
How to quickly open a bottle of water. How long can open wine be stored? Using a leather lace

If you have a cold beer in your hands, but the bottle is closed and there is no opener at hand, the situation can be quite disappointing. However, do not despair! There are nine great ways open a beer bottle with the help of improvised means, and you don’t even have to risk your health and try to use your teeth.


In any group of people, there is usually at least one person who smokes, loves candles, or is just used to being ready for anything. Borrow a lighter from him, turn it over so that the top is in your hand, with your other hand firmly hold the neck of the bottle. Position the lighter like a regular bottle opener under the lid and use the same motion. A little effort and a bottle of c foamy drink open!


You will need a paper book, not too thick, but not thin like a magazine. The edge of the book should be squeezed in the hand in the same way as when using a lighter. Using it as an opener, you can easily remove the cap from the neck and enjoy your favorite drink in peace.


A lock hole in the door frame will help you. Simply hook the cap on its metal edge and pull the bottle down with as much force as possible. An instant result awaits you - the bottle will be opened immediately!

Phone charger

This method is a little more difficult than the previous ones, because the charge is not large at all, which means that you will have little space for support. It is not comfortable. However, you can easily handle it with the help of charging, using its back as a lever. If you manage to find a comfortable position and grip the charger firmly, you can use it to remove the cap from a beer bottle.


Perhaps you simply have nothing to open the bottle with, but there are still other cutlery. In this case, take a spoon and use its handle to remove the cap from the beer bottle in the same way as you would remove it with an opener. This is very easy and fast. The main thing is to take a hard metal spoon, as aluminum can bend a lot and lose its shape.


If you have office supplies handy, a stapler might come in handy. However, it should be noted that this is quite hard way, as is the case with the phone charger. Remove the staples from the stapler, then open it up and flip it over so that the metal part falls under the edge of the beer cap. Try to find a comfortable position for your hand, it can be quite difficult. Use your finger as a lever and the bottle will open.


This classical method which also looks spectacular. You will need a table that is strong enough and that the surface is not too scary to scratch. You need to hook the bottle cap on its edge, and then hit it from above with your hand to knock it down. That's all! It is not surprising that this method has become so popular and widespread. Cope with anyone.


This method looks extremely impressive - you will want to use it, even if you have an opener on hand. Be extremely careful, as this method can also be dangerous. Use the blade of a knife: place it at the edge of the lid and sharply move the blade up. The cover should pop off immediately. But remember, you have been warned that you can get hurt while using a machete! Use this method at your own risk.

Another beer bottle

Take two beer bottles. Hold one by the neck, and turn the other upside down - you will not open it. Hook one cap to another, hold the second tightly so that the bottle does not open, and then pull hard. The cap from the first bottle should come off easily.

What if there is no corkscrew at hand, but you need to open a bottle of wine? Eat different ways solutions to this problem, below I will talk about them:

Method number 1. The simplest and most effective. In order to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew in this way, you just need to hold the bottle horizontally with one hand, and gently tap the bottom of the bottle with the palm of your other hand.
If possible, wrap the bottom of the bottle with a towel (otherwise the bottle may break!), and lightly tap on the wall. With a successful combination of circumstances, in minutes the wine can already be poured into glasses. It is extremely rare, but it happens that this method takes too much time, so let's move on to next way. Once again I warn you! No need to apply excessive force and knock solid objects to the bottom of the bottle, otherwise the bottle will break.

Method number 2. You can simply push the cork inside the bottle with any object, for example, reverse side forks or spoons, marker, pen, pencil. Attention! Make sure that the neck of the bottle does not narrow towards the bottom! And then the cork will get stuck in the bottle tightly, and then the third method will do.
Method number 3.You just need to open the cork with any hard and sharp object, for example, penknife, nail file, sharp knitting needle. It's not the best the best option, the crumbs from the cork will definitely fall into the wine, and they will have to be fished out of the glass, or pour the wine through a strainer.

Method number 4.If there is no corkscrew at hand, but there is a knife with a thin blade, then instead of a corkscrew, you can use a knife. With a knife blade, you need to carefully pierce the cork, and carefully rotating, remove the cork from the bottle. That's it, a bottle of wine is opened without a corkscrew with a knife.
Method number 5. A screwdriver, a screw and pliers will help you open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew. Drive a screw into the bottle cap (but not the very end!), and use pliers to pull the screw out along with the cork.

There is a modification of this method. Instead of a screw - nails, instead of pliers - a hammer. Carefully hammer in a few nails in a row.

Method number 6.Open a bottle of wine with a paper clip or any other piece of hard wire. Straighten the paperclip, make a hook like a fishing hook. Insert the hook between the cork and the neck of the bottle, hook it, and pull it towards you. Ready! The bottle is open. True, sometimes one paper clip is not enough, so we move on to another method.

Method number 7. Similar to the previous method, only 2 wire hooks are used, and any object such as a pen or pencil in order to make it more convenient to pull out a stubborn cork.

Method number 8.In order to open a bottle without a corkscrew in this way, you will need any sharp object, such as a screwdriver, string, or a piece of thin, strong rope. First you need to make a knot at the end of the cord, then push the knot inside the cork, pull out the screwdriver, and pull the knot. The bottle is open! And you don't need a corkscrew.
Method number 9. A bottle of wine can be opened with a syringe or ball pump. The principle here is this: you need to pierce the cork with a syringe or pump needle and pump air into the bottle. The plug will pop out under air pressure. The needle for the syringe must be thick enough, otherwise it may break or become clogged. And do not try to create too much pressure in the bottle, otherwise it may burst, so wrap the bottle in a towel.

Method number 10. Somewhat shocking. Suitable for alcoholics whose hands are shaking and they certainly want to drink. Here on

Few people know how to pull the cork out of a bottle of wine if there is no corkscrew at hand, and practice shows that this skill is not at all useless. Situations in life are different, and it is better to prepare for them in advance if you do not want to spoil the holiday for everyone. Fortunately, there are many methods by which you can open the container. To implement them, you do not need to have any special skills. It is enough to follow the instructions clearly and adhere to simple rules.

The easiest way to remove the cork

If you do not have a corkscrew at hand, but there are other tools and devices available, you can try to get to the wine in one of the following ways:

  • tapping. Wrap the bottom of the bottle with a towel or cloth. We give the container a horizontal position, start with the palm of your hand or high water tap the bottom with a plastic bottle. We act in this way until the cork comes out of the neck so much that it can be grabbed with your fingers and pulled out. To speed up this method extraction of wine, the bottle can be tapped against the wall, again using a softening layer. The main thing is not to beat hard, otherwise the glass may not withstand. Another point - do not work for too long, trying to push the cork out as much as possible, it may suddenly fly out.

  • Using a knife with a thin blade. If not only a corkscrew, but also a similar knife was not at hand, it is worth trying scissors. We plunge the blade deep into the texture of the cork, acting strictly straight, and not diagonally. Otherwise, part of the cork will simply break off and it will have to be disassembled piece by piece. When the tool enters to a sufficient depth, we begin to scroll it clockwise, while pulling it towards ourselves. After a while, the element will easily come out.

Tip: When trying to open a bottle of white wine, it's best not to use methods based on high temperatures. Even short-term and indirect effects hot water or air on the contents of the container can noticeably spoil its taste and aroma.

  • Use of screws and pliers. To create a kind of corkscrew, you can drive a self-tapping screw or screw deep into the cork, grab it with pliers and pull. IN this case do not try to swing the product, this will only complicate the task. Just do not need to drive the screw too deep, at least 1-2 cm of length should remain outside. Otherwise, the design will be difficult to capture.

  • Use of nails and "claws" of a hammer. This approach works on the same principle as the previous one. But in this case, to open the bottle, you need to carefully drive several massive nails into the cork, placing them in one line. After that, we catch them with the back of the upper part of the hammer and pull them out.

If you act strictly according to the instructions, the cork will be able to be removed in its entirety, so that the quality of the wine will not decrease. And yet, you must act carefully so as not to fill everything around with the contents of the bottle.

Several original approaches

If the listed tools are not available or you just don’t want to use the above methods, you can try other options. True, in this case, to open the container, you will have to be even more careful. And any violation of the manipulation technology can lead to an accident and a spill of wine.

  • Lace option. We take a tight lace, tie it in a knot at one end. We pierce the cork with a thick nail or a thin screwdriver. Through the hole formed, using the same tool, we push the lace. We pull out the tool itself, after which we pull the free end of the cord, which will work like a corkscrew.

  • Use of a syringe. We take a syringe with a thick needle, pierce the cork through and begin to force air into the bottle. Under the resulting pressure, the cork will gradually come out. It remains to grab it with your fingers and pull it out. Don't work too hard or use the pump as some suggest. Under pressure, the glass may not withstand.
  • The use of a vessel with hot water. Suitable way, if you need to open red wine intended for making mulled wine. Just dip the container into a container of hot water. When heated, the product will push the cork out. You just need to follow the process and help the element at the right time. Although, if the bottle is level, and not at an angle, the cork will simply fly out of it and nothing bad will happen.
  • Heating the neck of the bottle. In extreme cases, you can simply heat the neck of the bottle over the flame, affecting the place where the cork ends. The element will fly out or extend far enough that it can be grabbed and pulled out. One caveat - do not immediately pour the wine. From the temperature difference, the neck may crack.

Despite the apparent simplicity of approaches, it is worth resorting to them only in the most extreme cases. Such techniques can lead to cracks in the glass due to pressure differences.

Not very aesthetic, but effective ways

If the situation is hopeless, there are neither heat sources nor the listed tools in apparent accessibility, we proceed according to the following scheme:

  • We simply push the cork inside the bottle using the back of the fork, felt-tip pen or marker. Only first you need to make sure that the neck of the container does not taper downwards, otherwise the cork will simply get stuck in it.
  • You can also open the cork with any sharp object. You just need to take into account that then pieces of the element will have to be caught from the wine.
  • Some stick a paper clip between the cork and the neck (it is first unfolded, leaving only one bend). After that, the element is turned and pulled towards itself, while catching the cork. To be sure, you should take not one paper clip, but two at once. Attach them on opposite sides.

Several centuries ago, hussars opened wine and champagne with a saber blow on the neck. Today, this method is no longer used, but you can still try to beat off part of the bottle with the cork. Such a composition must be filtered through several layers of gauze before use. Otherwise, pieces of glass may enter the body, which can cause damage to internal organs.

How to remove the cork from an empty bottle?

As a result of careless or deliberate actions, the cork may be in empty bottle out of wine. These containers are often used on the farm for different purposes, so housewives have to decide how to get the cork out of the bottle without damaging the glass. There may be several options for solving the problem, but the simplest, most affordable and safest approach is using a plastic bag.

  • We take the package, put it into the bottle bottom first, handles or the top of the container should remain outside.
  • We turn the bottle over so that the cork is located in the immediate vicinity of the neck, but does not lie on the bag.
  • We inflate the container, it should open a little in the bottle. We clamp the neck of the bag so that air does not escape through it and pull it towards us.
  • The bag will block the cork by pressing it against the glass. We pull out the package, a cork should be fixed in its folds. If it doesn't work the first time, we try again.

Despite the effectiveness of the above methods, it is of course better to use the simplest corkscrew. This will save time and get the perfect drink.

How to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew? Which only ways are not found on the Internet. Meanwhile, only a few of them work. The rest are generally absurd and impracticable. Now let's look at the most common ones. And at the end we will tell you the secret that allows you to open wine in 15 seconds.

Shoe and wall

This method, one might say, is legendary. It is described everywhere. You need to put the bottle in your shoe and tap the sole on the wall. Only not much, the cork should come out halfway. Then it is easy to pull it out with your hands.

Pros. The method is the least traumatic in terms of the possibility of cutting yourself with bottle fragments.

Minuses. Some corks sit so tightly in the neck that you will have to beat the wall with a slipper almost until retirement. And where can I get a wall for a picnic?


When reading the method causes at least bewilderment. You need to take a paper clip, unbend it, leaving a hook at one end. Then the whole thing is thrust between the glass and the cork, rotated. Then just pull out the obstacle with a hook, that is, the cork.

Pros. Entertainment for the evening is provided, it will not be up to wine for sure.

Minuses. Hey advisors! Have you tried your method yourself? What kind of force do you need to have to put something between cork and glass? Or is there cotton? Do it first, then recommend.

Screw and pliers

It is advised to screw the screw into the cork, then pull it out with pliers all together. The nail puller is also recommended.

Pros. With proper dexterity, opening a bottle of wine without a corkscrew turns out deftly and quickly.

Minuses. Do you often carry pliers, self-tapping screws, a nail puller to a picnic? Does everyone have these tools at home? Not in the workshop or garage, but at home. By the way, the authors of the advice do not specify that the screw must be deeply threaded. Otherwise, he will only open the cork and slip out of it with ease.

blunt object

It's actually quite simple here. It is necessary to take any blunt object, for example, a pencil, a marker, a thin heel, and press the cork into the bottle.

Pros. Some corks give in surprisingly easily.

Minuses. It is not specified that for less air resistance, a puncture is necessarily made in the cork. Cases are known that the bottom of the bottle flew off with excessive effort. The method is not suitable for containers in which the neck tapers towards the bottom.

Rope or lace

If the method with a self-tapping screw did not help in opening a bottle of wine, then you need to take any cord or strong rope. A tight knot is tied at the end. Now you have to somehow push it into the hole in the cork left after using the screw. Then you just need to pull and voila! The cork is in your hands.

Pros. The method works well if the knot does not slip back.

Minuses. Advisers do not indicate one trick. It is not at all necessary to try to push a lace with a knot inside. It is enough to screw the rope into the cork with the same screw. Then the bottle opens without problems.


It is necessary to roll a tight roll of paper, with a diameter smaller than the neck of the bottle being opened. Then, with this twist, the cork is pushed inward.

Pros. If you get used to it, you can make good money by opening bottles of wine on a bet with a piece of paper.

Minuses. The roll must be made very tight and dense, otherwise the sheet will simply collapse.


It is required to gently stick the blade into the cork at a slight angle and carefully unscrew the cork, like a corkscrew. In most cases, the method works even in inept hands.

Pros. You do not need a whole set of tools and fixtures.

Minuses. The cork may just crumble. The blade easily pops out of the cork, so there is a risk of injury. Do not rest the knife on the neck, otherwise it will burst.

Hammer and towel

The bottle is wrapped in a towel, put in a basin or saucepan. One good blow with a hammer and you have a coveted drink ... In your hands? In the pelvis? In the towel?

Pros. Cheap and cheerful. The fragments will safely remain in the rag and will not fall into your mouth.

Minuses. The lion's share of the drink will be absorbed into the fabric. Glass can easily cut through it and fall into your glass. And in general, is it really pigs, so open a bottle? You have to have at least a modicum of respect for yourself, so as not to fall into this way.

Hussar method

In one hand they hold a bottle, with the other, with a swing from the opposite shoulder, the neck is cut off with a saber in one strong movement.

Pros. If the operation is successful, everyone present will appreciate your skill.

Minuses. Where can I get a sword? The neck may not be cut off, but scatter on small pieces. With unprofessionalism, the bottle shatters into fragments, everything around turns out to be in wine.

Nail and handkerchief

Take the most common nail ( any will do sharp and hard object), thoroughly open the cork with it. Preferably in small pieces. Then you just need to press a handkerchief to the neck and pour wine through it. All debris will remain inside the bottle. Instead of a scarf, you can take a piece of gauze, a strainer or a piece of bandage.

Pros. Fast, neat and clean.

Minuses. No sporting interest, just pure logic. There may not be a suitable piece of fabric at hand.


You need to knock or call the next apartment and ask for a corkscrew. Of course, for the time being. Then don't forget to return it.

Pros. There is a reason to meet a pretty neighbor or neighbor.

Minuses. They also may not have a corkscrew.

With bare hands

There are recommendations on how to open a bottle without a corkscrew with bare hands. To do this, you need to hold the wine horizontally with one hand, and lightly tap the bottom with the palm of the other. If everything is done correctly, then the force of inertia after a while will push the cork out so much that it can be removed with your fingers.

Pros. No tools, fixtures or materials needed.

thick syringe

Just pierce the cork with a needle and pump air inside. In theory, the pressure should push it out. In practice… Try it.

Pros. Fast, painless and virtually lossless.

Minuses. Reviews say that the bottom of the bottle will rather squeeze out, and all the contents will pour out. But sometimes the method works.

A method that allows you to open wine in 15 seconds

Everything is elementary here. The wine must be in a cardboard box or with a screw cap. Then it will take no more than 15 seconds to open.

Pros. No blisters, open wounds or cuts.

Minuses. good, quality wine Sold in glass only. In containers made of other materials 100% surrogate of unknown production. It is possible to sleep if alcohol is so readily available. no intrigue and interesting lesson, find out if the method will work or deliberate nonsense?

How to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew? Now you know many ways and are armed to the teeth. Soberly assess your capabilities, prepare necessary set tools and forward to the production of a great drink. By the way, any method brings much top scores, if you shake the bottle slightly before starting the operation or turn it upside down and shake it. So the liquid wets the cork and it comes out faster and easier. But seriously, stop doing garbage and buy a corkscrew already.

Video: how to open wine without a corkscrew

Even an octopus finds it difficult to open a "tight" plastic bottle.

What does a person experience in a desert without water? Oh, this pain is familiar to anyone who has ever come across a plastic bottle with a drink, closed so tightly that you would rather rub calluses on your hands than quench your thirst. It's good that people have come up with YouTube. He can teach a lot. For example, how to open a bottle in a couple of seconds and without titanic efforts.

If a hard nut fell into your hands.

Can't open a plastic water bottle? If you don’t have enough strength, no matter how hard you try, there is one tricky solution. You don't even need to work too hard. It's easy enough to find... the door. Surprised? Now everything will fall into place.

It sits tight, like in a vise.

Take the bottle and insert its neck into the gap between the door and the frame. Press lightly. Now the neck is almost like in a vise.
Hold the bottle with one hand and gently close the door with the other. Do you feel that now the neck is clamped in the lumen even more strongly?

Carefully twist the bottle wedged in the doorway.

Slightly rotate the bottle around its axis and the cap will give in without any problems. And then you can do it with your hands.

Opens without problems.

Here's what the whole process looks like in the video. In fact, it's still much faster! Checked.
