
The benefits of alcohol in small doses. Is alcohol good for you?

According to estimates by the World Health Organization, Uganda is recognized as the drinkingiest country in the world. This is due to the fact that in Africa many drinks based on the fermentation of plant materials are consumed, also considered alcoholic.
Luxembourg is in second place, Ireland is in third, followed by Hungary and Moldova. To Russia’s credit, it should be said that it occupies only 22nd place in the ranking of the most drinking countries, and Ukraine ranks 61st. Everything is fair in the calculations. The consumption of pure alcohol per capita was calculated, including infants and the elderly.


The main parameter for classification is the strength of the drink.
Therefore, according to the indicator, all drinks are divided into:
  • Strong. Includes more than 38% vol. alcohol This is cognac, vodka, whiskey,
  • Average. Include alcohol from 20 to 38% vol. – liqueurs, liqueurs, tinctures,
  • Weak. Include alcohol no more than 20% vol. - beer, wine.

Strong alcohol

The main difference in spirits is the raw materials from which they are made.
If in southern European countries this raw material is grapes, then in more northern latitudes it is potatoes or grain. For example, in Ireland and Scotland it is whiskey, in France and Spain it is brandy, in Russia and Poland it is vodka, in the Scandinavian countries they prepare aquavit from potatoes.
In the Caribbean, the basis for alcohol is sugar cane. Therefore, in Latin America, rum is made from it.
The abundance of agave in Mexico gave rise to the production of tequila, which was formerly called agave whiskey.
In North America, the history of spirits began with sugar cane rum. However, after some time, settlers from northern Europe discovered that instead of the usual barley, they could use corn or, in the north of the country, rye. Therefore, Canadian and American whiskey is made from rye and corn.

Another parameter for classification is exposure. Over time, people developed technology for aging strong alcoholic beverages. Canadian or American whiskey, for example, must be aged for at least two years, cognac for at least two and a half years, and Scotch whiskey for at least three years.
Not all alcoholic drinks last. Vodka, grappa and gin are not aged. Therefore, these drinks are colorless and completely transparent.
At the same time, there are drinks, for example, tequila, rum, brandy and aquavita, the production of which involves both aged and unaged types.

In trade, the classification of alcohol is simplified: all strong drinks are divided into white and brown.

The most consumed strong alcoholic drinks in the world are:

  • Vodka,
  • Whiskey,
  • Brandy,
  • Gin.
Alcohol can also be classified according to the complexity of production. Then it will turn out:
1. Pure alcohols prepared without any improvers from any types of raw materials ( vodka, grappa, whiskey),
2. Flavored spirits from a wide variety of raw materials ( aquavit, gin),
3. Drinks based on alcohol with a lot of various additives, including sugar ( tinctures, liqueurs, creams).

Calorie content

Without a doubt, liqueurs break records for calorie content. The calorie content of 100 ml of the product is more than 300 kcal.
Vodka contains a little more than 280 kcal per 100 ml.
Liqueur wines and whiskey contain about 220 kcal per 100 ml.
Dessert and fortified wines contain from 150 to 170 kcal per 100 ml.
Vermouths - about 120 kcal.
Sweet wines and sweet champagne are around 100 kcal.
Semi-sweet wines 80 – 90 kcal.
Dry wines – 60 – 70 kcal.
Beer 35 – 50 kcal.
Non-alcoholic beer – 33 kcal.

Degrees and blood alcohol content

Without a doubt, the higher the amount of drink consumed, the greater the “degree” that will enter the blood.
But it’s not just the quantity that affects the level of alcohol in the blood.

1. Alcohol strength. The stronger the drink, the more alcohol in the blood. But due to the fact that drinks with a strength of 40% irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa, the work of the pyloric valve is inhibited. Therefore, the contents of the stomach do not enter the intestines so quickly and thereby delay the entry of alcohol into the blood. Drinks with a strength of 15–20% penetrate the blood most quickly. Due to the fact that there is quite a lot of water in beer, alcohol from it also does not immediately enter the bloodstream. But aperitifs with a strength of 15–20% penetrate the blood the fastest, which is why they increase appetite, causing acceleration of blood circulation. Gas present in champagne and mineral waters ( they are used to make cocktails) accelerates the penetration of alcohol into the blood.

2. Speed ​​of use. If you drink a lot and quickly, your blood alcohol level will be higher than if you drink the same amount, but slowly, little by little. During the time that the next portion of alcohol enters the blood, the liver manages to process part of what has already been received. The liver processes the alcohol contained in 25 ml of vodka or 250 ml of beer in an hour. Therefore, if you drink at this rate, your blood alcohol level will remain constant.

3. Presence of food in the stomach. If there is no solid food in the stomach or intestines, alcohol penetrates the walls and blood faster. If a person eats fatty foods, alcohol is absorbed 6 times slower than on an empty stomach. Therefore, before the first drink, it is better to eat a thick, fatty and warm meal.

4. Body mass . The “bigger” a person is, the more fluid his body contains. Thus, a tall person will have a lower blood alcohol level, all other things being equal, than a low person. Since there is less water in fat cells, an obese person's alcohol level will rise faster than a lean person who has consumed the same amount. In any case, women have less water in their bodies than men. That's why they get drunk faster.

Myths about the dangers of alcohol

Myth 1. Alcohol is a food product
Scientists knew that alcohol is a narcotic poison back in the early twentieth century. And in the mid-70s, the World Health Organization officially recognized alcohol as a drug that undermines public health. To this day, not a single scientist has been able to reliably refute these assertions.

Myth 2. If you drink a little, there will be no harm
The refutation of this is that all alcoholics began to drink little by little. But like any other drug, alcohol is addictive. The dose can only increase. Even small amounts of alcohol give a person a feeling of euphoria, which is often very dangerous.
According to research by academician Pavlova, reflexes disappear after drinking small doses of alcohol and return to normal only after 7–11 days. According to modern data, even people who drink moderately after 4 years have an 85% chance of brain shrinkage. The more complex the brain function, the more severe the consequences of small doses of alcoholic beverages. A person’s desire to work disappears. Small doses of alcohol poison the liver, as well as brain cells and reproductive systems. Even small doses increase the likelihood of diabetes and cancer, as well as hypertension.

Myth 3. Alcohol helps prevent colds and warms you up
Alcoholic drinks are actually a source of calories, which means they can theoretically warm you up. But their processing by the body is more complex than other types of energy ( sugars or fats), and the damage done to the body is higher. An imaginary sensation of warmth arises from the fact that under the influence of alcohol paralysis of the blood vessels of the skin occurs, they become wider and the blood flow to the skin increases. The amount of heat that is given off by the body increases, so there is no benefit from this “warming”.
The maximum amount of strong alcohol that can really “get the blood going” a little is 50 grams. Large amounts only have a negative effect.
According to the French Academy of Sciences, alcohol does not in any way affect any influenza viruses. Therefore, it is useless to use it for acute respiratory diseases (ARI). It’s even harmful, because when alcohol enters the body, it weakens it. Drinkers are more susceptible to infections, this was proven back in the nineteenth century. 100 grams of good red wine, warm, can slightly stimulate the immune system, but you shouldn’t drink more.

Myth 4. Alcohol relaxes and makes you happy
Drinking small amounts of alcohol actually reduces inhibitions and loosens people up. But the reason for this is paralysis of the cells of the cerebral cortex. In this regard, people who drink have less control over their actions and words. This kind of fun is the result of the drug. After some time, a person loses the ability to concentrate, becomes tactless, and his actions often interfere with others.
Drinking alcohol should also not be used to relieve stress. After all, the effects of alcohol on the body are similar to the effects of stress itself. The narcotic effect of alcohol is that it reduces the feeling of fatigue and other unpleasant sensations. However, after the alcohol is removed from the body, all these feelings will come back with a vengeance.
As a last resort, if there is no other method of distraction, you can drink no more than 30 grams of strong drink or 40 grams. guilt.

Myth 5. Alcohol improves appetite
When alcohol enters the gastrointestinal tract, the glands begin to intensively produce digestive juice. This is a false feeling of hunger. Gradually, the glands atrophy and digestive function deteriorates, the walls of the stomach are destroyed, and an ulcer appears.
If the amount of alcohol consumed is not so large, a person’s cravings for food increase, body weight increases, and intestinal function is disrupted. It turns out that the feeling of increased appetite is just a deception. In fact, alcohol disrupts the functioning of the glands of the digestive system and impairs the functioning of protective mechanisms.
Those who stubbornly try to whet their appetite with alcohol can be advised to drink no more than 20 grams of strong alcoholic beverage. The effect will be noticeable in about 15 minutes. But drinking alcohol like this on an empty stomach entails the complications described above.

Myth 6. Wine contains many beneficial substances
According to research, during the wine making process, most of the beneficial substances found in grapes are processed or destroyed.

Myth 7. Alcohol increases performance
According to many people, it is easier to work when slightly drunk. In no case is a moderate degree of intoxication implied. According to Australian researchers, the speed of reactions in slightly inebriated people is actually slightly higher. However, their reactions are not always correct. But the ability to concentrate and think clearly decreases. It turns out that even if things move faster, there will be mistakes in the work.

Myth 8. Alcohol reduces blood pressure
Most people suffering from high blood pressure are convinced that alcohol increases the lumen of blood vessels and thereby reduces pressure. This is not a completely wrong opinion. Indeed, in small quantities, alcohol relaxes the tension of the vascular walls. But it immediately increases the heart rate. And the amount of blood pressure is affected by the volume of blood passed through the heart. Thus, when the heart rate increases, more blood is pushed out and the pressure increases. In addition, alcoholic drinks contain active components that most often negatively affect blood pressure.

Myth 9. High-quality alcohol is not harmful
In fact, even the most expensive and high-quality alcohol is a toxic poison for the body. This is due to the fact that when ethyl alcohol decomposes in the body, acetaldehyde is released, a toxic substance. At the same time, of course, low-quality alcohol is even more harmful, since it initially contains harmful fusel oils, which aggravate the effect of acetaldehyde.

Is there any benefit?

The benefits of small doses of alcohol have been talked about for a long time and in many countries around the world.
Are these claims really based on science or is it just a ploy by the liquor industry?
After all, if everyone unanimously refuses alcoholic beverages, recognizing them as a soft drug, this will cause huge losses to both producers and the state itself, which receives huge profits from taxes on alcohol. Therefore, everyone chooses the answer to this question for themselves.

In the meantime, there is an opinion that:

  • Drinking small doses of alcohol reduces the likelihood of developing coronary heart disease, as it prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and increases the amount of “good cholesterol” in the blood,
  • Moderate drinking reduces the likelihood of developing arthritis,
  • Under the influence of small doses of alcohol, areas of the brain that are dormant in a sober state are activated,
  • Moderate drinkers are less likely to suffer from kidney tumors, intermittent claudication, colds, angina, lymphoma, osteoporosis, and type 2 diabetes,
  • Moderate alcohol drinkers are several times less likely to die from a sudden heart attack.
  • Moderate drinkers earn wages 20% higher than non-drinkers.
  • Even in the Old Testament, in 191 places, the benefits of wine are spoken of ( It should be borne in mind that in those days they drank only natural grape wine, and even well diluted with water).
The overwhelming number of researchers studying this topic believe that the benefits of drinking even small doses of alcohol are so small that all of the above arguments should not be taken seriously. And any dose of alcohol brings a lot of harm to the body. The media is simply trying to justify the bad habits of society, acting quite irresponsibly.

Treatment with alcohol

The medicinal traditions of many countries include the use of alcoholic beverages. Thus, in Rus', vodka was used for rubbing, treating coughs and inflammation of the middle ear. And in southern countries, wine was used for treatment against diarrhea, cough, anemia, and weakness. In any case, you should consult your doctor before starting treatment.
Alcohol and vodka by themselves have no medicinal benefit. However, they are excellent at extracting beneficial substances from herbs. Vodka and alcohol have historically been used to make various tinctures.

ENT organs

  • To treat sore throat, bronchitis, and colds, you need to irrigate your throat and mouth with a mixture of alcohol tincture of eucalyptus or calendula and water in the proportion: 1 tsp per 200 ml of water. tinctures.
  • For follicular sore throat, you should irrigate your throat and mouth with 10% tincture of Kalanchoe with vodka.
  • For ARVI or flu, it will be useful to drink a warm drink before bed: 50 ml of dry red wine, 50 ml of mineral water, 1 tbsp. honey, a little cinnamon.
  • For pneumonia it will be useful: heat 200 ml of red wine, 1 tbsp. honey, a little lemon balm and thyme. Drink in small sips and immediately wrap yourself in a blanket.
  • To reduce the temperature during ARVI: 200 ml of dry white wine, 1 tbsp. linden honey, a little nutmeg, 1 tbsp. lemon juice Leave for 60 minutes to infuse. Take a teaspoon 4 times a day,
  • For chills: 200 ml wine, 1 tbsp. honey, juice from 12 lemons and 3 cloves, heat over a fire, leave covered for 30 minutes, drink a little,
  • For the treatment of rhinitis: 1 tbsp. dilute alcohol tincture of propolis with 2 tbsp. beet juice Drip 4 times a day, 3 drops into each nasal passage,
  • For the treatment of cough, bronchitis: 1 tbsp. olive oil, cognac, honey, warm slightly and consume immediately before bed,
  • To strengthen the body during colds, combine equal amounts of Cahors, honey, and aloe juice. Drink 1 tbsp. 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.
Heart and blood vessels
  • 100 gr. dry red wine, 8 ml cinnamon tincture, 6 ml lemon balm tincture, 30 ml honey. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day,
  • For chronic heart failure: 500 ml of dry red wine, 2 handfuls of rose petals, keep in a warm, dark place for 15 days. Drink 50 ml once a day after meals,
  • At high blood pressure: 300 gr. dry red wine, 150 gr. honey, 100 gr. crushed aloe leaves. Leave for 24 hours to infuse. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals for 6 weeks,
  • For high blood pressure: 250 ml of vodka, 250 g. honey, lemon juice, 300 ml cranberry juice. Use 1 tbsp. 3 times a day between meals,
  • For vegetative-vascular dystonia, you should drink a glass of good red wine every day.
Varicose veins
  • Mix some acacia flowers with 150 ml of vodka. Cover the bottle and leave in the dark for ten days. Use to rub affected areas,
  • Chop 6 chestnuts, add 500 ml of vodka. Keep in the dark for 14 days. Pass through gauze and drink 30 drops 3 times a day on an empty stomach. Duration of therapy 4 weeks,
  • For hemorrhoids 50 gr. pour 500 ml of vodka over chestnut flowers and leave for 14 days. Take 40 drops 3 times a day after meals.


  • For gastritis with reduced acid production: drink 75 ml of dry red wine twice a day for 21 days. Drink 30 minutes before meals
  • For diarrhea: 1 liter of red wine, 30 g. mixtures of herbs in equal quantities ( oak bark, underground parts of galangal, marshmallow), consume warm, 1 tsp. once every 60 minutes.
Choleretic and diuretic disorders
  • 500 ml of alcohol and 25 g. Birch buds should be kept in the dark for 14 days. Use 1 tsp. 3 times a day after meals,
  • For gallbladder atony, take 2 tbsp per 100 ml of vodka. barberry leaves. Leave for 15 days. Take 30 drops in a small amount of water 3 times a day for 14 days,
  • For stomach ulcers: 200 gr. vodka and 50 gr. Veselka mushroom. Soak for 15 days in a cold place. Use 1 tbsp. 3 times a day after meals.
Joint diseases
  • For swelling and pain: mix vodka and honey in equal proportions. Apply lotions at night with a warm composition,
  • Before breakfast, drink 200 ml of milk with a dessert spoon of alcohol,
  • 20 gr. leave bitterweed herbs and 500 ml of alcohol in the pantry for 14 days. Drink 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day after meals.
Chop one immortelle bulb and add 5 parts of alcohol. Keep in the pantry for 14 days, treat the affected joints.

100 gr. Mix propolis with 500 ml of alcohol. Keep in the pantry for three days. Use internally, diluting 1 tsp. tinctures in 100 ml of water 3 times a day.

Excess weight and alcohol

Excessive addiction to alcohol is one of the first reasons for the appearance of excess weight. First of all, any alcohol contains quite a lot of calories. In addition, alcohol penetrates the bloodstream in a matter of minutes and is quickly absorbed by the body. Once in the stomach, alcohol activates the production of gastric juice, speeds up the digestion of food and thereby increases appetite.

Even small amounts of alcohol reduce the ability to monitor the amount you eat. If you drink it often enough, you can increase your body weight in a short period of time. This applies most of all to beer. This is not to say that this alcoholic drink contains a lot of calories, but you can eat a lot of high-calorie foods with beer. The same goes for aperitifs. Thus, if there is alcohol at the table, more will definitely be eaten. Higher calorie foods are also chosen as snacks.

Those who want to watch their weight should pay attention to red wine. Which in small quantities accelerates metabolic processes, the movement of blood through the vessels, and causes the walls of the vessels to expand. The formation of atherosclerotic growths is reduced, the tone of the heart and blood vessels increases. Dry white wine is also useful in small quantities, improving the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

Heart, blood vessels and alcohol

According to some reports, a study was conducted in the United States on the effect of alcohol on the state of the cardiovascular system. It turned out that small amounts of alcohol have a beneficial effect on these organs. Thus, the likelihood of developing senile dementia, stroke and heart attack decreases.

Doctors from the American Heart Association conducted a study for 3.5 years, which involved more than 2,000 volunteers suffering from vascular and heart diseases.

After the experiment was completed, the scientists outlined their advice to patients. In their opinion, 2–3 servings of alcoholic beverages per day improve health. Thus, representatives of the fair sex are recommended to drink 200 ml of red wine per day, and representatives of the stronger half of humanity - 400 ml. Scientists believe that not drinking at all is worse than drinking a little. A rather strange statement from the point of view of most scientists, however, you cannot remove the words from the song.

Scientists believe that people who drink small amounts of alcohol from time to time reduce the likelihood of developing a heart attack by a quarter, and the likelihood of developing a stroke decreases by a fifth. The walls of blood vessels are strengthened, and blood circulation in the brain improves, therefore senile dementia is prevented.
Today, from the point of view of doctors from the Association of Cardiologists, small doses of alcohol are one of the secrets of well-being and health. They immediately warn that increasing the daily dose to 5–6 servings significantly increases the likelihood of death from a heart attack. Scientists also warn teetotalers against immediately starting to drink alcohol “for health”, considering this an unnecessary measure.


Due to the craze for beer, it is impossible not to dwell on this drink separately.
Beer is a low-alcohol drink produced by the fermentation of malt with the addition of brewer's yeast and hops.
Regular beer contains from 3 to 6% vol.
In strong varieties from 8 to 14% vol.
This is a very common drink; at least a thousand varieties are produced. It was known to people already 10 thousand years ago! And a number of scientists believe that people began to grow grain crops only to obtain raw materials for the foamy drink.
The quality of beer is determined solely by its taste. It is wrong to believe that the higher the foam, the better the beer. The height of the foam head depends only on how the drink was poured into the glass.
The Czech Republic ranks first in beer consumption per capita, followed by Germany and Austria.

The harm of beer
1. The heart that suffers the most from beer abuse is the heart. Doctors call this disorder “bull heart.” The cavities of the heart become larger, its walls thicken, and there is multiple tissue necrosis in the myocardium. Similar changes in the heart appear under the influence of cobalt, an element that is added to beer to stabilize foam. The heart muscle of beer drinkers contains 10 times more cobalt than it should. Cobalt also destroys the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus. The presence of large amounts of carbon dioxide in beer, as well as large volumes of liquid consumed by beer lovers, are also bad for the heart. Penetrating into the body, beer immediately causes a rush of blood in the vessels, which sooner or later causes varicose veins, as well as an increase in the volume of the heart. Such a diseased heart is large in size, but it functions very poorly.

2. Beer contains substances that change metabolic processes in the body. For example, in the body of representatives of the stronger sex, under the influence of beer, the production of male sex hormones decreases. Such men can be recognized by an increased amount of fat on the sides and hips, enlarged mammary glands, and increased pelvic volume. Beer suppresses sexual interest. According to doctors, 15–20 years of heavy beer consumption causes impotence. Women who drink beer frequently are at greater risk of developing cancer, and may develop a deeper voice and a mustache.

Most modern scientists consider beer to be the first legalized drug. According to experts, beer causes one of the most severe forms of alcoholism. Today, every second first grade student has already tried beer. The consumption of this drink has increased 12 times over the past 10 years. None of the official sources mentions that beer contains no less fusel oils, aldehydes, ethers and methanol than moonshine and tens of times more than the permissible limit in vodka.

It is officially recognized that the possibility of developing dependence on alcohol among beer drinkers is greater than among wine or vodka drinkers.
The World Health Organization warns that people who frequently drink large quantities of beer increase their risk of developing colon cancer.

Beer contains substances that promote relaxation. This is what makes it so dangerous from an addiction point of view. Gradually, it is no longer possible to imagine a vacation without a few bottles of beer. The situation is aggravated by public opinion, which does not consider beer to be alcohol. Beer alcoholism appears and develops slowly and imperceptibly. After all, the desire to drink beer does not cause anxiety in anyone. This is not vodka! However, once developed, it is more severe than vodka alcoholism. Due to the fact that beer in large quantities is a cellular toxin, it is beer alcoholics who suffer the most severely from internal organs: the heart, liver; in addition, they usually develop decreased self-esteem and dementia. And it is more difficult to recover from this alcoholism.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely recover from beer alcoholism ( just like from anyone else) impossible. Even attempts to control the dose in alcoholics lead to inevitable binge drinking. No matter how many years have passed since the last time you drank beer, everything can start all over again.
Even non-alcoholic beer is dangerous, because it contains a minimal dose of alcohol. Therefore, for many alcoholics, binges begin with a bottle of non-alcoholic beer.

The benefits of beer
1. Body massage using this drink makes the skin silky and soft,
2. Drinking 1 – 2 servings of beer per day prevents premature aging of the body,
3. Beer removes salts of the toxic metal aluminum from cells,
4. According to Japanese scientists, this drink reduces the likelihood of developing cancer by half,
5. The presence of bitterness in the drink activates the digestive tract,
6. Hops have a sedative effect, which is also transmitted to the foamy drink,
7. For those who suffer from excessive sweating, a bath will help: pour a bottle of beer into a bath of warm water and lie down for 15 - 20 minutes,
8. For colds: a mug of warm beer and a tablespoon of honey, add a little cinnamon, cloves and one raw egg to a mug of warm beer, instead of an egg you can add lemon zest,
9. Takes excellent care of hair, making it manageable and nourishing,
10. According to American scientists, drinking a glass of beer a day reduces the likelihood of developing heart attacks by half.


This drink is banned in most European countries. In the territory of the post-Soviet space it is officially approved for sale and consumption. Refers to strong drinks, contains from 68 to 72% vol., and Swiss varieties up to 80% vol.

People have been arguing about the benefits and harms of alcohol for as long as humanity has existed. Doctors and nutritionists put forward one theory after another. Some say - not a bit, others insist that it is possible and even necessary. So, is alcohol healthy and in what quantities can it be consumed?

Red and white wine

Beneficial properties of alcohol

Alcohol can be beneficial, but only in small doses. This is increasingly confirmed by scientific data.

Alcohol can lower cholesterol levels in the blood, prevent the formation of blood clots, dilate blood vessels and speed up the blood circulation process. As a result, the likelihood of the occurrence and development of cardiovascular diseases is reduced.

Beneficial substances of alcohol:

  • B vitamins;
  • Minerals (potassium, sodium).

Grape wine:

  • Organic acids (malic, lactic, tartaric);
  • Aldehydes, esters, acetates;
  • Minerals (manganese, zinc, fluorine, cobalt and 20 more trace elements);
  • Vitamin C;
  • B vitamins;
  • Vitamin RR.

The best alcoholic drink is natural wine made from red grapes. There are other high-quality alcohol that can be useful in small doses. The dosage should be selected according to how you feel, but on average it is about 50 grams of alcohol per day.

Above this norm, alcohol turns into poison, causing harm to most organs and systems of the body. The harm of alcoholic beverages also lies in the fact that 1 gram contains 7.3 kilocalories. Alcohol is as high in calories as fat!

Alcoholic drinks can be consumed. They will be harmless only if simple conditions are met:

  1. Take small doses that do not cause noticeable changes in behavior. It is important to rely not only on your own opinion.
  2. The intervals between doses should be irregular.
  3. Drink only high quality drinks that do not contain harmful additives.

Alcohol is contraindicated:

  • When taking antibiotics;
  • During pregnancy;
  • Coded;
  • For psoriasis, epilepsy;
  • Mentally unbalanced people;
  • For the rest, drink alcohol with great caution!

How much alcohol can you drink per day?

Men can take 250 ml per day. wine, or 500 ml. beer, or 40-50 ml. drink with a share of ethyl alcohol of about 40.% For a woman, the same alcohol is allowed to be consumed in quantities of 150, 330 and 30 ml, respectively. Is alcohol good for you in large quantities? Of course not.

These data are designed for people of average build. Systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages above the specified limits can lead to alcoholism and other diseases.

How to choose alcohol

High-quality wine is bottled in thick glass with a recess at the bottom. The label must contain reliable information about the manufacturer, grape variety, and bottling date. It is important that there is no inscription on the packaging about the expiration date of the wine!

When choosing a liqueur, you should first of all be guided by the label.

When choosing cognac, pay attention to the closure of the bottle. First of all, look at how the bottle is sealed. The cap should be pressed tightly against the bottle. The composition should not contain flavorings or rectified alcohol. Another undesirable sign is sediment at the bottom. A clear sign of counterfeit is an unevenly applied label.

When choosing vodka, take a close look at the label; it should be evenly pasted, with a well-placed seal.

Champagne should not contain flavorings. The date of bottling is important, since the freshest champagne tastes the best. Champagne with a plastic cork is of low quality. The stopper must be made from bark.

Recipes for healthy dishes with alcohol

Crush a large sprig of mint with 20 grams of syrup with a wooden spoon. Add lime halves, 30 grams of lime juice, 60 grams of white rum and 90 grams of soda. Divide the resulting mixture into glasses, sprinkling ice on top.

Insert the straw and stir the drink. Condensation should appear on the walls.

Mulled wine

  1. Take 150 ml. water, add spices (cinnamon stick, 12 buds of cloves, nutmeg, ginger, orange peel or lemon zest).
  2. Bring everything to a boil.
  3. After boiling for 5-7 minutes, add a liter of red wine, bring the mulled wine to a boil, but do not boil.
  4. The drink should steep for 10-15 minutes.

Mulled wine is ready to drink!

And finally, a comic excerpt from the film magazine Wick by Evgeniy Leonov. Monologue about the benefits of alcohol. “Get drunk! Healthy!"
Do not take it to heart on an empty stomach)!

The benefits and harms of the influence of alcohol on the human body have been argued for a long time and unsuccessfully, citing evidence-based facts for both points of view. But if the dangers are talked about a lot and passionately, then the benefits of alcohol raise some doubts.

And not without reason, because the number of alcoholics exceeds the permissible threshold, thereby overshadowing the positive qualities of alcoholic beverages.

It's all in the dose

Harm and benefit directly depend on the amount of alcohol consumed.

Medicines made from alcohol are recommended only in drops and bring great help.

  1. Alcohol tinctures are recommended for heart patients (valocardine, corvalol), and will calm the excited and restless (tincture of valerian or motherwort).
  2. Those suffering from indigestion are often advised to drink vodka with salt or pepper - and just a glass is enough.
  3. Garlic tincture is effective during the cold season; it improves immunity and overall body tone.
  4. Vodka with pepper, which has become a traditional remedy for the onset of flu, is not far behind in popularity for relieving symptoms of colds.
  5. A small dose of vodka (20-30 grams) can relieve headaches, help with stress, relieve toothache - good first aid if you don’t have pills on hand, and you can’t see a doctor until tomorrow, and even then after lunch.

Alcohol and colds

Dilute medical alcohol or vodka as an external remedy for the body in the form of compresses warms up, helps speed up metabolism, improves blood microcirculation, and removes toxins from the body. The inflammatory process recedes and the patient recovers.

Alcohol based compress

Dilute high-quality vodka or alcohol with water in equal proportions. Wet a natural cloth with the solution and apply it to the sore throat or chest. Cover the top with cellophane and wrap it in a warm blanket, scarf or blanket. You can make a compress at night.


Taking vodka internally in reasonable doses fights inflammation very successfully:

  • alcohol dilates blood vessels, increases blood flow to diseased organs (relieves migraines);
  • has disinfecting abilities (in the treatment of sore throat or stomach);
  • reduces the intensity of cough by warming the throat;
  • increases local immunity;
  • has an analgesic effect.

But alcohol, which undoubtedly has benefits for symptoms of a cold, will only help in the initial stage of the disease and will not replace professional medical care.

Alcohol and the cardiovascular system

Reasonable consumption of alcohol strengthens the cardiovascular system. Alcohol is capable of dilating blood vessels, and 20 ml of alcohol during a heart attack or spasm can save the patient from death.

Alcohol and the nervous system

Alcoholic drinks are an excellent sedative.

The benefit of alcohol is to effectively reduce susceptibility to heightened emotions (resentment, grief, sadness).

“Fire drinks” help you temporarily forget about a bad and unpleasant day. But this also hides enormous harm to the body. In pursuit of solace, it is easy to become a victim of alcoholism.

Alcohol and the endocrine system

The effect of alcohol on the endocrine system is to accelerate metabolism.

Without harming your health, small doses of alcohol can be recommended as a prophylactic against diabetes mellitus and a number of pathologies associated with hormonal imbalance.

Alcoholic drinks


High-quality wine has long been considered a real panacea. They treated wounded soldiers with it, gave them wine to relieve pain shock and accelerate blood clotting.

Cahors, for example, was considered a drink with medicinal properties. Doctors recommended heating and drinking wine for colds and ailments, and, if necessary, adding medicinal herbs and natural honey to the wine to enhance its healing properties.

The benefits of real wine, without artificial colors, for the human body are enormous. Wine protects blood vessels and the heart from rapid wear, eliminates bad cholesterol, and improves brain function by dilating blood vessels.

The benefits of alcohol are indicated by fructose, antioxidants, vitamins B and K, which wine is full of.

Many people suffering from anemia regularly drink a small glass of good red wine at night. This helps cope with migraines and dizziness. Red wine normalizes blood pressure.

A small glass of red wine is good for women with menstrual irregularities. So it turns out that alcohol is still beneficial for the human body.


Real beer is made from natural products:

  • hops (contains phytohormones);
  • malt from wheat or barley (contains beneficial minerals and essential vitamins).

In order not to harm your health, you can drink no more than one bottle (330 ml) per day. And you don’t have to make a whole ritual filled with salted fish and chips out of the desire to drink beer.

It is useful to drink a moderate amount of beer with dried fruits and honey; this will help with heart problems (ischemia), hormonal imbalance, and kidney pathologies.

Beer has no equal in home beauty treatments. It is added to various hair masks, used as a lotion for the skin of the face and body, and added to the bath.

Beer can also be used in cooking; it will add a delicate bitterness and hoppy taste.


Cognac is highly valued by alcohol lovers.

Reasonable use is not only pleasant, but also useful:

  • 20-30 grams of cognac dilate blood vessels and normalize blood pressure;
  • in moderate doses it helps get rid of migraines and angina attacks;
  • tannins contained in alcohol help ascorbic acid to be completely absorbed by the body;
  • cognac will easily solve the problem of poor appetite;
  • cognac can relieve stomach spasms;
  • effective during the season of colds and infections (tea with cognac will support the immune system and protect against diseases);
  • a miracle cure for sore throat - warm cognac. You just need to use cognac to rinse;
  • Honey cognac with a lemon drop will help reduce hyperthermia;
  • inflammation of the bronchi is treated with a slightly warmed drink along with milk;
  • pain in the teeth subsides with cotton swabs soaked in cognac: apply one to the painful tooth, and the other near the ear on the side of the painful tooth;
  • Memory will improve if you drink no more than 20 g daily.

The effect of cognac on the human body directly depends on its quality. You need to purchase only natural products without artificial colors or food additives. And there are benefits from alcohol if you purchase quality drinks, and this applies not only to cognac.

It is impossible to say unequivocally what is more beneficial for the human body in drinking alcohol. The benefits and harms of any product depend only on the rate of use and quality of manufacture.

Everyone knows about the dangers of drinking. However, almost nothing is known about its benefits. But in fact, alcohol has been used in folk medicine for a long time. It is a well-worn truth: what is poison in large doses can become a panacea in small quantities. So, what can be cured with your favorite drinks, and how?

Let's start with something simple. A chilled decanter, viscous “Aqua Vita”, pouring like oil into a tall glass only from the freezer... The author’s great weakness. Or maybe, on the contrary, strength? What will help cure “ocovitis”?

“Whiskey is the most popular of all remedies that do not help against a cold.”

Jerry Vale

It turns out that there is a lot! Pure vodka, 25-30 grams per day, is drunk, for example, by people forced to breathe polluted air - it removes toxins from the lungs. A small “dinner” pile curbs cholesterol levels, therefore, theoretically, it can prevent the development of heart and vascular diseases, heart attacks and strokes. Vodka lowers blood sugar levels, which also reduces the risk of diabetes.

Many classic folk medicines are made from vodka mixtures. If you have an upset stomach, knowledgeable people advise drinking vodka with salt and/or pepper - a couple of pinches per glass. will increase tone, cleanse blood vessels and reduce the risk of catching a cold in the winter.

And it is traditionally recommended as a remedy for influenza and acute respiratory infections - for this you can use store-bought, homemade alcohol or quickly mix regular vodka with a mixture of black, red pepper and paprika. Personally, at the first sign of a cold, I drink a glass of this cocktail before bed and in 70% of cases I wake up almost healthy.

“Whoever has a sick heart doesn’t need cognac. Vodka with pepper! But you just need to mix it all equally, with a little bit of fortified stuff in there - two glasses, no more! Three is better. But four is possible. Mix it all. How can you give it? I woke up and couldn’t find where my heart was!”

Newsreel Wick “Sober Approach”

Just don’t forget - narcologists say that it is vodka, or rather all drinks based on rectified alcohol, that most quickly causes addiction. The purer the drink, the harder it will be to part with it. Fact!

“The first cognac dilates blood vessels, the second – conceit”

If one glass is not enough for you, we continue to treat further! We extract grandfather's cognac from the bins. Moreover, the more stars, the more useful properties.

So, 20-30 grams: will help relieve migraines and angina pectoris, headaches, calm your nerves, relieve stress, mixed with beaten egg whites - help with cough, and even increase potency! Tannins slightly ease toothache - if your teeth hurt, then you don’t mind rinsing your mouth with Napoleon.

When I was a vocalist, I used cognac like this: I poured 100-150 grams into a cup of hot tea and drank it 30-40 minutes before the concert. This relaxes the cords, improves vocal coordination, memory and, of course, completely kills stage fright!

Other strong drinks are also useful. For example:

  • Tequila is recommended for diseases of the intestines and stomach; it is even credited with treating ulcers and preventing gastrointestinal cancer.
  • Rum is good for breathing, helps relieve spasms when coughing, cleanses the trachea and bronchi. And as part of grog, rum is an excellent preventative against colds.
  • Whiskey, like cognac, counteracts heart attacks and contains a lot of vitamin B.

Embalmed, embalmed, but not embalmed...

In my youth, I found the perfect hangover cure for me. Take a balm: pharmacy “Vigor” or store-bought “9 strength”, “Davni Recipe”, mix in a beer glass half and half with cola and drink in one gulp. In less than 10 minutes, this miraculous drug causes a surge of strength, improved well-being, excellent mood and a healthy sparkle in the eyes. And the fact that at the same time the heart begins to pound so much that it is about to jump out - who cared about this at 17 years old? But, as they say, suum cuique.

“For a long time, doctors have tried all medicines on themselves. That is why tinctures and balms are made with alcohol.”

The most well-known healing alcoholic remedy to the average person is, or rather, gin and tonic. The tonic was developed by English doctors to prevent malaria; it contained a very large amount of quinine, a bitter and foul-tasting substance. British legionnaires came up with the idea of ​​diluting the mixture with gin - naturally, it tastes better. The resulting cocktail has become extremely popular - it has not only an exquisite taste, but also excellent anti-hangover properties. So if you are afraid of malaria or a hangover, know: two good spirits - gin and tonic - will protect you from these misfortunes.

These balms were also made to treat certain diseases:

  • - as a remedy for renal colic.
  • – to treat problems with the intestines and stomach.
  • – to improve digestion, a kind of German “festal”.
  • - as a remedy for seasickness and tropical fever.
  • Goldwasser - Danzig liqueur with anise and pieces of real gold. In the 17th century, tincture was considered almost a panacea. It is not clear what the precious metal cures. Not from greed?
  • – when chilled, it is an anti-hangover remedy due to its high vitamin C content.
  • – really helped the French monks to drink without breaking their fast.

In general, the effect of the balm depends on which “broom” of herbs is included in its composition. But almost all of them help strengthen the immune system, restore strength, and relieve mental fatigue. And you need to drink very little of them - 1-2 teaspoons per day. Although your humble servant once finished a whole bottle of grandma's Bittner - and he's still alive.

7 battles of the best Crimean wines!

Probably everyone knows about the benefits of wine. Scientists have repeatedly noticed that “wine” countries not only live longer, but also suffer less from heart disease and tuberculosis, and during various epidemics, mortality in such regions is lower.

  • Red.

Traditionally considered the most useful. Normalizes the functioning of the heart and gastrointestinal system, slows down aging, and is prescribed for the treatment of anemia. Mulled wine is a well-known anti-cold drink. Italian Chianti wine prevents the development of atherosclerosis and lowers cholesterol levels.

A good port or Cahors will help with insomnia - you need to pour in dill seeds (5 tbsp), heat to 70° and leave for 10-12 hours. Consume 50-60 grams before bedtime.

  • Belenkoe.

It has no worse effect on the heart and blood vessels than red: it normalizes the heart’s absorption of glucose, counteracts atherosclerosis, calms blood pressure and metabolism, and prevents salts from depositing in the joints. The “strong” white port is used to treat some nervous disorders.

There is an unusual recipe for wine “pepper” for dry cough: 6 tbsp. l. pepper, a glass of wine, mix everything, heat and strain, drink three times. It's probably an abomination, but they say it helps.

  • Shampoo.

Champagne - of course, not carbonated shmurdyak, but normal sparkling wine - perfectly removes fluid from the body, stimulating the kidneys, which is why it is prescribed for edema. A glass of “foamy drink No. 2” will improve your appetite, irritability will go away, and your blood will be enriched with oxygen. Even depression can be treated with this cheerful wine!

If you feel a cold coming on, use an old French recipe: throw 2 tsp into a glass of champagne. sugar, heat almost to a boil (although how can you tell if champagne is boiling?), drink before bed. The tannins contained in the drink, under the influence of sugar, will produce antibodies overnight, selenium will reduce the pain of symptoms, sulfur will prevent infection from spreading throughout the body, and magnesium will relieve fatigue from the muscles.

And finally...

How can we catch up if not with a glass of beer? Cold, in a foggy glass, with droplets of condensation flowing down the pot-bellied sides... you’ll have to forget it. The properties of this drink - at least bactericidal - are best manifested when heated.

But warm beer is a real abomination. To improve the taste, honey, cinnamon or other spices are added to it. They drink like other alcoholic “medicines” at the very beginning of a cold. Some people advise drinking a similar drink if you have a sore throat, but I wouldn’t: beer contains yeast cultures, which feeds foci of infection that have settled in the throat.

The medicine is first prescribed and then drunk. They drink beer first and then discharge it.

But that's not all! Beer, especially dark beer, reduces the risk of cataracts, improves vision in general and counteracts the development of urolithiasis and various edema due to its strong diuretic properties, and vitamin B6, contained in excess in this drink, strengthens blood vessels.

To summarize, we can recall the well-known aphorism: “alcohol helps against all diseases! Except for alcoholism. But its course also makes it much easier!”

There are few absolute abstainers among our contemporaries. Most often, people give up alcohol due to serious health problems, sometimes due to a certain life position or religious requirements.

Among those who allow themselves to “drink” from time to time, there are many people who believe that alcohol may well improve their health. The benefits of alcohol – is it a myth or truth?

Is there medical evidence that can strengthen supporters of the opinion about the positive effects of alcohol on the body in their belief? Or are the skeptics right who call alcohol poison?

One day (this was in the 20th century, when discussions about the effects of alcohol on humans were already in full swing), doctors from the Dutch city of Zuften decided to conduct an experiment. It was long-lasting, covering 4 decades and 1373 people.

For forty years, scientists have been observing the lives of people with different attitudes towards alcohol and recording changes in their health. The mortality rate was analyzed in each of the groups: the one that completely abandoned any alcohol-based drinks, the one where they drank moderately, and the group that drank “a little bit at a time.”

It turned out the following:

  • Moderate drinkers were significantly less likely to die from cardiovascular diseases than those who did not drink at all (by 34%).
  • Among those who consumed no more than 20 g of alcohol per day, the mortality index was reduced by 38% compared to abstainers.

Are there any benefits from alcohol?

Analyzing the results, scientists suggested that alcoholic drinks can help the body become stronger and withstand more noticeable loads.

If you combine vodka with herbs, you will get wonderful tinctures. So, if you have a sore throat, you should gargle with vodka more often; if you have a cough, drink a tincture of honey (no more than 20 g of vodka at a time). eliminates symptoms of cardiovascular diseases.

If you are sick (that is, you feel the first signs of a cold, but there is no fever yet), drink a glass of vodka with honey or a piece of red hot pepper and go to bed. By morning the disease will subside.


Balms are a type of medicine made on an alcohol basis with the addition of extracts of many useful plants. The strength of the balm is from 40 0 ​​and above. Well-known balms, the positive effects of which on the body are recognized even by official medicine:

  • "Riga Black";
  • "Bittner";
  • "Becherovka";
  • "Unicum";
  • "Karelian";
  • "Gorno-Altai".

These drinks stimulate the immune system, have an analgesic effect, and are a great tonic. Some have a choleretic effect, others have an antispasmodic effect (depending on what components are included in the balm).

Drink these drinks in quantities of no more than 30 ml at a time. Most often consumed after meals, pouring a little into tea or coffee.

You can periodically take a teaspoon a day to prevent painful conditions.

Wine and beer

Wine, especially red, perfectly cleans blood vessels. It helps blood vessels remain elastic and normalizes blood circulation. Red wine is believed to prevent some forms of cancer. It is curious that wine helps keep weight at the desired level: women who are used to drinking about 1-2 glasses a day usually do not gain weight.

(of course, we are talking about a high-quality drink) helps “wash out” sand from the kidneys and relieves stress. Beer “knows how” to remove aluminum salts from the body, which, when accumulated, lead to dangerous diseases. A slight bitterness stimulates the appetite, which allows for faster recovery after long-term illnesses.

They also say that beer prevents premature aging. True, this statement cannot yet be called a scientifically proven fact.

Interesting: almost all alcoholic drinks in small doses stimulate the production of hormones, in particular estrogen, which supports the bone apparatus. In addition, anyone who has experience of “using” will agree with the statement that alcohol improves mood and is extremely calming.

So in small doses, alcoholic drinks are really beneficial. But moderation is very important here. “Drink, and understand your business!” - says popular wisdom. Let's not deny ourselves the joy of drinking wine or cognac sometimes, but let this warning always be ready in our minds. Then alcohol will bring real benefits!
