
Make homemade grape wine. Grape sourdough

Water is added very rarely, unless the juice is sour. In other cases, it will worsen the taste of the wine, so care must be taken.

The process of making wine from grapes at home

Collection of grapes

It is carried out at a time when it has not rained for several days, it should be dry and warm outside, the sun is shining, and nothing prevents you from studying the berries.

Only ripe fruits are suitable for fermentation, which should be processed within 2 days. They are sorted out, getting rid of twigs, foliage, the remaining good raw materials are crushed by hands, placed in an enamel pan or a plastic basin, the container is filled to 70% of its height, in order to avoid falling out of the foam cap.

It is covered with clean gauze, which protects against flies, and stored for 3-4 days in a dark, warm room, where the temperature is maintained at 18-27 degrees.

The product will begin to ferment after 8-20 hours, at that moment a “cap” of peel and foam appears. This pulp is periodically stirred with a wooden stick, and the “cap” is knocked off, without this the must will turn sour.

Separation of juice from pulp

When the pulp brightens, hissing begins and a sour smell will be felt, which means that the fermentation process has begun, and you can already squeeze the juice. To do this, juice from grape pomace is squeezed into a separate vessel, through several layers of gauze.

If the grapes were unripe or grew in northern latitudes, it may be necessary to add water at the rate of 400 ml per 1 liter of juice, this is the maximum volume, otherwise the wine may be spoiled. Glass containers (bottles or jars) are filled with a maximum of 2/3 of the resulting juice so that the foam does not come out during fermentation.

Water seal

When making wine from grapes at home, using a simple method, they are shielded from interaction with oxygen, this will avoid souring and ensure that carbon dioxide formed as a result of fermentation is eliminated.

To achieve this, you need to install a water seal on the bottle from a cap, tube and jar. You can use a water seal in the form of a medical glove with a hole on one finger, it is pierced with a needle. This option is used if the drink is poured into cans.

The process of active fermentation at the initial stage

In order for wine from grapes to ferment well, it is necessary to maintain the desired temperature in the room where the containers are stored. For the preparation of red wine, the optimal level is 22-28 degrees, white - 16-22 degrees.

It is undesirable for the temperature to be below 15 degrees, otherwise the yeast will stop working, and the sugar will not be processed into alcohol, as a result, the drink will be spoiled.

Adding sugar

If this is not done, at best, it will be possible to achieve 10-13% strength and no sweetness. Higher alcohol content cannot be obtained, because wild wine yeast does not have enough sugars for further alcohol production.

The most difficult thing is to understand the level of initial sugar content of grapes, it is impossible to do without it, and it is useless and very problematic to use the average values ​​for varieties. It remains to be guided by your own taste, the juice should be sweet, not cloying.

In order for the fermentation of home-made wine to go smoothly, the sugar content of the must should be no more than 15-20%, for this sugar must be added in parts - 50 g of sugar per liter of drink. And after a couple of days, taste the juice, if sourness appears, then the yeast is still working and you need to add more sugar.

A couple of liters of wort are poured into a separate vessel, sugar is diluted in it, after which the syrup is added back to the bottle. This method is used several times during the 2-3 weeks of fermentation, and when the sugar content decreases slowly, then there is enough sugar.

Taking into account the fermentation conditions, the process takes 30-60 days. If after this period the fermentation has not been completed, in order to avoid bitterness, the wine is poured into another bottle without sediment, put under the shutter to ferment under the same conditions.

Removing wine from sediment

At that moment, when bubbles do not appear from the water seal for a day or two, the wort takes on a light shade, a loose sediment appears at the bottom of the bottle, and the young wine is poured into another container. This will make it possible to avoid the formation of an unpleasant odor and bitterness due to the dead (from the already high alcohol content) yeast fungi that are at the bottom.

A couple of days before this moment, the wine container is placed on a slight elevation, and when the sediment is completely at the bottom, the wine is poured into another bottle through a siphon - a silicone soft hose.

When transfusing, you need to gradually lower the end of the tube into the container and then make sure that the sediment from the bottom is not absorbed. The resulting wine will not yet have the desired shade and crystal transparency, it needs to ripen.

Checking the sugar content of wine

Since the active stage of cooking has already ended, the sugar added at this point will not be converted to alcohol, but will only add sweetness. It should be poured at the rate of no more than 150 g per liter, taste preferences must also be taken into account.

You should not get carried away with strong sweetening, since the pure sugar present in any alcoholic beverages can cause headaches.

Silent fermentation stage

When the final taste of the drink is formed, its duration is 40-380 days. Grape wine should not be aged longer; this does not affect the properties of the drink in any way.

For final maturation, you need to put a bottle of wine with a water seal or a lid in a dark cellar or basement, where the temperature is maintained at 5-16 degrees. If this is not possible, it is necessary to ensure the ripening temperature in the region of 18-22 degrees, no more.

It is better not to allow changes in conditions so as not to spoil the taste of the drink. When a sediment of 2-5 cm thick appears, you need to pour the wine into another container through a straw, the wine will gain transparency.

Bottling and storage of grape wine

At the final stage, bottling and storage of grape wine is carried out, its final strength is 11-13%. At the moment when the sediment no longer appears, you can pour the drink into bottles and close them with gaps. You can store the product at a temperature of 5-12 degrees for 5 years.

Making wine at home is a painstaking task that takes a lot of time and requires compliance with the recipe. Despite the complex process, this business can be mastered by everyone. Our article is devoted to where to start and how exactly you can get wine.

The painstaking work of making wine consists of several phases. Of course, you should start with sorting the grapes, even slightly damaged ones will not work. We take only good whole berries, remove them into branches, but they should not be washed, as the yeast contained on the surface of wild fruits will disappear.

A special press is used to crush the fruits, or you can do it manually. It is important not to touch the bones, because this will make the wine bitter.

After pressing, the resulting mixture is infused for 2 days. Then it should be filtered and passed through cheesecloth. You can add sugar if you like. Now the liquid needs to be put to ferment. The tank in which it is located must be sealed with a water seal or put on an ordinary rubber glove on the neck.

After the transformation, the liquid is poured into another tank, while the resulting precipitate does not need to be poured. This can be done carefully by using a special thin hose in the valve.

The completion will be bottling the drink and holding it until fully ripened. The longer the shelf life, the finer the wine will be.

Classic grape wine Isabella

Sweet wine from a popular type of grape with a strength of 9-12%

Required Ingredients: Isabella grapes - 15 kg, sugar - 3 kg, water as needed.

Cooking progress. Selected selected berries are put under a press or squeezed out by hand. The substrate obtained after pressing, insist for 3-4 days, stirring 2 times a day. The next step is to drain the liquid. If the wine turns out to be sour for your taste, then add water, at the rate of 50-500 ml per 1 liter of the resulting drink. Pour into a container, leaving 1/3 of the total volume, pour sugar in a ratio of 100 g per 1 liter. We tightly cork with a water seal or put a glove on the neck, having previously made a hole in one phalanx. We put in a dark place with an air temperature of + 16- + 22ᵒC. After 5 days, pour out half of the remaining granulated sugar. After another 5 days, pour out all the remaining sugar. The cooking process should take 35-70 days.

As the air leaves the glove and the contents of the bottle become light, sediment will appear at the bottom, now it's time to pour it into another container without disturbing the sediment. If desired, you can pour it with sugar and leave for 7 days. Bottles should be kept cool for six months, then bottled and sent to a cellar or refrigerator for a shelf life of up to 5 years.

Unpretentious wine made from grapes

The recipe is very easy to prepare, even a novice winemaker can handle it.

Required Ingredients: grapes - 10 kg, sugar - 2.5-3 kg.

Cooking progress. Select good berries and crush them with a press. Next, cover the resulting mixture with a fabric that conducts air well and leave for 5 days, stirring twice a day. The next step is straining: pour through gauze into a container and squeeze out the berry cake. Pour in sugar, mix thoroughly. Fasten the glove to the neck and leave to ferment for 3 weeks. As the air leaves the glove, you need to pour the contents into a clean container without disturbing the sediment. We insist another 1 month in a cool room. Once every 10 days, pour into a clean vessel, leaving sediment at the bottom. After a month, pour the wine into bottles and store for another 1 month.

Read also:

How to make homemade wine from grapes (red or white)

White wine at home

Light wine with a unique aroma and memorable taste.

Required Ingredients: grapes of noble varieties - 10, sugar - 3 kg.

Cooking progress. Ideal varieties Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Rieslin. We send the grapes under the press and leave for 5 days, stirring once a day. Then strain into the reservoir, squeeze the berries through cheesecloth. Add sugar to taste, depending on your personal preferences and the sweetness of the berries themselves. We cork with a water seal and put in a dark and chilled place for fermentation for 21 days. After this time, you can pour the wine without touching the sediment. Leave for another 4 weeks to improve taste.

Homemade wine from red grapes

If you follow the recipe, you will get a very tasty wine with a bright aroma and a rich flavor bouquet.

Required Ingredients: grapes - 5 kg (Pinot Noir, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Isabella varieties), sugar - 1.5 kg.

Cooking progress. To create this wine, it is better to take Cabernet Sauvignon, Isabella, Merlot, Pinot Noir grapes. The berries that you selected must be pressed. We filter the juice into a saucepan and squeeze the berries there. We put on low heat and heat it up, pour out 750 g of sugar, stir until it is completely dissolved. Berry cake is placed in a vessel and poured into it with sweet juice. Cover and insist for 5 days. Do not forget to stir the mixture 2 times a day. Then we filter and squeeze again, pour everything into a clean bottle, pour out the rest of the necessary sugar and close it with a water seal. We leave for further fermentation for another 21 days. When the process is completed, pour again into a clean container, without affecting the sludge. We cork and clean in a place inaccessible to sunlight for 28 days. During this period, every 10 days it is necessary to pour the drink into a new tank, without sediment. Next, you should place the vessel with wine for at least another 28 days in the refrigerator.

Light grape wine

When water is added, the taste of the wine becomes more delicate and light. It is important to keep the right proportions.

Required Ingredients: grapes - 5 kg, sugar - 3 kg, water - 12 l.

Cooking progress. Prepare enameled dishes, squeeze the fruits you have selected in it. Cover and leave for 3 days, stir the mixture twice a day. We filter through cheesecloth into a bottle and squeeze out the rest, add 1/3 of granulated sugar, stir thoroughly, close with a hydrolock and leave to ferment for 1-2 months in a dark place. Once every 7 days it is necessary to pour into a new container, without precipitation. The remaining sugar must be added in the first 10 days. Dilute with water after another 7 days. After the fermentation process is completed, you can bottle the drink and put it in a cool and dark place. The taste will be better if it brews longer.

Dry grape wine at home

To make dry wine, you need grape varieties that contain 20% sugar.

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Required Ingredients: black or white grapes.

Cooking progress. The selected grapes are placed under a press and crushed. The resulting composition is left to infuse at room temperature. The white variety should cost at least a day, and the dark one from 3 to 5 days, during which time the berry cake should rise to the surface of the mixture. Then we filter and squeeze the juice into a vessel, close it with a water lock and send it to wander in a dark place for 10-25 days. When the period is over, it is necessary to pour into another tank without affecting the sediment and put in a cooling place. White wine is infused for 1 month, red wine for 2-3 months.

Grape wine Moldova

Properly prepared drink will be sweet, concentrated red color with the right tart aftertaste.

Required Ingredients: grapes - 30 kg, sugar - up to 5 kg, water - up to 10 liters.

Cooking progress. Press the selected fruits, set to infuse for 4 days, gently stirring twice a day. Strain into the tank, squeeze out the cake, add sugar, put on a glove on the neck and leave to ferment for 1-2 months in a place inaccessible to light at room temperature. Then we pour it into another vessel and put it in a cool place for six months to mature.

Homemade grape wine Lydia

By following the recipe, you will get a good drink that will delight you with a quality taste and sweet strawberry aroma.

Required Ingredients: grapes - 10 kg, sugar - 3 kg.

Cooking progress. We crush the berries you have chosen, put everything in the tank, cover and leave, at room temperature away from the light, infuse for 5 days. After straining, the pulp is no longer needed, pour the juice into a vessel and pour sugar, mix thoroughly. We close and set to wander in a darkened room for 21 days. We remove the drink from the sludge, fill the bottles with it. We put the containers in the cellar or pantry until the taste ripens for up to 40 days.

Homemade grape wine without sugar

So that the drink does not turn out to be too sour, you should choose sweet grapes for its preparation.

Required Ingredients: grapes of white varieties.

Cooking progress. The grapes that you have chosen are pressed and defended for 12-18 hours in the cool. Then we filter and remove the processed pulp. Pour everything into a bottle, cork with a water seal and put at room temperature for 21 days. After that, everything must be poured into another container, hermetically sealed and removed for another 21 days. After that, you need to repeat the procedure and also leave it for 1 month and pour it again without affecting the sediment. If the drink turns cloudy, it must be placed in a completely dark and chilled room with a temperature of 0- + 6ᵒC, preferably not less than 2 weeks. Pour the clear finished wine into bottles and place in the cellar for storage.

Grape wine in a jar

You can also prepare drinks in non-designated bottles, especially when you don’t have them on hand. For these purposes, you can use a regular jar.

Required Ingredients: grapes - 10 kg, sugar - 2.5 kg.

Cooking progress. Remove grapes from twigs and remove all stalks. Press everything in an enamel bowl, cover and leave for 4-5 days, stirring twice a day. Next, you should pass everything through a sieve, squeeze out the pulp and pour everything into jars. Pour granulated sugar into jars with juice in equal amounts and stir. Put rubber gloves on the jars, having previously made one hole in each of them. Set aside for fermentation for 14-21 days. Remove gloves, strain without touching the sediment at the bottom. Then you need to pour into bottles and put away for 1 month in a cool room. Every 10 days we pour the drink into another container. At the end of 30 days, you can try the resulting drink and put it in the cellar.

No water seal?

Well, okay!

An ordinary medical glove will help to make homemade wine.

She will sensibly tell and show at what stage the drink is, will not let it go sour and will greatly facilitate the process.

Homemade wine from grapes with a glove - general principles of preparation

Good wine is obtained only from a dry harvest harvested in sunny weather. It is desirable that at least three days pass after the rain. You can not use berries sprinkled on the ground, otherwise the drink will have an earthy taste.

Basic Rules:

1. Choose ripe grapes. Unripe berries contain a lot of acid. In heavily overripe grapes, vinegar fermentation could already begin, which will ruin everything and the wine will not turn out.

2. Berries are not washed, as they contain natural yeast. But you need to sort out the grapes carefully, remove rot, rubbish, leaves, cobwebs.

3. You need to crush the grapes with your hands, pestles, well, or with your feet, as they did before. It is not recommended to use a technique for grinding berries that can damage the bones and spoil the taste of the drink.

4. For homemade wine from grapes with a glove, it is convenient to use large jars of 10-20 liters with a standard neck. In this case, the container is filled no more than ¾. There should be room for the foam that rises during fermentation.

5. Do not use metal objects for winemaking. You need to stir the future drink with wooden, glass spoons, spatulas.

The glove acts as a water seal. It does not allow oxygen to enter the drink, but through a small hole on the finger it gradually releases the accumulated gas. The degree of puffiness determines the activity of fermentation. If the wine plays briskly, then the glove is additionally fixed with an elastic band.

Homemade wine from grapes with a glove (universal technology)

A simple recipe for homemade wine from grapes with a glove, which can be made from absolutely any variety: white, pink, black. You can mix several species if you need to determine the remains of the crop.


10 kg of grapes;

50-100 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice.


1. Dry grapes must be picked from debris, handed over with hands, leaving not a single whole berry.

2. Put the pulp in a large enameled pan or barrel, cover with a clean cloth, leave in a warm place for four days. During this time, the mass will begin to ferment, it is important that there is room for foam, at least a quarter of the pan should be free.

3. Every morning and evening, stir the mass with a spatula.

4. After 3-4 days, active fermentation will begin, the mass will foam well and rise. It's time to remove the pulp. A thick, upper cap is collected by hand, squeezed well, and thrown away.

5. The juice is filtered through 2 layers of gauze, immediately poured into jars, filling no more than 70% of the total volume.

6. It's time to put on the glove. Do not forget to make a hole in one of the fingers for the release of gases.

7. Now the container must be placed in heat (from 16 to 25 degrees) for fermentation. If everything goes right, the glove will inflate completely.

8. Adding sugar. After 3 days, you need to taste the drink. If it becomes sour, add 50 grams of sugar per liter of product. To do this, a small part of the drink is poured, mixed with sugar, heated on the stove until dissolved. Warm syrup is mixed with the rest of the mass.

9. After another 3-4 days, you need to try the drink again. If acid appears, sugar is added again. During the active phase of fermentation (14-28 days), you can add up to 4 times, depending on your taste.

10. After about 3 weeks, the glove will fall off, which means that the active phase of fermentation has ended. A layer of sediment will appear at the bottom of the bottle. From it you need to drain a translucent drink. To do this, use a straw, pour the drink into a clean jar. The glove is no longer useful, the jar is closed with a nylon lid.

11. Now the stage of quiet fermentation or maturation will begin. Its duration is from 40 days to a year. It is not recommended to store homemade wine anymore. During this time, the drink will be clarified, a precipitate may appear again, which must be removed. As soon as the wine becomes transparent, it can be poured into bottles.

Homemade grape wine with glove and water

Technology for making lighter homemade wine from grapes with a glove. Adding water dilutes the cloying taste, the drink turns out to be pleasant, thin. Yeast helps to play this drink.


2 kg of grapes;

400 g of sugar;

10 g of wine yeast;

3 liters of water;

1 tsp almond essence.


1. We sort out the grapes, knead, dilute with filtered water.

2. We leave it warm for 4 days, wait until the wort is ready, filter, squeeze out the liquid.

3. Add 200 g of sugar, yeast and almond essence, stir.

4. Put on a glove, leave for 4 days.

5. Add another 100 g of sugar, stir and leave for further fermentation. Periodically we try the drink, if necessary, add more sugar to your liking.

6. As soon as the glove falls off, you need to remove the wine from the sediment with a thin hose.

7. Remove the glove, cover the jar with a nylon lid, leave for another week. Remove the drink from the sediment again.

8. Now it can be left to ripen for a period of 1 to 12 months.

Homemade grape wine with a glove (fortified)

Properly wine is gaining degrees by adding the right amount of sugar. But at home, it is difficult to achieve a fortress of more than 10 degrees. In this case, alcohol is used for fixing.


5 kg of Isabella grapes;

600 g of sugar;

1 liter of alcohol;

100 g of sugar for every liter of juice.


1. Mash the berries, cover, leave for three days.

2. Strain the juice, squeeze out all the pulp, add granulated sugar, immediately pour out all 600 grams. Stir until all grains are dissolved.

3. Now the future wine needs to be poured into a jar, put on a glove, leave for 10 days.

4. Now you need to add more sugar at the rate of 100 g per liter, while adding 200 ml of water. If you have 5 liters of drink, you need 500 g of sugar and a liter of water. Heat the mixture on the stove.

5. Add warm syrup to the wine, put on the glove again, leave to ferment for another 5 days.

6. Now you need to add alcohol at the rate of 200 ml per liter of drink. Pour immediately into the wine, stir, pull on the glove. Wait for fermentation to complete.

7. As soon as the glove falls off, you need to drain the wine from the sediment, remove it for ripening.

Homemade wine from grapes with a glove (from juice)

Wine can be made from grape juice. But in this case, it should be fresh and freshly cooked. Extract the juice in any convenient way.


10 kg of grapes;

5 g concentrated wine yeast;

3 kg of sugar.


1. Squeeze out the juice from the grapes, mix with half of the granulated sugar and wine yeast until dissolved, pour into a jar.

2. Install a glove with a small hole, leave for 20 to 28 days.

3. Every 5 days, taste the wine, if you feel acidity, add more sugar at the rate of 50 g per liter.

4. As soon as the drink stops playing, remove it from the sediment for the first time.

5. Close the nylon cover, lower it into the basement. The air temperature should not exceed 15 degrees.

6. After a month, you can re-remove the drink from the sediment. Leave the wine to mature for 3-4 months.

Homemade wine from grapes with a glove "Muscat"

The recipe for muscat, blended wine, for which you need two grape varieties: "Isabella" and "Lydia". But a mixture of sage, oak bark and elderberry will add a special flavor to the drink.


1.2 liters of juice from Lydia grapes;

0.8 liters of Isabella juice;

320 g of sugar;

Oak bark, sage, elder flowers.


1. Cooking pure grape juice. To do this, knead the berries well, leave for several hours. Then we squeeze the pulp well with our hands, filter the drink through two layers of gauze. You don't need to filter the juice.

2. We measure the amount of juice of each type, following the recipe.

3. 200 g of granulated sugar is added, everything is thoroughly dissolved, a glove is installed.

4. The wine is left until the end of the active fermentation phase. Every 3-4 days, a spoonful of granulated sugar is added to it to maintain the process.

5. As soon as the glove falls off, you need to remove the drink from the sediment.

6. Pour the wine into a clean jar. It's time to add a gauze bag with a piece of oak bark, sage, elder flower. You don't need much.

7. Close, leave for a month.

8. Now the wine must be re-removed from the sediment. This sachet of flavors needs to be removed.

9. If the aroma of the wine is not rich enough, you can add a new bag of oak bark and sage, leave the drink to ripen for another 2 months.

Homemade wine from grapes with a glove - tips and tricks

The optimum fermentation temperature for wine from light berries is from 18 to 22 degrees. If the drink is made from dark grape varieties, then it will play better at 20-28 degrees.

Homemade wine is difficult to store. It stands wonderfully in the basement for one year at temperatures up to 10 degrees, then the taste deteriorates.

In winemaking, it is very important not to miss the stages so that the wine does not peroxide, does not turn into vinegar. Usually, a special calendar is created for this, it marks the dates and the number of additives, the fermentation period, and the temperature in the room. Through trial and error, they find their perfect recipe.

If the summer was rainy, the grapes were sour or did not have time to ripen in the sun, feel free to increase the amount of sugar.

Grapes turn into vinegar very quickly. Therefore, the harvested grapes must be processed immediately on the same day.

Wine has long been considered a noble drink. A good drink is a rarity, the price for it is consistently high. And there are more and more fakes, with chemical additives and an unpleasant taste. If you know how to make homemade wine, you can get a divine drink with a harmonious taste and pleasant aroma. People who make wine for many years have their own secrets of preparation. We make homemade wine no worse than industrial wine.

Types of house wine

There are several types of homemade wines:

Homemade fruit wine

  • Fruit. It is prepared from pear or apple juice.
  • Grape. From wine grapes. No ingredients other than grapes, sugar and wooden barrels can be used in such wines. Professionals consider only this drink a real wine.
  • Berry wines. The material for this type of wine is all kinds of berries, both garden and forest.

Wines are also classified by color and amount of sugar and alcohol:

  • Red - from red grapes
  • White - from white grapes
  • Rose - made from grapes without skins, as well as by mixing different varieties of wine.
  • Multi-varietal wines. These are combined wines. There are two types. Blending - when ready-made, fermented wine is mixed, while each grape variety ferments separately. Semazhnye - when different varieties of grapes roam in the same container.

By amount of sugar:

  • Dry - wine without sugar
  • Semi-dry - sugar up to 3%
  • Semi-sweet - up to 8% sugar
  • Fortified wines - wines with an alcohol content of more than 17%

The best recipes for homemade wines

Most experts tend to believe that true wine is made only from grapes. Like it or not, there are several recipes for making wine at home.

  1. Currant wine. To prepare it you will need:

Pour sugar into the berries and then follow the recipe

Blackcurrant - 2 parts

Water - 3 parts

Sugar - 1 part

Carefully sort through all the berries and remove unripe and bad ones. .

Important! You can not wash currants, otherwise all natural yeast will disappear.

Finely chop all the berries with a crusher or meat grinder. Dissolve half of the sugar in boiled and cooled water. For fermentation, you will need a glass bottle in which currants are placed and water with sugar is poured. Since the fermentation process is very intensive, the container should not be filled more than 2/3. Fermentation takes place in a dark warm room for 4 days. To prevent the workpiece from sour, the contents of the bottle must be stirred several times a day. After 4 days, after the appearance of signs of fermentation, filter the mixture. The liquid is squeezed out of the separated berries, add a pound of sugar to it, stir and add to the juice. Pour this juice into a bottle and put on a latex glove with a hole in the thumb. Again, place the bottle in a dark, warm room for 3-4 weeks. Until the end of fermentation, add the remaining sugar, 2-3 times. After the end of the fermentation period, a light precipitate appears. Pour the future wine into another container and put it in a cooler room for 2 months. Every 20 days, pour into another clean container. After 2 months, bottle the wine.

How to make homemade redcurrant wine can be found in this article.

  1. Apple wine. Sour varieties of apples are best suited, while so that the wine does not sour, you can add water if desired.

You will need apples and sugar at the rate of 800g. For every bucket of apples. Water optional. Juice with pulp should be poured into a container and add sugar 200-300g per liter of pure juice. Remove the pulp after three days. Pour the juice into a bottle with a glove and leave to ferment in a warm room. Fermentation takes about a month, then it will be noticeable on the glove that the process is over. If a young wine has a sharp taste, therefore, it needs to ripen. Separate from the sediment, bottle and put in the cellar.

These are not all recipes for homemade wines, but the most popular, true wine, of course, remains grape wine. Recipes and secrets of making homemade wine are very diverse. The result depends on the grape variety, and on the year of its harvest, and on numerous other factors.

Harvest for grape wine

Preparing grapes for processing

Considering the technology by which homemade wine is made, it is worth noting the process of grape harvesting. If the year turned out to be sunny, the amount of sugar can be reduced. In rainy and cool summers, wine will require more sugar. It is important to capture the moment of maturity. If the raw materials for wine are unripe, the wine will turn out to be of poor quality, and overripe grapes will lead to souring of the wine until the formation of vinegar. The most suitable grape varieties are Isabella, Seiber, Moldova, Lydia, Golden Ray, Aligote, Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon. The main characteristics of all wine varieties are that wine varieties have smaller clusters and berries than table varieties. Wine grapes are more juicy and contain more coloring substances. It is necessary to collect grapes on a warm sunny day, preferably the absence of rain two to three days before harvest. Sort out the berries. There should be no rotten and unripe, as well as leaves and debris. Sort very carefully, there are cases when a few rotten berries made a barrel of wine unusable. Enough time must pass since the last chemical treatment, otherwise you will have to wash the grapes and add artificial yeast for fermentation. Grapes should not stand after harvest. The faster you start crushing, the less likely it is to spoil the wine. You can't wash grapes. If there is a small amount of grapes, it is advisable to separate the berries from the brush. They give the wine an unnecessary bitterness. That is why it is bad for wine to use grape varieties with a stone.

Container for wine

To make wine at home, it is desirable to have a cellar, and in it a wooden barrel. This container, in which the wine is stored for a long time and does not change the taste. In extreme cases, stainless steel is suitable, but, in no case, not rusting metal. In the process of oxidation, changes in the taste of wine and its quality occur. Before use, any barrel (even stainless steel) should be washed from past use, and then poured with boiling water and sprinkled with walnut leaves. Walnut leaves will remove the smell of last year's wine.

Preparation of various types of grape wine

Wine can be brewed in the cellar

Red wine at home is made from dark grape varieties. They give the drink its characteristic color. For the preparation of dry wine, without the addition of sugar, certain grape varieties are required (they must have enough sugar). For the preparation of Muscat dessert wine, Muscat varieties are used. Adding water is strongly discouraged. The more water, the worse the quality of the wine. After harvesting, we immediately begin to make homemade wine. Based on a simple recipe for homemade wine. First of all, gently crush the grapes. This can be done with your hands or feet (naturally clean), you can use a special crusher, but in no case, not with a meat grinder or blender, because if there are bones, they must remain intact. Leave the resulting product together with the pulp for two days, while covering it with gauze from insects. After a few days, the "cap" will rise on the juice. During these days, the wort is stirred preferably several times. After raising the “cap”, drain the juice and separate it from the cake. We don’t throw out the cake, but put it in a drag to squeeze the juice. This juice is added to the main one and placed in a barrel in the basement. Ideally, if the barrel is oak, as the porous structure of the tree will give a unique aroma to your wine and will not affect the final taste of the product. Wine should play for 40 days. At this time, a gas outlet structure should be installed in the basement. Otherwise, carbon dioxide can displace oxygen, and a person risks suffocating in this room. Place the end of the gas outlet tube in a jar of water. So it will be seen when the wine stops "playing". After the wine has stopped playing, if desired, it can be separated from the sediment. Drain very carefully so as not to mix with the sediment and not spoil. If the wine is made in large quantities and there are several barrels in the cellar, this is usually not done. If water is added, then this must be done after draining the juice. Water is added for grapes grown in cold climates or if the juice is very acidic. Real professionals who know how to prepare this drink with their own hands do not recommend pouring in water. In this case, the cake is not squeezed out, but water is added to it. It should be as much as juice. We are waiting for the “cap” to rise again and drain the “wine water”. Pour sugar into it about 1 kg per bucket. Heat up to about 40 degrees. Pour into main juice. Further, everything is as in the first option.

Important! The recipe for white wine is different in that the pomace is removed immediately. It does not participate in the fermentation process. For the preparation of rosé wine, there are grape varieties with a specific color. Rosé wine is also obtained by removing the skin from grapes. This process is very time-consuming at home, so this type of do-it-yourself production is not often done.

If the wine is prepared for long-term storage, it is advisable to bottle it from the barrel and cork it. You can store homemade red wine in the cellar. The fact is that in a barrel that is not hermetically closed, wine can continue to play, and as a result, acetic souring will occur. You can store homemade wine only in airtight containers!

Features of the preparation of fortified wine

Fortified - wine with an alcohol content of more than 17%. Homemade wine can be made fortified in two ways. The first is due to sugar. Every 20 g of sugar per 1 liter of wort add 1 degree of strength. The second is simple medical alcohol. It is added during fermentation based on 1 liter of wort 200 ml of alcohol. The first method is preferable, since the addition of alcohol degrades the quality of the drink.

Young wine must be aged to give it a unique taste. To do this, the finished wine is corked into a bottle and buried in the sand. Be sure to store it in a horizontal position. Choose a place very carefully so that it is not flooded with groundwater. According to the rules of production, the wine is aged for 25 years. But wine made at home is rarely aged for more than six months. In the process of exposure, the main thing is to prevent air from entering. If there is no wax or sealing wax at hand, you can use simple plasticine to cover all the risky places around the cork.

Subject to all the rules and with high-quality raw materials, wine made at home and with one's own hands is no different, and in some respects surpasses the industrial product.

How to make homemade wine: simple recipes

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Winemaking and the process of making wine from grapes is a real art, the rules and basic secrets of which must be learned over the years. If you know some cooking conditions and follow the instructions, you can make high-quality grape wine with your own hands. It is clear that this will not be a masterpiece, but with careful observance of all conditions, it will be guaranteed to be better than those wines that are usually purchased in stores.

Below, attention will be drawn to the process of making wine from white and red grapes and cherries in normal home conditions. All recipes are quite simple, often the cooking process requires only sugar, berries and some water, as well as compliance with a certain technology.

Before you start making wine from cherries or grapes, you should make sure that the equipment for making wine and containers are prepared. In order not to infect the juice with various pathogenic bacteria, such as mold, such containers should be as dry and crystal clear as possible.

Bottles, kegs and buckets can be smoked with a sulfur compound. Thus, it is commonly received in modern industry. You can also rinse all the containers with boiled water, and then wipe everything very carefully with a dry cloth.

After preparing the necessary containers, you will need to prepare the necessary ingredients. Among them are:

  • 10 kg of grapes;
  • Approximately 100-200 grams of sugar in proportion to a liter of juice;
  • Water in an amount of 100 ml, but sometimes it is not required.

Water is needed if the juice is very acidic. In this case, it is important to remember that the use of sugar in itself reduces acidity. In all other cases, the process of preparing and diluting wine with water significantly impairs its overall taste, therefore it is not recommended to do this.

The most popular grape wine recipe

Processing and harvesting must be carried out in such a way that the yeast necessary for fermentation remains on the fruits of the cherry or grape. To do this, the berries from the bushes should be removed in dry weather. There was no rain for about two or three days before the harvest.

The step-by-step process of making wine from grapes at home will be correct if you take only fully ripe berries. If the grapes are unripe, if there is a lot of acid in it, and fermentation begins in the berries, after a certain time it can spoil all the squeezed juice, that is, the must. In addition, it is strongly not recommended to collect and add carrion to the collection, as it gives the wine an unpleasant taste, reminiscent of the taste of the earth. All plucked berries should be processed for no more than two days. Next, the following sequence of actions is carried out:

  1. All harvested grapes must be very carefully sorted out, removing all leaves and twigs, as well as rotten, unripe or moldy berries.
  2. After that, the berries must be crushed, and the resulting pulp and juice should be placed in an enamel bowl. A bowl made of plastic will also work.
  3. The container is filled with a mixture of about three quarters of the volume.
  4. You need to crush the berries with your hands, which will allow you not to damage the bones. They contain substances that give the wine a bitter taste. If there are a lot of fruits, they should be kneaded as carefully as possible with a special wooden rolling pin.

It is best to use wooden fixtures, as contact with metal often causes severe oxidation, which significantly impairs the taste of the wine. For this reason, the berries are always kneaded with wooden spoons and rolling pins or hands, and the resulting composition is placed in an enamel bowl or pan, you can also use containers made of special food-grade plastic or wood.

The pulp container must be covered with clean material to protect the composition from flies. All this is placed for about 3 days in a dark place where the constant temperature is 25 degrees. After 15-20 hours, the juice starts fermentation processes, a cap from the gathered skin immediately appears on the surface. It must be knocked down a couple of times a day, constantly stirring the pulp with a hand or a stick. If you do not carry out this process, the composition can quickly sour.

The process of preparing and extracting juice

After about three or four days, the pulp becomes an order of magnitude lighter, a slightly sour smell appears, and a slight hiss is also heard. All this suggests that the fermentation has successfully started, which means that it is time to squeeze out all the juice received.

The topmost layer, which consists of the peel, must be collected in a separate container, carefully squeezed out with a special press or by hand. The entire volume of juice that drains from the sediment, as well as the mixture that we press from the pulp, must be filtered through pre-prepared gauze. It is necessary to pour from one container to another two or three times. Such a transfusion not only effectively removes small particles, but also saturates the juice with oxygen that is useful for wine. All this ensures the normal operation of wine yeast, and at the very initial stage.

In the process of working with unripe or growing in the north latitudes, it is often necessary to add water. The amount of water is in the proportion of 100 ml per liter, not more, as a large amount of water will spoil the overall quality of the wine. It's much better to leave some acidity in the wine, as the overall concentration of acids decreases slightly during normal fermentation.

The resulting pure juice is filled with containers intended for fermentation. Filling is carried out to a maximum of 70% of the total volume. For this purpose, it is better to use bottles made of glass, and jars are also suitable if the volume of bottles is insufficient.

Water simple lock

To prevent homemade wine from becoming sour, it must be protected from constant contact with air. Thus, the output of a by-product from fermentation, that is, carbon dioxide, is ensured. This process can be carried out by installing a structure on a special container with juice, which is called a water seal. A classical water lock made of a tube, a jar and a lid is optimally suited. A simple medical glove, in which a hole was made in one finger, has proven itself relatively well.

The design features of the water seal do not really matter, but if convenience is achieved, it is better to put an ordinary classic water seal on the bottles used, and a lock or glove is put on the containers themselves.

Active initial fermentation

Immediately after the installation of the water seal, all used containers in which the juice has already fermented will need to be provided with the most comfortable temperature conditions. The optimal temperature for homemade red grape wine in this case is the range from 22 to 29 degrees. For white, a mode up to 22 degrees is suitable. It is strictly forbidden to allow the temperature regime to drop below 15 degrees. If this is allowed, the fermentation of the yeast will stop, that is, the sugar will not be processed into alcohol.

The process of adding sugar

There are several features and patterns regarding how you want to add sugar. It is worth highlighting the following requirements:

  1. 2% sugar in grape juice yields approximately 1% alcohol in a finished wine drink.
  2. In almost all regions of the country, the total sugar content of grapes is much less likely to exceed 20%. Without the addition of sugar, the wine can turn out with zero sweetness, but with 10% strength.
  3. On the other hand, the maximum possible strength of wine made at home is about 14%, more often 12%. If this concentration of alcohol is exceeded, the yeast will immediately stop working.

It is impossible to determine the initial sugar content of grapes in ordinary home conditions without the use of a special device. It is called a hydrometer. Many people think that it is possible to rely on numerous average values ​​for varieties, but this is also ineffective, since it will be necessary to obtain data on the level of sugar content of the selected variety in a particular climatic zone. In areas that are not wine-growing, no one usually makes such complex calculations, for this reason one has to focus on the taste characteristics of wine. It should be sweet, but not very.

In order to maintain an optimal level of fermentation throughout the preparation of wine, the total sugar content of such a must should not be more than 20%. To ensure this important condition, sugar is added in parts, that is, fractionally. After the start of fermentation, the wine is worth tasting. As soon as the taste of the wine becomes sour, as soon as the sugar has been processed, it will be necessary to add sugar in the amount of 50 grams per liter of juice formed. For this purpose, about two liters of wort is poured into a separate container, sugar is diluted in it. Only after that the resulting syrup is poured back into the bottle or barrel.

This procedure is repeated about three times and must be carried out in the very first 14-21 days of fermentation. As soon as the overall sugar content decreases very slowly, this will be proof that there is enough sugar.

In direct proportion to the general temperature regime, the amount of sugar and the general activity of yeast, the fermentation time of home-made wine is approximately 50 days.

Important! If fermentation does not stop even after 50 days after the installation of a water seal, in order to avoid the appearance of a bitter aftertaste, it is worth pouring the wine into another container and so that there is no sediment. Grape juice is also placed under a water seal and fermented under the same conditions.

Wine maturation

The time at which the formation of the final taste is carried out lasts approximately 60-360 days. A longer aging of homemade grape wine is not advisable, as it does not improve the basic properties of the drink.

The container with wine, preferably filled to the very top, is again placed under the water seal or is very tightly closed with a lid. Wine should be stored in a dark place. This can be a basement or cellar, where the temperature is usually maintained between 5 and 12 degrees. In the absence of such a room, young wine will need to provide a ripening temperature equal to about 20 degrees, but no more.
