
Spicy horseradish sauce. Horseradish sauce - the largest selection of step-by-step recipes

Before you start cooking, carefully read our tips, as this process is not safe. It is not for nothing that the stable phrase “evil horseradish” has developed. You have to be more careful with him.

If you plan to process a large number of roots, prepare gloves, otherwise a burn cannot be avoided.

Protect your respiratory organs and eyes. Don't be afraid to look weird - wear goggles and a respirator. Remove the fan and place it so that the air blows in the opposite direction from you.

It is most convenient to grind horseradish in the closed bowl of a food processor. Get ready for the fact that after opening it, all the "anger" of the roots will splash out on you. Be careful to open the lid away from your face (arms outstretched) and do not breathe deeply.

The dug roots must be soaked in water for at least half an hour. So it will be easier to wash them off the ground. If they are slightly wilted, keep them in the water longer. Dirty water periodically drain and pour new.

Leave the leaves for pickles and marinades or for making medicinal rubs.

Recipe for horseradish (white) homemade

The classic recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • Horseradish peeled - 1 kg;
  • Boiled cooled water - 0.5 l;
  • Coarse salt (rock) - 2 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • Vinegar 9% - 5 tbsp.


  1. Thoroughly wash the roots with a brush, clean, chop. For grinding, you can use a regular grater, meat grinder, a thicket of a food processor with knives.
  2. Dissolve salt and sugar in slightly warm boiled water, add vinegar to the brine.
  3. Pour the grated horseradish, pouring in the brine little by little, so as not to overdo it with the liquid. The consistency should be closer to kefir.

How much brine is needed depends on the method of grinding the roots: if you grate them on a coarse grater or chop them with a blender, the mass will absorb a different amount of liquid.

Arrange the finished seasoning in jars and put in a warm place for ripening. Be sure to cover the jars with lids so that the essential oils do not evaporate. This recipe for vigorous homemade horseradish is basic, its technology can be used as the basis for all others.

Attention! Be careful if you want to smell horseradish: if you inhale its vapors with a full chest, you can get a burn of the respiratory tract. Do this carefully and from a distance of at least 20 cm.

Depending on the temperature in the room, it will be ready in 1 - 3 days.

Horseradish (horseradish, gorloder) with tomatoes, peppers and garlic

An atomic mixture - you will say, and you will be right: it turns out vigorous. For horseradish, prepare the following products:

  • Horseradish roots - 0.5 kg;
  • Ripe tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • Garlic - 3 heads;
  • Hot pepper - 1 pc.;
  • Salt, sugar - 1 tbsp each
  1. First, let's prepare the roots. To do this, briefly soak them in water, clean, grind in a convenient way - in a stationary blender (food processor) or in a meat grinder.
  2. Add peeled garlic cloves and a pod of hot pepper without seeds, click on "start".
  3. Grind the tomatoes. Just add them to horseradish, pepper and garlic and turn on the technique.
  4. Salt the resulting mixture, pour sugar, mix. If necessary, you can take a little more salt.

If you plan to store the sauce with the expressive name "Khrenovina" for a long time, it would be useful to play it safe with aspirin tablets. One tablet is enough for a half-liter jar. Crush it into powder before use.

Any snack on a slice of bread flavored with horseradish will acquire a completely different taste. Always close the lid tightly to prevent the fragrance from escaping. Keep refrigerated.

with apples

Apples reduce vigor, but the seasoning still turns out to be very tasty. It goes well with meat and fish.

on a note

If you are making the sauce “by eye”, stick to the following proportions: take 2 times more apples than the main product.


  • Horseradish - 1 spine 15-20 cm long;
  • Green apples - 2 pcs.;
  • Table 9% vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • Salt - 1 pinch;
  • Sugar - to taste (depending on how sour the apples are).

How to cook:

  1. Wash the apples, peel, cut into several pieces, remove the core.
  2. Pour ½ cup of water into a saucepan, put on the smallest fire. Add apples, cover and bring to a boil.
  3. Drain excess water, mash apples.
  4. Remove the skin from horseradish, grate it on a fine grater or twist it in a meat grinder.
  5. Mix with applesauce, add salt, sugar, vinegar.
  6. Let it sit for at least a day.

You can bring apples to the desired condition not only in a saucepan. Put them in the microwave for a few minutes - it will be faster and you will not need to add water. The released juice can not be drained, just the seasoning will be liquid. If the apples are very acidic (you will understand this when you taste the juice), you can omit the vinegar.

Recipe for delicious homemade horseradish with beetroot

Many people love this option for color and softness of taste. It is very easy to prepare it at home. In just half an hour you will mix everything you need, and then you just have to wait a day, and you can serve seasoning for aspic or dumplings - dishes without which Russian cuisine is unthinkable.

You will need the following products:

  • Horseradish root - 0.5 kg;
  • Beets - 1 pc.;
  • Vinegar - 2-3 tsp;
  • Salt, sugar - 1 tsp each.

Cooking steps:

  1. Boil beets, cool, peel.
  2. Horseradish clean, wash, pass through a meat grinder.
  3. Grate the beets on a fine grater, squeeze a little with your hands, drain the excess juice into a separate bowl (you may still need it).
  4. Combine horseradish with beets, salt, add sugar, vinegar, mix. If the seasoning is too thick, add the previously drained beetroot juice.

Taste the seasoning, adding salt or sugar if needed. If there is not enough acid, splash a little more vinegar.

You need to try the liquid. If the marinade is delicious, then the seasoning as a whole will turn out - just delicious.

That's the whole recipe for horseradish with beets, homemade seasoning is more vigorous than store-bought. If you like weaker, take more beets, if stronger, add only juice for color, and leave the beets themselves for some kind of salad.

The easiest way

For this recipe, in addition to horseradish roots, you only need marinade from tomatoes. If you opened and ate a jar of tomatoes prepared for the winter, do not rush to pour out the brine.

  1. Prepare the roots as in previous recipes.
  2. Pour in slightly warmed marinade.
  3. Put in a warm place for a day and you can serve.

The combination of salt, sugar and vinegar will be optimal. Try it, you will definitely like it!

Horseradish for the winter: a classic recipe

The main thing in preparations for the winter is that the product does not ferment, and for this they use such a technique as sterilization. Ingredients required for cooking:

  • Horseradish fresh or from the freezer - 1 kg;
  • Boiled water - 1 glass;
  • Vinegar - 150 g;
  • Coarse salt - 1 tbsp;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.

Equipment and fixtures:

  • Food processor;
  • Small glass jars;
  • Screw caps;
  • Wide saucepan.

The process of preparing horseradish for the winter according to the classic recipe:

  1. Soak the rhizomes for several hours, peel, cut into pieces of 3-4 cm.
  2. Pass through a meat grinder or chop in a food processor (in a blender).
  3. Dissolve salt and sugar in a glass of water, pour vinegar. For better dissolution, it is recommended to let the brine boil.
  4. Cool the solution, pour into chopped horseradish, mix.
  5. Spread the mixture in jars, cover with lids, put to sterilize.

on a note

Jars are sterilized for 10 - 15 minutes. The time is counted from the moment the water boils.

After the sterilization time has elapsed, the jars are carefully removed from the water, the lids are twisted.

If your family loves horseradish, take any cooking recipe: classic, with beets, apples or tomatoes and cook a delicious seasoning at home. It will be cheaper and tastier than the one from the store. Before serving, you can add mayonnaise or sour cream to the classic version and to the one with beets.

Horseradish is a well-known root vegetable that improves the taste of food. If the root of the vegetable is cooked without harmful additives, it disinfects, improves appetite and favors the normal functioning of the digestive system. You will not have to worry about cooking horseradish at home: the seasoning recipe is simple and economical.

Classic horseradish recipe

Horseradish seasoning is a spicy aromatic mixture, which, depending on the recipe, is consumed immediately after preparation or stored all winter, continuing to add variety to the daily menu in the cold season.


  • 300 g horseradish;
  • 150 ml of water;
  • 20 g of table salt;
  • 20 g of granulated sugar;
  • 15 ml of vinegar.


Cooks who are interested in how to cook horseradish at home will be helped by a step-by-step recipe with a photo that reveals all the secrets of a "vigorous" flavor.

  1. Before use, to simplify the work, soak the horseradish root for 5 hours.
  2. Remove the roots from the water and remove the skin and heads.
  3. For grinding, use a closed blender or attach a plastic bag to the meat grinder so as not to provoke profuse lacrimation.
  4. Dissolve salt and sugar crystals in water.
  5. Mix the liquid with the grated root crop - the seasoning can be served at the table.

Cooking horseradish with beets at home

Beetroot juice softens the sharp taste of horseradish and gives the seasoning a pleasant pink hue, making it visually more aesthetic. Prepared exactly according to this recipe, it is most often used in the national cuisines of the world, as it gives the main dish a moderate spicy flavor.


  • 250 g of root;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 50 ml 9% vinegar;
  • 15 g of table salt;
  • 15 g of sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. red lettuce juice.


  1. Thoroughly clean the horseradish root and rinse under running cold running water.
  2. Grind the root crop with a fine grater or pass through an electric meat grinder (if it has a fine mesh).
  3. Pour the resulting mass with boiling water, mix, place in a closed container and cool completely.
  4. Peel the boiled beets, grate and squeeze out the indicated amount of juice.
  5. Add salt, sugar, vinegar and beet juice to the cooled seasoning.
  6. Mix everything, put in sterile jars with tight lids.

Horseradish with tomatoes

The addition of tomato pulp enriches the seasoning with a fresh taste and aroma, neutralizes the irritating effect on the mucous membranes of essential oils contained in the roots of the plant. This recipe is especially popular with lovers of spicy tomato sauces.


  • 200 g of horseradish roots;
  • 5-6 ripe tomatoes;
  • 5 heads of garlic;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Wash the tomatoes well and turn them into a soft mass using a meat grinder.
  2. The main product should be washed and cleaned before grinding.
  3. Twist the garlic in a meat grinder too - this vegetable will act as a natural preservative.
  4. Stir until smooth, season with salt.
  5. Pour the seasoning into glass jars and add to dishes in moderation.
  6. The shelf life of a tightly closed jar of horseradish in the refrigerator or basement is 2-3 months.

The spiciness of the seasoning can be adjusted according to your preference by reducing or increasing the amount of salt, garlic and acid. But if you decide to prepare horseradish for the winter, the recipe, which includes a natural preservative - vinegar, must be fully observed.

Horseradish - winter harvesting

This composition of the product will help to maximize its shelf life and will delight you with a very pronounced taste, which is created due to the concentration of the mixture.


  • 10 horseradish roots;
  • 1 beet;
  • coarse table salt to taste;
  • 2 tbsp. l. table vinegar;
  • 1 tsp Sahara.


  1. Grind the peeled roots until a slurry is formed and put them in a glass container.
  2. Beets also need to be cleaned and chopped.
  3. Using cheesecloth, extract the beetroot juice.
  4. Add juice to the jar of horseradish.
  5. Put salt and sugar.
  6. Mix everything and pour in the vinegar.
  7. Top the mixture with chilled boiled water to cover the contents of the container.
  8. Close the jar and shake well.
  9. The product can be stored in a cold place all winter, but you can start using it after 8 hours.

What do lovers of this seasoning need to know?

Horseradish roots are dug up in late autumn, after the temperature begins to drop below zero. To prepare the seasoning at home, select roots about 45 cm long and 4 cm in diameter. They should be stored in a cool place with high humidity. If you started cooking horseradish at home before the onset of winter, the recipe allows you to store it ready-made. But experienced chefs still advise cooking the seasoning in small portions so that it does not lose some of its taste. Horseradish is an excellent "company" for pork, beef, fish, poultry and vegetable dishes. It can be the main ingredient in sauces and marinades.

Horseradish root - "Slavic ginger", which is used to create culinary dishes. Its strong aroma and vigorous taste goes well with sour cream, natural vinegar, fresh fruits and meat. Sauces, salads, pickles, marinades and snacks are made on its basis.

In this case, the sharp taste of the white root is softened by the natural acidity of tomatoes and the sweetness of apples.

Horseradish sauce keeps well in the pantry all winter, so it can be prepared for future use. To create vigorous horseradish, you can use tomatoes of any variety and color, the main thing is that they have a rich taste, are ripe and dense.

Such a preparation can be served with aspic, aspic, barbecue and fried potatoes. It will decorate any festive banquet, joining ketchup, tkemali and satsebeli.

We offer two recipes with step-by-step photos - horseradish sauce with tomatoes and amber sauce with horseradish for the winter.


  • horseradish root (600 grams);
  • carrots (300 grams);
  • tomatoes (300 grams);
  • sugar (2 tablespoons);
  • salt (3 tsp);
  • apple cider vinegar (200 ml);
  • boiling water (200 ml).

How to cook tomato sauce with horseradish for the winter

We prepare all the ingredients. We chop the peeled horseradish root, tomatoes and juicy apples into small segments.

We spread all the ingredients in the capacity of the combine or blender.

Pour natural vinegar. Instead of malic acid, we can use wine or cherry vinegar.

Add granulated sugar and table salt (no additives) to the preparation for the sauce.

Grind the mass to a puree.

Pour boiling water into the mass and pour the puree into a glass container. We use small jars for the sauce.

We cover the containers with a lid and sterilize in the oven (120 degrees) for 20 minutes. We store ready-made apple-tomato sauce with horseradish in a dark kitchen cabinet or a cool cellar.

teaser network

Recipe number 2. Horseradish sauce with carrots for the winter "Amber"

Spicy winter preparation based on horseradish, carrots and apples. It turns out moderately spicy and very fragrant. Vegetables soften the taste of the root, making the appetizer spicy and very tasty. This sauce can be served with boiled poultry, cutlets, goulash, fried potatoes and boiled sweet potatoes.

Due to the fact that jars with horseradish undergo a sterilization process, such a blank can be stored indoors for 10-12 months.

To make horseradish tasty, you need to use juicy apples with a sweet and sour taste. They will give spices a pleasant aroma and bright taste. The recipe can be supplemented at your discretion. You can enter ripe plums (200 grams) into the workpiece. They will make the taste of the sauce even more tender and bright. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the amount of carrots and apples (up to 200 grams).


  • horseradish root (600 grams);
  • carrots (300 grams);
  • apples (300 grams);
  • sugar (2 tablespoons);
  • salt (3 tsp);
  • apple cider vinegar (250 ml);
  • boiling water (300 ml).


We clean the carrots and horseradish from the skin. Shred vegetables and apples into small segments.

We spread the prepared pieces of fruit in the capacity of the combine or blender.

We introduce sugar and table salt.

Pour boiling water into a blender.

Grind all the ingredients for the sauce to a puree.

We spread the horseradish blank in a glass container, cover with a lid and heat in the oven for 20 minutes.

We tightly close the Amber sauce, warm it up under a warm blanket. We store in a home pantry or a dark cellar. We use spicy horseradish throughout the winter months.

In the fall, before the onset of frost, it's time to harvest horseradish root for future use. A traditional Russian seasoning is prepared from it, no less spicy than Caucasian adjika, and as vigorous as mustard. It is equally well suited to meat and fish dishes, warms in cold weather and strengthens the immune system. However, not all housewives know how to make horseradish at home, and are forced to buy this seasoning in the store. Meanwhile, gourmets claim that purchased horseradish is significantly inferior to home-made horseradish in terms of its burning and taste qualities. So it makes sense to learn how to cook this spicy snack at home.

Cooking rules

Cooking horseradish has several important features that must be taken into account. Otherwise, the process of preparing horseradish will be remembered as a nightmare, and the result, despite the efforts expended, will not live up to expectations.

  • Horseradish roots, dug in September, are suitable for preparing snacks, the length of which is 30-50 centimeters, the diameter is from 3 to 6 centimeters.
  • You should not prepare a lot of seasoning from horseradish for future use: after a month of storage, it becomes noticeably less pungent, and lovers of “vigorous” seasonings will no longer like it. The root itself can be stored in a cool and humid place for up to 6 months, so it makes sense to put the roots in the refrigerator and use as needed. However, if you don’t want to bother with preparing snacks every month, you can still prepare it for the winter, since it can be stored in sterilized, hermetically sealed jars for at least 4 months. In addition, some recipes allow you to prepare a snack from horseradish, which can even be stored in the pantry, and for a very long time (up to a year).
  • If the horseradish root has waited too long in the wings, then it has almost certainly dried up. In this regard, before processing, it should be soaked in cool water for several days (from three to seven).
  • To improve the storage of ready-made horseradish, it should be laid out in sterilized jars and hermetically sealed.
  • The esters released when working with horseradish strongly irritate the mucous membranes and cause lacrimation. Horseradish will be a little less aggressive if you put it in the freezer for a couple of hours before processing. It will be easier to grind it with a meat grinder if you attach a plastic bag to it to collect the finished horseradish mass. Working with horseradish is safer with gloves on.

Even on store shelves you can find horseradish prepared according to different recipes. There are even more recipes for homemade horseradish. It makes sense to cook horseradish seasoning according to at least two or three popular recipes, especially since they are all different.

Classic homemade horseradish recipe

  • horseradish - 1 kg;
  • water - 0.25 l;
  • salt - 30 g;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the prepared horseradish, chop it, passing it through a meat grinder. Use a nozzle that allows you to get the finest and most delicate consistency, similar to mashed potatoes. Do not forget to attach a bag to it to at least partially protect your eyes from the pungent odor.
  • Mix chopped horseradish root with salt and sugar.
  • Boil water and pour horseradish with boiling water, stir.
  • Sterilize very small jars and spread the seasoning over them. Pour a little lemon juice into each jar: no more than a teaspoon per 0.2 liter jar, but not less than two milliliters. The juice will act as a preservative and at the same time will not let the horseradish darken. However, a lot of juice is not needed so that the seasoning does not turn out sour - according to the traditional recipe, it should not be so.
  • Close jars tightly and refrigerate.

Horseradish cooked at home according to the classic recipe can be stored for no more than 4 months, but it’s still better not to risk it and eat it in a month or two. If you plan to store the workpiece all winter, it is better to choose a different recipe, with vinegar.

Homemade horseradish with beetroot juice

  • horseradish root - 0.4 kg;
  • water - 0.15 l;
  • table vinegar (9 percent) - 0.15 l;
  • sugar - 20 g;
  • salt - 30 g;
  • beetroot juice - 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare horseradish roots by soaking them for several days in cool water, peeling and cutting into pieces.
  • Screw a nozzle with small holes onto the meat grinder, attach a plastic bag to it, preferably tight (for example, designed for freezing food).
  • Scroll through a meat grinder into a package of horseradish.
  • Pour boiling water over horseradish, add salt, sugar, stir.
  • Finely grate or mince raw (peeled) beets, squeeze out the juice. Measure out 2-2.5 tablespoons of beetroot juice and mix it with vinegar.
  • Pour vinegar with beetroot juice into horseradish, mix.
  • Prepare the jars by washing them with baking soda and sterilizing them.
  • Put the seasoning in jars, close them tightly and put in the refrigerator or just in a cool place.

In the refrigerator, such an appetizer can be stored for a whole year, out of the refrigerator - up to six months. At the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that vinegar and long-term storage will do their job - horseradish will become softer in taste. But thanks to beetroot juice, the appetizer will acquire a pleasant pink color and will be able to decorate the table.

Horseradish with garlic and tomatoes ("Hrenoder")

  • horseradish - 1 kg;
  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • sugar - 40 g;
  • salt - 20 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the tomatoes, pour over with boiling water, peel and cut into 4 pieces.
  • Peel the soaked roll, cut into small pieces.
  • Peel the garlic and pass through a press.
  • Prepare the meat grinder by attaching a tight plastic bag to it.
  • Alternately put a few pieces of horseradish and tomatoes into the meat grinder and turn them until they run out. If the bag fills up earlier, change it, and then mix the contents of both bags.
  • Add salt, sugar, garlic to the tomato-horseradish mass, stir well.
  • Arrange in clean, dry jars, roll them up or screw on the lids. Put in the refrigerator for the winter.

If stored in the refrigerator, the homemade "Khrenoder" will quietly stand for 9 months, if you have time to eat it in six months - even better. The appetizer is spicy, juicy and very healthy.

Horseradish with apples

  • horseradish root - 100 g;
  • apple - 0.2-0.25 kg;
  • meat broth - 100 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml;
  • apple cider vinegar - 30 ml;
  • salt - to taste;
  • parsley (optional) - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare horseradish and pass through a meat grinder.
  • Mix with grated apple.
  • Chop parsley and add to horseradish.
  • Pour in the broth, oil, vinegar, salt and mix.

Such horseradish should be cooked a few hours before serving and in small quantities. It turns out soft, fragrant, but it is stored for a very short time - no more than two days.

Horseradish with sour cream

  • horseradish (root) - 100 g;
  • sour cream - 100 g;
  • sugar - 10 g;
  • salt - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  • Clean and chop horseradish.
  • Mix with sour cream, salt and add sugar.

Horseradish prepared according to this recipe is also not intended for long-term storage. It will not be too spicy and will appeal to those who do not like the too “vigorous” taste of fresh horseradish.

Homemade horseradish is a traditional seasoning for meat and fish dishes. If it is cooked with vinegar, then it can be stored for a long time. However, many housewives do not prepare it for the future, as over time it loses its burning properties.

There are quite a lot of spicy snacks and spices in our traditional cuisine. What is worth only the recipe for traditional horseradish, which is served with the most famous dishes of Russian cuisine. You can make horseradish sauce at home from a fresh plant very quickly and easily, as a result we will get a much more aromatic and healthy dressing than in a bag from the store. This will take several minutes, since the product is not subjected to heat treatment, and a wonderful hot seasoning will be on the table. The set of ingredients is minimal and includes only the simplest products that are easily found in the nearest store.

Homemade horseradish sauce will appeal to all households much more than the purchased version, not to mention the fact that it will be much more useful. The recipe for such a dressing allows you to store it in the refrigerator for several days, without worrying about the safety and volume of the prepared product.

You will need:

  • horseradish root 300 g
  • Garlic 3 cloves
  • Granulated sugar taste
  • Salt taste
  • Boiled water 150 ml
  • Lemon juice 1 tablespoon

Servings 4

Cooking time 15 minutes

miracle root

Our ancestors have long known about the benefits of this plant, so they ate it with such pleasure. The sharpness and pungency of horseradish endow it with excellent antibacterial properties. The product improves digestion and blood circulation, contributes to the normalization of metabolism and improves the digestibility of food. Horseradish also contains many vitamins and enzymes. The sharpness of the finished sauce directly depends on the quality of the purchased raw materials, that is, the root itself. A fresh product is much sharper than a stale one, so be sure to pay attention to this. To give the sauce a classic reddish hue, the recipe allows you to add a couple of tablespoons of beet or tomato juice to the mixture.

Dressing preparations can include a wide variety of ingredients, including tomatoes and carrots. Their choice depends on the wishes of the hostess and the further goals for which the sauce recipe will be used.

  1. The root is rubbed on a fine grater or crushed in a blender to the state of gruel. To it is added garlic passed through the garlic and the required amount of salt and granulated sugar. Everything is thoroughly mixed.
  2. Now you need to pour a lot of warm boiled water, then add a spoonful of lemon juice. The container is closed and infused for about 3-4 days.
  3. After the specified time, the finished dressing can be taken out of the refrigerator and served on the table. If desired, cream, honey or other ingredients can be added to the horseradish sauce, which will give it a bright unusual note.


You can store the finished sauce in a jar with a closing lid for a whole week. For greater safety, you can add a spoonful of vinegar to the mixture. this extends the shelf life. Horseradish sauce can be served with a variety of dishes, listing them all is endless:

  1. For our cuisine, serving dishes such as jelly, boiled veal tongue, fish aspic and much, much more seems unthinkable without horseradish. Various soups are often eaten with horseradish, especially such rich types as cabbage soup, borscht and pea.
  2. Meat in any form, from pork chops to mutton stew, served with horseradish, will turn out appetizingly spicy, juicy and tasty.
  3. Horseradish can be added to vegetable salads and stews, fried zucchini and eggplant appetizers, salad spins and other vegetable dishes.
