
Salt dough gifts for the new year. New works using the material “Salty Dough”, on the theme “New Year

An indispensable attribute of New Year's Eve is a festive tree, decorated with one's own hand. To do this, you can use any options: a garland, tinsel, plastic or glass pendants, and, of course, Christmas decorations made from salt dough.

Salt dough is one of the most accessible and easy-to-use materials used in modern creativity. From it you can sculpt crafts of any complexity, so it is suitable as a working material for any age category.

How to make salt dough with your own hands?

The dough recipe is simple, and the components for its execution are in almost any home.

Required Ingredients:

  • 2 cups of the simplest, wheat flour;
  • 1 glass of fine salt;
  • 250 ml boiled cold water.

All dry ingredients are mixed together and, after adding water, knead into an elastic and soft dough. In the process of cooking, a little vegetable oil (a couple of large spoons) is added to the whole mass, so that the cooked dough does not stick to your hands, does not dry out quickly and does not become covered with a crust while working with it.

How to sculpt toys from dough?

When the dough is ready, you can begin the process of modeling itself.
To do this, you will need cookie cutters, a rolling pin for rolling out dough, a brush if you need to moisten future figures with water to attach accessories, cocktail tubes for piercing holes and all kinds of accessories for decoration.

Roll out a small layer of the prepared mass and cut out, using curly molds, future Christmas toys from the dough.
Dry the resulting products in an oven preheated to 55-80 ° C, keeping them on a baking sheet covered with parchment for an hour. And after the products have completely dried, proceed to decorate them, using all kinds of materials for this.

Salt dough dog souvenir - video

How to decorate dough toys?

There are a huge number of ways to decorate a future toy, and here everything depends only on personal taste preferences and imagination.

You can use beads to decorate crafts by laying out a certain pattern on a future Christmas tree toy or filling them with the entire surface of a product cut out of dough. True, in this case, it will no longer be possible to dry the craft in the oven, since the beads will simply melt from the high temperature. Here you will have to use the method of natural drying, leaving the finished work in an open space for 3-4 days.

Instead of beads, you can use cereals of different varieties, shells, seeds, twigs and leaves of trees, dried berries, buttons, as well as glitter or confetti applied to the dried toy with glue.

Salt dough crafts decorated with patterns drawn with permanent felt-tip pens look very stylish. So that the images on the test are not smeared, fix the drawings or inscriptions made with markers with colorless varnish.

And the easiest way to make a future toy unusual and unique is to put an imprint of your child’s hand or foot on it, marking the date of manufacture of the craft on it. Such a touching souvenir can even be given as a gift to grandparents.

You can use special patterned stamps instead of body parts. Such things are easy to purchase in children's stores or in specialized outlets that sell goods for creativity and needlework. Do-it-yourself Christmas decorations made from salt dough, made in a similar way, look quite interesting and original.

And who is bored with making simple crafts, you can try to go even further and make a voluminous Christmas tree toy from salt dough, in the form of some kind of animal: a hedgehog, a bird or a dog, for example. For this, it is necessary to first think over its image and structure in the future product, then make the main frame of the body, using a ball of paper or foil for this, filling it with the internal space of a voluminous toy, and only then select and add the missing details. For example, beaded eyes or a pom-pom nose. Here, again, there is a lot of scope for the realization of creative ideas.

An owl will be a great decoration for the Christmas tree.

The finished volumetric craft must be thoroughly dried in a natural way or using a preheated oven, if, of course, there are no beads or paper in the decoration of the toy, and then decorate and cover the dried product with two layers of colorless varnish so that the toy does not crack and the paint on it does not burned out from the reflection of the lit garlands located next to it.

DIY dough toys are not only unusual decorations for a festive Christmas tree that make the main beauty of the holiday unique and beautiful, but also a great way to spend time with your family, which brings everyone together in a single creative process.

Snowman making workshop - video

Salt dough Christmas tree. Step by step instructions with photo

Modeling from salt dough for schoolchildren.

Master class "Herringbone"

This work is intended for teachers and parents, as well as for school-age children.
Target: learn to sculpt a Christmas tree from salt dough.
- learn how to knead and color the dough;
- teach how to make needles by cutting salt dough with scissors;
- develop motor skills of the hand,
- develop creative abilities.

Required material:
- 1 cup flour
- 0.5 cups of fine salt,
- 0.5 cups of water,
- container and spoon,
- gouache
- beads, beads, sequins,
- stapler,
- cardboard.

Lesson progress:

Guess the riddle:
Needles grow on it
Thick and prickly
And resinous cones,
Sticky, fragrant.
She's on New Year's Eve
Will come to visit us!
Slim, fluffy
With golden lights

Today we will sculpt a Christmas tree from salt dough and decorate it with decorations. There is a very beautiful song from the cartoon "New Year's Tale" Poems: I. Shaferan

Christmas tree, Christmas tree - forest aroma
Christmas tree, Christmas tree -
Forest fragrance.
She really needs
Nice outfit.
Let this Christmas tree
At the holiday hour
With every needle
Pleases us
Pleases us.

Stages of work

1. Take half a glass of water and pour it into a container. Pour half a glass of fine salt and mix well. Gradually add flour to the consistency of batter.

2. Add green gouache and mix to make a green batter.

3. Gradually add the remaining flour and mix.

4. We dump the resulting mass on the table and knead the dough with our hands. The dough should be plastic, should not stick and crumble in the hands. If the dough sticks, then add a little flour, if the dough crumbles, then add a little water.

5. Cut out a semicircle from cardboard. From the resulting dough, roll out the layer and cut out a semicircle from the dough using a template.

6. Fold the template into a cone with a stapler.

7. Carefully wrap the cone in a semicircle of salt dough and glue the seam with water, moistening it a little with a brush. Gently smooth the seam with your finger.

8. We take scissors with sharp ends and begin to cut the needles in rows. It is better not to raise the Christmas tree so that the dough does not slip, and keep the scissors at an angle of 30 degrees. You need to cut the needle from the top row.

9. Knead the dough for decorations and paint it with gouache in different colors. Proportions: 0.5 cups of water; 0.5 cups of salt and a glass of flour.

10. We sculpt a star from red dough and glue it with water.

11. There are many ways to decorate a Christmas tree. The first way: we sculpt a lot of multi-colored balls, toys from colored dough and glue them on the Christmas tree with the help of water.

12. The second way: we decorate the Christmas tree with beads, beads, sequins, which we simply gently press into the dough. They hold well without glue, but if the beads fall off after drying, then you can glue them with varnish or glue.

13. When the Christmas tree is dry, you can varnish or gloss for children's creativity. Christmas tree is ready!

14. Works of my students!

Salt dough is the easiest, most environmentally friendly and affordable material for children's crafts. Today we will tell you from such a test and what else you can do with your child.

The long-awaited one is coming soon. Preparations for this wonderful holiday always begin about a month before it, or even earlier. Children especially love the preparations for the New Year holidays. They are happy to take part in the manufacture. So that you don't have to worry about the safety of materials for children's crafts, prepare salt dough and let the child make his own Christmas toys.

Children can become not only a wonderful decoration of the apartment for the holiday, but also a nice gift for relatives and friends.

How to make salt dough: recipe

Incredibly simple, the main thing is to keep the proportions and mix well. You'll need:

  • 1 cup flour
  • 0.5 cup salt (not iodized)
  • 125 ml water

You need to mix water into the dough gradually, achieving a uniform smooth mass. For large and bulky crafts, it is better to take 2 cups of salt, while not changing the amount of flour and water. You can store the finished salt dough in the refrigerator, be sure to wrap it in a bag.

Master class on how to make a snowman from salt dough for the New Year

From salt dough, which a child can make with his own hands with only a little help from you, it will become a wonderful Christmas decoration, a gift for the holiday or a favorite toy.

For children's crafts for the New Year "Snowman" you will need:

  • blue gouache
  • spadeweed
  • toothpick
  • acrylic lacquer

1. Prepare salty dough from water, flour and salt. Divide the dough for modeling into two parts: a larger one and a smaller one. The smaller part of the dough needs to be dyed blue with gouache.

2. Now you can start: from white dough you need to make two cakes of different sizes for the torso and head of the snowman. As soon as the head is sculpted, immediately form a mouth, eyes with a toothpick. Now attach the arms and legs.

3. From blue dough, mold a hat of the desired shape, you can apply a pattern with a toothpick. Next, roll out a rectangle of blue dough - this will be a scarf, make the desired pattern on it. Next, make the buttons.

4. Insert a toothpick into the snowman's hand - this is the base of the broom. Squeeze out a little blue dough through the spadefoot, form a broom out of it, let it dry a little, and then put it on a toothpick.

Photo: www.millionpodarkov.ru

5. The finished snowman needs to be dried well and covered with acrylic varnish - this will give brightness to the children's crafts from salt dough!

Crafts from salt dough for the New Year: the best photo ideas for children

In order not to be limited only to a snowman, we have collected more that can be molded from salt dough. Such New Year's toys will be beautiful or home decor.

And if you add a little cinnamon and cocoa to the salt dough for modeling, you will get not only beautiful, but also good-smelling toys that will fill the house with an incredible aroma of the holidays.

Your children will definitely like to sculpt such New Year's crafts from salt dough. Yes, and you can try to create something original with your own hands. If you do not want to encroach on your child's modeling material, these can be repeated. Connect your imagination and have fun preparing for the New Year 2019!

Salt dough is a worthy alternative to plasticine and clay. The advantage of this material for creativity is that the figures become strong after drying, they can be decorated with paints, varnish, felt-tip pens, you can play with them for a long time.
By the way, look at what you can make as a gift for the New Year.
The advantage of dough over clay is its low cost. Today I want to show you how to make Christmas toys from salt dough and how to decorate them. Flour is needed the most common. Whole grain or rye will not work, because. the dough from them is sticky and not suitable for sculpting toys. We also take the cheapest, fine-grained salt.
What you need to make toys from dough:

- Wheat flour,
- salt,
- water,
- Bowl,
- lodge.

Stages of creating toys for the Christmas tree from salt dough:

Place flour, salt and water in a bowl. Knead the dough. It is necessary to achieve the consistency of plasticine. To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands, you can moisten them with water or sprinkle with flour. We put salt at the rate of 1 tablespoon per full glass of flour. The taste of the dough will be very, very salty. This is necessary so that the toys do not get moldy over time. We connect the child to the process. The result should be an elastic, flexible, uniform dough.

We put the resulting elastic dough on the table, roll it out with a rolling pin or a jar. Do not roll too thin, otherwise the toys will be fragile. The optimal thickness is 5-7 mm.

On the rolled salt dough, we squeeze out the figures with the help of molds. To do this, you can use a glass, then the toys will be round. Can be cut with cookie cutters. Or you can fantasize and draw something original on the test, for example, circle your child’s palm.

Or carve a Christmas tree.

I used a brush for these purposes, piercing the back end along the fingers, leaving marks on the dough, then cut it out with a knife. If the toys are made as Christmas decorations, you need to make a small hole for the string in the top of the toy. It is convenient to make straws for juice. In general, you can make any figurines.

New Year's toys made from salt dough can be decorated with beads of different colors and sizes, shells, sequins, beads, etc. You can make a spiral of beautiful woolen yarn. While the dough is fresh, it is very pliable and it is easy to fix various decorations on it. You need to let the child fantasize, let him decorate the toy in his own way, you should not interfere, even if it turns out clumsily or not very aesthetically pleasing from the point of view of the mother. Completely decorating the toy on their own, the child will be proud and pleased with himself.

Next, be sure to dry the carved toys. This can be done in the oven at the lowest temperature for a few hours. And you can dry on the battery, it will take one to two days. And finally, toys can be decorated.

I use acrylic paint and nail polish. My son (3 years old) and I got such Christmas decorations. He did half last year, half this year. When the Christmas decorations were taken out, he remembered that he made them himself, he was happy and wanted to work with the dough again, to create something beautiful with his own hands again!
If you love sewing, then you can sew beautiful

Salt dough is the easiest, most environmentally friendly and affordable material for children's crafts. Today we will tell you how to make a snowman from such a dough and what other New Year's crafts from salt dough you can make with your child.

The long-awaited New Year is coming soon. Preparations for this wonderful holiday always begin about a month before it, or even earlier. Children especially love the preparations for the New Year holidays. They are happy to take part in the manufacture of Christmas decorations for the house. So that you don't have to worry about the safety of materials for children's crafts, prepare salt dough and let the child make his own Christmas toys.

Children's crafts for the New Year from salt dough can be not only a wonderful decoration of an apartment for the holiday, but also a nice gift for relatives and friends.

How to make salt dough: recipe

The recipe for salt dough for modeling is incredibly simple, the main thing is to keep the proportions and knead well. You'll need:

  • 1 cup flour
  • 0.5 cup salt (not iodized)
  • 125 ml water

You need to mix water into the dough gradually, achieving a uniform smooth mass. For large and bulky crafts, it is better to take 2 cups of salt, while not changing the amount of flour and water. You can store the finished salt dough in the refrigerator, be sure to wrap it in a bag.

Master class on how to make a snowman from salt dough for the New Year

A Christmas snowman made of salt dough, which a child can make with his own hands with only a little help from you, will be a wonderful Christmas tree decoration, a gift for the holiday or a favorite toy.

For children's crafts for the New Year "Snowman" you will need:

  • blue gouache
  • spadeweed
  • toothpick
  • acrylic lacquer

1. Prepare salty dough from water, flour and salt. Divide the dough for modeling into two parts: a larger one and a smaller one. The smaller part of the dough needs to be dyed blue with gouache.

2. Now you can start making a snowman with your own hands: from white dough you need to make two cakes of different sizes for the body and head of the snowman. As soon as the head is sculpted, immediately form a mouth, eyes with a toothpick. Now attach the arms and legs.

3. From blue dough, mold a hat of the desired shape, you can apply a pattern with a toothpick. Next, roll out a rectangle of blue dough - this will be a scarf, make the desired pattern on it. Next, make the buttons.

4. Insert a toothpick into the snowman's hand - this is the basis of the broom. Squeeze out a little blue dough through the spadefoot, form a broom out of it, let it dry a little, and then put it on a toothpick.
