
Seven clear signs of dismissal. You are criticized

They want to fire me, what should I do? Today's publication will be dedicated to all those for whom this issue has become relevant. Perhaps someone whispered to you about the upcoming dismissal, perhaps you yourself found out about it, or perhaps you were simply told about it directly. So, what to do if they want to fire you.

First of all, of course, do not panic, look at the situation pragmatically and without emotions.

If an employer wants to fire you, this does not always mean that something will change for the worse. It is likely that, on the contrary, it will be worse for your employer.

Therefore, the first thing to do with a reasonable thought “they want to fire me” is to carefully weigh the pros and cons and decide whether you really need this job. Maybe the desire of the employer to fire you is just that missing push that you lacked in order to finally change this job to something more interesting and promising?

After that, based on the deliberate decision you made, there can be two scenarios for the development of events:

1. If they want to fire you, but you don’t really mind, then all measures must be taken to ensure that this dismissal takes place with the maximum financial benefit for you. Maybe even speed it up.

2. Your employer wants to fire you, but you don't want to quit. This option, of course, is more complicated, and it requires thoughtful, and most importantly, legally justified, actions on your part. Of course, there are certain tricks that you can go for.

I will say right away that if they really want to fire you, then in most cases this is likely to happen anyway. The only question is, firstly, the timing, and secondly, the article under which you will be fired, which means your financial benefit from this dismissal. Of course, it cannot be denied that in some situations, dismissal can be avoided, but the percentage of such an outcome of events is still not large.

So, let's say the fear “they want to fire me” was confirmed. What to do in this case? If no one has officially announced your dismissal yet, then, first of all, you need to decide: go to your boss with a conversation or pretend that you don’t know anything. It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer here: everything depends very much on the situation, on your future intentions, and even on the nature and type of personality of your leader.

However, now you have one very important asset: time to prepare for this conversation. That is, to study labor legislation, consult with lawyers, collect as much as possible large quantity arguments to defend their position. And this, believe me, is a lot! In addition, perhaps your manager, being, for example, self-confident, will spend less time preparing for this conversation, or not at all, so the advantage at this moment will be on your side.

If they want to fire you, but you have not yet been officially announced about this, carefully prepare for a future conversation on this topic with your manager. Collect as many weighty (substantiated by references to specific legislative acts!) Arguments in your favor. After all, you need to do everything possible in order to competently defend your rights.

Now consider some special cases of situations in which the employer wants to fire you.

What to do if they want to fire you under the article.

The so-called “dismissal under the article” means that in your work book that article of dismissal will be indicated, which will create serious obstacles for you to further employment. in labor law different countries there are a number of such articles, I see no point in listing them all, I will only say that if you heard that they want to fire you under an article, this is something very undesirable for you.

However, something else is important. All experts in labor law agree that dismissal under the article is very undesirable for the employer himself, perhaps even more undesirable than for his employee. The fact is that workers dismissed under the article very often turn to the courts (after all, this is a serious matter), and these courts in most cases take the side of the workers. And this threatens the employer with serious checks that will create many problems for him, as well as the payment of moral compensation and even the possible reinstatement of the dismissed employee, which is even more undesirable.

Therefore, remember the following: dismissal under the article can really only happen if you really, very seriously, have been guilty (you can always consult with lawyers about the degree of your guilt before the enterprise). For example, something was stolen from an enterprise, a criminal case was opened against you and your guilt was proven in court, or you skipped work, which is documented. In other cases, if they want to fire you under the article, most likely they just scare you so that you write a statement of your own free will, and the employer does not have to cut you off officially, incurring significant additional expenses. Keep this in mind, and be able to calmly and legally competently argue your “savvy” in these matters when talking with your manager.

What to do if they want to fire you on their own.

Most often, this situation occurs: the manager wants to fire you of his own free will, instead of making an official layoff and paying the severance pay due.

In this case, you need to assert your rights. Of course, without emotion, in cold legal language, referring to specific provisions of the law, explain to your employer that it is against the law to force you to quit at will, and if he continues to violate labor laws, you will have no choice but to defend your rights in court or by applying to various state bodies exercising control over the observance of the rights of workers. Surely your manager will not like this prospect.

Remember that if they want to fire you of their own free will, this is illegal, no one has the right to force you to write a letter of resignation. Therefore, do not be afraid to defend your rights, and if necessary, really apply to various authorities. As a rule, they take the side of the worker.

If you nevertheless decide to succumb to the leader and quit, then it is better to do this not of your own free will, but by agreement of the parties (there is such an article on dismissal). The meaning is about the same, but in this case you will receive much more rights when registering with the employment service, you will receive more unemployment benefits, which is important.

If they want to fire you of their own free will or you yourself want to quit, then it is better to do this by agreement of the parties - this way you will get more rights upon dismissal.

What to do if you want to be fired for downsizing.

Let's say you find out: they want to cut you. What to do in this situation? A downsizing is a really legal way to say goodbye to an employee for good. Therefore, if an employer wants to fire you on a reduction, he will most likely do this, unless, of course, you prove to him that you, as an employee, are invaluable, and it is better for him to transfer his choice to someone else.

The main thing in this case is to ensure that the reduction takes place in compliance with all norms of labor legislation. Namely:

- You must be notified in writing, against receipt, of the upcoming reduction at least 2 months before the date of reduction;

- If your position is reduced, you are obliged to offer another position if there are vacancies in the company;

- You are required to pay severance pay in the amount of at least the average monthly salary, as well as pay for all unused vacation days and days off;

- Some social groups of people are protected by law and cannot be reduced at all, or the question of their reduction should be considered last.

I took these norms from Ukrainian labor legislation, since it is more familiar to me, I think that similar norms apply in Russia and other countries, be sure to clarify this if they want to fire you on a reduction.

In addition, as a rule, it is possible to agree with the employer that you will be fired by agreement of the parties earlier than the planned date of dismissal for reduction, but at the same time you are obliged to pay financial compensation for all unworked days before the upcoming date of reduction. This option may be of interest, for example, to those who have already found new job, or those who received a salary in an envelope and cannot count on large unemployment benefits (in the case of dismissal by agreement of the parties, it will be less).

If they want to lay off you, you must ensure that all labor laws are observed and that you receive all the benefits due to you upon dismissal.

It is also worth mentioning two of the most common ploys that employers often use to illegally fire workers.

1. The manager tells you that simple company, so employees need to quit for a while (for example, if the company works seasonally, then until the next season) or go on unpaid leave at their own expense. This is contrary to the norms of labor law, according to which you cannot be forced to quit or go on vacation at your own expense. They can only officially cut.

2. If Are you retired or take frequent sick leave?, the manager begins to scare you with dismissal and offers to quit of his own free will, motivating this by the fact that such employees can always be fired in the first place. This also does not comply with the norms of the law: retirement age cannot be considered a reason for dismissal at all, and a frequently ill employee can only be dismissed if the medical commission gives an opinion on his complete disability, or if he does not go to work for more than the period established by law (a few months).

What to do if they want to fire you, but you do not want to quit?

So, the thought “they want to fire me” haunts you, because this is not at all included in your plans. Of course, it will not be easy to influence the situation, but, in any case, you should try to do everything possible in order to maintain your workplace if you really need it.

1. Never complain and don't play the victim. Such victims are fired first. On the contrary, behave as confidently as possible and do not give vent to emotions.

2. Prepare well legally. Understand the norms of labor legislation so that you can always competently conduct a dialogue with the manager.

3. If you receive any claims, conditions, ultimatums, etc. - ask them to provide writing (for example, at least by corporate email). Be sure to save all written materials - they can come in handy if litigation arises. Also answer in writing, in legal language, dryly and without emotion, referring to specific articles of labor law.

4. Visually demonstrate your increased work capacity. Work hard, showing good results work, overfulfillment of plans. It would be very helpful to get written or even oral feedback from grateful clients about how good and great it is to work with such a wonderful employee like you.

5. Despite the fact that the manager wants to fire you, try to get in touch with him. Without excessive familiarity and toadying, purely business relationships. Show him your interest in keeping the job, how important this work is to you, how you like it and are satisfied with everything. In no case do not make any claims to the head.

In any case, if they want to fire you, and you really need a job, start right away. It is likely that you will turn up the best option, and you yourself will happily move from this tense environment to a new place where you will be treated with respect, and there will be better opportunities for earning.

In general, do not forget that almost any is by far not the most best source personal or family budget income. Perhaps you just need to break the stereotype that you need a workplace, reconsider your views, and find other, more promising opportunities for earning, which are now many, the main thing is to see them.

In this regard, the site will always provide you with the necessary information support absolutely free of charge. Stay with us and you will find out that active earnings are not only employment, the conditions of which are often close to slavery, but also work for yourself, and in addition to active earnings, you can also receive, which has a number of advantages that enhance your financial freedom and independence from other people, and first of all from employers. Then questions like “they want to fire me, what should I do?” you just won't have it.

See you in new posts!

At first glance, it may seem that there is no problem in understanding this issue and that it is easy enough to notice that they want to fire you from your job ... However, the realities of life are such that for many dismissed, their dismissal was a complete surprise.

In fact, the fact that they plan to get rid of you could have been guessed earlier. But people usually completely ignore the important parameters in their behavior and the behavior of their superiors, which indicate the imminent threat of job loss.

In this article, we will look at some indicators that are warning signs that show that the boss wants to fire a person. They need to be noticed, analyzed and eliminated. So. How to understand that they want to fire you from your job and what to do?

They want to fire an employee - signals in the behavior of superiors

If you begin to notice that you are beginning to be limited in access to important resources, they make it clear that your vacation and / or participation in important events is still in question (discussed or requires discussion), then this is a rather alarming signal. Perhaps your boss or colleagues have begun experimenting with you on how to get a person to quit their job. After all, people who are valued as professionals are trying, on the contrary, to dedicate to the intricacies of the case to the maximum. With vacation, for sure, they will also try to pull ... Why is it spent on you unnecessarily, and so you will get the calculation.

You may also feel psychological pressure on yourself, which is expressed approximately as follows: you are suddenly being accused of being unprofessional, there are more and more reasons to “find fault” with your work, and so on ... In this case, you really should think about whether this job suits you or you her, and analyze your behavior on the four points below, the presence of which in your behavior will be an alarm signal.

Four red flags in your behavior

  1. Health status.

Remember how many times this year you went on sick leave. How often did you take time off to “lie down” or work at home because you feel unwell. Note that while you were rebuilding yours, someone else was doing your work for you. And the more often this happens, the more reasons the boss has to pay attention to the fact that you can do just fine without you, that for a surcharge, another employee will do an excellent job with your work, and he (the boss) will save on this. Also, management may decide that your work is an option to “scatter” among several people.

It is clear that this article is not only about direct dismissal, but also about layoffs and a proposal to quit at will or by agreement of the parties.

  1. Discipline violations

Some people have the ability to relax. He did a good job for a year, and then a person can relax and start thinking that they can’t do without him. He begins to more and more often go about his business at work, work half-heartedly, be late and even play truant, and all for “good” reasons. Yes, circumstances in life are different, but if these , then the authorities will definitely come to the conclusion that you have become impudent, lazy and you need to look for a replacement for you, otherwise it will turn out to be “more expensive for yourself”. Under what, under such circumstances special occasions no need to search. Simply, you are late again, and your explanations are simply no longer listened to. You just get fired and that's it. There are legal grounds for this, so there’s not even anything

  1. Lack of desire to learn

According to some services, about seventy percent of applicants have not improved their qualifications in any format in the last three years. Remember what Alice from Through the Looking Glass said:

You have to run as fast as you can to stay where you are, and to get somewhere, you have to run at least twice as fast.”

It turns out that not many people understand this expression correctly. In fact, this applies to any of the areas of human development: , — mental, .

To match the development of people of their age, you need to "run fast." That is to develop, grow, learn. Otherwise, rapid degradation threatens. Well, imagine, for example, at the age of 10 you are tired of studying and declare to your parents that the knowledge that you already have is enough for you. Let's say your parents believed you (although this is from the realm of fantasy, but, let's say ...). They believed you and took you out of school. You grow up and now, you are already twenty, and you no longer received knowledge ... Do you think you are at the same level as when you were 10 years old? Of course not. Most from what you already knew. Therefore, you not only do not correspond to the level of development of your peers (this is only possible with simultaneous training with them). You also lose what you once gained. Who does not study — that necessarily degrades! This is an axiom for all reasonable individuals.

Now let's look at you through the eyes of an employer. Which employee is more interesting to him? One that keeps up with the times? Or the one just ahead? Or one that lags behind in everything? The answer is obvious... if you can put yourself in the shoes of the boss.

It is not at all necessary to spend special forces or funds for your own development. It is quite enough to subscribe to news in the field of your activity. Analyze them. Find groups, forums, sites and blogs for your specialty. Chat with other professionals, ask simple questions and answer questions from others. So you will learn better , , express your thoughts, help others, "keep abreast" (be aware of current trends). In general, there will be no stagnation. Additionally, it would be nice to attend some courses and trainings. Of course, if you have a special interest in your activities, and you set far-reaching goals.

  1. hints

Don't ignore hints when bosses want to fire you. If you work without complaints, this does not mean that you have nothing to do. Your employer may think differently. Surely he has already told you what it would be good for you to improve. But, since, after that, no sanctions followed, you decided that everything was fine, you can live on.

When one CEO wants to fire, to warn his employees that he is running out of patience, he tells or mails this anecdote to them:

“The cowboy got married and is riding a wagon with his young wife to his ranch. Suddenly the horse stumbles. "One," said the cowboy. After a while the horse stumbled again. "Two," said the cowboy. The horse stumbles a third time. "Three," the cowboy said as he pulled out his Colt and shot the horse. Wife: "How could you do this to an unfortunate animal?!" "One," said the cowboy.

This anecdote affects smart workers, and they quickly correct their behavior, realizing that the boss wants to fire them. Therefore, more often try to analyze your behavior. It's better to criticize yourself than to be criticized by others. Also ask the council leader where you could improve.

Find out if you are doing your job and if you have achieved your goals. Say that he knows better from the outside, and it is useful for you to know his authoritative opinion. In this case, even if the boss has complaints about you, he will see that you want to grow, normally perceive criticism and value his opinion. So there will be three pluses at once, just do not go too far with a rough one.

So, let's be responsible, polite, hardworking and we will understand that the boss is a shrewd person who does not want to see lazy people in his subordination.

What to do if you are about to be fired?

What can you do if your boss wants to fire you or you are already a potential dropout candidate? Try to understand:

  • How
  • At what time
  • What will be the consequences of this.

This is necessary to understand what job prospects you have elsewhere. How much time do you have to look for a job. How can you protect yourself financially.

How to formulate complaints to superiors

Do you have grounds to sue when they want to fire you for no reason. For example, if you are not officially employed, it may make sense to file a claim against your business in court or tax authorities. But, this is another topic, knowledge of labor laws is needed here, when they want to fire under an article or find out where to turn, they want to fire illegally, if.

In addition, by answering the above questions and having a clear understanding of your own, skills, rights, and so on, you can enter into a dialogue with your boss.

You have every right to make your suggestions, substantiate claims, formulate your vision of the problem, including from the point of view of legal practice or moral standards. The main thing is to do it politely and in a respectful manner.

The boss will definitely evaluate your knowledge, confidence and validity of the issues raised for discussion. Everything that you have learned and can justify will be difficult to refute, especially spontaneously. In addition, your leader, as an ordinary person, can simply and you if you choose the right position.

Is it worth leaving work?

Those who have an unstable situation at work often ask the question: is it worth leaving work for nowhere? Quite a logical question and the same logical answer: "it's not worth it." Going nowhere should be a last resort. When you have already taken all possible steps to fix problems (listed above) and all this did not help, then it makes sense to quit. And then, if you look at the vacancies in your city and are ready to take any temporary part-time job, this will not be going nowhere. This is a transition to another type of activity or another job.

We wish you success and professionalism. OPTIMUS LIFE website

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The crisis of 2016 is in the yard, there are massive layoffs. And many people today are worried about the safety of their workplace. The wave of layoffs that has covered today's labor market can overwhelm everyone. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to know the signs indicating that they want to fire you, so that the news is not too unexpected for you. Perhaps you can somehow influence the situation in advance, thereby retaining your job, or you will have the opportunity to find a new job before you get fired.

7 signs that you are about to be fired from your job

Relations with management have changed

Previously, you and your boss were, as they say, “on a short footing”, but suddenly such a relationship became unacceptable. This is a signal that it is worth thinking about why, in fact, the relationship has changed.

Perhaps the boss has become too much work and he no longer has the opportunity to talk with you about things that are not related to work. Or maybe he began to keep his distance, so that later it would be easier to talk with you about the dismissal. After all, it is extremely difficult to fire a person with whom you are on good terms.

Pay attention, specifically with you, your boss began to behave more formally, or this affected all employees. If this concerns only you, then you can start to worry about the upcoming dismissal from your job. If you are not interested in your work, if you are largely ignored, then most likely you are going to be fired.

Prospects began to fade

Nobody really likes overtime work. But when the boss singles you out as an employee worthy of special assignments, it means you are appreciated and you have prospects. Leading significant projects of the company is an honor for the employee and the chances for career growth and salary increase. If there are no such projects in your track record at all, it is worth analyzing the situation. Of course, we do not consider the question of when the company, in principle, does not start working on new projects. But if your colleagues regularly receive assignments related to projects that you used to receive, this may seem strange.

If all promising projects pass you by, this is a wake-up call. Either you have lost your competencies, and they urgently need to be tightened up, or you have lost the trust of the leadership and it needs to be restored, showing initiative. It is urgent to find out what is the reason for your absence from the main projects of the company. And if it is possible to change the situation, then do everything necessary for this. If you can’t do anything, then expect an early dismissal from work. You can also find a new job before you get fired.

Close attention to your work

If a meticulous study of your activities was not characteristic of the leadership, and suddenly became a faithful companion during your reports, then things are bad.

There are two options for what is happening. Or you have been dripped, and now you are being closely monitored. Or your candidacy is subject to doubt, and then, again, your work should be carefully checked. So that after your dismissal from work, there would be no doubt about the correctness of the decision made.

You should be more attentive to your official duties and perform your work efficiently. Well, if such attention is the result of gossip, then you just have to wait until the situation clears up by itself. Provided that you yourself do not participate in all sorts of official intrigues.

Your rationalization proposals are no longer accepted.

Previously, almost all your proposals were accepted with enthusiasm, and suddenly the boss began to get bored when you speak. This may indicate a loss of interest in your person as a source fresh ideas. This may not always be a sign of an impending layoff. But if things don't change for a long time, then your position has become not very strong. With shaky positions, it is very easy to stumble.

If you see that it is impossible to establish a relationship with you, you can look for another job. Since in the future, the boredom of the boss can turn into irritation.

Colleagues have distanced themselves from you

Sometimes, others will know about your future dismissal before they tell you about it. If it seemed to you that colleagues began to communicate with you somehow strainedly, for no apparent reason. This is an occasion to think about the fact that you are waiting for dismissal from work.

No need to panic and immediately run to write a letter of resignation. Just take a closer look at your colleagues, and you will surely catch a pitying look on yourself. If this happens, then you are definitely a candidate for dismissal.

Your work has become uninteresting

Until recently, you've been in the midst of some of the company's most exciting projects, and now you're being assigned a job that no one else takes on.

If you are assigned a job that does not allow you to show your professional quality, then it is likely that you will be fired in the near future.

Of course, in routine work you can show your best side, but you still need to be careful and attentive so that the dismissal does not take you by surprise.

Demotion and salary

As part of the economic crisis, many enterprises are reducing wages and optimizing positions. And if your organization is no exception, and it has undergone a massive pay cut, then specifically you have nothing to worry about. But if only you were cut your salary, then this is an alarming sign that you will be fired from your job.

Perhaps in a crisis situation, they decided to cut your position, and this does not apply to the level of your professionalism. But in any case, this situation is not pleasant and deprives you additional income. And if your salary was cut, demoted, or the amount of work reduced, then it is logical to start looking for another job where you will be appreciated regardless of the economic situation in the country.

And remember, being fired is not the end of life. And even more so if you showed observation and, according to the signs listed above, were able to discern the impending dismissal. For you, this will not be shocking news that can unsettle for a long time. A person mentally prepared for dismissal will find a new job much faster. Or he can get ahead of the curve and quit himself, with several lucrative job offers.

Employees usually begin to think about changing jobs when the salary is low or there is no career growth. But these are not the only reasons for changing priorities. With the help of experts, 10 signs were identified that indicate that it is time to change something in life.

Sign #1: Always a hard Monday

If you wake up every day with the thought that you don’t want to go to work, look for another reason not to go to the office, or are systematically late, then you should consider whether you need to force yourself to do what is so unpleasant for you. Evaluate subjective (your personal attitude) and objective factors (atmosphere in the team, with superiors, salary, remoteness of the company from home), and only then make a decision to dismiss.

When you "adjust" the hands of the clock with your eyes and are "low start" already an hour before the end of the working day, then it's time to do something more interesting.

Inna Igolkina, CEO of the training company Timesaver: “If you feel bad at the thought of work, then something is wrong with you and your work. There is such a thing as “psychological burnout”. Even the most beloved work can become hard labor over time. For example, the teacher starts yelling at the students, the doctor hates the patients, the driver is pissed off by pedestrians and passengers, etc.”

Sign #2: Feeling worthless

Those who do not see the point in their work, do not believe that they are useful, but count the days from salary to advance and dream of vacation, are unlikely to feel comfortable in the company. If the position pays well and you have taken out a mortgage, then it may be worth postponing the dismissal. But the lack of motivation and self-importance are sure signs that the time has come to look for another way to make money.

Tehkhi Polonskaya, General Director of the Brusnika marketing agency: “How do you understand that your relationship with work has exhausted itself, and it's time to think about a separate future? You will feel it by the lack of interest. Everything that inspired you, everything that you liked, tasks that seemed interesting - all this will begin to cause boredom and longing. Even the salary and additional bonuses will no longer seem so tempting.”

Sign #3: You all piss me off!

Increased irritability during the working day, constant breakdowns from scratch, gossip, conflicts with colleagues - all this disturbs the psychological balance and makes you refuse to cooperate with the employer. A person can get turned on by little things: one left a mug on the table in the common kitchen, the other uses too sugary toilet water, and the third - constantly sniffs. If you find yourself increasingly like this, it's time to take a time out. It is time to think about changing activities, and if you are categorically not satisfied with the order and rules in the company, you are not ready to put up with them.

Sign #4: Turtle Shell

Constant isolation of yourself from the team, refusal to contact even those employees with whom you see more than once a day, indifference, formal communication at the “hello-goodbye” level, unwillingness to visit corporate holidays and events - all this indicates that you should not go to this job. Find something interesting for yourself, where you will be comfortable in any environment, and the people around you will evoke sympathy.

Elena Lyzlova, obstetrician-gynecologist, P.M. Sechenov: “The result of a misunderstanding with superiors, a fear of making a mistake, a call to the carpet or humiliation in front of colleagues at a meeting is emotional overstrain, nervous exhaustion, and depression. A person goes into a "turtle shell", hides, closes when danger approaches.

Sign #5: Intellectual Dead End

New knowledge and the opportunity to develop make the work rich, and bring satisfaction and a lot of impressions to a person. If you have not been sent to trainings for a long time, the company does not develop the potential of employees, but weekdays are like two drops of water, then think about whether it is worth spending your time here. Try to find the cause of boredom and monotony. Perhaps a conversation with your superiors will allow you to get another position where you will have to train in order to operate effectively.

Sign #6: Too Easy

The feeling that the duties you perform are too simple, you quickly and easily cope with them, and the rest of the time you are trying to keep yourself busy with something - a “symptom” of the need for change. If you feel that you have outgrown yourself as a specialist, and the authorities are in no hurry to promote you, this is a sign that it is time to stop going to work, find another one, or start your own business.

Elena Lyzlova: “A person adapts to new working conditions, companies and positions in three months. At the beginning of a career path, integration into the work process occurs. After this period, labor productivity first increases, and the time allotted for work becomes empty. It becomes too easy to work, efficiency decreases.”

Sign #7: No Career Growth

No progress on career ladder for some employees it becomes a blow to pride, for others it makes them complain about low salaries and count money in someone else's pocket, and for others it completely drives them into a corner as professionals in their field. Before writing a letter of resignation, it will be useful to evaluate at least a couple of factors. Look at who gets promoted in the company, if there are career opportunities in the organization, or if employees move from position to position, but within the line staff.

Ksenia Mamonova, freelance copywriter: “Work not only to earn money, but also for successful growth. My previous job did not imply career growth. And I was not warned about this at the time of hiring. When I found out about this, I got the impression that they always didn’t tell me something. Then began a constant increase in duties, for the performance of which there were no corresponding surcharges. This state of affairs became very annoying, there was constant stress. At the same time, the work was monotonous, paper-based, and all the time grew in quantity and degree of responsibility. It turned out that I was like a robot: I did a lot of work, but there was no professional development and salary increase. ”

Sign #8: Not the same as before

Look at your old photographs and at your reflection in the mirror. Have you noticed that your appearance has changed, and not for the better: pallor, bags or bruises under the eyes, stretched skin, excess weight or lack thereof dull hair, brittle nails. If you look worse, then the chosen job is not suitable for you.

Sign #9: Irresponsibility

The absence of fear of punishment, reprimand, deprivation of bonuses, violation of labor discipline, lateness and absenteeism say that you do not hold on to your job. At the same time, you don’t even think that you can let your colleagues down by your actions (or inaction), slow down the work process. A disregard for duties is a sure sign that it's time to look for another or open your own business, where you yourself will set the rules.

Tehkhi Polonskaya: “A tired consciousness will offer you something to distract yourself with, making it difficult to concentrate. Naturally, at this point, productivity begins to fall. Colleagues, clients, and managers notice this, which causes a negative reaction, and takes away the last strength. In the future, if these symptoms are not addressed, there is a chance that you will start to get sick every now and then. Constant migraines, neuroses, unexpected falls on the ice are no coincidences. You're burned out and your body is trying to give you some respite."

Sign #10: Ready to Move

You feel that you are ready to hit the road - you have found something to your liking and want to make it profitable business. You already have a whole bunch of ideas about this. If you feel that you are ready to launch your own project, spend enough effort, time, money on it, then this is a sure sign that you don’t have to go to work, which now occupies an important place in your life.

Inna Igolkina: “If there is no desire to work for hire and you want to do your own thing, this is wonderful. It is important that this new activity does not take up too much of your time and brings in the appropriate income. Unfortunately, often people are not ready to take responsibility for themselves. own life. Now there are a lot of jobs that can be done remotely and still get decent money. You can master them and start earning money first in free time. If you are convinced that you are doing well and that you are able to earn enough to support yourself, then you can start thinking about leaving the office for good and working for yourself. Otherwise, a situation may happen when you go “to nowhere”, and this only makes it worse.

If you feel that something is missing for you to start own business(start-up capital, knowledge, etc.) - think about where you can get it. You can find co-founders, partners, or a way to start from scratch (in some areas this is possible). Sometimes fears serve a positive purpose - they protect us from possible problems which we are not yet able to deal with. Therefore, you should not treat your own fears as something unambiguously bad. We need to soberly weigh all the pros and cons and then make a decision - to stay at the same place of work, find a new one or start your own business.

1. The boss began to communicate with you alone more often. Frequent face-to-face meetings with the boss can be taken as a special degree of trust on his part. But, if he doesn't directly praise your professionalism, these meetings are most likely aimed at analyzing your performance and the value of your person to the company. If your patron is interested in your opinion about your own work, then this is a thick hint of your unsuitability. But at this stage it is not too late to fix everything. “Be humble and willing to change your behavioral responses, ways of communicating and organizing the workflow,” McMillan urges. “Do not hesitate to ask for advice or even sign up for training to show your willingness to correct the situation.”

2. Your work is often criticized. Roy Cohen, New York-based career coach and author of The Wall Street Survival Guide, argues that if you're not fired because of cost cuts, it's probably because of your work performance. Before that, you will be criticized more and more fiercely, and the feeling will grow stronger that you are not doing anything right. You can chalk it up to your own suspiciousness, or you can face the truth: if the work you set out to do comes back streaked with red ink and frustrated comments, you have become a problem that needs to be constantly solved. If you work well, then the authorities will give good feedback progress along with comments on what needs to be improved.

3. You feel a chill in your relationship with your superiors. Top managers, as a rule, are in no hurry to inform their subordinates in advance about their plans to get rid of them: this is contrary to the interests of the business. But if the boss decided to let you go free swimming, he will no longer invest as much energy and time in you as in better times. Dan Showball, author of Spin Yourself: The New Rules for Career Success, says you'll see a change in your eyes as your boss avoids direct gazes or becomes distant when talking to you.

4. Your workload has been significantly reduced. At first, reducing the number of production tasks will please you, but Dan Shoubel warns that this is a loud wake-up call before a very big change. Knowing that you will soon leave the team, higher managers shift your projects to your colleagues. If you are given tedious tasks instead of meaningful work, something is wrong. Ask if you can be involved in more serious projects, and if the boss says that other employees are more experienced in this area, promise to put in more effort. If he rejects this as well, most likely, your fate has already been decided.

5. You are not invited to meetings. The exchange of information is necessary for work, so if you are not invited to negotiations and you do not receive all those emails that other team members receive, you are no longer the most valuable person. Cohen adds: If you do make it to a meeting, but your boss interrupts or ignores you, that's a sign.

6. Colleagues avoid you. From point 4 it follows that your work has already been distributed between them. McMillan says: "As a rule, colleagues already know about the upcoming personnel changes, and the dismissal is a surprise only for the dismissed person." No one likes to mess with a weak link, so they will be evasive, laconic and distant in communication with you.

7. You've been asked to train an employee. Your boss might suggest that you train a colleague on the pretext that we all need extra skills in case of an emergency. Cohen warns that if your training needs to cover key projects and important ongoing activities, you're likely preparing a replacement for yourself.
