
What to cook for a girl on February 14. Strawberry blancmange - dessert for lovers

What to cook for a romantic dinner for a loved one at home on February 14? Everything from salad to dessert in our selection for your inspiration!

Salad with crab sticks remains one of the most popular for the holidays and on weekdays. Despite the fact that sticks are a rather dubious product in terms of their composition, they are actively used to prepare all sorts of goodies. We will try to choose a product from a trusted manufacturer and start preparing a salad for Valentine's Day. However, this salad will be good on any day when you want to create a romantic atmosphere.

Despite all the external complexity, such a salad for February 14 is very simple to make. We will prepare the salad in garnish forms to give it the shape of a heart. This is very relevant for Valentine's Day. The layers will lie one on top of the other evenly, nothing will jump out and will not violate our plan. For one such form, very few products are needed.

  • crab sticks - 100 g;
  • potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • purple onion - ½ pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • salt, mayonnaise, pepper - to taste.

In advance, boil the carrots in their skins, potatoes in their “uniforms” and an egg.

Peel carrots, potatoes and eggs. Remove the packaging from the sticks.

Can be cut. Crab sticks are the main product. Let's not cut them too small.

The rest of the ingredients are best cut into smaller pieces. Let's start with potatoes.

And purple onions.

Grate carrots. We will put it on the very top of the salad in the form of a heart. From the thick part of the carrot, you can cut a thin ribbon and twist it in the form of a flower. It can be used to decorate appetizers.

The ingredients are ready: crab sticks, egg, potatoes, carrots, corn.

At the very bottom, put the potatoes in the form, grease with mayonnaise. Potatoes can be salted and peppered.

Lubricate with mayonnaise.

Put the onion on the potatoes.

Then testicles.

We'll smear it too.

Now it's the turn of the crab sticks.

Grease a layer of sticks with mayonnaise.

And again - mayonnaise. Let's tamp down the salad.

With the help of a smaller heart, lay out the heart of grated carrots on the salad.

Carefully remove both forms.

Let's decorate the salad with greens and boiled carrot decorations.

Your Valentine's Day Dinner is Ready! Have a nice celebration and good impressions!

Recipe 2: heart pizza for a romantic dinner on February 14

Heart-shaped pizza is the same Italian dish we know, differing from the classic one only in design. Cooking it at home is quite simple, because you can use blanks. So, for example, you can buy frozen dough. Although its own preparation will not cause you any special problems, and even more so if you have ever done it at least once.

As a filling for such a pizza, we will use salami sausage and olives. The cheese component of the dish will consist of two types of cheese: parmesan and mozzarella. However, the filling in such a pizza can be absolutely any. You can adjust this at your own discretion.

This heart-shaped pizza is the perfect solution for a romantic dinner. It looks original and, besides, it is guaranteed to be tasty, and even those who have never stood at the stove can make it! In addition, perhaps there is no such person who would not love pizza. Such a dish will be a win-win.

So, if the chores of preparing for a romantic dinner are about to overtake you, then we suggest you start cooking heart-shaped pizza as soon as possible, and the recipe with step-by-step photos will help you with this, which is presented below. Let's get started!

We will make pizza from ready-made dough, so first of all we will stock up on it. Then follow the instructions on the packaging of this product.

Sprinkle the countertop with flour, put the defrosted dough on it, and then roll it out in a thin layer and give it the shape of a heart. You can do this by eye, or you can pre-cut a template from paper. With the remaining scraps, you can seal the edges of the pizza, making the sides, as in the photo.

The finished layer of dough in the form of a heart must be very carefully moved onto a baking sheet.

Now we need salami. The sausage needs to be cut into circles, and if you took a ready-made cut, then the amount of work will decrease.

Part of this filling will be placed under the cheese, and part on it. Therefore, we will give the shape of hearts to those circles of sausage that will be on top. To do this, we use a cookie cutter. If there is none in the kitchen, then you can cut hearts out of salami with kitchen scissors.

Lubricate the dough with tomato paste or any pizza sauce. Next, lay out the circles of salami and its trimmings, which are left over from cutting out hearts.

Sprinkle thickly with grated mozzarella. Place heart-shaped salami and halved olives on top of the cheese. Grease the pizza sides with olive oil and sprinkle them with grated parmesan.

Now the pizza is baked. Do this according to the instructions for baking the dough on the package (it will indicate the appropriate temperature and baking time).

Before baking, try to remove pieces of cheese from the baking sheet so that it does not burn.

Ready-made heart-shaped pizza should be served immediately, because it is especially tasty when warm. As you can see, the recipe is quite simple and quick. Your significant other will be very happy with this dish. Here you will see!

Recipe 3: salad on February 14 Secret passion (step by step photos)

  • Beef 100 g
  • Lettuce leaves 100 g
  • Cherry tomatoes 100 g
  • Dried tomatoes 5 pcs
  • Parmesan 30 g
  • Olive oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vinegar 1 tbsp. l.
  • Mustard 1 tsp
  • Seasoning 1 tsp

For cooking, you can take any salad you want, I took a regular leaf lettuce. Wash and tear it to pieces.

Cut the cherry tomatoes in half, cut the sun-dried tomatoes into small pieces.

Combine lettuce with tomatoes.

We make a dressing of olive oil, balsamic vinegar, mustard, Italian herbs seasoning and salt. Whisk everything with a whisk.

Dress the salad with dressing, mix. Lay out on a serving platter.

Cut beef jerky into thin strips.

Lay the beef jerky on top of the salad.

Sprinkle the top of the salad with grated parmesan. Bon appetit!

Recipe 4: caramel chicken by February 14 for lovers

  • Chicken fillet 400 g
  • Sweet red pepper 150 g
  • Honey 25 g
  • Wine vinegar 4 tbsp
  • Butter 20 g
  • Salt to taste
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Ground paprika to taste

Pepper cut into thin strips.

Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces.

Season the chicken with salt, pepper, paprika.

Melt butter. Fry the fillet for 3-4 minutes.

Mix vinegar with honey until honey dissolves.

Pour the vinegar into the pan.

Add pepper. Cook for about 5 more minutes.

Recipe 5: Valentine's Day Snack - Hearts on Crackers

Delicious snack on crackers for Valentine's Day! It is very easy to cook it!

  • Pink salmon (boiled) - 100 g;
  • Processed cheese (cream) - 1 pc;
  • Mayonnaise (or sour cream) - 1 tablespoon;
  • Salt and pepper (to taste);
  • Horseradish with beets - 1-2 tsp;
  • salted crackers;
  • green onion (for garnish)

Let the boiled pink salmon pieces cool and remove all the bones. Chop into small pieces.

Processed cheese - creamy (it is soft) add to the fish.

Salt and sprinkle with pepper and beat with a blender until smooth.

Using a syringe or a plastic bag (cut off a corner), squeeze the heart-shaped mass onto the crackers. Lubricate the middle with a little fish mass too. And on top, in the middle, gently distribute the horseradish with a small spoon as well to make a heart. Decorate with a green bow. Very tasty snack! Enjoy!

Recipe 6: Strawberry St. Valentine Cocktail (Step by Step)

  • 200 gr. ripe strawberries
  • 200 gr. creamy ice cream
  • 200 ml. milk
  • 50 gr. strawberry syrup
  • 1 tbsp sugar as desired

For a cocktail with strawberries, choose ripe juicy berries. We also need cream ice cream, a glass of milk and quite a bit of strawberry syrup.

We wash the strawberries in running water, remove the tails. If the berries are large, cut into several pieces. We put strawberries, ice cream in a blender glass, pour chilled milk.

Pour in some strawberry syrup. If the strawberry cocktail is prepared exclusively for adults, then instead of syrup, you can add homemade rose liqueur, or any homemade fruit and berry tincture, for example, chokeberry tincture.

Strawberry smoothie is prepared in a blender. This will take no more than one minute. Don't try to crush the strawberry seeds, let alone remove them. These small strawberry seeds contain the most important micronutrient - zinc. It is zinc that activates the work of vitamin A, slows down the aging process of the skin, improves intellectual abilities.

We try the finished cocktail for sugar. Usually, if the strawberries are sweet, then there is no need to add sugar. Serve chilled strawberry smoothie.

Recipe 7: Almond Hearts for Dessert on February 14 (with photo)

The dessert has a pleasant taste of almonds, and lemon juice gives it a citrus tenderness. At the end of a romantic dinner on February 14, you can serve these cute hearts.

  • Almonds (peeled and chopped) - 100 g
  • Powdered sugar - 100 g
  • Liquor (Amaretto, you can do without it, if prepared for children) - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Cocoa powder (You can chocolate icing) - 3 tbsp. l.

Mix almond flour and powdered sugar. Add to the mass 1 tbsp. a spoonful of Amaretto liqueur. If you are preparing a dessert for children, omit the liquor. To the resulting mass add 2 tbsp. spoons of lyon juice. Knead the mass until smooth.

Here we have such a bun. Wrap it in cling film and leave it in the fridge for 30 minutes.

Roll out the chilled dough (kolobok) 0.5 cm thick on a table slightly dusted with flour, it is better to roll it out with food paper.

Cut out heart shapes. Roll the remaining mass again into a bun and roll it out again with a thickness of 0.5 cm. Continue cutting out hearts.

Put the finished hearts on a plate and sprinkle with cocoa powder. Put the finished hearts in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. If desired, the hearts can be covered with chocolate icing, this is at your discretion. I also like the cocoa sprinkles.

For a man to be delighted and in love, he needs to be surprised and pampered. On Valentine's Day, he needs to be surprised and pampered with a vengeance so that he realizes the need for this holiday and has been looking forward to it all year. A good way to pamper a man (and yourself too) is a festive romantic dinner. So, what to cook for February 14?

Table setting

Even if you are used to eating in front of the TV with your legs folded under you, on this day you will have to try and give solemnity to the moment. Set the table for two. Use accessories depicting hearts and flowers, red and burgundy tones, candles in the table setting. Drinks should also be red - it's the color of passion.

Food: what to cook for February 14

Your romantic dinner should be hearty, but you shouldn't overeat and fall asleep right at the table (most likely, you and your loved one already have plans for what to do after dinner). So don't try to cook for the whole world - a couple of light snacks, a hot dish and dessert will be enough for you two. Avoid fatty foods (snacks, cheeses) - it will not kindle passion in you, but on the contrary, it will calm you down, relax and lull you to sleep.

If your loved one loves seafood,
We recommend this simple and effective serving of dishes

First, a little theory. It is best to use aphrodisiac dishes to incite passion: vegetables, fruits, nuts, chocolate, seafood, hot spices, red wine. We warn those who like to eat wine with cheese: such a set in your stomach can arrange an unexpected seething, it is better to use meat and fruits as a snack for wine.

When thinking about what to cook for February 14, remember that all dishes should be such that they can be eaten beautifully (without getting dirty).

Romantic menu

Let's start with snacks.

Festive and unusual will look (and be eaten with pleasure) spicy and sweet snacks from Asian and Mediterranean cuisine. For example, a salad of pineapple, chicken and cashews in a spicy Thai sauce, a light salad of tomatoes, feta and lettuce with black pepper, canapes with pineapple, seafood and olives.

The basis of this salad is pineapple, chicken and cashew nuts.
You can add other ingredients to your taste

Fry eggplants in garlic sauce and wrap them in rolls stuffed with curd cheese and herbs. Prepare an unusual Chinese salad of stewed oranges and pine nuts.

Lettuce, orange, grated cheddar, pine nuts,
sesame, sesame and vegetable oil, a little orange juice,
a few drops of spicy and a few - soy sauce, and a bright Chinese salad is ready!

Be sure to put it on the table assorted nuts and fruit plate(aphrodisiacs, don't forget).

Now let's move on to hot. It should also be low-fat, light and have an unusual taste. Refuse lamb, fatty meat, smoked meats, hearty soups. Serve a light pasta with seafood stewed in white wine and cream. Or fried chicken fillet breaded with ground oatmeal. You can cook fish baked in foil with lemon juice and sweet pepper.

If your significant other does not recognize dinner without meat, bake it on the bone -
this will help keep you from getting dirty. Fish is good to cook if you have
not very much time - they will be ready an order of magnitude faster than meat

Asian food lovers they will be happy to see spicy Thai tom yam soup or fried chicken cooked in the best Chinese traditions with tomatoes and sweet peppers on the table. You can also grill salmon or salmon.

What sweet to cook on February 14? Dessert should be light and non-greasy. Choose fruit and milk desserts: puddings, parfait, and, of course, chocolate. You can dip strawberries or banana wedges in hot chocolate and chill in the refrigerator. A win-win dessert option for two is ice cream. It, although cold, will further inflame your passion.

The main thing for dessert is not abundance, but decoration. Plates can be decorated
melted chocolate with a funnik or a confectionery syringe

Ice cream can be flavored with a good portion of berries,
raisins or nuts or serve with sweet sauce

It is important not only to know what to cook for February 14 and - turn off laptops, phones, TVs. Even the most delicious and unusual dinner will be spoiled if you post a photo of the table on Instagram, and he watches hockey. Make time for each other, forgetting for at least one evening about the existence of the rest of the world. And all will be well.

Surprise and please your loved one on February 14th not only with gifts, but also with a delicious treat. The article offers you ideas for decorating and preparing a romantic dinner for Valentine's Day.

It is customary to celebrate the holiday of "all lovers" not only with gifts, valentines, congratulations and declarations of love, but also delicious treats, sweets, beautiful breakfasts and romantic dinners. The symbol of the holiday is the heart., which is present literally in everything: postcards, gift wrapping, balloons, decorations and, of course, food!

Any dish can be prepared for your “second half” and put it on a plate aesthetically (in the shape of a heart). However, resourceful chefs came up with not only a beautiful design of dishes, but also their original preparation. So, with the help of simple tips, you can serve an unusual breakfast, how to surprise and please your loved one.

Ideas for unusual dishes and treats:

The easiest recipe "hearty" toasts with jam or nut butter. Preparing them is very simple: first cut a heart out of a slice of bread with a knife, and then fry it in a toaster or in a frying pan without oil. Spread the finished toast with the selected jam and arrange beautifully on a plate. This dish is a must add a cup of coffee.

Toast for Valentine's Day

If you are not good at cooking or you just do not have time to prepare unusual dishes, you can go the simple way - just purchase in advance the dishes for serving food in the shape of a heart. You can fill it with sweets, fruits or berries. This will not only “please the eye”, but also give your loved one pleasant emotions.

Moreover, such dishes can serve as a gift and be used in the future in everyday life.

Fruit Salad Fancy Serving

You can give a heart shape to almost any dish. The most popular: spaghetti with sauce, pizza, sandwiches, various cereals and salads, snacks.

Heart shaped spaghetti and sauce

Salad with heart-shaped vegetables

Mini pizza with different toppings

Holiday scrambled toast

Not only dishes can help you, but also special kitchen utensils. In modern stores, you can find unusual molds for boiling and frying eggs, which, instead of the usual one, will give the egg a heart shape.

Salad with heart shaped eggs

cook pizza for valentine's day very simple. You do not have to look for any special recipe, you can use any: familiar, simple without yeast or yeast. Also as a basis good for puff pastry, cut it out in advance so that the base takes the shape of a heart.

Heart shaped pizza

Simple homemade pizza with sausages

If you are good at baking, then this can "play into your hands", as they say. You can congratulate your loved one with sweet cookies, delicious buns, sweets, marmalade and chocolates. A person can eat such treats all day long, than to cheer himself up and get pleasant emotions.

Delicious heart shaped pastry

Simple shortbread with heart-shaped sprinkles

Buns in the shape of a heart

Menu for a romantic dinner on Valentine's Day

romantic dinner is needed in order to bring together hearts in love, give them the magic of tender feelings and delight them with joint minutes. Romantic dinner should be beautiful and tasty. Do not cook a lot of dishes, because you should not overeat (you will need strength for the night).

The best thing to do light salad and hearty meat or fish dish, complemented by an unusual sauce. You can also add fruits and sweets, because they will certainly bring pleasure, while drinking wine or champagne. Fruit slices can be shaped like a heart by sprinkling them through a sieve with powdered sugar, and sweets are suitable cakes, cakes or chocolates-hearts.

IMPORTANT: A homemade romantic dinner will allow you to spend time usefully and not as expensive as in a restaurant. You can cook any food, play a movie about love and drink a light alcoholic drink.

Home romantic dinner

Ideas for a romantic dinner:

Heart shaped canned tuna fish salad

Hot appetizer with shrimp and cherry tomatoes for a romantic dinner

Unusual salad with declarations of love for the holiday

Romantic dinner at home

Fruit salad in half a pineapple

Spaghetti and salad for a romantic dinner

Baked fish or a piece of meat for a romantic dinner

IMPORTANT: In the design of the festive table for a romantic dinner, the main thing is not to be too lazy to decorate the table with elegant dishes and glasses, buy the necessary paraphernalia, candles and flowers.

Beautiful setting for a romantic dinner

Festive food and paraphernalia

A simple but soulful dinner for two

A dish such as sushi. This food is often present on the tables of modern couples for dinner, especially for a romantic one. cook sushi and rolls you can do it yourself, or you can order in a restaurant. It's essential saves you time and energy.

Such food can be very beautifully arranged on serving plates, lay out in the shape of a heart or write in pieces a word. Besides, sushi and rolls- food made from seafood, which in turn have a very good effect on potency (as aphrodisiacs). Such an advantage of dinner will allow the couple to have a very sensual night.

Romantic Japanese dinner

Sushi shaped like a heart for a festive dinner

Rolls laid out in the shape of a heart

Rolls for a festive romantic dinner Festive table decoration with rolls for a romantic dinner

Salads for a romantic dinner on Valentine's Day

As already mentioned, romantic Dinner shouldn't be "heavy" and a light salad is the best way to feed your soul mate. Of course you can use the recipe of any festive and everyday salad, the main thing is to present it unusually and solemnly.

The most popular "romantic" salad is considered to be "Caesar" with chicken breast. The dish has many delicious ingredients, unusual sauce, freshness of vegetables and satiety. It goes well with white, red and sparkling wines.

You will need:

  • chicken breast- 2 pcs. (not large, can be replaced with a piece of turkey breast).
  • lettuce leaves- 1 bunch (can be replaced with Beijing cabbage leaves without a hard part).
  • Cherry tomatoes- 8-10 pcs. (can be replaced with any tomatoes, cut into small slices).
  • Bread- 2 slices of white wheat loaf (useful for croutons).
  • boiled egg- 2 pcs. (can be replaced with a few pieces of quail eggs, also boiled). You will also need one raw yolk!
  • parmesan cheese- 100 g (can be replaced with Grano Padano or any hard and fatty cheese).
  • Garlic- 1 clove
  • Mustard- 1 tsp (if the mustard is spicy, you can use a smaller amount, or replace with Dijon).
  • Mayonnaise- 1 tbsp.


  • First of all, one should prepare croutons: cut the bread pulp into cubes and send to dry in the oven. Make sure they don't burn. You can sprinkle the croutons with salt beforehand.
  • The chicken breast is rubbed with salt and pepper and can be baked in the oven, fried in a pan or boiled in water if you don't eat fried foods. Make sure the breast does not dry out. Cool the cooked breast.
  • Lettuce leaves are laid out at the bottom of the serving dish, or Chinese cabbage without a hard part (head).
  • Chicken breast should be cut into slices, carefully put on top of the leaves.
  • Prepare the sauce: mix mayonnaise, yolk, mustard and crushed garlic clove. Mix thoroughly. Pour the sauce over the chicken pieces.
  • Cut the cheese on a special grater with a knife into thin "ribbons". If the cheese crumbles, make a crumble and sprinkle over the meat. Even simple rubbing on a coarse grater will also work.
  • Cherry tomatoes and eggs should be cut in half and carefully spread over the entire plate with a festive salad. The dish is ready!


Salad "Caprese" in turn, it is distinguished by ease of preparation and a set of simple ingredients. The salad looks visually like cheese and vegetable slices. Salad is easy to eat, it goes well with any wine. Not "heavy" for the stomach and very tasty.

You will need:

  • Mozzarella- 180 g. (Make your own cheese or buy it in a store. Choose small balls of mozzarella or baby mozzarella).
  • Cherry tomatoes- 150-200 g (can be replaced with any other small tomatoes).
  • Olives- 1 can (black olives without pits and additives are required).
  • Olive oil- a few tablespoons for salad dressing.
  • Italian herb blend: dried basil, oregano, marjoram, etc.


  • Mozzarella cut into slices
  • The dry part from the leg is removed from the tomato, it is cut into circles in the size of the chopped cheese.
  • On a serving dish, you can optionally put lettuce leaves, cheese and tomato are neatly laid out on top, alternating each other.
  • Top laid out ingredients are decorated with black olives.
  • Salad can be salted to taste (sea salt is best) and drizzled with olive oil.
  • Sprinkle seasoning from natural dry "Italian" herbs on top of the salad.
  • Garnish with green basil leaves


Salad "Nicoise" This is a delicious and satisfying dish, perfect for a romantic evening. It is not difficult to prepare it.

You will need:

  • Canned tuna- 1 can (if you have fresh fish, replace with lightly fried tuna).
  • black olives- a handful of
  • Anchovies- 50 g. (810 pieces is enough)
  • Green beans- 100-150 g.
  • Egg- 2 pcs. (You can use chicken or quail. Depending on your preferences).
  • Tomato- several pcs. "cherries" or one regular
  • Salad leaves to decorate a serving dish
  • Onion- 5 g green onion feathers
  • Garlic- 1 clove
  • Olive oil(for dressing) and 2 tbsp. wine vinegar.

IMPORTANT: Before you start preparing the salad, you must already have prepared the sauce. To do this, mix olive oil, vinegar, garlic and salt to taste.


  • Serving platter garnished with lettuce leaves
  • Boil eggs and green beans ahead of time
  • Crumble or lick onion feathers on lettuce leaves. Drizzle with a couple of tablespoons of the sauce.
  • Eggs and tomatoes are cut into slices, along with olives they are laid out in a circle of a plate.
  • A slide of green beans is placed in the center of the plate.
  • A can of tuna is opened, the oil is drained. Neat, not large pieces of fish are laid out on top of the beans.
  • Put a few anchovy fish on top of the tuna.
  • The dish is generously poured with sauce before serving.


Hot dishes for a romantic dinner on Valentine's Day

IMPORTANT: A romantic dinner assumes that you will prepare original and unusual dishes with which you can surprise and please your "soulmate".

Duck breast in caramel sauce:

You will need:

  • Large chicken breast- 2 pcs. (for two servings)
  • Soy sauce– 1 bottle of 250 ml.
  • Natural honey- 2 tbsp.
  • Garlic- 3 teeth
  • Lemon- half a citrus
  • Pickling spices to taste
  • To decorate the finished dish, you can use black olives, grapes or capers (whatever you like), as well as fresh herbs.


  • The breast is cleaned of excess films and fat, part of the skin should be left so that a beautiful crispy crust appears on it when frying.
  • Prepare the sauce for pickling the breast: in a bowl, mix the soy sauce with the juice of half a lemon, add pepper to taste (ground or mixture), squeeze out the garlic and add liquid honey. Stir the sauce and place the duck into it, cut into large cubes.
  • Marinate the breast for at least an hour.
  • After that, split the pan. Meat should be fried without oil. The remaining fat layer on the duck will release the necessary lard for frying.
  • Fry the pieces of meat for about 5 minutes, while doing this, do not forget to shake the pan or turn the pieces on the other side with a spoon.
  • After cooking, place the pieces of meat on serving plates. Add a small amount of marinade to the remaining fat in the pan, melt it and wait until it becomes thicker. Sauce should be cooked for no more than three minutes.
  • Pour the prepared sauce over the meat
  • Decorate the dish with berries or olives, decorate with herbs before serving.

Caramel duck breast

Dorada in the oven with vegetables:

You will need:

  • Fish- 2 pcs. (sea bream or any other, not too large fish, for example, carp).
  • Tomato- 2 pcs. (medium size)
  • Onion- 1 PC. large onion
  • Pepper- 1 PC. sweet (any)
  • Olive oil or any vegetable(a few tablespoons).
  • Sea salt (to taste)
  • Garlic- 1 clove


  • Onions should be cut into neat and not thick half rings.
  • After that, start cooking the fish. Remove the eyes and entrails from the fish, thoroughly wash the carcass with the cut tummy.
  • Place a sliced ​​tomato, half of a fried onion and a few rings of pepper into the cut tummy. Add garlic.
  • The fish is poured with a small amount of oil, it should be peppered and salt should be added (you can in a small amount, to taste).
  • Put the fish on a baking sheet and send it to the oven.
  • The fish is baked for half an hour, while the oven temperature should be about 200 degrees.

Baked sea bream

Snacks for a romantic dinner on Valentine's Day

Snacks for a romantic dinner can serve as a complete meal they can include a wide variety of ingredients: cheese, vegetables, fruits, meat. They must be beautifully arranged, prepared canapes or tartlets.

Fish salad in small portions with red caviar: beautiful serving

Salad "Caprese" in miniature on skewers in the form of an appetizer

Aspic of meat with cheese and vegetables: appetizer

Vegetable skewers with boiled shrimp

Sandwiches with caviar and olives

Fresh salad with tomato and cheese for appetizer Cheese canapes with nuts and grapes

Baked cheese tartlets: appetizer

Mini canapes for a snack for a romantic dinner

Puff pastry appetizer with tomato

The best appetizer for a romantic dinner - cheese fondue. Fondue is a pot heated by a candle, which contains cheese sauce. Using skewers or special forks, you should string any piece of sliced ​​\u200b\u200b(ham, vegetables, nuts, potatoes, shrimp, croutons) and dip in hot sauce.

cheese fondue

Sweets for a romantic dinner on Valentine's Day

Sweets play a very important role for the "holiday of all lovers." They set a good mood, delight with their taste, complement a romantic dinner. It is not at all necessary to prepare sweets on your own, because any pastry shop will certainly offer a huge number of desserts and delicacies for the holiday.

You can choose sweetness for every taste: chocolates, heart-shaped cakes, glazed cookies, artistically painted gingerbread, cakes, truffles, marmalade, jelly and much more. Having bought a dessert, of course, you will save your personal time preparing for the holiday.

IMPORTANT: Modern housewives often offer homemade cakes for sale. Cakes, cupcakes, muffins and handmade gingerbread with icing, marzipan and sugar figurines are very popular.

Muffins for the holidays

Cupcakes with marzipan and mastic

Cookies with icing

Caramel candies in the form of hearts

Gingerbread with glaze painting

Cakes for February 14

Heart shaped macaroons

Homemade cookies for February 14

If you are watching your figure or just do not want to buy holiday sweets in the store, you can do fruit slices with berries. You can decorate such a cut with fresh mint leaves, powdered sugar, cinnamon and melted chocolate.

IMPORTANT: It is very popular as a dessert on February 14 chocolate fondue. You can dip a banana, orange, strawberry, kiwi, pineapple into it. If you don't want hot fondue, chocolate-covered strawberries can be made ahead of time.

Chocolate fondue

Strawberries in chocolate

Strawberries in chocolate with chocolate and nut crumbs

Baking for a romantic dinner on Valentine's Day

Making sweet pastries for Valentine's Day is quite realistic with your own hands. It is in your power to make delicious pastries and cakes from biscuit and cream. Making a delicious and fluffy biscuit is very simple.

You will need:

  • Sugar- 1 glass (measured). If you're watching your figure, use less sugar.
  • Flour- 1 cup (coarsely ground and premium, replace with any other if desired).
  • Eggs- 4 things. large chicken
  • Salt- pinch


  • Egg whites should be separated from the yolks. Pour the whites into a separate bowl and beat with a mixer (blender) with a small pinch of salt for 5-10 minutes. You should get fluffy foam This is the key to a good biscuit.
  • After that, gradually add sugar and continue beating until you get elastic protein mass.
  • Without stopping the beating, add the yolks, gradually stir in the flour.
  • Grease a baking sheet or deco with oil, pour out the dough. Bake a biscuit about 25 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. Check readiness with a toothpick.

IMPORTANT: You can make cakes or a cake from a cooled biscuit by smearing the cakes with any cream (purchased or prepared on your own). If you want to bake a chocolate sponge cake, just add some cocoa to the dough.

Cake for February 14

You can also please your “soul mate” with your own made panna cotta (creamy or chocolate). It is not difficult to make it and sugar, gelatin and cream.

Panna cotta on February 14

Biscuit cut with hearts in chocolate icing

IMPORTANT: If you have a special waffle iron, on February 14 you can bake delicious waffle hearts and add them with any sauce.

Waffle hearts for February 14

Breakfast ideas for February 14 - Valentine's Day

You can surprise your loved one in the morning by preparing a delicious and unusual breakfast for him. It will be unusual only because you will decorate it in an original way by adding holiday symbols - heart.

Toast with scrambled eggs for a holiday breakfast
Fancy pancakes

Original breakfast

Video: “A SIMPLE BREAKFAST on St. Valentine"



  • 65 g butter;
  • 150 g of chocolate;
  • 2 egg yolks;
  • 5 egg whites;
  • 35 g sugar;
  • 50 g of whipped cream;
  • strawberries, raspberries or melted chocolate - optional.


Melt the butter and chocolate in a water bath and stir until smooth. Add yolks and mix again. Beat the whites with sugar until foamy, then mix this mixture with chocolate. Pour in the cream and mix well.

Pour the mousse into a mold and refrigerate for 2 hours. Before serving, carefully transfer the mousse to a plate and garnish with berries or chocolate.



  • 600 g of chocolate ice cream;
  • 60 g butter;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • ¼ teaspoon almond extract;
  • gel red food coloring;
  • 700 ml of water;
  • whipped cream;
  • caramel canes - optional.


Melt ice cream, butter and sugar over medium heat. In the process, add almond extract and dye to them. The amount of dye depends on the desired cocoa color. Pour water into the melted mixture and mix thoroughly. Pour hot drink into glasses, garnish with whipped cream and caramel canes.



  • 100 g of white chocolate;
  • 220 g;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • red food coloring;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife;
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa;
  • some vegetable oil.


Break the chocolate and melt it in the microwave or over a water bath. Mix cream cheese with sugar. Add egg, coloring, vanilla, cocoa and melted chocolate.

Pour the mixture into greased small molds about 10 cm wide. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for about 30 minutes. Let it cool before serving, and it is best to refrigerate for several hours.

You can make a base for the cheesecake if you like. To do this, mix 100 g of crushed chocolate chip cookies, 1 tablespoon of cocoa, 1 tablespoon of sugar and 2 tablespoons of melted butter. Put the finished base on the bottom of the mold, spread the filling on top and put in the oven.



For cupcakes:

  • 110 g butter;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife;
  • 210 g flour;
  • ½ teaspoon of soda;
  • ¼ teaspoon baking powder;
  • ¼ teaspoon salt;
  • 115 g sour cream;
  • 120 ml of champagne.

For cream:

  • 400 g of powdered sugar;
  • 220 g butter;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of champagne;
  • strawberries - optional;


Beat butter and sugar. Add eggs and vanilla and stir. In a separate bowl, mix flour, soda, baking powder and salt. In the other - sour cream and champagne. Thoroughly mix all the components of the dough.

Place paper cups in a metal cupcake pan. Fill them halfway with batter. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 18-20 minutes. Check doneness with a toothpick: it should come out clean from the center of the cake. Cool the finished cupcakes completely.

Whip the icing sugar and butter with a mixer. Add vanilla and champagne and mix thoroughly. Put the cream in and decorate the cupcakes with it. You can add strawberries and sprinkles if you like.



  • 440 g butter;
  • 400 g of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife;
  • 720 g flour;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • red and pink food coloring.


Beat butter and sugar. Add eggs and vanilla and mix well. Mix flour and salt separately. Divide the mixture into three parts. Add red dye to one oil mixture, pink to another, and leave the third unchanged. Add flour mixture and stir until smooth.

Roll out three fairly thin colored layers. Cut out round cookies. Using a small heart shape, cut out the middle of the blanks and swap them to make contrasting combinations. Bake at 180°C for 8-10 minutes until the cookies are lightly browned.



  • 200 g butter;
  • 350 g of powdered sugar;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 180 g flour;
  • 4 tablespoons of milk;
  • 40 g cream cheese or cream cheese;
  • 400 g of white chocolate;
  • red or pink food coloring - optional;
  • confectionery topping - optional.


Beat 120 g butter and 150 g powdered sugar. Add vanilla and eggs to them and mix well. Then add flour, pour in milk and mix again until smooth. Put the dough in a regular form and bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 35-45 minutes. Cool and crumble with your hands in a large bowl.

Combine the remaining butter, cream cheese, icing sugar and a little vanilla. Pour some of this mixture into the bowl with the crumbled pastry and stir to combine. You probably won't need the whole mixture. The resulting dough should not be too wet. Wrap it in foil and refrigerate for at least an hour.

Form small balls from the dough, put on parchment and put in for another 15-20 minutes. At this time, melt the chocolate in the microwave or in a water bath. You can leave it white, or you can give it a tint with a dye.

Take a stick and dip it in chocolate. Then immediately stick it into the cake and dip it in chocolate already. Do the same for the rest of the cakes. While the chocolate is still warm, decorate the cake pops with sprinkles.



For test:

  • a little vegetable oil;
  • 150 g flour;
  • 40 g cocoa;
  • 300 ml of milk;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • 120 g butter;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • 2 eggs.

For cream:

  • 120 g milk chocolate;
  • 480 g cream for whipping;
  • 40 g sugar.

For glaze:

  • 250 g dark chocolate;
  • 240 g whipping cream;
  • 1 ½ tablespoons corn syrup.


Lightly grease two baking sheets with vegetable oil. Draw 12 hearts 7–8 cm wide on two sheets of parchment and line the baking sheets with them.

Mix the sifted flour and cocoa in a large bowl. Pour milk into a saucepan, add sugar, butter and salt. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until sugar is completely dissolved. Remove from heat and add cocoa powder. Stir until smooth.

Return the saucepan to medium heat, stir in the batter and cook for another minute. Then beat the mixture with a mixer for several minutes. Add eggs and mix with a mixer.

Place the batter in a piping bag fitted with a regular round nozzle. Circle the outline of the hearts drawn on parchment with dough, then fill in their middle. Lay the second layer on the first layer of dough in the same way.

Place the trays in a preheated oven at 220°C, lower the temperature to 200°C and bake for 10 minutes. Turn the baking sheets over, lower the temperature to 180°C and leave in the oven for another 7 minutes. Slightly cooled eclairs carefully cut in half lengthwise and cool completely. This will take about an hour.

In the meantime, grind milk in a blender. Bring half the cream and all the sugar to a boil over low heat, stirring occasionally until the sugar has dissolved. Add this mixture to the chocolate and beat again in a blender. Fully judge, occasionally stirring the cream. Then pass it through a sieve, add the remaining cream and beat with a mixer until smooth.

For icing, chop the chocolate as well. Bring cream and syrup to a boil over low heat. Grind again in a blender, pass through a sieve and mix. Brush the tops of the eclairs with icing and let sit for 10 minutes. Spread the chocolate cream over the bottoms of the eclairs and cover them with the tops.



  • 120 g butter;
  • 115 g of white chocolate;
  • 125 g powdered sugar + a little for sprinkling;
  • 2 whole eggs;
  • 2 egg yolks;
  • 1 tablespoon red gel food coloring
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa;
  • 50 g flour;
  • a little vegetable oil;
  • raspberries or strawberries - optional.


Melt the butter and chocolate in a double boiler, stirring occasionally. You should get a mixture of a homogeneous consistency. Then add powdered sugar and mix well.

Lightly beat the eggs and yolks. Add coloring and chocolate mixture to them. In a separate bowl, combine cocoa and flour, then add to the batter and mix until there are no lumps.

Divide the dough among four small molds, greased with oil. Bake in the middle tier of an oven preheated to 230 ° C for 14-15 minutes. The edges of the cupcakes should be baked, but the center should remain soft.

Take the cupcakes out of the oven, wait a couple of minutes, put on a serving dish, decorate with powdered sugar and berries.



For test:

  • 75 g almond flour;
  • 55 g of powdered sugar;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • 65 g sugar;
  • pink food coloring.

For cream:

  • 110 g butter;
  • 180 g of powdered sugar;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife;
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon;
  • 1 tablespoon whipping cream.


Mix almond flour and powdered sugar, grind in a blender and sift through a sieve. Beat the egg whites, gradually adding sugar to them. Add flour and powder mixture and mix well. Add food coloring.

Place the dough in a piping bag and shape into 20 small hearts on a parchment-lined baking sheet. For convenience, you can pre-draw figures on parchment. Leave the dough for about an hour. Then put in an oven preheated to 150 ° C for about 15 minutes. Cool completely.

Beat butter with a mixer until creamy. Add powdered sugar and beat for a few more minutes. Pour vanilla and cinnamon, pour in the cream and mix well with a mixer. Spread cream on half of the cooled hearts and cover with the rest.



For the cake:

  • 120 g butter + a little for greasing;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife;
  • 110 g of chocolate;
  • 90 g flour;
  • ⅓ teaspoon salt;
  • 80 g apricot jam.

For cream:

  • 240 g whipping cream;
  • 220 g dark chocolate;

For truffles:

  • 120 g cream for whipping;
  • 220 g of chocolate;
  • 1 tablespoon liqueur - optional;
  • 100 g cocoa (for beauty, you can take cocoa of different shades).


Beat butter and almost all sugar with a mixer. Add egg yolks, vanilla and melted chocolate in a water bath. Add flour and mix thoroughly. Whisk the egg whites and salt and add half of this mixture to the batter. Beat the rest with the remaining sugar, add to the dough, mix.

Pour the dough into heart-shaped molds, oiled and lined with parchment. Bake at 150°C for 16-17 minutes. Heat the jam over medium heat, brush it on the cooled bottom layer of the cake and cover with another.

Bring the cream to a boil over medium heat, add the chopped chocolate and cook until it is completely dissolved, stirring occasionally. Cool, refrigerate and stir every 10 minutes for half an hour. Then spread the cream over the entire surface of the cake with a spatula. Leave for 30 minutes.

In the same way, mix the cream and chocolate to prepare the truffles. Add liqueur if desired. Cover with cling film and leave for 20 minutes. Stir, cover with cling film and refrigerate for half an hour. Shape into balls with a teaspoon, place on a parchment-lined platter, and refrigerate again for 10 minutes. Roll the balls in cocoa and decorate the cake with them.

February 14 will come very soon - Valentine's Day, although many believe that this is not our holiday, but it seems to me that this is an opportunity to once again show and show love to your loved ones. How can you please your soulmate?

The most interesting option is a romantic dinner

Of course, you can book a table in a restaurant, but still, at home, the atmosphere has a smooth flow from a romantic dinner into an intimate one.

First of all, you need to think through all the details: a cozy atmosphere, music, candles, dishes that you want to surprise your chosen one with.

Forcing the table with a huge number of dishes and alcohol is not worth it, otherwise it will definitely not come to romance.

The choice of dishes should be simple, but appetizing and tasty, so that you have more time to clean up, create a romantic atmosphere.

When compiling the menu, you need to take into account the culinary preferences of your loved one, what drinks he prefers.

It is curious that there are products that contain substances, the so-called aphrodisiacs, that enhance love desire.

These are well-known to us: avocado, strawberries, natural coffee, almonds, seafood, cheese, eggs, dark chocolate, mushrooms, red caviar, basil, thyme.

Dishes can be different, but still compatible, i.e. meat, fish or poultry.

The perfect menu option

  1. Salad
  2. Sandwiches or canapes
  3. Hot - meat, fish or poultry;
  4. Dessert

When preparing a hot dish, of course, it is better to exclude spices, spices with a sharp taste and smell.

The main thing is a beautiful presentation of dishes: plates of food can be decorated with herbs, vegetables, chocolate.

As an aperitif, you can drink light wine, liquor or a cocktail to relaxing music before dinner.

Classic margarita cocktail

A pleasant cocktail with a citrus aroma, light coolness and a small strength will refresh you, give the beginning of your dinner a little charm.

If neither you nor your loved one drink alcohol, then the choice of soft drinks is huge, you can give preference to anyone.

Delicious refreshing vitamin drink

Ingredients for its preparation

Pre-peeled kiwi cut into slices

Well-washed orange, cut in half, cut into slices

Wash lime and cut into slices

We remove the core from the apple, also cut into slices

Pour a glass of syrup into a bowl of fruit

Add a glass of orange juice

Pour a glass of multi-fruit juice

All filled with pomegranate juice

Pour ice into the cocktail, if not, then add a little water so that it does not turn out too sweet

Cover with cling film and refrigerate for several hours

For meat lovers

If your chosen one prefers a bird, then you can cook this:

Classic Caesar salad

Delicious and light Caesar salad, easy to prepare, does not require much time and special products. Get it ready and you'll love it. Read more recipe...

An excellent appetizer with sweet pepper, easy and simple to prepare, looks beautiful and appetizing. Read more recipe...

Pork chops how to cook

Appetizing pork chops - even sophisticated gourmets cannot resist the seductive smell of tender juicy meat. 10 great pork chops recipes.

Dessert "Strawberry with cream" with chocolate

This dessert is perfect for a romantic dinner for lovers. Delicious, easy and quick to prepare.

If your chosen one prefers a bird, then you can cook this

Greek salad with chicken and croutons

The main flavor component of this salad is feta cheese made from goat's or sheep's milk, it looks like hard cottage cheese and gives an original sourness.

How to cook Julienne in chicken tartlets

A very tasty dish, cook and you will not regret your choice

You need these products to cook julienne

We lower the fillet into a saucepan with cold water, set to cook, as soon as it boils, remove the foam, salt, pepper to taste

We cut off the stem of the mushrooms and cut the caps into strips

Cut the onion into four parts and cut into half slices

Salt the onion, press a little so that it starts up the juice

Pour oil into a heated pan, add a piece of butter

Put the onion in the pan, close the lid, simmer over low heat

We spread the mushrooms in a dry cold pan, put on medium heat and fry until all the moisture comes out

Grate the cheese on a fine grater

Add oil to the mushrooms, fry until golden brown, salt to taste

Cooled fillet cut into small pieces

Pour wine into the pan with onions, simmer for another 2 minutes

Put the fillet in the mushrooms

Add onion to mushrooms and fillet

We spread sour cream

Mix everything thoroughly, simmer for another 5-7 minutes

We spread the filling in tartlets

Top with cheese

Spread on a baking sheet and put in the oven, preheated to 150 degrees until cooked

Pots can be used instead of tartlets

Chicken roll with prunes and walnuts

We will need:

  • 4 chicken fillets
  • 100 gr. shelled walnuts
  • 100 gr. prunes
  • 50 gr. hard cheese
  • salt pepper
  • 50 gr. parsley
  • 100 gr. mayonnaise
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1 tablespoon melted butter

Pre-soaked prunes finely chopped

Finely chop the nuts too.

Chop the parsley with a knife

In a bowl, combine all the chopped products

Add mayonnaise

Mix everything thoroughly

Cut the fillet lengthwise from the side to the middle, but not completely

Cover with cling film and beat off

Salt the fillet, pepper to taste

Spread the filling in an even layer.

We begin to twist into a roll so that the seam is at the bottom

Top with melted butter

Grease a baking sheet with oil

We spread the rolls on a baking sheet and send them to a preheated oven for 30 minutes

Remove from oven and sprinkle with grated cheese

Put back in the oven for about 40 minutes.

  1. We take any fruit that your chosen one prefers, cut into cubes, mix
  2. Pour into bowls, add whipped cream on top.
  3. Instead of cream, you can use any yogurt or low-fat sour cream.

For the fish lover

Caesar salad with shrimps

We use once again a version of the famous Caesar salad, but with shrimp. Read more recipe...

Appetizer "Ibiza"

Lovely tender fish with vegetables

Peeled potatoes cut into strips

Peeled carrots cut in half and cut into half slices

Onion cut into four parts and cut into slices

We put the vegetables in one bowl, salt, pepper

We mix everything well

Pour in 2 tablespoons of oil, mix again

Fillet salted on both sides

Put vegetables and fillets on a piece of foil

We fold the foil in the form of a boat, do not close the top

Spread on a baking sheet and send for 40 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees

We rub the cheese on a medium grater, take out the baking sheet, sprinkle the fish with cheese

We send it back to the oven for 7-10 minutes

Sprinkle the finished fish with any herbs

Yogurt jelly with raspberries and strawberries


  • 300 ml drinking yoghurt
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar
  • 10 gr. gelatin
  • 100 gr. raspberries
  • 150 gr. strawberries

Pour gelatin with a glass of cold water, let it swell

Pour yogurt into a deep bowl

Pour sugar

Add vanilla sugar

Mix everything thoroughly so that the sugar dissolves.

We cut the washed strawberries into 2 pieces for decoration, the rest into cubes

We put the gelatin on a small fire, let it dissolve completely, in no case boil

Pour the gelatin into the yogurt in a thin stream, while stirring

We put the dessert in molds, put strawberry cubes on the bottom, then raspberries

Fill everything with yogurt

We send the finished dessert to the refrigerator for 2 hours.

You can use any variety of berries you like.

And in conclusion, a dessert that can be suitable after any dish, any drink is, of course, ice cream, a very tasty dessert, especially home-made, where you can use and apply any flavoring additives for its preparation.

Ice cream consists of milk, cream and a thickener. As the latter, egg yolk, gelatin, starch, lemon juice are used.

To get delicious ice cream, use only fresh, high-quality and natural products. Read more recipes...

If a man loves, then he will definitely appreciate your efforts. Try, fantasize, surprise, and most importantly appreciate each other.

Video for men. How to cook Italian dinner for your loved one

I hope our advice and recipes will help men to surprise their beloved not only with a large bouquet of flowers.
