
Uzvar for every day: useful properties and cooking rules. Sugar-free dried fruit bowl - the perfect pp-recipe for a healthy drink

Dried fruit uzvar cooked according to the correct recipe is a truly precious find for supporters of paragraphs. This drink is easy to prepare without sugar, it has a very low calorie content, and the recipe does not require any chemical additives. At the same time, uzvar brings great benefits to the body, replenishes the lack of nutrients and perfectly quenches thirst.

Everyone is good for a uzvar for a pp-shnik!

Even with the addition of sugar, this drink has a calorie content of 55 to 70 kcal per 100 grams— and that's not much. And without it, the calorie content of the uzvar is not more than 35 kcal! By the way, traditional uzvar, unlike compote, is prepared without sugar at all, sometimes honey is added to it, which is known to be the most .

Properly cooked, it perfectly preserves all the useful substances, including vitamins, minerals and trace elements. In fact, this is not even a drink, but a biologically active supplement - with great taste and absolutely natural.

To get the most out of uzvar, do not use dubious fruits (and dried fruits) from the supermarket, grown in unknown conditions and most likely processed with something. If you do not grow organic fruits in your own dacha, then pay attention to eco-product stores - there are such in all major cities.

The basis of the uzvar is usually dried apples, to which you can add dried pears (very tasty with wild game) and other fruits, berries, spices, spices and other ingredients to your own taste. At the same time, each time you get a new taste and color of the drink, its beneficial properties will also be varied.

Step-by-step recipe for making uzvar

For example, let's cook the simplest uzvar - apple, from drying, which was made from sweet varieties of apples. Let's add some spices for flavor. It perfectly quenches thirst and saturates the body with vitamins. The proposed recipe does not contain sugar or fructose, but when the compote has cooled already in a cup, you can add a teaspoon of honey, but for me personally, it’s not bad for sweetness. It turns out very tasty!

Ingredients for 2 liters of water:

  • dried apples - 2 tbsp.
  • cloves - 10 pcs.
  • cinnamon - ½ tsp

Cooking steps:

Wash the apples thoroughly under running water, fill with cold water and leave to stand for 25-30 minutes.

Drain the water, send the dried fruits to the pan.

Fill with cold water and turn on the fire.

After boiling, reduce the heat and cook for no more than 1-2 minutes.

Add cloves and cinnamon, boil for another 10-15 seconds and turn off.

We remove the finished uzvar from the fire and leave it to brew.

What is a vitamin drink made from?

Uzvar is a “historical” drink: the first mention of it dates back to the 16th-17th century, and they began to brew it much earlier. And over the past centuries, the meaning of the uzvar has changed little, but variety of recipes and ingredients able to surprise modern man. Here are some of them:

  1. Protozoa (classic) option - apples, pears and raisins. Due to the high content of fructose and glucose, as well as vitamins A, C, PP, B1 and B2, this uzvar helps the brain work and calms the nervous system, so it is recommended to drink it during stress, and in a warm form - at night from insomnia. Raisins also contain boron and iodine, improve the activity of the thyroid gland and are especially useful for women for the prevention of osteoporosis.
  2. Compote of apples, dried apricots and raisins it turns out a little sour, but it perfectly protects against anemia and blood diseases, eliminates the lack of magnesium and potassium in the body, and is useful for the respiratory and nervous systems.
  3. For those who suffer from digestive problems, it is very useful to drink uzvar based on apples with the addition of prunes, which helps with constipation and removes harmful substances from the intestines. But pears should not be added to this drink, as the opposite effect is possible.
  4. Prepare for a cold uzvar with the addition of lemon (tangerine or orange) and rose hips. If you take only sour fruits, then you can put honey in the drink, it will be even better. These ingredients are rich in vitamin C, they are not sweet at all, and such an uzvar can be drunk in large quantities, which coincides with the recommendation of doctors - to drink more liquid at a temperature.

Uzvar has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the individual components of the drink. So every supporter of proper nutrition can choose the most suitable recipe for himself, just by excluding the “inappropriate” ingredients.

Spices, spices and unusual additives

Those who like to conjure in the kitchen know very well that even the simplest drink can be given a special taste using spices and spices. Uzvar is no exception in this sense. Recommended to try!

In a hot bowl, ground ginger would be appropriate, it will give the drink a slight spiciness, and will give you cheerfulness and a feeling of a “fresh head” during the working day.

Cardamom it is customary to put it in mulled wine, but it can also be added to a hot bowl. It will be especially important to do this in winter to warm the body from the inside.

Cinnamon is the perfect complement to apples and pears, therefore, do not be afraid to add a pinch of spice to an almost ready-made uzvar.

star anise look great in a translucent liquid and have a distinct spicy aroma. They should also be put in a drink shortly before the end of preparation, so that all the beauty does not fall apart.

Nutmeg color (not a nut!), mace- not the most common ingredient in cooking, but in the East it is valued for its medicinal properties and is considered a powerful natural aphrodisiac. A drink with the addition of mace should be drunk hot, the spice improves the taste of compote and gives it a noticeable and pleasant aroma.

Uzvar preparation methods

Traditional uzvar is prepared in almost the same way as the usual compote. To do this, dry fruits must be washed, soaked in cool water for at least half an hour so that they swell a little. Please note that for 2 liters of water you need to take about 400 grams of fruit, and if you add honey, then it will take 1.5-2 tablespoons. Pour dried fruits with water, put on the stove and watch carefully - unlike compote, the uzvar must be removed from the heat as soon as the liquid boils. We add honey to a drink that has already cooled down a little, since in boiling water it loses its beneficial properties.

Ready uzvar must be infused for several hours - then it will be tastier and much healthier.

There are other ways to prepare this drink.

Patience and more patience

This method is one of the best, since the benefits of such a drink are maximum. You just need to pour boiling water over dried fruits and let stand under the lid. But it will not work for the impatient, because at least 3 hours must pass. It is believed that in this case, fruits lose less nutrients that do not have time to break down when boiled.

Experience of our grandmothers

Since ancient times, uzvar (vzvar) has been cooked in a Russian oven. Never miss the opportunity to try just such a drink - it's a divine taste and breathtaking aroma!

We can try to do something similar in the oven. To do this, the fruits are poured with hot water and put in the oven for about 40-50 minutes in a sealed container. Keep in mind that the drink should languish, so adjust the temperature of the oven so that the liquid does not boil, that is, no more than 100 degrees. After that, the oven is turned off and, without opening the door, they wait for complete cooling (that is, at least 5 hours)

If there is a slow cooker, then you can cook the uzvar "like from the oven" in it:

  1. fall asleep prepared dried fruits;
  2. pour warm water;
  3. turn on the "languishing" mode for 3 hours. We open the multicooker 2 hours after the signal about the end of the program.

If your multi mode "Simmering" is not provided, then bring to a boil on the "Soup" program, turn it off, close the lid and set the "heating" mode. After 4-5 hours you can try.

Option for the lazy

And for those who do not like to mess around in the kitchen, thermos recipe. It's very simple - pour fruit, pour boiling water and leave overnight. Honey can be added to an already prepared bowl, or you can take sweeter fruits and even do without honey.

Secrets from nutritionists

All fruits and berries for the preparation of the uzvar must be washed well to get rid of dust, twigs and other debris.

On the first day after preparation, the drink will be infused, and then it should be filtered, leaving only the liquid. Otherwise, there is a risk that the finished compote will acquire a bitter taste.

You need to store the uzvar in the refrigerator and no more than 4-5 days. If during this time it has not been drunk, then the drink may ferment or turn sour, in which case it is not recommended to drink it.

Uzvar is a ritual drink that is traditionally served at the Christmas table. Its basis is berries and fruits, filled with boiling water. This sweet decoction has long been considered a symbol of the birth of Jesus Christ.

The name of the festive drink comes from the verb "brew", since dried fruits are not boiled, but only brought to a boil. The ingredients used to make uzvar are associated with prosperity, fertility and a happy life.

Dried fruit Christmas knot

Dried fruit Christmas ornament. Ingredients:

  • dried fruits (pears, apples, cherries, prunes, raisins) - 400 g
  • lemon -0.5 pcs.
  • carnation
  • cinnamon

Dried fruit Christmas ornament. Cooking:

Dissolve a glass of sugar in 3-4 liters of hot water, let it boil and remove the foam. In this syrup, put the washed dried pears, dried apples after 5 minutes and dried cherries after another 5 minutes, raisins and prunes (the total amount of dried fruits is 400 g). Uzvar should be boiled over low heat.

After softening the fruit, add a tablespoon of honey, cloves and cinnamon, after 5 minutes of cooking, put half a lemon (or a little citric acid). The finished uzvar is cooled and infused for up to 5 hours. Uzvar should be drunk warm or at room temperature, then it is most useful.

Apple knot with honey

Honey in a bowl promises a rich sweet life. If you want to pamper guests at the festive table with a delicious drink, use a simple recipe for apple uzvar.

Apple knot with honey. Ingredients:

  • dried apples - 200 g
  • honey - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • water - 1.5 l

Apple knot with honey. Cooking:

To prepare the uzvar, rinse the dried fruits and place them in a saucepan. Bring water to a boil and pour over prepared apples. Cover the pot with a lid and let the drink brew for a couple of hours. After this time, strain the uzvar through gauze or a fine strainer. After that, put honey in the liquid and mix until completely dissolved.

Christmas knot-jelly

An unusual version of a thick knot using starch. He will fall in love with adults and children who want to feel the pleasant taste of traditions and Christmas holidays.

Christmas knot-jelly. Ingredients:

  • dried fruits - 500 g
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • starch - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • water - 1 l

Christmas knot-jelly. Cooking:

The best ingredients for making a winter drink are apples, raisins, pears, prunes and cherries. Rinse dried fruits and soak them in cold water. After adding sugar, put the pan on the stove and cook the drink over low heat - until the fruit is soft. Separately, mix water and starch, pour it all into a hot bowl, bring the drink to a boil, then cool.

An old recipe for uzvar

Grandmother's secrets of making uzvar have come down to our times. This Christmas drink recipe has stood the test of time: it tastes just as good as it did when you were a kid.

An old recipe for uzvar. Ingredients:

  • dried apples - 100 g
  • dried pears - 100 g
  • prunes - 100g
  • raisins - 50 g
  • sugar, honey to taste

An old recipe for uzvar. Cooking:

Rinse dried fruits in warm water twice. Pour boiling water over the pears, put the pan on low heat and cover with a lid. Add apples after 10 minutes, and prunes after another 10. Add the raisins last and bring the liquid to a boil. Then remove from heat, add honey and sugar. The drink should cool down and brew for a couple of hours before serving.

Knot of apples and cranberries

The combination of apples and cranberries gives the drink a spicy sourness. This is the best uzvar for those who want to surprise guests at the table with a delicious and natural soft drink.

Uzvar from apples and cranberries. Ingredients:

  • fresh apples - 500 g
  • fresh cranberries - 300 g
  • honey - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • water - 2-3 tbsp.

Uzvar from apples and cranberries. Cooking:

Rinse the cranberries, crush and strain through a sieve. All that remains of the juice should be filled with water. Bring the liquid to a boil in a saucepan, then strain. Add sugar to the broth and boil a little. Cut the apples into cubes, add them to the compote. Combine the finished uzvar with cranberry juice and let it cool.

A dried fruit bowl is a hotly loved drink that housewives put on the Christmas table every year. This is a wonderful natural decoction that quickly quenches thirst, gives health and prolongs youth. Each of the five uzvara recipes presented in the recipe has its own unique taste and aroma.

Uzvar is a cool drink made from fruits and berries. Often, people take dried fruits to make a broth.

The drink got its name from the word “brew”, because it is turned off immediately after boiling. You can also defend.

Uzvar is very popular in the southern Russian regions. Once it was put on the table only for the Christmas holiday, but today it is cooked at any time. It is especially good to drink the drink in summer. Despite the large selection of fruits, it is the uzvar that quenches thirst.

Uzvar is also called a drink prepared with herbs and wine additives. This decoction should be boiled after boiling. The meaning also applies to the sauce for meat dishes, which is traditional in Russian cuisine.

Oil, flour and vinegar are added to this type of uzvar. A very rare dish with a similar name is rice broth or onion liquid on kvass.

Kissel is very rarely called a knot.
In past centuries, every alcoholic drink (mulled wine, dusheparka) was called in this way. It was boiled and served hot.

Natural fruits and berries were a symbol of fertility and prosperity. That's why broth was taken as a healing magic drink.

Fruits, berries and other fruits have many useful properties. Therefore, the knot is considered useful. Dried fruits contain much more useful elements than fresh fruits.

Uzvar contains such vitamins as A, B (1,2,3) and C; pectin, glucose, useful for the development of thinking, and fiber for the intestines.

The use of uzvar helps to get rid of free radicals in the body.

A decoction of dry fruits strengthens the immune system, raises hemoglobin, eliminates inflammation, improves the functioning of the stomach as a whole. The work of the respiratory and cardiovascular mechanisms is normalized, salts and cholesterol are excreted, and the body is toned.

To improve intestinal function, prunes are added to the uzvar; for good immunity - hawthorn; for normal pressure and people with heart disease - dried apricots.

A decoction of dried apricots and without added sugar is a wonderful diuretic substance with vitamins. This is a good way to get sober. Such a drink encourages and helps to remove accumulated toxins.

Any broth will help get rid of constipation. Dried apricots, apples and prunes will bring you the greatest benefit.

How to cook uzvar

Cooking uzvar depends on what ingredients you add and how long you want to keep it. For any uzvar you need to take about a pound of fruit. The amount of sugar added depends on the degree of sweetness of the fruit.

If the fruits are sweet, such as prunes, you may not sweeten them at all. Fruit flavor should dominate. The fruit bowl needs to be filtered. In the case when the drink is very saturated, you can add boiled liquid to dilute.

When you prepare an uzvar with sugar, you need to boil the liquid, throw in the sugar and boil for a couple of minutes. Then add fruit, boil again and remove from heat.

1. To prepare an uzvar with honey the fruits are immediately poured with cold liquid and put on the stove. Now you need to boil, remove and cover for settling.

After the uzvar becomes warm, you can add honey. It's all about the temperature: if it is more than 60 degrees, honey will lose some of the nutrients.

2. Wash dried fruits, and soak in liquid until they swell. Fruit can be soaked overnight or for 15 minutes. Take half a kilo of dry fruits and pour in 2 liters of liquid. Add 250g sugar and 60g honey.

3. There is a recipe in which you can pour dry fruits with hot liquid and cover. So, fruits almost do not lose vitamins. Just be sure to defend the drink so that it is not weak. After cooling, fill the bowl with honey.

The flavor will intensify when you add cinnamon, cloves, lemon or orange zest. In the old days, the broth was prepared with beer.

4.Rosehip knot has the following recipe: pour 50 berries with a liter of liquid, put on the stove and boil for 3 minutes. You need to defend for half an hour in a cool room, then filter.

Rosehip contains a sufficient amount of vitamin C. With this broth, you will well support your immunity, especially in winter.

5. Dried apples, pears and plums (100g each), and 50g of raisins pour 3 liters of water and let stand for half an hour. Bring to a boil and remove from heat. If you wrap it up, the broth will cool for a long time and absorb more vitamins.

After cooling, add 2 tablespoons of honey. It is important to know the order in which fruits are added. First they throw pears, after 5 minutes of cooking - apples, then raisins, plums and cherries.

6. Wash 200 g of dry apples, and place in a saucepan. Boil the liquid and pour into the pan with apples. Cover and stand for about 4 hours. Filter, add honey and stir.

7. For the preparation of uzvar-jelly you need to take pears, dry apples, plums, cherries and raisins (500 gr). Wash it all and throw it into a liter of cold liquid.

Add 75 g of sweetener and cook over low heat until the fruit softens. Dilute 2 tablespoons of starch with liquid, pour into a hot bowl, boil and cool.

8. old recipe. Wash dried fruits thoroughly in warm liquid. Pour 100g of pears with hot water, cover and leave on low heat.

After 10 minutes, add apples, then after the same time - prunes, and after 5 minutes, raisins. Let it boil, season with sugar or honey and leave in a cold place.

9. Uzvar from fresh apples and the same kind of cranberries. Wash 300 g of cranberries and pour into a saucepan. Pound and squeeze out the juice. The remaining contents of the pan must be filled with liquid, placed on the stove until boiling, then filtered.

Cut half a kilo of apples into cubes. Add 4 tablespoons of honey to the filtered broth and boil a little. Now add apples and boil. Mix the resulting broth with cranberry juice and leave to cool.

There are no contraindications for the use of uzvars, as these are very healthy drinks. They prolong youth, are a means for losing weight. Only diabetics are not allowed to sweeten it.

Those who do not like honey or any particular fruit can simply replace such a drink with another product.

The Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Shmelev, who subtly and touchingly described the Orthodox traditions of the Russian people in his prose, paid much attention to traditional festive dishes. So, in the story "The Summer of the Lord" there is a story about the dishes that were prepared for the Christmas table. One of these dishes was uzvar (vzvar) - a drink that, according to Shmelev, was prepared on Christmas Eve from prunes, pears and whispers (dried peaches) and placed under the icons - as if as a gift to Christ. Uzvar, along with kutya, was one of the ritual Christmas dishes, which has survived to this day.

In the old days, uzvar was constantly present on the tables of Russian people. It was a non-alcoholic drink (or, rather, a dessert) made from fresh and dried fruits, berries, and herbs. The consistency of the uzvar resembled jelly. To thicken it, starch or grain sourdough (wheat or oatmeal) was added. On holidays, wine or fruit and berry tinctures were an additional ingredient.

A variation of this traditional dessert drink was berry-fruit sauces for meat dishes. Vegetables (onion, cabbage), vinegar, honey were also added to such uzvars.

Uzvars, cooked on various herbs with the addition of honey, were also used as a medicine for colds or stomach disorders.

In addition to uzvars, kvass, mead (a low-alcohol drink based on honey) and sbiten have always been popular drinks on the festive table.

What do they drink at Christmas in different countries?

Today, many countries have their own traditional Christmas drink. In Latin America, the USA and Canada, hot creamy drinks are prepared, such as eggnog (made from milk, eggs, sugar with the addition of strong alcohol).

In many European countries, the traditional Christmas drink is hot wine with various spices (mulled wine or glogg). There are a lot of recipes for such a drink, and they differ from each other in the set and amount of spices.

The Christmas drink in England is hot ale-based cider (the English name Wassail means "Be healthy!").

In warm countries, where there is no need for hot warming drinks, they prefer fresh cocktails from local types of alcohol with the addition of fruits and flower petals.

Uzvar in modern Russian cuisine

Today, due to the abundance of various drinks and desserts on our tables, uzvars have practically sunk into oblivion. At the moment, most housewives not only do not cook this dish, but may not even know its name. However, uzvars are still present in the church environment and constantly appear on the tables as a ritual dish along with kutya and sochiv. Traditionally, uzvar is prepared on the eve of the holidays and during Lent as a lenten dessert.

I must say that due to their wonderful taste and health properties, uzvars may well return to the modern gastronomic reality, like many traditional Russian dishes. Uzvars are nutritious, rich in vitamins and fully comply with the principles of a healthy diet. Here are some simple recipes for making uzvar.

Uzvara recipe with apples

Uzvar can be prepared from both dry and fresh apples. For 3 liters of water you will need 500 g of fresh apples. It is necessary to thoroughly rinse the fruit and cut them into thin slices, removing the core. Then pour boiling water over chopped apples, add spices (mint, cinnamon, cloves, etc.), cover with a lid and leave for 4-5 hours. Uzvar from apples is ready.

Recipe for uzvara from dried fruits

To prepare an uzvar from dried fruits, take 400-500 g of various dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, figs, dried oranges, apples, pears), half a glass of sugar, a tablespoon of starch or oatmeal, a liter of water.

First you need to thoroughly rinse the mixture of dried fruits, clean it of debris and separate dried apples and pears from other fruits. First of all, pour apples and pears with water (since they take the longest to cook), add sugar and put the pan on fire. Cook for 20 minutes, then add the remaining ingredients (raisins, dried apricots, prunes, figs, dried cherries, etc.) and cook for another 5 minutes. Next, dilute starch (or flour) in cold water, pour into a saucepan and bring to a boil. At the end, add spices as desired (cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, star anise, etc.).

Ready-made uzvar of dried fruits must be cooled and served cold.

Rosehip knot recipe

Rosehip, or wild rose, is a rich source of vitamin C, so rosehip drinks are a very effective remedy for boosting the immune system and treating colds.

To prepare an uzvar, you will need 40-50 dried rose hips, a liter of water, 2 tablespoons of honey and half a glass of sugar.

Thoroughly wash the rose hips and put them in boiling water. Cook for 3-4 minutes, then remove from heat and let the uzvar brew under a closed lid for about half an hour. Then add honey and sugar. (If desired, sugar can be completely replaced with natural honey). Honey should be added only to a cooled drink in order to preserve all the beneficial properties.

Uzvar - a traditional Christmas drink

Uzvar is a traditional Christmas dish, like kutya. This drink has a special meaning for people who revere Orthodox traditions.

History and traditions associated with uzvar

The name of the drink "uzvar" originates from the words "cook" and "brew". The ancient Slavs called various herbal drinks, fruit compotes, berry decoctions and jelly uzvar. The dish also has other popular names: compote, var, yushka, kulaga, jelly.

Uzvar is always present on the table at Christmas, on the Old New Year and at Epiphany. The drink is served on Christmas Eve on January 6, and the next day - on the 7th. According to tradition, the uzvar and kutya were placed together in a holy corner near the icons. Spikelets of wheat or straw were laid under them, which the head of the family brought into the house on Christmas Eve.

How our ancestors prepared uzvar

Previously, kulagu was prepared somewhat differently. In addition to the obligatory ingredients - water and dried fruits, they used sugar beets and medicinal herbs. They added valerian, hawthorn, nettle, lemon balm, chicory, plantain. This uzvar contained many amino acids, vitamins and microelements.

The symbolic meaning of the drink

Kulaga is a rich dried fruit compote. Dried fruits and berries have been harvested since autumn to enjoy a tasty and healthy drink all winter.

Uzvar carries the same symbolic meaning as kutya - eternal life and rebirth. Birth and repose, farewell to the old year and the meeting of the new, the dream of nature in winter and its spring resurrection - this expresses the perception of time by our ancestors. Eternal life and the absence of an end as such - the possibility of an endless cyclical beginning and spring rebirth together with nature.

Uzvar preparation rules

Dried fruit compote can be prepared not only for religious holidays. Throughout the autumn and winter, this warm drink will be very useful and will help to cope with beriberi.

Unlike compote, which is brewed, uzvar is brewed like tea. That is, fruits are steamed in boiling water and insisted, but not boiled. Thus, the drink turns out to be more saturated, and retains more of the beneficial substances contained in dried fruits.

Basics of cooking uzvar

The classic recipe for making uzvar for Christmas involves the use of a standard set of dried fruits: apple, pear, dried apricots and prunes. For a sweeter taste, cherries or dried grapes are added, and rose hips are added for health benefits and a unique aroma.

There are no strict restrictions on cooking time, as well as rules on technique:

  • All components are dosed according to individual taste preferences;
  • For 1 liter of liquid, it is recommended to use about 300 g of dry fruits and berries;
  • The ingredients are boiled over low heat until fully cooked;
  • It is recommended to get apples and pears out of the bowl a little earlier, as they quickly boil soft;
  • After brewing, the drink must be insisted for 2-3 hours.

The drink will turn out even tastier if you add honey, various berries, lemon juice and seasonings to it. The recipe for an uzvar with orange peel, spices and yogurt will surprise you with an unusual taste and aroma.

Preparing ingredients and utensils

Dried fruits and berries must be washed well in running water before cooking. They can be soaked in hot water for a few minutes and then rinsed again in cold water.

For a richer taste of the drink, you can soak dried fruits throughout the night before cooking. If the amount of fruits and berries is not of particular importance, then the spices must be carefully weighed. The same applies to lemon - it should be strictly dosed so as not to spoil the drink.

It is recommended to cook uzvar in an enamel pan. The finished drink is filtered through a colander, and served in any dish. Kulagu can also be cooked in a slow cooker using the "quenching" mode. The recipe for uzvar-kisel with cinnamon and cloves is prepared with the addition of starch. Such a drink is served chilled at the Christmas table.

The benefits of the knot for the body

Our ancestors also knew about the benefits and healing power of dried fruits. Thanks to cooking without digestion, they retain their qualities and make the drink incredibly beneficial for the body.

  • Contains vitamins: A, B, and C; and trace elements: calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium;
  • Dried apricots saturate the body with carotene, helps in the fight against excess weight;
  • Prunes are able to improve the work of the digestive tract, helps to cope with stress;
  • Pears facilitate the work of the intestines due to insoluble fiber;
  • Dried grapes have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and lungs.


Uzvar has long been a traditional drink served at the table on Christmas and holy holidays. There are many recipes for its preparation, but there are no strict restrictions and rules. The main goal is to preserve the benefits of dried fruits, and create a unique taste of the dish.
