
Open the bottle without a corkscrew. But there are some more elegant ways

Translated from Sanskrit, the word “wine” means “to love.” The shape of the glass affects the taste of the drink: it becomes more aromatic in a wine glass that is narrowed towards the top. 100 g of dry red wine contains 68 kcal, and white varieties ideally quench your thirst. Wine contains B vitamins and ascorbic acid... And there are at least ten ways to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew.

The first corkscrew appeared at the end of the 18th century. At the same time, the practice of plugging wine containers is not an invention. modern manufacturers. This technique was first used in Ancient Egypt around 4000 BC. History is silent about exactly how bottles were uncorked in those days. However, even now there are situations when you have to do without a screw rod. And to get out of such situations by trial and error, a dozen life hacks were born.

The problem of how to open a bottle without a corkscrew arises for various reasons. For example, a feast gathered spontaneously. Perhaps, already at a picnic away from home, it turned out that the wine was taken, but the corkscrew was not. Or the uncorking device simply broke. It is especially difficult to navigate such a situation if the company consists only of girls. After all, although wine is considered feminine drink, uncorking it is a man's job. But the ladies still won’t be left without a holiday. A wine cork is most often a piece of cork oak bark polished to a given shape. Knowing small tricks, even the most sophisticated lady can remove a piece of wood from a bottle. For example, this will help:

  • fork;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • hammer;
  • paper clip;
  • key;
  • little things from a lady's cosmetic bag.

The main thing you should not forget about when trying to open wine without a bottle opener: wine stopper crumbles a lot. On the one hand, this increases the likelihood that it can be removed from the bottle thanks to persistence alone. On the other hand, pieces can get into the drink and ruin the whole taste.

Wine that has not been finished should not be stored in open bottle. Cover the neck with a napkin - no best idea. Therefore, along with the corkscrew, lovers good wine It is worth purchasing a special reusable rubber stopper (made from natural polymer). The accessory will allow you to preserve the drink after opening until the next gathering. Interestingly, such products come in bizarre shapes. For example, in the form of men and animals. By the way, this is a gift option for a wine lover.

“Bearded” ways to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew

When choosing a way to open wine without a corkscrew at home, we understand that you need to avoid breaking the bottle, spilling the wine, and preventing crumbs from the cork from getting into the drink. There are several ways to do this. Use available tools and techniques.


It is easy to open a bottle without a corkscrew with a knife with a medium-sized sharp blade. And if it is also jagged, then the task becomes easier. Literally in three steps.

  1. Using a knife, pierce the cork in the center and, loosening it, insert it as deeply as possible. If possible, then until the middle.
  2. Wrap the knife in a folded towel.
  3. Using the cloth-wrapped knife blade, unscrew the cork from the neck. In this case, you need to turn not the cork, but the bottle itself.


You can open wine with a fork, using this cutlery as an independent unit, or keep it in the wings.

Try pressing down the blockage with a blunt end. cutlery, however, it may bend. Then proceed like this: stick a knife into the cork and twist it out of the neck. When the plug comes out a little, pry it from the side with a fork (teeth) and pull it up, which will speed up the process.

Self-tapping screw and pliers

A way to uncork wine in 5 seconds is to call for help with a self-tapping screw with pliers or nails and a hammer (with a nail puller). The screw is screwed into the cork, this is quite easy to do even with bare hands. But you can also use a screwdriver. Then, grabbing the head of the self-tapping screw with pliers, we easily pull it out.

The same life hack also works when using nails and a hammer. We drive two or three nails into the neck, and then pull them out along with the plug. Ready!

If the cork breaks in half during the process, pull out the stuck part by repeating the manipulations, only take longer nails.

Screwdriver or feminine things

Simply insert a medium sized screwdriver into the cork and press down to push it into the bottle. By the way, instead of a screwdriver, you can use a hairpin (the heel of a woman's shoe). And also nail polish (cap down), mascara, a long key.

The diameter of the standard cork is 24 mm, provided that the neck diameter is 18 mm. Length - from 25 to 60 mm.

If you don't have any tools at hand

The listed methods using sharp objects and tools are most preferable when the question arises of how to open a bottle of wine at home. However, not all of them are suitable if events take place in the field. For example, in an office or in a boarding house. This is where ingenuity and resourcefulness come to the rescue.

A shoe, a towel, a door frame... It would seem that what could connect them with how to remove a cork from a bottle without a corkscrew? However, the items listed may help solve the problem. However, the methods are quite risky. Without dexterity, you can get injured.

  • Palm strike. Most without dangerous way, allowing you to control the force of impact. You need to hold the bottle horizontally and slap the bottom a couple of times. The bottom should first be wrapped in a towel. As soon as the cork comes out of the bottle to the middle, simply pull it out with your hands.
  • Doorjamb . If you can’t knock out the cork by hand, you can try a tougher method. You need to wrap the bottom with a towel or scarf and hit the bottle horizontally against a wall or door frame. As soon as the cork comes out of the bottle to the middle, simply pull it out with your hands.
  • Boot. A rather extreme method, but this is only at first glance; in fact, it is much safer than the first two. A men's classic boot or shoe is placed with the sole against the wall and held with one hand. In the second hand, the bottle is held horizontally. Next, you should hit the shoe in the heel area with the bottle (bottom). As soon as the cork comes out of the bottle to the middle, simply pull it out with your hands.

Before performing any manipulations to open the bottle, carefully remove all wrapping elements from the neck, especially if the wine has sealing wax.

Methods with mixed results

Craftsmen have come up with many other methods for opening wine if there is no corkscrew. Many of them seem dubious. Nevertheless, they are used, so it’s worth listing.

  • Two paper clips . You will also need a pen. The paper clips are straightened and made into hooks at the ends. Carefully pass them between the neck and the cork on both sides and turn the wires so that the hooks dig into the wood inside the bottle. The upper part of the paper clips is twisted together, pryed with a pen or pencil and pulled out.
  • Lanyard and screwdriver. Use a screwdriver to make a hole in the cork and, with its help, push a cord inside, tied at the end into a knot. For this method to work, the node must be large. Then you just need to pull the rope. You don’t have to worry about the hole in the cork; this type of wood is very flexible and easily closes back together; it is thanks to this property that the lace and screwdriver method works.
  • Heating . Objects expand when exposed to heat. If you heat the neck, it will slightly increase in diameter and it will be easier to remove the blockage. You can heat the glass by holding it under the “red” tap or in a saucepan with hot water. For hiking conditions A lighter is suitable, and with its help, heating can be done locally. After the glass has warmed up, you can use any other method to remove the cork; it will come out much easier.

Hussar method, when the neck is simply cut off with a large sharp knife, in practice it is better not to use. Without the proper skills, you are 99% likely to get injured.

Drink without opening the bottle

If you find yourself in nature, and in the car there is a first aid kit with a syringe, then consider the problem solved. Needs to be put into a syringe clean water and release it into the bottle, piercing the cork with a needle. Repeat manipulating the water until it begins to push the plug out. In this case, it is not necessary to remove the needle from the piece of wood - remove the syringe itself. After the cork comes out, drain the water and you can try the drink. By the way, if the needle is long, then the plug does not need to be removed at all. Simply draw the wine into a syringe and pour into glasses.

Well, so that you don’t have to be clever and open wine without a corkscrew, always keep a folding knife with additional tools in the pocket of your hiking backpack or in the glove compartment of your car: a spoon, a fork, a bottle opener canned food and a corkscrew.

There are many original ways to uncork a bottle of wine. Cutlery, women's shoes, fire, water or paper clips - the choice depends on the situation. Read – and be fully armed!

Uncorking a bottle of wine is easy if you have a corkscrew. Unfortunately, in real life This tool is not always at hand. What to do? Advice from experienced people who have come out of a similar situation with dignity comes to the rescue.

Methods for solving an unexpected problem can be divided into four main groups:

  1. the cork is pushed inside the bottle;
  2. the cork is knocked out of the bottle;
  3. the cork is removed using various objects;
  4. the bottle is freed from the cork in an original way.

Not aesthetically pleasing, but effective

If those gathered are not embarrassed by the sight of a cork floating in the wine, you can push it inside with any utility object. At home, this could be a thick pencil, the back of a cutlery, scissors or a strong man's finger. In this case, the bottle should be held securely so that it does not slip out of your hands at a crucial moment.

If the neck of the bottle narrows towards the bottom, you will not be able to push the cork through.

Once upon a time, fans of playing spin the bottle noticed: after spinning a bottle lying on table, or by turning it up and down several times, you can easily press the cork inside even with your little finger. A pencil is, of course, safer.

Representatives of the fair sex suggested quickly and effectively eliminating the obstacle to the start of the feast: The tool for pushing the cork was the stiletto heel of a lady's shoe.

Agree, there is a slight touch of romance and piquancy in this. Just look to noble drink did not spoil the color of the determined heroine’s clothes or shoes.

The traffic jam is out!

In Russian literature, there are often episodes when the hero of a work knocks out the cork with a strong blow of his palm to the bottom of the bottle. In practice this is rarely possible. It’s just that in the old days the cork was immersed halfway into the bottle, which made the task much easier. It is indeed possible to push the cork out, for which the bottle is rhythmically tapped on the bottom with the palm of your hand, not with all your strength, but energetically and persistently. Water hammer effect.

Does not work? Then, wrapping the bottle in a thick towel and holding it horizontally, they begin to hit the wall with the bottom. The cork gradually comes out. It is important to stop in time and unscrew it by hand so that some of the wine does not spill onto the floor. It is useful to place an additional elastic gasket between the wall and the bottle so as not to split the vessel.

  • The feast presupposes the presence and soft drinks, usually bottled in plastic bottles. Without uncorking the soda, tap the elastic middle of the bottle on the bottom of the impenetrable wine container until the cork sticks out enough to firmly grasp it with your fingers and pull it out.
  • Men's shoes can also help free the bottle from its cork. Having placed the bottom of the bottle in the heel of the shoe, begin systematic tapping. It is recommended to take shoes with flat soles. The method is called French, but rarely impresses ladies. However, if conditions permit, go to the next room, take off your shoes and...

Take it and pull it out!

If you don't have a corkscrew, you can remove the cork using:

  1. cutlery;
  2. simple carpentry tools;
  3. power tools.

Knife or grandma's knitting needles

In the first case, a knife with a narrow blade will do. After piercing the cork, try to loosen it. Then, turning the bottle slightly around the stationary knife, slowly pull out the cap. The manipulations will have to be repeated several times. The serrated blade of the knife will allow you to snag the cork if you insert the tip closer to the neck. A thin crochet hook left over from your great-grandmother, a strong wire bent in its likeness, and cunning kitchen utensils will help you pull out the cork.

Hammer and nails

If the owner of the house is a craftsman, he will have small nails and a hammer with a forked nail-claw. Hammer the nails in a row along the diameter of the cork and, picking it up, pull it out. Do not press the hammer into the glass neck, it will break!


Another simple option: screw a screw halfway into the cork and pull it out with pliers. An ordinary awl can help out if you use it to push a thick thread or cord with a knot tied at the end through the cork. We pull the string and the cork flies out along with it. Instead of an awl, use a screwdriver or a thick needle.

Drill to the rescue!

The presence of an electric drill in the house makes the process of removing the cork spectacular, and its performer worthy of applause. If he doesn’t smash the neck to pieces and mix the ground cork with the wine. You should use a drill that is not the thickest, plunging it into the body of the cork slowly so that it, after twisting, hastens to leave the bottle. For reliable fixation, call for help from the audience - clamping the glass in a vice or holding a drill with one hand is not recommended. The splashes, we warn you, are flying in all directions.

Office tools

A spontaneous holiday in the office, where there is nothing but office equipment, papers and office supplies, should not confuse its organizers with the question of how to open wine without a corkscrew. Construct a device from two straightened paper clips. Bend the lower ends slightly with the hooks, push them on both sides of the cork and try to turn it a little to pick it up from below. Twist the top parts of the paper clips together and thread a pencil, fork handle, etc. through the resulting loop. Now all that remains is to pull out the plug.

If all else fails

Crush the cork with a knife and take it out piece by piece? This is a step of desperation when previous attempts have turned it into a mutilated plug with holes in places. The contents of the bottle eventually become accessible and look good after being strained through a fine steel strainer.

There is no limit to imagination

The ingenuity of a man who covets a fruit encased in glass grapevine, infinite. Some were annoyed by the sight of a cork floating in wine, others by the crumbs that invariably fell into the drink after using knives, screwdrivers, screws and nails. Still others, instead of buying at least a penknife with several blades, including a kind of corkscrew, continued to think about how to open the bottle without resorting to the well-known tricks described above.

Unusual mulled wine

Mulled wine is popular in winter. Try brewing it directly in a corked bottle - you will kill two birds with one stone. Place the pan on the stove, place the bottle in water up to the neck, the cork will soon fly out. Hot drink pour into glasses. You can do without a saucepan by carefully heating the bottleneck over the fire. Craftsmen use a gas burner for heating.

Tap and boiling water

A strong stream of tap water will help you get to the wine. True, the cork will end up inside. Water can also partially penetrate the bottle and ruin the holiday.


Exist unusual ways get rid of the cork without any tools. Enterprising tourists suggested using the flames of a fire. The bottle is placed obliquely, neck up, on the burning logs. As the wine heats up, it pushes out the cork. It is advisable to stock up on gloves so that you can grab the bottle from the flame in time without spilling the contents or burning your hands. Glass often breaks in a fire, so it’s worth practicing before demonstrating your skills to a company waiting for a miracle.

A liquid nitrogen

A more original method was demonstrated by a participant in a foreign show, who decided to use liquid nitrogen on a sealed vessel. The result was achieved, although from a practical point of view it was not of particular value. Who will come to the party with a cylinder of liquefied gas? Better yet, a shoe...

Any pump

Probably, someone will take a bicycle pump with them on a hike: to pump up a tire, inflate a mattress or a soccer ball. By pumping air under the cork, you can easily force it to leave the bottle on its own. A medical syringe is used in the same way. The procedure is simple and safe.

Purchasing wine for a feast in bags or bottles with screw caps makes the presence of a corkscrew at the holiday unnecessary.

The dashing hussars in an instant demolished the neck of the bottle with a saber blow. The civilians, taking up bladed weapons, smash the bottle to smithereens. And where is the guarantee that broken glass or its smallest particles will not migrate into the wine, and from there into your stomach?

Hitting the neck with the edge of your palm also does not lead to anything good. Do not give in to provocations, even if you have a blue paratrooper beret or a black karate belt. A swollen or bloody hand is not The best way demonstrations of male talent.

It’s better to use one of the methods described above or buy a corkscrew along with the wine.

Often, when you want to drink a bottle of good wine, you don’t have a corkscrew at hand. How to act in such a situation? There are many ways to open a bottle using the means at hand; you will learn exactly how to do this in our article.

Of course there are many ways to open a bottle of wine, but if you have a corkscrew, it's best to use it!

We have collected for you great amount variety of options opening bottles of wine you never even knew existed. Now you don't have to sit near closed bottle wine, not knowing how to open it, or long time look for a method that suits you on the Internet. Everything is collected in one article. We hope you no longer have questions about how to open wine without a corkscrew.

Wonderful evening. Or maybe a beautiful day in nature - Fresh air, kebab. Got ready soulful company at a beautifully set table. And, of course, there was a bottle of wonderful wine. But bad luck - there is no corkscrew. What to do?

After viewing this article you will learn how to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew. In any case, you first need to remove the top shell from the neck to get to the stopper. No corkscrew needed here. Did you get there? Take action!

So, how to open wine without a corkscrew at home?

Push the cork into the bottle

This can be done in different ways:

  • With your finger (strong fingers are needed here, sometimes this can require considerable effort), it is important not to bend the finger. If you pierce the cork with something sharp, the pressure in the container will decrease and the pushing process will be simplified.
  • Any object that is at hand and that will fit in the neck of the bottle - a marker, a pencil, a thin but strong enough twig from a tree (if such a situation arose at a picnic).
  • Girls can use their own life hack. The cork can be pushed through with a stiletto heel, lipstick and any other items of suitable shape that they have in their cosmetic bag.
  • Place the bottle at an angle in the sink and let it flow hot water on the neck. The glass will warm up slightly and expand, the cork will easily fit inside the bottle.

Remove the cork from the bottle using available tools

  • You can carefully hammer 3-5 thin long nails into the cork, but not all the way, so that the caps rise above the cork by several millimeters (the nails should be driven in one line), then use a nail puller to pull the cork out by the nails. You can try to do this with a fork. Pry the cloves between the tines, but the fork must be strong enough.

  • Screw a self-tapping screw into the cork (it must be long enough, at least half the length of the cork, otherwise the top of the cork will crumble), then pull out the screw together with the cork using pliers.
  • Can be opened using regular metal paper clips - how? Straighten the paperclip, leaving one edge bent in the form of a hook. Carefully insert this curved edge into the bottle between the glass and the cork and try to pull the cork out with this hook. Did not work out? We insert another similar paper clip on the opposite side of the cork. Now there are already two hooks under the cork, and on top are two other ends of paper clips that need to be twisted together, pry them up with a pencil, the handle of a fork or spoon, etc., and pull out the cork. You can also use hairpins or bobby pins.

  • Take a strong rope (for example, a shoelace) and tie a knot at the end. Using an awl, pierce the cork and thread this knot through the cork into the bottle. Then use this cord to pull the cork out of the bottle.

  • They do it with a knife in the following way: stick a knife into the cork as far as possible (usually shallowly at first), try to loosen the cork by moving the knife up and down (into the bottle - out of the bottle) and at the same time unscrew it. Gradually push the knife deeper and open the bottle without much difficulty. If you are on a picnic, then this procedure can be done using a skewer.

  • Extreme sports enthusiasts can use a drill. Drill a hole in the cork to about the middle or a little more - up to 1/3 of the cork and pull it out like a corkscrew. Do not overdo it! The bottle is a very fragile thing.

Remove the cork from the bottle

  • Hold the bottle upside down (firmly! You can hold it between your knees). And hit the bottom with a plastic bottle filled with water. At the same time, keep an eye on the cork - as soon as it comes out of the neck approximately halfway, pull it out by hand.
  • Use water hammer. Rhythmically hit the wall with the bottom of the bottle, the bottom of which should be wrapped in a towel or something else. For example, a T-shirt, etc.

  • Place a rolled up towel, a newspaper in many layers, or a book that is not very valuable against the wall and hit them with a bottle. At the same time, keep an eye on the traffic jam. As soon as it comes out of the bottle enough to be grasped by hand, it is pulled out by hand.
  • How to use shoes - insert the bottle into the shoe with the bottom towards the heel. Hit the heel of the shoe together with it against the wall rhythmically and clearly until the cork begins to come out of the bottle.

In all cases, it is important to calculate the impact force. Otherwise, instead of a pleasant feast, you may end up with a bunch of broken glass, spilled wine and cuts on his hands. This can no longer be pleasant.

Squeeze out the plug, creating increased pressure inside

  • Place the bottle of wine at an angle in a pan of water so that the stopper is above the water. Heat over the fire until the cork begins to crawl out. We pull it out by hand.
  • Similar to the above method, we place the container on the firewood, light it and wait for the plug to “crawl out”.
  • You can heat the neck just below the cork with a lighter, or better yet, two lighters on different sides.
  • Using a syringe. Take half a glass drinking water, pierce the cork with a needle (it’s better if it’s thick). We fill the syringe with water and pour it into the bottle. And so on all the water. (Don't be afraid - it won't mix with the wine!) Pull out the creeping cork with your hands, drain the water - a little more than half a glass. Ready!
  • A pump for a volleyball or soccer ball with a needle will also help. We insert it into the plug and very carefully pump air into it. Be very careful!

The most extreme method is the hussar method. We don’t recommend using it to anyone, since most often it ends in a broken bottle, spilled wine, or cleaning up. And sometimes there are cuts on the hands. Its essence is to cut off the neck of a bottle with a saber swing. In her absence - with a knife, an ax, a metal rod...

And now the wine is safely opened. Nothing broke, nothing spilled, all hands were intact without cuts. Have a nice evening or day! As you wish!

How to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew video collection


Open a bottle of wine with a screw.

  • I have used this method several times.
  • Screw a medium-diameter screw into the cork (you can use a screwdriver or any other suitable object for this) and open the wine with pliers, a nail puller or two pencils, grasping the screw on both sides and pulling it towards you.
  • This method is not suitable for wines for which the cork was made of wood and has become fairly worn out - it will simply crumble and the screw will fly out.

You can open wine without a corkscrew using a self-tapping screw and pliers.


How to open wine without a corkscrew at home

The problem when alcohol, be it wine or champagne, has to be opened without a corkscrew, arises in the life of almost every person. Some craftsmen manage to get the cork out on their own, using any available means, be it a nail, a pencil, a shoe or hooks made from paper clips. If you also find yourself in a similar situation, then study the instructions that allow you to do without a corkscrew. In general, methods for removing a cork from a bottle are based on the use of the following materials and tools:

By heating the neck of the bottle

  • The heating option has one drawback - the wine will be warm. The bottle just needs to be placed in a pan of water, which is then placed on the fire.
  • The plug will heat up and fly out. The main thing is to place the container directly in cold water.
  • If you place it immediately into a hot bottle, the bottle will explode - it is clear that such a situation will end in injury.
  • You can only heat the neck, and for this you will need a gas burner: you need to use it to heat the area of ​​the neck where the inner end of the plug is located, after a few seconds it should pop out.

Push with improvised objects

How can you open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew if you have neither pliers with a screw, nor a knife or fork? Look for something else at home, just be careful during the process, because when the cork slips inside, your hand may slip and you will hit a bottle or other object nearby. In addition, the neck should not narrow downward - in this case, the cork will get tightly stuck in it. Among the items at hand that can easily be used to push the cork inside, the following stand out:

  • lipstick;
  • marker;
  • round sharpening for knives;
  • pencil or pen;
  • stiletto heel on women's shoes.

Use a ball pump or syringe

  • If you are still interested in original ways How to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew, then try using a syringe or a ball pump for this.
  • The idea here is that the air pressure causes the plug to fly out. You just need to pierce it with the needle of a syringe or pump and start pumping air inside.
  • There is no need to apply too much force, because the container itself can also burst. The syringe needle needs to be thick, otherwise it will break or become clogged with cork material.


How to uncork wine without special equipment?

You may not need a corkscrew to enjoy wine.

The first rule is to not panic. Every bottle with a cork can be opened without a corkscrew and anywhere - outdoors, in the workshop, in the garage, on the street and even in the bathroom (if you store your cosmetics bag there), at a party, on the train. If your bottle has a concave bottom, it will open easier and faster than others.

Some bottles will make your life easier. In order to open them, you don’t need a corkscrew or any improvised means. These are bottles with a screw cap.

Eat effective ways and there are those who are active, but achieve their goals slowly, but they still work - we will talk about them today. But you should not resort to such a radical method as simply breaking off the neck of a bottle - this is fraught with pieces of glass in the wine or cuts on your hands.

A paperclip can not only pick a lock, but also open wine.

  • For this method you will need a paper clip or a rigid wire that can be bent .
  • We bend the paperclip, make a hook out of it like a fishing hook, insert it into the hole between the cork and the neck of the bottle, pick up the cork and pull it towards us.
  • If the cork is treacherous, and you notice that one paperclip is clearly not enough, we use two homemade hooks - we place them opposite each other, pick up the cork, put the paperclips on top of a pencil or pen and pull them out together with the cork.

We use a skewer

To open the bottle, you only need a sharpened skewer. For a picnic, you can forget to take a corkscrew, knife or forks, but you can’t go without skewers, this is the secret of success. We insert the skewer into the cork almost all the way and, using twisting movements, remove the cork from the wine bottle.

Method for athletes and diabetics

  • If there is a pump for volleyball or soccer ball with a needle or syringe (diabetics often take them with them on a picnic or any other place), we can use them in our mission.
  • The only condition is that the needle must be thick and very strong so that, without breaking, it can pierce the cork to the end and come out so that we can see its end.
  • This method works due to the pressure created inside the bottle, which is greater than the initial one, due to which the cork itself flies out. .
  • Using a needle, pierce the cork to the end and pump air into the bottle. If you are afraid of creating too much pressure, then, as in the first method, wrap the bottle in a towel.

How to open a bottle of wine with a syringe - video

Using a water bottle

Closed plastic bottle full of water, take it by the neck in your right hand, and take the bottle of wine by the neck, bottom up, in your left hand. Middle plastic bottle hit the bottom of the wine bottle. When the cork is halfway out of the bottle, remove it with your hands. It is important not to miss the moment.


Spin the bottle

Quite a funny method for opening wine without a corkscrew. You need to pick up the bottle vertically and spin it about 20 times, first away from you, then towards you. After such manipulations, the cork will easily give in to you and you will push it deeper.

Extreme and unwanted

Pour water into the pan, place the bottle in it (place it in an upright position) and turn on the heat. Subsequently increasing the temperature a couple of minutes after boiling will allow the plug to be squeezed out. This method is undesirable because it can ruin the taste of the wine.


Perhaps one of those present may have a penknife. In this case, it’s worth checking it - what if the manufacturer equipped it with a corkscrew, which happens quite often?

For help - go to the book

How to open a bottle without a corkscrew using a book? This method will make the blow softer. Lean it against the wall (the thicker the volume, the better). Now start hitting the book with the bottom of the bottle. A couple of gentle blows are enough and you will notice with relief that the plug is successfully directed to the exit. The method is good for bottles with a concave bottom (and most of them are).


Once upon a time it was used with might and main for lack of the right tools— they simply beat off the neck. But it's dangerous - small pieces glass inevitably gets into the contents.

Using a branch

You can easily push the cork inside if you arm yourself with a branch or peg.

We work with a hammer

First, use a hammer to drive the nail all the way through the cork (to do this, take a longer one). Then start pulling it out. This creates a hole and the air flows freely out. Next, push the cork using any object. The air will not interfere and everything will work out quickly and neatly.


If you don’t want to bother and try all the listed methods one after another, use a more elite method - order a corkscrew at home. Now on the Internet you can find many services for delivering goods directly to your apartment. You can order something extra tasty for the table or a couple more bottles of wine in addition.

In order to no longer wonder about how to open wine without a corkscrew, you should simply acquire this necessary household item.


Open a bottle with hot water

Place a pan of water on the stove and place a bottle of wine in it. As the air in the bottle heats up, it will gradually push the cork out. This method is best used in winter time, since the wine turns out hot, . Therefore, if you want to drink cold wine, it is better to choose some other way to open the bottle. In addition, if the bottle overheats there is a risk that it will burst.

Alternatively, you can not heat the entire bottle, but only the neck. To do this, just use a lighter. When heated, the plug pops out on its own. But, in this case, there is also a risk that the glass may burst.

Hussar style, or simply beat off the neck of a bottle

If you have a very vague idea of ​​how to do this correctly so as not to break the bottle, get hurt, or leave half the glass inside, then you need to completely forget about this method. It’s better to look for a corkscrew or use one of the options suggested above.


Another way

Somewhat shocking. Suitable for alcoholics whose hands are shaking and they definitely want to drink. The dude suggests wrapping the bottle in a towel and then smashing it into a bowl. Well, this method is the fastest.

And now I propose interesting video, which talks about almost all the methods described above. So, let's watch a video about how to open a bottle without a corkscrew.

We use a drill

This is a rather exotic and unsafe method. It is suitable for a person who knows how to use a drill well. Drilling the plug in the center, we thread it onto the drill. At the same time, it should easily come out of the neck. If for some reason this does not happen, I recommend that you use any of the other methods described above.

It must be remembered that, if possible, it is best to uncork a bottle of wine using a corkscrew. This is the most effective, fastest and safest way.


The horsemen's method

The opening method is ideal for champagne bottles. If you have a saber and you are a master in this matter, then feel free to show your guests a performance.

You will need to cool the champagne and remove the foil and wire from the neck. Then take it in your left hand, and with your right hand swing it sharply and chop off the edge with a saber. You should check the point of the saber, otherwise the bottle will fall into pieces, ruining the wine. To be safe, please stay away from all guests.

If the champagne is chilled, then one hundred grams will pour out of the bottle, and if it is warm, then it may even leave the container altogether.

It is not recommended to open other wines in this way, since they do not have gases like champagne. When the glass is cut off, small particles are pushed out by the fountain, without remaining in the bottle. At ordinary wine option may be dangerous for drinking the drink.


If all else fails

You've tried everything available methods, but the traffic jam still didn’t want to leave its home? You can try the following methods, which are not very successful.

Crush the cork. Using any sharp object, we pick at the cork until it crumbles and falls inside the bottle. Of course, it is not very pleasant to drink wine with crumbs, but it is better than not drinking it at all.

Break off the neck. This is a rather dangerous method, since glass fragments can get inside the bottle, you can get hurt and have other unpleasant consequences. However, some people resort to it in extreme situations. If you still decide to break off the neck of the bottle, strain the “extracted” wine through a cloth to prevent any fragments from getting into it.

  • If you plan to take wine with you on a picnic, then you should prefer a drink in a tetra pack. It is easier to open and impossible to break.
  • Buy a multitool or at least a keychain with tools. This convenient thing will help out not only if you don’t have a corkscrew.
  • You can order a corkscrew delivery service from the taxi dispatch service.


Using a sommelier knife

Who doesn't know, a sommelier's knife is special knife(on one side) with a corkscrew (on the other). The algorithm of actions should be as follows.

Step 1. First, the foil is cut off. Use a knife to pry the foil off the lid and then remove. Try to cut a few millimeters below the edge of the neck so that the drink does not come into contact with the wrapper (the point is that this may lead to changes taste properties). It is worth noting that sometimes knives are equipped with special discs designed for cutting foil.

The foil is cut off

Step 2. Screw the corkscrew part of the knife into the cork. To do this, place the tip of the corkscrew in the middle of the cork, then screw in until there is only one turn on the outside.

The corkscrew is screwed in

Note! You should not screw it in too deeply, otherwise crumbs from the cork will get into the drink. And on the contrary, if the screwing depth is insufficient, then when you try to remove the plug, it may simply break.
Step 3. Lower the levers and begin to gradually pull out the plug. Hold the bottle tightly. If the cork still does not move, then most likely the corkscrew was not screwed in deep enough. Correct this mistake and try again.

The cork is pulled out

Step 4. The cork should come out with a characteristic pop. In restaurants they place it on the table so that the client can determine the quality of the drink by smell.


Using a corkscrew

Now let's find out how to open a bottle of wine with a corkscrew . This is the simplest, and therefore the most common method, which consists of several simple steps.

Step 1. By using kitchen knife cut off the foil. To do this, pick it up slightly below the neck, then pull it up to remove it.

Step 2. Place the corkscrew: its end should be located in the middle of the cork, while the levers should be directed downwards.

Step 3. Hold the round part of the device with one hand and turn the handle with the other. At this time, the levers will begin to rise upward. Crank it enough times until the levers move up.

Turn the corkscrew handle

Step 4. When you push them down, the cork should come out of the bottle. Lower them all the way down until the plug is on the outside. If the cork remains inside, then repeat the procedure (screw in the corkscrew again as described above). If necessary, you can pull the handle of the device up.

Now we'll find out how to open wine without a corkscrew at home . To be honest, there are a lot of ways, so we will consider only the most effective and simple ones.

Using a corn holder

Such a holder, as the name suggests, is intended to hold a hot head of corn. This product consists of sharp metal pins and a plastic handle.

The algorithm of actions should look like this:

  • place the holder pins into the cork;
  • Carefully remove the plug from the neck, gradually turning it.

Note! You can also use a wood drill. To do this, screw the drill into the cork, check whether it fits tightly enough in it, and remove it (the cork) from the neck of the bottle.

We use a holder for corn cobs

We use a bicycle hook

These hooks are used to hang your bike from the ceiling. The technique is extremely simple: screw in the hook, then, using a plastic part like a handle, remove the plug from the neck.

We use a bicycle hook

Summing up

We hope that now you will not wonder how to open a bottle of wine at home. All the methods listed above have been tested, if not by us, then by other “experts” in this field - ordinary people, in particular, students. In reality, it is better not to look for adventures on your own head and buy a corkscrew or, as a last resort, a universal Swiss knife. Not as interesting, of course, but less headache.



You need to roll up a tight roll of paper, with a diameter smaller than the neck of the bottle you are opening. Then, using this twist, the cork is pushed inside.

Pros. If you get the hang of it, you can make good money by opening bottles of wine on a bet with a piece of paper.

Minuses. The roll must be made very tight and dense, otherwise the sheet will simply crumple.

Hammer and towel

The bottle is wrapped in a towel and placed in a basin or saucepan. One good blow with a hammer and you have the coveted drink... In your hands? In the basin? In the towel?

Pros. Cheap and cheerful. The fragments will remain safely in the rag and will not get into your mouth.

Minuses. The lion's share of the drink will be absorbed into the fabric. Glass can easily cut through it and get into your glass. And anyway, are they really pigs to open a bottle like that? You have to have at least a drop of respect for yourself so as not to end up in this way.

Nail and handkerchief

Take the most ordinary nail ( Any will do sharp and hard object), thoroughly pick out the cork with it. Preferably in small crumbs. Then you just need to press a handkerchief to the neck and pour the wine through it. All debris will remain inside the bottle. Instead of a scarf, you can take a piece of gauze, a strainer or a piece of bandage.

Pros. Fast, neat and clean.

Minuses. No sporting interest, only naked logic. You may not have a suitable piece of fabric at hand.


You need to knock or call the next door and ask for a corkscrew. Of course, for a while. Then don't forget to give it back.

Pros. There is a reason to meet a cute neighbor or neighbor.

Minuses. They may also not have a corkscrew.

A method that allows you to open wine in 15 seconds

Everything here is elementary. The wine must be in a cardboard box or with a screw cap. Then it will take no more than 15 seconds to open.

Pros. No calluses, open wounds or cuts.

Minuses. good, quality wine Sold only in glass. In containers made from other materials, 100% surrogate of unknown production. You can drink yourself to death if alcohol is so easily available. There is no intrigue and interesting activity, find out whether the method will work or deliberate nonsense?


Several additional options

There are other, less well-known, methods for removing a cork from a neck. wine bottle.

  1. Using a jet of water - under strong pressure, the material will gradually begin to move down. It is important not to miss the moment when the cork goes completely inside the bottle, so as not to fill the vessel with water.
  2. Using a medical needle and pump. Having pierced the material with a needle, you should pump out the air from the vessel. When there is no air left in the bottle, under pressure the cork itself flies out of the neck. In this case, you can not only be completely safe, but also preserve the cork and prevent dust from getting into the wine.
  3. Using a gas burner. By directing a stream of fire at the neck, you can warm it up. Under influence high temperature the material can be easily removed.

After opening a wine bottle without a corkscrew, you should properly store the drink. And if, after opening, the wine is not completely drunk, it is important to take into account the shelf life, when the drink will not lose its taste and beneficial features. A bottle opened without a corkscrew (as well as with one) cannot be stored for a long time, since oxygen gets inside and the oxidation process begins. The duration is affected by:

  • Air temperature (ideal when using a refrigerator).
  • Amount of sugar in wine.
  • The amount of air that managed to penetrate into the vessel.

A small amount of wine in a bottle lasts less than a large amount. In a warm room, the period is also reduced. After just a couple of hours, the aroma, color and even taste changes. It is recommended to store the drink for no more than 2 days after opening it.

Opening a bottle of wine without a corkscrew is not a big problem since there are several simple ways that allow this to be done. For example, you can remove the cork using a household object, push it inside the bottle, and even use your own shoe for this task. Therefore, here are some simple and effective methods, which will show you how to open wine without a corkscrew at home.

If you do find a corkscrew, you need to know how to use it. Follow these steps if you want to open a bottle of wine using a bottle designed for this purpose. tool - corkscrew:

In some cases, it is very difficult to pull out the corkscrew, and it is necessary to apply great physical force, thereby increasing the risk of breaking the plug. To understand how to open wine with a corkscrew, a girl needs to follow correct technique: With little effort, swing the plug left and right, up and down, while firmly holding the bottle by the neck with your other hand.

Opening a bottle without a corkscrew

To the most simple methods Opening a bottle of wine without a corkscrew includes pushing the stopper inside or using a knife or shoe.

Pushing the plug in

Place the bottle on the floor or hard surface vertically, for example, on a table with the neck down. It can also be applied to a vertical hard surface and pressed tightly in a horizontal position. If you press on the bottom of the bottle, the cork will easily begin to go inside. To prevent the object from slipping out of your hands during this action, hold it by the neck and bottom. Make sure the vertical surface is hard enough to withstand your pressure on it, for example a brick wall will do just fine.

Now find something with blunt ends, which should be narrower than the diameter of the plug, and which should not cut, pierce or crumble it. For example, regular marker may be suitable for this task, a thick stick, lip moisturizer or cylindrical container should also help.

Once you have aligned the height of the bung with the edges of the bottle neck, use your cylindrical object. Place the bottle away from people as wine may spurt out when you open the bottle. Place the cylindrical object on the plug. Hold the bottle with one hand, hold the object with the other and press it from above until the stopper falls into the wine. Be prepared for a sudden burst of wine the moment you open the hole.

This method of opening wine without a corkscrew works well, however, residues from the plug material may get into the wine. Also keep in mind that the wine may spill when opened, so your clothes and surrounding items will have to be washed and washed. Do not try to open wine this way when you are wearing an expensive suit or the bottle is on the carpet. While squeezing, cover the neck using a napkin.

Using a knife

When handling a knife, always be careful not to injure yourself. This tool can be used in two ways to open wine:

Remove the protective covering from the cork, making sure to remove all the plastic and aluminum that covers it. You can remove this coating in two ways: either by pressing it upward with your finger, or using a knife and cutting out a circle inside the neck.

Place the bottle in your shoe. Moreover, this can be not only a shoe, but also any other shoes with a flat sole (excluding high-heeled shoes and sandals) in which the bottle is placed. To keep it in your shoe, hold the bottle with one hand and the shoe with the other.

The bottle must be in a horizontal position in this process., and you only need to hit with that part of the sole that is under the bottom of the bottle. Thus, the boot protects the container so that it does not break. You don't need to hit it hard, just hit it a few times. As a result of pressure on the bottle, the cork will gradually begin to come out. As soon as it comes out three centimeters from the neck, you can pull it out with your hand.

If you are in the forest on a picnic, then instead of a wall you can use any suitable tree. You just need to make sure that the blows are confident and reliable on such a tree. Knowing that the function of the boot is only to mechanically protect the bottle, you can use another object instead of the boot, for example, you can hold a book while hitting it or wrap the bottom of the bottle in a thick towel.

Using other available tools

These methods of opening wine without a corkscrew require more skill and time to implement.

Screw and pliers

Take pliers and a screw, and with what more step the thread of the screw, the better. Make sure that all things that will come into contact with the plug are clean.

Take a screw with pliers, place it in the center of the plug and tighten it clockwise until 1-2 cm of screw remains on the outside. If you have strong enough fingers, you can tighten the screw without using pliers. Perform the screwing process carefully so as not to break the plug. The screw must be positioned vertically in relation to the plug.

Now pull the screw up with pliers, and the plug should come out with it. Instead of pliers, you can use any other object that can hold a screw, such as a fork. Pull carefully in a direction at an angle to your body so as not to hit your stomach with your elbow when the plug comes out. If you don't have pliers on hand, then wrap the rope around the screw several times and pull it.

Wire hook

This is another tool that can be used to open wine when you don't have a corkscrew. To understand how to properly open wine with a wire hook, do the following:

Two paper clips and a pencil

Take two paper clips and straighten them so that the ends remain in a "U" shape. Insert one of the U-shaped ends of the paperclip between the neck and the cork so that the entire “U” is under the surface of the cork. Do the same with another paperclip, inserting it on the opposite side of the cork. When the paper clips are between one end of the stopper and the neck, connect the other two ends together so that they are together when you pull out the stopper.

After connecting the ends of the paper clips, slide a pencil or pen under them. Grasp the pencil by its ends with your index and middle fingers from below. Gradually pull the cork out of the bottle as you pull the pencil upward.

Using scissors

Take two scissors, preferably children's scissors. Take them by the handles and open them to the maximum possible angle. Be careful not to get hurt by their blades. Then, applying slight pressure, insert the blades of the scissors into the cork until it reaches the middle. Be careful not to knock the cork into the bottle and break it.

Hold the wine bottle tightly with one hand and use the scissors to twist the cork with the other while applying force to pull it out. In this case, you use the blades of the scissors as leverage. Once the cork is high enough above the neck, pull it out by hand.

Hammer and nails

Take a pair of nails whose length is approximately equal to the height of the cork. Carefully hammer the nails into the center of the cork. The nails must be driven vertically, placing them next to each other. You don't need to hammer it too hard because you might break the cork into pieces.

Take reverse side hammer (nail puller) for nail heads. Now you can use two ways to remove a cork from a bottle:

If you were unable to remove the cork completely the first time, then remove the nails and hammer them in again so that they form a line perpendicular to the previous one. Using a hammer, complete the process of pulling out the cork.

Now you already know how to open wine if the cork does not come out without using a corkscrew. The following recommendations will help you do this more efficiently and safely:

  • All of the methods listed above require some time and effort to implement, so it is better to buy a regular corkscrew if possible.
  • To make it easier to remove the cork, you can slightly warm the neck of the bottle. However, you don’t need to heat it too much, as it may burst.
  • Take precautions with sharp tools such as scissors and knives. Do not use them if you are under the influence.
  • Do not use your teeth to open the bottle as you may damage them.
  • Do not try too hard with any of these methods as you risk breaking the bottle.
  • Point the neck of the bottle away from you to avoid getting splashed with wine when you open the bottle.
  • Depending on the storage conditions of the wine in wine cellar, the cork may dry out completely, and any manipulation with it will lead to its destruction into small pieces.

These tips should help anyone who forgot to take a corkscrew when getting ready to drink wine. Happy holiday to you!

Attention, TODAY only!

Sometimes, in the midst of a holiday, it turns out that there is wine, but unfortunately there is no corkscrew. What to do in such a situation - end the celebration or try to open the bottle somehow? We will give you some tips on how to deal with this problem. To remove a cork, you do not need any special skills, and items that will help you are found in every home and may even be in your pocket. Read carefully and choose the method that you like best.

Take a wine bottle and wrap a towel around the bottom of it. Then, holding it horizontally, lightly tap the wall. Don't knock too hard to prevent the bottle from breaking, and keep an eye on the cork; when it comes out halfway, stop and remove it with your fingers. If you are outdoors or don’t have a towel at hand, then take off your shoe, put a bottle of wine inside it and knock in the same way. After a couple of minutes the plug will pop out. Inspect the bottle, if the neck does not narrow down, then the cork can be pushed inside. If it narrows, don’t even try, it will get stuck tightly. You can push it with any strong object, as long as it fits into the neck. It could be a pencil, a pen, a screwdriver, you could twist the paper tightly and use it to push the cork through. When pushing, be careful not to splash the wine onto your clothes.

If you don't have a corkscrew, you can use a knife with a narrow blade or scissors. Using the blade of scissors or a knife, carefully pierce the cork and begin to gradually rotate it back and forth, slightly pulling it towards you. The bottle will open without much difficulty.

If you have pliers on hand, you can remove the plug using a screw or self-tapping screw. Using pliers, screw the screw into the center of the plug, leaving about a centimeter at the top. Then grab the head of the screw with the tool and pull, holding the bottle with your other hand. It's pretty convenient way, but pliers and a screw are not always at hand.

Much like using a screw, you can remove a plug using small nails and a hammer. However, any hammer is not suitable, but only the one with a nail puller. The nails need to be hammered into the cork at different angles, leaving five millimeters on top. Then put a nail puller on the nails and pull, the cork will pop out without difficulty. You can uncork the cork using a strong and thin rope. Using a sharp object, a knitting needle or a screwdriver, you need to make a hole in the cork and push a rope with a knot tied at the end into it. Then pull the rope and the bottle will open. This method of uncorking is quite inconvenient and is most likely suitable for uncorking a bottle for a bet.

A slightly exotic way of uncorking is by heating the neck of the bottle. You can heat the neck using gas stove, on a fire or with several lighters. When the neck is hot enough, the cork will pop out of the bottle on its own.

Thus, there are plenty of ways to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew. The choice is yours!
