
Apple compote without putting apples in a jar. How to make apple compote for the winter - a simple recipe for a delicious drink

Apples are the most common, almost everyone's favorite fruit. Fresh fruits can be enjoyed all year round. But if there is a garden, or a couple of apple trees grow in a country house or a personal plot, then the product of fruiting must be processed. We have several apple trees of different maturity on the site. There are always a lot of apples, we harvest them in different ways. Today I will share recipes for apple compote for the winter for a 3 liter jar.

Apple compote with slices for the winter in a 3 liter jar

First, I’ll tell you a simple way to make apple compote for the winter.

You will need for a 3 liter jar:

  • Apple slices - a third of the can;
  • Sugar - a glass;
  • Water - 2.7 liters.


  1. First, wash the bottles, caps in the right amount with detergent and soda, pour over well with boiling water or sterilize over steam.
  2. Preparing apples. It is better to take large, hard, sweet and sour fruits. We wash them, cut them into quarters, clean out the core, cut into slices. Immediately dip in acidified water to avoid darkening.
  3. We fill a third of the jar with ready-made apples. Immediately fill with boiling water, hold for 5 minutes. It is not recommended to keep longer. Pour sugar into the water drained from the fruit, boil. Pour the resulting syrup into bottles, roll up the lids, cover with something warm, cool.

Advice! Add a third of a coffee spoon of citric acid to a liter of cold water.

We put the finished compote in the cold.

Whole apple compote

Recipe for a 3 liter jar:

  • Sugar - one and a half glasses;
  • Apples are small - about a kilo;
  • Water - two and a half liters.

How to cook:

  1. We choose small fruits so that they fit well in a jar. They should be undamaged, rotten and wormy will not work either. For a compote of fresh apples for the winter, wash the fruits well, let them dry.
  2. Wash a three-liter jar with soda, fry in the oven, boil the lid.
  3. We put the dried whole apples in a jar. Laying should be no higher than shoulder length.
  4. Boil the syrup for a few minutes, skimming off the foam that appears. It will be a little, but it is still better to remove it.
  5. Pour hot, sweet syrup into a jar of apples, cover with a lid, put it in a tall container with warm water, laying a napkin on the bottom. The water in the bowl should be just above the shoulders. We heat the water over medium heat. Compote is sterilized for 20 minutes at a quiet boil.
  6. After that, we seal the jar. Leave for air cooling. The next day we take it to storage.

Apple compote recipe for the winter for a 3 liter jar without sterilization

Here I will share a recipe for apple compote for the winter based on a 3 liter jar without sterilization.

Need to take:

  • Almost a kilogram of small apples;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 300 g sugar.

This is the consumption of products for a 3 liter jar without sterilization. If the blanks are larger, we increase the set of products proportionally: we multiply the ingredients by the number of cans or apples.

Let's start making compote from fresh apples for the winter:

  1. We choose fresh, not spoiled fruits. Wash thoroughly. With a sharp knife, cut out the stem and the opposite side in a circle.
  2. We place apples in steamed jars. Add boiling water. Cover with lids and cool completely.
  3. After cooling, pour water into a bowl, pour sugar, boil until it dissolves.
  4. Pour our apples to the very top with the prepared syrup. Part of it will be absorbed into the fruit, the liquid will become a little less.
  5. We roll up the compote, turn the bottles over, wrap them until they cool completely. Conservation is sent to the basement.

Reference! In the process of cooking, apples are saturated with syrup, and slightly increase in size.

Compote of apples and plums

I think that the recipe for assorted compote will be to your liking. The combination of different fruits will give the drink a brighter taste and aroma. Compote of apples and plums turns out tasty and beautiful.

Recipe 1

What you need:

  • A kilogram of apples;
  • Half a kilo of plums;
  • A glass of sugar.

My apples, cut in half, cut out the seed box. We leave the washed plums whole or carefully remove the stone, keeping the shape of the fruit.

  1. We put fruits in sterilized jars, pour in boiling water, cover with a boiled lid, hold for an hour.
  2. After a while, pour the water from the bottles into a container, add sugar, boil until the syrup is completely homogeneous, pour the contents of the cans into it. Close tightly, turn over on the lid, cover, let cool.

Store in a pantry or any cool place.

Recipe 2

And another simple recipe from this series, but with some difference.

  • Water - 2.5 liters;
  • Plums - 0.5 kg;
  • Apples - 3 pcs.;
  • Peaches - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 1 cup.

Wash jars and lids with baking soda and rinse thoroughly. Sterilize over steam or in the oven.

Let's wash the fruit. Plums and peaches are divided into two halves, we take out the seeds. Cut apples into quarters, remove seeds. We put the fruits in bottles. Sprinkle sugar on top of fruit. Pour hot water up to half of the container, hold for 10 minutes. Then add boiling water to the top of the neck. Immediately cork, put on the lid, insulate for a day. We take out the cooled compote for storage.

Reference! For a quick wash of peaches, they are dipped in water with the addition of soda. The dishes are shaken, left for 5 minutes. The hairs will float up.

Recipe 3

  • 3 plums;
  • 4 apples;
  • 300 grams of sugar.

Ripened, undamaged fruits are washed well with running water. We take out the seeds from the plums, breaking them in half. We cut the apples into several parts, after cutting out the seed box.

We put fruit in a sterilized bottle. Fill with boiling water. We leave for an hour. Drain the water, boil for five minutes. Add sugar, boil until it dissolves. Pour boiling compote into jars. Roll up with a tin lid, turn over. A day later we put it in the pantry.

Compote of apples and cranberries

This blank is suitable for those who love a rich drink without berries. Compote of apples and lingonberries, which I propose to close for the winter, will be not only tasty, but also healthy, designed for a 3 liter jar.

Required products:

  • 1 kilogram of cranberries;
  • 0.5 kilograms of apples;
  • 0.5 kilograms of sugar;
  • 3 liters of water.

It is better to cook lingonberries freshly picked. Going through the berries, you need to remove the green, rotten ones. Poor-quality fruits can spoil preservation. Dry the washed berries on a paper towel.

We use sour apples. Wash them thoroughly, remove the seeds, cut into pieces.

Pour three liters of water into the pan, add sugar, wait until it boils. Then we put the apples, after 15 minutes we take them out. Put the lingonberries into the resulting compote, cook for 20 minutes. When the berry gives up all its taste, it can be removed. Pour the resulting compote into a clean jar, cork it. We lower the cooled compote into the basement.

Delicious with orange zest

  • 0.5 kilograms of fresh lingonberries;
  • 0.5 kilograms of apples;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • Zest of one orange.

Pour 3 liters of water into an enamel pan, put on the stove. In boiling water, put washed apples, cut into four parts (pitted), orange zest, sugar. Boil for 15 minutes on low heat. Arrange apples in jars. Pour lingonberries into compote, cook for ten minutes. Pour the finished drink into jars. Roll up. Chilled put in the cellar.

Apple and plum compote

To prepare a delicious compote of apples and cherry plums for the winter for 3 jars, according to the recipe, we prepare:

  • 4 apples;
  • 8 pieces of medium-sized cherry plum;
  • 150 grams of sugar.

In order for the compote to acquire a pleasant, pink color, it is necessary to take red or purple cherry plum fruits. We take whole, well-ripened berries. We remove the branches, wash in several waters, remove the bones.

  1. I wash the jars with soda, rinse thoroughly several times. Roast for 20 minutes in the oven. Boil clean lids for five minutes.
  2. We take sweet varieties of apples. Wash, cut into slices, remove the seeds.
  3. We put a layer of apples in a jar, put cherry plum on top. Completely fill with boiling water. We cover with a lid. Fruit must be kept in boiling water for twenty minutes. Carefully pour out the water, let it boil, pour the fruits again. Cover with a lid and let stand for fifteen minutes.

Advice! To make it convenient to drain the water from the jar, prepare a nylon lid with large holes.

After cooling, pour the water into the pan and boil again. Pour sugar into a jar and fill it with boiling water for the third time. We twist. We put the banks upside down, cover with a fur coat. The next day we put in the cellar.

A simple recipe for pear and apple compote for the winter

For this blank, we will use whole apples. The recipe is simple but very good.

Required products:

  • 5 small apples;
  • 3 large pears;
  • 230 grams of sugar.

First of all, let's prepare the fruit.

  1. We choose small, not overripe apples, without damage. Wash well, remove the ponytails. We will preserve them in their entirety. Pears fit large, well-ripened. We cut the washed fruits into three parts, remove the seeds. Very large ones can be cut into quarters.
  2. We fill a cleanly washed jar halfway with fruit. Gradually, so as not to burst the bottle, pour boiling water, cover with a lid. The fruits will warm up forty minutes.
  3. After forty minutes, pour the water into a saucepan, add a little boiled water. Let it boil, and again pour our assortment. Now we reduce the residence time of fruits in boiling water to thirty minutes.
  4. For the third time, pour the fruits for the same time. Add sugar to the drained fruit water, put on gas. After boiling, fill the jar with fruit syrup. We roll up, let the compote cool under a warm blanket. We remove the cooled workpiece for storage in the cold.

I described proven recipes for apple compotes for a 3 liter jar for the winter. Choose for yourself any of the proposed recipes, find a little time to prepare it. And all winter you will drink delicious, and most importantly, healthy drinks.

I also advise you to watch the video recipe for apple compote. And you will see that this is not a complicated and fast preparation.

Apple compote is perhaps the most popular and beloved by many types of blanks for the winter. Each housewife has her own recipe for preserving apples, which is often passed down from mother to daughter, while acquiring new tricks and secrets.

The popularity of self-brewed apple compote is quite understandable. It is much tastier and healthier than store-bought, does not contain any artificial preservatives or flavors, and is completely customized to your tastes.

We offer you several recipes for apple compote for the winter, as well as some tricks on how to make this type of preparation even tastier and healthier.

How to choose apples for compote?

In order for the compote to be tasty and beautiful, you need to choose the right apples for it. Here are a few recommendations that have been tried and tested over the years:

Ripe, but not overripe apples, without wormholes and damage are best suited for compote. Do not use carrion apples, take only those that you picked from the tree.
Do not take sour, not juicy fruits - compote from such fruits will get tasteless. Apples of sweet and sour, juicy, fragrant varieties are perfect.
If the apples are small, for example, the Ranet variety, then they can be put in the whole compote. It is better to cut large apples into slices, after removing the core and seeds, and for fruits with a hard peel, it is also.
Another important secret of delicious apple compote is that you should not mix several varieties of apples in one jar. It is better to immediately distribute the fruits into varieties and arrange them in jars.

Preparatory work

The first step is to prepare the banks. They should be thoroughly washed and sterilized. Some hostesses prefer to sterilize jars in the oven, heating it to 150-170 degrees. Time for such sterilization requires at least 7-10 minutes. Others put a container of water on the gas, cover it with a special lid with a hole in the middle, where the can is placed. When the water boils, you need to put the jar and keep it under steam for about 5 minutes.

The lids are then sterilized. They can simply be boiled over. But it is better to put them in an enameled container and fill it with water so that the lids are completely under water. Let the lids boil and turn off the gas after 2-3 minutes. The lids should be immediately removed from the water and covered with sterilized jars.

You need to cook not only jars and lids, but also the apples themselves. Cut into slices, the fruits should be poured with cold water combined with citric acid. The proportions of the solution are half a teaspoon per liter of water. After 20 minutes, apples can be taken out and put into jars. Now you can start preparing the compote itself.

How to close apple compote for the winter without sterilization?

To prepare apple compote without sterilization, you will need:

Liter of water;
- 1 kg of peeled and chopped apples;
- 300 g of sugar.

Arrange the apples in jars by about two-thirds and pour boiling water over them to the edge of the neck of the jar. After 7 minutes, drain the water back into the pan, add sugar and let it boil. The resulting syrup is again poured into jars and rolled up. Turn the jars over, wrap them in a blanket and leave it like that for about a day.

How to close apple compote for the winter with sterilization?

To prepare apple compote for the winter with sterilization, you will need the following composition of ingredients:

1 kg of chopped apples;
- liter of water;
- a full glass of sugar.

Sliced ​​apples are placed in jars approximately shoulder-length. We cook the syrup, and as soon as it boils, immediately pour it into jars and cover with lids. We let the compote stand for several hours, preferably at least 5. Then we place the jars in a large saucepan or an enameled bucket. So that during pasteurization the jar does not crack from hitting the bottom of the pan, we recommend placing a cotton cloth folded 2-4 times or a kitchen towel under the jar. We fill the pan with cold water so that it covers the jars approximately up to the shoulders, and light the fire.

When the water in the pan heats up to about 80-85 degrees, reduce the heat as much as possible to prevent the water from boiling, and leave to pasteurize. The procedure time depends on the volume of cans used: three-liter jars are sterilized for about half an hour, two-liter ones - 20 minutes, liter ones - 15 minutes.

After sterilization is completed, we take out the jars from the pan and roll them up. Apple compote should gradually cool down, so we wrap the jars with a blanket and leave for a day.

Variants of apple compote with other berries or fruits

Apples are a unique fruit, as their taste harmonizes with almost many other fruits. Therefore, the recipe for apple compote provides a huge scope for culinary experiments and fantasies. Assorted compote can be cooked either with or without sterilization.

Apple-cherry compote is very pleasant to taste. Fruits should be taken in the proportion of 1 part of cherries and 3 parts of apples. Since cherries are sour, it will take a little more sugar than indicated above in the recipes - about 400 grams.

Apples go well with black currants. For 1 kg of apples, 400 grams of berries and about 600 grams of sugar will be required.

Significantly increase the beneficial properties of apple compote by adding rose hips to its composition. We take 1 part of wild rose and 3 parts of apples, a liter of water and half a kilogram of sugar and make a delicious drink from all this.

Homemade apple compote is a tasty and healthy drink. It must be prepared in the winter, not only in order to pamper your family with a delicious drink, but also in order to provide the body with the necessary vitamins during the cold period.

The variety of juices and sweet drinks in stores is great, but so far nothing has been invented better than ordinary homemade compote. Making a preparation in the form of apple compote for the winter, we are at least sure that there are no preservatives and flavors in our compote, only natural products. Even the simplest apple compote for the winter is much healthier than any expensive drink from the store.

Apples allow you to cook any assorted compote according to your own taste, since apples go well with other fruits and berries. Compote of cherries and apples for the winter, compote of plums and apples for the winter, compote of apples and currants for the winter have proven themselves remarkably. A classic combination is considered to be a combination of apples and pears. Compote of apples and pears for the winter is valuable for its bright taste and fruity aroma, it quenches thirst well. And the amount of sugar in such compotes is determined depending on the degree of acidity of the fruit: the more acidic the apples, or the berries and fruits present in it, the more sugar should be provided.

Apple compote for the winter is prepared both with sterilization and without sterilization or pasteurization. In the second case, the jars must be sterilized, dried before packing the fruit, and after capping, turn upside down and wrap in a blanket. It is also recommended to slightly increase the amount of sugar, which plays the role of a preservative.

It is advisable to cut large apples into slices, but if you have smaller apples, make compote from whole apples for the winter. Such a compote is more appetizing, looks better, although the taste of slicing fruit does not fundamentally change. Be sure to cook this simple, tasty and healthy apple compote. The recipe for the winter is on our website, use it.

A number of our tips will help you better understand how to make apple compote for the winter:

Compote needs large apples without visible damage;

It is advisable to sort the apples into varieties so that each jar contains apples of the same variety;

Apples are thoroughly washed, the skin is removed from them, the core is removed, the fruit is cut into slices;

Place peeled and chopped apples in cold, slightly salted water. But do not keep them in water for more than half an hour, as useful substances pass from apples into water;

After that, do not drain the water, it can be used to make syrup;

If you are preparing combined assorted compotes, remember that compotes with stone fruits (cherries, plums, apricots) cannot be stored for more than a year, and you can get poisoned. For long-term storage, make pitted fruit compote;

Compote apples can simply be eaten as a dessert, or can be used as a filling for pies or apple pie.

For the first time in Rus', the mention of apple orchards is found in the annals of the 11th century during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. Currently, it is one of the most familiar and common fruits. Incredibly tasty, juicy, fragrant - both adults and children adore apples.

There are a huge variety of varieties - more than 20,000. All of them are classified according to the terms of collection and storage. Early ripening (summer) varieties ripen in mid-summer and are stored for up to 1 month, autumn apples are poured with juice in September and pamper us with their taste until the onset of winter, late varieties reach maturity in mid-autumn, and taste qualities are most clearly revealed at.

A striking example of the autumn-winter variety can be considered Antonovka ordinary, with its unique aroma and wonderful taste. Even in March, the fruits still retain their beneficial qualities and vitamins. In order to save and preserve a rich harvest as much as possible, the housewives preserve the fruits, soak them, make dried fruits and make jam. But the championship in preparations for the winter confidently holds the compote.

Compotes (or as they were called in the old days - uzvars) have long been considered a festive drink. They were cooked from fruit without the addition of sugar or honey, poured into wooden barrels and very often served at the table on Christmas Eve at Christmas. How to cook a delicious apple compote for the winter?

Current housewives prefer to preserve apples in glass containers with a volume of 1 to 3 liters. Before clogging, the jars should be thoroughly washed, preferably with soda, without adding liquid detergents. Then you need to sterilize them. The methods can be very diverse - in the oven, under a lid with steam, just pour over with boiling water. Next, transfer the containers to a clean towel and leave to dry.

At this time, prepare the apples. Wash well, if necessary, peel, remove the core and, depending on the recipe, cut into pieces. So that the fruits do not darken in the syrup, you can rinse them in a saline solution (10 g of salt per liter of water) or cover them with a clean towel soaked in vinegar solution. Be sure to rinse the apples thoroughly afterwards. Now we lay out the fruits in containers, filling them no more than 2/3 of the volume. Then pour in hot syrup. There are several ways to preserve compotes.

  • Sterilization involves boiling a jar of apples for 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the volume of the jar.
  • Pasteurization is carried out at a temperature of 90°C for a longer time (from 30 to 50 minutes). However, it should be noted that due to prolonged heat treatment, the content of nutrients and vitamins in apples decreases, while the costs of time, electricity and gas increase..
  • A more economical method would be a hot bay, when the fruits are poured with boiling water several times (no more than 3 times), left for 5-10 minutes and poured into a container prepared in advance. Then, on the basis of the resulting uzvar, a syrup is prepared, boiled and poured over the fruit. In this case, canned apple compote for the winter will retain a maximum of valuable substances.

A very fragrant preparation for the winter will be compote from Ranetki - Grushovka or Kitayki. These small sweet and sour fruits with a bitter and tart flavor will add a special sophistication to apple compote for the winter. For preservation, we choose ripe, but not overripe fruits, with a dense glossy peel without flaws. We put them in jars whole, leaving the stalks. Depending on the method of preparation, pour the syrup immediately and sterilize, or blanch, and then pour the syrup. We close with boiled metal / screw caps, turn over, cover with a warm towel and leave to cool completely.

A three-liter jar will need 1 kg of small apples, 400–500 g of sugar for syrup, cloves, cinnamon, mint to taste. Compote will acquire the most intense taste in a month and a half.

Compote from Antonovka will keep the richest mineral composition of apples for you for the whole winter. The cooking method is similar to the previous one. We select dense, large and intact fruits. Remove the core, tail and cut into four parts. We fill the jars, pour boiling water, drain and refill them with the already prepared syrup. We twist the lids and a delicious drink is ready!

I would like to note that the syrup may differ in taste depending on the preferences of the hostess and others. The standard recipe - 250 g of sugar is consumed per 1 liter of water. The mixture must be boiled. To taste, you can add a cinnamon stick, anise, mint or lemon balm, and even citric acid. To give a more saturated color, black chokeberry, currant or blue grapes are added to the compote.

Apple compote will be useful to everyone. Potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium and phosphorus, which are part of the apples, will make up for the lack of trace elements in the cold season and strengthen the immune system. And so that the harvest pleases you with abundance, find out how to properly spend it from year to year.

13.09.2016 11 074

How to make apple compote for the winter - a simple recipe for a delicious drink

In the summer, many housewives prepare preserves, and the question of how to make apple compote for the winter is no exception. A delicious drink that will quench your thirst in a frosty winter, especially after a bath, is very popular and widespread. A simple recipe with a minimum amount of time spent in the summer, with the gratitude of the whole family, will pay off in the winter days ...

    Ingredients(calculation for one can of 3 liters):
  • 1 kg freshly picked apples
  • 0.2 kg cane sugar

Preparation time: 10-15 minutes
Cooking time: 30-50 minutes


1. Before you mix the ingredients and start cooking, you need to sterilize the jars and boil the lids;

2. The fruits of apples are thoroughly washed, cut into 3-4 parts, remove the entire core. Small apples are usually cut in half. The peel from apples is not peeled off, otherwise, instead of apple compote, gruel will turn out;

3. When you have to harvest a fairly large number of apples, their darkening becomes an unpleasant moment. To avoid this, dip the slices in water acidified with lemon(0.5 tsp per 1 liter);

in the photo - slicing apples for compote

4. Place a pot with a sufficient amount of drinking filtered water on the stove and let it boil. It is not recommended to take water from the tap, especially in apartment conditions, the taste of compote may change over time;

5. In the meantime, put the prepared chopped apples in 3-liter jars (about 1/3 part or a little more);

6. Pour boiling water over apples in jars, cover with iron lids and leave for 15-20 minutes so that the fruits release juice and become soft. If the apples are very hard (late varieties for winter storage), the holding time is increased to 30-35 minutes (otherwise the apples may ferment);

7. After insisting, the water is poured back into the pan and brought to a boil;

8. Now, in each jar you need to pour 200 grams of granulated sugar, pour boiling water and spin.

Delicious apple compote for the winter is ready, a simple and easy recipe without sterilization will appeal to many housewives. The amount of sugar, of course, can be adjusted to taste, but for sweet and sour varieties, this amount is enough so that the compote is not cloyingly sweet.
