eat - only fresh eggs.

Ovoscope - a device for checking eggs

Often found in large chain stores. The principle is based on the ability of the shell to transmit light. An egg is placed in a special compartment, the device is turned on and the eggs are visually inspected. The fresher the egg, the smaller the dark spot in the center. It is clearly shown on the video how to use the ovoscope (the inspector did everything correctly, but he did not draw a conclusion, but interrupted the check):

It can be seen how the egg is translucent around the entire perimeter with even light, and the central part is dark - this indicates a good egg, but not the first freshness.

Signs of spoiled eggs or which are better not to buy:

  • A dark spot begins immediately at the shell.
  • It is not oval in shape.
  • Several spots.
  • There are no gaps at all.

Video: how to check the freshness of an egg in water:

These methods for checking the freshness of chicken eggs are also suitable for checking quail, goose and other eggs.

Checking the freshness of eggs at home is easy. To do this, it is enough to pour about ten centimeters into the container of cold water. Dip the eggs in the bowl for a minute.

Bad, spoiled, rotten eggs will immediately float in water. This is due to a violation of the density inside the shells of raw eggs.

This can also occur if storage conditions are violated: non-compliance with the temperature regime, the assumption of a sharp temperature drop.

Eggs that have floated to the surface, but only the very tip is visible from the water, may still be quite suitable for food, but they must be used before all others.

They tend to accumulate air between the shell and the outer shell of the protein. This is a necessary condition for gas exchange.

The layer, like a gateway, saturates the egg with the necessary oxygen for further development, and releases accumulated gases through the shell, including methane. That is why they go out and deplete such a smell.

Fresh ones stay at the bottom. The amount of oxygen in them is minimal, they were demolished quite recently.

note! A fresh egg always stays at the bottom. The spoiled floats to the surface.

It is almost impossible to check the freshness of raw eggs in the store. It is important to monitor the integrity of the shell.

Bacteria can enter through the cracks and spoil the egg.. After that, it will become unfit for consumption.

How to check a boiled egg for freshness

If the egg is already cooked, then you can check it by cleaning it:

  1. Good, young hard to clean. The shell is very tight to the shell, and when peeling, part of the cooked protein leaves together.
  2. If it is not the freshest, it will be very easy to clean.. She literally moves away from the protein along with the shell.
  3. If the egg is already rotten, then a sharp unpleasant odor will immediately arise when cleaning., which is impossible to confuse.

Important! A fresh boiled egg is difficult to peel. And what has been stored for some time is easy to clean. An egg that has gone bad after cleaning has a sharp unpleasant odor.

Buyers in stores try to take chicken eggs of the first category or selected ones, because they are larger. From the point of view of their usefulness, this is not entirely true.

After all, the largest ones carry old chickens, which are already becoming obsolete. Young growth lays eggs more and more often, but they are noticeably smaller.

Eggs of young chickens are more useful: they have more calcium, magnesium, protein and other useful trace elements.

While large eggs of old laying hens contain more cholesterol, which is the main cause of heart and vascular diseases, and also leads to obesity.

Eggs of small sizes of the second and third categories are much cheaper.

When choosing eggs in a store, pay attention to:

  1. The surface of the shell should be smooth and without cracks.
  2. Choose the eggs of young chickens - they are more useful.
  3. When you get home, use a glass of water to check for freshness.

How to check the freshness of quail and other eggs?

Goose, duck, quail, chicken eggs have a limited shelf life, which largely depends on the temperature regime.

You can also check the freshness of quail eggs with water.. And also, considering the surface of the shell - it should be even, smooth, without flaws and cracks.

The freshness of eggs depends entirely on the storage periods that must be observed. If they have been stored in stores for too long, they are sold at a low price.

They may not be rotten or spoiled, but they already definitely have a completely different structure.

The processes that take place in the egg do not stop, but only slow down when they are placed in the cold.

Variety Storage temperature Shelf life
Chicken raw Room temperature In a refrigerator
Up to 14 days 30 days
chicken boiled Room temperature In a refrigerator
Day Up to 5 days
ostrich Room temperature In a refrigerator
5 days 17 days
Goose Room temperature In a refrigerator
10 days 15 days
Quail Room temperature In a refrigerator
Up to three weeks Up to 60 days
duck Room temperature In a refrigerator
7 nights Two to three weeks
turkey Room temperature In a refrigerator
5 days Up to two weeks

Waterfowl eggs are rarely used as food. More often they are left for the reproduction of numbers.

The shelf life is determined by the storage conditions of the product. The cooler and more saturated with moisture the environment, the longer the eggs remain fresh.

Be sure to cover the top with a damp cloth or tightly close the lid. Opened eggs dry out quickly. The yolk in this form can be stored in the refrigerator for one to two days. Protein - up to four to five days.

Checking egg quality with an ovoscope

An ovoscope is a device that has been used since ancient times, and is still used today to check the quality of eggs. This simple device is a flashlight with a directional beam of light.

You can check the eggs with an ovoscope at home. It is easy to make at home:

  • To do this, you need a regular flashlight or lamp.
  • Place the flashlight in a light-tight box so that the light comes from above.
  • At the top of the box, you need to make a hole that will be smaller than the size of the egg.
  • Put the egg itself on this hole and carefully examine it.

A good quality young egg has a smooth surface and an even color without spots or flaws.. Inside the egg, which has been violated storage conditions, sometimes you can even see how a chicken is born.

This is noticeable by bloody clots inside the shell and specific outlines. A rotten egg, when translucent with an ovoscope, will have an unpleasant cloudy tint.

Important! To keep eggs fresh longer, they do not need to be washed before storage, so as not to break the protective layer of the shell.

Useful video

Hello dear readers! Every day we go to the grocery store to cook delicious, nutritious or quick lunches and dinners. Eggs, which are fried, boiled, added to dough, minced meat, salads and other dishes, are a constant, sought-after product. They are always in the refrigerator, but we do not always remember how long this product has been there. It is impossible to determine by appearance: a rotten egg or not. Today we will talk about how to check eggs for freshness.

Important! Chicken eggs are a valuable source of riboflavin, vitamin A, protein, an integral part of dietary nutrition. You need to eat them to maintain the balance of nutrients in the body. It is only necessary to follow a few rules.

In the store, on the market, it will not be possible to determine the “life span” of this product. Watch the expiration date. It is desirable to eat eggs that are no more than 7 days old. The staleness of the purchased goods can lead to food poisoning.

Before cooking, break this ingredient into a separate bowl and carefully inspect.

Transparent part without inclusions, elastic. It may have a yellowish or slightly green tint - this is normal (the presence of carbon dioxide gives color) There is such a product is allowed.

A fresh egg is characterized by a round or slightly elongated yolk, which is surrounded by protein.

A flattened, loose yolk is evidence that the shelf life of the product is running out. You can eat if the white part is transparent, dense, does not separate from the yolk sac.

The contents of the shell have spread slurry over the saucer and smell unpleasant, although the shell is intact - discard the ingredient immediately.

How to check the freshness of eggs in water

Another way to test eggs for freshness is to place them in a container of water. Take a deep bowl, fill it with cold water and dip the chicken "component" into it.

The young testicle will quickly reach the bottom of the bowl and will not wobble. The product from a week ago will also sink to the bottom, but the blunt part will be raised up.

An ingredient from a laying hen aged 2-3 weeks will take a vertical position in a container with water, the sharp end looks down. You can eat such an egg only after prolonged treatment with high temperature.

The ingredient hung in the water or floated to the surface - carry it in the trash. Floating is associated with the evaporation of moisture inside and filling the void with air. This is the process of egg rotting. The egg is not suitable for food.

Why shake a chicken egg

In the store, you do not have the opportunity to test chicken products with water or breaking the shell, but you can use the “shaking” method. Bring to your ear and quickly move your hand with the goods.

If no squelching is heard (as if there is water inside), there are no pushes of the yolk into the fingers through the shell when moving - the product is edible. There is no one hundred percent guarantee that today's testicle, but sweeping away the rotten way will help.

When you hear gurgling and hitting the contents in your hand, return the product to the shelf, it is not good for food.

You can see the contents in the light. Lighting power is not less than 100 W indoors or outdoors in sunny weather. An edible egg is distinguished by the location of the yolk strictly in the center, its slight displacement to the sides is permissible. The contours of the embryo (embryo) inside are not allowed.

A light test may show pinpoint blood blotches - this is normal. It is bad when a blood ring is observed, large clots inside, such a component of chicken production is not suitable for food, even after heat treatment.

The protein part of the visible pink hue with multiple dark blotches says that pathogenic microbes multiply under the shell.

Market traders sometimes offer to lick the sharp and blunt edge of the egg: if the second is warmer, then the products are fresh. The method is not justified, you see, it is unlikely to feel the difference of a quarter or half a degree with your tongue, but there is a risk to get microbes, to acquire salmonella.

Some people say that a specific unpleasant odor comes from the shell of a spoiled chicken product. A questionable indicator that does not provide reliable information.

Others say: a freshly laid egg is of an even matte color, there are no spots and darkening of the shell, and a long-standing one shines with a bluish color and becomes shiny. Subjective opinion, there is no practically confirmed information.

Attention: Some advise adding salt to the water to check the freshness of the eggs, arguing that this is a more accurate result. In reality, salt does not affect the final result.

What does egg labeling mean?

"Young" testicles - which are no more than 7 days from the day they were born, they are also dietary. The marking of the first grade indicates the age of the component 7 - 14 days. The third is assigned to a product whose expiration date is about to expire.

Manufacturers often put a blue stamp in the category "dietary" (D) or "table" (C), the date of birth of the testicle. Use this information when buying, it multiplies the chances of getting a quality item.

Not only people love to feast on eggs. The bacterium salmonella, carries a dangerous disease of an infectious nature, her favorite dish is chicken eggs. Protecting yourself from this scourge is not difficult, observing a number of rules:

  • A dirty shell with lumps of litter adhering to it indicates poor hygiene, a violation of the rules on a poultry farm or a backyard. Try not to buy this kind of product.
  • A cracked outer shell is a sign of a possible infection in the egg contents. You can't eat.
  • Before cooking or eating raw, wash the surface with a sponge and soap under running water. Hands, too, if they touched the egg.
  • Store at -0 - 5C away from raw meat and very aromatic foods.
  • Like milk, it can be pasteurized. Break into sterile dishes, after washing. Quickly heat up to + 63C, also quickly cool.

The topic "How to check eggs for freshness" is relevant all year round anywhere in the world. Knowing the rules for choosing this product, you will protect yourself and your loved ones from unpleasant moments and germs.

Health and prosperity to you!

In the section on the question How to know if the egg is spoiled before cooking? given by the author An@st@sia the best answer is And I read several ways to determine the freshness of eggs: 1. Old eggs are lighter than fresh ones. Over time, the egg dries out and the air sac grows larger. You can check it like this: dip the egg into a mug of salt water. If it sinks to the bottom - fresh, floats - old. 2. You can also shake the egg a little. If the content moves, then the product is not fresh. 3. A stale egg can be identified if, covering the top of the egg with the palm of your hand, bring it to the light. Rotten eggs will develop dark spots or they will not shine through at all.

Answer from K@tenoK[newbie]
it is necessary to lower it into the water if it drowns, it means good, if it floats, it means bad

Answer from legal capacity[guru]
"Cuff" is determined in production on an ovoscope. There is nothing complicated in the device. Just SHINE it with an ordinary light bulb. And in the kitchen - take it in your palm, like binoculars, and look through, bringing it closer to any light bulb. In the store, "tumak" is a rare rarity, and in the market, a good flashlight will help.

Answer from Russians[guru]
you can just sniff. if spoiled or just beginning to deteriorate, it will give out a nasty smell. and everything feels great through the shell, because the shell has pores almost like our skin. because the embryo inside breathes through this shell. it is so designed by nature

Answer from chevron[guru]
everything that has been written here about lowering spoiled eggs into water and surfacing is complete nonsense. In this way, they determine how long it was stored before you bought it. The longer it was stored, the stronger it floats. And its depravity can only be determined by the hydrogen sulfide stink after it is broken (raw or boiled). Just like that 🙂

Answer from BlackWind[master]
Yes, it’s very easy to take and break if it’s normal, then it means you need to fry and don’t steam

Answer from Anya mouse[newbie]

Answer from Daria Danilova[expert]
smell it!

Answer from Summer[guru]
Let him into the water, the bad will come up! And the good ones will sink!

Answer from Yovetlana Barinova[expert]
lower the water with water - surfaced - spoiled

Answer from Space Monkey[guru]
Dip it in a glass of water - it sank to the bottom, it means fresh, and if it floats, it’s better not to boil it, it has gone bad!

Every week you bring home huge packages with a variety of products presented on the shelves of markets and supermarkets. On the one hand, this makes your life much easier, and on the other hand, it complicates it, because not everyone can constantly keep in mind the expiration date of all this gastronomic variety. Remember how often you opened the refrigerator door and wondered: “How long have these products been there?” We are sure that this problem is familiar to many people firsthand. This is especially true for eggs. Despite the fact that this is a very delicate product, its appearance does not change over time, and therefore it is almost impossible to determine the freshness of an egg “by eye”. Of course, it's no secret to anyone that you can break an egg and try to determine its freshness by smell, but there are other ways. Here are some ways to check the freshness of eggs:

1. Submerge the eggs in water

Place the eggs in a deep bowl of cold water. If they remain lying on the bottom in a horizontal position, then they are very fresh. Eggs, slightly raised with an obtuse angle upwards, are no longer the first freshness, but can still be used in the preparation of hot dishes. Eggs that float to the surface are spoiled and should not be eaten! We recommend that you get rid of them as soon as possible.

Eggs float to the surface because, over time, the moisture inside evaporates through the shell and the resulting "free" space is replaced by air. The more air inside the egg, the higher it floats. And, of course, the older it is.

2. Check the white and yolk

Break one of the eggs and pay attention to the condition of the yolk and protein. If the yolk is convex, and the protein is viscous and tightly gathered around the yolk, the egg is very fresh. However, if the yolk is flat and the protein is liquid, this is a sign of a stale egg.

Cause: over time, protein chains (different substances associated with each other) break down, in connection with this, in an old egg, the yolk and protein do not adhere tightly together.

3. Shake the egg

If, when shaking, you do not hear extraneous sounds, then you can safely eat the egg - it is fresh. If at the same time bursts or squelching are heard, it means that air has got inside the egg and expanded the natural air bubble. This egg is not to be eaten.

4. Pay attention to the expiration date

On the packaging of eggs there is always information about the expiration date, which should be paid close attention. The supplier guarantees that the product will remain fresh if the storage rules are followed. As a rule, eggs can be eaten for some time after the expiration date, but before that it is strongly recommended to check their freshness by the methods described above.

When eating eggs, special attention must be paid to hygiene. Pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • Buy only fresh eggs and use them before the expiration date.
  • Store eggs in the refrigerator - at temperatures below 6 ° C, Salmonella bacteria do not multiply. At room temperature, their number increases. Please note that subsequent cooling will not save the situation.
  • When cooking with raw eggs, use only very fresh eggs.
  • Boil the eggs for at least 5 minutes in boiling water.
  • If the eggs have expired, then for some time they can still be eaten, but only if carefully cooked. Salmonella bacteria are killed at 70°C.
  • If the shell of the egg is damaged, then it must be cooked immediately. It is no longer possible to store such a product.

Where is the best place to store eggs in a Liebherr refrigerator?

Eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 15 days. In the zone of freshness

We buy eggs in the market or in the supermarket. Unfortunately, it is impossible to check this product for freshness right at the counter, you have to trust the stickers with the expiration date. And only at home you can understand whether fresh eggs were bought or not.

It is simply impossible to determine the freshness of eggs, which is called “by eye”. This product can lie for a long time at room temperature and no external manifestations are imperceptible. Often, buyers ask the seller how fresh the eggs are and the answer is always the same: “Fresh eggs, take them.” You can check whether the egg is really fresh by breaking it and understanding the freshness by its characteristic smell. If it is repulsive, then the egg is spoiled. But breaking eggs all in a row is not included in our plans, so we will check the freshness of eggs in other ways.

How to check the freshness of eggs in water

Take a large container, such as a saucepan. You need to pour cold water into it directly from the tap (no more than 10 cm), and then place the eggs in it. You can take turns in order not to get confused and determine the freshness of each product sequentially.

How to understand the freshness of eggs:

  • If the eggs fell to the bottom and do not float to the top, then you are lucky - you bought the eggs fresh, fresh.
  • If you see that the eggs are slightly raised with a blunt tip up, then this means that the eggs are no longer very fresh. They can still be used, but not fresh, but to cook hot dishes (pastries, scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs).
  • If the eggs float, then they are definitely spoiled and such a product is generally forbidden to be eaten. These eggs must be discarded immediately. Do you know why it happens that the egg floats to the surface in the water? Every day the moisture gradually evaporates and this space fills with air. The older the product, the more air it contains and therefore the eggs will float.

There is also a similar way to check eggs, you need to pour salt into the water to make the solution concentrated. You also need to lower the eggs and see: if they lie at the bottom, then the “age” of such a product is approximately from 2 to 7 days. If the egg rises with a blunt end, and the sharp one remains “glued” to the bottom, then such a product is approximately 10 days old. If the eggs float in a saline solution, then such eggs are already about 2 weeks old. If the eggs float to the surface of the salt solution and “stick out” of it, then such eggs are forbidden to be eaten, they are not fresh.

Other Ways to Check Eggs for Freshness

An egg can be broken if one of the eggs tested in water floats up, and then examine the protein and yolk. These components look like this:

  • if the protein is liquid, and the yolk has become flat, then the egg is not fresh;
  • if the protein is dense and viscous, and the yolk is convex, then the egg is fresh.

Another way to check eggs for freshness: you just need to shake the egg, if you didn’t hear anything, then the eggs can be safely eaten if you hear a “squish” or splash, as well as any other sound, this means that there is air inside, which means This egg is no longer fresh and should not be eaten.

About the expiration date and rules for storing eggs

The manufacturer always indicates the expiration date of the product on the packaging. If the eggs were stored correctly, in compliance with all the rules, then they will be fresh.

What to look for when buying eggs:

  • You need to buy fresh eggs, so pay attention to the expiration date of the product. If expired, don't risk it.
  • You need to store the eggs in a cold place - in the refrigerator at a temperature not higher than +6 ° C. If you keep the eggs at home on the table, they will deteriorate faster.
  • Boil the eggs for at least 5 minutes.
  • If the expiration date has expired, then these eggs can be eaten, but only on condition that the eggs were stored in the refrigerator and you need to cook such a product at a sufficiently high temperature (from +70 ° C).
  • If you see that the egg has burst, then it is forbidden to store it. It is desirable to prepare something from such a product.

How to find out if an egg is spoiled immediately after purchase or at home? Mikhail

The chicken egg is an important and valuable product of the human diet. Housewives love to use it as the main component of various dishes. And they want this product to be always fresh and of high quality.

Chicken eggs are a popular food product that satisfies the feeling of hunger well, because it has an increased calorie content. One eaten a day becomes an indispensable source of calcium, protein, iron, vitamins of groups B, E, A, and the most valuable trace elements.

Eggs can be checked for freshness immediately after purchase, or a simple test at home before use, when they lie for a while in the refrigerator. To determine whether you are buying fresh eggs in the market or in a store, you must first carefully examine the surface of the shell. Recently laid chicken eggs will have a matte, non-shiny surface.

Older specimens have a glossier and smoother surface. The method is not always relevant, since dishonest sellers can sometimes wash the product before selling, which has a positive effect on the state of its appearance.

In case of difference, the seller could mix fresh and older copies. Another method is shaking the eggs. It is possible to check their condition in this way when buying in order to determine the "talker" - a product that is no longer suitable for consumption. Because if the specimen has been lying for a long time, its insides have dried up and hang out inside the shell.

How to check at home

Sometimes eggs are stored in the refrigerator for a long time. Before preparing any dish, the hostess needs to determine the freshness of the eggs. So it’s really safe to protect your health and loved ones, so that dangerous food poisoning does not become the result of using a stale product.

We will not describe the complex methods of how to check the degree of lying eggs, which are associated with the use of ultraviolet radiation or temperature measurements. Let's dwell on the simplest and most affordable ways.

water way

How to check the freshness of eggs with ordinary water? To do this, place them in a container with liquid, poured about 10 cm, and observe. Normal product will quickly go under the water and stay at the bottom. One that has been stored for a week or more will float to the surface with a blunt end. In a situation where it drifts easily on the surface, you can be sure that it is at least 2 weeks old.

When the egg is on the surface, like a fishing rod float, it is advised to get rid of it. He must have been at least a month old. In addition to plain water, it is permissible to use a saline solution. To prepare it at home, it is enough to dissolve a tablespoon of salt in 500 ml of water. There is no need to strictly observe the proportions, since it has been practically proven that old eggs will be on the surface in the shortest possible time, even if they are immersed in a liquid without salt.

It is easy to explain - under the shell there is a shell of two layers, capable of transmitting light, liquid and air. In the blunt part of the testicle there is a fugue - an empty air particle. It is necessary for the embryo during development - through it the process of gas exchange occurs. The size of the fugue increases in proportion to the shelf life of the product.

Bacteria that provoke decay also pass through this shell. After the hen lays the egg, it ceases to be sterile. The smell of a rotten product is also specific - it is the aroma of hydrogen sulfide. Eggs float to the surface, because the gases that accumulate in spoiled specimens have a lower density.


In order to determine the freshness of the eggs in the following way, each of them is advised to first squeeze so that you can then feel any vibrational movements inside. Then it is gently shaken so as not to damage the shell. An unspoiled egg will not give any unusual sensations, you will not feel vibrations inside, because it is complete.

If, when squeezed tightly in your hand and shaken, something inside the egg dangles and rolls, you can be sure that such a product is unsuitable for eating. He is also popularly called a "talker", because it creates the feeling that something is hanging inside him. Shaking has one significant drawback - it does not make it possible to find out the shelf life of the egg and the specific degree of its suitability for consumption. It only allows you to select those specimens that are better to refuse to use for food.


You can check the suitability of an egg by shining it with a source with a power of about 100 watts. The transillumination method allows you to see the pugu located at the blunt end. If it is not there, the product is unspoiled. The puge does not tend to appear immediately; time must pass during which moisture evaporates, and the contents under the shell thicken. In a dietary type of product, the scare should not be more than 4 mm, and in a regular dining room - 8 - 9 mm.

A dietary specimen should have a uniform and dense yolk in consistency. When the product is translucent, the yolk should be visible in the center of each instance. In a table product, the yolk may be located somewhat to the side. But if it is close to the surface of the shell, it is better not to use such an egg for eating. When examining the product, you can sometimes see bloody inclusions.

If they are very small, then they are considered quite normal. If the drops of blood form a ring, set aside such a product, it is unusable. If blood got inside during the formation of the product, then the protein will have a pinkish tint, and the yolk will be orange-red. If dark spots are clearly visible when translucent, then pathogenic microbes began to actively multiply under the shell.

Video "Checking the freshness of eggs"

This video shows an easy way to test chicken eggs for freshness at home.

When buying chicken, you need to be able to choose it correctly, because not only how tasty the dish will turn out (for example, chicken cooked in air grill), but also the health of you and your loved ones depends on the quality of the product. Agree, it is not very pleasant to be poisoned by stale meat.

How to determine the freshness of a chicken

Therefore, every hostess, first of all, should know How to determine the freshness of a chicken. This will be discussed in this article.

Signs of stale chicken

1. Smell. This is the most important and basic criterion for determining freshness. Always trust your sense of smell and it won't let you down. Smell the chicken and determine if you smell sweet-sweet, sour, or putrid. If the chicken is already expired and has begun to deteriorate, it will smell of dampness and mold, but if it frankly smells of rot, then it’s really bad - such a chicken only has a place in a trash can.

2. Color. The chicken that has already begun to deteriorate becomes grayish or grayish-green in color. Small purple spots can often be found near the bird's anus. Remember that in fresh, high-quality chicken, the meat always has a delicate light pink color, and the skin may be slightly moist, with a yellowish tint. You can easily figure out what to eat chicken with if it is initially fresh and healthy.

3. Skin surface. Fresh chicken should be smooth and firm to the touch. If you want to check the freshness of the meat, then press it lightly so that a small indentation forms. If the meat quickly returned to its original state, and the dent disappeared, then you have fresh chicken in front of you. Chicken that has expired or is nearing its expiration date has loose meat, and the dent you made will remain on the surface, and such chicken is unpleasant, sticky and slimy to the touch.

How to choose a quality product

The chicken should be not only fresh, but also of high quality, not treated with third-party chemicals and not old. Try not to buy frozen chicken, as more often than not, manufacturers or sellers give it a "water injection", that is, they simply pump water into it from a syringe. As a result, the weight of the chicken increases by up to 40%. When defrosting such a product, you will find that the actual weight of the meat is much less, moreover, such a chicken is practically devoid of nutrients.

When buying a whole carcass, pay attention to the bird's beak - it should be dry, elastic and slightly glossy. The mouth should be slightly shiny, pink and have no unpleasant odor.

You can find out whether young or old chicken is sold to you by paws. In a young bird, they are soft, whitish in color with veins and small scales. The paws of an old chicken are distinguished by roughness, a yellow tint and large scales. Also, age can be determined by the brisket. In a young individual, the tip of the sternum is cartilaginous and easily bendable, as it has not yet ossified.

Avoid purchasing chicken that has a strong chlorine smell, as it is likely past its expiration date. The fact is that manufacturers often treat chicken carcasses with chlorine (by law, the allowable amount of chlorine should be no more than 0.004%) to increase the shelf life. If the carcass has a strong smell of this chemical, then the manufacturers have added more chlorine than usual in order to keep the shelf life as long as possible. As you understand, such a chicken cannot be eaten.

When going shopping and intending to buy poultry meat, always remember how to determine the freshness of the chicken in order to buy a really good product. Feel free to inspect and feel the chicken in the store, because your health depends on how good the product is.

Eggs are the basis for preparing various dishes, which every hostess knows about. In addition, they provide the body with many nutrients. But to get such an effect, you need to use only fresh products. Otherwise, you can cause serious harm to health. To protect yourself from negative consequences, you need to figure out how to check the freshness of eggs before buying and at home.

What are the dangers of stale and rotten eggs

The danger of such products lies in the likelihood of salmonella infection, which provokes food poisoning and the development of salmonellosis. This disease is quite dangerous and in the absence of timely treatment can lead to death. But this only applies to chicken eggs. Quails lay at a temperature of 40 ̊С, and in these conditions the bacteria that cause salmonellosis do not survive.

But the following danger is typical for both types of eggs, since, regardless of origin, they are a source of allergens. But if at the dietary stage (up to 7 days after demolition) the likelihood of an undesirable reaction of the body is minimal, then as the shelf life increases, it increases.

Important! Stale eggs often provoke allergic reactions.

How long does the product stay fresh?

For better storage of eggs, certain conditions should be provided.

Only fresh products can be useful for our body. To protect yourself from possible negative consequences, you should understand the optimal shelf life of eggs.

Table: terms and conditions for storing eggs at home

Checking freshness in the store

In a store or market, you can check the external data and sound

You can determine the degree of freshness of eggs in a store or market by visual signs, smell and sound. Start by inspecting the shell: in a fresh product, it has a rough and matte surface. This applies to both chicken and quail eggs. Spoiled ones will have a noticeable shine.

Important! The presence of cracks or other damage on the surface is unacceptable.

Next, take the egg in your hand and shake it. You should not hear any sounds while doing this. If the egg gurgles, you should refrain from acquiring it. The shell of a fresh product has an odor reminiscent of lime. If it is missing, it is likely that the eggs have been stored for quite a long time. Their shell intensively absorbs the odors of the surrounding products.

Important! If the smell of hydrogen sulfide emanates from the product, this indicates the process of protein decay, that is, the egg is already rotten.

If there is an electronic scale in the store, the suitability of the product for consumption can be determined by weight. The mass of fresh chicken eggs ranges from 35 to 75 g, depending on the category, quail eggs - 12 g. Lower weight indicators indicate their depravity.

Eggs that are too light in weight are spoiled

You can also check using a special device - an ovoscope, which is designed to translucent eggs. The location of the yolk in the center indicates the freshness of the product. If there are dark areas near the protein, this indicates that the egg has been lying for a week or two, but at the same time it is suitable for consumption. Spoiled products do not shine through at all.

Using an ovoscope will give the most accurate result.

Home methods for determining suitability

There are several ways to ensure the freshness of products at home. They are suitable for both quail and chicken eggs.

into the light

  1. Hold the egg up to a 100 watt or more lamp and examine it. If you notice an air gap between the shell and the film located under it, then the product is not quite fresh. The allowable size of the pug (this is the name of this formation) is 9 mm and 4 mm (for chicken and quail eggs, respectively). If the layer is more than these indicators, they should not be used.
  2. Note also the presence of drops of blood. Point and mobile formations are harmless, they occur when the chicken oviduct is damaged. But if you see a blood ring, which is the circulatory system of a dead fetus, you cannot use the product.
  3. The multiplication of microorganisms leads to the formation of dark spots. They can also be detected by translucent eggs. The use of such products is permissible after heat treatment. But it is better not to risk and throw away these eggs.
  4. If you have an ultraviolet lamp at home, try it in action. Enlighten the product and carefully examine the color of the contents. A fresh chicken and quail egg should have a rich red hue, while a spoiled one should have a lavender or gray tint.

We use water

A spoiled egg will rise up

To check with the following method, you will need a glass, which must be filled with water to a level of at least 10 cm. A deep bowl is also suitable. Dip the egg into the container and watch its position. If it sinks to the bottom, then the product is fresh, and if it floats, it is unusable.

Important! A fresh quail egg will sink to the bottom, while lying sideways.

A chicken egg with an expiration date will sink to the bottom with one end, and the other will be located on top. It must be consumed in the near future and only in boiled form or used for baking.

Important! Some housewives add salt to the water, being of the opinion that such a solution will provide a more accurate result. But this method is not very efficient.

Video: water test master class

Visual inspection of content

Crack the egg onto a flat plate. Without fear, you can use a product with a convex round yolk and protein that retains its shape. A spoiled egg begins to spread.

If the yolk has acquired a bright orange color, blood has got into it at the formation stage. Do not refuse such eggs: after heat treatment, they become safe. They are used to make pancakes, pancakes, cutlets.

Important! In a spoiled egg, the protein becomes liquid, and the yolk becomes flat.

On the left is a fresh egg (thick protein and convex yolk), and on the right is a stale one (because it has no shape and spreads)

Alternative ways

Pay attention to the labeling. If the eggs contain the date of its application, they are classified as dietary, that is, they were laid no more than 7 days ago. The absence of this information indicates that the product belongs to the table type. These are eggs that are already stored for 7-25 days.

Important! Another way is to check by determining the temperature of the egg using the tongue. The product is applied alternately with a sharp and blunt end. The spoilage of the egg is indicated by the same temperature at both ends. In a fresh product, the sharp edge is colder than the dull one. But this method cannot be called reliably effective.

What to do if already welded

Fresh eggs after cooking smell good and are difficult to peel.

Determining how fresh a boiled egg is is also quite simple:

  1. It needs to be cleaned first . The shell is removed from a fresh egg with difficulty, it is easily separated from a stale product.
  2. Then cut it. The presence of dark blue or green spots on the yolk is a sign that the egg is stale.
  3. Also here you can apply the method that is used for raw eggs and smell them. If there is a smell of hydrogen sulfide, the use of such a product in food must be discarded.

Video: how to avoid buying a spoiled quail egg

Compliance with simple recommendations will help to avoid using a stale product. To eliminate the possibility of harmful bacteria in food, be sure to wash the egg before using it. This advice is especially relevant if there are remains of blood, feathers or droppings on the surface of the shell. And in the process of preparing the dish, first break the product into a plate and make sure that there are no impurities and unwanted odors.
