
Menu for a child up to a year for a week on breastfeeding and artificial feeding by months. Recipes for a child up to a year, with a photo

Entering the first complementary foods is a responsible matter. Each mother makes a choice in favor of the product that she considers more suitable for her child. The first "adult" food is given to babies at 5-7 months. By this age, there are already the first teeth, it's time to start learning to chew. The gastrointestinal tract is ready for the process of digestion of a new type of food. We use a blender for absolutely all dishes. Its relevance will be up to 1.5 years, until the child finally learns to chew all the food. What and how to cook for an 8-month-old baby, each mother decides for herself. At this age, the children's menu does not differ much from the original dishes. It should be remembered that it is more useful for babies to eat freshly prepared food. Based on this, mom should plan her schedule so that she has time to prepare fresh meals.

  1. Cooking methods
  2. Fruits and vegetables
  3. Milk products

Cooking methods

If the mother decides to introduce the first complementary foods with the help of vegetables, then the methods of boiling, baking and steaming are what you need. The most useful way of cooking is, of course, steaming. Vegetables absolutely do not lose their useful properties, but on the contrary, they acquire them. Next in the ranking is baking. It is convenient for mom and good for baby. Fish, vegetables, meat and even some fruits acquire a wonderful aroma and a delicious crust. With the advent of the first teeth in children, mothers give them crusts of bread, crusts. Babies also gnaw bagels and crackers with pleasure, which means that mom's cookies will be to their taste. You can make it easily and quickly using the oven, especially since the choice of recipes is so large that you can bake it from the products available at home. Liquid food is very important and necessary for the child's body, so first courses should be present in the diet at least once a day. This golden rule applies not only to adults, but also to the smallest. In order not to cook separately for the child, in the process of preparing soups, borscht and cereals, you should not add seasonings and spices, and then the dishes will be suitable for the whole family and for its youngest members.

How to cook for an 8 month old baby video

Fruits and vegetables

Zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower are the most popular vegetables that are used as first foods. In the future, they are also successfully used for soups, vegetable stews and casseroles. If the child does not have signs of allergy, then at the age of 8 months, vegetables such as carrots, beets and white cabbage are added to children's food. One of the most popular and healthy vegetables is pumpkin. The method of cooking pumpkin can be either baking in its pure form or with an apple, or stewing with different cereals to make porridge. The dried fruit bowl was tested with a bang, which means you can try to introduce home-made compotes. Currants, strawberries, gooseberries, cherries, plums are the most useful berries also because they grow in our region, and not brought from Turkey, Greece, Spain. Scientists have proven that it is more useful to eat those vegetables and fruits that are grown on their native land.

Milk products

The well-known pediatrician Komarovsky E.O., like all doctors of the Soviet era, recommends introducing the first complementary foods, starting with dairy products. But whatever the choice, by the age of 8 months, the child should consume dairy products daily. An exception may be children who are allergic to cow's milk. Cottage cheese goes well with fruits and berries. Casseroles, puddings and cheesecakes will delight both the baby and the whole family. Kefir, yogurt, starter cultures perfectly normalize digestion, have a beneficial effect on metabolism, and the content of probiotics in them allows the gastrointestinal tract to work well.

In the first year of his life, the baby moves from liquid food to solid food. Most babies start trying a lot of different foods after six months. The task of parents during this period is to introduce the baby to new tastes, but to do it correctly and safely. Let's take a look at what foods are recommended to be included in the diet of an eight-month-old peanut and how to properly compose a menu for the day from them.

What additional foods can be included in the diet?

The main product that babies try at eight months on any type of feeding is meat. It serves as a source of valuable amino acids, vitamins, fats, mineral salts. Meat is added to vegetable dishes, as well as to porridge boiled in water. The best choice would be lean meat, such as chicken, turkey, veal.

The second product that begins to be given from 8 months is wheat bread. The first portion of the baby should be a piece of bread no more than 5 grams.

In addition to meat, an eight-month-old breastfed baby begins to try these foods:

  1. Butter . It is usually added to porridge.
  2. Fruit juice. It is given after any meal.
  3. Children's cookies and crackers. They can be given along with both porridge and fruit puree.

A formula-fed baby, as well as a baby whose mother introduced complementary foods before 6 months due to a lack of milk, can begin to give fermented milk products at 8 months. It can be children's yogurt or kefir without additives. Such products can be prepared at home with your own hands or taken in a dairy kitchen.

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If parents follow the recommendations for the introduction of complementary foods from Dr. Komarovsky, then by eight months their child has long tried kefir, cottage cheese and porridge. At 8 months, a popular pediatrician advises expanding the menu by introducing cereals, vegetable oil, fruit puree, yolk, grated meat and fruit juice.

How much should a baby eat?

The total daily amount of food for an eight-month-old baby can be calculated by the weight of the baby. To determine how much food a baby of this age needs per day, its mass is divided by 8 or 9.


An eight-month-old child, as in 7 months, has 5 meals a day - every day the child eats five times during the day with breaks between feedings up to four hours.

sample menu

In a child who was exclusively breastfed until 6 months of age, at 8 months the menu will look like this:

For a seven-month-old baby who was introduced to complementary foods at the age of 4-5 months due to a small amount of breast milk from his mother, the daily menu will be as follows:

For a bottle-fed baby, the menu at the age of eight months will look like this:

For a child who was introduced to complementary foods, taking into account the recommendations of Komarovsky, the menu at 8 months will be as follows:

Although an eight-month-old baby is already eating quite large portions of complementary foods, it is not worth completely refusing to feed the baby with breast milk or formula. It is worth leaving morning and evening feeding for breastfeeding, and during the day give the baby only solid food, which, however, many babies prefer to drink with their mother's milk.

  • Porridge at this age can be boiled both in milk and in water, adding milk mixture or mother's milk to the finished product. An eight-month-old baby can be offered cereals from several cereals. You can add fruits and children's cookies to the porridge.
  • For eight-month-old children, vegetables can no longer be mashed, but kneaded and given in the form of soup, teaching the child to chew. In such a soup, you can add meat, yolk, butter.
  • It is necessary to introduce chicken meat into the child's diet carefully, since it is an allergenic product.
  • You need to prepare meals for the baby every day in order to give the crumbs only fresh food. To make life easier, mom can use ready-made baby cereals and mashed potatoes.
  • Most children are actively teething at eight months, so the child will be happy to gnaw on dryers or crackers.
  • Buy your child beautiful dishes and give the baby soups from a deep plate, main dishes from a flat plate, and drinks from a mug. Do not forget to encourage the child to eat on his own and regularly give the baby a spoon so that he tries to wield this tableware.
  • If the child refuses any new foods, do not insist, but continue to offer the baby a new dish.

As the child becomes more and more active, many parents are thinking about vitamins for a child up to a year old. Whether they are needed, read our article.

Sometimes feeding a child becomes a real test for the mother's fantasy. How else to diversify the baby's diet, what new combinations to come up with so that the baby eats with pleasure?

We offer 30 quick and interesting recipes for feeding a child from 7 months to 1.5 years! We are sure that many of your recipes will “take root” and your little gourmet will like it!

For children from 7 months

Avocado and banana puree


  • half an avocado
  • 1 banana


  1. Peel a ripe banana and cut into pieces.
  2. Also peel the avocado, remove the bone and separate the pulp with a teaspoon.
  3. The avocado must be very ripe. In Ukraine, the season of this vegetable begins in mid-autumn.
  4. Combine banana pulp and avocado in a blender bowl, add a little boiled water and beat until smooth.

Vegetable puree with turkey and avocado


  • 30 g turkey
  • 30 g pumpkin
  • 30 g zucchini
  • a quarter of an avocado


  1. Peel the pumpkin and zucchini and chop.
  2. Boil the turkey for 15 minutes and drain the first broth.
  3. Put the meat, pumpkin and zucchini in a small saucepan, cover with water and cook for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Put boiled vegetables, peeled avocado, boiled turkey in a blender bowl and beat in puree.

Vegetable puree soup with rabbit


  • rabbit meat
  • pumpkin
  • 1 quail egg
  • rice flakes


  1. Peel and cut a piece of pumpkin.
  2. Pass the rabbit meat through a meat grinder. Form small meatballs from minced meat.
  3. Boil the meatballs for 10 minutes, drain the first broth.
  4. Put all the ingredients in a saucepan, cover with water and cook for another 10 minutes.
  5. Boil the quail egg and remove the yolk.
  6. Mix the soup and the yolk from the egg and make a puree of a uniform consistency.

The yolk can be introduced into the dish if you have already introduced it into the diet of the crumbs!

Vegetable puree with turkey


  • turkey meat
  • vegetable marrow
  • cauliflower


  • Rinse the vegetables well, peel and cut.
  • Make minced meat from turkey meat and form small meatballs. If you are only introducing turkey into your diet, you can start with just one small meatball.
  • Steam vegetables and meatballs for 15 minutes.
  • From vegetables and meat, puree a homogeneous consistency in a blender.

If you have already introduced vegetable oil into your child's diet, you can add it.

Vegetable puree with rabbit


  • 40 g celery
  • 60 g potatoes
  • rabbit meat


  1. Potatoes must first be soaked. It is best to cut the vegetable and leave it in a saucepan with water overnight (10-12 hours).
  2. Rinse the soaked potatoes. Cut the celery into pieces, remove the fibers.
  3. Make minced meat from rabbit meat and form several meatballs.
  4. Steam vegetables and meatballs for 15 minutes.
  5. Put all the ingredients in a blender bowl and puree, adding a little boiled water for a smooth consistency.

If oil has already been introduced into the child's diet, you can add a little olive oil.

Children's pilaf-puree with turkey


  • 30 g turkey meat
  • 20 g carrots
  • 4 tsp rice flakes


  1. Peel the carrots and cut into pieces.
  2. Boil the turkey for 10-15 minutes, drain the first broth, rinse the meat.
  3. Wet and boiled turkey put in a saucepan, cover with water and cook for another 10 minutes.
  4. Then add rice flakes and cook for another 3-4 minutes.
  5. Pour the finished dish into a blender bowl and mash.

You can add some olive oil if it is already in your child's diet.

Children's borscht puree with turkey


  • 30 g turkey
  • 20 g carrots
  • 30 g potatoes
  • 20 g beets


  1. Peel the potatoes, cut into slices and pre-soak for 10 hours.
  2. Peel the beets and carrots and chop.
  3. Pass the turkey meat through a meat grinder, form meatballs from the minced meat.
  4. Boil meatballs for 10 minutes and drain the first broth.
  5. Pour beets with water and cook in a saucepan for about 20 minutes.
  6. Add potatoes, carrots and meatballs to the beets, cook over medium heat for another 20 minutes.
  7. Pour the finished dish into a blender bowl and make a smooth puree.

Beets can be given to children from 7-8 months, if there is no predisposition to allergic reactions.

For children from 8 months

Pumpkin puree with turkey


  • 90 g pumpkin
  • 30 g turkey
  • quail egg


  1. Wash the pumpkin, peel and cut.
  2. Make minced meat from the turkey fillet, and form small meatballs from it.
  3. Boil the quail egg over medium heat for 10 minutes and remove the yolk.
  4. Steam vegetables and meatballs for about 15 minutes.
  5. Combine the finished dish and egg yolk in a blender bowl and puree until smooth, adding a little boiled water.

Add the yolk only if it has already appeared in the diet of the crumbs. You can also substitute chicken.

Oatmeal porridge with fruits


  • 2 tsp oatmeal
  • 2 tsp wheat flakes
  • 40 g apple
  • 20 g cherries (can be frozen)
  • 120 ml water


  1. Peel the apple and cut into cubes. Rinse the cherries and remove the pits.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan, add fruits and 2 types of cereal.
  3. Bring the dish to a boil and cook for 7 minutes.
  4. Add a little butter to the finished porridge if it has already appeared in the baby's diet.
  5. If necessary, you can beat the porridge in a blender.

Potatoes with turkey and vegetables


  • 30 g turkey
  • 10 g onion
  • 50 g potatoes
  • 40 g Brussels sprouts


  1. Peel the potatoes, cut into small cubes and pre-soak for 10 hours.
  2. Finely chop the onion and Brussels sprouts.
  3. Boil the turkey over medium heat for 10 minutes, drain the first broth. Finely chop the meat.
  4. Put the cabbage, meat, onions and potatoes in a saucepan, cover with water (to cover the vegetables) and cook over medium heat for 15 minutes.
  5. When the dish has cooled slightly, add a little vegetable oil.

If the child is not yet very good at chewing food, the dish can be mashed with a blender.

Buckwheat with turkey


  • 30 g turkey
  • 15 g carrots
  • 4 tsp buckwheat
  • 10 g onion
  • 140 ml water


  1. Peel the carrots and onions and finely chop.
  2. Boil turkey meat over medium heat for 10 minutes, drain the first broth, rinse the meat.
  3. Pour buckwheat into a saucepan, add carrots and onions, cover with water and cook for 15 minutes.
  4. Then add the meat and cook for another 10 minutes.
  5. If the baby is already a little older and chews well, you can finely chop all the ingredients before cooking. If not, make a puree out of the dish.

When the dish has cooled down a little, you can add a little olive oil, if it has already appeared in the child's diet.

Vegetable soup with beef


  • 30 g beef
  • third of a small carrot
  • 5 broccoli florets
  • 3-4 tsp small durum pasta
  • 5 g onion


  1. Peel the carrots and chop finely. Break the broccoli into small florets.
  2. Pass onions and meat through a meat grinder. Form meatballs from the minced meat and cook them over medium heat for 15 minutes.
  3. Put carrots and broccoli in a saucepan, cover with water and cook for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Boil pasta separately.
  5. Grind vegetables from the broth, add pasta and meatballs to them. If necessary, puree the soup.
  6. In a slightly cooled dish, you can add a little olive oil.

Pumpkin soup puree with beef


  • 30 g beef
  • 50 g pumpkin
  • 5 g onion
  • 30 g potatoes
  • quail egg


  1. Peel potatoes, cut and soak in water for about 10 hours (can be left overnight).
  2. Clean the pumpkin and onion and finely chop.
  3. Boil the beef over medium heat for 15 minutes, drain the first broth and rinse the meat.
  4. Place vegetables and beef in a saucepan, bring to a boil and cook for another 15 minutes.
  5. Boil the quail egg (about 5 minutes) and remove the yolk.
  6. Mix the soup and yolk and beat in a blender until puree.

Add the yolk to the soup only if it is already present in the child's diet.

Vegetable stew with rice


  • 30 g turkey
  • 2 tbsp. l. rice flakes
  • 1 small carrot
  • quarter of bell pepper
  • 30 g corn


  1. Boil a piece of turkey for 15 minutes.
  2. Peel bell peppers and carrots, finely chop.
  3. Put the meat and vegetables in a saucepan, cover with water and simmer for 10 minutes. Then add rice flakes, a little water and continue to simmer for another 5-7 minutes.
  4. Ready stew can be chopped in a blender if the baby still chews badly. Add a little olive oil to the cooled dish.

Simple oatmeal cookies

Ingredients for 10 pcs:

  • 5 st. l. oatmeal
  • 1 large banana


  1. Peel the banana and cut into pieces.
  2. Mix oatmeal and banana in a blender bowl and beat.
  3. Spread the resulting mass (it should not turn out liquid) with a spoon on parchment in the form of cookies.
  4. Preheat the oven to 180°C and bake the cookies for 15-20 minutes.

For children from 9 months

Vegetable soup with lentils


  • 30 g lentils
  • 20 g carrots
  • 60 g broccoli
  • 5 g onion


  1. Cover the lentils with water and leave to soak overnight.
  2. Remove the films from the soaked lentils and rinse well.
  3. Bring the lentils to a boil and cook for another 10 minutes.
  4. Add the rest of the ingredients to the lentils and cook for another 10 minutes.
  5. Turn the finished soup into a puree using a blender.

Chicken with rice and vegetables


  • 30 g chicken fillet
  • 100 g frozen mixed vegetables


  1. Boil the chicken fillet and chop it finely.
  2. In a deep frying pan, mix vegetables and meat, simmer for half an hour over medium heat.
  3. Add a little olive oil to the cooled dish.

Lentil soup puree


  • 3 tsp lentils
  • 4 broccoli florets
  • 3 cauliflower florets
  • 1 PC. potatoes


  1. Potatoes and lentils must first be soaked in water. It is better to put on the night.
  2. Place vegetables and lentils in a saucepan, cover with water and cook for 20 minutes.
  3. Turn the finished soup into a puree using a blender.
  4. Add a little butter or olive oil to the cooled dish.

Cookies with prunes

Ingredients for 10 pieces:

  • 7 pcs. prunes
  • 5 tsp oatmeal
  • 50 g baby cottage cheese


  1. Soak prunes in boiling water for 15 minutes. Soak oatmeal in a separate bowl.
  2. Mix the steamed cereal, prunes and cottage cheese in a blender bowl and make a puree.
  3. Spread this mass in the form of cookies on parchment. Bake the cookies in the oven for 20 minutes at 180°C.
  4. The cookies should turn out soft and limp in the child's mouth.

Baby apple biscuits

Ingredients for 8 pieces:

  • 4 tsp oatmeal
  • half a medium apple
  • 50 g baby cottage cheese


  1. Peel the apple and grate it on a fine grater.
  2. Mix oatmeal, cottage cheese and apple and mix well.
  3. Form small cookies from this mass and put in the oven for 25 minutes at 180 ° C until dry.

The cookies should be soft and melt in your child's mouth. But if the baby is not yet chewing very well, be sure to watch him while eating.

We prepare complementary foods for children up to a year: where to start, how to add complementary foods up to a year, recipes and useful tips.

The birth of a child is a special event in the life of every family, but the birth of the first child is also a lot of trouble. After all, in order to raise a child, you need to go through thousands of trials, know so much and still make mistakes, because there was and is no ideal recipe for raising children.

In this article, we will make it as easy as possible to resolve the issue of feeding a child up to a year, namely, a tasty and varied menu for the first year of life.

For breastfed babies at 5 months, the first drops of complementary foods are often introduced, but artificial people, accustomed to cereals and mixtures, are ready to try new dishes. When introducing a new dish, be guided by what you have introduced before and which components are new.

Important: never, under any circumstances, introduce two new components at the same time.

Please note that after 4 months, the swallowing reflex is already well developed in the child, but he is not yet able to chew food. The stomach of a 5-month-old baby is completely different from its adult counterpart and is not able to assimilate and digest food from an adult table. In addition, at this age, it is the parents and no one else who lay the food habits, namely the salinity of dishes, sweets, various tastes. In addition, the child does not yet know most of the words, but he reads emotions perfectly. As soon as you think at least once that you are feeding your child with insufficiently tasty foods, he instantly considers these emotions from you and refuses to eat.

Therefore, children and parents often have the same taste habits. After all, parents should switch to proper nutrition, replace harmful flavor enhancers with natural seasonings, and their child will be drawn to healthy, not harmful.

Complementary feeding options vary depending on the sources, we will give several sources, and you yourself decide which direction you have more confidence in.

Traditional pediatrics about complementary foods at 5 months :

  • The total amount of food consumed at this age is equal to or less than 900 ml per day. This amount cannot be exceeded;
  • Breast milk or artificial formula - 700 ml. per day;
  • Fruit puree or natural freshly squeezed juices - 40 ml per day;
  • Vegetable puree, as well as vegetables added to other dishes - 15-150 g for breastfeeding, and 10-100 g for artificial children;
  • Cereal cereals - 10-50 ml;
  • Natural butter (add without heat treatment to vegetable purees and cereals - 1-4 g per day. But here it is important to add homemade butter, and not artificial options from supermarket shelves.

Remember, each product is introduced from grains and drops, up to 3-5 parts are added, and only then it is given fully. In case of any reaction, immediately eliminate from food and consult a doctor.

The golden rule is one ingredient per week. If negative reaction - 14 days without new ingredients.

It is also worth considering the seemingly elementary, but unfortunately not always used - the first complementary foods are always pasty. It is necessary to introduce mushy after the eruption of the first tooth, and what to gnaw after 3-4 teeth.

Honored Doctor Komarovsky about complementary foods at 5 months

According to a competent doctor who has won the trust of parents and grandmothers, at 5 months of age, the child should remain breastfed, or if this has already happened, on an adapted mixture. In his opinion, the internal organs of a 5-month-old baby are simply not ready to accept and digest the rest of the products. Consequences - problems with the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, etc. in later life.

But if you are in such a hurry to introduce complementary foods in the 5th month, Kormarovsky recommends starting with fermented milk. Kefir is an ideal product for the first complementary foods, because it is not only closest to natural dairy, but also improves digestion and, importantly, reduces the load on the liver, which is already preparing for changes during this period.

After a week, you can add cottage cheese, and after another week, one feeding can be completely replaced with complementary foods. For another month, Kormarovsky recommends feeding with sour-milk and only then introducing cereals.

And now we provide a universal list of products for 5 months:

  • Kashi (without mixing): rice, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • Vegetables: broccoli, zucchini;
  • Fruits: apple, pear, plum.

Please note that there are no notorious bananas in this list, since we still do not live in the climate to eat natural bananas, and after processing and transportation, bananas are not suitable for children under one year of age.

Zucchini puree for a 5 month old baby

We need a zucchini. We clean it and mode into small pieces.

Choose an option:

  • Boil in water or steam;
  • We bake in the oven.

Grind with a blender, mixer, fork to a puree state. We feed the baby!

Video: "APPLE PUREE" for children and adults, easy to prepare / from 3 INGREDIENT

Weekly menu and recipes with photos for a 6-month-old breastfed and formula-fed baby

If you stick to the traditional way of introducing complementary foods, then by 6 months you will already have a small but very pleasant diet, which, of course, you can buy in jars, but isn't it more pleasant to cook it yourself?

So, by 6 months 1 we will eat completely complementary foods. From which we recommend half of the complementary food kefir or cottage cheese, and half of the complementary food is one of the dishes to choose from.

Cooking porridge on the water

Wash the cereal under running water, pour a little more than it is provided for cooking and put on fire, having previously covered it with a lid.

After the porridge is boiled, remove from heat and throw butter into the still hot porridge.

Additionally, grind the porridge or chop with a blender.

We wash the cereal and fill it with cold water for two hours (so it will swell and cook less).

Drain the rest of the water and fill with milk. Cook until the porridge becomes soft. Additionally, grind with a blender and treat your baby.

We clean the pear and rub it on a fine grater as quickly as possible or chop it with a blender. We do not wait for the loss of vitamins and immediately treat our little one!

We take vegetables (the composition may vary depending on what you have already entered), clean and set to steam.

We take out and grind as desired with a blender or grater. Serve with a little butter.

Important: salt, sweeten, add herbs or seasonings are not recommended, as there is a high risk of instilling bad eating habits from childhood, and thereby undermine health.

Weekly menu and recipes with photos for a 7-month-old breastfed and formula-fed baby

For 7 months of age, complementary foods are both familiar and new variations:

  • fruit puree
  • Porridge on the water
  • Porridge with milk
  • Egg yolk
  • cottage cheese
  • Meat puree
  • Fresh juices
  • Kefir
  • Cracker or biscuits for babies
  • yesterday's bread

Boil the tongue for 2-3 hours in a saucepan or for 20 minutes in a pressure cooker. We cut off a small piece, the rest is sent to the parents' diet, it is not recommended to store a boiled tongue for a child for several days.

Grind with a blender or in a meat grinder, add butter and treat the young gourmet!

Menu for the week and recipes with photos for a baby at 8 months of breastfeeding and artificial feeding

By 8 months, the baby has teeth and is almost a big baby. By this age, you can begin to treat with dishes where the products are finely chopped and they need to be chewed.

For 8 months of age, complementary foods are both familiar and new variations:

  • Not crushed cereals, both in water and in milk;
  • Vegetable puree or pieces of boiled vegetables. You can already enter potatoes, cabbage, carrots and beets into the menu;
  • Soups meat and fish, but without broth;
  • Fermented milk products: kefir, cottage cheese and new ones - homemade yoghurts, fermented baked milk, curdled milk;
  • Greens for the season, but not green onions and other hot spices;
  • Juices, nectars and compotes without preservatives.

Soup with fish or meat for an 8 month old baby

Pour boiling water over meat or fish and cook until fully cooked. Drain the broth and grind with a blender or to small pieces.

Pour a glass of water into the pan and put in a bed of finely chopped potatoes, carrots and, if desired (if introduced into food), celery. Boil until cooked, chop the greens, season the soup and pour the meat or fish. Fill with butter. The dish is ready!

Video: Soup Recipes for an 8 Month Old Baby

Weekly menu and recipes with photos for a 9-month-old breastfed and bottle-fed baby

During this period, the baby already requires almost every meal, not only milk, but also complementary foods. The menu is becoming quite diverse and more and more like an adult table. But do not confuse and try to treat something from your diet, continue to cook your baby's food.


  • Breakfast: porridge (barley, buckwheat, rice to choose from), a piece of meat, berry puree;
  • Lunch: meat or chicken rice soup, pumpkin puree and half an egg yolk;
  • Snack: yogurt with berries or fruits, croutons;
  • Dinner: fruit and milk drink, bread.
  • Breakfast: porridge of your choice (but not the same as the previous day), half the yolk;
  • Lunch: soup with meatballs, zucchini puree with fish, bread and fruit and berry compote;
  • Snack: fruit or fruit dessert, biscuits;
  • Dinner: yogurt with fruit, toast (dried bread).
  • Breakfast: milk soup, herbal tea;
  • Lunch: fish soup, mashed potatoes with fish, fruit compote and bread;
  • Afternoon snack: mashed apples, pears, plums to choose from, homemade jelly;
  • Dinner: baked apple, cracker and juice;
  • Breakfast: meat soup, buckwheat, apple compote;
  • Lunch: vegetable stew, fish cutlet, compote, bread;
  • Afternoon snack: fruit and berry dessert;
  • Dinner: fresh fruit and vegetables.
  • Breakfast: oatmeal with butter, fruit dessert;
  • Lunch: squash soup, vegetable stew with a steamed cutlet, bread and jelly;
  • Afternoon snack: kefir and crackers;
  • Dinner: fruit and berry jelly.
  • Breakfast: wheat porridge with butter, herbal tea;
  • Lunch: chicken soup, zucchini puree, steamed cutlet and bread, compote;
  • Afternoon snack: peach-apple puree, toast, juice;
  • Dinner: kefir.


  • Breakfast: milk soup, berry compote;
  • Lunch: soup with meatballs, vegetable stew, meat cutlet, bread, carrot juice;
  • Afternoon snack: fruit dessert, toast;
  • Dinner: berries with milk and bread.

Video: How to feed a baby at the age of 9-12 months. Tips for parents – Union of Pediatricians of Russia

Weekly menu and recipes with photos for a 10-month-old breastfed and formula-fed baby

At this age, modifications occur that are close to adult nutrition, but for the correct transition, it is worth considering:

  • The first meal must be breast milk or formula;
  • After 2-3 hours - breakfast;
  • Lunch is the first and second course;
  • Dinner is light;
  • Between feedings, in addition to water, you can give juice, compote, tea. But if you have a bad appetite - only water;
  • Snacks no later than 1.5 hours before meals.

During this period enter:

  • Egg white, but only boiled or steamed in an omelet;
  • Fatty fish, especially salmon and trout;
  • Different types of meat, you can add lean beef, pork, poultry in addition to chicken;
  • All kinds of greenery;
  • Green peas, beans, spinach. The latter is just a storehouse for a growing organism.

Video: First food: mashed potatoes with spinach and celery. Cooking for CHILDREN

Menu for the week and recipes with photos for a baby at 11 months of breastfeeding and artificial feeding

At this age, there are already so many different dishes that it is worth noting only the directions that should be followed, and the rest will be prompted by fantasy and our video master classes.

  • First meal: breast milk or formula.
  • Breakfast: porridge with water or milk, tea and cookies. Vegetables are added to the porridge on the water.
  • Second breakfast: breast milk/formula and cottage cheese/yogurt.
  • Lunch: soup with meat or fish, vegetables and meat / fish to choose from, tea and bread.
  • Snack: fruit puree / steamed cheesecakes / milk porridge and compote, tea, juice.
  • Snack: fruits, berries, vegetables, cookies, crackers, etc.
  • Dinner: breast milk or formula, vegetables / yogurt, fresh juices or juices.
  • 1-2 hours before bedtime: kefir / curdled milk / yogurt.
  • Before bed: breast milk or formula.
  • Night: breast milk or formula.

Video: Menu for a child for a week / Menu for a child up to a year

Video: 11 Month Baby Menu Recipes

Weekly menu and recipes with photos for a 12 month old baby

We offer an approximate menu for a one-year-old child. Please note that children's borscht differs from rich and fried classic borscht, and other dishes are also prepared with the expectation that it will be a child.


  • First meal: milk.
  • Breakfast: buckwheat on the water, boiled carrots, green peas, tea, bread.
  • Second breakfast: apple puree and biscuits.
  • Lunch: soup with meatballs, mashed potatoes with steamed chicken cutlet, beet salad with apple, juice, bread.
  • Snack: cottage cheese casserole with compote.
  • Dinner: stewed zucchini with carrots.
  • First meal: milk.
  • Breakfast: dairy with vermicelli, curdled milk.
  • Second breakfast: steamed fish and a slice of bread.
  • Lunch: fish soup, wheat porridge with a boiled piece of meat, boiled broccoli, compote, dried fruits.
  • Dinner: steamed vegetables, compote.
  • First meal: milk.
  • Breakfast: rice porridge with milk, tea.
  • Second breakfast: fresh berry-fruit, toast.
  • Lunch: borscht, baked vegetables, compote, crackers.
  • Snack: yogurt with fruit and compote.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese casserole with herbal tea.
  • First meal: milk.
  • Breakfast: mashed potatoes with meatballs, boiled grated beets and berry juice.
  • Second breakfast: cottage cheese pasta with fruit, croutons.
  • Lunch: soup with cheese dumplings, pasta with meatballs, tea and cookies.
  • Snack: syrniki with raisins, fresh juice from berries.
  • Dinner: baked apple with honey, compote.
  • First meal: milk.
  • Breakfast: buckwheat milk porridge, toast with tea.
  • Second breakfast: fresh seasonal vegetables in a salad, compote.
  • Lunch: soup with chicken and noodles, rice porridge with steamed fish, stewed zucchini, juice, bread.
  • Afternoon snack: meat soufflé with juice.
  • Dinner: boiled broccoli, carrots and cauliflower with steamed fish.
  • First meal: milk.
  • Breakfast: milk porridge, crackers, pear.
  • Second breakfast: baked apple, half an egg, juice.
  • Lunch: buckwheat soup, baked potatoes with butter, boiled meat, coleslaw, tea.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream, fresh fruit and berry juice.


  • First meal: milk.
  • Breakfast: boiled vegetables, half an egg, biscuits and tea.
  • Second breakfast: baked beets and curdled milk.
  • Lunch: potato soup, barley porridge with steamed fish cake, half an egg, broccoli, compote and bread.
  • Snack: Vermicelli casserole and yogurt.
  • Dinner: baked vegetables with seasonal fruit compote.

Video: Pediatrician nutrition tips for children under one year old

12 579

Soups for children under one year old are an important element in the development of the baby. After all, they improve digestion, ensure proper absorption of food and have a positive effect on intestinal motility. It is necessary to learn how to cook soup for babies so that the child does not refuse to eat and gets the maximum benefit from the finished product.

When to Introduce Soups into Your Diet

Today, soups are introduced into the baby's diet, depending on how often the baby is breastfed, and what types of complementary foods have already been introduced. So, soups during breastfeeding (we are talking mainly about vegetarian options) are administered immediately after the introduction of vegetables. These first courses are the same vegetable puree, only diluted with a light broth.

Pediatricians also talk about the age at which children should be given soups. Doctors believe that the optimal solution will be 6-7 months, immediately after the introduction of complementary foods.

Proponents of this theory make the diet of crumbs more diverse in accordance with age. So, they can use soups with small meatballs from 8 months (the time of introducing meat into complementary foods). You can also add chopped poultry fillet to the broths. Naturally, these will be mostly pureed. From 9-12 months, you can offer the crumbs the first dish, which will be crushed with a fork. This will encourage chewing. Closer to the year, you can also add an ear.

What options are suitable for the baby

Before you start cooking soups for one-year-old babies, you should study the list of recommended options so as not to harm the health of the crumbs. Among the most popular soups for a child at 1 year old are:

  • Fish
  • Vegetable
  • Dairy Options

In an effort to diversify the diet of the crumbs, you should not get carried away and offer him more "adult" options - tomato, garlic, cheese. Also, you can not use such a soup for children under one year old, like okroshka.

How to cook soups for kids

For a baby, the first soups, despite the minimum of products, can still be varied. Parents often have a question: what soups can be prepared for a baby who is not yet a year old.

Firstly, for a baby, you need to cook soup based on water, and not broth (meat or fish), because. the latter is heavy food for the crumbs. After all, meat can lead to an overload of the pancreas and liver. Fish soup for a child aged 1 year is not recommended, because fish is an allergen.

Secondly, you need to take special water - filtered or bottled. Soups should be started on the basis of those vegetables that have already been introduced into the diet of crumbs. Later it will be possible to combine 2-3 vegetables at a time, but it is worth starting with monovariants. To prepare optimal nutrition for a child at 1 year old, it is worth adding to the soup:

  • Buckwheat
  • Millet

Such products are considered hypoallergenic. In order to form healthy habits and a varied taste in a child, it is recommended to alternate and change products in the recipe.

At first, it is better to avoid the use of spices - they interrupt the natural taste of the product, spoil the taste buds of the crumbs. The maximum that can be added to the soup is greens: parsley and dill. Even a little salt can distort the taste of the dish.

Soup must be cooked fresh - at a time. To prepare first courses, you should use a blender - it will allow you to make the product optimally homogenized. Vegetables grind them pretty quickly.

Recipes for first courses for vegetable crumbs

Since the first options for dishes for babies should be prepared from vegetables, it is worth familiarizing yourself with them from the very beginning. Soup recipes for children of the first year of life are quite diverse, despite the limited products.

Pea soup

Pea-based soup is very useful for crumbs. It is necessary to use green peas - fresh or frozen. Such a soup in the diet of a child will take pride of place. When cooking, make sure that the proportion of peas does not exceed 1/3.

Baby food diversifies pea soup. It will require:

  • Green peas - 4 s.l.
  • Rice - 2 tbsp.
  • Butter - a small piece

Rice should be thoroughly washed, put in a saucepan and pour a glass of boiling water here. Peas should be boiled separately, also with a glass of water. After they need to be connected and add a little liquid. Grind everything with a blender and put to boil again. The finished dish remains flavored with half a teaspoon of butter. Butter and vegetable soup are a great combination. Butter gives a special taste and makes the soup more nutritious.

Potato and carrot soup

Among the healthy and tasty ones, potato-carrot soup-puree is also called. For its preparation you will need:

  • Potato - 200 g
  • Water - 200 ml
  • Carrots - 100 g
  • Butter - 5 g
  • Milk - 100 ml

Potatoes and carrots should be peeled, cut into small pieces and put on fire to boil. When the water boils and the vegetables are cooked, drain the broth and set aside for a while. Boiled vegetables must be rubbed through a sieve or mashed with a blender. Pour milk into the broth and boil again. It should be added to the vegetable mix little by little, gently stirring. In the finished soup, it remains to add oil.

Zucchini soup puree with broccoli

You can cook soups for crumbs from different products. So, a great combination would be zucchini and broccoli. For this option, you need to take:

  • Zucchini - a quarter of the fruit
  • Broccoli - a few florets
  • Bulb - 1 pc. (a small onion is enough)
  • Milk - 50 ml
  • Vegetable oil - a little
  • Greenery

Peel the onion and cut into cubes. Heat oil in a frying pan and put onion cubes in it. Fry them until golden brown. Next, you need to make a blank of vegetables. To prepare a vegetable mix, cut vegetables into cubes and disassemble into florets. Put them in a saucepan and pour water, then boil them. All ingredients should be combined and beat with a blender until smooth. Then add milk to the puree and mix everything again. To complete the taste, you can add a spoonful of low-fat sour cream to such a soup.

Pumpkin puree soup

To prepare this soup, you need to take the following products:

  • Pumpkin - 250 g
  • Potato - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 125 ml

Finely chop the pumpkin, after peeling it from the skin. Potatoes and carrots should also be cut into cubes. Vegetables should be put in boiling water and cook for 20 minutes until soft. They must be pulled out of the broth and worked out with a blender. The resulting puree should be put in a saucepan, add a glass of vegetable broth and stir everything. Pour milk into it and heat for 5 minutes.

Carrot soup with millet

For this soup you will need:

  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  • Millet - 4 tbsp.

Onions should be cut, carrots washed, peeled and also cut finely. Do the same with potatoes. Vegetables should be put in a pot of boiling water and cook until half cooked. It remains to add millet and cook until tender. For a richer taste, you can put a teaspoon of low-fat sour cream in such a soup.

Cream soup with semolina and green peas

You can cook another version of a vegetable dish with the addition of semolina. For this you will need:

  • Potato - 1 pc.
  • Peas (it is better to choose green) - 2 tbsp.
  • Bulb - 1 pc.
  • Groats - 1 tbsp.
  • Butter - 1 tsp
  • Greenery

Peel, wash and chop the vegetables, pour a glass of boiling water and cook for half an hour. Process the finished mixture with a blender and pour the broth. Put on fire again, add semolina and cook for another 20 minutes.

Soups with meat and fish fillets

Soups based on meat or fish are more satisfying. These options are suitable for older children. And there are also quite a few recipes.

Rice with turkey meat

For this soup you will need:

  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Turkey or rabbit fillet (the meat is somewhat similar)
  • Boiling water
  • Rice - 2 tbsp.

Onions must be passed through, then carrots should be added to it. After that, it remains to add the poultry fillet to the vegetables, cut into small pieces and fry a little more. Boil potatoes and rice in a pot. Then combine everything, add the tomato and season with herbs.

Soup with meatballs

An excellent solution would be a soup prepared according to the following recipe. Need to take:

  • Rabbit meat - 100 g
  • Quail egg yolk - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - half a head
  • Semolina - 3 tsp
  • Greenery

The meat must be washed, cut and chopped. Meat puree should be supplemented with finely chopped onions and yolks. Mix everything and form small balls. They must be boiled for 5 minutes in ordinary water. Pour semolina into this water so that there are no lumps, then add dill.

Bean with beef

  • Beans - 2 tbsp.
  • Potato - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - half a head
  • Beef - 100 g

First you need to soak the beans - to reduce the cooking time, you need to do this 8 hours before cooking. Then put the broth to boil. Then it remains to place the beans in the broth and cook until it becomes soft, then add potatoes, carrots and onions, chopped finely. Before turning off the soup, you need to put a little chopped greens in it.

Rice with fish

To prepare this you will need:

  • Boiled fish - 100 g
  • Potato - 1 tuber small or half large
  • ½ tbsp rice
  • carrot - half fruit
  • onion - half head
  • a little butter

First you need to cook the fish broth. Then pour rice into it and cook for about half an hour. Peel potatoes and cut into cubes. Carrots and onions are cut into strips. They must be fried in vegetable oil. Send the vegetables to the already prepared broth and cook them in it until tender.

Milk soup with vermicelli

When the baby is fed up with milk porridge, you can cook milk soup. For this you will need:

  • water - half a liter
  • vermicelli - 5 tbsp.
  • milk - one and a half liters

Vermicelli should be put in water that is already boiling, and cook until tender. Then drain it with a colander. Boil the milk and then put the pasta in it. Reduce the fire to low, and on this it is necessary to cook the noodles for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Put a spoonful of oil in the finished dish.
