
How to have the perfect picnic: about food and more. How to have an unforgettable picnic with friends


Even church ministers know that a good place is half the success of an orgy. What can we say about a picnic! Look for clusters of stumps, fallen trees or stones, as you will have to sit on them: a traditional picnic does not tolerate plastic tables and chairs. “I would recommend taking knitted or woven “seats” from the “furniture,” Tatyana suggests. It is better to choose a place on a hill, hillock or slope, from where a view worthy of the ongoing action opens (besides, the whole area is perfectly shot from there). Plus, you will need a few trees between which you can secure the awning in case of rain. You will find them right on the spot, but it is better to take a tent-tent and a rope with you.


Experience shows that the optimal number of live guests at a picnic is from three to nine. More than nine people is already a small crowd that is difficult to manage, but in the case of two participants, the picnic becomes romantic, with different rules. Clothing should be simple and loose, made from natural materials. “If you maintain the style, then it is better to choose linen clothes. And exclude the paraphernalia of modern life, such as smartphones, for a while, ”recommends Tatyana Kuznetsova. Anyone who dares to show up in a doghouse or, God forbid, in a swimsuit, you have every right to drive in the neck.

Pal Signey-Mersche, "Picnic in May", 1873 Accessories

“The tablecloth should be white and certainly made of natural material - linen or canvas,” Tatyana advises. Choose cloth napkins, knives - sharply sharpened, with wooden handles. Bury disposable dishes in a disposable pit - let the serving be worthy of a restaurant. To scare away insects from the tablecloth, who love to flop into plates and wine glasses with a devilish laugh, put an aromatic lamp with lavender oil in its center.


Put cheeses, bread, butter in a clay pot, wicker baskets with vegetables and fruits on the tablecloth. Set aside strong and fortified drinks until the next holiday. Light wine and cool fruit drinks - what you really need! And to keep them cool, a portable crypt or a cooler bag will help you. Leave the brazier and grill in the garage this time: a traditional picnic does not tolerate cooking meat and fish! So stock up on plenty of roast beef, basturma or boiled lamb or goat meat with garlic and herbs.

seating arrangement

A picnic is not an excuse to eat your fill in the fresh air. The meaning of a traditional picnic is to contemplate the beauty of nature and relax from the bustle of the city. To avoid unnecessary talk about problems, seat the guests in a row, rather than face to face. And now that everything is ready, you can enjoy the first warm days of this year.

Menu (per person)

Meat (each type) - 100 g
Bread - 100 g
Butter - 50 g
Vegetables and fruits - 150-200 g
Pickles and marinades - 100 g
Wine - 450 ml
Cold drinks - 300 ml

natural calculator

See what it looks like and how much everything you need for a real picnic looks like.

Tablecloth, 150 rubles.

Cooler bag, 2000 rubles

Spring... It is felt everywhere - in the clear sunny sky, in the flooding birdsong, in the first leaves on the trees. To leave the walls of stuffy apartments that have been worn over the winter and get out into nature with family or friends - such a desire arises, probably, for each of us. How to organize a picnic in nature so that it brings maximum positive emotions and leaves pleasant memories?

Preparing for a picnic is a responsible event and the result of outdoor recreation largely depends on it. What to bring on a picnic?

They must be non-perishable and do not require special transportation conditions. Of course, the leader here are all kinds of sandwiches- but we would advise not to cook them at home, but simply cut bread, sausage, cheese and other sandwich components and put it all in separate bags (it is better to wrap it in a special cling film). And already in nature to make sandwiches from existing products. In this case, they will have a more attractive and “fresh” look, and are guaranteed not to deteriorate along the way.

The same goes for salads- it is better to take washed vegetables and dressing (mayonnaise, vegetable oil) with you and whip up a few spring salads or just dip the vegetables in the sauce and eat them in this form - a picnic also provides for such an option.

well go and meat products- for a picnic, baked meat or chicken will be an excellent option, because they are delicious cold, especially with mustard, ketchup or some kind of hot sauce (don't forget to take them with you too).

Can be taken for a picnic canned food, cookies, sweets.

Indispensable for a picnic and fruits- they need to be washed and packed in special sealed plastic containers.

If you are planning to organize a picnic in nature c cooking(barbecue, grill, baked potatoes, fish soup, fried sausages, etc.), take care of preparing food (for example, marinating meat for barbecue) and all the necessary equipment (brazier, skewers, firewood, fuel for a fire, a pot for fish soup and etc.)

stock up plenty of liquid(the best option is ordinary non-carbonated mineral water or green tea in a thermos) - active outdoor recreation will require replenishment of the body's water balance. As for alcohol, at a picnic it is better, of course, to refrain from drinking large quantities of alcoholic beverages. Leave this prerogative to home gatherings or meetings in a cafe, and at a picnic limit yourself to a symbolic supply of beer or a bottle of homemade wine for the whole company.

Products are the best put in a big basket- it not only looks more picturesque and appetizing than a mountain of packages, but also guarantees that the food will not wrinkle. Yes, and getting products from the basket is much more convenient.

Take everything you need to eat inventory: folding knife, opener, corkscrew, plastic utensils, paper and wet wipes (towels). Be sure to stock up on trash bags to remove leftover food in them.

Take care of plaid(veil), on which all the action will take place. If it has recently rained, take it with a blanket oilcloth- it can be placed under the cover, and it will not be saturated with moisture from the ground. You can organize a picnic in nature more comfortably - this is an option in the form of folding chairs and a table, or at least soft cushions to sit on them.

Many people forget that a picnic in nature is not only a pleasant holiday, but also an event, to some extent. associated with risk. Be sure to take it with you sunscreen so as not to “burn out” in the sun (it can be dangerous in the spring too!). Prepare first aid supplies(alcohol, cotton wool, bandage, band-aid, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green) - you can easily get hurt in a park or forest. Indispensable for a picnic will be and mosquito and tick repellents. If the picnic is planned in a place not protected from the sun by trees, take hats(caps, panamas), especially if there are children in your company.

By the way, about children. Picnic with children somewhat different from a picnic in the company of only adult children. Be sure to think ahead about how to organize a picnic in nature with children - otherwise they will quickly get bored, and they will whine for half a day that they want to return home as soon as possible. think over outdoor games(fun starts, rounders, young naturalists, treasure hunters, etc.), take with you Sports Equipment(volleyball, badminton).

To pay attention picnic clothes. It should be comfortable - because you will sit on the ground - and cover your legs and arms (to avoid insect bites, especially ticks). Just in case, take a jacket or other warm clothes with you - it will suddenly get colder, it will rain, or you decide to extend the picnic until late in the evening, when the warm sun hides behind the horizon.

Take with you camera camcorder after checking that the battery is fully charged. After all, it's a shame when she sits down at the most inopportune moment - in the midst of a picnic. It will be useful at a picnic and record player(radio).

Take care of umbrellas, even better - raincoats. Spring weather is notoriously changeable, and clear blue skies in the morning can't guarantee no rain in the evening. It does not interfere with resuming in memory the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm - also a frequent spring phenomenon.

Where to organize a picnic in nature?
There can be a lot of options here: a city park, a river embankment, a grove, a forest belt, etc. The main thing is that your picnic does not violate public order and is a place allowed for such events. When choosing a place for a picnic, make sure that it is protected from the sun as much as possible so that the wind does not blow in your direction (this is especially true if you are going to make a fire). Check if there is an anthill nearby.

After the picnic do not forget to take away all the garbage with you (it is advisable not to leave the garbage bag lying on the ground, but take it with you), extinguish the fire, in general - make the traces of your stay here as invisible as possible.

We hope our tips will help you in organizing and holding a picnic in nature. Have a good rest!

We all look forward to the end of winter, dreaming of breaking out of stuffy apartments into fresh air. Even early spring is a great time to have a picnic in nature. What can we say about the May holidays and, moreover, about the summer holidays. It remains to choose a warm, sunny day and organize everything correctly. It is about how to have a successful picnic that "" will tell today.

How to choose a picnic spot

Do not think that the place will be found by itself. Unless you are going to have a picnic on your own site, then, in order not to spoil your plans, choose a site in advance. First of all, it should be a fairly sunny and dry clearing. At the same time, the presence of trees nearby is desirable in order to be able to hide from the scorching and blinding rays. Remember that even the spring sun can noticeably burn the skin, weaned from ultraviolet radiation during the long winter.

It is necessary to choose a place for a picnic in nature in advance.

Of course, it is important to choose a place for a picnic. not very far- so that the road does not take much time. Otherwise, the rest will turn out to be extremely short, and the path will be tiring.

If your company gathers only adults, and even avid fishermen, then choose a picnic spot near a pond. But if you have children with you, and swimming does not fit into the planned program, then this beauty should be excluded: the picnic will inevitably be spoiled by the need to drive the children away from the water. After all, you want to relax, and not play the role of a strict counselor, right?

you like the field must be carefully inspected. It should not contain any debris left over from your predecessors, nor anthills or wasp nests. Nettles or thorny bushes, poisonous plants will also be unpleasant neighbors. This is especially important if you have children with you who are extremely inquisitive.

What to bring on a picnic

First of all, you need to take care of what will you sit on and what will you lay out food on. You can, of course, take folding furniture with you - table, chairs. This will be especially good if there are elderly people in your company. If the team is young, you can limit yourself to a blanket (as a tablecloth) and, for example, tourist foam for sitting on the ground. If you decide to organize a picnic at the very beginning of spring, when the snow is still melting, or rain is likely to wet the grass, be sure to take oilcloth to put it under plaid.

Think carefully about where you will sit and where to lay out food.

When the weather is already dry enough to sit directly on the ground, you can take bright pillows. It is convenient to put them under the back, and if desired, they easily turn into shells for active games.

By the way, about games. What to do on a picnic also needs to be thought out in advance. Depending on the invented scenario, you may need a ball (soccer, volleyball, bouncer), badminton rackets and a shuttlecock, a rope or cable (for pulling). The kids will surely love the idea of ​​having a bag run. Or maybe there is someone among you who can play the guitar? You can also come up with intellectual games that do not require inventory: solving charades, riddles, word puzzles. These, of course, are not active games, but they are great fun and excite the team spirit.

In order not to be bored, think of something to do in nature.

Be sure to take it with you first aid kit. It should include repellents (best for children, hypoallergenic), insect bites, iodine, plaster, bandage, hydrogen peroxide, bruise ointment, ammonia, Panthenol or burn cream. It's great if you don't need any of these tools. But you need to have them on hand.

Try to choose the right one from the beginning. But other than that, it's good to have spare clothing set. In the spring, when feet are most likely to get wet, extra warm socks and a change of footwear are essential. This will help to avoid the sad ending in the form of a cold in any vagaries of the weather.

If you plan to stay overnight, you will need a tent, bedding, a lantern.

That, in fact, is all that you need to take on a picnic. It remains to decide on the choice of menu - and you can pack things.

Picnic menu

According to tradition, an indispensable attribute of a picnic - kebabs. Meat fried over a fire, smelling of smoke, makes anyone hungry. No less popular are barbecues, sausages - any meat products that can be cooked outdoors. Be sure to take your favorite sauces with meat - mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard. Fresh herbs would be nice too.

If you plan to cook a barbecue at a picnic, take care of firewood or coal.

Another classic picnic menu option is sandwiches. You can prepare them ahead of time at home. But there is a risk that during transportation the layers will crumble and lose their shape. Therefore, "Women's Happiness" recommends taking chopped ingredients separately for a picnic, putting them in plastic bags or wrapping them in cling film. Already on the spot, you can easily assemble sandwiches from this “constructor”, which will have a fresh and extremely attractive look.

What to cook for a picnic besides meat and sandwiches? Of course, fruits and vegetables! It can be light salads or just chopped cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, pears - at your discretion. In any case, they are eaten much more readily in the air than in the usual home environment. The main thing is that these products are washed at home in advance.

Meat, sandwiches, fruits and vegetables are the traditional picnic menu.

As a drink you will need water (mineral and ordinary, drinking), juices, iced tea. It is better to refuse sweet soda - it only increases thirst, especially in hot weather. As for alcohol, this is a personal choice for everyone. But believe me: if you manage to properly organize a picnic, then everyone will have fun without strong drinks.

How to bring all this? Here are the best helpers - picnic baskets. Their choice today is huge, everyone can find the one that he likes. At the same time, by its very appearance, such a basket is already uplifting, promising a pleasant stay. There are small baskets where you can put only products. There are voluminous baskets that will fit both food and all the necessary utensils.

A picnic basket with its very appearance sets you in a romantic mood.

By the way about dishes. Preference should be given to light plastic or plastic, disposable tableware. Just please do not leave this rubbish behind you in nature - take it with you. Then you will be happy to come more than once to your chosen place, and many others who also wish to have a picnic.

Have a nice holiday!

I do not know a single person who would not like picnics in nature. What could be better than a meal in the forest, by a lake or a river, in a village, or just on a lawn?! But it seems to me that no one enjoys a picnic as much as children! Is not it? Parents, spoil your kids more often with family trips to nature! Even if you live in a private house and have a large garden or yard, change the atmosphere at least from time to time!

Many people living in the post-communist space associate a picnic with barbecue, although in reality everything can be much more interesting and not so monotonous. There is such a wide range of dishes that you can take with you on a picnic or partially cook and finish cooking on the spot. Regardless of the occasion or company, a picnic in nature can always be made special with good thought and planning in advance.

Before organizing a picnic:

1) Think carefully about where you will have a picnic. Before you take your family or company there, check if the place meets your expectations in order to avoid disappointment. Sometimes, the place you have such nostalgic childhood memories of can turn out to be an abandoned garbage pit.

2) Check if you have everything for a good picnic: blankets and bedspreads to sit on,
a thermal bag for transportation and dishes in which you will carry food, as well as suitable serving utensils, which can be plastic or ceramic, which is not a pity in which case.

3) Check the expected weather two or three days in advance. As a rule, weather forecasts a week earlier and no longer correspond to reality.

4) If the days are expected to be hot and sunny, and the place is open, a garden or beach umbrella will not be superfluous.

5) Think about the fun side of the picnic and what it will take:

- Outdoor games for kids and just for active people. Don't forget to grab inventory for them; Even board games are much more fun to play outdoors!

A portable player for musical accompaniment to a meal, or you can simply use the player in the car;

Amusing books and magazines for lovers of a quiet and relaxing holiday;

Fishing rods and tackle for fishermen, in case a picnic by the pond.

When it comes to picnic foods, choose foods that are easy to transport, don't lose sight too quickly, and are easy to eat without sitting at a table with a knife and fork. Do not plan too many meals so that the preparation itself is not already too troublesome, a picnic should still bring joy! But a picnic is also no reason to get by with sandwiches.

For meat and hearty dishes, do not forget to prepare a light vegetable salad. And if you are grilling something, be sure to think about a snack before the main dish is ready. Consider also a light and informal dessert. And also remember that you need to take care of what you drink it all with!

As for dishes for a picnic in nature, the best are:

Various sandwiches with not very juicy filling, so as not to get wet before arriving at the place. And you can separately prepare the ingredients and lay out everything already in place;

Cold baked meats like baked pork, roast beef, etc. Properly baked, they are juicy and no less tasty when cold;

Various pies, tarts and quiches;

Dips and sauces for raw or blanched vegetables;

Patés and terrines prepared in advance;

Meat and fish cuts also show themselves well. Prepare a couple of interesting sauces and additions to them and everything will not be so banal!

Salads that do not lose their appearance and taste during transportation, which can also be decomposed into jars. Salads with leafy greens are best seasoned with dressing already in place;

- And of course, if there should still be a barbecue, marinate the meat for it in advance. Just think also about the dishes that you can enjoy before the meat from the grill or the kebab is ready;

Remember also about bakery products. Favorite bread or several of its types, bright focaccia or ciabatta will always be happy to be consumed by picnic participants;

And as for desserts, these are, first of all, desserts that can be prepared already in jars, such as panna cotta, various muffins and pies, which withstand transport well and are easy to eat.

Don't forget picnic drinks too. Much better than banal carbonated drinks and industrial juices are homemade lemonades and iced teas. For adults, you can cook an interesting punch, crunch or sangria.

Here is a list of what to bring to the picnic:

Blankets and bedspreads on which to sit, as well as a tablecloth on which there will be an "imaginary table";

Serving utensils, glasses or cups and cutlery;

Roll of paper towels (Always useful);

Napkins paper and wet;

Drinks, depending on the needs of the company;

Corkscrew and bottle opener;

Spoons for laying dishes on plates;

- Sharp knife and knife with teeth for bakery products;

Salt and pepper;

A first aid kit, which will also contain mosquito spray and insect bite gel, as well as basic medicines and items that are usually found in a travel first aid kit. You never know what can happen in nature;

Charcoal or grill briquettes if you are going to grill something. Don't rely on finding enough wood on site;

Garbage bags to leave clean and tidy at the place of rest! We must protect nature!

Three examples of a picnic menu:


Going out into the countryside, escaping from a dusty metropolis, admiring the scenery and just having a good rest is the dream of every city dweller. Who among us will refuse to spend the whole day in the company of loved ones in the forest, near a river or in the mountains? A picnic can bring a lot of pleasure, but only if you carefully prepare for it and take into account all the little things. Depending on the composition of the participants in such an event, special nuances should be taken into account that will make outdoor recreation unforgettable.

family picnic

If you intend not just to feed your family in nature, but to have fun, we advise you to adhere to the following rules. First of all, it is necessary to warn all household members about the picnic in advance so that they can adjust their plans. If the family has small children, and you do not want to ruin the day by listening to their whims, you should not choose a place that is far from home for relaxation. The best option in this case would be a nearby park; find out in advance whether it is possible to have picnics in it.

Think about what you will do with children in nature. Outdoor games are best suited for this, so do not forget to bring badminton, balls, and, if possible, bicycles. Babies are more likely to get dirty, so make sure you have a spare set of clothes.

Experienced parents know that children in the open air do not suffer from a lack of appetite, but rather the opposite. It is advisable to choose products from which sandwiches can be made, and it is better to cook several types, combining ingredients in different ways. Do not forget about sweets - children will definitely remind you of it, so it is better to prepare in advance. Take cookies, buns, buns and other goodies. Supplement snacks in the air can be vegetables and fruits.

Friendly picnic

The main difficulty in organizing a picnic with friends is choosing the date of this event. It is best to agree on it in advance, at least a week in advance. In addition, it is important to discuss in advance how you will get to the place of rest. If it's far away, you might want to think about public transport or taking a minibus. It is unfair to deprive friends - drivers of cars of the opportunity to appreciate noble drinks.

Select the main organizer and leader of the picnic, who will distribute the responsibilities of each participant. In this age of technology, this is quite simple to do - in one of the social networks, you can create a meeting and post a list there, where it will be indicated who is responsible for what.

An interesting option is a themed picnic, but only if everyone supports such an idea. You should not impose your vision of rest on a large company. For a friendly picnic, a place in nature with free space is perfect. It can be a forest or a meadow near a river or lake.

If you don’t want to bother too much, take disposable plates and cups with you. However, if you want to create a festive atmosphere, colorful plastic reusable tableware is perfect; besides, it is much stronger (and therefore more convenient) disposable.

romantic picnic

Romantic outdoor recreation is an exciting and responsible event. Even the smallest details and nuances are very important here, which, with the right approach, can make a picnic unforgettable, but in case of mistakes, they can ruin not only the day off.

You can create a festive atmosphere with the help of beautiful dishes, glasses and cutlery. It must be remembered that all these things are very fragile, so it is best to transport them in a special basket where it is possible to fix them. If you do not attach importance to such details, then choose disposable tableware that is more convenient to use in nature.

You do not rule out that the picnic may drag on until late? Then think about candles. The best option in such conditions would be LED, which will not burn through the bedspread or napkins, unlike conventional ones.

For alcoholic drinks, give preference to wine, as drinking champagne under the scorching sun will make your picnic too short. It is advisable to provide a way to cool the drink: if there is no cooler bag, wrap the bottle in a towel, thus creating the effect of a thermos. Just do not forget to put a corkscrew in your bag - the process of pushing the cork into a bottle of expensive wine does not look very romantic.

Be sure to take napkins with you, but not ordinary ones, but large and beautiful ones. It would be nice to learn how to fold them in an interesting way to surprise your loved one. If you don’t already know how, it’s time to acquire this skill - there are many types of such “napkin” art.

It is very difficult to foresee everything and not forget anything when preparing a picnic, but you can try to avoid the most common mistakes by listening to some tips:

  • Tip 1. Make a list of everything you need

A few days before your planned vacation, think about what things you might need, from bedspreads to toys for the child. Most often, all sorts of little things are forgotten at home: napkins, garbage bags, a first aid kit, plain water, a camera. In order not to join the ranks of unfortunate vacationers, gather strictly according to the list.

  • Tip 2: Find the right place

For an impromptu table, choose a flat surface, without bumps and stumps. Directly on the ground you need to put a disposable tablecloth, and already on top of it you can cover it with a beautiful bedspread. 4.8 out of 5 (28 votes)
