
Human Resource Management at McDonald's. Requirement for the quality of an employee - Professional - qualification and personal qualities

2. Personnel management in the McDonald's organization

2.1 Characteristics of the organization McDonald's

McDonald's is the largest chain of fast food restaurants in the world. The first McDonald's restaurant in Russia opened in 1990 on Pushkin Square in Moscow. The agreement to open restaurants in Moscow, signed in 1988, ended 12 years of hard-fought negotiations initiated by George A. Cohon, senior chairman of the board of McDonald's Restaurants of Canada Limited, senior chairman of McDonald's in Russia, and chairman of the board of directors of CJSC " Moscow-McDonald's.

Currently, McDonald's restaurants are open in such Russian cities as Moscow, Mytishchi, Reutov, Lyubertsy, Odintsovo, Troitsk, Dmitrov, Klin, Krasnogorsk, Balashikha, Khimki, Sergiev Posad and others. There are 213 restaurants in total. McDonald's restaurants are growing as stand-alone businesses in busy areas and on major city thoroughfares, as well as food courts in shopping malls. Every day, McDonald's restaurants in Russia serve more than 600,000 visitors.

On average per month, restaurants sell:

2,000,000 Coca-Cola/Fanta/Sprite drinks;

2,550,000 French fries;

1,100,000 milkshakes;

1,150,000 Big Maktm sandwiches;

950,000 pies.

Today, more than 17,000 people work for McDonald's in Russia.

For the preparation of all dishes, only the highest quality products are used that meet all McDonald's standards. At all stages of the production process, McDonald's, its suppliers and independent experts carry out a series of quality checks to ensure that all sanitary and hygienic norms and rules established by the Russian Federation are observed, as well as that the products are of the highest quality. In 1990, McDonald's invested US$45 million to build and equip a food processing and distribution center located in Moscow, McComplex. "Makkompleks" is located in one of the Moscow districts, Solntsevo. It supplies the necessary products to all McDonald's restaurants in Russia. The plant has its own lines for the production of p/f meat and buns, a product quality control laboratory and a sales department. Over the 14 years of its operation, Makkompleks has made a significant contribution to the development of the domestic food processing industry, the catering system, agriculture and business relations in Russia. Since 1989, McDonald's has shared its knowledge of technology and business relations with representatives of all CIS countries. Raw materials for McComplex are purchased from more than 100 Russian suppliers who strictly follow the standards of the Russian Federation and McDonald's standards. Moreover, as a result of the decentralization of food processing, with the participation of specialists and technical assistance from McDonald's, the production of finished products was already established at the enterprises of Russian suppliers (lettuce, pickled cucumbers, etc.). McComplex strictly controls the processing of products in accordance with the strict requirements and standards of McDonald's. McDonald's has one goal - to fully satisfy the needs of visitors. All company initiatives are measured by this single criterion.

2.2 Staff motivation at McDonald's

The staff in any organization is its integral part, that is, it cannot exist without people, and as a result of this, it cannot produce something, achieve its goal in activity. Personnel management, first of all, is based on the principles of the interest of the employees of the organization to work for it, to achieve certain goals.

Therefore, since the success of McDonald's depends on the effectiveness of each and every one of its employees, management, in an attempt to meet the needs of employees, uses the following motivational policy. Firstly, because the company needs employees who will work for the benefit of the organization for a long time. It offers its employees a flexible work schedule, which is set depending on the wishes and capabilities of the employees themselves and provides for work in the evening or in the morning, as well as on weekends, allows students to successfully combine work and study, and young parents to take care of their children. Secondly, the company is ready to spend time on new employees for their training, legal paperwork, money for uniforms, so that in the end an employee who only at the end of the probationary period (2 months) will get used to and cope with the difficulties and complexities of work. And thirdly, it offers various bonuses and bonuses that are paid for the processing of the monthly norm of working hours, free lunches, the new design of the old already unattractive uniform. Also the opportunity for a short period of time to achieve rapid growth on the career ladder. The reasons for such a career take-off in such a short period of time are due to staff turnover in all positions, as well as the opening of new restaurants that need employees.

Also, to attract new employees, the company uses advertising that you can earn decent money for a certain period of time. One of the genius recruiting ideas that McDonald's restaurants used in 2008 was handing out calendar cards with a job offer at the company on the back.

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  • Table of contents
  • 1. General characteristics of the enterprise
  • 2. The concept of personnel management at McDonald's LLC
  • 3. Personnel policy
  • 4. Organizational structure of the personnel management system
  • 5. Composition and structure of the personnel management service
  • 6. Structure of personnel management
  • Conclusion

1. General characteristics of the enterprise

Company name

OOO "McDonald's"

Company location

Naberezhnye Chelny

Vakhitov Ave. 13/A

Profile, type of enterprise


The degree of economic independence of the enterprise

Branch (subsidiary). None of the above branches: is not a legal entity, independent and independent of the Company, does not have an independent balance sheet and does not have its own bank accounts

Enterprise management

Enterprise management structure - a hierarchical type of management structure.

Management is carried out:


- Executive director

The owners of the enterprise are the founders.

Branch managers are appointed by the Company and act on the basis of its power of attorney.

List of personnel

As of 01.01.2009. - 105 people

2. The concept of personnel management at McDonald's LLC


Human resources management: human resources management, with a special focus on managing the professional development of staff

The main goal of the organization in the field of personnel management is to maximize the use of the labor and personal potential of the employee by creating optimal opportunities for professional growth and effective performance.

Approach to the worker

Personality, partner

Employee quality requirement

Professional - qualification and personal qualities

To improve the efficiency of activities in the field of personnel management, the following activities are carried out:

3 . Personnel policy

LLC "McDonald's" seeks, firstly, to ensure the development of a system of values ​​among young employees aimed at improving attitudes towards work, devotion to the organization, inadmissibility of disciplinary and offenses, and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

The recruitment of personnel from the external environment, with the help of the media, is practiced. But people who have already proven themselves in work at McDonald's are nominated for leadership positions.

In the McDonald's chain of restaurants, they have almost unlimited power to make decisions about their staff and some power in choosing the products they buy. In this firm, decisions about the location of new restaurants and stores are made in the middle management, while decisions that determine the level of prices and the release of new products are made only by top management.

4. Organizational structure of the personnel management system

All employees can be differentiated into three main categories: managers, specialists, performers. Managers are persons who perform the main function (GF) and carry out general management of the enterprise, its services and divisions. Specialists - persons performing the main function (PF) and engaged in the analysis of information and the preparation of decisions on economics, finance, scientific, technical and engineering problems, etc. Performers - persons performing an auxiliary function (VF), for example, work on the preparation and execution of documentation, business activities.

Advantages of the organizational structure of LLC "McDonald's": a clear division of labor contributes to the emergence of highly qualified specialists in every business; a strict hierarchy of management levels, in which the actions of a lower level of management are controlled by a higher one; development of uniform rules, norms and standards for each type of activity; formal impersonality of managers who are obliged to follow the instructions and instructions for their position; hiring in strict accordance with the qualifications of the employee and his dismissal "strictly according to the law."

The intensive factor, the average hourly output, had the greatest impact on the increase in the average annual output of one working McDonald's LLC, which indicates an improvement in the use of labor resources and an increase in the efficiency of the trading enterprise.

5. Composition and structure of the personnel management service

personnel personnel strategy employee

Category of workers "McDonald's" in 2006-2008, pers.

2008 In % to





Skilled Workers

Number of staff and structure of personnel by education

Age structure of personnel

6. Structure of personnel management

1. Coefficient of the number of managerial employees Chu

Kch \u003d H,

where Chu is the number of management employees,

H - the total number of employees of the organization.

2006: 22/100 = 0.22

2007: 23/102 = 0.23

2008: 25/105 = 0.24

2. Performance indicator P

Eu = Zy ,

where Zy - management costs;

P - profit.

2006: 20000000/1000000 = 20

2007: 30000000/1500000 = 20

2008: 30000000/1500000 = 20

3. Management cost ratio


where Zu - management costs;

Z - the total costs of the organization.

2006: 1000000 / 15000000= 0.06

2007: 1500000 / 20000000 = 0.075

2008: 1500000 / 20000000 = 0.075

Schedule of receipt and expenditure of funds at McDonald's, thousand rubles.


Deviation(+, -)

Balance at the beginning of the month

Funds from buyers and customers

of which repayment of receivables

Budget subsidies

Insurance claims

Other income (except loans and borrowings)

Funds directed to:

payment of current assets


payment of dividends

tax calculation

travel expenses

personnel training

other expenses

Net cash (cash flow) at the end of the month

Wages of McDonald's employees in 2006-2008, rub./hour


From the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

The concept of McDonald's LLC - Personnel management: human resources management, special attention is paid to the management of professional development of personnel

Goal - The main goal of the organization in the field of personnel management is to maximize the use of the labor and personal potential of the employee by creating optimal opportunities for professional growth and effective performance.

Approach to the employee - Personality, partner

Requirement for the quality of an employee - Professional - qualification and personal qualities

The main content of the UP. To improve the efficiency of activities in the field of personnel management, the following activities are carried out:

1. Measures to improve working conditions;

2. Development of informal, friendly relations between different departments and employees, etc.

At the same time, the main key point is the unity of the three main components: the labor function, social relations and the state of each employee.

Personnel policy is a priority direction of the development strategy. She is active in McDonald's LLC.

McDonald's LLC has a hierarchical type of management structure.

In addition, at McDonald's every month, based on the results of work, the best employee of the month is selected, who receives a bonus in the amount of 2-3 salaries. This encourages employees to work effectively and fruitfully.

The composition of the data reflecting the number of man-hours worked included information only on direct costs (i.e., without general production and general business costs). It was believed that such an approach would more reliably and objectively reflect the dynamics and structure of labor costs at McDonald's.

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Description of work

The purpose of the study is to develop a package of documents to improve the organization of work of the staff of the McDonald's restaurant in the fast food system.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks should be solved:
- To study the theoretical foundations of the organization of work of personnel in the fast food system.
- To analyze the system of organization of work of personnel in the restaurant "McDonald's" in Naberezhnye Chelny.
- Develop a package of documents to improve the organization of work of the McDonald's restaurant staff in the fast food system.


1. General characteristics of the enterprise McDonald's LLC…………………..... 7
1.1. The history of the emergence of McDonald's LLC……………………………..... 7
1.2. Characteristics of the enterprise LLC "McDonald's"………………………..... 8
2. Personnel potential of the enterprise……………………………………………......11
2.1. Personnel overview and recruitment ……………………………………………..…11
2.2. Organizational structure of the personnel management system………..….13
3.Marketing activities………………………………………………...……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3.1. McDonald's Business Strategy……………………………….…15
3.2.Market segmentation……………………………………………………........17
4. Analysis of production and sales of products…………………………………..20
4.1. Product quality and safety………………………………...………20
4.2. Suppliers……………………………………………………………..…….22
5.Financial activities of the enterprise………………………….………...…..25
List of used literature…………

Tatyana Yasinovskaya, Vice President for Human Resources Development and Training, McDonald's in Russia and Eastern Europe, reports.

It is safe to say that if McDonald’s in Russia had not developed its personnel policy from the very beginning, based on the systematic training of professionals within the company, the growth rates would have been much lower than those achieved.

Now about 60% of our department heads are people who once started working in line positions. And only the remaining 40% are professionals accepted from outside. The ratio is pretty impressive. Yes, we attract specialists from the market, but we do not believe that this is the main way to solve personnel problems. As a result, a team is formed that can become one of the main advantages of the business.

Myths about specificity

You can often hear that personnel development is a purely “Western” practice, so when using it, Russian specifics should be taken into account. And I am sure that there is no “Russian specificity”. It's just a matter of organization as such.

If employees decide to develop within the company, it is necessary to build a consistent system of training and education. If such a decision is not made, then there will be no personnel reserve. That's the whole "specificity". As for those programs that were developed in the West, in the USA and Europe, they are quite applicable in our conditions. Moreover, in my opinion, Russian management is even more responsive to such development opportunities. Perhaps, due to the fact that such practices have been used in developed markets for a long time, a significant history has been accumulated and people are a little “full”.

In Russia, the "hunger" in terms of corporate programs aimed at supporting growth and development is still felt. As a result, employees use every opportunity to learn and move up the career ladder.

I remember well how the first Russian McDonald's restaurant was opened. I was in the very first team that started on Pushkin Square in Moscow. So, I can say: for us then, many things seemed incredibly new and progressive. We have never heard or known anything like this, we were completely “green”, fresh and inexperienced in the field of career building ... They came from different universities, with a good education, but without a clear understanding of how to put it into practice, but with a huge enthusiasm!

Now everything is different. People began to plan career growth more clearly and pragmatically, to choose their own line of behavior. Even today's students are starting to build personal long-term strategies. They want not only to study, as we once did, but to manage their professional growth, their future. This choice is much more conscious. Even very young workers in Russia today in most cases know what they want and where they are going. They are much more conscious in their choice of education - university, specialization, department, specialty. Against the backdrop of the romantic and carefree youth of the USSR, these young people are realists and practitioners, and therefore they are much more ready than we once were to move forward. Ready in advance. It is only necessary to understand what they are striving for, to support and turn these aspirations to the benefit of the company. In this sense, work with personnel (including the development and training of personnel within the company) acquires a special value for business.

The talent selection and development system at McDonald's has been operating in Russia since the first day the restaurant on Pushkinskaya opened. All that experience, all those programs and practices that were developed in the corporation were "transplanted" onto Russian soil. What was "localization"? It seems to me that it is simply that each of us was shown and explained how and where one can move up the career ladder. And when the first participants of the training programs went on promotion, it became clear: the system is not just fixed on paper, but really works. After all, they were all recruited to the same positions. And two or three months passed - and now someone has already moved to the next step, then stepped even higher, and more ... And when the first directors of restaurants grew up from among those with whom we all started together in the kitchen and behind the counter, in the shopping hall, it became completely clear: the mechanism really works.

When in 1993 McDonald's was opened on Ogarev Street and on Arbat - our second and third restaurants - the directors were already people who had grown up inside the company. I was offered to work in the personnel department, and I decided for myself that this would be my path for further development and growth in the company. Today, everyone who was the first in Russia to loudly pronounce the cherished phrase “Free cash desk!” has dispersed within the company, each in his own direction.


And when it is obvious to everyone that the company first of all offers a vacant vacancy to its own, it is looking for a candidate among its own employees, this gives a very powerful, positive signal. As a matter of fact, the first promotions that I mentioned were the start for the entire system of internal corporate training and staff development at Russian McDonald’s.

flying hours

I confess that it is not so easy to give a short and unambiguous answer to the question posed “on the forehead”: “What is better, what is more correct for a company – to “buy” a specialist on the open labor market or to grow them inside?” Yes, you can “buy” a person with high professional qualities and developed leadership competencies. But even such an ideal candidate will need to be “brought up” to the level that managers in a particular company must meet.

When hiring an outside employee, there are two key considerations to keep in mind. Firstly, need to understand the extent to which a person , who came to a new company for himself, is ready to share its fundamental values. In addition, it is simply impossible to feel the “genius of the place” right away. This takes time. Even if you have hired a high-level professional, you need to “marry” him with the current management system, the accepted practice of interaction between company departments, and team relations. And it's not so easy.

Secondly, for any organization it is very important how people (not in words, but in deeds) are committed to their work and believe in what they do. In addition to high professional skills (a necessary but not sufficient condition), a true leader must also have the ability to accept the values ​​of the organization and be imbued with true, not ostentatious patriotism. Just like that, the elements of this mosaic do not add up by themselves. Sometimes this does not work at all, despite great efforts to integrate a manager invited from another company.


Executives who started out as employees are more likely to move into the top management position with much-needed commitment and an absolute understanding and adherence to the values ​​of the business.

But I won’t argue that it’s easier and cheaper to train a specialist within a company than to “buy”. This is a huge job and a serious investment. At McDonald’s, for example, you can become a restaurant director (of course, growth rates are different for all employees) in two or three years - starting as an ordinary employee. This is the minimum period, but there are similar examples. Considering that the restaurant director is one of the key positions at McDonald’s (from 80 to 150 employees, not to mention millions of turnovers), the formation of a leader in such a short time is very expensive.

First of all - about the terms of training.

The future director will need no less than two thousand hours just to listen to the specialized courses of our training center. And this is only the “base”, the qualification minimum that a person must master in order to reach the position of director. If we translate this into money, then investments in the training of such an employee amount to hundreds of thousands of rubles. Of course, the amount of investment varies depending on which training programs are used. After all, it can be both local classes and programs in Europe or the USA, external trainings. And I repeat that this is only the foundation, the foundation.

Eternal Students

Another feature of our approach to development is that we never stop and continue learning in any position and at any level. For what? Over many years of experimentation and the search for best practices, it turned out that if all employees without exception do not continue training, the average level of team training will not increase. And in the worst case, it will start to decline. Besides, there is always something to learn. Especially today. The world is changing so fast, just keep up. Here we are learning. Everyone - from a novice employee to department heads and restaurant directors.

By the way, the acceleration of the pace of life and the formation of new requirements is not at all a beautiful metaphor. Just remember what requirements were presented, say, ten years ago to the secretary. In fact, it was enough to be able to type quickly, be attentive and politely answer the phone. And now you need to know dozens of different computer programs. And not only such simple ones as PowerPoint or Word. A secretary ten years ago and now are two completely different levels of training. So, study, study, study!

I often have to talk about how we build a learning system. And every time I emphasize that the main thing here is the system. Different people at different stages of development and career growth require different additional classes and trainings. One today needs to master the practice of successful presentations, and the other needs to develop completely different skills. Therefore, within the framework of the current system (and in order to effectively manage investments), each employee in the company has his own personal development plan. As a rule, it is not limited to a year, but is developed for up to three years. That is, the development plan is built taking into account the medium term. In this way, it is possible to link the personal goals and objectives of the employee with those that face the business as a whole, as well as determine the right set of development and training programs that the employer will provide.

We form similar plans for employees, starting with the position of assistant restaurant manager. This is about the third rung on the career ladder. Although line workers also have their own personal goals and objectives. It's just that they are of a different level, simpler, but no less important for us.

Plans are discussed with employees at least once a year. And at the level of restaurants - once every six months. And again, these are not just documents lying on the table. And not just a tick that the manager puts, reporting on the work done. We are seriously studying what has happened and is happening to a person, what he succeeded in and what did not. And why. And then we start thinking about how to adjust the plan.

At least once a year there is a detailed personal conversation with the head. That is, with the person who is directly involved in the development of the employee. These conversations and discussions are not at all reduced to assessing the risks of a company's investment in a particular employee. It would be too small for a large corporation. Yes, we assess the risk of losing a person. But the main task of the leader is not at all to reduce investment in training if everything feels like the person is going to leave. The true goal is to identify and eliminate those factors that increase the risk of losing an employee! Different people have different motives. As well as the reasons for leaving - everyone has their own. The task of the manager is to understand what actions should be taken in order not to lose an employee whom he evaluates as talented and capable of growth.

Staff turnover certainly exists - as in any other growing business. This is fine. For example, students come to work with us. Then they complete their education and go to work in their specialty. Well, let them use the skills and knowledge that they have received from us in other companies. Let them become successful - this will be our success too. In any case, we are talking about investing in people who live in our country and work next to us. It doesn't matter that not all of them will build their careers at McDonald's. It is enough that they will remember with gratitude more than once the beginning of their career, the time they worked with us. By the way, opinion polls of our employees show that after the first 6-9 months of work, 80% of them seriously reconsider their opinion about career prospects at McDonald’s and, having got to know the company “from the inside”, want to stay and grow with us. Restaurant managers and directors have been with the company for at least 10 years on average.

Operation Successor

An important element of the training system is mentoring. We each have our own mentor. For an assistant, this is the director of the restaurant, for the director, the production consultant, for the consultant, the manager ... and so on. Simply put, each employee has someone who is interested in his development. The one who will support him, provide resources and (important detail!) Share his personal experience. After all, learning is a mixed process. These are not only formal classes and courses, but also the experience that is gained in the process of working and communicating with a mentor.

All this can only work in combination. If you send a person to courses, he will gladly go to them. He sits on them for five days, returns - and ... nothing will change. Similarly, it is difficult to make significant progress if mentoring is not backed up by training programs.

I am absolutely convinced that you can become a real leader only when you are able to prepare a good shift for yourself. Moreover, it is these people who move you up! The main thing is to clearly and clearly formulate this logic. So that every leader in the company understands how and why he should develop talents in his team.

We take these matters very seriously. And even a little formal (just the case when it is useful). Each leader must not only have one person capable of replacing him, but must form a group of candidates in varying degrees of readiness. The optimal personnel reserve is three employees, tutored and raised by the manager. And it is not at all necessary that every growing employee necessarily works in the same department, “under the wing” of a mentor. Rather, each leader should know well and soberly assess the circle of people with whom he interacts in the process of work. And, if necessary, recommend them for those positions that need to be “closed”.

By the way, about formalism. Any leader among us knows that he has no chance to grow further on his own if he does not have a replacement. And this, as it turns out, is a very powerful motivation! If I want to grow further, there must be someone behind me whom I will prepare. The one whom I will help to develop and learn, so that I myself can go further. The system works effectively because it is simple and logical. The development of people is one of the mandatory elements of personal certification, evaluation of the results of the manager's work for the year.


At the same time, the system of training and development of employees (and the mentoring system) should not be perceived as an exclusively “vertical”, hierarchical process. The company always has the possibility of "horizontal" development. And we often practice "horizontal" movements. Let's say we have a talented person who is already ready to move to a new position, but at the moment there is no way to raise him further. You can always find an opportunity to offer such an employee to develop in a new direction for him. In addition, talented people can rarely be considered highly specialized. If an employee already has leadership qualities and has reached a sufficiently high professional level, he will be able to work successfully in many areas of business.

To give an example: one of the leaders of the production department, very successful, constantly achieving very high results, at one time worked for four years in the department of training and development. The combination of people skills and industrial experience has helped him achieve a very high position: he now runs hundreds of restaurants. I am sure that "horizontal" development has played a role in this success story.

The vice president for development of McDonald's in Russia started in the purchasing department. At a certain stage of his career, he became interested in a new area - and now he is successfully opening new restaurants in Russia.

We have a lot of such stories, I will not even try to list them all. The moral is already clear: the system of corporate training is not a dogma and not an army drill. It is a tool with which a business can achieve its strategic goals.

And sometimes I get asked about the “secrets of HR”. In particular, about the secrets of building an effective system of corporate training. Yes, there are no secrets! Just everyone needs to be able to find the right place. And practice shows that such a place in any company must be. The main thing is to see him in time.

The "secret" of success lies only in the fact that this is a constant, systematic work. Today, the development of talent in companies that want to become leaders and successfully develop their business is the main task of HR.

The economic crisis has given all of us a little respite. But in the short term, a real battle for talent will break out. Talented people are an unconditional value. Everyone needs them, and not only in Russia. This is the true capital and the main resource of business, which, in my opinion, requires an even more serious attitude than money capital. The lack of a systematic approach to training and development of employees is fraught with the fact that in a year or two, having decided to just go and “buy” the right employee in the market, like in a supermarket, you will be convinced that it is much easier to find money than people.



1. What is personnel policy

2. The concept of employees of public catering enterprises

3. Motivation and stimulation of personnel

4. Recruitment

5. Staff:

Evaluation of catering workers

Ways to improve personnel management in the enterprise

Organization of personnel training system

6. Analysis of the state of personnel policy and its main problems at the moment

Staffing during a crisis

Staff problems and management errors

Staff turnover

Personnel shortage


II. Practical part: analysis of the personnel policy of the McDonald's restaurant.

Issues under consideration:

Company activity in the world

Work is seasonal

Hiring age

Workers uniform

Trainee Manager Program

Are employees cheating visitors?

How the work inside is tripled

Why are there so few people who want to work in this area?

Why go to work in a restaurant

Requirements for working girls


Working positions

III.Conclusions and offers



Public catering in Russia has recently been gaining momentum. A special share is the network of commercial enterprises: restaurants, cafes, snack bars, bars. Small businesses have the greatest degree of adaptation to changing consumer demand for products and services provided by catering enterprises. Small businesses are very easy to organize, as they need less production and retail space. Hence, less investment.

A large share in the field of public catering is occupied by such enterprises as: restaurants, cafes, bars.

They organize the leisure of the population, provide various services, help organize recreation and hold celebrations.

The quality of staff service in these institutions depends on the staff working in them. well-constructed personnel policy brings great success and potential for further development. Personnel who work in public catering establishments. They are the face of the entire enterprise. And a business card that attracts more and more new visitors. It is for this purpose that I write my work. It considers both general concepts and analyzes the general state of personnel policy at this stage of development.

The purpose of the work: To study the features of the personnel policy of public catering

Work tasks:

Consider the main indicators and methods of managing catering personnel.

Describe the psychology of work of workers.

Show catering personnel policy methods

Conduct an analysis of the state of personnel policy at a given time.

I. Theoretical part of personnel policy at public catering establishments

1. What is personnel policy

Personnel policy- this is a developed personnel management strategy, the formation of labor resources: employees, i.e. personnel with the necessary qualities, as well as their required number at a given enterprise.

Frames is labor resource that contains the productive forces. With the help of them, an enterprise is created and developed. Only they can set in motion all the means of production. The entire business is built on well-trained professionals. The main question becomes how to make workers work well and with maximum efficiency. The need for strong personnel is always great. without them, no company can withstand fierce competition. It is from the personnel service that competent proposals and decisions on remuneration and stimulation of the work of employees should be demanded.

The object of control is- human resources, labor resources, labor force, workers, personnel, personnel.

Personnel policy is an activity aimed at uniting all employees and personnel in order to achieve a common goal. It can be attributed here.

Personnel - the entire composition of the personnel of the enterprise, which is a group according to professional characteristics.

Personnel it is also an object, and target personnel policy , which involves the formation, distribution and rational use of skilled workers.

To build a competent personnel policy, it is necessary:

1)Planning- determination of future goals, means and methods of formation, management and development of the enterprise

2)Organization- creates an orderly activity of public catering enterprises and is aimed at systematizing the work of workers and performers.

3)Motivation - this is a process of activating the activity of employees, encouraging them to work actively to achieve their goals.

Staff motivation is the most important problem that managers of hospitality industry enterprises constantly solve. A number of studies have shown that excellent service is the main factor in attracting customers for the second, third time, and so on. The client can be attracted with the help of advertising, a good interior, a well-varied menu. And the second time the visitor comes, thanks to the professional work of the staff. And most importantly, the high quality of service attracts. Therefore, a high level of motivation of employees and especially those who have a direct impact on customers and their perception of service must be ensured. Nevertheless, in practice, it is not uncommon for the majority of employees involved in multilateral personal contacts to be in the category of the least paid.

4) control - evaluation of the results achieved, with those that were set from the very beginning.

Management methods.

The method of management is the methods and methods of influencing the managed object in order to achieve goals.

Various methods are used in catering establishments.

The main ones include:

- Economic Methods: help to identify new opportunities and develop economic planning indicators. Conditions are being formed, in consequence of which the personnel strive for effective work not only through the influence of administrative influence (orders and instructions), but also with economic incentives. As a result, organizational-administrative and socio-psychological methods are being developed and strengthened, and their professionalism is increasing.

- Organizational and administrative methods management . are direct directive instructions. The basis of these methods are relations as an integral part of the management mechanism of a public catering enterprise. The task is to coordinate the actions of subordinates. Such methods have an impact on the managed object by applying: orders, orders, instructions, and monitoring their implementation, maintaining labor discipline, etc.

There are three forms of manifestation:

A prescription that must be followed in strict order (order, prohibition, etc.);

Forms of consent (consultation, resolution of compromises);

Administrative impact is associated with some types of subordination:

- forced and externally imposed, which is accompanied by an unpleasant feeling of dependence and is understood by subordinates as pressure "from above";

- passive subordination, for him the nature of satisfaction is inherent, which is associated with not making independent decisions;

- conscious internally justified, which satisfies both the manager and the subordinate.

- Socio-psychological methods of management- ways of influencing personal relationships and connections between employees of the enterprise. By using:

Various moral incentives

And with the help of psychological impact on workers.

The goal is to create a positive working climate,

Used as a psychological influence

Workforce development planning

persuasion method

Participation of workers in management

2. The concept of employees of public catering enterprises

The mode of work in any profession is based on the rhythm of work - this is a certain temporal and semantic sequence of labor operations in order to automate the necessary working skills and professional skills.

Professional skill appears by gaining skills (cutting vegetables, fish, etc.). sometimes additional training is needed as a result of which the required level and technique of processing products is achieved. You need to constantly improve your knowledge. A beginner, due to inexperience, makes a lot of unnecessary movements, which takes up most of his working time. When he gains some experience, his work will have a sufficiently clear and polished character.

Labor psychology as a branch of psychology that studies the psychological dynamics of an employee during his work activity helps to create the most effective work and form the necessary traits in the employee's personality.

I'll tell you about the workers we often meet at catering establishments -

1) maitre d'- a man who is one of the most important in the hall. He meets and seats guests. Resolves various issues. Keeps order in the hall, as well as how the waiters serve the guests. Such an employee should have a fairly pleasant appearance. Be a good psychologist and quickly learn the desires and mood of clients. The main task is to always smile, be cordial and calm. be able to deal with unexpected situations, conflicts, etc.

2) Sommelier. Such a position is available only in good promoted restaurants. A sommelier is a person who knows the art of service and knows almost everything about it. An excellent connoisseur of wines, as well as their proper presentation to perfection.

3) Hostess. Young, beautiful, intelligent, knowing a foreign language. Mistress. She is always at the entrance to the hall. The head waiter's right hand, replacing him at such moments when he has no way to move away from the guests. Like the sommelier, the phenomenon in our restaurants is new. She shows the guests the halls, gives general information on the cuisine and wine list, entertainment programs. When showing interest in something specific, the hostess calls the appropriate person: chef, sommelier, art manager, etc. The use of hostesses is justified, because only one visitor can take a long time, and the head waiter must continuously attend to all guests.

4 ) Porte. The person who first meets the client, and he is the last to see him off. As you know, "the theater begins with a hanger", the same can be said about the restaurant. In psychology, the so-called "edge effect" is known - a phenomenon that consists in the fact that elements of information located at the beginning and end of a row are remembered faster and better than those located in the middle. The receptionist is just the element that starts and ends the entire procedure for visiting a restaurant. The receptionist must have a pleasant appearance, impeccable manners and a special flair for the client. For example, he must understand in which case it is worth helping the lady get dressed, and in which case it is worth leaving this concern to her companion.

The respondents we interviewed among the main ones named the following qualities of a good porter: the ability to unobtrusively provide a service (obtrusiveness is annoying), the ability to take tips gracefully and with dignity, the ability to feel when it is necessary to help dress and when not, dexterity, good memory, politeness.

It should be noted that representatives of all the positions considered should have a good memory and attention, as well as the ability to listen and maintain a conversation.

We suggest you expand your arsenal of methods for selecting applicants for the above positions with several psychological techniques. They are easy to use, do not require professional psychological knowledge and do not take much time.

5) bartender- bar is popular. A person who knows how to arrange various shows with alcoholic drinks. The technique of each individual bartender is very different. The bartender is almost always on his feet, because, according to the principle of etiquette, he simply cannot sit down.

According to expert estimates, 40% of St. Petersburg waiters and bartenders change jobs at least once a year. This is due to their dissatisfaction with wages and working conditions. That is why it is necessary to form the loyalty of not only visitors, but also the staff, which is an important strategic potential of any catering establishment. Most of the participants in the competitions of professional skills of trade and catering workers taking place in the republic are graduates of the Ufa Training and Course Combine of Trade of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of the Republic of Belarus. The prestige of the professions of a seller, an administrator of a trading floor, a merchandiser, and a marketer is steadily growing. At the same time, the requirements placed on them are also growing: specialists must be highly qualified, master the most modern sales techniques and technologies. All this is taught at the Trade Training Center. The number of waiters should depend on the number of seats available. According to the norms, there should be about 15 guests per waiter. The main money for waiters and bartenders is from tips. And the better the waiter, the more he earns. So, according to one of the experts, in Izhevsk a good waiter should earn at least 20 thousand rubles per month. In principle, after that, the owner of the establishment can only conclude agreements with suppliers and open an establishment. And at the same time think about what the next restaurant will be like. Cook, waiter, bartender, sommelier, barista are the most demanded professions in modern catering establishments. In the region today, only a few educational institutions can be named, where they train personnel for restaurants, bars and cafes. One of them is the Institute of Economics, Management and Law (Kazan). About a new, recently opened faculty, the purpose of which is to train specialists for the food industry. To become an excellent specialist in your field, you need to know it thoroughly. In the field of catering today, both heads of catering enterprises and managers, chefs, technologists, cooks, waiters, sommeliers, baristas, etc. are in demand. A new faculty of catering technology has been opened at our institute, where future engineers are trained - specialists who will know the scientific foundations of proper nutrition, the traditions and rules of culinary art, hospitality and service culture. On February 18, the Royal Beach Club restaurant hosted a round table on the topic: “Personnel issue in the field of public catering in St. Petersburg”. It was the first event of its kind, organized by the Association of Public Catering Enterprises. The reason for holding this meeting was the problem associated with the lack of qualified personnel, the discrepancy between modern requirements and the training of specialists in educational institutions, and the lack of staff stability. Also, such burning topics as the issue of legal protection of personnel, dishonesty of employees were raised. The following issues were discussed: the crisis and its impact on the labor market in the field of catering, the question of what difficulties the service personnel are experiencing, and the problem of personnel training. The general meaning of what has been said (without pretending to be verbatim) can be represented as follows:

3. Motivation and stimulation of personnel

Motivation- this is a certain program embedded in each person and determining the motives of his behavior. This program is most often innate, although under the influence of various life circumstances, it certainly undergoes changes.

Stimulation- these are the ways and tools that can influence the motives inherent in a person.

There are many theories of motivation. One of the most successful is the theory of motivation by Vladimir Gerchikov, which is widely used in the Russian theory of personnel management. Its advantage lies precisely in its relevance for business, as it provides tools that are well applicable in practice. According to this theory, there is five basic types of motivation:

1. Professional. It is typical for people who are interested in constant growth and development. Work for them is first and foremost an interest. They study with pleasure, read specialized, professional literature, and raise their professional level on their own initiative.

2. Instrumental. It is typical for people for whom work is primarily a tool for making money, and not at all an interest in the profession as such. Such a specialist is primarily interested not in what he will do, but how much he will be paid for it. But we must understand that the goal of people with this type of motivation is not just to get more, but to earn money. These people are just not slackers. They are ready to work hard and hard, but they will always demand an appropriate reward for this.

3. Lumpenized. It is typical for people whose goal is to work less. At the same time, people with this type of motivation are ready to receive just enough for their work just to survive. Work for them is nothing more than a forced necessity. A typical example of a person with this type of motivation is an employee who is constantly engaged in the most low-skilled work, and not because of the circumstances.

4. Master's. Inherent in people who feel personally responsible for everything they do. Their motto is: "I am the owner, I am responsible for everything." This type of motivation is typical (or rather, should ideally be typical) for the owners and managers of enterprises.

5. Patriotic. As the name implies, this is a type of motivation in which the determining factor for a person is work in a particular area or a particular company. Such people are driven by belonging to a certain professional circle, pride in their enterprise. It is extremely important for them that they work in this particular company.

Undoubtedly, there are no people who would have only one type of motivation. A person can have professional, business, and patriotic motives. Nevertheless, for any person, one can single out the dominant type of motivation that determines his behavior and attitude to work.

The dominant type of motivation characteristic of a person from birth can change under the influence of various external circumstances. We must understand that there are no good and bad types of motivation. It's just that every employee with a dominant type of motivation inherent in him should be "in his place."

Take at least "lumpenized" motivation. In any restaurant there is a lot of monotonous, low-skilled and low-paid work, but at the same time extremely necessary work. This is washing dishes, cleaning, and much more. People with predominantly lumpenized motivation in such positions are simply irreplaceable. You can, of course, put a typical "toolmaker" to wash the dishes, but the restaurateur is unlikely to be happy with this circumstance. Of course, such a person will not refuse any work, but will demand money literally for every washed plate.

At the same time, there is hardly a better waiter than the typical "tool man". No other person with a different dominant type of motivation will work so hard for their tips or percentages of the sales of certain dishes.

Among chefs there are specialists with dominant professional motivation, but there are not a few people with underclass motivation. That is why in the kitchen in restaurants as a style of leadership is very common paternalism. Chefs with underdog motivation prefer a chef as their manager. Having a paternalistic leader is a very big risk for the owner of the enterprise, as too many “human” motives will be woven into the business. There are cases when, if it is necessary to replace the leader for one reason or another, the team simply refuses to work with another person and the whole team has to be changed.

Stimulants, however, as well as penalties, are different for employees with different prevailing types of motivation. A person with professional motivation is not too stimulated only by money. It is very important for him to have an idea about the prospects of his career. Such a specialist may be very interested in a relatively free work schedule, certain concessions. As a rule, it does not need to be strictly checked, as it will gladly do its job. But a person with a lumpenized motivation needs to be checked. Moreover, if the "lumpen" did not come, for example, to work on time, he should also be severely punished. But it is unlikely that material punishment will be effective. A person with under-motivated motivation will not quit if, as a punishment, he is forced to do an additional amount of not the most pleasant work or put in an uncomfortable shift. But the degree of impact of such punishment will be much more significant than the usual pecuniary penalty.

As for the master's motivation, all leaders should have it. Otherwise, they simply will not be able to bear the responsibility that their position implies.

It is hardly worth expecting effective work for a salary from an employee with instrumental motivation. This is a typical "dealer". He must clearly understand what he is paid money for. Accordingly, the best incentive for such an employee, for example, if we are talking about a waiter, is the opportunity, in addition to tips, to receive a percentage of sales. If, as a penalty, to conduct conversations with him on the topic “what is good and what is bad,” this, most likely, will not have the proper impact on him. Despite the fact that most restaurateurs use the imposition of financial penalties as a measure of punishment for employees, many experts believe that its effectiveness is not particularly high. One can agree with them, but with one caveat: for an employee with predominant instrumental motivation, this type of punishment is the most effective.

An experienced hiring specialist will determine the type of candidate’s motivation, either “by eye”, or by analyzing the types of activities that a person has been engaged in before.

Whatever incentive methods are used for various categories of personnel, a restaurateur should always be guided by a number of general principles.

The approach to motivating employees should be individual. The most useful and valuable employees, leaders, on whom the success of your activities depends, must be singled out. It's both cheaper and more efficient.

It is bad when a restaurateur does not pay due attention to adequate remuneration of staff. But in no case should the other extreme be allowed - “overfeeding” employees. Any additional incentives should be given only for specific achievements, for certain work done. Too “kind” leader will inevitably sooner or later become the object of blackmail by the staff and become dependent on him.

Naturally, when determining staff incentives, it is necessary to take into account the dominant types of people's motivation. The cost of stimulating employees should be viewed from the same perspective as the cost of training, namely as an investment in the most valuable thing you have - people. This is the capital on which the success of the business depends to a decisive extent. From a financial point of view, this is definitely a cost. But from the point of view of business efficiency, these are investments that pay off many times over.

Methods of incentives applied to staff:

1. Percentage of sales of certain food or beverages.

As a rule, this incentive measure is applied to waiters and bartenders and is quite effective. In addition to an additional financial incentive for staff, this method allows the restaurateur to increase sales of certain menu items, which is often very relevant, for example, when the chef introduces new dishes and in a number of other cases. Interest is usually calculated from the proceeds received from the sale of the dish.

2. Establishment of a "floating" salary scale for employees.

Within a certain position, for example, categories are established for bartenders - trainee, bartender, senior bartender. Each category corresponds to a certain salary. The category is assigned to a specialist based on the results of an assessment carried out in the form of certification after a certain period of time. In addition, when assigning a category, the work of a specialist for the period that has passed since the previous certification is also assessed, according to a number of criteria - basic skills and abilities, quality of work, independence, initiative, responsibility, diligence and commitment, learning ability, teamwork, skills communication, etc. In accordance with the category assigned based on the results of such a comprehensive assessment, the official salary of the employee is also established, which does not change until the next assessment. The advantage of the method is that real opportunities for horizontal growth are created for employees within their position.

3. Monthly performance bonuses.

This system was established in order to control discipline within the workforce.

Let's consider it in more detail on the example of waiters.

Loyalty Factors Y=30%:

Fulfillment of official duties - 20%;

Personal initiative - 20%

Colleague support - 20%;

Lateness - 20%;

Politeness towards guests to colleagues - 10%;

Appearance - 10%.

B - bonus, which is paid subject to 100% completion.

At the end of the shift, the manager evaluates the work of employees for all of the above components. At the end of the month, a summary of the work is compiled. In case of fulfilling all 100%, the employee is assigned a bonus in the amount of 10% of the variable part of the salary Y, namely:

B \u003d 1400 * 10% \u003d 140 rubles.

If, for one reason or another, an employee scored a lower number of points during the month of work, for example, 90%, then its variable part will be equal to:

Y \u003d 1400 * 0.9 \u003d 1260 rubles.

In this case, the employee loses 140 rubles.

Thus, this system serves at the same time as an element of the bonus deduction system.

Tipping as one of the ways to stimulate labor.

An important role in stimulating labor is undoubtedly played by the economic remuneration received (wages and other material incentives). In the service sector, the level of economic remuneration of employees is lower than in the manufacturing sectors of the economy. However, here, and above all in the hospitality industry, the historically established tradition of receiving additional remuneration (payment) for work in the form of tips, the amount of which significantly increases the level of material well-being of service personnel (waiters and bartenders).

From an economic point of view, tips are considered as an additional payment for the provision of additional services, or a mechanism that complements the fixed price of a service in non-standard situations.

Sociologists explain the function of a tip as a gift to someone who provides a service. At the same time, it should emphasize the high social status of the donor and is a demonstration of his superiority. Everyone who has received a tip should at the same time feel blessed and express gratitude and respect to the one he serves. This sociological explanation contradicts reality, as it indicates that waiters and bartenders should feel somewhat humiliated when receiving a tip. In practice, most of them, on the contrary, feel humiliated when they do not receive a tip or when the tip is not generous enough. Moreover, customers tend to leave tips discreetly, without advertising them. The principles of elementary courtesy dictate to the waiter that he should not check the tip amount in front of the client.

There is an unspoken international standard for tipping – 10% of the bill. However, it should be remembered that tips are a purely voluntary desire, and their size depends not only on established traditions, but also on other factors. The famous American psychologist Michael Lynn established the following regularities of scientific interest for this phenomenon:

1. Tip sizes practically do not depend on the quality of food, or on the atmosphere of the restaurant, or on the gender and age of the waiters, or on the amount of alcoholic beverages consumed.

2. Factors that increase the size of the tip include:

The physical attractiveness of the waiter or waitress, including appearance and clothing;

The number of additional waiter visits to the customer's table that are not necessary and do not improve the quality of service.

3. Factors that reduce tip size include:

The amount of the bill (the larger it is, the smaller the percentage of the amount will be a tip);

The number of customers at the same table (the larger the company, the smaller the tip).

4. Men tend to leave larger amounts of tips than women. Customers who pay with credit cards leave more tips than customers who pay with cash.

Tips are distributed differently in different restaurants. In some, at the end of the shift, tips are equally divided among all staff, including managers, cloakroom attendants, dishwashers, etc. In others, waiters give only 30% of the total tip to all other departments. And, thirdly, the tip belongs entirely to the waiter.

Penalties applied to personnel.

Just as with incentives, the approach to imposing penalties should be individual. A measure that may be effective for one may be completely ineffective for another. When choosing a punishment, it is also important to take into account the dominant type of employee motivation.

In general, it is better to resort to deprecation only in extreme cases. The best option is to conduct the recruitment procedure more carefully and thoughtfully, avoiding hiring those who will subsequently have to be constantly punished.

Violations on the part of the staff, for which the dismissal of employees is possible:


    being at the workplace in a state of intoxication;

    an attempt to shortchange a guest;

    rudeness towards the guest;

    non-compliance with personal hygiene requirements;

    untidy appearance;

    smoking or eating in front of guests.

4. Recruitment

Recruitment is a stage no less important than the choice of equipment and furniture. It is the staff that forms the first impression of the visitor, and, of course, the degree of quality of training of waiters and bartenders, which determines the class of the institution. And, unfortunately, in Izhevsk, recruitment is a real problem. There are practically no ready-made personnel for any position - be it a manager, chef, waiter or bartender. There is no shortage, perhaps, only in dishwashers, cleaners and security guards. Therefore, in any case, the owner will have to spend money both on the initial training of employees and on subsequent ones - this is especially true for bartenders, managers and cooks. The whole cuisine and the whole image of the restaurant depends entirely on the chef. The chef develops the menu and implements his ideas through other chefs. Finding a good chef in Izhevsk is no less difficult than finding a suitable premises for a restaurant, and good chefs are not cheap. The salary of a French chef is $4,000 a month, and that of an Uzbek or Chinese chef is about $1,000. And this is not discrimination based on nationality - the cost of personnel is determined by their qualifications and the shortage of supply.

Recruitment is a critical stage in personnel management. The ability to hire the right people is a great and rare talent that must be mastered by the managerial personnel. Great difficulty to find ordinary staff, in particular, waiters. For some reason, this profession is not considered prestigious in our country. Although specialists for catering are trained by our educational institutions, it is better not to hire them, too much time is spent on retraining. You have to start by explaining that guests should smile and in no case swear at them. The graduates of local vocational schools cannot understand this at all.

Recruitment is a continuous work that requires special abilities, knowledge and skills.

Hiring- these are actions aimed at attracting personnel who have the qualities necessary to achieve the goals set by the organization.

Line personnel search methods»

1. Selection of candidates through acquaintances.

In addition, managers themselves turn to employees with a proposal to invite their acquaintances to work, place internal announcements on this topic in institutions. Naturally, all candidates who come through such channels go through a standard and rather strict selection system.

2. Using external sources of information, placing ads in the media.

This is the most common method used. The disadvantages of this method include the need to subsequently screen out among a considerable number of candidates, most of which do not even come close to meeting the requirements.

When advertising in the media, managers formulate specific information about the specialist they need: about the requirements for the level of his education, length of service in his specialty, age, etc. this can reduce the number of applicants who do not meet the requirements. Already on the phone, they try to find out how this person suits them. To do this, a list of questions is prepared in advance that are asked during a telephone conversation. The candidate is warned about what documents he must bring with him. Managers also prepare a special questionnaire and leave room for personal impressions in it.

3. Selection of specialists among graduates or students of various specialized courses or specialized educational institutions.

The advantage of this method is that people who come to study at specialized courses initially have a certain starting motivation. In addition, graduates receive certain knowledge in the field of their future professional activities. Moreover, most of the courses are not designed to train specialists for a particular restaurant chain - training for them is quite universal.

The technology of hiring and adaptation of personnel is carried out as follows.

When a vacancy appears, managers review the staffing table and try to find opportunities for a more rational distribution of responsibilities among employees, stimulating them accordingly. Upon careful analysis, it often turns out that such a possibility exists. Moreover, this option of action is beneficial from an economic point of view. There is no need to bear the costs of hiring a specialist, and the total additional payments to employees who will be assigned additional duties are always lower than the salary that a new employee will have to pay.

To make a decision, you need to answer several questions:

Which employees can be delegated certain functions?

What financial incentives should be taken to interest these employees in the effective performance of additional duties?

Will such a redistribution of responsibilities entail a deterioration in the level of guest service?

What is the expected economic effect?

If the redistribution of responsibilities is not possible or it is a position that must be filled, then proceed to the recruitment procedure.

The generally accepted procedure consists of the following stages:

1. Formation of a “position profile” or “ideal image of a candidate”.

When forming this image, first of all, the main functions of a specialist are clearly defined. Establish the priority of requirements, that is, they distinguish between mandatory and desirable requirements.

Requirements for professional knowledge and skills are formed on the basis of job descriptions for the corresponding vacant position.

The main criterion in the selection of candidates are personal qualities. These qualities include:

Ability to communicate with people, quickly establish contact;

Ability to conduct a conversation (expressive speech, correct pronunciation, erudition);

Sense of shape, color, size;

Ability to understand human psychology;



self respect;

Endurance, balance, self-control;

Observation and good attention;

Ability to distribute and switch attention;

Quick response to the behavior of restaurant visitors;

Speed ​​and accuracy in calculations.

This staff is recruited at the age of 18 to 23, which contributes to greater team cohesion, due to the presence of common interests.

2. Evaluation of candidates.

The first, preliminary assessment of candidates is evaluation based on resume.

Based on its results, an initial screening is made of those candidates who initially do not fit in a number of obvious parameters: education level, work experience, age, etc.

A significant drawback of the summary is that it is compiled in an arbitrary form. As a result, the employer receives not the information about the candidate that he needs, but the information that the applicant for the vacancy himself considered necessary to provide. In addition, a resume for a candidate is a good way of self-promotion. So, based on the summary, the employer can only draw the most preliminary and cautious conclusions.

Often used questioning applicants. The applicant is invited to fill out a fairly detailed questionnaire with questions. Such a technique allows you to obtain information that is of interest to the employer. When analyzing information obtained through questionnaires, it is also necessary to treat their reliability with caution. The fact is that people tend to overestimate their skills and abilities.

The survey can also take the form preliminary interview, or interview. The advantage of an interview compared to a questionnaire is the presence of a live contact with the candidate. To fix the results, special assessment sheets are used, in which the results of the assessment of certain competencies of the candidate are recorded in the form of certain points.

This is the most important stage of selection, neglecting which would be a gross mistake.

Since this process takes a lot of time, it is carried out at the final stage of selection, when there is a small number of applicants for a vacant position.

To increase the effectiveness of the interview and further check the recommendations, the “professional recommendations” column is initially added to the questionnaire.

1. Prepare a list of questions for a potential referrer.

It is compiled based on the vacancy that is offered to the candidate. List of questions used:

How long has the candidate worked at your restaurant?

In what position did he work, what functions did he perform?

What kind of relationships did he develop in the team - with subordinates, colleagues, management?

What strengths would you point out first?

What weaknesses would you point out first?

Why did he decide to change jobs?

Would you hire him again if the opportunity presented itself?

What is his leadership style?

What is his preferred position?

Did he have any achievements in your company?

What else can you tell about it?

2. It is necessary to convince the recommender of the importance of an objective assessment of the candidate, as well as that his words will be kept secret. At the beginning of the conversation, it is better to find out whether it is convenient for a person to answer questions, whether he has time for this. Ask for specific examples.

3. It is necessary to find out the relationship between the candidate and the recommender.

If the candidate indicated his friends, then it is unlikely that their reviews will be objective.

5. You should not be limited to a conversation with only one recommender.

Any negative, as well as positive, information about the candidate received from one recommender must be confirmed by at least one more person. Otherwise, there is a high probability of obtaining false information.

6. You must additionally use your own capabilities to search for recommendations.

The most reliable information can be provided by an authoritative person in the business, a person well known to the employer, whose opinion he trusts.

Also, managers directly call the companies where the candidate worked and interview some employees. The more people you talk to, the more objective you can get about the candidate.

The best option is to independently prepare a list of recommenders for each candidate. This avoids the natural desire of the applicant to introduce only those people who like him and who will give good reviews.

4. Final interview and decision.

At this final stage, you usually have to talk with a maximum of two or three candidates applying for a certain position, and sometimes with a single finalist. The task of the manager is to make the final choice and decide on hiring an employee.

Adaptation- This is the procedure for introducing a new employee to a position.

As a rule, an adaptation plan for each category of employees is developed by the personnel department. But it is not at all necessary for a separate restaurant to have such a plan; in this case, the manager should consider who to entrust the procedure for introducing a new specialist. To help in the adaptation of newly hired waiters, a manager or waiter with extensive experience is assigned. Such an employee is called mentor.

The choice of a mentor should be approached carefully. This is not just an experienced worker with great knowledge and practical skills, who knows the history and traditions of the restaurant, but also a person who has a certain authority and respect in the team. In addition, the mentor must have practical training skills.

Professional adaptation for different categories of employees is different, but organizational, corporate and domestic adaptation is the same for everyone. The mentor tells the new employee about the peculiarities of his work regime, introduces the team, explains to whom and on what issue it is better to contact, talks about the history and traditions of the restaurant, about certain norms of behavior, about how everyday issues are resolved (when it is customary to dine where to get the form, etc.). Such things that are obvious at first glance allow a person to quickly and painlessly fit into the team and avoid many unnecessary conflicts.

As for professional adaptation, much here depends on the qualifications and experience of the previous work of a person. Some restaurateurs, for example, prefer to hire waiters who do not have experience in other restaurants. In this case, the functions of the mentor will include training the newcomer in the workplace. A waiter who has experience in other restaurants, albeit to a lesser extent, also needs training, since the standards of service adopted in various establishments differ significantly. That is why many restaurateurs prefer to hire waiters without experience, believing that teaching a person is easier than retraining.

5. Staff

Evaluation of catering workers

Evaluation is the feedback of employees and managers, a way of forming motivations.

This is especially true for creative professions, since their work is associated with working in public, holding mass events, performances, and concert activities. For individual assessment, the following can be used: an assessment questionnaire, a given choice questionnaire, a decisive situation assessment method, a behavior observation scale and a professiogram method.

The assessment questionnaire contains a standardized set of questions or descriptions that are consistent with the qualification requirements for the position. The questionnaire of a given choice includes the main characteristics of the work, a scoring of the results of behavior. The method of evaluation by decisive situations involves the preparation by the evaluator of a list of descriptions of "correct" and "incorrect" behavior in specific situations. The results of the evaluation for each employee are recorded in a journal, which is subsequently used to evaluate labor productivity. This method is usually used by the leader.

The method of professiograms is an analysis of the work of an employee, highlighting the main tasks, results, and processes.

The professiogram contains descriptive characteristics of the activity, a quantitative assessment of the elements of the activity, a psychogram.

Descriptive characteristics of activities include: parametric description (library structure, goals and objectives, main activities); morphological description (means of labor, workplace, basic elements of activity, etc.); functional description (sequence of operations, "technology of action", mode of work and rest, interaction and communication).

When using the classification method, all employees are distributed according to any one general criterion from the best to the worst. The alternative classification method involves comparing each worker with each. The total number of times an employee is the best in a pair, and makes up the overall rating system.

The choice of methods used for individual and group assessment is determined by the number of employees of the enterprise performing work of a homogeneous content, or by the need to assess the qualities of employees, especially important for certain areas and types of activity of the enterprise. The results of the assessment are taken into account when preparing the submission for the employee.

Personnel assessment allows you to study the degree of preparedness of employees for their activities, to identify the level of their potential for assessing the prospects for professional growth and promotion.

Ways to improve personnel management in the enterprise

As an additional incentive for staff, it is proposed to introduce a compensation package.

The term "compensation package" combines all types of remuneration and benefits received by an employee from the company. The development of various compensation packages for all categories of employees allocated in the company is one of the most important strategic tasks of human resource management.

The composition of the compensation package should, above all, meet the needs of employees and be balanced. Before including this or that type of remuneration in the compensation package, it is necessary to carefully analyze the characteristics of the team.

The necessary compensation package is a set of benefits that, firstly, are necessary for the employee to work due to the specifics of his activity, and secondly, bring him tangible benefits.

Compensation package includes:

1. Permanent (fixed) part of the salary:

Basic salaries (tariff rates);

Additional payments and allowances of a permanent nature (for example, for special qualifications that exceed the requirements for the position held, or for working conditions that do not meet sanitary and hygienic standards).

2. Variable part of earnings:


Other similar payments.

3. Additional benefits.

4. The possibility of inclusion in non-material motivation, depending on the results of work.

5. Options, pension and savings programs.

6. Other payments.

In large companies, the main trend in the formation of compensation packages is to increase additional benefits and non-material rewards in the general system of remuneration. A developed social policy is present in those companies where human capital is valued. And, as experience shows, they are the most efficient and successful in their business.

That is why it is proposed to introduce an additional compensation package, in particular for waiters and bartenders, since the financial result of the enterprise largely depends on the results of the work of these categories of personnel. By providing additional benefits, you can increase the interest of staff in their work, and hence the quality of service.

Given the survey data, the compensation package should include:

Free meals or a discount on the products of this enterprise;

Free home delivery.

Also, in order to increase staff incentives, it is proposed to introduce qualification categories for waiters. Each higher category must be paid in a larger amount than the lower one.

Suggestions for improving personnel management at the enterprise


Expected effect

Measures to create a psychological climate in the team

The purpose of the events will be team building, establishing friendly relations between employees. Then each employee will not only clearly understand his role in the common cause, but also feel like part of a single team.

Introduce qualification levels for managers

Additional incentives for professional growth, improving the quality of service, and therefore increasing the volume of profits of the enterprise

Enter an additional compensation package:

Free meals

Free home delivery

The interest of the staff in their work, and hence the improvement of the quality of service

Organization of personnel training system

The profit margin of a restaurant directly depends on the level of staff training.

The most effective form of staff training, especially when it comes to practical training, is training.

training is a learning process during which employees not only gain new knowledge, but can also practice it in role-playing games, that is, consolidate it in the form of specific practical skills. At the same time, the coach specifically creates an atmosphere of psychological safety for the students, which allows people to try new forms of behavior without fear of making mistakes that are inevitable in the learning process.

Tasks that are solved during trainings with line personnel:

Practical development of corporate service standards;

Assimilation by the staff of the menu, wine list, serving rules, cuisine features;

Development of communication skills with guests;

Instilling the ability to recognize the type of temperament and personality of the client;

Working out the skills of servicing "difficult" clients and actions in conflict situations.

Only your own specialist can most effectively train the staff in accepted service standards, instill the corporate culture inherent in this particular institution. Bartenders and waiters are trained by managers, a chef and a senior bartender. Each of them is responsible for a certain stage of training:

1) the manager teaches bartenders and waiters the rules of behavior in a cafe, with visitors and within the workforce;

2) the chef trains menu waiters;

3) the senior bartender teaches the trainee bartenders how to prepare all cocktails, introduces them to the wine list.

When applying for a job, the trainee is given an instruction on the rules of work (which he must study in the first two weeks of his work. After that, he passes the exam to the manager.

If the exam is passed, the trainee (trainees) is assigned a day of training with the chef of the enterprise, where he talks about the features of the menu, gives a detailed description of each dish, offers waiters various game situations that contribute to the development of communication skills with visitors. A week later, the trainee waiter takes another chef's menu exam.

In case of successful completion of all exams, the trainee moves to the position of a waiter.

Bartenders, after passing the exam to the manager, undergo a two-week training with senior bartenders in preparing cocktails, coffee and familiarizing themselves with the wine list. After that, he takes an exam for a restaurant manager and a senior bartender. With positive results of the exam, the trainee is transferred to the position of bartender.

Particularly clear on this issue was Anton Nazarov, brand manager of the company "Svarog", a certified teacher of the English School of Wine WSET. In general terms, the essence of the speech was as follows. Now the role of intellectual labor in the work of personnel is increasing. An employee of a catering establishment should not only be able to serve, but also communicate. The academic approach to the training of service personnel involves teaching basic knowledge-skills-skills, and no more. As a more progressive alternative, an approach with the catchy name "Competence-based" was proposed. In addition to the standard ZUNs, within the framework of this approach, certain communication skills are still communicated to the trainees, a stake is placed on the development of the personality. Competence-based approach involves three components: the development of special competence, social competence, and craving for self-development, professional reflection. This approach is based on the principle of visualization, which distinguishes it from the formal-lecture, scholastic teaching that the academic school sins with. Also an important component of the competency-based approach is the emphasis on the development of communication skills, the development of the ability to speak about the product in a language understandable to the consumer. The educational process is divided into modules, completed semantic blocks-cycles, which contributes to a deeper assimilation of the acquired skills.
Konstantin Sukhachev, the chef of the Two Sticks restaurant chain, in his speech mentioned his readiness to train newcomers directly on the basis of the institution. "Two sticks" as a network institution has the base and experience in staff training: master classes and trainings are held. However, during the discussion, some nuances were also mentioned related to the peculiarities of experiential learning that takes place directly at enterprises. Such training is driven into the narrow framework of the specifics of a particular institution; it is not self-sufficient.
The following arguments were given in favor of academic education: its task is to provide the student with a wide range of theoretical knowledge (it would not hurt for a cook or technologist to know the basics of microbiology and chemistry), to influence the development of a personality, and practical skills should be obtained already during practice at enterprises.
The participants of the meeting, among whom were representatives of educational institutions, expressed their readiness to cooperate with vocational educational institutions and help grow professional staff.

“I am ready to take the guys almost from the first day of their stay in a specialized educational institution and train them on the spot,” says Kirill SUKHOCHEV, chef of the Two Sticks restaurant chain. - In the near future we will build our own training ground, and this work will be put on stream. Of course, now the need for personnel has become less acute than it was before the crisis, but there are no more good, conscientious specialists, so we will pay close attention to their training.”

We have organizations in the city where the cooking profession is taught almost from school. A vivid example of such work is the culinary school "My Tasty Life". Training and retraining of managers and specialists in public catering is carried out in the city on the basis of higher educational institutions, colleges, vocational schools and course centers (Ufa Institute of the Russian State Technical University, Ufa College of Trade and Economics, Ufa Higher Vocational School No. , Center for Culinary Excellence "Pyshka-exclusive").

City Council deputies advised the activists of the newly created "Association of Restaurateurs" to attract as many catering establishments as possible to their ranks and act together.
As a result of the round table, a resolution was adopted. In it, the "Association of Restaurateurs" invited all interested enterprises to prepare an appeal to educational institutions of the city with a request to take into account their needs and wishes when preparing specialists for work in the field of public catering. Together with city structures, develop and put into practice an independent system for evaluating the activities of restaurant business enterprises in a category nomination in order to increase the prestige of the professions of a cook, culinary specialist, waiter, bartender. Conduct city-wide competitions of professional skills with the opportunity for the winners of the competitions to improve their level in educational institutions of the country. Temporary job. The shortage and turnover of staff, the lack of professionalism of ordinary employees are the most acute personnel problems in the Russian restaurant business.
- Employers want to get specialists ready to work in their institution, - says Svetlana Borovik, director of GOU NPO KK Proflyceum No. 75. - They do not take into account that each restaurant or cafe has its own specifics, which is difficult to take into account in basic training. After all, students are trained according to a certain standard. Therefore, we offer restaurants and cafes to switch to a contractual form of cooperation, when we are ordered to train certain specialists and assist in their training by paying for additional special courses. We have the opportunity to introduce academic disciplines that are important for working in a particular restaurant. For this, there are both experienced craftsmen and tools. But, unfortunately, few catering establishments go for such relationships. About the quality of education
The Department of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory believes that in the Kuban the situation with personnel for the public catering industry is not as critical as, perhaps, in other regions of Russia. About 6,000 students in the professions of cook, confectioner, waiter, bartender receive knowledge and practical skills in 55 educational institutions. Many of these guys will continue their studies in secondary specialized educational institutions and universities. Each educational institution of primary vocational education in the region has social partners, that is, employers with whom contracts are concluded for the internship by students and further employment of the graduate. In 2007, 66% of graduates of primary vocational education institutions were employed precisely as a result of the implementation of a competent policy of cooperation with employers by the management of vocational schools and lyceums. The most demanded in the catering industry in the region are the professions of a cook, waiter, bartender.

The high level of preparation of cooks, waiters is confirmed by prizes at all-Russian competitions, regional Olympiads of professional skills, which are won by Kuban students and graduates. So, for example, in 2007, at the All-Russian competition of culinary arts in Moscow, representatives of the vocational school No. 76 in Sochi took the honorable 5th place out of 40 participants in the competition.

But, as you know, an indicator of the quality of education is the overall average level, and not the individual successes of the best students. This thesis is confirmed by the above opinions of restaurateurs. The need for new approaches to the process of training specialists for the catering industry is long overdue. Educational institutions in Russia, for various reasons, are not yet able to provide the market with the required number of graduates of the required quality of training. It's time to change the standards of education and train specialists who are in demand in the catering market. By combining the world's leading experience, taking all the best traditions of Russian culinary art, it is necessary to conduct an examination of curricula and bring them into line with the requirements of the modern restaurant business. And, of course, we need to improve the image of vocational schools and lyceums, and this can be done only by solving their problems with material support, with the selection of specialists for the positions of masters, with decent pay for their work.
Resource Center The Department of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory next year plans to make the most of the experience of one of the best educational institutions of primary vocational education in the Kuban, creating on its basis a resource center for training restaurant industry specialists. We are talking about the Krasnodar professional lyceum No. 75. In November 2007, this educational institution will celebrate its 70th anniversary.

80% of our students after graduation continue to work in their specialty, - says the director of the lyceum Svetlana Borovik. - How do we know this? With each enterprise that applied to us, we conclude an agreement for the employment of a graduate. Our lyceum regularly provides information about its activities to the Department of Education, and one of the important articles of the report is the percentage of students' employment. The guys often get a job at those enterprises where they undergo internships. Basically, in Krasnodar, and even those who came to study from different regions of the region. Only 10% of graduates from the periphery return to their native villages. In Krasnodar, the guys find work in the professions received at the lyceum - they get jobs as cooks, waiters, bartenders in restaurants, cafes, and canteens (medical, educational institutions). They receive quite a decent salary for young professionals - from 7 thousand rubles and more. We have formed a database of employers who are most actively cooperating with us, which also helps with the employment of graduates. We can give examples of successful cooperation with catering enterprises in Krasnodar on the basis of contracts. For example, for the restaurant of the entertainment center "Aquatoria" we trained 18 specialists on a special order. The company did not have to finish teaching the guys, as they got acquainted with the specifics of the catering establishment, where they were going to work, in advance, during the internship. Enterprises can also come to us during the qualifying exams and take future graduates for a 1.5-month internship with subsequent employment. We are ready to accept any terms of cooperation with employers. In addition, we regularly introduce regional components into the student training program. For example, we train according to integrated programs: in a year and nine months, a student receives the profession of a cook, a waiter, and a bartender. In the future, the guys can try themselves in any craft and choose what they like. And this is not bad for the enterprise either: universal specialists are always valuable. The survey showed that 64% of companies in Moscow and 63% of companies in St. Petersburg practice their own training program for line personnel, and 55% of Moscow and 75% of St. Petersburg enterprises participating in the survey apply such a policy in relation to office personnel.

6. Analysis of the state of personnel policy and its main problems at the moment

Staffing during a crisis

The situation has changed. The number of applicants exceeded the number of employers. The attitude to work has changed - loyalty has increased, people began to hold on to their jobs. There is a possibility that in this sense a certain positive function of the crisis will manifest itself, which will benefit not only employers, for whom the decrease in salary expectations was good news (according to the Headhunter portal, the decrease was about 20-30%), but also for consumers. The fact is that a situation has developed when it is no longer possible to get a job “for a month”, and increased competition (offer from applicants exceeds demand from employers) forces one to take one’s duties more responsibly and develop professionally.
However, such a convenient situation for the employer will not last forever: Valentina Pilipenko, the chairman of the trade union of trade workers, said that there is data on demographics until 2025, from which we can draw conclusions about the need for career guidance now, so as not to face a shortage of personnel in the near future, lack of service personnel. At the Royal Beach restaurant on Krestovsky Island, we discussed personnel problems in our industry. There are no fewer cafes and restaurants in the city, but the financial crisis has forced specialists in this field to look at many things differently. So, for example, according to the director of the Headhunter company in St. Petersburg, today highly paid specialists have lowered their salary expectations by almost 20 percent, and ordinary waiters are ready to work for a salary that is almost 30 percent less than in pre-crisis times.

Staff problems and management errors

The most complete list of situations that create a headache for service personnel related to the dishonesty of employers was given Grigory Babaraika, President of the St. Petersburg Association of Bartenders. According to him, the most common forms of incorrect treatment of an employee are non-compliance with the conditions stated at the interview (low wages, lack of promised transportation), lack of a social package, fines, lack of service food with a shift duration of about 12 hours, lack of additional payments for overtime ( including for training newcomers), spontaneous layoffs, lack of individual work, meetings. Relatives and friends who have no idea how to work in a catering establishment are hired as administrators. Solution: the creation of trade unions, more thorough work of regulatory bodies.
In a speech Valentina Pilipenko a question was raised about the need. The question was also raised about whether “black lists” are needed - a database of unscrupulous workers available to employers. The opinion was expressed that the “black list” is a harmful practice: a person can change and not repeat the mistakes for which he was put on the lists. In addition, often "black lists" become a tool by which the employer settles scores with an employee to whom he feels a personal dislike.

The main problem is unscrupulous staff: as they say, what we protect, we have. Everyone solves this problem in their own way. Thus, Irina VINOKUROVA, HR director of the Russkaya Rybalka restaurant chain, said that her chain had developed its own recruitment model, focused on attracting employees loyal to the company.

“If we see that the only motivation of the applicant is money, then this is not our person. An employee who is safe for the company is a careerist: he does not need “black marks” in his biography, he strives to become a professional,” she said. There was also talk about "black marks", more precisely - about "black lists". This idea has been in the air for a long time, however, it has not yet been possible to find the correct legal form for it - such lists are illegal. And they are unlikely to be legitimized - experts rightly fear that people who have become victims of not professional, but personal conflicts with employers, may suffer.

So they abandoned lobbying for this idea, agreeing to use the old proven method: HR officers need only a few phone calls to a candidate's previous employers to find out the reputation of the latter. After all, the world, as you know, is small.

Staff turnover

Working in today's food service is not easy. Perhaps the staff turnover can be explained by the fact that many chefs and waiters simply cannot withstand the rhythm of work and the amount of workload. To stay in this profession for a long time, you must really love it.
Waiters come to work, mostly students. That is, those who work in their free time, who like to communicate with people, a cheerful atmosphere in the hall, music, and plus everything they pay money for. In other words, amateurs often go to this work. Those who consciously studied the profession of a waiter try not to stay in this position for a long time and try to make a career, breaking out, for example, into the managers of the hall, and the place of the waiter, accordingly, is taken by a newly arrived inexperienced recruit. Strange as it may sound, people who lack moral standards and the necessary concepts of honesty and decency, in many cases go to work in public catering, hoping to get quick access to left-handed earnings there. That's why they cheat and cheat.

Many restaurateurs express the opinion that the “Kuban mentality” prevents the personnel problem from being solved. Our HR policy is different from the HR policy in other regions. The fact is that a rigid system of management, where it is necessary to observe discipline, where there is a system of fines and rewards in the Kuban, does not take root well. For employees of many Krasnodar restaurants, it is important that they feel comfortable working together, strict adherence to the internal routine of the enterprise is not for them. Separately, restaurateurs note the slowness and sluggishness of the southerners in their work, as well as problems with motivation: there is no desire to move up the career ladder, to grow professionally. Although, of course, this is a moot point.

The survey also showed that according to the results of 2007, among the top managers (chefs, sous-chefs and senior chefs) the lowest percentage of staff turnover was observed (in Moscow this figure was 20.23%, in St. Petersburg - 12.5 %). As a result of a survey of companies, rather high rates of turnover of specialists (cooks, confectioners, cashiers) and service personnel (administrators and hall attendants, waiters, bartenders) were obtained - from 38.34% to 66.78%, depending on the position level (see Fig. chart number 2).

Chart 2

Despite the apparent problem associated with staff turnover, many company leaders are sympathetic to the fact that people outgrow their level and leave for other enterprises.

Personnel shortage

Heads of vocational schools confirm that earlier, before the next graduation of young specialists, they had to advertise in the newspaper for employers. For the past two years, restaurants, cafes, canteens have already turned to professional lyceums and schools when they need to expand their staff.

According to our observations, there is now an acute shortage of catering workers in general, not to mention qualified personnel, - says Valeria Belavina, HR Director of the Lyubo-Dorogo restaurant chain. - A particularly difficult situation is observed with line personnel (waiters, bartenders): of the newly hired, almost no one has work experience. Thus, they already receive the necessary skills from us. As for the kitchen workers, the situation is as follows: the chefs who come to work have a vague idea of ​​​​the mode of operation of modern catering enterprises (for example, the simultaneous execution of several individual orders), so they undergo an internship at the factory under the guidance of experienced mentors.


According to AVENIR's "Survey of Wages, Compensations and Benefits among Catering Enterprises", over the past year, the salary level of chefs, sous chefs and head chefs in Moscow and St. Petersburg has increased by an average of 20%. The level of income in other positions increased at a slower pace (see Chart No. 1).

At the same time, the difference in the incomes of chefs with different work experience can range from 10.5 to 27% or more. So, in Moscow, the salary of a chef with no more than two years of experience is on average 32,120 - 35,000 rubles. per month. The average salary of his colleague with a higher professional level and two years of work experience is 40,725 - 45,000 rubles. per month or more.

II. Practical part: analysis of the personnel policy of the McDonald's restaurant

1. Company activity in the World

Canada was the first country to open a McDonald's restaurant outside of the United States. A significant event for the company occurred on June 1, 1967. From this moment begins the story of the conquest of the planet Earth by a company with two golden arches, the symbol of which is known to almost all residents of different countries of the world. There are currently over 1,000 fast food restaurants open in Canada.

After 14 years, McDonald's restaurants crossed the ocean and appeared in countries such as Germany, France, Japan, Australia, England. The number of restaurants in European countries and Australia exceeds more than 700, in Japan there are approximately 2,500 McDonald's restaurants. A large number of Japanese PBOs is due to their small size, so the first Japanese McDonald's, opened on July 20, 1971, occupied an area of ​​​​only 150 square meters. meters, for comparison, the restaurant on Pushkinskaya Square in Moscow covers an area of ​​more than 7,000 square meters. meters. The six countries listed above account for about 80% of the restaurant's income from the company's total foreign trade turnover.

Depending on the specifics of the local market and the customs of people living in the country, McDonald's develops a special menu. So in India, Big Macs are made from lamb, and in Israel there are no dairy dishes on the menu and restaurants are open only 6 days a week, Saturday is an official day off. Images of idols are banned in Saudi Arabia, so there is no image of Ronald McDonald on posters and restaurant buildings. In addition to various restrictions, non-original products of the company can be presented in the menu of certain countries, for example, in Canada and Italy, pizza is sold in addition to sandwiches.

For all countries of the world, the opening of the first McDonald's restaurants is a significant moment in the life of the country. Restaurants opened in Eastern Europe and China on the first day gathered many kilometers of queues of visitors. So in Moscow in 1990, more than 30,000 visitors were served, restaurants in Prague and Warsaw, opened in 1992, served 35,000 visitors on the first day of opening, and McDonald's in Beijing in the same 1992 accepted orders from more than 40,000 Human. In the Middle East, fast food companies have been operating since 1993. The main component of the company's successful work outside the United States is a reliable local partner who is fully involved in the creation of a restaurant chain, a well-established scheme for preparing products and serving visitors, the original McDonald's menu, a well-known trademark, as well as compliance with all the rules and standards that were laid down by the McDonald brothers. and Ray Kroc.

2. Work is seasonal:

McDonald's is not interested in employees who immediately bring a letter of resignation with the day of knowledge. The company needs employees who will work for a long time to meet the needs of visitors, and not 2-3 months, so McDonald's restaurants have a flexible work schedule that allows you to combine it with study. Any business company builds its forecasts in the future, so a large decline in labor will reduce turnover and, accordingly, the profit of the company as a whole.

In addition, the company will spend time on new employees for their training, legal paperwork, money for uniforms, so that in the end an employee who only at the end of the probationary period (2 months) will get used to and cope with the difficulties and complexities of work will leave. For employees who have passed the probationary period and received a white badge, there is a 15% increase in the hourly rate and additional bonuses from the company for working out some work norms. Free lunches are an additional motivation to work in restaurants so that after school, when you come to work, have a bite.

3. Age of employment:

McDonald's is recruiting employees aged 16 and older to work in its restaurants as a member of the brigade. This is due to the labor legislation of Russia, according to which the working age begins at the age of 16. It is possible that over time the lower threshold will be revised for those wishing to officially work from a younger age, but so far it is only possible to work in Russia from the age of 16.

In addition to the restrictions associated with labor laws, recruiting employees under the age of 16 is disadvantageous for McDonald's for several reasons. So with minors (16-17 years old) workers there are many legal difficulties, many restrictions in drawing up a work schedule and positions. They try not to detain minors after 22:00 and put them at the cash desk, because they are non-materially responsible for the money, and if there is not enough money at the cash desk, they will not be able to write a remark to the minor employee. In addition, such employees can quit by writing an application in 3 days, and not in 14 days, like employees over 18 years old, and it will be difficult for them to quickly find a replacement.

There are, of course, exceptions in hiring people under the age of 16, but quite rarely, because they are mostly seasonal workers who close gaps in the schedule if there are not enough workers in the hall.

4. Uniform of workers:

McDonald's is currently experimenting in some restaurants with changing plaid shirts to plain short-sleeved T-shirts with McDonald's branding (the company's symbol - two golden arches will be located on the employee's right shoulder at an angle of 90 degrees, i.e. lie on his side ). The polo shirts for employees will be orange, for instructors purple, the clothing of senior staff will not undergo major changes: striped shirts will remain and the color of trousers will change slightly.

The change of the old type of uniform is aimed at attracting new labor resources, therefore, in the new style of clothing, a more youthful, sporty style will be traced. However, the material from which the uniform will be sewn will remain synthetic, so the workers will not experience much comfort during heavy loads on the body during the intensive, but rather the opposite. In addition, on people of adult age, which is becoming more and more in McDonald's restaurants, such a uniform will not look very impressive. In addition to changing outerwear, they are also going to change hats from visors to caps (baseball caps). Baseball caps, which used to be on auto-distribution, caused a lot of complaints from workers, because. a long visor made it difficult to see orders on the monitor, and also because of the closeness of the headdress, it had to be worn barely on the head.

5. Career:

Working at McDonald's is an opportunity to achieve rapid career growth in a short period of time and become at the helm of one of the chain's restaurants in 2-3 years. The reasons for such a career take-off in such a short time are due to the huge turnover of personnel in all positions, as well as the opening of new restaurants that need employees, usually experienced workers are transferred to them with an increase.

It is difficult to say what qualities a careerist should have at McDonald's, because. Basically, the decision on promotions is proposed by the director of the restaurant and his assistants. Usually, decisions are made on subjective grounds, not always the main indicator, which is a high level of performance of duties in the work performed. According to managers, they promote those who can lead better than work. If an employee copes with his duties not only with his own, but still manages to help at a neighboring station, then most likely he will be promoted in 3 years, if any, because such workers close holes in the schedule and lack of experienced staff to serve restaurant visitors. Therefore, those who have more developed communicative qualities, rather than diligence, can reach the heights of the career ladder.

To become one step higher, it is not enough only the decision of the director to increase. A candidate for a new position will have to listen to several lectures, and then write a test, based on the results of which a decision will be made on his transfer to a new position. The test consists of knowledge of the history of the company, working standards, personnel management and dealing with visitors.

But not everything is so positive. A promotion is very good, but at the same time, responsibility increases many times, and wages increase by 10-15%. In addition, the manager, under the terms of the employment contract, can be transferred to any restaurant, which is often far from home. Yes, and young managers who are trying to prove something to someone can be seized by star disease, because. for most of them, the experience of managing subordinates is the first, so some careerists lose many good colleagues with whom they started their career at the counter and gas station.

In addition to what was written above, one of the drawbacks of the McDonald's system in leadership positions is the unstable position in the company. A manager of any link, as well as a simple employee, can be fired without hesitation for any minor violations of standards, if a person has more than 10 years of work experience in the company.

The flip side of all promotions is demotion, which happens less frequently. In the case of a promotion, if a person worked for him for several months, then they can be demoted for one non-compliance with standards: rotation of timers for products or its large write-off.

6. Trainee Manager Program

For those who want to make a career in McDonald's restaurants, there is a special management training program called Manager Trainee. This program is good because in 1 year you can become one of the assistant directors of a restaurant and earn good money almost immediately, without gradually going through all the levels of the McDonald's hierarchy, starting from a member of the restaurant team and eventually becoming the director of a restaurant in 5-7 years .

What requirements does the company put forward for candidates of the Manager-Trainee program:

A person with a higher education or a student of 4-5 courses who already has an incomplete higher education.

Full time work week (40 hours).

Active life position, high communication skills, leadership qualities.

Ability to work in a team, be open to continuous learning and self-development.

Good knowledge of English.

If a potential candidate meets all of the above requirements, then he will have to pass an interview with the curators of this program. If a positive decision is made on the candidacy, then a personal mentor will be attached to the Trainee Manager and training under the program will take place in one of the restaurants in Moscow. During the training, the candidate for the position of the second assistant of the restaurant will receive theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of:

Madonald's Policy and Standards

Ability to properly use production equipment

New Employee Training Skills as an Instructor

Skills of motivation and personnel management as a manager

Communication skills with restaurant visitors and solving their problems

Fundamentals of labor law and proposed social benefits for restaurant employees

Recruitment and planning of working time for subordinates

The Manager-Trainee program has several levels, the transition from one to a higher level is carried out by passing tests and classes, based on the results of which a decision is made on the further passage of the program by the candidate. If the candidate cannot show the desired results on the tests, then he is removed from the program and remains in the position that he achieved during the program, and then his career growth in the restaurant goes on an equal footing with people who did not participate in the program, i.e. e. the candidate becomes a simple employee of the restaurant. At the end of the program, based on all previously passed classes and tests, an overall assessment of the candidate's professional suitability is displayed and a decision is made to assign him the position of second assistant at a McDonald's restaurant.

7. Do employees cheat visitors

More and more visitors to McDonald's restaurants believe that they are being deceived by employees, pursuing some of their own goals, without reporting some type of product in a paper bag with an order. Fraud is especially widespread among people ordering food through the poppy auto system, who are unpleasantly surprised when they drive away from the restaurant and open the package with their order. The package may not contain a sauce or a sandwich, although, according to the check, it is broken, but in reality it is missing. Few people want to go back to the restaurant, make a fuss over the lack of ketchup or a hamburger. Therefore, the resentment of visitors to the service in McDonald's restaurants remains and distrust of all employees and the company as a whole increases.

If we look into this problem in more detail, then it makes no sense for employees to deceive restaurant visitors who come to have a bite, because. the quantity of products is not subject to total accounting and it makes no sense to try to reduce the losses of previously written off products in this way. Also, if the employee did not report a sandwich to the order, but punched it through the cash terminal, then its cost and money have already been taken into account by the cash register and the employee will not be able to take this money for himself, because. when recalculating his earnings for the shift, a shortage will be discovered, which will be reflected in his file as a comment on the cash policy of the restaurant. The main reason why there are no ordered items is the inattention of employees or lack of skills and experience to quickly and correctly collect an order. In restaurants, the work is very intense and sometimes the head is spinning from it, because. there is not enough workforce, then employees have to perform additional actions, because of which absent-mindedness only increases and the quality of service decreases.

8. How the work inside is tripled

If a stranger finds himself inside the working premises of a McDonald's restaurant, then it will be very difficult for him to understand the work process due to the specific manner of communication and work of the restaurant employees. McDonald's is a pipeline in which each employee performs a strictly assigned function, which is why the satisfaction of visitors occurs in a few tens of seconds. I will try to decompose the work of the conveyor in terms of 100% satisfaction of visitors by job positions in which workers and managers work.

Cashier or counter employees are engaged in greeting the visitor, receiving, collecting, issuing and paying for the order, as well as saying goodbye to the client.

A second number or an order picker can be attached to the cashiers, who does not participate in its acceptance and settlements with the visitor, but only collects the necessary items in the correct sequence. Once upon a time there were two second rooms: one collected hot dishes (sandwiches, potatoes, pies), and the other drinks and ice cream.

A potato station is attached to the counter, where French fries and rustic potatoes are prepared and packaged. All cashiers and second numbers are trained to work at this station, so the responsible person in this position appears only at the time of the largest influx of visitors who come to eat at the restaurant.

It is more and more difficult for kitchen workers due to the greater number of work positions. So there is a station for making hamburgers, cheeseburgers and Big Macs, called the Rex Mac Station, the Big Meat Station, where more complex sandwiches are prepared (royals, macchikens, big tays, etc.) and the Deep Fry Station, where chicken and fish cakes, nuggets, as well as pies. The Rex Poppy and Big Meat station is equipped with a toaster, gas station, and meat grill. In cases of intensive (large influx of visitors to the restaurant), 3 workers may appear at the station for cooking dins, cheeses and poppies: 1 for the toaster, 1 for gas station, 1 for the grill, for Deep Frying and Big Meat 2 people each to speed up the cooking process .

The kitchen is commanded by a whooper - a person who stands behind an iron unit with ready-made sandwiches (bin) and keeps records of the products available and those that will be ordered. He packs ready-made sandwiches and informs the cashiers about the process of preparing items in case they are not available. Whooper is the manager of the kitchen.

Avtorazdacha or Mak-Avto is engaged in servicing visitors by car. Includes: a window for receiving an order, a window for paying for an order, and a window for collecting and issuing products. Depending on the number of cars, Mak-Auto can have from 2 to 5 employees. 1 employee for receiving and paying for the order and 3 for collecting and issuing it.

In order for restaurants to have an uninterrupted process of preparing products, there are warehouse or delivery workers who monitor the process of reducing various types of items and replenish the ending types from time to time.

The employees of the hall are engaged in cleaning office and common areas (hall, street), as well as distributing small souvenirs with McDonald's symbols to small children. The hostesses of the hall are engaged in holding children's holidays, and also, in some cases, act as a manager.

9. Why there are few people who want to work in this area

From the outside, it may seem that a huge number of people work in McDonald's restaurants in all possible positions, but at the same time, the service staff cannot cope with the influx of visitors who want to have fun and tasty time with a cup of cappuccino or big tasty coffee. Why is everything so difficult?

Now the company simply has a huge shortage of labor and reserves, because. in Moscow, there are many alternative jobs for students with a flexible schedule, which is why there is a choice. Very few students choose McDonald's as their first job, although, in my opinion, as a first job, McDonald's really wins over the less dynamic and more monotonous one.

Once upon a time, at the time of the formation of a chain of restaurants in Russia, it was very honorable and enviable to work at McDonald's. They recruited only adult students of good Moscow universities, but now this is not the case: they take almost everyone who wants to get a job. Nowadays, due to the fact that the prestige of working in the company has fallen to the level of the plinth - a lot of guys choose just not to McDonald's, believing that working in a company is mopping floors and exclamations about a free cash desk. Even if a person gets a job, but in the first 2 weeks he doesn’t like something in the labor process, then most likely he will leave, knowing that this job is only his first, without particularly thinking about the future. For example, out of 20 people who signed labor contracts on the same day, 3-4 people will remain by the end of the year. The staff turnover in the company is very high.

It draws attention to how many advertisements appeared on TV, in newspapers, on the radio, on the Internet aimed at attracting new employees to restaurants, instead of advertising start-up promotions or new types of sandwiches, how many advertisements for employment hang in the restaurants themselves. This shows that the company is experiencing a significant shortage of young staff, future employees and managers, but still there is no necessary influx. Of course, the company is somehow trying to close problematic restaurants by attracting employees from the regions or by recruiting quite mature people to work at McDonald's, but this is only a small part of the required number, which is necessary for 100% satisfaction of visitors who come to eat at restaurants.

It may seem funny, but ordinary employees without work experience and education can quite realistically earn about 15-20 thousand rubles a month for 160 working hours. In addition, there are many different bonuses, supplements, free lunches, opportunities for both a good work-study balance and career opportunities, as well as bonuses for overworking hours. In my opinion, money is quite good for a young person, but even the most important goal in every work process - cash income cannot have any significant impact on the desire to go to work in a world-famous company, and all because the reputation of work is very low.

10. Why go to work in a restaurant

For a young person starting his career without a higher education or specialty, it is difficult to find a serious job in our time. Therefore, as the first job to gain seniority and experience, a McDonald's restaurant is quite suitable.

You can easily combine work with study, choose free hours of work, without interfering with obtaining a basic education or specialty. And if you combine these 2 factors especially well in your life, then the company gives a cash bonus of about 15 thousand rubles for six months for successful study and good work.

Proximity from home to work is also one of the important factors in choosing a first job. This allows you to make the schedule of work shifts more flexible and save time on transport.

The young team, which mainly works in restaurants, can also be attributed to one of the decisive factors in choosing a job for the clown Ronald. This fact allows not only fun to work, but also to find new friends and acquaintances with whom you can communicate not only during the shift.

The possibility of rapid career growth, although not perceived by many as a decisive factor, still has a place to be in the future. Some of the new employees who have excelled in their labor indicators will quite realistically become instructors in 4-6 months, and in a year they can already manage employees in the person of managers of various levels. This will allow you to get a broader picture of the job and the opportunity to get a more serious job in the future outside of McDonald's.

Free lunches - not every company has a similar practice of feeding its employees, which gives a significant advantage in choosing a job.

Free training and uniforms - I don’t know how important this factor is for novice workers, but there are small firms that take money from new people so that they don’t leave these firms at the end of the training process, everything is free at McDonald’s.

Social security will allow you to have most of the benefits provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. In addition, the company does not have any monetary fines for damaged products due to the fault of the employee. The maximum that will be for the employee is a remark and a record in a file. In the company, all employees go through the procedure for obtaining a medical book, paid by the restaurant itself, which remains with all employees after dismissal.

The pay for work is quite adequate for people who have almost no work experience, and the good thing about working at McDonald's is that all the hours of the employee, all the minutes worked in the restaurant will be taken into account when paying wages, because. employees work on a card that takes into account working hours. The salary for all McDonald's employees is indexed to approximately the annual inflation rate in the country, in addition, there is an internal certification for each employee individually.

But if in fact, most of those who go to get a job in restaurants usually do not look for anything better, because they know that getting a job at McDonald's is easier than anywhere else due to a large shortage of staff.

11. Requirements for working girls

There is an opinion among restaurant visitors that only unsympathetic girls work at McDonald's. There is one aspect in the appearance of each of the restaurant workers that makes her unattractive in the eyes of outsiders. The name of this aspect is the working form.

A little history about the creation of McDonald's. At the time of their development in the 50s and until the 70s, only men worked in restaurants, but the United States is not Russia and feminists (lovers of dragging sleepers and lifting a barbell) wanted equal rights for themselves and the opportunity to get a job in restaurants, while while McDonald's executives were against it. In their opinion, this presence of female workers would greatly distract men from work, and women could not do all the work that was required of male workers. As a result, US law forced to take women to work in restaurants. But here, too, company leaders figured out a way to reduce gender differences between employees by forcing women to wear the same male uniform that did not emphasize their dignity and distracted them less from work. Since then, the tradition has continued to this day.

Nowadays, in addition to the fact that the uniform (pants, shirt, visor) clearly does not color the girls working at McDonald's, there are also specific appearance standards that every employee must meet. So during the working shift it is forbidden:

Wear loose hair

Long or painted nails

Strongly highlight the eyes with cosmetics and do bright makeup

Wear rings or earrings (you can only wear a wedding ring and earrings without stones)

Wear persistent perfume

Anyone who does not comply with such rules receives verbal warnings, and then entries in the file, if there are 4 or more entries for a non-standard appearance, then this is already a reason for dismissal, so the girls have to choose between their attractiveness and real place of work.

Such a set of measures for proper appearance reduces any attraction of restaurant visitors to workers in striped shirts, which is why there is an opinion that only ugly girls work at McDonald's.

12. Career growth

McDonald's, like any organization, has its own hierarchy or career ladder. Each worker who comes receives an initial position and becomes a crash worker, but not from the word Crush, but from the English word crew. But even among the rushniks there are different types of them. So, an employee who is on probation (2 months) gets the nickname Yellow because of the color of the badge that is given to the employee for the first 2 months of work and is subjected to various jokes from more experienced employees, some kind of hazing. After the probationary period has passed and a new contract has been concluded with the employee, he will receive his white badge instead of the yellow one in a solemn ceremony and become a full member of Ronald's large family of clowns.

After the employee shows his professional qualities in certain positions and likes the higher management of the restaurant, he will be promoted to the position of instructor. If a potential instructor passes a certain aptitude test in this position, he will receive a new shirt instead of a plaid one and will be able to train new yellow employees to work in various positions until such time as his new skills in communicating with young employees are again appreciated by higher management and our cr-tr will be promoted to mng or manager.

Having successfully passed a new test for a new position, our instructor will lose his visor headgear and receive a blue shirt. From now on, he will be called the proud and honorary word Manager, and the position in which he will work will become swit-mng - something like an entry-level manager who will control the work of crash workers and instructors, motivating them to work 100% for complete satisfaction the needs of your favorite visitors.

As you may have guessed, our junior manager will again need to prove himself active in personnel management in order to get a new prefix to the word manager and increase wages, namely, he will become a swing-mng, not to be confused with pigs or swingers. Our manager has nothing to do with them at work, but outside the restaurant, who knows, but this does not apply to our topic. The work of swing-mng is the same as that of the initial managers, only now there will be more demand.

After some time for years of service or a good attitude towards the general cause of personnel management and customer satisfaction, our swing will become a treni manager, or something like that, having the opportunity to be a senior on a shift in the absence of higher managers in a restaurant and receive a fixed salary in return for accounting for a worker time according to the chronocard. The position is transitional, and after some time our careerist, who has already added in years, will become the Second, and then, possibly, the First Assistant Director of the restaurant, the so-called assistant (1, 2 ass). I don’t know why assistants call themselves so proudly shortly, but it’s possible that over the years of moving up the career ladder, their ass turns from normal into something more that it’s impossible not to single it out with a proud designation because of great ambitions.

When our ace gets tired of being the second, and then the first assistant, having shown himself in the eyes of the management of the company's central office, he will be made the director of the restaurant, who will host and steer all affairs in his own separate little world called the McDonald's restaurant, recruiting new labor personnel in the face of yellow employees.

13. Working positions

In McDonald's restaurants, there are several positions for which employees can be trained: hall, kitchen, counter and delivery. A lot in choosing your first place of direct work will be influenced by age and work schedule.

If you are under the age of 18, then getting the first training on the counter is almost impossible, because. only adult employees according to company standards can be trained at the checkout. But at present, due to a shortage of personnel, 17-year-old children are also being trained. Working on the counter is quite responsible due to the fact that you need to be responsible for money and it is psychologically difficult, because. you communicate with visitors who are not always friendly towards the worker who serves them.

If you have not reached the age of majority, but your work schedule has ample opportunities for a restaurant (from morning to evening), then you will be trained to work in the kitchen or cashier assistants (number 2). Working in the kitchen is quite physically demanding compared to working on the counter, especially when a lot of people come to eat at the restaurant. The second number works on the counter and only collects orders from visitors, without taking part in the calculations.

If you are 16 years old and your timing is very limited for long shifts in a restaurant, then your position is likely to be Lounge. You will need to clean up the trays after the visitors, wash the floors in the toilet and restaurant premises. The work is quite boring, because you will not have much opportunity to talk to someone, and visitors will treat you like a waiter, from time to time asking you to fulfill some of their requests. Perhaps your training as a second number - an assistant cashier or an employee of the Kartoshka station, who will fry and pack potatoes.

For delivery (restocking products for the smooth operation of the restaurant), they take strong guys who have a morning-afternoon or afternoon-evening work schedule. In addition, you will receive basic knowledge to work in one of the positions, most likely the kitchen, so that in the event of a lack of work or a large influx of visitors, you will be transported to the desired position.

After some time, after you are well trained in one or another position, you can be trained for new positions: automatic distribution, manirum, hostess of the hall.

Autodistribution - service of visitors by cars. Usually the fastest employees of the restaurant work at the automatic distribution, because. this position has priority in service compared to the counter. Everything is the same as working at the checkout, but there are some nuances for which each individual employee is responsible: taking an order, paying for an order, collecting an order or issuing an order. .

Manirum (money room) for this position is mainly trained by girls who are engaged in accounting for money earned in a restaurant, counting the earnings of cashiers on the counter or automatic distribution.

Anyone who wants to control the work of an employee of the hall and hold children's holidays (birthdays) can become the hostess or owner of the hall.

For all positions you will be trained by an instructor who will give you basic theoretical and practical knowledge to work in this position.

III. Conclusions and offers

After I got acquainted with the personnel policy of the McDonald's restaurant. I can draw my own conclusions. Reading these articles, which were published in the book The Truth About McDonald's, I became quite interested in their politics. It differs from the personnel policy of other public catering enterprises. For her character, a rather creative form: new methods, approaches. Sometimes seemingly absurd things find their explanation for everything. But there are always pros and cons. In my opinion, trying to make a career in McDonald's restaurants is quite difficult, since the salary of a restaurant director is 70-80 thousand rubles a month, and the level of responsibility for a huge number of employees is colossal. Working in a restaurant as a manager, it is not always possible to achieve consistency, because. a reason for dismissal can be found at any time, for a slight non-compliance with the standards, the work of fast food establishments. The whole program is quite difficult to pass, because. the candidate receives a lot of different information, both theoretical and practical. The working day is about 10-12 hours after passing the first steps. Many candidates are dropped from the program due to the high standards required of the candidate. Advertising does not justify itself. Promising mountains of gold, in reality, naive youth do not receive such sums. What about flexible scheduling? Yes, it is present and allowed. But in real life, everything is not so. By talking to the employees of this institution. I found out - when you come for an interview. To the question: "indicate how many hours you can work" It is better to answer from 8 or more. Those who indicate less are simply weeded out. Of course, it is difficult to make a schedule. If each person will ask, as it is convenient for him, working only an hour or two a day. This is a hello to the fact that a huge staff is being formed. And a large number is not only difficult to control, but everyone needs to be trained, lectured, brought up to date. It will just take a lot of extra time, confusion with replacements will begin to arise. Reading the answers of employees to questions about their opinion about the restaurant (on the McDonald's forum), they express a lot of discontent about this. I believe that the personnel policy has set itself correctly. Combining work and study is difficult enough, you may be asked to leave earlier, or unexpectedly replaced. In this case, the free schedule does not find practical application in this area. It is necessary to recruit personnel who study at the correspondence department. Or split the schedule into shifts. For example, from 9:00-13:00 and from 13:00-18:00. Thus, those who want to get a job will be able to accurately determine the scope of their opportunities and choose the most suitable shift for them. Staff turnover arises just because there is a failure in the shift schedule, this begins to interfere with studies, creates inconvenience, and the salary is much lower than promised at the very beginning. Most of the company's employees consider the team to be the most important positive moment in their work. It will be difficult to find a team at McDonald's somewhere else, because. mostly guys from simple families work in it, and the labor-intensive process of work rather quickly brings together people who were previously unfamiliar to each other. Of course, sometimes teams have their own bad people who can steal something from your drawer in the locker room. Sometimes one of the employees in the team may turn out to be an informer of the director or his assistants.

I really liked the team building moment. The administration does almost everything for this (corporate evenings, outings, holding holidays, events). But the downside is that it's good when the team is permanent. And in this case, too much staff turnover. It makes no sense to spend money, time and effort. No matter how you lure, no one will work there for a long time, if only a small fraction of 5% of the total. This is due to the fact that all employees are persons from 16-23 years old. They go there already with the thought that this is all temporary. Every young person has the desire and potential to achieve more. And this area of ​​​​activity is not of great interest. Yes, and more than one adult will not want to run, wash floors, shout - "the box office is free" - it looks stupid. But McDonald's has no other choice, their workforce will not change. Restaurant guests often complain about the rude treatment of employees. The selection is not of high enough quality: a huge flow of visitors, a big load on the nervous system. The young body is not able to endure all this. When selecting, it is necessary to pay attention to psychological resistance to nervous stress, endurance. You need to try to hire more calm, balanced people. Of course, the probability is low. But if we see that a person is quick-tempered and intolerant, there is no point in accepting such a position.

Young people complain that in their free time they have to clear tables and wash floors. At this stage of psychological age, this is perceived as a humiliation, a belittling of one's qualities. Very often, many are simply offended and quit their jobs. To this end, it is necessary to hire separate personnel, who are not embarrassed to clean the premises and who are ready to deal with and clean up. Or set a schedule of duty, so employees will feel on an equal footing. And there will be no thoughts: “I washed the floors 4 times today, and he only wiped the tables.” There is a norm for the implementation of the plan: someone manages to do his job in half an hour, and the other in an hour. The question arises: “why should I do the cleaning, if I already did my job, and the other just stands and falls asleep.”

All this thinking is not yet a mature person. With this in mind, it is necessary to make a cleaning schedule. Work in this area is very mobile, fast and constantly on your feet. Any even the most accustomed person gets tired. He just needs to take a break sometimes. Relieve stress, sit down. And the policy of the restaurant forbids being idle. You need to be constantly doing something. It is not possible for 8 hours of work to never sit down. I talked to the workers - they get very tired. By the end of the day, my legs and back hurt. It is necessary to soften the requirements a little. Various bonuses, free meals, and the accumulation of points are positive incentives. Any employee has an incentive to change the badge from yellow to white, to feel career growth, albeit not very significant. In general, the personnel policy, in my opinion, is built competently. And many other businesses could take a cue from her. There are shortcomings, which I mentioned above. But I don't think they have a big negative impact. The biggest problem is staff turnover. But she will always be. The only way to reduce it, I see in the division of the day into shifts.


In this term paper, I examined the concepts and state of car policy at the moment. I want to note that it is the personnel policy that is the key to success. All working employees are the face of your catering business. Of course, the personnel policy of catering is different from other areas of activity. It has its direction and its goals. The main person who brings success is the chef. Customers always want delicious food. High-quality cooked food, originality, this is the moment that people pay attention to in the first place. A client can be lured by a beautiful design, but if he does not like your food. He will never come back to you a second time.

The waiter is the most difficult job, from the point of view of the psychological aspect. He needs to be able to keep calm, always smile, smooth out conflict situations.

At the moment, everyone is worried about the lack of good specialists, high staff turnover. During the crisis, the situation deteriorated sharply. The lowest wages for waiters who want to go to this position are getting smaller and smaller.

Recently, special additional courses have been organized, from restaurants. Various schools. Many enterprises apply for students who will soon graduate from their specialty.

The problem is that there are enough students, but there is no good practice. If they receive it, it is not always at the level that is required.

In the second chapter, I analyzed the personnel policy of the McDonald's restaurant. She gave an assessment and described the general condition.

The personnel policy is constantly being improved and changed. It is gaining momentum because there is fierce competition between catering establishments. In order to resist and not lose their positions. The company must improve its weaknesses, including personnel policy

Personnel policy consists in the selection and preservation of the required ...
