
Cakes with cottage cheese filling from childhood. Curd pie (Royal cheesecake)

I saw the recipe for such a curd cake in the blog of flamebelle. At the heart of the cake is a royal cheesecake familiar to many, but with a more solid layer of curd filling, poured on top with a pleasant cream. The result is a juicy and very tasty cake.

The cream is unpretentious in composition - it is sour cream with condensed milk, they are poured over a hot base immediately after the oven. Marble or other pattern on the surface is done with melted chocolate, chocolate syrup or, in my version, carob syrup (carob).

Such a cake with cottage cheese filling is suitable even for festive tea parties, and on a normal day it will add a positive mood and a good portion of calcium :)

To prepare the cottage cheese cake, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

To prepare the dough crumbs, you need to grind the butter, sugar and flour with baking powder. It is most convenient to do this with the help of household appliances, but it is also easy to do it manually.

Divide the resulting crumbly mass into two parts: for the lower and for the upper layer of dough.

For the curd filling, mix the cottage cheese, eggs, sugar and vanilla sugar. If the filling looks too runny, add 1 tbsp. starch. It is advisable to take cottage cheese with a high fat content (more than 9%).

Homogeneity of the curd mass for the filling is most easily achieved using the immersion nozzle of a blender.

Turn on the oven at 180-200 degrees. Take a suitable form, preferably rectangular and detachable, but any will do, for example, a round detachable with a diameter of 22-24 cm. Lubricate the form with oil, the bottom can be laid with baking paper. It is necessary to pour out and level half of the crumb dough.

Pour the curd filling in an even layer on top. Add raisins if desired.

Top with the rest of the batter and smooth it out. Place the mold in the oven for 45 minutes to 1 hour, the curd filling should be baked, and the dough on top should be browned.

Five minutes before the cake base is ready, mix sour cream and condensed milk for cream. Immediately after the oven, pour the cream on the base.

Then make a decoration, for example, drip or pour over the cream with melted chocolate or syrup. Marble drawing is done with a spoon, which makes stains. With the help of a wooden toothpick, artistic or ... chaotic drawings are made.

After cooling and cooling, the cream will seize - it will be convenient to cut into portioned cakes.

The cheesecake is ready.

Happy tea!

First, prepare the curd layer:

Grind cottage cheese in a meat grinder (in a blender) or rub through a sieve, add soft butter, potato starch and vanilla sugar. Mix.

Washed raisins pour boiling water for 5 minutes, then dry.

Grind 2 egg yolks with 50 grams of sugar. Beat 2 chilled egg whites in a dry bowl, which, before whipping, place in the refrigerator for 10 minutes, adding 1 teaspoon of 100 grams of sugar. Mix the yolks and beaten proteins into the curd mass. Add raisins and mix gently.

Form (I have 25x17 cm) grease with oil and dust with flour.

Put the curd mass inside the mold and put it in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10 minutes.

During this time, prepare the dough for a smart cake:

Melt butter (or margarine) and let cool. Combine egg yolks, sugar, vanilla and water. Beat with a mixer. Add cooled butter (or margarine) and beat. Add some flour.

Pour 500 ml of warm milk in a thin stream and mix until smooth. Whisk the cooled egg whites until firm foam in a dry bowl, place in the refrigerator for 10 minutes before beating. Add the whites and mix well from the bottom up with a spoon, the dough will be liquid.

Pour the batter gently over the warm curd layer.

Cottage cheese pie- a recipe that has many options. Firstly, a cottage cheese pie is one thing, a cottage cheese pie recipe, and another is a cottage cheese pie. If you are interested in the first option for making a pie, the cottage cheese dough is prepared in a slightly different way. Be sure to look at how the cottage cheese pie is prepared, the photo will answer all your questions. Sweet pie and cottage cheese sometimes even resembles a cake. For example, you can cook such a tender cake: cottage cheese, strawberries and cream. In addition, you can make a pie in which the dough with cottage cheese is not kneaded together, but where the cottage cheese is mainly a filling. The dough for a pie with cottage cheese is used in a variety of ways. They prepare shortbread dough with cottage cheese, a pie with cottage cheese and yeast cherries, a puff pie with cottage cheese and apples, a shortbread pie with cottage cheese and dried apricots, blueberries, a yeast-free pie with cottage cheese. A recipe whose photo will appeal to you and is worth trying to cook. It turns out very tasty royal pie with apples, which uses cottage cheese. The recipe for a royal pie with cottage cheese is prepared with crumbly shortcrust pastry, and topped with protein cream. A simple pie with cottage cheese can be prepared in just half an hour. With cottage cheese, you can cook a simple and delicious apple pie. Cottage cheese, apples and cinnamon are a very tasty filling. Depending on your preferences, you can make a closed or open pie with cottage cheese and apples.

Classic puff cottage cheese pie- Bulgarian banitsa. First, cakes are prepared like pancakes, cottage cheese is laid between them, the cake is then baked in the oven. But a puff pastry made from cottage cheese can also be prepared according to a different recipe, with a different filling. Such a sweet layer cake is often prepared: puff pastry, cottage cheese and apples. To save time and cook such a pie with cottage cheese, puff pastry can also be used ready-made. Cottage cheese for a pie can be different. In a sweet dessert pie with cottage cheese and apples or in a pie with cottage cheese and strawberries, you can go fatter. In a yeast pie with cottage cheese, you can dry it.

If you have a slow cooker, you can successfully cook a cottage cheese pie in it. Like many other pies, cottage cheese pie in the multicooker is prepared in the Baking mode. Cooking time depends on what kind of slow cooker you have. Pie cottage cheese and apples, cottage cheese and blueberries, cottage cheese and cocoa, cottage cheese and cheese - the choice of recipes for cottage cheese pie in a slow cooker is great. And the cottage cheese pie recipe with a photo will also tell you options for decorating your cottage cheese pie.

How to make a cake from cottage cheese? What kind of dessert is this? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. Probably everyone knows that cottage cheese is one of the most useful fermented milk products. In addition to excellent taste properties, it has many healing properties for the body. How to make a delicious cottage cheese cake, find out below.

With kissel

We invite you to make an incredibly delicious cottage cheese cake with jelly. On the one hand, this is a cottage cheese casserole, and on the other, a delicate and sophisticated cake. For greater visual identity, cut it into neat thin slices and serve with berry syrup or sauce, jam. So, we take:

  • sugar - 200 g;
  • a couple of eggs;
  • dry cottage cheese 9% - 450 g;
  • cow butter - 100 g;
  • semolina - one tbsp. l.;
  • seeds from ½ of a vanilla pod;
  • 120 g sour cream;
  • jelly (strawberry, cherry or raspberry) for serving.

How to cook?

Prepare this cottage cheese cake like this:

  1. Pass the cottage cheese through a sieve. Add semolina, eggs, sugar, cow's butter, vanilla seeds and sour cream, stir.
  2. Put the resulting mass into a mold, smeared with cow butter and sprinkled with wheat breadcrumbs, put in the oven, heated to 180 ° C, for 45 minutes. Bake the product until golden brown.
  3. Put on a dish, pour over jelly (strawberry, cherry or raspberry).

Raisin puffs

Would you like to make puff pastry with cottage cheese? These delicious puffs are quick and easy to make! Take:

  • one egg;
  • 400 g of cottage cheese;
  • sugar - four tbsp. l.;
  • one egg (for greasing);
  • third tsp. vanillin;
  • two st. l. sour cream;
  • 400 g of yeast-free puff pastry;
  • powdered sugar and sesame seeds (for sprinkling);
  • a handful of pitted raisins steamed.

This cheesecake recipe suggests doing the following:

  1. Combine sugar, cottage cheese, sour cream, vanillin, one egg and dried steamed raisins, stir.
  2. Defrost the dough, cut into two parts. Roll out into a 15 x 35 cm rectangle.
  3. Spread half of the filling evenly on top of the dough, not reaching a little to the edge.
  4. Roll up, pinch the edge, turn seam down. Cut into pieces 4 cm wide.
  5. Do the same with the second part of the test. Cover the baking sheet with parchment, put the dough on it, spread the top with a beaten egg, sprinkle with sesame seeds (or cinnamon, poppy seeds, sugar).
  6. Bake the product until golden brown at 200 ° C.
  7. Cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar, cut into portions and serve.

Curd dessert (without baking)

And how to cook a cottage cheese cake without baking? You will need:

Prepare this dessert like this:

  • Mix sour cream and cottage cheese until smooth.
  • Add honey or sugar to taste.
  • Pour gelatin with a glass of water for 10 minutes. Then put on a small fire and, constantly stirring, wait until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Don't boil!
  • Pour the gelatin in a thin stream into the sour cream-curd mixture, mix thoroughly. You will get a liquid mass.
  • Put the berries and fruits on the bottom of the mold, pour the resulting mixture and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  • Decorate the dessert with berries, mint sprigs, syrup, cut into small pieces and serve.

Tip: it is better to take it, as it is easier to mix with sour cream. In addition, the texture is tender, without lumps. If desired, sour cream can be replaced with yogurt.

From cottage cheese and cookies

Few people know how to cook a cake from cookies and cottage cheese. We suggest you study a very simple recipe. Depending on the cookie, the dessert can be puff or shortbread. Kids love it, even those who don't like cottage cheese. For the base, take cookies (rectangular or square, biscuit or shortbread, puff) - 60 pieces.

For the filling you need to have:

  • 100 g raisins (optional);
  • 1 kg cottage cheese;
  • 0.5 tsp cinnamon (optional)
  • one glass of sugar (or to taste);
  • two st. l. sour cream (if the cottage cheese is too dry);
  • packet of vanilla sugar (optional)

For the fondant you will need:

  • 8 art. l. milk;
  • 4 tbsp. l. cow butter;
  • 8 art. l. Sahara;
  • 4 tbsp. l. cocoa powder.

Cooking a cake from cookies and cottage cheese

Agree, in the photo the cake with cottage cheese looks great! Prepare it like this:

  1. First boil the fudge. To do this, put the milk and butter on the fire, add cocoa and sugar and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly. Cool down the mass. This fondant does not harden, but this is what we need.
  2. Now make the filling. To do this, mash the cottage cheese (you can pass it through a sieve) with regular and vanilla sugar, add sour cream if necessary. The filling should not blur.
  3. Assemble the cakes: Dip 20 cookies on one side into the fondant, arrange in several rows on a baking sheet tightly together, fondant side up. You can also use a cutting board for this purpose. Next, put on top and evenly distribute ½ of the curd mass, smooth. Now immerse 20 cookies on both sides completely in fudge, spread in the same way as the previous ones, on top of the curd mass. Put on them and level the second part of the curd mass. Place 20 cookies on top, dipping one side in the fondant, only now with the fondant down. Smooth out by lightly tamping the filling and cookies, as they may spread during molding.
  4. Send the design to the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, slightly correct its shape, cut into squares.
  5. top with sprinkles, cream or anything else.

Another no-bake option

This is a great option for quick sweet cakes for tea. They are ready in just half an hour. You can add fruits, raisins, nuts to the cream, or you can just make curd cream without filler. Take:

  • 200 g of sugar;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • 50 g raisins;
  • 50 g of walnuts;
  • 600 g of Yubileiny cookies;
  • 500 g soft cottage cheese;
  • cocoa - two tbsp. l.;
  • 150 g cow's butter.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Rub butter with sugar.
  2. Add soft cottage cheese, add sugar and beat with a mixer. Set aside for two minutes to dissolve the sugar.
  3. Add raisins and cocoa (add nuts if desired).
  4. Mix the cream well.
  5. Dip each cookie in milk for 5 minutes.
  6. Arrange cookies in a thick layer on a flat dish. Top with cream.
  7. Next, lay out three more layers of cookies in the same way. Coat each layer with cream.
  8. At the end, coat the entire cake with the remaining cream. Top with walnuts or decorate as you like. Leave the product for a couple of hours to soak at home temperature. Then send to the refrigerator.

Cake "Burenka"

Consider the recipe for the most delicate chocolate-curd cake. For chocolate dough you will need:

  • three eggs;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 200 g dark chocolate;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 0.5 tsp ripper;
  • 125 g soft cow butter;
  • 1 ¼ cups flour.

For the curd layer, take:

Implement this cottage cheese cake recipe (you can see the dessert photo above) as follows:

  1. Grease a 30 x 20 cm mold with vegetable oil and line with parchment.
  2. Mash cottage cheese with vanilla and egg. Add flour and condensed milk, beat well.
  3. Break the chocolate into pieces, melt in a water bath.
  4. Mix flour with ripper, sift.
  5. Rub soft butter with salt and sugar into a fluffy mass. Add eggs one at a time, beating each time until smooth. Add chocolate, beat until smooth. Now add flour and beat again.
  6. Put a third of the chocolate dough into the mold, smooth it out. Next, lay out the curd mass (six spoons), on top - chocolate dough again and so on. Then draw a zigzag line over the mixture with a knife (several times is possible) so that a marble pattern comes out. Do not touch the bottom while doing this.
  7. Bake the dessert in an oven heated to 180°C for 45 minutes. Check for doneness with a toothpick: it may have crumbs, but not raw dough.
  8. Cool the finished cake, remove from the mold. Cut into 16-20 rectangles.

Mini cheesecakes with berries and chocolate

These vibrant little cheesecakes are easy to make. The combination of tender curd cream with the taste of berry jelly and white chocolate refreshes well on hot summer days. For the sand base you need to have:

  • 1 st. l. Sahara;
  • 150 g cookies;
  • 60 g cow butter.

For curd cream, take:

  • 80 g of white chocolate;
  • 8 g gelatin;
  • sugar (to taste);
  • 200 ml cream 30%;
  • vanillin;
  • 500 g of soft cottage cheese (you can use ricotta).

For berry jelly you will need:

  • 6 g gelatin;
  • 50 g sugar (or depending on the sweetness of the berries);
  • 250 g of any berries + a little for decoration.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Break the cookies into pieces, grind into small crumbs with a blender.
  2. Melt cow butter and mix with crumbs.
  3. Put the resulting mass in muffin molds (if not silicone, put paper molds in them beforehand). Tamp with your fingers or a spoon, send for half an hour in the freezer.
  4. Soak gelatin in cool water for 10 minutes (or according to package directions).
  5. Heat 100 ml cream (do not boil!), add chocolate and stir until smooth. Add gelatin there, stir until completely dissolved. Combine with cottage cheese, beat lightly with a whisk or mixer.
  6. Beat the remaining 100 ml of cream to soft peaks, in portions add to the curd cream, gently stirring with movements from the bottom up.
  7. Spread the resulting mass into molds (do not forget to leave room for jelly!), Level the surface. Send for a couple of hours in the refrigerator to harden.
  8. Now make some jelly. To do this, soak gelatin in cold water.
  9. Berries (you can take red currants and blueberries) place in a saucepan with sugar, heat over low heat. After 10 minutes, the berries will lose their shape. Now turn off the heat and grind everything with a blender. You can quickly rub the berries through a sieve so that they do not cool down and remove the seeds and skins. But you don't have to. Add gelatin to the mass, stir until completely dissolved. Cool down a bit.
  10. Spread the berry jelly evenly over the hardened curd cream. Decorate with the remaining berries.
  11. Put the products back in the refrigerator to set.

If you don't have muffin tins, you can make one large cake-shaped cheesecake. Just then cut it into portioned pieces. Bon appetit!

Rich cottage cheese pastries can be attributed not only to the category of sweets, but also, thanks to the abundance of vitamins, to healthy breakfasts and nutritious snacks. cook cottage cheese cake quite easy! The main thing is to choose the right recipe, which, by the way, has accumulated a lot.

Since childhood, we are all familiar with this fermented milk product. You can talk about the benefits of cottage cheese for a long time. For example, cottage cheese contains a lot of protein, which is important in the structure of cells and normal metabolism. Interestingly, the lower the fat content of the product, the more protein it contains. In addition, cottage cheese contains vitamin A and calcium, the properties of which cannot be explained.

Cake with cottage cheese cream "Tenderness"

Wanted something special, something crunchy, but soft, tender and sweet, something beautiful, like in a photo in culinary magazines? Then the recipe for cakes with delicate curd cream is what you need!

The preparation of this dessert does not require special culinary skills and knowledge, all that is needed is desire and patience. So, the recipe for cakes consists of making custard dough, like for eclairs, and the most delicate curd cream.

For test:

  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp
  • salt - 1/4 tsp
  • wheat flour, sifted - 150 g
  • cow's milk - 250 g
  • butter - 90-100 g
  • chicken eggs, fresh - 4 pcs

Cooking choux pastry is not difficult, but the classic recipe requires extreme care and attention.

First you need to take a saucepan in which to place milk, butter and sugar. Over medium heat, the ingredients should be completely mixed and melted. Then you need to add salt. As soon as the mass boils, the fire should be reduced to a minimum and pour all the flour into a weakly boiling mixture at once, while intensively mixing the contents of the saucepan.

Next, you need to add eggs to the mass. For this, the recipe recommends, it is better to transfer the mass into another deep container. Eggs should be added one at a time, while stirring the dough just as intensively. Add the last egg as follows: mix the yolk and protein, and literally add a spoon to the dough until the mass becomes elastic, pasty and glossy.

How to understand that everything is done correctly? You need to make a small groove in the dough with a spatula. If it does not tighten, then everything is done correctly. Well, or, just compare the resulting mass with a photo of choux pastry.

The cooled dough must be transferred to a pastry bag with an asterisk nozzle and planted on parchment, squeezing small blanks under the cake. Bake them in a well-heated oven for 25 minutes, but if the cakes are large, then you need to modify the recipe and increase the baking time to 30 minutes.

For the cream "Tenderness":

  • juicy low-fat cottage cheese - 300 g
  • soft butter - 50 g
  • granulated sugar - 130 g
  • cream 20% - 60 ml
  • vanilla extract

Delicate cream is prepared quickly. First you need to beat soft butter with sugar and vanilla. Then the curd mass must be turned into a paste. To do this, the cottage cheese should be chopped with a blender, adding cream to it. The last step is to mix the whipped butter with cottage cheese and beat the resulting mass again with a blender or mixer.

The baked workpiece must be cut by removing the top. Inside, with the help of a pastry bag, plant the curd cream, return the cut part to its place.

Cottage cheese cake "Strawberry Paradise"

Strawberry Paradise is an easy no-bake cheesecake recipe. This is a tender cottage cheese cake with a catchy strawberry flavor and a perfect summer taste! To get a light and tasty cake, you will need the following recipe.

Ingredients for 4 cakes:

  • shortbread cookies - 120 g
  • butter - 60 g
  • cottage cheese juicy, fresh and fat-free - 300 g
  • powdered sugar - 7-8 tbsp
  • cream 20% - 200 ml
  • vanilla powder
  • strawberry jam or paste - 150 ml
  • agar - 12 g
  • half a lemon

First you need to prepare the curd mass. To do this, dilute 8 g in 40 ml of water. agar. Bring the cream to a boil in a saucepan and immediately add the diluted thickener. Cook, stirring, 20-30 seconds.

Beat cottage cheese with a blender and add the cooked mixture to it. In parallel, you need to dilute the remaining agar with water and pour it into the jam.

Next, you need to prepare the base: crush the cookies and mix with butter. Place the mass in round molds or plastic lids for jars, carefully tamping it, send it to the refrigerator. Fix thick paper on the mold or lid, creating a cylinder 10-13 cm high (as in the photo on the network). Put the cream on the frozen base, and put strawberry jam on top. Cakes should stand in the refrigerator until completely solidified. Remove paper.

This recipe, although simple, but even a sophisticated gourmet will appreciate the taste of the Strawberry Paradise cake with cottage cheese. In addition, the cake looks simply incomparable in the photo and is ready to compete even with restaurant desserts!

Where does cottage cheese come from?

Get cottage cheese from milk. Milk, of course, must turn sour. In industrial conditions, this process is accelerated by rennet and special lactic bacteria. And at home, you will have to tinker with cottage cheese. Yogurt is boiled until the milk curdles and the cheese is completely separated from the whey.

Video recipe for making cottage cheese cake
