
Dry breakfast nesquik chocolate balls. Try Nesquik® Ready Chocolate Breakfast

For many, breakfast cereals have become a familiar morning meal, because they are delicious and do not require time to prepare. Regarding the benefits of these products, there are different opinions.

Types and features of the production of dry breakfasts

The benefits and quality of breakfast cereals are influenced by the method and technology of production. Such food was pressed bran without additives. They were not very tasty, but useful and cheap. Gradually, production technologies developed, and breakfast cereals acquired a familiar look for us. In stores you can find the following varieties of the product:

  • Flakes- are made from different types of cereals without additives by cutting and flattening into thin plates. Flakes that do not require cooking undergo additional heat treatment. To do this, the grains are steamed, boiled or processed with infrared rays, then flattened and dried.
  • Muesli- are made by adding additives to flakes: pieces of berries or fruits, jam, chocolate, nuts or honey.
  • - these are pillows, balls and figures from cereals. They are made from rice, oats, rye or corn under high steam pressure to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals.

Often, breakfast cereals undergo other types of processing. They can be fried in oil, ground, ground into flour and glazed. This affects the composition, calorie content and quality of the product, and hence the health benefits.

What are the benefits of breakfast cereals

The opinions of nutritionists about dry breakfasts are ambiguous. This is due to the fact that there are many companies producing such products and they use different technologies and additives. The cereals from which this food is made are healthy and should be present in the diet, but those that have not been processed and retained all the beneficial substances.

There is a lot of vitamin A and E in corn flakes. Rice flakes contain all the useful amino acids needed by the body. Oats are rich in magnesium and phosphorus. Dried fruits contained in muesli enrich them with iron, pectin and potassium, and in combination with nuts and cereals are perfectly absorbed. Nuts contain polyunsaturated acids useful for humans.

Sweet cereals with kefir, yogurt or milk and honey, chocolate and sugar additives allow you not to feel hungry all morning hours. Such food is healthier than a breakfast consisting of sandwiches.

These dishes are prepared quickly and easily. Even a child can make such a breakfast.

What can harm breakfast cereals

British food experts have conducted research on breakfast cereals from several well-known manufacturers. During the test, they were able to find that in one serving the sugar content is the same as in a donut, a piece of cake or jam, which is 1/4 of the daily amount of sugar for an adult.

Snacks deserve special attention - a type of dry breakfast loved by children. The harm of the product lies in the peculiarities of its preparation, in which most of the nutrients are removed, and due to frying they become fatty. In such food there is no fiber needed by the body. Therefore, breakfast cereals for children do more harm than good. They impair the functioning of the intestinal tract and stomach, and also provoke obesity.

Frying cereal in oil, adding molasses, honey, sugar and chocolate increases the calorie content of breakfast cereals. It becomes like a cookie or candy. It is also increased by the additives that are part of dry breakfasts - on average, they provide 350 kcal per 100 g.

Corn, rice and wheat flakes contain a lot of easily digestible carbohydrates. They are an excellent source of energy and “charge the brain” well, but at the same time they have a bad effect on the figure.

It is worth mentioning the products and additives used in the manufacture of dry breakfasts. Often they are fried in palm or hydrogenated oils, which increase blood cholesterol levels, leading to heart disease. Flavorings, leavening agents and acidity regulators are added to many of the products, which bring a lot of harm to the body. You should be wary of the absence of sugar in breakfast cereals, since substitutes or sweeteners were most likely used instead.

Of all the types of breakfast cereals, the most beneficial are the unprocessed cereals found in muesli or sold separately. However, when buying even a useful product, it should be borne in mind that it is recommended to give it to children over 6 years old. Moreover, nutritionists recommend eating breakfast cereals as an addition to food, and not as a main product.

Nesquik by itself is not harmful. But here are the balls, this is something!


It does not represent any particular harm, otherwise it would not be allowed for sale

Harmful for sure, but DELICIOUS))))

50.50. I don’t eat them and I don’t let my child eat

Harmful of course


Yes. Like any refined artificially cooked food.

At the very least, it's high in calories. and, vryatli, useful.

1. In Moscow, one of the most important components is missing in nutrition and development - NATURALITY. Everywhere - preservatives and fillers, everywhere - genetically modified soybeans grown in Latin America. Organic food in Moscow is completely unaffordable. In telephony, there is such a term "protective tariff" - that is, an unprofitable service costs so much that they do not want to use it. So for organic food in Moscow - barrage prices. They don't buy it for kids. No one.3. What's Not There are no cakes and sweets made without hydrogenated fats and polyhydric alcohols. There are no fruit yogurts without dyes. There are no meat deli meats without microinjections. There are no sausages of our childhood - from meat and without carrageenan. No fruit syrups without thickeners. There is no bread without flour "improver". Not at all. There is NOTHING AT ALL for children with allergies! And now it has become even worse - for 10 years jars of baby food with a single product have disappeared altogether - now they are mixed with such that it is almost impossible to "catch" the allergen by eating it. Starch is added even to canned meat for children, which makes them unsuitable for allergic children, by the way, like yogurts, which also contain starch. There is no children's toothpaste for teeth with alternating bite - when milk teeth fall out and new ones grow. And there are no brushes for this either. There are no children's shoes for normal Russian children - all the shoes for the "Italian" (read - Chinese) leg - are tight in the instep, and do not converge on the calf. Continue

Of course, harmful) But not much ... there are few useful ingredients))) For that it is very tasty *

I used to only eat this nesquik for breakfast before ... but I read the composition - dyes, preservatives, taste enhancers ... besides, nesquik is made from genetically modified products if a dry breakfast is ordinary corn flakes, and if possible, read the composition of luck =)

Harmful, and NESquik and balls, read the composition ... How many unfamiliar words you find - it's all harmful) Then make a proportion)

In general, Nesquik is not harmful, that's for sure.) It is even useful, but only in the morning and with milk

Of course, if you pop only balls, then nothing good will happen, but if you eat in the morning with milk, then it’s fast, tasty and healthy! The main thing in moderation

Who here spoke about dyes? What nonsense. Coloring substances in "balls" Nesquik is about cocoa! I don't see anything harmful in it. By the way, the composition: Grain products (wheat, rice groats, corn groats), sugar, cocoa powder, dry glucose syrup, sunflower oil, salt, etc...

Have you read the ingredients? Nesquik has cereals, vitamins and cocoa! Eat them with milk, so there will be even more calcium, and breakfast will become even tastier!

Why are Nesquik balls bad? We have been eating it with the whole family for more than six months, no one has ever complained about it, on the contrary, everyone likes it.

So I decided to make a similar sweet surprise for my son. We haven't bought this yet. Yes, and I myself wanted to remember the taste, familiar from childhood. Got a Nesquik DUO. It looks like some kind of promotion is going on now, since the box is a little different from the usual one, and the breakfast comes with a gift (pinwheel) inside. Let a trifle, but very pleasant.

Appearance of the package

Appearance of the package

Of course, I turned my attention to the composition:

Contains gluten in bold type. Since I don’t know anything about him, I turned to the Internet for help. In short, then Gluten is a complex protein found in many grains. It is also called gluten. Thanks to him, the dough becomes elastic, the speed of raising the dough increases. Used in the preparation of bakery products. There are contraindications: some people have gluten intolerance.
That is, the benefit is questionable? Some people find it useful, some people don't.

energy and nutritional value

Composition painted

I really liked that the box has a cooking method. Especially for those who buy a similar product for the first time:

Cooking method

On the reverse side there is a game for a child, connected, of course, with a gift.

I think it's great and interesting. There will be something to keep my son busy! I wanted to take a picture of a gift from the package. I searched and searched and couldn't find it. My son has already played him somewhere))
The balls themselves are small and two-colored in size.

ball size

bicolor balls

Brown ones are sweet chocolate, white ones are just sweet. Very interesting and unusual idea. The balls are crispy and airy. The child ate with pleasure. I tried to make it with milk - something didn’t go particularly well. I don’t let them eat a lot, I’m still afraid, and everything should be in moderation. Although I think they are not as harmful as chips.

I also tried it myself. Tastes good, but still not the same. As a child, everything was different!

Ready breakfast is convenient, of course. A lot of pluses: saving time, no need to figure out what to cook, besides, it’s delicious. But still, I am more inclined to believe that you need to eat the right and complete food. And only occasionally you can pamper yourself and your household with balloons!

The composition is small, not the worst among such products, contains cereal products (these are wheat, corn grits, rice grits), sugar, cocoa powder, dry glucose syrup, palm oil, table salt, glucose, acidity regulator (sodium phosphates), flavor (vanillin), vitamins and minerals. The product may contain trace amounts of milk. Show quote Lots of sugar! Children already have a sweet tooth, as sugar is contained in almost all products, you need to monitor this. There is also palm oil in the composition, now it causes a lot of controversy and discussion. This is the most unpleasant ingredient in the composition, because. palm oil contains saturated fats. These fats are stored for a long time without changing their properties. This prolongs the shelf life of products and improves taste and color. This is where the benefits of palm oil end. Minuses. Fatty acids increase the level of cholesterol in the blood and provoke the development of atherosclerosis, vascular thrombosis, heart disease, and obesity. Palm oil is not a necessary product for a person of any age. It has no useful substances, not at all! It is cheap, so now it is used in many areas. Palm oil is the strongest carcinogen. Developed countries either banned its use for food, or restrict products containing it, be sure to indicate its presence on the label. In addition to products, the oil is used to make cheap cosmetics. Palm oil is still used in industry to lubricate rolling metallurgical equipment. Bon appetit)) If you do not believe me, open the Internet, read. Do not feed your children this product every day. Yes, there are vitamins and minerals kids love, but look at the rest of the ingredients. Vitamins are fruits, cereals - cereals, calcium - cottage cheese, milk, etc. It's also all tasty and healthy, the main thing is to cook well. Lots more calories. During the day, we must gain and spend a certain number of calories. Collect them from the necessary and useful products. Energy value 372 kcal. Not recommended for daily use. Eat right, there is calcium in cottage cheese, for example, for children, you can add something sweet to it and they will eat with pleasure, perhaps the first time they will grimace, but they will get used to it anyway. Cook porridge, of course it takes time in the morning, but it is so useful for both children and adults. This is your health, your appearance, well-being.
Thanks for the info. Tell me, where did you read about the ban on palm oil and the fact that it is a carcinogen? I googled, this is not in Russian and foreign Wikipedia, on the WHO website, too. They only warn that you can’t eat a lot of it, since cholesterol is formed, but this applies to all such oils.

More than half of the market for ready-made breakfasts - cereals, pillows, chocolate balls and honey stars - in Russia falls on the share of Sirial Partners Rus LLC (CPW). The company appeared in 1990 as a result of a partnership between two large corporations - General Mills and Nestle. The Village visited a factory in Perm, which has been owned by CPW since 2001, to learn how breakfast cereals are made.

Time in Perm is two hours ahead of Moscow, so you have to say goodbye to thoughts of sleep right away. From the city center to the industrial zone where the production is located, we get very quickly. It is easy to recognize the factory from afar: the giant chocolate rabbit Kviki flaunts on the facade. Nesquik chocolate balls are the company's flagship product, accounting for up to half of the company's production. In addition to Nesquik balls and pillows, the Perm branch of CPW produces Kosmostars stars and galaxies, Nestle Gold corn flakes, Fitness wheat flakes, Cookie Crisp cookies, cereals and pillows under the local Khrutka brand. On the day we arrive, the factory will be making Kosmostars cereal and stars.

But getting to the sweet honey galaxies is not so easy. The first step is to listen to the safety instructions. Each company tries to approach this task in an original way, so in the CPW video, children sing the rules of safety and hygiene to the tune of ditties: “Come visit us - I'll give you a blue ladies robe. And you will have to fasten all the buttons on the bathrobe. The matter is not limited to a dressing gown: in order to enter the production, workers and visitors need to remove all jewelry, put on a hat, a beard (for those who have a beard), safety helmets and special shoes. Shops where production lines are noisy will not be allowed in without ear plugs, as well as without a receipt for the absence of signs of infection and four-stage hand washing.

Sirial Partners Rus LLC

Location: city ​​of Perm

Opening date: year 2001

Employees: more than 300 people

Factory area: 18,900 square meters

volume of production: an average of 2,000 tons of ready-made breakfasts per month, the maximum possible volume is 35,000 tons per year


It is believed that the country owes the appearance of corn flakes to Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev. Like, he went abroad, tasted the local ready-made breakfasts and decided that grain rings and stars would fit perfectly into the corn program he had launched. Until 2001, production in Perm was called the Dry Breakfast shop - then it belonged to a nearby brewing company. In the 90s, the workshop was in danger of disappearing: they planned to equip a warehouse for containers in its place. The production was saved by two large Western companies that were just looking for a new launch site. The industrial zone on the outskirts of Perm fit perfectly.

“We got a fairly narrow building, so all production lines are located close to each other,” says Oksana Garkushenko, current director of the factory. “The modernization of the factory began immediately after the acquisition of the company, and now the production has the correct layout: all the equipment necessary from the moment raw materials are received to the production of finished products is located in the correct sequence.”

The factory has three production lines. The fourth line is the youngest, the third is old and low-power, therefore it is not operated. On the second, called "Gold", all types of breakfasts are made, except for pillows, which are made on the first line.

Ready breakfasts are produced using extrusion technology. This means that the flakes are obtained by forcing a viscous raw material through a forming hole. The process takes place at high temperatures and pressure - this leads to qualitative changes in raw materials, says Sergey Gachegov, manager of the technological department of the factory, who is conducting a tour of the production. Sergey has been working here for more than 13 years: he came as an ordinary technologist, then he became a foreman, an engineer, and now he is responsible for the entire process.

What are breakfasts made of?

Everyone can find out the composition of Kosmostars ready breakfast - it is indicated on the package, and corn is listed as the first item. Whole or crushed corn, whole grain or crushed rice are the most important ingredients. Russian companies supply grain or grain mix: Gachegov says that corn is brought from the Krasnodar Territory, and wheat - from the Perm flour mill and the local agricultural enterprise Velikolenskoye.

Packaged breakfast cereals are labeled "Contains Whole Grains". It's true: the grain is in bags and waiting to be sent to the bunker. But before that, it must undergo additional cleaning. It is believed that whole grains are healthier due to the fiber, vitamins and minerals in their composition. CPW is proud to be the first to use whole grains in breakfast cereals.

The cleaned grain enters the weighing hopper, which measures the desired proportion according to the recipe automatically set - the operator only has to select the desired ratio. Next, grain meets small ingredients: sugar, salt, vitamins (D, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6) and minerals (folic acid, calcium and iron). Each product has its own combination of additional ingredients: for example, cocoa and vanilla are added to Nesquik, and honey is added to Kosmostars. Sugar, dry glucose syrup and salt are needed to balance the taste of the final product.

The next stop is the mill. Previously, there was no such stage in the technological chain: ready-made cornmeal was bought in Europe, because it is very difficult to find high-quality domestic one. But then it was decided to invest in a powerful mill - and the enterprise began to make its own flour from whole grains. This increased the nutritional value of the product and dramatically reduced costs.

The entire production process is divided into three sections: in the first section, raw materials are delivered from one machine to another by pneumatic transport through pipes, the second section is an extruder, and the third is a closed conveyor system. The modernized line can easily be rebuilt from the production of one product to another. The flour obtained after the mill is sent through pipes to two large mixers. Before this, for some products, an antioxidant (tocopherol) is added to the flour, which is needed in order for the product to remain crisp and maintain its basic qualities during storage. Kosmostars and Khrutka honey balls are enriched with carotene, a natural dye that gives the product a rich yellow color.


The heart of the production line is the extruder. “A high temperature and high pressure are set in the extruder,” says Gachegov. - Due to the difference in temperature and pressure, the water that is in the liquid state in the extruder turns into steam. When the finished boiled dough comes out, a mini-explosion occurs. That is why such products are called "exploded" by experts. The finished dough comes out of the extruder under high pressure and heated to 150 degrees. To become like stars or balls, the viscous hot material must be molded.

A molder - simply a "meat grinder" - is a press, at the exit of which a matrix with holes in the form of stars, circles or letters of the English alphabet is installed. “At this stage, the raw material is elastic, so any shape can be made from it. But the more intricate they are, the more difficult it is to make them - everything is calculated down to microns,” notes Gachegov. At the molding stage, the required proportion is set for the product: for example, the ratio of 10 stars to three galaxies. This ratio will remain in the finished pack on the shelf in the supermarket. The curly blanks obtained after the extruder need to be dried a little so that they absorb the maximum in the glazing area.

At the extruder stage, filling is added to the pads - milk or chocolate. It is prepared separately and injected into the elastic raw material with the help of a pump.

Another technological link is added to the flake production chain. Pressed corn in granules, exiting the extruder, passes through the rollers. Two huge stackers rotate - the granules are flattened, gradually acquiring their final form.

The glazing process precedes the final drying. The syrup for this is prepared with the addition of water, sugar, natural honey, barley-malt extract and sunflower oil, mixed in one tank, and then pumped into the second, and from there it enters the glazing drum, where it is distributed in a thin layer over the surface of the product. The product then enters the dryer, where the flakes, balls and stars acquire the look, texture and taste familiar to the consumer. The product passes from the dryer to the vibrating sieve. This vibrating perforated structure through which the flakes move is the last step before packaging.

All three lines produce different products at different times. “Russian legislation obliges: if you produce a product with and without milk at the same factory, then the inscription “The product may contain milk” must be on the packaging,” Gachegov notes. This clarifies the last question on the composition of the product.

Now part of the production waste is disposed of, part is sent for recycling. The factory cooperates with local agricultural enterprises, so part of the rejected but usable products also ends up on farms, where it goes to feed animals. By 2018, the factory plans to learn how to process all waste, including liquid.


The packaging process of the finished product is fully automated, only three workers are needed to monitor the equipment. Dosing of flakes is carried out with the help of combined dispensers - a system of double weighing pans that measure the right amount of product. At this stage, additional ingredients are added to the finished cereal, if indicated in the recipe. So, on one side of the scales there may be wheat flakes, and on the other - dried fruits, which will meet each other in one pack of Fitness. There are also control scales that check the packs for compliance with the desired weight.

Automatic systems pack 150 bags per minute - first in foil bags, then in cardboard boxes. “We try to unify the packaging, but there are also unique formats, for example, soft packaging with a matte film for the Khrutka brand. The design, of course, is unique for each product, and it is constantly changing,” notes Sergey Gachegov.

There are mini-laboratories on the sites. Here, analyzes and necessary measurements are made: color, density, moisture are checked at the process site, and the weight and tightness of the package are checked at the packaging site.

The production of "exploded" products from the moment of grain loading to packaging takes about an hour. The process of making flakes lasts a little longer - about 1.5-2 hours. Finished boxes go through the last procedure before being sent to the warehouse: there is an X-ray machine on the lines that checks the boxes for the presence of foreign objects (the factory asks to note that such cases are practically excluded). The risks of ingress of foreign objects are minimized by all possible means: for this purpose, metal detectors and magnets are installed on the lines.

The recipe for each product is developed at the company's headquarters in Switzerland. It is born from samples approved by the marketing team, and then adapted for a specific production and country. At the factory, recipes are programmed into the system, a trial release is made, after which the finished product is packed in special boxes and sent to consumer tests. Only then is it ready for implementation.

“If we talk about the difference in tastes in Europe and here, then they are. The most striking example: Europe loves dark chocolate. In Russia, they are used to milk and honey taste. Therefore, we prefer pillows with milk filling, and the European consumer is used to pillows with dark chocolate,” says Sergey Gachegov and immediately gives a try to the European product.

After a tour of the factory, the conversation continues in the tasting room: on the table is a combo set of all Nestle ready-made breakfasts available in Russia, and pictures lined with chocolate balls and corn flakes hang on the walls. There are also refrigerators in which the "gold standards" are stored - the best samples of products that can be made at a particular factory. Professional tasters compare the taste, color and other characteristics of the released product with them. These samples are updated periodically.

At the factory in Perm, they are proud that last year their Fitness cereal won a tasting in Switzerland. It turns out that every year experts gather at the headquarters to try batches of products produced in the company's factories around the world. There, Perm flakes were recognized as the most delicious of all Fitness in the world.

Today, the maximum possible production volume at the CPW factory in Perm is 35,000 tons of ready-made breakfasts annually. The planning department sets up a plan, sends it to the factory, and then the production lines are set up to produce a specific product. At the end of February, CPW is preparing to launch a new format on the Russian market - pillows with fruit filling.
