
What is beer with raw egg for? Beer with raw egg for potency

Light beer with Adamant wine

Heat 3 tablespoons of water with pieces of lemon peel and cinnamon over low heat. After 20 minutes, remove the spices. Break raw chicken eggs and pour them into white table wine. Add spicy infusion, granulated sugar and light beer. Place the mixture over low heat and whisk until foamy, then pour into mugs.

Beer 3 glasses
Chicken eggs 2 pieces
Wine 0.25 l
Water 3 tablespoons
Lemon peel

Warm beer with yolk "Joule"

Mix raw egg yolks, sugar syrup, 2 pinches of ground ginger root, rum, gin, add hot “Moscow” or “Belarussian” beer.

Beer 3 glasses
Yolks 2 pieces
Rum 20 ml
Gin 20 ml
Syrup 1-2 tablespoons

Cocktail with beer and milk "Pearl"

In a mixer, mix raw chicken egg, powdered sugar, milk and dark beer.

Egg 1 piece
Milk 1/2 cup
Powdered sugar

Cuban cocktail "Lyrica"

Beat the eggs and slowly pour them into the heated beer along with the Cuban rum, stirring continuously. Drink hot.

Rum 0.5 cups
Chicken eggs 4 pieces

Warmed up spiced beer "Apogee"

Pour a piece of cinnamon, lemon peel and cloves with water. Bring to a boil and leave for 10 minutes to infuse, then pour the infusion through a sieve into light beer. At the same time, stir the starch into the milk and slowly pour this mixture into the hot, flavored beer. Stirring continuously, heat to a boil and pour into glasses. Garnish – half a boiled chicken egg with salt.

Beer 1 l
Milk 1 glass
Water 4 glasses
Starch 1 tablespoon
Carnation 3 buds
Lemon peel

Russian sangari

Mix the tincture, sugar syrup and egg in a shaker without ice, pour the mixture into a highball glass, dilute with hot beer and stir with a spoon. Sprinkle the top of the drink with grated nutmeg or chopped lemon zest.

Beer 120 ml
Starka tincture 40 ml
Egg 1 piece
Sugar syrup 20 ml
Nutmeg or chopped lemon zest 1 pinch
Ice 2-3 pieces

The level of male potency is approximately determined by some external signs. Representatives of the stronger sex who do not suffer from problems with potency have average height and normal weight, clear skin and such distinctive features as a beard and mustache. They are cheerful, self-confident, and intellectually developed. Problems with sexual function are indicated by a squeaky voice and obesity, irritability and pettiness.

Eating raw eggs can help cope with decreased potency. They have always been used in the daily diet. In ancient books there was a recipe that recommended eating one egg yolk on an empty stomach. This was necessary to improve the quality of intimate life. Experienced connoisseurs of erotic cuisine recommended a combination of raw eggs and onions.

The Art of Arab Love also had recommendations on this matter. The newlywed was advised to follow a diet based on egg yolks and fried onions. For a night of voluptuous love, the Kama Sutra recommended a rice mixture boiled in milk along with fried onions, honey and sparrow eggs. The Roman poet Ovid also noted an interesting fact in this regard: onions and raw eggs, consumed in combination, will help to significantly increase sexual desire.

No one has refuted the above recipes today. Such combinations of products have a positive effect on potency. Every man can test the effect of raw eggs on himself. In different countries, this product was used according to tastes and traditions. The Bulgarians preferred a tincture of two chicken eggs, cola, mineral water and lemon slices, with cognac and sugar. The Germans had a simpler recipe: they drank four raw eggs every day. In Kievan Rus, three hundred grams of milk were mixed with honey and brewer's yeast, then a chicken egg was added. This product allowed not only to improve erection, but also to relieve accumulated fatigue and fully restore strength.

Beneficial features

Raw eggs contain various minerals and lecithin, proteins and fatty acids, vitamin B6, E and A. To maintain a normal erection, a man only needs to consume one such product daily. However, it should be remembered that the yolk contains a lot of cholesterol. This substance is firmly attached to blood vessels. If this process is not counteracted in a timely manner, atherosclerosis occurs. Therefore, consumption of yolk should be moderate. The amount of protein is not limited.

Raw eggs are useful for men not only for increasing potency. This unique product strengthens the immune system, helps resist allergies, successfully treats colds and minimizes vitamin deficiency.

Raw eggs contain amino acids that are not synthesized by the human body. If they are deficient, the rate of testosterone synthesis is disrupted. Therefore, eggs are necessary for representatives of the stronger sex in order to maintain their performance, health, and attractiveness for the fair half of humanity for a long time. If it is not possible to consume this product every day, then restriction is permissible. Three eggs a week will be enough to replenish useful elements in the body. You need to use this product every other day. This will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the condition of the man’s body.

Raw chicken eggs contain a lot of iron, phosphorus, zinc and potassium. Therefore, such a product is considered indispensable in the diet of a modern person. The listed elements have a positive effect on a man’s memory and attentiveness. Systematic consumption of raw eggs will even resist radiation exposure.

There is currently a lot of discussion about the benefits of this product. Quail eggs deserve special attention. They are useful for pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma; gastritis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, stomach and intestinal ulcers. Quail eggs are also used for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The product contains a number of useful substances that are not found in chicken eggs. These include histidine, trionine, glycine and other amino acids involved in the metabolic processes of the body. For example, lysine relaxes and calms. Trionine helps improve immunity, has a positive effect on liver function, and normalizes protein balance. Thanks to nicotinic acid, cholesterol in the blood decreases.

This product will allow a man to improve digestion, stabilize blood pressure, increase hemoglobin and restore potency.

Harm to the product

Despite the wide range of beneficial properties, raw eggs also have several negative aspects. And one of them is salmonellosis. To prevent contamination, chicken eggs must be stored exclusively in the refrigerator. It is unacceptable to use a product that is cracked or not fresh. Before breaking the shell, you need to rinse it under running water. However, there is no such shortage in quail eggs. The quail incubates them at a temperature that prevents salmonella from developing. Therefore, this product can be safely consumed raw.

Some people experience a feeling of disgust, and sometimes even a gag reflex, when eating eggs. The raw product is not pleasant for everyone, but this goes away over time. After all, the taste of eggs is special, specific. The only contraindication to the use of this product is the presence of allergies.

By adding raw eggs to your daily diet, you can really improve the number of erections and even enhance their quality. We must not forget about the risk of salmonella infection. Therefore, before eating, you need to wash the eggs thoroughly, even better with soap.

It is also important to know when to stop. After all, eggs are not free of cholesterol, and this is a real danger to the body. Therefore, one such product per day is a safe maximum. To avoid problems with erection, you need to reconsider your diet and lifestyle. A healthy and balanced diet will help a man maintain potency for many years.

The morning after a holiday or how to get rid of a hangover

Hangover breakfast

Knowledgeable people start their morning with soup, and a fatty, rich one at that. Khash, cabbage soup, and chicken broth (not from cubes, of course) are great for sobering up. Borscht with garlic is also good. If for some reason you don’t have the first one in the house, hot sandwiches, soft-boiled eggs, jellied meat with horseradish and generally spicy dishes will help.

Healthy drinks

Mineral water replenishes the deficiency of salts, freshly squeezed orange juice – the lack of vitamin C, kefir and strong tea help many. An absolutely magical remedy is “Tan”, or ayran, a carbonated fermented milk drink. You can drink vegetable juice: tomato, with the addition of carrot, parsley, celery and beet juice. With this juice you get a “Bloody Mary”, capable of raising the dead and sending them to work (if, of course, you limit yourself to one glass).

Increasing endurance

At least a week before the New Year, start regularly doing some kind of endurance exercise: jogging, swimming, aerobics. This will help increase the useful volume of your lungs - the deeper you breathe, the faster alcohol is broken down in your body.

By the way, it is also useful to blow up balloons - this is also a good workout for the lungs.

The right snack

Before the feast, it would be a good idea to refuel with vitamins and microelements - alcohol significantly disrupts the balance of minerals in the body. By the way, the custom of snacking on vodka with pickles is very correct - by doing so, you kind of reduce the risk of a hangover in advance. The brine contains those salts and minerals that are actively washed out of the body due to alcohol abuse.

When is it better not to drink...

If you are taking any medications, limit your drinking as much as possible. Combining medications and alcohol can have negative effects.

The most common myth

The idea that you can’t “lower the temperature” is a misconception. It’s not about the strength, but about the nature of the drink: you can’t mix grape and fruit alcohol (champagne, wine, grappa, cognac) with grain alcohol (vodka, whiskey, gin, beer) and drinks made from sugar cane, agave, etc. ( rum, tequila, moonshine). The combination of various alcoholic drinks in large doses leads to poisoning.

Not the best way

The hangover condition is associated primarily with the accumulation of toxins in the body and an excess of acetic acid, the end product of the breakdown of alcohol. It is best to extinguish acid with alkali - for example, drink Borjomi. You should not take aspirin, since it is also an acid. It may relieve the headache, but the general condition of the body will only worsen.

No need for coffee!

It is a mistake to use coffee as a sobering agent. There may be a feeling of clarity for a while, but eventually the degree of intoxication will only increase. In general, both tea and coffee will make a hangover twice as bad by dehydrating the body. Your drinks are herbal tea, freshly squeezed juices or even just hot water.

Croissants and fatty breakfasts or very sweet foods can only worsen the condition by increasing blood sugar levels, leading to an upset stomach and causing vomiting - this is exactly what we don’t want!

Carrots will help

To protect your stomach from the harmful effects of alcohol, you can drink carrot juice. Research has shown that the antioxidants contained in carrots, including glycine and carotene, are excellent at protecting the lining of the stomach from damage caused by alcohol. An added benefit of carrot juice is that your hangover won't be as bad.

Folk remedies

It is believed that the best remedy for possible intoxication is to drink a few tablespoons of vegetable oil (preferably olive) an hour before the start of the feast or eat a bowl of porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina). The oil will evenly coat the walls of the stomach, preventing the absorption of alcohol for about four hours. But then everything hits the body at once. Italians eat a potato, or you can drink a glass of milk.

Drink selection

As a general rule, the darker and sweeter the drink, the worse the hangover, so full-bodied red wines and ports will leave you worse than white wines and vodka. Rum, brandy and whiskey are also more likely to cause a hangover than white wine, gin or vodka because they contain methanol, formaldehyde and formic acid - which cause headaches and palpitations. Cheap wine and brandy often contain similar substances that lead to killer hangovers.

Or or…

Mixing vodka and champagne will not do any good! If you are going to drink vodka, sip champagne while the chimes are striking and drink yourself some vodka. And one more thing: leave Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta and other achievements of the chemical industry to the children: carbon dioxide enhances the effect of alcohol and accelerates its absorption into the blood.

Drink water!

After drinking alcohol, dehydration occurs - the main cause of a hangover.

Drink a glass of water for every glass of wine, and then two more glasses of water before bed - this will help you get rid of the problem.

Well, my friend...

New Year is a night of excesses, it is almost impossible to fight it. To overcome the consequences of a successful party, take 200 grams of freshly squeezed orange juice, one lemon with peel and 100 grams of honey. Beat all this in a mixer for about five minutes, if desired, you can add one egg white. Drink the resulting cocktail in the morning.

Beer and egg

Mild cases of hangover are relieved by the following simple remedy: a glass of low-alcohol beer is mixed, but not shaken, with a raw egg. After half an hour, it’s good to eat a plate of cold (temperature about thirteen degrees) borscht.

Gelatin and jam

Soak 25 grams of gelatin for an hour in warm boiled water, dilute a fair dose of jam or syrup, which contains more vitamins, with water in a liter jar. Then heat the gelatin over low heat and slowly pour it into the resulting syrup. Next, according to taste, the mixture is cooled in the refrigerator or drunk immediately. The resulting drink contains a lot of vitamins and also contains revitalizing glycine.
