
Chocolate banana mousse. Chocolate banana mousse with berries

Eat different ways making chocolate mousse: it can be frothy and light or viscous and thick. Consider the most successful recipes.

Creamy mousse

Do you want the mousse to be frothy, as in the photo? Whip not only cream, but also liquid chocolate mass before combining all the ingredients. Cooled creamy mousse can be used as an independent dessert and as a component for making a cake.

Required products:

Cooking method:

  • Pour 5-6 cm of water into a deep saucepan, bring to a boil, remove from heat. Break the chocolate into a metal or heat-resistant bowl;
  • Add 2 tbsp. spoons of cream and warm in a water bath for 3-5 minutes;
  • Stir until chocolate is completely melted. Place a bowl of chocolate in the refrigerator for 10 minutes;
  • Whip the cream with a mixer until foamy;
  • Add 1 tbsp to chocolate. a spoonful of whipped cream, stir, and then add the rest of the cream and mix again;
  • Spill chocolate mousse by glasses. It must be refrigerated for at least 1 hour before serving.

mousse decoration

Chocolate mousse is usually garnished with fresh mint leaves and contrasting chocolate chips. You can prepare shavings with a vegetable peeler. To make the chips beautiful with curls, cut them from the sides of the chocolate bar.

chocolate mousse recipe

This video shows step by step how to make classic chocolate mousse without eggs.


Mousse with gelatin

If you want the mousse to have a jelly-like consistency, as shown in the image, add the amount of gelatin indicated in the recipe, or cut it in half if you do not want the mousse to be too dense.

Thick chocolate mousse is original dessert By simple recipe, which can be prepared at home even without experience in this matter.


  • Chocolate bitter - 100 g;
  • Confectionery cream 30% fat - 200 ml;
  • Egg- 1 PC;
  • Egg yolk- 1 PC;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon with a slide;
  • Gelatin - 0.5 tsp.

Cooking method:

  • Pour gelatin with a small amount of water for the time indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions;
  • Melt the chocolate in a water bath;
  • Whip the cream into foam with a mixer or whisk;
  • Break the egg into a heat-resistant bowl, add the yolk and sugar. In a water bath, stirring constantly, heat to 50 degrees. Remove from heat and lightly beat the mixture;
  • Pour the gelatin dissolved in water into the egg-sugar mixture and beat;
  • Add chocolate, beat for 2 minutes;
  • Add whipped cream, mix by hand.

Gelatin chocolate mousse recipe

This video shows step by step how to make chocolate mousse with gelatin at home.

Video Source: Delicious Recipes

Chocolate banana mousse

According to our recipe, the chocolate mass is mixed with banana puree, but you can do otherwise if you wish. Prepare a regular chocolate mousse, as in the first recipe, and decorate it with banana slices.

A combination of dark or milk chocolate with a banana is considered one of the most successful, which is why there are many chocolate desserts that include bananas according to the recipe. You can also use white chocolate, but in this case it is recommended to add at least a little cocoa to it.

Required products:

  • Bananas without skin - 0.5 kg;
  • Chocolate bitter - 100 g;
  • Cream 30% - 200 ml;
  • Gelatin - 10 g;
  • Sugar to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Grind bananas with a blender;
  • Dissolve in a small amount gelatin water for the time specified by the manufacturer in the instructions;
  • Melt the chocolate in a water bath;
  • Add gelatin dissolved in water to chocolate, mix;
  • Combine chocolate with banana puree, mix;
  • Whip cream into foam;
  • Combine all ingredients, mix;
  • Divide into molds and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

chocolate banana mousse recipe

This video shows how to make chocolate mousse with banana slices.

Video source: TSV

Chocolate mousse with hazelnuts from Yulia Vysotskaya

In this video, Julia Vysotskaya talks about how to make chocolate mousse at home.

Video source: Julia Vysotskaya

Chocolate banana mousse - incredibly gentle and very delicious dessert, which will certainly conquer you and your family unusual combination banana and dark chocolate. This chic delicacy will appeal to all lovers of original and gourmet desserts. Let's learn with you how to make chocolate

chocolate banana mousse recipe


  • milk - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • cinnamon - 2 sticks;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • dark chocolate - 50 g.


Break the dark chocolate into pieces, place in a saucepan and pour over the milk. Peel the banana, cut into slices and add to the chocolate. Now put the dishes on the stove and heat to a boil. After that, beat everything well with a mixer until a thick homogeneous mass is obtained and pour the mousse into bowls. Garnish each serving with a cinnamon stick and refrigerate to set.




We wash the raisins, put them in a glass, pour hot boiled water and leave for a few hours to swell. Then carefully drain the water, transfer the raisins to a blender and grind it. Bananas are peeled and, cut into pieces, placed in a blender container. Add cocoa, spices and beat everything until smooth. We lay out the finished mousse in bowls and serve. Such a dessert will not only perfectly saturate you, but will give you vivacity and will certainly cheer you up.

Chocolate banana mousse with berries


  • ripe bananas - 3 pcs.;
  • cream 35% - 200 ml;
  • granulated sugar- 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • lemon juice- 1 teaspoon;
  • chocolate - 50 g;
  • berries - to taste.


We clean the bananas and rub with a fork with lemon juice. Whip cream, add sugar, combine with banana puree and beat again until smooth. When serving, put the finished mousse into beautiful bowls and decorate with any berries as desired.

Chocolate banana mousse

You'll say, "Chocolate again, bananas again..." But before you judge too harshly, come in and have a look. I am 98% sure that such a recipe has not yet been. Very tasty and delicate cake no baking. And in general, a beautiful and mouth-watering pimply dessert! It was interesting to cook and taste it.

Keep in mind sweet tooth: this is a cake of moderate sweetness, the first piece seemed unsweetened until I tasted it, so if you like sweetness, add sugar.


Dark chocolate - 170 g
Egg - 5 pcs
Curd mass (it is necessary that the consistency be liquidish and without grains) - 200 g
Cream - 50 ml
Banana - 3 pcs
Brown sugar - 50 g
Butter - 20 g
Gelatin (leaf; 2g each piece) - 5 pcs
Lemon (juice) - 0.5 pcs


So, let's begin. Cut bananas into slices. Soak three sheets of gelatin in cold water.

Butter heat in a pan and add sugar.

When the sugar begins to caramelize, slowly add the juice of half a lemon. If the sugar gets lumpy, you can add a little water.

Add bananas and leave for 2 minutes. We don't want them to be fried, we want them to be covered, or rather soaked in caramel.

Strain the resulting juice and dissolve the gelatin in it.

Mix the curd mass with bananas and with a mixture of juice-gelatin.

Next, we need a detachable form, and a small one. I used an 18 cm diameter mold. Before attaching the bottom, I laid a layer of baking paper. This is not required, but it was more convenient for me.

Line the sides of the mold with plastic wrap.

Put the curd-banana mass on the bottom and refrigerate for 2 hours.

Now let's make the chocolate mousse. Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Cool down a bit. Soak the remaining two sheets of gelatin in cold water. Separate the yolks from the whites.

Heat the cream a little and dissolve the gelatin in them.

Mix chocolate with cream and yolks.

Beat egg whites to strong peaks.

Carefully fold egg whites into chocolate cream mixture.

Put this mixture on the cottage cheese and banana and leave in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

If you do not have a collapsible form, you can use an ordinary one. Post it cling film and start with a chocolate layer, and only then a curd-banana layer. Then turn over and remove the film.

Vanilla mousse is one of the most delicate desserts invented by mankind. Simple and quick to prepare, it will give all children and adults an unforgettable heavenly delight.

The first sweet mousse was made in France. And it's not strange, because french cuisine considered the "mother" of all fine dining. From French, the word "mousse" is translated as "foam". The recipe itself must contain fragrant base(in the form of a berry or fruit puree) and a thickener (it can be gelatin or beaten egg whites). At the moment, there are more than 150 recipes for this foamy dish in the world. Modern French chefs they manage to cook this dish from vegetables, meat and even fish.

Creamy, or vanilla mousse is considered to be one of the classic types this dish. It was such a sweet treat that was first served at the table. royal nobility in France. But now traditional french sweetness considered to be chocolate mousse. It is customary to serve it at the festive table.
Bananas and chocolate are the best companions of vanilla foamy jelly, the combination of these ingredients creates an unsurpassed taste and aroma. We offer you three options for preparing a foamy dessert: classic vanilla, chocolate and banana.

Many girls like this recipe because of the relatively low amount of calories. If a piece of cake contains about 500 kcal, then a bowl of creamy foamy jelly contains no more than 220 kcal. Delicate taste and the sweet aroma will drive anyone crazy.


  • Heavy cream(35%) - 250 g;
  • Milk - 1.5 cups;
  • Vanilla essence - 1 tsp;
  • Sugar - 60 g;
  • Chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • Gelatin - 5 g;

Cooking method:

1. Pour gelatin in advance with cold boiled water. It is gelatin that is responsible for the consistency that our vanilla dessert. The main condition for its action is that it must completely dissolve, for which it is desirable for it to “infuse” for at least 40 minutes.

2. egg whites separate from the yolks. Place the yolks in a separate container and add sugar. With a whisk, and preferably with a mixer or blender, beat the sugar with the yolks until the consistency thick foam. Depending on your taste preferences you can use less sugar. The recipe can be slightly modified by changing the amount of sugar and vanilla essence.

3. Milk should be poured into a saucepan and mixed with 150 grams of cream. The resulting milk mixture should be brought to a boil over low heat. After that, in small portions, pour the yolks whipped with sugar into the milk. While stirring over low heat, make sure that the mixture thickens slightly (its temperature should be about 85 degrees). After the mixture has solidified, you need to remove the pan from the heat, add the swollen gelatin, stir well and let cool for a while.

4. The remaining 100 g of cream must be whipped. For those who do not know how this is done, we offer a recipe: the cream must be cold, otherwise it will separate when whipped, and you will get butter and whey separately. If you decide to whip with a mixer, then the amount of cream should be no more than 200 g. It is absolutely contraindicated to whip cream with a blender.

5. Add to the cooled milk base vanilla essence. After the future vanilla mousse has almost cooled down, you need to gradually add whipped cream into it, stirring with a spoon.

6. Depending on the form in which you want to serve the mousse, lay it out in the appropriate forms. If you decide to make a cake, then this can be a big one. Silicone molds for the cake. If you want to serve treats in portions to each guest, then it is better to put vanilla dessert in wide glasses or bowls. After decorating (it can be berries, chocolate chips, nuts), place the mousse in freezer. After two hours, the treat is completely ready to be served to guests.

This recipe, of course, is not the easiest, but it is he who is considered a classic. In addition, you can not only make beautiful little foamy cakes, but also cook vanilla cake using a mousse of exactly this consistency.

Everyone loves chocolate. About 98% of all inhabitants of the planet are "chocoholics". It uplifts the mood and gives incredible taste pleasure. Chocolate mousse has long been a tradition French delicacy. And this is not strange, because the recipe for such a dish is very simple, even a beginner can handle it. But this look and taste chocolate dessert is simply breathtaking: smelling notes of vanilla and chocolate, it will be difficult to resist not to eat everything.


  • Chocolate (black or milk) - 1 bar;
  • Sugar - 30 g;
  • Vanilla essence - 0.5 tsp;
  • Cognac - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Water - 120 g;
  • Ice - 10 cubes;
  • Whipped cream - for decoration.

Cooking method:

1. Break the chocolate bar into pieces. It is desirable that the chocolate be dark, not milky, since, firstly, it is healthier, and, secondly, the dish from such chocolate will come out more magnificent. Add sugar to the detailed tile, it can be either regular or brown (cane), which is even better. Most main ingredient here - cognac or any "flammable" drink. It will not only make the dessert more fragrant, but also add splendor. Last note - vanilla sugar. Without it, the dessert will lose 90% of its flavor.

2. Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and bring to the consistency of hot chocolate in a water bath. Do not be afraid that at first the chocolate will be taken in flakes, this is normal. The main thing is that sugar and vanillin are completely dissolved.

3. Pour ice cubes into a large bowl, add 150 g of ice water and place a smaller bowl on top. The main thing is that the bottom of the first and last do not touch each other. Pour the melted chocolate into a smaller container set over an ice bath. After cooling, beat the chocolate mass with a mixer. Do not be afraid that in the first three minutes the consistency will remain the same. After 5 minutes, the chocolate mass will become airy and light. Place it in bowls, garnish with whipped cream and chocolate chips (optional).

This recipe has many advantages over other similar ones. First, we do not use gelatin or any other thickener. Secondly, its preparation time is no more than 10 minutes, and you can serve it to the table after whipping, you do not need to wait 2 hours until the mousse hardens.

If you are already tired of the classic vanilla foamy dessert, and you want to somehow add or diversify habitual recipe then bananas are perfect. combination of bananas and tender cream just crazy, and the plume aroma of this dessert will lure everyone into the kitchen.


  • Banana - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Vanilla essence - 0.5 tsp;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Cream (25% fat) - 130 g;
  • Chocolate chips- For decoration.
  • Cooking method:

    1. Peel and cut banana small pieces. Add vanilla, a little lemon juice and sugar to it. If desired, sugar can be replaced with honey, then your dessert will come out more useful. Grind all ingredients in a blender to a pulp. Pour the cream into the resulting banana mass and continue whisking. The mass should gradually become more magnificent.

    2. Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the whites with a mixer until turning into a strong foam. Gradually add the banana mass to the whipped proteins with a spoon, without stopping to beat with a mixer. After three minutes, you will get a foamy, airy, light mousse, which you need to put in bowls or bowls, decorate to your liking and put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

    This recipe will not leave anyone indifferent. Banana and vanilla, meeting in one dessert, give it an amazing taste. delicate fragrance and rich tropical taste. All your guests will love this delicacy.

    • Dark chocolate - 90 g.
    • Egg - 2 pcs.
    • Cottage cheese - 100 g.
    • Cream - 25 ml.
    • Milk - 50 ml.
    • Banana - 2 pcs.
    • Sugar - 25 g.
    • Butter - 10 g.
    • Gelatin - 2 tbsp.
    • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp

    Cooking method

    • Step 1 Soak 1st.l. gelatin in a small amount of boiled water.
    • Step 2 Cut bananas into slices 1.5-2 cm thick.
    • Step 3 Heat butter in a pan and add sugar. When the sugar begins to caramelize, pour in the lemon juice. Add bananas to the pan and leave for 2 minutes to soak the bananas in the syrup.
    • Step 4 Punch the cottage cheese with a blender with milk. The mass should be thick sour cream. Cottage cheese and milk can be replaced with curd mass.
    • Step 5 Mix cottage cheese with bananas and gelatin.
    • Step 6 Submit curd mass in creams. Place in the refrigerator to set the layer.
    • Step 7 Cook a second chocolate layer. Soak 1 tbsp. gelatin. Dissolve chocolate in a water bath.
    • Step 8 Heat the cream a little and add gelatin to them. The fat content of the cream does not play a big role, you can take any.
    • Step 9 Combine chocolate, cream, yolks. Stir until smooth.
    • Step 10 Whisk the egg whites to stiff peaks and carefully fold them into the chocolate mixture. Stir and spread the chocolate mass over the curd. Place back in the refrigerator to chill.
    Bon appetit!
