
Easter cottage cheese with condensed milk and cream. Tender Easter without eggs with condensed milk and dried apricots

Important! Prepare Easter the day before the holiday, as it needs to be infused for at least 12 hours.

Melt the butter in the microwave, cool and pour into the curd.

After that, using an immersion blender, I whipped curd mass to a soft, elastic consistency.

Candied fruits were poured into this mass (raisins and nuts can be added if desired).

Poured right amount condensed milk.

And mixed everything again.

I collected the pasochnik, put it on a plate (excess liquid will drain there) and covered it with gauze folded in 2 layers. Filled the form with curd mass.

I used in this recipe 400 gr. cottage cheese, and as you can see in the photo, this amount was not enough for my form. For you, I have already corrected the recipe and wrote above that you need to take 500 grams of cottage cheese, no less.

He neatly folded the edges of the gauze inside the mold, and pressed it down with an improvised oppression from above (a board and a jar of water). I put the whole thing in the fridge overnight. During this time, the excess liquid was glassed into a plate and Easter became more dense.

The next day, I took off the oppression, put a plate on top and turned the Easter. Very carefully removed the bead and gauze. And he decorated Easter with the remaining candied fruit and confectionery sprinkles.

Here you can let your imagination run wild and decorate as you like. In my opinion, it turned out very elegant and festive.

Curd Easter ready with condensed milk. Bon appetit!

Also for Easter, I can advise you to cook a salad called, which I cooked last year. Such a salad will certainly decorate festive table and diversifies the Easter menu.

That's all for today, dear friends. Congratulations in advance on Easter!

See you in the next article. Bye everyone!

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If this happened, and you have never cooked a cottage cheese Easter in your life, then I advise you to fix it this year. I am sure that Easter cottage cheese with condensed milk, the recipe with a photo of which I will show you today, will appeal to everyone. After all, many people love condensed milk, and by mixing it with cottage cheese, you can be sure that you will get an unforgettably tasty treat.

I always liked to cook Easter from cottage cheese for the holiday, since they do not need to be baked. Also, my cottage cheese Easter is prepared without eggs, so it does not need to be brewed. To make it work, you just need to prepare a delicious curd mass and compact it tightly into a mold. After 6-8 hours wonderful holiday treat will be ready. The table will become more elegant when such treats are placed on it, especially since after a long fast you want to enjoy something tasty.

Easter cottage cheese recipe with condensed milk

Required products:

  • 500 grams of granular cottage cheese;
  • 100 grams of natural butter;
  • ยฝ tsp. l. vanillin;
  • 100 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 150 grams of condensed milk;
  • 50-80 grams of raisins.


For curd Easter natural granular cottage cheese I pass through a sieve. I immediately take a fine metal sieve, so that the mass then turns out to be more tender and lush.

Grated cottage cheese has a softer consistency and the grains in it disappear, so that the Easter itself will come out soft and without lumps as a result.

I melt natural and tasty butter in the microwave. After 15 minutes, when the oil has cooled, pour it into the curd. I mix the mass. Thanks to the oil, Easter will turn out to be formed in the correct shape. You can also heat oil on the stove.

Now I pour into curd base condensed milk. It is important to use condensed milk with natural ingredients: on milk and sugar.

To give the product an even sweeter taste, I pour the whole granulated sugar. If you pour in only condensed milk, then Easter will turn out to be too liquid, so you need sugar.

Also in the cottage cheese I put washed and dried from excess water raisin. My children are happy to choose and eat raisins at Easter.

I line a moistened gauze fabric in a special mold for Easter cottage cheese, and then I tamp the entire curd mass into the mold. I fill to the very top. I put the form in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours. Usually I cook Easter in the evening, and in the morning the treat will be ready.

I drain the liquid formed at the bottom, this is whey, take off the form, turn the Easter base down, carefully and slowly remove the gauze fabric. Easter keeps its shape beautifully.

I decorate cottage cheese Easter with sweets sugar figurines and bring it to the table.

I hope that you will also get a delicious and beautiful curd Easter with condensed milk!

Happy holiday everyone!

โ€ love Easter very much. On the eve of the holiday, they, like all normal people, go to the store for cottage cheese and raisins, take inventory of the kitchen cabinet for a suitable mold for curd Easter, and then start cooking it. Everything, like everyone else. The only difference is that we don't give a damn.

Wipe twice through the cottage cheese through a sieve, then again through a meat grinder, and then a couple of times through the eye of a needle - this is not our formula. We claim that simplicity is the key to health :) Therefore ... don't worry, be happy, let's cook Easter! The simplest cottage cheese Easter!

For a simple cottage cheese Easter, we need:

  • 600 grams of 9% cottage cheese (preferably dry, without excess whey);
  • 150 grams of butter;
  • 130 grams of 20% sour cream;
  • 0.5 cans of condensed milk;
  • 2/3 cup raisins (or raisins in half with dried apricots);
  • a pinch of vanilla.

And you still have to grind and grind. This is, of course, disappointing, but not too much. Do we get upset over trifles?

So, the first thing we grind the cottage cheese through a sieve. One single time :)

The second thing is to rub the soft, well-melted with room temperature butter with condensed milk. Done? Congratulations! The hardest part of making a simple cottage cheese Easter is behind us.

Now we send condensed milk with butter straight to the cottage cheese, add sour cream with vanilla there and pour raisins or other dried fruits, and possibly even candied fruits (or, for example), after which we mix all the components thoroughly with each other.

If we do not have a special form for Easter, then we take a deep salad bowl, line it from the inside cling film, in which we make a couple of cuts with a knife for a stack of excess liquid. The main thing in this matter is not to spare the film and leave hanging edges.

We tamp the curd mass into a mold, close it with the edges of the film that we diligently left at the previous stage, put something heavy on top and put Easter in the refrigerator all night.

Easter morning begins with pulling out the finished curd Easter from our impromptu form. It is enough to pull the edges up well - and we have a delicious festive breakfast on a platter. And after all, they managed with almost no hassle, right? Bon appetit!

I would like to bring to your attention one more the simplest recipe cooking Easter cottage cheese with condensed milk without adding eggs. Such a wonderful dessert can be prepared not only for Easter, but also for the weekend as a dessert. However, the shape can be any, you can even cook using a regular sieve. Dessert - very tasty, I advise you to try!


To prepare cottage cheese Easter with condensed milk without eggs, we need:

soft cottage cheese - 500 g;

butter - 50 g;

condensed milk - 120 g;

raisins (or other dried fruits) - 100 g.

Cooking steps

Rub the soft cottage cheese through a sieve. Put the butter in a saucepan and melt about a third. Remove from heat, add condensed milk and stir until the mass becomes homogeneous.

Add this mass to the grated cottage cheese and mix well.

Rinse and dry the raisins, add to the curd mass. You can use other dried fruits of your choice.

Line a sieve or sieve with wet gauze, put the curd mass there. Cover Easter with the free ends of gauze, put a saucer on top, and on it, as a load, a jar of water with a volume of 500 ml. Remove Easter together with the load in the refrigerator for a day, periodically drain the whey.

After a while, remove the jar, turn Easter on a plate and remove the gauze.

Delicious cottage cheese Easter, cooked with condensed milk without adding eggs, can be decorated and served.

Bon appetit!

Do you want to make the most tender Easter? To melt in your mouth? Then add to curd secret ingredient! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Which one? Condensed milk! It will give not only tenderness to the resulting curd mass, but also creamy taste as well as sweetness. For this reason, I did not add sugar to Easter. It seems to me that in condensed milk it is more than enough. You can add a few tablespoons to your liking.

I want to draw attention to the fact that it should be written on the bank "condensed milk", and not "condensed milk" or "condensed milk". Because the last two options are already condensed product, and not whole sweetened condensed milk.

So, the heroine of today's topic is cottage cheese Easter. A recipe without eggs is very relevant not only when they are simply not available. But also for those who are afraid to use them raw. I expressed my opinion on this matter in the recipe. At the same time, I understand the opposite point of view and have nothing against it ๐Ÿ˜‰

As dried fruits, I took dried apricots. It seems to me that she fits the condensed milk perfectly! Not only taste, but even purely aesthetic ๐Ÿ˜‰ However, if you wish, you can use raisins, prunes. It will turn out very interesting with figs, the main thing is to steam it well so that it is not tough. Dried fruits can be poured simply hot water, and you can - it will turn out very fragrant!

This cottage cheese Easter without baking! And without boiling, as well as, which greatly simplifies the matter and reduces the time for cooking (at least for active actions).

Well, a little about the main ingredient - cottage cheese. Choose it according to your taste. You can take both homemade and store-bought, both fatty and fat-free, both grainy and pasty. The main thing is that it is fresh and you like its taste. I took my favorite, batch, medium moisture and 9% fat.

Ingredients for Easter with condensed milk:

  • cottage cheese - 600 g
  • condensed milk - 120 g
  • dried apricots (or other dried fruits) - 150 g
  • butter - 60 g

Easter cottage cheese - a recipe without eggs with condensed milk:

The dried apricots were thoroughly washed with running water.

I poured dried apricots with hot water and left it for 1 hour. Look at your dried fruits. If they are very dry, it may take longer.

Since I took the cottage cheese pasty, I whipped it with an electric whisk. If you have coarse cottage cheese, it is better to rub it through a sieve.
As I wrote above, I did without sugar. But if you want to get sweet easter, then add it at this stage and carefully beat the cottage cheese with it.

I melted the butter in half - a part remained a piece, but very, very soft.

But our Easter with condensed milk! So I poured it into butter and stirred.

sent this creamy mass to the cottage cheese and beat well with an electric whisk.

The soaked dried apricots were cut into small cubes. Laid out to the curd.

Mixed thoroughly with a spoon. It turned out a wonderful mass of creamy shade.

She lined the pasochnik with clean, damp gauze so that the free ends hang down at the edges. I put the curd mass in it, leveled it on top with a spoon.

The free ends of gauze covered Easter. I put oppression on top and sent it to drain in the refrigerator. How long will she be there? Preferably at least 12 hours. If possible - 1-2 days.

After a while, I took this structure out of the refrigerator. She took off the oppression, turned away the edges of the gauze. She covered the paster with a dish on which she planned to put ready easter. Delicately flipped everything together. She took off her uniform and gauze. Decorated with chopped dried apricots on top, laying out a cross.

Now you know how to cook cottage cheese Easter at home with condensed milk and dried apricots! So creamy and creamy and delicious! ;)

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