
Blackberry wine recipe. Fortified drink with blueberries

Many gardeners have chokeberry growing on their plot as an ornamental shrub, which in our country is most often called chokeberry. An unpretentious winter-hardy plant, which is characterized by early maturity, not only decorates the garden, but also gives people the opportunity to improve their health. Indeed, in the composition of the berries there are many vitamins (A, B, C, E, PP), trace elements (boron, molybdenum, iodine, fluorine, iron, manganese, copper). The use of chokeberry has a beneficial effect on the state of blood vessels, reduces high blood pressure, and increases the level of immunity.

Aronia berries are sweet-sour, tart, black, about 7 mm in diameter, ripen in late August - early September. Jelly and mousses are made from chokeberry, dried for tea, fillings for pies are prepared, compotes are cooked. They also make homemade dessert wine from the berries - fragrant, moderately tart, pleasant sweet and sour in taste, maroon in color. The strength of the drink varies between 10-12%. Dry wine from chokeberry comes out too sour (the sugar content of the berries is no more than 10%), and the strength of the drink will be low. Not everyone loves sweet wine.

How to prepare chokeberry?

Chokeberry, as some winemakers call the berry for short, is harvested on a warm, dry day. The chokeberry is usually harvested in September, but if the weather allows, you can cut the berry crests in October, right up to the first frost. When collecting, you need to be careful, because the juice of chokeberry leaves marks on clothes that are poorly washed.

The whitish coating that is present on the berries does not need to be washed off. Otherwise, the yeast that lives on the berry skin will die. True, if the mountain ash was frozen, you will have to add wine yeast or unwashed raisins, otherwise the wine will not ferment. By the way, raisins are often added to wine even from fresh chokeberry, so that fermentation takes place actively.

For making wine from chokeberry at home, the highest quality berries will come in handy. From rotten, immature and spoiled fruits by birds (birds love to damage the berries of chokeberry) you need to get rid of, otherwise the taste of the drink will suffer. The ridges on which the berries are held, as well as accidentally plucked leaves, will also have to be removed.

By the way, only the chokeberry itself should be unwashed in the process of winemaking. The container for fermentation should be thoroughly washed, poured over with boiling water and dried. Also important is the cleanliness of hands, spoons for stirring the wort, sieves (gauze), a tube through which wine will be poured from the sediment. It is advisable to choose dishes for fermentation made of glass, stainless steel or with an intact enamel coating. Sometimes, in the absence of such, plastic containers are used, but this can adversely affect the taste and aromatic qualities of the wine. Tanks made of aluminum or copper are categorically not suitable for winemaking due to the tendency to oxidize.

Aronia wine recipe


  • Berries - 10 kg;
  • Sugar - 2 kg;
  • Water - 2 l;
  • Raisins - 100 g.

Cooking process

  1. Sort out the chokeberry berries, mash them unwashed (with your hands, with a wooden crusher, with the help of an electric meat grinder), place in a bowl of a suitable size;
  2. Pour half the cooked sugar (1 kg) and all the raisins (unwashed) into the berry mass. Mix the contents of the container well to dissolve the sugar;
  3. Close the bowl with the must with a lid or bandage with gauze. Take the container to a warm place (about 18-25 degrees) for a period of 3 to 10 days. You will need to periodically (twice or thrice a day) stir the contents of the container with your hand or a wooden spoon to prevent moldiness of the wort;
  4. When the berries swell and are on the surface, and when stirred, a strong foam appears, it's time to start filtering the wort from chokeberry. Terms vary from 3 to 10 days due to the room temperature and the degree of fermentation activity. So, squeeze out the pulp (the pulp and skin of the chokeberry that floated to the surface). It is not necessary to throw it away at this stage. Filter the chokeberry juice through cheesecloth and pour into a fermentation container. Put a water seal or a pierced medical glove on the neck and take the container to a warm room;
  5. To the remaining squeezed pulp, add a kilo of sugar and water at room temperature, mix well. Take away to heat, having previously covered with a lid or bandaged with gauze the dishes with the next portion of the wort. Wait 5-7 days, stirring occasionally. Strain the wort, then discard the pulp;
  6. Remove the water seal (glove) from the container where the chokeberry juice ferments. Sting the foam with a spoon, pour in a new portion of the wort. Put on the water seal (glove) again and leave to ferment for a period of 20 to 60 days;
  7. The following facts speak about the readiness of the wine: the appearance of sediment, the clarification of the wine, the absence of bubbles from the water seal, or the fall of the glove. When all these signs show themselves, the time will come to remove the wine from the sediment through a thin tube;
  8. The taste of the resulting wine is not so good, so it is better to let it mature. To do this, pour the filtered drink into a container of a suitable volume to the eyeballs and take it to a cool place (for example, in a cellar) for 3-6 months. As sediment appears, you will need to drain the wine into another container, otherwise the wine will be bitter;
  9. Pour the ripened black rowan wine into suitable bottles, store in a cellar, refrigerator or cellar for about 5 years.
If the strength of the drink is low (usually no more than 12%), you can pour a strong alcoholic drink - alcohol or vodka - into the young wine (before putting it to ripen). To the wine obtained according to this recipe, you can add 80 ml of alcohol or 160 ml of vodka for each liter of drink. Then the strength of the wine will increase to 20% (assuming that the original strength of the drink is 12%).

Frozen chokeberry wine recipe

If there are a lot of chokeberries in the summer cottage, and there are no large containers available, you can freeze the berries to use them later. If you wish, you can make wine from frozen berries year-round according to the previous recipe, but it is possible to speed up the process somewhat by getting rid of the pulp immediately after squeezing the juice. By the way, sometimes the taste of chokeberry wine is somewhat changed by adding a little cinnamon and cloves to the main ingredients at the initial stage.


  • Frozen chokeberry - 5 kg;
  • Sugar - 2.5 kg;
  • Water - 3 l;
  • Raisins - 200-250 g.

Cooking process

  1. Defrost blackberry berries. Squeeze out the juice, pour it into a fermentation tank, dispose of the pulp;
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients to the juice, mix;
  3. Install a water seal on the neck of the container (or put on a glove). Take away to heat for 1-2 months;
  4. When the fermentation is completed (a sediment appears, the wine becomes lighter, the glove deflates, and gurgling stops from the water seal), drain the wine from the sediment;
  5. Pour young wine from chokeberry berries into a container to the top, transfer to a cool place for at least 3 months. Filter the wine until the sediment stops forming.

Rowan chokeberry is a nondescript berry at first glance, which is not held in high esteem by most housewives.

Probably, they simply do not know that extraordinary homemade wine can be made from it.

Unlike many other alcoholic drinks, this one lowers blood pressure and is generally very beneficial.

Chokeberry wine at home - general principles of preparation

Beginning winemakers need to remember that when making wine from chokeberry at home, the berries are never washed. Even if they are dusty and dirty. In the process of fermentation, all foreign substances will turn into tartar, which is then easily removed.

Aronia berries contain little sugar, so dry wine is not very tasty, tart and sour. It is better to bypass such recipes and make a drink with the addition of granulated sugar.

Classic home technology:

1. Preparation of the wort (squeezing berries, adding sugar, water and other ingredients according to the recipe).

2. Stage of active fermentation. Usually lasts about 2 weeks. A glove is put on the bottle, the lid or neck is wrapped with gauze.

3. Stage of slow fermentation. A water seal is required.

4. Removal from the sediment. It is better to do it with a tube. It is not recommended to shake the drink or try to pour it by tilting the container.

5. Stage of maturation. Turns young wine into a full-fledged drink.

6. Storage and exposure. At this stage, the taste and aroma are revealed.

Home-made wine from chokeberry turns out to be quite thick, rich. Therefore, many winemakers prefer to reuse the strained pulp. To do this, water, sugar are added to it, they are allowed to ferment. Then both drinks are mixed. With this approach, more useful substances from berries pass into wine, the drink is lighter and more pleasant.

In winemaking, metal utensils cannot be used. Ideally, the drink is prepared in wooden barrels, but not everyone has such a luxury. Therefore, at home, glass bottles are usually used. You will also need a water seal, which can be purchased at the store or made independently.

Recipe 1: Chokeberry wine at home

According to this recipe, you can easily make dessert wine from chokeberry at home. The technology uses repeated fermentation of the pulp with sugar and water, which makes it possible to obtain a light, not sugary drink.


Rowan 3.5 kg;

700 ml of water;

Sugar 2.5 cups.


1. We sort out the rowan berries, put them in a large cup or pan. Grind and add 1.5 cups of sugar, mix several times.

2. Put the mass in a jar, cover with a lid and put it away for fermentation. On average, it will last a week. Periodically, the mass must be stirred.

3. After a week, strain the juice through a colander. No need to do this through cheesecloth, small particles should remain in the wine for further fermentation. Pour into a jar, put on a water seal.

4. Pour a glass of sugar into the pulp, add 0.5 liters of water, mix and let it ferment for 5-6 days.

5. We filter the wine from the pulp, mix it with the first juice and put everything under a common water seal. We remove for further fermentation, every 2-3 days you need to remove the foam.

6. When the fermentation is over, you need to drain the drink from the sediment and you can taste it. The drink is still young, for maturation you need to hold it in the cellar.

Recipe 2: Simple chokeberry wine at home

A light and cost-effective homemade chokeberry wine that yields well due to the addition of extra liquid. It is better to use well water or spring water, but if this is not possible, then boiled and settled.


5-6 kg of mountain ash;

Sugar 3 kg;

80 gr. raisins;

Water 5 liters.


1. Carefully crush the mountain ash, grind it with sugar, raisins and water. We mix everything well and put it away for fermentation. Stir every other day.

2. When the active game of wine is over, you need to strain the drink through a colander. Squeeze out the pulp and discard.

3. Drain the liquid into a bottle, put it under a water seal for about 40-60 days. As soon as the fermentation process is over, remove the sediment, bottle the drink and put it away for 3 months in a cool room.

Recipe 3: Homemade chokeberry wine with grapes

A feature of this home-made chokeberry wine with grapes is a classic aroma. The recipe will help out if there are different berries, but you don’t want to make a drink separately. And it’s also good because you don’t need to worry about weak fermentation, it will definitely be good with grapes.

Required Ingredients

Grapes 5 kg;

5 kg of chokeberry;

1.8 kg of sugar;

Water 5 l.


1. We separate the grapes from the branches, along the way we sort out the spoiled, rotten and unripe ones. We also sort out the chokeberry.

2. We knead all the berries with our hands, pour out the sugar, pour out the water, put it away for fermentation.

3. When the future wine stops playing, we filter and remove for 1.5 months for further fermentation.

4. Filter, bottle and let the wine mature for 2-3 months.

Recipe 4: Cherry wine from chokeberry at home

Chokeberry pleases with a harvest in autumn, usually in September, and cherry is a summer berry. So how can you make a drink? In fact, such wine from chokeberry is prepared at home by adding cherry leaves. We can say that this is a snag, but it does not interfere with getting an unusually fragrant, bright drink.

Required Ingredients

3 kg of chokeberry;

A handful of cherry leaves;

Water 0.5 l;

A handful of raisins;

500 gr. Sahara.


1. Cherry leaves are thoroughly washed and dried.

2. Knead the berries well, add sugar, raisins, purified water, cherry leaves. We remove for fermentation.

3. We filter, put the shutter and keep the drink for another month. We check. If he is still sharp and has not outplayed, then we keep on.

4. We decanted from the sediment and put it away for storage. This recipe is good for fastening. You can add ordinary vodka, 0.5 liters is enough for this amount.

Recipe 5: Homemade chokeberry wine with apples

For some, the homemade version of this apple wine with chokeberry may seem too dreary due to the repeated addition of sugar, but the end result is worth it. A sweet, full-bodied drink with a summery fruity aroma that will delight you on winter evenings.

Required Products

3 kg of chokeberry;

Sugar 1.5 kg;

Apples 2 kg;

Water 1.8 l.

Cooking method

1. Cut the apples into small pieces, removing the seeds and core along the way. It is better to use ripe fruits, but without dark spots. We immediately cut out the wormholes, otherwise the final product will have an unpleasant aftertaste.

2. We sort out the chokeberry, knead it with 0.5 kg of sugar and send it to the apples. Add water, mix everything, tie the neck of the jar with a cloth or gauze. We clean for a week, every day the mass needs to be mixed.

3. After a week, add 500 gr. sugar, mix. In the third week, pour another 500 grams of sugar. Do not forget to stir daily or at least once every 2 days for another 2 weeks.

4. Let the wine ferment well for about a month. We do not touch the drink anymore, there is no need to stir. Then we filter, pour into a convenient container and put away for storage.

Recipe 6: Homemade Aronia Wine with Orange Flavor

Wine from chokeberry at home with orange flavor is made in several ways. For example, by adding juice or zest. The second option is much nicer and more fragrant. Therefore, we stock up on fragrant citrus peels and proceed to the preparation of the drink.

Required Ingredients

4 kg of chokeberry;

2.5 cups of sugar;

Oranges 3 pcs.;

1500 ml of water.


1. We sort out the chokeberry, knead it, add 2 cups of sugar, water. We remove for 10 days.

2. We take oranges, wash them thoroughly with laundry soap, dry them. Remove the zest and chop. You can simply do this with a grater, processing the fruit from all sides.

3. We filter our drink, squeeze the pulp. Add the crushed zest, the remaining sugar to the juice and let the future wine ferment for another week.

4. We filter again, put the shutter and keep the drink under it until the reaction stops completely, on average about a month.

5. We drain from the sediment and you can try young wine. To fully develop the taste, you need to send it to ripen in a dark and cool place.

Recipe 7: Strong chokeberry wine at home

For fortified wine from chokeberry at home, you need vodka. Similarly, alcohol can be used if it is possible to purchase it. Such drinks differ not only in degrees, but also in taste. Therefore, it is very important not to overdo it and not turn the wine into a strong tincture. It should not exceed 20 degrees, ideally 12-15 is enough.

Many mistakenly assume that you can add alcohol-containing drinks to finished wine and get a fortified analogue. In fact, the taste of such a product will be fusel. Alcohol or vodka should be added only to young wine after removal from the sediment, and then the tastes should “make friends” within 3-5 months.

Required Ingredients

5 liters of young wine;

1.2 liters of alcohol, it is better to use cognac.

Cooking method

1. Pour alcohol into the filtered young wine. It is important that it is completely fermented. Otherwise, the alcohol will destroy the bacteria, the unfinished process will stop and the good taste of the drink will not be achieved.

2. Mix thoroughly, send the drink for 10-15 days to the basement for clarification.

3. Filter again through 4 layers of gauze, bottle and store. The container must be kept in a horizontal position and periodically turned over to the other side so that the cork does not dry out.

Recipe 8: Chokeberry Wine at Home with Syrup

The technology of chokeberry wine according to this recipe differs from the classic version. Usually rowan berries do not give juice well, especially if they are not very ripe. Heating the product will solve this problem.

Required Ingredients

2.7 kg of mountain ash;

1.4 kg of granulated sugar;

Water 3 liters;

Raisins 150 gr.

Cooking method

1. Cooking syrup. To do this, dissolve all the sugar in a liter of water. We put on the stove, boil for a minute. We leave to cool.

2. Add the remaining 2 liters of water to the berries, bring to a boil, boil for a minute and cool to a warm state.

3. Mix the syrup with boiled berries. Add raisins and remove to ferment for 7-10 days. Periodically, you need to stir the berries with a wooden stick so that they do not become moldy.

Aronia wine at home - tricks and tips

Winemaking loves hands, especially men's. Therefore, do not use a blender or meat grinder to crush berries. The quality and original taste of the drink will suffer from this. It is advisable to do everything with your hands or a wooden pusher.

Chokeberry juice does not wash off clothes very well. Therefore, you need to engage in winemaking in an apron.

Unripe berries make the taste even more tart, poorly secrete juice, and slow down fermentation. It is better not to use them and immediately throw them away.

If the wine does not play well, then you can add a little raisins to it. You can also add a couple of handfuls of fresh raspberries if you have autumn berries. The taste will not change from this, but the process will go more actively.

At any stage of fermentation, mold can form on the surface, so the future drink needs to be stirred occasionally.

When choosing a recipe for making homemade wine, you do not need to hope that you will get a drink with the same degree as the author. The fortress is influenced by many factors: the maturity of the berries, the temperature in the room, the sweetness of sugar, the quality of the pulp extraction.

Simple recipes for homemade blackberry wine will turn a healthy, but not very tasty berry into a product that many will like. The cooking technology is designed for home use and does not require special equipment.

How to make homemade blackberry wine

The specific tart taste of chokeberry with a small amount of sugar dictates a special preparation technology and proportions of wine material and sugar. The most delicious dessert and fortified alcoholic drinks are obtained from this berry. A step-by-step recipe for homemade chokeberry wine includes the following steps:

  1. Preparation of raw materials at home.
  2. Wort production.
  3. Direct fermentation.
  4. Drink filtration.
  5. final maturation.

There are a few more important details, without which a good wine cannot be obtained. Many advise at home to reduce astringency to collect chokeberry after frost or even freeze it in the refrigerator. The astringency will decrease, but the yeast necessary for fermentation will die.

Do not use plastic or metal utensils to make wine from chokeberry. The only exception is stainless steel.

For wine from chokeberry at home, the following methods are used:

  • classical technology;
  • method with fermentation of the pulp;
  • cabaret technology.

The classic technology involves the use of juice squeezed from berries. In this case, the pulp is not used in the future. Since the juice from the dense pulp of chokeberry is hard to squeeze out, the effectiveness of this method at home is low - it contains a lot of nutrients.

With added yeast

The amount of sugar in chokeberry is small - it may simply not be enough for a full-fledged wine fermentation process. An additional introduction of ready-made yeast, most often wine, is required.

According to Cahors technology

This is an easy way, so it is available at home:

  1. Knead the chokeberry and squeeze the juice out of it, store in the refrigerator.
  2. The pulp is poured with boiled water cooled to 80 ° C. Then for a day it should stand.

    Advice! To enrich the heated wort with oxygen, it is poured several times through a colander or shaken in a bottle, divided into parts.

  3. Squeeze well and mix the juice.

You can pour the pulp with hot water 2 times - this allows you to make the most of the beneficial properties of chokeberry.


In this way, homemade wine from chokeberry is most often prepared:

  1. Squeeze out the juice from the mashed berries and place in the refrigerator.
  2. Pulp should be poured with boiled water with a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C. Then yeast, a little sugar are added and allowed to ferment. So that mold does not appear, and the fermentation of the chokeberry takes place actively - during the day it is precipitated several times, actively shaking.
  3. After 5–7 days, the pulp is squeezed out and mixed with the remaining juice.

In the future, the process at home goes according to the classical scheme.

The algorithm for making wine from chokeberry at home is shown in the video:

Fortified tincture on vodka

To prepare a fortified tincture, the berries do not need to be crushed.

For such a recipe you will need:

  • chokeberry - 1 kg;
  • vodka, alcohol or moonshine of good quality - 1 l;
  • sugar is added to taste.

Cooking steps:

  1. The sorted and washed berries are poured into dishes of the required volume and poured with an alcohol-containing liquid.

    Advice! It should cover the chokeberry by at least 1 cm.

  2. 300–500 g of granulated sugar is usually added to the indicated amount of ingredients, depending on taste. Shake the container to dissolve it.
  3. Infusion of chokeberry is carried out for 60 days at home: in the dark and cool, not forgetting to stir the contents of the container 2 times a week.
  4. After the procedure, the tincture of chokeberry is filtered through gauze.

Before tasting, the resulting drink from chokeberry is allowed to brew for 10-15 days.

Advice! Lemon or honey will add a delicious taste to the drink.

Homemade Black Rowan Wine Recipes

Homemade wine from chokeberry is prepared both from one type of berry, and with various additions. At home, it is possible to add juice of fruits or other fruits, currant or cherry leaves, spices.

A simple recipe for homemade black ashberry wine

A simple recipe for chokeberry wine at home without yeast is popular. To prepare it you will need:

  • 9 kg of berries - 5 liters of juice should be obtained from them;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • granulated sugar - from 250 to 300 g per liter of must.

Cooking algorithm:

You can use the recipe for wine at home from black mountain ash with the addition of yeast. A feature of this process is the gradual addition of sugar. Its amount is calculated from the desired strength of blackberry wine. Every 20 g of sweetener per 1 liter of wort gives a strength of 1 °. Do not forget about the berry's own sugar content - usually its value is taken as 5%.

To make strong blackberry wine at home, you will need:

  • 9.1 kg of berries, from which 5 liters of juice will be obtained;
  • 3.1 liters of water;
  • 3.1 kg of sugar.

To get dessert wine you need to take:

  • 9 kg of chokeberry;
  • 2.8 liters of water;
  • 3.7 kg of sugar.

To make liquor-type blackberry wine at home, you only need to increase the amount of sugar - it will take 6.35 kg.

Dessert preparation technology:

  1. The washed berries are crushed and the juice is squeezed out. Then put in the refrigerator.
  2. Pour the pulp with half of the prepared water at a temperature of about 80 ° C. Drain the infusion after cooling and repeat the procedure. Both infusions and juice are mixed. As a result, at home, you should get 10 liters of wort. Add 1.5 kg of sugar and mix.
  3. Wine yeast is added to the resulting wort. They are prepared 5 days before the procedure, placed in a dry bottle. Fill with water at a temperature of 20 ° C. The neck of the vessel is closed with a piece of cotton wool. A day later, 0.5 tsp should be added to the bottle with the preparation of wine from chokeberry. granulated sugar. The resulting mixture should ferment in warmth, but not in the sun, for 2 to 4 days.

    Advice! You need to prepare a starter from 2 tbsp. raspberries, 1 tbsp. water and 1/2 tbsp. sugar and strain thoroughly. It is usable after 4 days.

  4. The yeast component is placed in the wort and a water seal is installed. Fermentation at home should take place in the dark at room temperature. Every 5-7 days of active fermentation of the wort, 730 g of sweetener is added to it.
  5. Immediately after precipitation, chokeberry wine should be bottled so as not to reach the top, and left in a cool place for a period of quiet fermentation, which is a month. Clog the vessels loosely so that the resulting carbon dioxide evaporates.
  6. It is recommended to drain the sediment of wine from chokeberry at home every week. After a quiet fermentation, it can be further sweetened or fixed with vodka.

It is better to keep the drink for at least a year.

From chokeberry and blueberries

This wine can be prepared in two ways at home. The first method is in the form of fortified, which is a regular liqueur. This method of preparation has already been described above, it is enough to add 1 kg of blueberries and double the amount of sweetener and vodka. The technology of cooking at home is the same. It is possible at the stage of preparation of the wort to replace part of the chokeberry with blueberries.

With cherry leaves

You will get a wine that is close to tincture in its characteristics. For the process at home you will need:

  • 200 g cherry leaves;
  • 2 tsp citric acid;
  • 2 kg of chokeberry;
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 2 la of water.

How to cook:

  1. Washed and mashed berries are laid out in a saucepan. Add leaves and water to them, simmer for half an hour after boiling.
  2. Cool slightly and strain into another saucepan, add sugar. After dissolution, heat again and simmer for another 15 minutes.
  3. When it cools down, the preparation of chokeberry wine is mixed with vodka.
  4. In a sterile container, the mixture should be infused for at least 3 weeks in a cool place.

With lemon zest

To make wine from chokeberry at home with lemon zest, you can use the black ashberry recipe with the addition of yeast. To the indicated amount of ingredients, you will need to add the zest of 9 lemons. It is added along with sugar after a week and a half of rapid fermentation of chokeberry wine.

With apple juice

This wine is prepared quickly. For a homemade recipe you will need:

  • 6 liters of apple juice;
  • 1 kg of chokeberry;
  • sugar - from 1 to 2 kg (to taste).

Also, the amount of sweetener is affected by the variety of apples from which the juice is prepared. The more acidic the fruit, the more you need to sweeten the chokeberry drink.


  1. Prepare apple juice. Chopped sorted chokeberry and sugar are added to it. You can not wash the berries before this.
  2. The prepared wort should ferment for 4-5 days in the warmth at home. The container is covered with a thin cloth or gauze. The wort is stirred 2 times a day.
  3. Pour wine from chokeberry into a bottle and install a water seal. The fermentation process lasts up to one and a half months.
  4. Drain the sediment of the wine from the chokeberry, bottle it and keep it for another 2 months.

with raisins


  • 10 kg of berries;
  • 4 kg of sugar;
  • 2 liters of clean water, boiled or spring;
  • 100 g raisins.

Advice! Raisins are chosen not processed - only in this case, natural wine yeast is preserved. You can not wash it, you just need to soak for a day before use.

Steps at home:

  1. They collect benign berries of chokeberry, carefully cut them off from the brushes. Grind with a blender. It is not necessary to wash the berries - natural yeast must be preserved on them.
  2. Pour 2 kg of sugar and pour 1 liter of water at room temperature.
  3. Keep at home for a week, covered with gauze. At the same time, the wort must be stirred 2 times a day - otherwise it will turn sour or moldy.

    Attention! It is impossible to close the container tightly with a lid - oxygen must flow into it.

  4. Strain the contents of the container without discarding the pulp.
  5. Pour the blank from chokeberry into a clean bottle and install a water seal. If it is not available, it is allowed to use an ordinary medical rubber glove with pierced fingers.
  6. Pour the pulp with the remaining sugar and pour another 1 liter of water. Remember to stir 2 times a day.
  7. After 5 days, the billet of blackberry wine is filtered. The pulp is no longer needed.
  8. Mix both portions of the juice and re-install the water seal.
  9. Once a week, the wort is poured into a new clean bottle, not forgetting to close it with a water seal. This must be done carefully so as not to disturb the sediment that has collected at the bottom.
  10. As soon as fermentation is over, gas bubbles will cease to be released, the glove will fall off. Now the chokeberry wine is filtered and poured into glassware to the very top. Then you need to tightly close the lid.
  11. The maturation of chokeberry wine lasts 3 months at home. After that, it is filtered for the last time, bottled again and put into storage.

With cloves and cinnamon

This is a drink from the liqueur group. There is no fermentation process as such, but insistence is present. Spices mask the vodka smell well.


  • 700 g of chokeberry;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 350 g of sugar and vodka;
  • 5 clove buds and 1 cinnamon stick.

If desired, citric acid is added to the chokeberry drink.

How to cook at home:

  1. Washed chokeberry is boiled in water for half an hour.
  2. After 12 hours of infusion filtered. Add sugar and bring to a boil. Mix with the rest of the ingredients and remove from heat.
  3. Cool, filter. Now you need to pour the wine from the chokeberry into bottles or you can immediately serve it on the table.

Terms and conditions of storage

Proper storage at home contributes to the preservation of the quality and durability of wine:

  1. It is better to pour wine from chokeberry into glass bottles and close them with natural corks. Store glassware with wine in a horizontal position. Plastic bottles are placed vertically.
  2. It is not recommended to store wine from chokeberry for more than 3 years - aroma, color and taste are lost.
  3. The required darkness and coolness can be provided by the basement.
  4. Aronia wine may form sediment during storage. If this happens, it will have to be carefully drained into a new dish.


Blackberry wine at home allows you to fully preserve the healing properties of the berry for a long time. At the same time, it has a pleasant taste and beautiful color.

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In the small berries of chokeberry (chokeberry) there is a whole bunch of useful substances. This berry removes toxins from the body, regulates the functioning of the intestines, it is recommended for cancer.

The unique properties of the fruits of the chokeberry are accumulated in wine, endowing it with healing properties. A glass of rowan wine (no more than 100 ml per day) will help increase immunity, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and improve blood clotting.

Aronia wine is taken daily: one tablespoon thirty minutes before a meal (the norm per day is 75-100 ml!) With changes in blood pressure, high cholesterol, and many other diseases.

Healthy blackberry wine is not difficult to make at home. An intoxicating drink made from chokeberry is very rich, tasty, it has a beautiful color: different shades of ruby.

The step-by-step recipe for such a drink does not differ from the preparation of other types of fruit and berry wines:

  • collection and preparation of berries;
  • obtaining juice (must);
  • fermentation process,
  • filtration of young wine;
  • drink maturation.

If the wine will be used for medicinal purposes, then choose a recipe whose ingredients do not contain yeast. To stimulate the fermentation process, instead of wine yeast, raisins, raspberries or rose hips are often used as a starter culture.

Technologies and secrets

Choosing the right recipe for wine from chokeberry is not difficult. There are many recipes for every taste: from simple classic to original versions with various additional ingredients.

It should be noted that dry (table) wines from chokeberry are quite tart. The best option is to make dessert or fortified (liqueur) wine from chokeberry at home. To obtain wine, it is possible to choose different technologies.

traditional technology

In this technique (classic recipe), juice is obtained from fresh berries without subjecting the pulp to heat treatment. The next step is to add sugar and yeast to the pulp. This recipe has a serious drawback: the juice in the berries is not used effectively. A lot of juice is in the berry gruel, there are also a lot of useful substances.

Usually such a pulp is not thrown away, you can make marshmallow from it, make jam and other culinary goodies.

Therefore, winemakers strive to use a recipe that will translate into wine the maximum possible set of useful substances.


This is one of the most popular technology for making wine from mountain ash among winemakers. The technology of the process is as follows: the berries are thoroughly kneaded, the juice is squeezed out of the resulting mass. Pour it into a clean container, send it to the refrigerator.

The remaining pulp is poured with boiled water for fermentation. The mixture must be stirred very often so that the process proceeds normally and the workpiece does not deteriorate. Then the pulp is squeezed out. The entrusted liquid is combined with the previously squeezed juice.

Further, the process proceeds according to the classical scheme. The disadvantage of this method: rowan pulp is rather capricious, it must be controlled and mixed regularly. This method is suitable for winemakers who already have some experience in making wines.

Cahors technology

The optimal method for making wine from chokeberry at home for beginners is Cahors. Immediately after squeezing the juice from the mashed berries, the pulp is poured with boiled water, the temperature of which should be about 80 ° C. The mixture is left to swell for a day.

Then the pulp is carefully squeezed out. The resulting juice is added to the previously squeezed. Heat treatment of pulp can be carried out 2-3 times. This technology allows you to get a wort with a maximum of nutrients.
So, we got acquainted with the main features of making wine from chokeberry, we offer a step-by-step recipe for making it, which will allow you to make a high-quality and healthy drink.

Classic raisin recipe

This is almost a classic recipe. Instead of yeast, raisins from dark grape varieties and Cahors technology are used.


  • fruits of chokeberry - 5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg (200 g per 1 kg of fruit);
  • raisins (unwashed) - 50-70 g;
  • boiled water at room temperature - 1 liter.

The wine prepared according to this recipe will delight you with a delicate aroma and exquisite taste. And, besides, in a glass of such a drink there will be a whole bunch of useful components.

At home, other fruits are often added to tart rowan berries and original drinks with a milder taste are obtained. The most successful combination is rowan and different varieties of apples. From the above, the recipe differs in that when preparing the must, apple juice is added (for 2 kg of rowan berries - 1 kg of apples and sugar).

Fortified chokeberry wine with spice aroma

Instant fortified wines are made from chokeberry. These are drinks of the liqueur group, they are usually sweet. They are prepared without yeast. These wines often have strong aromatic spices added to "mask" the smell of the vodka.


  • chokeberry - 700 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • sugar - 250-350 g;
  • vodka - 350 ml;
  • citric acid - optional;
  • cloves - 5 pcs.;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick.

Now you can cook delicious and healthy wine from chokeberry at home.
