
Cheese soup expiration date in the refrigerator. Shelf life of various soups in the refrigerator

Soup is a traditional first course that needs to be stored properly.

The active rhythm of life makes us cook food for the future. We know for sure that pasta and meatballs will keep well for several days in the cold. What about liquid foods? How long can you keep soup in the refrigerator? I share my observations with you.

3 features of proper storage

According to sanitary standards, the first dishes should be consumed within three hours after preparation.

Approved sanitary standards say that soups are classified as perishable products:

  • By standards liquid meals should be eaten within three hours of preparation.
  • If the soup is pre-cooled, then its shelf life in the refrigerator will be up to 18 hours at a temperature of 2-4 ° C.

Violation of the requirements contributes to the deterioration of the product.

I agree with this opinion only partially. Experienced chefs and respected cookbook authors unanimously say that a liquid dish prepared by one's own hands can be stored much longer. The main thing is to follow a few simple rules.

You can extend the life of the first dishes with the help of a refrigerator and freezer.

General rules:

  • Temperature. A constant temperature regime of the refrigerator must be observed. No more than 2–6 °C.
  • Dishes. The soup is well stored only in an enameled and glass container.
  • In glass and enameled dishes, food does not oxidize.

  • Protection. So that the broth does not lose its taste, you need to remove spoons and ladles from the container. Be sure to close the lid tightly.
  • Pour the liquid into plates and pour into a smaller container with a clean ladle.

    Can hot soup be refrigerated? No, it's highly undesirable. The taste of the dish will deteriorate, in addition, there is a risk of spoiling the products placed in the neighborhood.

    Shelf life

    There are over 1500 different first courses. I will tell you how to keep the most popular types of soups fresh.


    How long does borscht and other liquid dishes keep in the refrigerator?

    Image Dish
    meat broth

    The first dishes in fatty meat broths can be stored for several days, but not more than 72 hours.

    Chicken bouillon

    To determine how much chicken broth is stored in the refrigerator, you can only take into account its components:

    • if the broth is cooked only from chicken and spices- 48 hours;
    • if there are greens and eggs in the soup- 24 hours.
    Fish soup

    3 hours after cooling, the taste of the fish soup will noticeably deteriorate. You can store this dish in the refrigerator, but no more than 48 hours.

    Mushroom soup

    Mushroom broth is best consumed immediately after preparation. But in case of urgent need, it can be sent to the refrigerator - no more than 24 hours.

    Cheese soup

    If the first course is cooked:

    • from melted cheese- 48 hours;
    • grated hard cheese- 36 hours.

    A characteristic greasy film may appear on the surface of the broth with cheese - it does not affect the taste in any way.


    Cabbage, which is part of this dish, allows you to store borscht much longer than the rest:

    • for the first 72 hours there will be no changes at all in the refrigerator with borscht;
    • maximum storage time7 days.
    Okroshka and beetroot

    The finished okroshka will not lose its freshness in the refrigerator - until 72 hours.

    If you keep the "salad" for this soup separately from the liquid, the shelf life can be increased by 2 times.

    Milk soup

    This is the most perishable liquid dish. For him, the optimal period of freshness is no more than 12 hours in the cold.

    The same period of freshness is given to sweet soups with condensed milk, cream and yoghurts.

    vegetable broth

    Vegetable first courses can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.

    Please note that after cooling, the color of some vegetables may change.

    Soup puree

    If the first dish contains dairy products - no more than 12 hours. If there is no milk - up to 24 hours.


    Ready-made broths can be stored in the freezer for a very long time.. If you remove the entire thick part from the composition, then the period will be up to 6 months at a temperature -15 to -18 °C.

    Instructions on how to freeze the broth:

  • Cool the broth. To save time, pour cold water into a basin and place a pot of soup in it.
  • Add a few pieces of ice to speed up the cooling of the dish.

  • Pour the broth sealed plastic food containers.
  • Instead of plastic containers, you can use silicone cupcake molds.

  • Put a sticker on each serving with freeze date.
  • Send the liquid to the freezer and use as needed.
  • Even if you strictly followed all the instructions, a liquid dish may deteriorate.

    Why does soup sour in the refrigerator:

    • temperature changes;
    • unsuitable utensils;
    • in the container are metal cutlery.

    In the photo - the wrong example of storing soup

    If you notice that the soup is sour, it is better not to eat it. Indigestion is the minimum price to pay for this.


    As we found out, any soup can be stored in the cold. The main thing is to follow the above recommendations. The video in this article will show the recommendations clearly. If you have any questions - ask in the comments.

    How long can vegetable and meat soups be stored

    Modern women have adapted to the frantic pace of life. They can combine a career, raising children and household chores. In order to keep up with all this, many housewives prepare dishes for several days, including soups. But how to understand how much to cook the first one, so that it is enough for more than once, and he does not have time to deteriorate before the family eats everything. To do this, you need to know what is the shelf life of certain soups.

    vegetable soups

    Soups cooked from vegetables in water are best not stored for a long time and boiled for 1 time. If something is left after 1 day in the refrigerator, it should not be consumed. The same applies to dishes with spinach and green sorrel. The oxalic acid contained in these plants is to blame.

    An exception to this list are soups that include cabbage. All kinds of cabbage soup and borscht can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days without fear for your health.

    Meat broths

    If you cooked soup in meat broth, then it can be safely stored in the refrigerator for 2 days. It is also worth noting that of all meat broths, the most perishable is chicken. Freezing it is not recommended. It is better, if necessary, to freeze concentrated meat broth, and then use it to prepare a new dish.

    To store the soup for the maximum amount of time, set the temperature in the refrigerator to no higher than + 5 ° C. The pot with the dish should be kept tightly closed, without spoons and ladles inside. It is impossible to boil several times: all useful substances will leave it.

    Many are also interested in the question of how long soup can be kept in a thermos. The optimal time for storage in a thermos is 2-3 hours. In this case, it is better if the dish is freshly cooked. To prevent the entry of germs that can cause premature souring, make sure that the thermos is perfectly clean. Also, do not immerse spoons in a thermos before you are about to have dinner.

    Even if you follow all the storage rules, the soup can go bad. The signs of this are:

    • sour smell and taste;
    • the surface is covered with white foam or small bubbles;
    • the color is slightly darker than the original.

    If you find any of these signs, you should get rid of the dish and not risk your health. After all, eating sour soup, you can get a serious indigestion. This is especially dangerous for young children.

    no matter what soup you cook and no matter how long you plan to store it in the refrigerator, the main thing is to adhere to all the technological standards for preparing the dish and the shelf life. Then it will only benefit your body.

    First courses are perishable products. According to sanitary standards, they are only suitable for consumption within 18 hours after preparation. However, you can keep the soup in the refrigerator for much longer if you know the basic storage rules. The shelf life depends greatly on the ingredients of the dish. Creating the right conditions and optimal temperature conditions will allow you to enjoy the wonderful taste and aroma for several days without harming your health.

    How and where to store soups

    You can store the first dishes in the refrigerator or in the freezer. If in the first case the soup does not spoil within 1-5 days, depending on the type of dish, then when completely frozen, it is suitable for consumption within six months.


    So that the soup does not quickly turn sour, you need to take care of this even at the cooking stage. You need to wash the dishes with a clean sponge so that bacteria do not pass from it to the walls of the pan. The container in which the dish will be stored, it is advisable to pour over boiling water before cooking. Ready soup should be removed from the stove if other dishes are being prepared on it. If the food is kept warm for a long time, it will spoil quickly. For the same reason, you can not put the pan next to the battery or radiator.

    Keepsoup in the refrigerator should be at a temperature of 2-5 degrees. The container should be enameled or glass, as harmful alloys get into the dish in stainless steel or aluminum pans. It is also recommended to refrain from plastic containers that emit toxic substances.

    It is advisable to put the pan on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, closer to the freezer, since the temperature there is lower than in the entire chamber. Before sending the dish for storage, you need to get a ladle, a spoon, tightly cover the container with food with a lid. Freshly made soup should be allowed to cool before being placed in the refrigerator.

    If there is no time to wait for the soup to cool, you can use the following trick: fill the basin with cold water, add ice and half-immerse the pot with the hot dish.

    If the food needs to be heated, it is not recommended to boil the whole soup: just pour the required amount into another container. If there is a little soup left in the pot, do not pour it into a smaller container, as it can quickly turn sour. If you still need to free up space in the refrigerator, it is better to boil the food first, and only then place it in a new container.


    If you need to keep the soup for a long time, you can use deep freezing. The chilled dish should be poured into glass jars or portioned containers and sent to the freezer, having previously set the temperature to -18 degrees. When defrosting and heating, food will lose a little taste, but will not harm health. In order not to overexpose the dish, it is better to write the date of freezing on the container. The shelf life is six months.

    You can make special preparations, which can later be added to hot dishes. Strain chicken broth with seasonings and herbs, cool, pour into ice molds, send to the freezer. After freezing, the finished cubes are transferred to a bag with a sealed clasp.

    Shelf life of the first dishes

    The shelf life of first courses directly depends on its ingredients. Fat soup in meat broth is stored much longer than vegetable, due to its richness. When comparing different types of meat, chicken broth spoils the fastest, pork broth lasts the longest.

    To make it easier to understand the storage periods, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the table.

    Name of the dish Shelf life, days Peculiarities
    Soup with meat broth 3 If you plan to store the dish for some time, it is recommended to choose the fattest piece of meat.
    Chicken bouillon 2 It is a dietary dish, so it cannot be stored for a long time. If there are dumplings or noodles in the soup, it should be eaten within a day, and if there is a potato, you can leave it for the next day (it will infuse and become tastier)
    Mushroom soup 1 It is better to cook the dish at one time, since mushrooms are perishable products. Recommended to eat within 12 hours
    Borsch 3-5 The richer the broth, the longer the dish will keep. The taste will improve significantly after the borscht has been in the refrigerator for a day.
    cabbage soup 2-3 Thanks to cabbage, the dish can be stored for up to three days. A dish based on fish or mushroom broth has a shorter shelf life - one day
    ear 1 It is better to cook the soup at once, because the next day the taste will become much worse. It doesn't matter if it was made from canned food or fresh fish.
    Vegetable soup 1 If there is no cabbage among the main ingredients, it is advisable to serve the soup to the table only freshly prepared. The presence of sorrel or spinach reduces the shelf life by 10 hours
    Cheese soup 1 The dish should be eaten immediately after cooking, as its consistency will worsen when it is cooled.
    Solyanka 3-5 Has a long shelf life due to the abundance of smoked meats and meat
    Kharcho 2 Real kharcho soup is made on meat broth, therefore, in principle, it is suitable for consumption within three days. However, there is an important nuance: on the second day, rice swells, turning a rich dish into porridge, so it is recommended to eat it within 48 hours.
    Okroshka, beetroot 3 It is advisable to keep the thick and liquid parts separate from each other: kvass or kefir - in a closed bottle, "salad" - in a saucepan. Combine just before serving
    Pea soup 2 It is stored for 48 hours, subject to the addition of smoked meats. If the dish is dietary, it is advisable to cook it for 1 time.
    Soup puree 1 Perishes very quickly and changes consistency due to the content of dairy products
    Lagman 2-3 The more vegetables, the shorter the shelf life.
    Shurpa 5 Does not spoil due to rich lamb broth

    Soup is a cozy homemade meal.

    At the end of a hard day, it's nice to come up from the cold street and eat a bowl of homemade soup for dinner. Cooks have calculated how many recipes for various soups there are in the world - 1500. But every mother or grandmother has her favorite dishes that she cooks best.

    Often, housewives prepare a large pot of borscht so that it is enough for more than one dinner, and they ask themselves the question: “How long can this dish be kept?” They keep food in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

    This is done for various reasons. For example, to save time. Some dishes, like sauerkraut soup, taste better the next day.

    If we turn to the sanitary standards used in catering establishments, the answer will surprise.

    First courses are perishable products. Their shelf life is very short. The soups are expected to be eaten within three hours of preparation.

    In exceptional cases, after cooling, you need to leave them at a temperature of 2-4 ° C. no more than 18 hours. It is noted that in case of violation of the requirements, the dish may deteriorate.

    But the authors of cookbooks and experienced chefs believe that the shelf life of ready-made dishes at home is longer. It is important to consider that soup is a product that must be stored in the refrigerator.

    What should be considered when storing soups?

    The temperature inside the refrigerator

    Soup is stored just like any other perishable dish. The temperature should be constant, not change upwards. Food should be kept at 2-6°C

    Cookware material

    Do not leave food in aluminum dishes for a long time. If the dish is in contact with this alloy, harmful substances enter the products.

    It is undesirable to keep the product in stainless steel utensils. Nickel is present in such dishes, which is harmful to health.

    It is better to keep food in enamel and glass pots or containers. Food does not come into contact with the material of the container, which means it is safe.

    Capacity manipulation

    The pot must be covered with a lid.

    There should not be a ladle or spoon inside.

    You can not heat the entire container with the dish, you should set aside the right amount for heating. You need to do this with a clean ladle.

    If there is not enough food in the pan, it is wrong to pour it into a smaller container to save space in the refrigerator. When shifting food, to prevent spoilage, it should be boiled again, and this will affect its taste.

    Shelf life of soups at 2-6 °C

    Type of soup Shelf life (in hours) Note
    In meat broth
    In chicken broth Chicken broth will go bad faster than other meats.
    In fish broth A few hours after cooking, the taste will deteriorate. It is better to freeze the broth and prepare a fresh dish as needed.
    Mushroom Saving is not recommended.
    cheesy After a while, the taste will deteriorate.
    Puree soups Due to the presence of dairy products in them, they will deteriorate in a short time.
    Vegetable After a few hours, the color of vegetables will change - for example, green beans. This is not a sign of damage to the dish.
    Okroshka, beetroot, botvinya The thick part must be kept separate from the liquid. "Salad" - in a container that is tightly closed. Kvass, kefir or beetroot broth - in a bottle or a closed jug. Combine before serving.
    Dessert If the dish contains milk or cream, then the period is reduced by half.

    Storing Soups in the Freezer

    You can store broths and soups in the freezer.

    After defrosting, the taste of soups changes for the worse, but only slightly. In domestic household refrigerators, where the freezer temperature is 18 ° C, the shelf life of a frozen first course is 6 months. In order not to ask the question: “How long has he been lying here?”, You need to leave a date label on the package.

    It is convenient and practical when there is frozen broth “in reserve”. From it you can cook not only the first, but also a sauce and a side dish.

    Dishes are frozen, having cooled well, in small portioned containers or glass jars. For freezing, you can use silicone molds from cupcakes.

    Still messed up?

    Even if stored properly, the product may spoil before its expiration date. You need to pay attention if the dish has:

    • foam appeared;
    • when cold, the broth has a slimy consistency;
    • heated food smells bad.

    In this case, the risk is not justified. It is better not to eat such food.

    It is good when in the home refrigerator, as a sign of concern for loved ones, the hostess keeps a pot of soup. And how much to store this dish is now known.

    Other products

    5 minutes.

    First courses are perishable products. According to sanitary standards, they are only suitable for consumption within 18 hours after preparation. However, you can keep the soup in the refrigerator for much longer if you know the basic storage rules.

    The shelf life depends greatly on the ingredients of the dish. Creating the right conditions and optimal temperature conditions will allow you to enjoy the wonderful taste and aroma for several days without harming your health.

    You can store the first dishes in the refrigerator or in the freezer. If in the first case the soup does not spoil within 1-5 days, depending on the type of dish, then when completely frozen, it is suitable for consumption within six months.

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    So that the soup does not quickly turn sour, you need to take care of this even at the cooking stage.

    You need to wash the dishes with a clean sponge so that bacteria do not pass from it to the walls of the pan. The container in which the dish will be stored, it is advisable to pour over boiling water before cooking. Ready soup should be removed from the stove if other dishes are being cooked on it.

    If the food is kept warm for a long time, it will spoil quickly. For the same reason, you can not put the pan next to the battery or radiator.

    Store the soup in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-5 degrees.

    The container should be enameled or glass, as harmful alloys get into the dish in stainless steel or aluminum pans. It is also recommended to refrain from plastic containers that emit toxic substances.

    It is advisable to put the pan on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, closer to the freezer, since the temperature there is lower than in the entire chamber.

    Before sending the dish for storage, you need to get a ladle, a spoon, tightly cover the container with food with a lid. Freshly made soup should be allowed to cool before being placed in the refrigerator.

    If there is no time to wait for the soup to cool, you can use the following trick: fill the basin with cold water, add ice and half-immerse the pot with the hot dish.

    If there is a little soup left in the pot, do not pour it into a smaller container, as it can quickly turn sour. If you still need to free up space in the refrigerator, it is better to boil the food first, and only then place it in a new container.

    If you need to keep the soup for a long time, you can use deep freezing. The chilled dish should be poured into glass jars or portioned containers and sent to the freezer, having previously set the temperature to -18 degrees. When defrosting and heating, food will lose a little taste, but will not harm health.

    In order not to overexpose the dish, it is better to write the date of freezing on the container. The shelf life is six months.

    You can make special preparations, which can later be added to hot dishes.

    Strain chicken broth with seasonings and herbs, cool, pour into ice molds, send to the freezer. After freezing, the finished cubes are transferred to a bag with a sealed clasp.

    The shelf life of first courses directly depends on its ingredients.

    Fat soup in meat broth is stored much longer than vegetable, due to its richness. When comparing different types of meat, chicken broth spoils the fastest, pork broth lasts the longest.

    To make it easier to understand the storage periods, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the table.

    3-5 cabbage soup
    2-3 ear
    1 Kharcho
    2 Shurpa
    Name of the dish Shelf life, days Peculiarities
    Soup with meat broth If you plan to store the dish for some time, it is recommended to choose the fattest piece of meat.
    Chicken bouillon It is a dietary dish, so it cannot be stored for a long time. If there are dumplings or noodles in the soup, it should be eaten within a day, and if there is a potato, you can leave it for the next day (it will infuse and become tastier)
    Mushroom soup It is better to cook the dish at one time, since mushrooms are perishable products. Recommended to eat within 12 hours
    The richer the broth, the longer the dish will keep. The taste will improve significantly after the borscht has been in the refrigerator for a day.
    Thanks to cabbage, the dish can be stored for up to three days. A dish based on fish or mushroom broth has a shorter shelf life - one day
    It is better to cook the soup at once, because the next day the taste will become much worse. It doesn't matter if it was made from canned food or fresh fish.
    Vegetable soup If there is no cabbage among the main ingredients, it is advisable to serve the soup to the table only freshly prepared. The presence of sorrel or spinach reduces the shelf life by 10 hours
    Cheese soup The dish should be eaten immediately after cooking, as its consistency will worsen when it is cooled.
    Solyanka Has a long shelf life due to the abundance of smoked meats and meat
    Real kharcho soup is made on meat broth, therefore, in principle, it is suitable for consumption within three days. However, there is an important nuance: on the second day, rice swells, turning a rich dish into porridge, so it is recommended to eat it within 48 hours.
    Okroshka, beetroot It is advisable to keep the thick and liquid parts separate from each other: kvass or kefir - in a closed bottle, "salad" - in a saucepan. Combine just before serving
    Pea soup It is stored for 48 hours, subject to the addition of smoked meats. If the dish is dietary, it is advisable to cook it for 1 time.
    Soup puree Perishes very quickly and changes consistency due to the content of dairy products
    Lagman The more vegetables, the shorter the shelf life.
    Does not spoil due to rich lamb broth

    White foam and bubbles are a sure sign that the soup has gone bad.

    Subject to all the conditions and rules of storage, the first courses can be enjoyed for several days and even months. However, if at least one of the following signs of food spoilage is detected, it must be disposed of immediately:

    • white film and bubbles on the surface;
    • the color has become a tone darker than the original;
    • slimy consistency in unheated form;
    • the unpleasant smell of warm soup.

    Do not neglect such important signals. Otherwise, food poisoning is inevitable.

    Many are interested in the question of how long can soup be stored in the refrigerator? Often the first dish is prepared by the housewives for the future, so that later the household can heat up the food and eat. Some soups remain not only for the first, but also for the second day.

    How not to make a mistake in terms of storage and not harm the health of others?

    Storage Features

    In order to store the first dishes correctly, you need to follow some rules. In addition to the fact that the product must be stored exclusively in the refrigerator, there are several more immutable rules.

    • Do not put a warm pot in the refrigerator! You should wait until it cools down completely. In this case, it is better to remove it from the stove if its further operation is planned. Also, do not place the container near heating appliances.
    • No need to leave foreign objects in the broth and store it with them. This applies to spoons and ladles. They provoke oxidation and the product deteriorates very quickly.
    • Place the pot in the coldest part of the refrigerator compartment. Usually this place is in the immediate vicinity of the freezer. The ambient temperature should not exceed 5 degrees.
    • It is not necessary to reheat the entire soup if it will not be eaten completely. It is better to set aside the right amount and reheat separately.

    In hot weather, the soup is stored less than usual, it often happens that it has time to spoil before it cools completely. In order for it to cool down sooner, you can place the container in a bowl of cold water.

    Shelf life depending on ingredients

    The shelf life of the first dishes is determined in accordance with the ingredients that make up their composition. Since the recipe for preparation and the qualitative composition of them are different, the duration of storage, even in a refrigerator, will vary significantly. How many days can soups be stored in different broths?

    1. Soups based on rich meat broth, are stored longer than all representatives. They withstand at a temperature of +5 degrees for three days. At the same time, sour dishes, such as cabbage soup or borscht, can be stored for up to 5 days. Chicken soup will keep in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.
    2. Fish soup should not be stored for more than a day. This is due to the fact that this product has the shortest duration of heat treatment and therefore is perishable. This is especially true for the ear, which contains rice. In rare cases, it will be possible to save it for two days.
    3. Mushroom soup do not store in the refrigerator and it is better to cook it at one time. This is due to the fact that the mushroom itself is an ingredient that quickly deteriorates, and therefore the soup cannot be stored for a long time. With the exception of options containing sour cabbage.
    4. vegetable soups also belong to dishes that quickly lose their useful properties. Do not store vegetable broth for more than a day, even in the refrigerator.

    Advice! Don't plan on storing soup puree. It is prepared at one time and loses its taste and physical qualities a few hours after cooling.

    Signs of bad soup

    How to determine the quality of the first dishes stored for several days? If doubt has crept in about the freshness of the soup, then you should not eat it. In addition, there are obvious signs that the food is spoiled.

    One of the signs of the loss of the original beneficial properties is the darkening of the broth. If such a phenomenon is observed, then it is no longer worth eating soup. A characteristic smell with sourness also indicates a poor-quality product.

    At the same time, the smell can be subtle and can completely disappear if you sniff it, however, you should also refuse such a dinner. The most obvious sign of a missing dish is a white foamy coating on the surface, which rises like a fur coat when heated. Such a delicacy is absolutely impossible to eat.

    Treat your body with care. Even if only one sign of corruption is noticed, you do not need to eat such a dish, and even more so keep it further.

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    The morning of most housewives begins with the question, what to cook for dinner? Cooking takes a lot of time and effort, so housewives prefer to cook soups for the future.

    Not everyone knows how long soup can be stored in the refrigerator without losing its useful and taste qualities. The article describes the rules for storing the main types of first courses. After studying this information, you will be able to rationally use your own time, save on buying groceries, and save your health.

    What determines the shelf life of soups

    According to the State Standards, freshly prepared soup should be eaten within the first 24 hours. The rest of the dish can be placed in the refrigerator, pre-cooled. If the equipment maintains a constant temperature background of 2-6 °C, the shelf life of the dish will be no more than 24 hours.

    Catering staff adhere to such rules, but experienced housewives claim that homemade soup can stay fresh a little longer. At the same time, an important caveat is observed - the first dish must be stored strictly in the refrigerator. Without special equipment, this perishable product will become unusable in a matter of hours.

    The shelf life of soup in the refrigerator depends on the following factors:

    • Maintaining cleanliness in the kitchen. To protect the dish from spoilage as much as possible, wash dishes, food and hands thoroughly, change the table sponge and towel more often. No wonder they say that cleanliness is the key to health.
    • Compliance with cooking technology. The recipe for each soup requires a certain cooking time. Insufficiently long thermal processing of products will lead to a decrease in the shelf life of the dish.
    • Ingredients included in the meal. Each product has its own storage features. Some ingredients will extend the shelf life of the first dish, while others will reduce it to a minimum. Is it worth mentioning the need to use fresh components?
    • The amount of salt significantly affects the shelf life of soups. This natural preservative prolongs the life of the soup, but it is important not to miscalculate the dosage. Undersalted broth will spoil faster, and oversalted will discourage appetite.

    The traditional oriental shurpa soup contains a lot of salt, due to which it is stored for a long time even in the heat

    Shelf life of the main types of soups

    The taste preferences of each person are individual and can vary even within a narrow family circle. Someone likes rich borscht, and someone does not enjoy life without fragrant chicken soup.

    Various preferences have given rise to a lot of recipes, for first courses there are about one and a half thousand of them. We have selected the most common soups, which most often become the center of the lunch meal. Let us consider in more detail the features of their storage.


    A rich mushroom soup is especially good during the “silent hunting” season, but in winter, frozen or store-bought mushrooms make an excellent soup. Fans of this dish know that it should be eaten immediately after preparation. This is due to the perishable nature of the main component - mushrooms.

    Mushrooms are processed as soon as possible after harvest. In this case, it is not recommended to use dishes made of cast iron, tin, aluminum, zinc. Metals will adversely affect the appearance and usefulness of the product.

    How long does mushroom soup keep in the refrigerator? If mushroom broth is taken as the basis, it is better to eat it in a day, a maximum of two. At the same time, be sure to check for signs of damage.

    If mushrooms are added to cabbage soup with sauerkraut, they will acquire a real taste only after a day. Someone claims that in the cold such a dish will last another 2-3 days, but it’s not worth the risk in the case of mushrooms. To avoid possible poisoning, eat food within the next day.

    Do you know that…

    Mushrooms are rich in protein, so they are often included in the lean menu. Due to the long digestion, you should not eat mushroom dishes at night. Children will not benefit from such food either.


    Borscht is the real king of the dinner table, but at the same time it is a complex dish. Its shelf life depends on the following factors:

    • meat varieties;
    • using fresh or sauerkraut;
    • Does the recipe add vinegar?

    cabbage soup

    Have you heard the phrase "daily cabbage soup"? Most will agree that this wonderful soup will fully reveal the taste only after a day.

    Real cabbage soup is incredibly tasty, but you should not store them for more than 3 days. Especially if they are cooked in chicken broth or shredded cabbage, sorrel, fish, mushrooms were added according to the recipe. Such cabbage soup is best eaten in 48 hours.

    Previously, in Rus', cabbage soup was frozen, taken on the road in winter, and at a halt they drowned in a pot over a fire


    Meat broths last up to 3 days, but using chicken to make the first one will reduce its freshness to 48 hours.

    How long does chicken soup keep in the refrigerator? There are many recipes, so you need to build on not only the main component:

    • if fresh herbs or eggs are added to the dish, it will deteriorate in a day;
    • pasta and dumplings swell quickly, spoiling the attractive appearance of the soup;
    • rice and other cereals will also turn into porridge in a day.

    Tip of the day

    The first one, using cereals or pasta, is better not to store it at all, but to cook it at once.


    Another complicated soup, but no less tasty. Cooking such a delicacy will take a lot of time because of the peas. And the suitability of the soup is determined by the meat filling.

    The traditional option includes smoked ribs, meat and sausages will also fit. The optimal shelf life does not exceed 48 hours. If the peas are pre-crushed with a blender to obtain a puree soup, the expiration date will not change, but the consistency will suffer the very next day.


    Fish spoils faster than meat, does not need long-term heat treatment. Fish soup is a great option to pamper the family with a healthy dish in a hurry. How long fish soup is stored depends more not on its variety, but on the cooking technology.

    A few tips for cooking and storage:

    • Every fisherman knows that fish soup is only good for the first 3 hours after removing the pot from the fire. Later, its taste will deteriorate significantly.
    • A good ear will remain for 2 days, but it is better to move it to the refrigerator as soon as possible after cooking.
    • If fish heads are chosen for cooking, be sure to remove the gills and eyes, otherwise the broth will turn out bitter and cloudy, and also deteriorate faster.

    Tip of the day

    Try to cook an ear from different varieties of fish, this will add richness to the broth, improve taste.


    The hodgepodge recipe includes pickled cucumbers, spices, meat products and smoked meats. There are a lot of variations of hodgepodge, it can be prepared even without meat broth. The listed products do not lose their shelf life for a long time, so the hodgepodge will stay in the refrigerator for 3-4 days without compromising the taste.

    Salt is especially liked by men who consider it the best hangover remedy.


    The delicate taste of cheese soup will not leave indifferent even the smallest picky eaters. It can be served for breakfast and lunch, seasoned with vegetables, mushrooms, meat. Since there is no legal data on the storage of cheese soup, you should be guided by the State Standard and eat it within 24 hours.

    Experienced housewives know that the creamy taste and delicate aroma disappear in a matter of hours, so they try not to cook cheese soup for the future. Households will help eliminate the problem of surplus if you add some greens and crackers to the plate.

    Soup puree

    Puree soups are an ideal solution for dietary and children's menus. They have a delicate texture, unique aroma and can be prepared from various products. Suitable vegetables, mushrooms, legumes, fish, turkey, chicken.

    Since this first is most often served to babies, it is important to know how much puree-like soup can be stored in the refrigerator:

    • For children, you should not cook large portions, it is better to limit yourself to a single meal.
    • Leftover puree soup that does not contain dairy products or meat is good for a day. But the beautiful appearance and consistency will disappear in a few hours.
    • If the composition includes milk or cream, after 12 hours you will have to say goodbye to the puree soup.


    Soups on vegetable broth are tasty and healthy, but they do not differ in durability. Already when reheating, you will notice a change in the taste and color of vegetables. Limit yourself to a single serving of stew, store leftovers for no more than a day in the cold.


    Milk soup is also short-lived. Traditionally, it includes milk and pasta, which will spoil in 12 hours. The safety of other sweet soups, which include yogurt, cream, condensed milk, is subject to the same shelf life.

    Soup storage rules

    • The optimal temperature background in the refrigerator is 2-5 ° C. Make sure he doesn't hesitate.
    • Give preference to dishes made of chemically inert materials - enameled, glass. Containers made of certified food-grade plastic will also work.
    • Choose a shelf in the refrigerator that is closer to the freezer. For old-style devices, it is located on top. For two-chamber refrigerators, the coldest shelf is determined by the design features indicated in the instructions.
    • Remove the bowl of soup only after it has completely cooled down. Bringing the saucepan to the balcony in winter or placing it in a bowl of cold water in summer will help speed up the process.
    • Before storage, remove the scoop and take care of the maximum tightness of the lid.
    • Each time you pour a bowl of soup, use a clean, dry ladle.

    If the soup thickens in the refrigerator, it can be diluted with water, broth, milk (depending on the recipe)

    Note to the owner

    If there is not enough soup left in a large container, do not pour it into a smaller saucepan. We decided to take such a step to save space - boil the liquid again, cool.

    Is it possible to freeze first courses and how to do it

    Freezing ready-made soup is not a good idea.

    But you can solve the problem with frequent cooking of the broth. In order to save time, experienced housewives freeze the meat broth. If necessary, it is enough to remove the ready-made base for the soup and boil after defrosting.

    Soup spoilage signs

    When the shelf life of the soup in the refrigerator comes to an end, the question arises - has the product gone bad?

    • You can determine the suitability of the dish by the color of the broth; a spoiled dish will change the color of the liquid part to a darker one.
    • The second sign of spoilage is the appearance of a characteristic sour smell. Even a barely perceptible "aroma" should alert you.
    • To test for suitability, pour some of the soup into another pan and set to boil. An increase in the sour smell and the appearance of foam indicate the unsuitability of the product.
    • Foam may also appear during storage in the refrigerator, even a few bubbles on the surface of the broth indicate spoilage. This soup is time to prepare a replacement for lunch.

    The first dishes will quickly return the energy wasted in the morning and saturate the body with food until the evening. Thanks to a large selection of recipes, a family dinner will turn into a feast. Healthy soups can be prepared for the future, but you should follow the cooking technology and storage rules described in the article.

    Store properly and be healthy!

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    How long can you keep soup in the refrigerator?

      Soup in meat broth can be stored for 2 days, and soups with cabbage 3. The main thing is that the temperature is not higher than +5 degrees and the pan is tightly closed, without spoons and ladles. But you can’t boil it - the taste and color are lost (have you observed how the color of boiled borscht changes to brown?). It is better to pour and heat, and immediately put the soup back in the refrigerator. Soups on vegetable broths, green cabbage soup cannot be stored! Cooked for one time. Vitamins will definitely not remain, and only oxalic acid will remain in green cabbage soup, which is very harmful. It is better to cook a concentrated broth, evaporating for a long time, strain and use for soup. It can also be frozen. The French call this broth consommé.

      Much depends on the mode of the refrigerator, we had such a refrigerator, in which the soup disappeared in a day due to the presence of uncooked greens in it. But with a normal refrigerator, soup can be stored no more than 3 days. But it is important to remember that it can disappear or lose taste much earlier. Therefore, before eating, you need to test a three-day soup on someone.

      Soup in the refrigerator can be stored for about 3 days, sometimes even more. It all depends on the temperature that is set in the refrigerator, the lower it is, the longer the shelf life of the soup. And you can check the freshness and suitability of the soup for food by smell.

      But I don’t eat soup that has been stored for more than 2 days, although I know that it hasn’t been spoiled yet, but somehow it’s not appetizing to me.

      I know that in some families soups are boiled for five days. Once the hostess cooks a large pot, and then the household then feeds from it not all the working week, warming up their portion, pouring it into a metal bowl. But this, I think, is an exception to the rule, because. better soup cooks for 1-2 days. Personally, I can’t eat soup on the 3rd day.

      It takes time to cook every day, and even if the family is small, there is no need. Boil the soup and leave for a few days in the refrigerator is not scary. The main thing is that the freshly brewed soup did not stand on the stove for a long time, it did not turn sour (especially borscht). Therefore, as soon as the soup is ready, remove it from the stove and wait until it cools down for the refrigerator. We put it in the refrigerator, where the soup can be stored from two (fish soup, chicken soups) to five (borscht, beetroot soup) days.

      It depends on what soup, on what broth is cooked, from one to three days. Although I myself only cook borscht for several days (it becomes even tastier, including cabbage soup). Although Ms. Malysheva urges to keep cooked food for several hours. But where can you find the time to stand constantly at the stove, so you have to cook for a couple of days. Although it is better to cook fish and milk soups at once, I do not leave them for the next day.

      It is advisable not to store the soup at all, but to use it freshly prepared - the ingredients of the soup, when reheated, may lose their taste, and there will be a tasteless bourda and not a soup. For example pasta soup. Or mashed soups - I can’t imagine how they can be stored in the refrigerator. True, sometimes on the second day the taste of some soups becomes richer, so to speak.

      It should be especially noted that on the second and even the third day of storage, borscht and cabbage soup acquire such a taste .... that you can’t resist))). You can store them in the refrigerator for up to a week, the taste becomes tastier)). My wife loves fresh cabbage soup, and I insist. So I keep them in the fridge until I eat them.

      If you boil it once every two days, then long enough until it dries.

      And then you get rollton!

      totally agree with the above! and Malysheva needs to raise her rating with something. She probably isn’t standing at the stove either. I wouldn’t mind eating fresh, and cooking too ... just give me time

      therefore, store it calmly for 2-3 days, the main thing is not to forget the ladle in the pan =) otherwise it will definitely go bad

      The answers confused me, all my life I calmly kept any soups and borscht for about 10 days or more and did not notice any stomach problems or even taste.

      If tomato, fresh tomatoes or tomato sauces were not added to the soup, then this soup can be stored in the refrigerator for a week or even more. The main thing is that the temperature in the refrigerator should not be higher than 0 degrees.

      When my wife leaves on a business trip, she cooks soup or borscht in a large pot. We can eat it for a week, but we don’t heat up the whole pan, but everyone puts a serving on a plate, heats it up in the microwave and eats, and the pan is constantly in the refrigerator.

      We keep borsch a little less - up to 5 days.
