
Grapes compote at home. Isabella grape compote for the winter - a drink with a unique aroma

Grapes are a healthy and nutritious berry, they contain glucose, pectin, beta-carotene, etc., in addition to other vitamins and minerals. Grapes make delicious preserves, jams, compotes. The latter will be discussed - grape compote is a fragrant, but very high-calorie drink, so it is not suitable for losing weight and dieting! To always have grapes available, freeze them for the winter in the freezer.


  • 300 g grapes
  • 1 l hot water
  • 100 g granulated sugar
  • 2 pinches of citric acid


1. We choose ripe and juicy grapes, you can cook compote from any variety of these berries: dark, pink, white, etc. Remove the berries from the bunch into a deep bowl and rinse them in water, removing spoiled and damaged ones. Then pour them into a saucepan or saucepan, in which you are going to cook compote.

2. Pour sugar and a few pinches of citric acid - it neutralizes the sweetness of the grapes and the drink will turn out to be moderately sweet and fragrant. Pour hot water into a container and place it on the stove. Bring to a boil and reduce the heat to a minimum, boiling the compote for 10-15 minutes. More time for heat treatment is not needed, otherwise the drink will lose some of its vitamins and minerals.

3. As soon as the grapes sink to the bottom, the compote is completely ready. You can serve it hot, pouring it into cups or glasses, or you can cool it on the balcony or in a bowl of cold water for 20-30 minutes, serving it cold.

Step-by-step recipes for making grape compote for the winter with and without sterilization: options for rich compote from green and dark grapes with citric acid, honey, lemon, mint

2018-07-25 Oleg Mikhailov





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


10 gr.

40 kcal.

Option 1: Grape compote for the winter - a classic recipe

Technologists and chemists have been puzzling over new compositions of drinks for decades, but nothing better than compotes can still be done. It almost doesn’t matter which berries you fill with syrup, but if you sort through the recipes, grape compotes among them are a special honor. Natural juices, with all their taste and benefits, cannot quench their thirst and refresh like a mug of cold compote. And to be even more frank, a modest home-made compote will almost certainly turn out to be more natural than even expensive juice from a box.


  • a large bunch of ripe dark grapes;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • water - two and a half liters;
  • acid, citric.

Step-by-step recipe for dark grape compote for the winter

The number of grapes in a jar, and, consequently, the volume of water depends on the variety of berries and your taste preferences. The more aromatic the grapes, the less it is needed to get a delicious drink, on the other hand, if you cook a more concentrated compote, the more it can be subsequently diluted with water. We will count on half the volume of a three-liter bottle, and, accordingly, on a kilogram bunch, if the drink seems cloying, just dilute it when serving a canteen with carbonated mineral water.

Without rinsing at first, we cut off the berries from the bunch, simultaneously removing the spoiled ones. Fold those selected for compote in a colander and rinse under the tap, sorting through again and removing all suspicious grapes. Pour raw water into the jars, with your finger not reaching the rim of the neck, then collect in a saucepan and put on the stove. As it warms up, add and dissolve the sugar while stirring, pour the boiling syrup over the grapes laid out in jars.

After waiting fifteen minutes, we return the syrup to the pan and heat it up again, after boiling, boil for two minutes and pour citric acid into it. Stir, after dissolving the crystals, pour the syrup into jars and immediately cork with lids prepared by boiling. We compensate for the lack of additional pasteurization of compote by keeping it under a blanket. Turn the bottles over and wait for the compote to cool, then be sure to check that the lids are not swollen.

Option 2: Sweet grape compote for the winter - a quick recipe without sterilization

We do not turn off the fire under boiling water until the lid on the last jar is rolled up. The recipe is not in vain classified as fast, there is little trouble with it, but you will have to act without delay, this is due to the lack of sterilization in hot water. The variety of grapes is unimportant, both table and dessert ones are suitable, and by combining berries of different colors, you will achieve a different color of the drink. Moreover, it is not forbidden to do this even in different bottles, please your home with a variety of tastes and a whole palette of colors of the drink.


  • sugar, refined - five hundred grams;
  • purified water - 4 liters;
  • two kilos of grapes of any variety.

How to quickly prepare a beautiful and tasty grape compote for the winter

Without disassembling the bunches, dip them whole in a bowl of cold clean water, let them soak a little and put them in a colander. Sort the berries carefully, the compote will not be sterilized, so you should remove all the grapes that do not inspire confidence in you. Inspect them for debris, especially cobwebs, such unwanted “add-ons” will irrevocably spoil the compote.

Put the selected grapes in a colander, you can immediately lower it into another bowl of water, it will not hurt, juicy berries will not absorb it. Run a colander under running water and rinse the grapes again. Banks must be absolutely sterile, for the same reasons of long-term storage of the product. Wash them with a saturated baking soda solution and heat them in the microwave or oven, or steam them.

We lay out the grapes in bottles and immediately fall asleep with sugar, the berries can be sorted by variety or prepared assorted. There are no restrictions, be guided only by taste. We boil water for compote with a margin, the amount in the recipe is indicated for reference, fill it with berries in bottles to the very base of the neck. You don't need to stir anything, the sugar will dissolve just fine. We set the jars on the lids, wrap them very tightly. If you preserve a large amount of compote at once, and the jars are tight, they may need more than a day to cool.

Option 3: Refreshing grape compote for the winter (bunch)

There are few berries that can compete with Isabella aroma. It is so strong and unlike other varieties that even in wines, simpler grapes are often added to Isabella. For us, for compote, such berries are just a gift - there will be more space in the water bottle. Mint is put in compotes in order to give a fresh touch to the drink, but this time it has another role: the fresh mint taste is in harmony with the astringency that grape seeds give to the compote. Replacing the grape variety in the recipe is quite difficult, but if you are planning a refreshing dark-colored compote, take Cabernet or Moldova, they are also tasty and fragrant.


  • a large bunch of grapes, Isabella;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • a spoonful of fresh mint leaves;
  • boiling water;
  • lime wedge.

How to cook

Putting a spray bottle on the cold water faucet, wash off dust and debris from the bunch, holding it under the jets by the upper tip. Pay special attention to the inspection of berries and twigs, remove debris, bad or green grapes. The size of the bunch may be large so that it can be placed in a jar through the neck without separating it. Break off large parts, so the compote will look more aesthetically pleasing.

Sterilize the container ahead of time, tear the mint leaves from the sprig and, after scalding them in a glass of boiling water, lower them to the bottom of the bottles. Lime, and in its absence an ordinary lemon, is also scalded and cut into slices along with the peel, clean only the seeds from it with the tip of a knife. We put a piece of citrus in a bottle and fill it up to half with parts of grapes. Please note, since we did not sort the grapes into individual berries, outwardly they will take up a larger volume.

We fill the bottles with syrup boiled from water and sugar over the top of the hangers, be sure to slightly shake the container several times and release the air remaining between the berries. We immediately roll up the banks and wrap them up, turning them upside down.

Option 4: Honey compote from grapes for the winter (from white nutmeg)

In the absence of the specified grape variety, we replace it with any light one, change the sour citrus for two fragrant ones, and reduce the amount of vinegar to a spoon.


  • honey - one kilogram;
  • a quarter cup of grape vinegar;
  • five sticks of cloves;
  • small sour lemon;
  • a spoonful of grated cinnamon;
  • three liters of water;
  • 3500 grams of muscat grapes (white).

Step by step recipe

We do not disassemble the clusters into individual grapes, rinse them whole and put them in steamed jars. Of course, only undamaged berries should remain on the branches, remove all spoiled ones. Fill the bottles with tap water, then, measuring the volume, pour into a saucepan and count the amount of the rest of the compote ingredients.

Boil the water and boil the spices and lemon peels in it, then quickly dissolve the honey and vinegar. Covering the jar necks with gauze, pour this composition into the berries and soak for half an hour. Then drain back and boil again, this time adding the juice squeezed from the lemon.

After boiling the syrup for no longer than two minutes from the moment of boiling, pour into jars, immediately roll up the lids and put them under the covers.

Option 5: Amber grape compote for the winter with lemon

Luxurious color and incomparable taste compote will come out even from nameless grape varieties, only the ripeness of the berries is important. You can, within any limits, keeping only the total mass, change the proportions of varieties, this will affect not only the taste, but also the color of the drink.


  • white grapes - two hundred grams and half as much as dark;
  • 800 milliliters of water;
  • 80 grams of sugar;
  • a couple of lemon slices.

How to cook

We select only ripe grapes for compote. We do not separate the clusters, but cut them with scissors into small branches - no more than a dozen berries. We scald the lemon, dissolve it with beautiful slices, be sure to remove the seeds!

Boil the syrup by dissolving sugar in water and boiling for a couple of minutes, pour hot into jars. Immediately upon filling, we send the jars to a saucepan with warm water and heat it to maximum heat. A grate or a thick cloth should be lowered to the bottom of the pan, excluding the contact of cans with metal.

We sterilize the compote with a moderate boil of water in a saucepan for up to fifteen minutes, the jars should be covered with boiled lids. We seal the compote hermetically, keep it under a thick layer of blankets or warm clothes for at least a day.

Compote from grapes for the winter

grape compote

Delicious and easy to prepare canned compote. Without sterilization, stored at room temperature. Concentrated compote, when you drink, dilute with water.

Composition and proportions

  • Grapes - up to half a can;
  • Syrup: 300 g of sugar per 1 liter of water formed after blanching the berries.

Green grapes

How to cook

  • Preparation: jars and lids (iron or) wash and sterilize. Wash grapes in cool water. Dry. Boil water at the rate of approximately 2-2.5 liters per three-liter jar (+ a little with a margin).
  • First filling (blanching): pick the grapes from the twigs and fill the jars with berries halfway. Pour boiling water over and cover the jars with lids (do not roll up, just cover so that the dust does not fly). Let it brew for about 1 hour (so that the jar cools down and no longer burns your hands). Then put a lid with holes on the jar and drain the water (drain into a liter jar to measure the number of liters received. And then pour the water into a large saucepan).
  • Filling with syrup: add sugar to the water drained from the berries (at the rate of 300 g per liter of water). Bring to a boil and cook the syrup for another 5 minutes. Pour boiling syrup over grapes in jars. Close with lids. Turn the jars upside down and leave to cool in this position until morning.
  • Storage: return the jars to their normal position and store at room temperature in a dry and dark place.
  • Application: after opening the jar, dilute the compote with boiled water by 1/2 (you can add more water, try, it all depends on how sweet you like it).

We fill jars with grapes to the middle of the jar

Blanch grapes in hot water

The compote cools upside down. When it cools down, return it to its original state.

The computer is closed. Juice bottles are convenient to use for compotes from small berries, they fit well into the neck of a liter bottle

Any recipe begins with the preparation of ingredients. Some grapes grow on the plot, others do not. But you can always buy it in the market. I recommend buying local grapes, they are more suitable for us, as they grow next to us, and most of them contain vitamins that are well absorbed.

No wonder the old people say that everything a person needs grows around him. And we buy more imported vegetables and fruits, they are more beautiful. And in fact, our immunity suffers from this, it receives less vitamins. And we think that we ate a fruit rich in vitamins, and we are doing well. This is far from true.

But I digressed from the topic of our grape compotes.

Compote from wine (blue) grapes for the winter

Ingredients for one 3 liter jar:

  • Grapes - 500 - 600 grams
  • Water - 2.6 liters

Whoever picked grapes, who bought them, first of all, they must be washed. I recommend washing like this, pouring grapes in a large container with water. So we will not only wash the berries, but also remove insects from the brushes. And not only insects, but also spiders often hide in grapes.

In the meantime, we can put water to boil, at the rate of 2.6 liters per bottle.

We put the washed grapes in 3 liter jars. You can, of course, in smaller ones, but we have a large family, so we close all compotes in three liter jars. We take 1/3 of the can of grapes, or if by weight, then we got 550 grams each. If you have a lot of grapes, you can put more.

But for our taste, this is exactly the proportion that is ideal. The compote is rich and very tasty. Grapes can be put both with tassels and without. It won't affect the taste.

When the grapes are washed, then pour one glass of sugar into each jar. In sweetness, it is very similar to juice from packs. Namely, nothing more, the perfect combination of taste. Although in fact everyone can adjust the recipe to their taste by adding more sugar or grapes.

When the water boils, then pour it into the bottle, to the very top and put it in warm or hot water for further sterilization.

To do this, it is better to prepare a pot of water earlier, and put a towel on the bottom. Or like us, a dumpling. This is necessary so that the jar does not burst during further boiling.

From the moment of boiling, boil for 5 - 10 minutes. Previously, we didn’t make compotes like this, but we did it using the second filling method. This can be viewed in . But this year we closed a lot of compotes, and there is not enough space in the pantry. They will be stored in a warm apartment, so they insure themselves with sterilization.

We did not sterilize the jars and lids, but simply washed them well, and drenched the lids with boiling water.

We roll up the banks and set to cool. If you store in a warm room, you can put it in a *bath* upside down, on the lids. But this is for 100% reinsurance. Compote of grapes and so well worth it.

How to make * a bath *, you can see in. We just did it for the first time, so we made sure.

And here is a photo session of the finished compote, and with a test. I really wanted to drink, and they decided to open one jar.

Maybe someone is confused by the color of the compote, but it is dark purple, you can even say blue, but this does not affect the taste. Like I said, the taste is just perfect. And the color depends on the grape variety, or even, let's say, on its orientation. And this is wine, blue grapes. So the compote turns blue.

If you don't like the color, you can make it from table grapes.

Here you can stick to the same amount of ingredients, but with one more component.

Table grape compote ingredients:

  • Grapes - 500 - 600 grams
  • Sugar - one 250 gram glass (220 grams)
  • Water - 2.6 liters
  • Sour apples - 2 pieces

This recipe is very similar to the previous one. I also wash the grapes, put them in jars, cover with sugar. Don't forget to add apples. Apples can be put whole or cut into pieces. Just do not forget that apples need longer heat treatment.

Therefore, after pouring boiling water over it, we set it to sterilize for 10 - 15 minutes. Our grapes were juicy, ripe, and burst even at the stage of pouring water. This can be seen in the photo.

After sterilization, roll up the jars and set to cool.

Since table grapes are sweet, it is advisable to take sour varieties of apples. Or you can replace them with lemon slices. So the compote will be tastier and richer.

And here is our pantry with compotes. From table grapes, the compote turned out to be pale pink, and from blue (wine) grapes, the compote turned out to be dark purple, and the taste is more saturated. Although both compotes are delicious.

When our friends were visiting and tried our compote, they were surprised that we bother with compote so much. And they shared their recipe.

Grape compote for the winter a simple recipe

  1. They take grapes, wash them
  2. Fall asleep with sugar, one glass
  3. Add 1/2 teaspoon citric acid
  4. Pour boiling water
  5. roll up

There is no simpler recipe. The number of grapes they take is arbitrary. It mostly depends on the grape variety.

When I asked how the compote costs, they answered that it costs well in the apartment. Although I would do sterilization, or the second filling method. Most of us do just that, by the method of the second fill.

Compote from grapes for the winter, tips.

  1. Compote can be made from any grape variety, or even mixed.
  2. If the grapes are sweet, it is recommended to add acid.
  3. Acid can be in any form, namely: citric acid, lemon slices, sour apples or other seasonal berries (for example, dogwood, plum, viburnum).
  4. Compote from grapes can be made not only in 3 liter jars, but in any.
  5. The main thing in this is that the grapes warm up well so that they do not ferment. Double bay or sterilization.
  6. You can add cloves or cinnamon, for lovers of spicy flavors.

Compote from grapes is easy to close for the winter, photo recipes are described in detail, and I hope you have no questions left. If you have any questions, you can ask them under the article by leaving a comment.

And at the end of the viewing, I propose to see how to make compote from grapes video recipe.

Good luck with your preparations and bon appetit!

Fragrant compote from grapes is important to cook from homemade fruits or in the season when berries are offered on the market at the most attractive prices. A properly prepared drink is perfectly stored all winter and pleases guests and family with its bright taste. You can roll it into jars even without sterilization.

Ingredients: half a three-liter jar of dark grapes, 2 liters of water, 720-740 g of granulated sugar.

  1. The proportions of products can be slightly changed to your liking. For example, by increasing or decreasing the amount of berries and / or sand. The more grapes in the composition, the brighter and richer the drink will turn out.
  2. The fruits are well washed and get rid of the stalks. This must be done carefully so as not to crush the berries.
  3. A 3 liter glass jar is sterilized in advance. Grapes fall into it.
  4. From above, the fruits are poured with water boiled with granulated sugar.
  5. A jar of grapes and syrup is placed in a saucepan with liquid heated to 60 degrees. In this case, the water in the container should only reach the shoulders of a three-liter jar.
  6. Under the lid, the compote is sterilized for 20-25 minutes.

How to cook without sterilization?

Ingredients: half a three-liter jar of dark grapes, 2 liters of water, 720-740 g of granulated sugar, a pinch of citric acid.

  1. The first step is to prepare the berry clusters. They are moved, spoiled or overripe parts are removed. The grapes are laid out in a colander and washed very thoroughly with ice-cold running water.
  2. The fruits are not left for some time to drain excess liquid from them, then they are separated from the branches and laid out on the bottom of a pre-washed and sterilized jar (3 l).
  3. Syrup is boiled from the amount of water and sand indicated in the recipe. Prepared berries are poured into them, after which the container is tightly closed with a sterile lid and left for 20-25 minutes.
  4. Then the syrup (without grapes) is returned to the pan, brought to a boil and boiled for 2-3 minutes. At the very end, a pinch of "lemon" is poured.
  5. Berries are poured again.

Compote for the winter is immediately rolled into jars of a convenient size with boiled metal lids.

The containers are turned upside down, wrapped in a blanket and left to cool completely.

From white and blue grapes

Ingredients: 220 g of blue and white berries, the same amount of granulated sugar, filtered water in a volume corresponding to the size of the jar.

  1. The fruits are carefully picked. Dry and rotten berries are mercilessly thrown away - they can spoil the finished compote. The grapes are washed with running water, after which they are laid out in a colander to drain excess liquid.
  2. Berries are poured into a prepared three-liter jar.
  3. First, 1 liter of water is brought to a boil. They fill the contents of the container. The jar is closed with a lid and left for 12-15 minutes.
  4. Water without berries is drained back into the pan. The right amount of liquid is added to it to fill the entire jar, and sand is also poured out. With constant stirring, the syrup is cooked for 5-6 minutes.
  5. They pour grapes in a jar, after which the container is rolled up with a special key. The lid is metal.

The container is turned over, wrapped and left to cool completely.

Harvesting a drink for the winter from the Isabella variety

Ingredients: 2 cups with a slide of granulated sugar, 4.5 liters of filtered water, a kilo of ripe grapes.

  1. Two three-liter glass jars are washed with baking soda. After thorough rinsing with water, they are steam sterilized. This procedure will take 20-25 minutes.
  2. The grapes are carefully removed from the branches. All spoiled or dried berries are thrown away. The sorted fruits are washed in several waters, laid out in a colander and doused with boiling water.
  3. Sand is poured into the amount of liquid indicated in the recipe. The mass is brought to a boil and boiled until the sugar grains are completely dispersed.
  4. Banks are filled with grapes by about 1/3. From above, the berries are poured with boiling syrup. Under the lids, they are left for about half an hour.
  5. The syrup without grapes is drained into a saucepan, brought to a boil again and returned to the jars.

It remains to roll up the containers with a key, wrap them in blankets and leave the lids down for a day.

Compote of grapes and apples

Ingredients: 5 liters of purified water, a kilo of sour apples, 620 g of grapes, 8-9 tbsp. l. with a slide of granulated sugar.

  1. Apples get rid of everything superfluous and cut into large pieces. The grapes are washed, stripped from the branches.
  2. Syrup is boiled from water and sugar, after 4-5 minutes prepared fruits fall into it.
  3. After boiling, the mass is left on the stove for another 3-4 minutes under the lid.

Ready compote from grapes and apples should be infused and cooled, after which you can take the first sample from the drink.

With the addition of oranges

Ingredients: 220 g of dark grapes, half a large orange, 170 g of granulated sugar, 720 ml of purified water, 2 sprigs of fresh mint, cinnamon stick.

  1. Grapes are removed from the branches, moved and washed.
  2. Orange pulp without zest and white layers is cut into arbitrary slices.
  3. Prepared fruits are laid out in a clean sterilized jar.
  4. Water is brought to a boil, grapes with an orange are poured with it. After 5-6 minutes of infusion of the contents of the jar, the liquid is again drained into the pan and brought to a boil. Then the remaining components are added to it, which should boil for 2-3 minutes.
  5. The hot drink is returned to the jar (no cinnamon!).

The container is hermetically sealed with a lid, turned over, wrapped in a blanket and left for a day.

Compote from grapes - recipe "drink immediately"

Ingredients: 720 ml of purified water, 330 g of grapes of any color, 160 g of granulated sugar, a pinch of "lemon".

  1. The grapes are taken off the branches and washed.
  2. Syrup is boiled from water and sand for 7-8 minutes. Berries are immersed in it.
  3. After the next boil, the mass is cooked for 6-7 minutes on minimum heat.

The drink cools to a comfortable temperature for drinking and is served at the table.

With strawberry

Ingredients: 3 liters of purified water, 4 tbsp. l. with a slide of sugar, 170 g of fresh strawberries, 220 g of white grapes. How to cook compote from grapes with strawberries, we will consider in more detail.

  1. Washed grapes and sugar are placed in boiling water. The mass is cooked for 5-6 minutes at a medium boil.
  2. Next, prepared strawberries without sepals are poured. Together, the components are cooked for only a couple of minutes, otherwise the berries will soften excessively.
  3. Ready compote should be infused for 15-17 minutes.

The drink is served with ice and fresh mint leaves.

With cloves and cinnamon

Ingredients: 260 g dark grapes, ½ tsp. ground cinnamon, cardamom and cloves, 4-5 tbsp. l. with a slide of granulated sugar, 2 liters of water.

  1. The grapes are separated from the branches, moved, poured into a saucepan with sugar and poured with water.
  2. After boiling the liquid, all seasonings are laid out to the berries.
  3. The drink is brewed for 15-17 minutes.

Ready compote is delicious to serve both cold and hot.
