
How to make figures from sugar paste. We make figurines from mastic with our own hands

What do you think is the most important thing at any holiday, without which a celebration simply cannot be imagined? Present? No, cake! And, believe me, it does not matter who it is intended for, an adult or a child - do-it-yourself mastic figures can make a work of art out of a confectionery miracle. Let's master this skill together!

delicious plasticine

Mastic is a plastic edible material that is prepared on the basis of powdered sugar and dyed in different colors using food coloring. In addition to the fact that fabulous animals, beautiful flowers and funny inscriptions can be eaten, a mass that resembles plasticine in texture:

  • lends itself well to molding;
  • perfectly keeps its shape;
  • easily and quickly done.

You can not only decorate confectionery with mastic figures - they are also eaten separately in the form of sweets.

3 mastic recipes

Edible clay can be prepared in several ways, depending on what kind of figures you plan to sculpt.

From milk


  • 100 g milk powder;
  • 100 g of powdered sugar;
  • 100 g of condensed milk;
  • 1 st. l. lemon fresh;
  • 1 tsp cognac (if the cake is for an adult).


  1. Sift milk and powder into one bowl.
  2. Slowly pour in the curd.
  3. Add fresh juice and knead a homogeneous mass so that it does not stick to your hands.
  4. We pack delicious plasticine in a bag and store it in the refrigerator.

Please note that the mastic according to this recipe is not snow-white, but creamy. By adding food coloring at the end, you can get a mass for making sweet letters and numbers.

From gelatin


  • 10 g of powdered gelatin;
  • 900 g of powdered sugar;
  • 10 st. l. water at room temperature.


  1. Pour gelatin with water and leave for 40-60 minutes.
  2. We heat the mixture on a steam bath, let it cool.
  3. Slowly add powdered sugar, mix well. Mastic for sculpting flowers and figures with your own hands is ready.

From marshmallow


  • 100 g soufflé marshmallows;
  • 2 tbsp. l. water at room temperature;
  • 220 g of powdered sugar;
  • ¼ tsp lemons;
  • food coloring of the desired shades.


  1. We sort the candies by color (usually they are white and pink).
  2. Put marshmallows of the same color in a deep bowl and send for 1 minute in the microwave.
  3. Mix the mass until smooth.
  4. Slowly pour in the powder, citric acid.
  5. Add dye of the desired color.
  6. We shift the mastic into a plastic bag and put it in the cold for 40-50 minutes.
  7. We heat our confectionery clay for 5 seconds in the microwave and create amazing decorations for the cake. Such mastic is considered universal for any figures.

Top popular mastic jewelry

If you want to decorate cakes or pastries with cute mastic figurines, then our master class for beginners will surely come in handy.

funny doggy


  • edible plasticine;
  • food coloring (black, brown, white, red);
  • food glue;
  • toothpicks.


  1. Add brown dye to the mastic.
  2. We roll up an oval for the calf.
  3. We make oblong blanks for the paws, with a toothpick we mark the fingers on them.

  4. Glue the legs to the body.

  5. We form an oval for the head, slightly flatten it.
  6. Add white dye to the mastic and roll up the balls for the eyes.
  7. Under the pupils, we use black mastic blanks.
  8. We make a nose and tongue.
  9. Glue to the head. The doggy is ready.

The recipe for my mastic for sculpting simple figures and details. This fondant is similar to marshmallow molding paste and also replaces pastilage. The mastic is rubbery, which makes it convenient to sculpt simple figures and is also ideal for sculpting interior details and simple hollow forms (for example, towers for a castle). Details from this mastic harden into stone, so it is very convenient to cut out even parts from it and then glue them together. It is ideally dyed in bright colors, as it contains CMC, which retains moisture from the dye. Mastic for modeling 1 kg of powdered sugar 17 g of gelatin 60-70 g of cold water for gelatin (try first 60 g, if it is dry, you can add water later during the modeling process) 135 g of glucose syrup 8-10 g of CMC 1 protein 3 g of food glycerin 1 tablespoon of fat or butter, in no case NOT SUNFLOWER, as it polymerizes (thickens) and the mastic will only get worse! Soak gelatin for 20 minutes in water. Mix powder with CMC. Measure the glucose syrup and heat it for 40 seconds in a micro. Dissolve in micro gelatin and mix with syrup, the mixture should be hot. Add fat and glycerin there, and you can also add a couple of drops of lemon juice (it whitens the mastic). Make a well in the powder and pour this mixture into it. Cover the well and pour in the protein next to it (not hot in this mixture, otherwise the protein will boil). And start kneading with your hands or a powerful planetary mixer. The mixture will be liquid and thick, similar to cement or chewing gum - continue kneading for 10 minutes by hand. Then scrape off with a plastic confectionery scraper, grease your hands so that the mastic does not stick, and put it in cling film and in the refrigerator for a day. Before use, expose and allow to warm up to room temperature, knead well with your hands, just grind to a ruminant state, lubricating your hands with fat. Mastic is stored in the refrigerator for half a year, in the freezer up to 1 year. Before packing, roll into a ball, grease the surface with fat or oil (but not sunflower oil, as it polymerizes, that is, it thickens and turns into a nasty sticky mass) and wrap it tightly with cling film, then put it in a bag and sign the date of manufacture and the name of the mastic (so as not to be confused with another). If the piece is dry, but not to a strong crust on top, you can reanimate: pour boiling water over the piece, let it saturate with moisture for several seconds or even minutes, if the piece is large, you can heat it up in a micro for 10-20 seconds. Then sweep with your hands, lubricating them with fat. At first, it will seem that you have completely ruined the mastic. It is necessary to continue kneading with clean, greased hands. Moisture will be absorbed, and the mastic will return to normal. And here are some of my old and newer works, where the details and characters are made from this mastic. Chip and Dale, a dog, a hollow house, trees and a hare with a mouse, sweet toys Donkey, a bee and a snail (copies of the birthday boy's favorite toys), a hollow train from Romashkovo, Winnie the Pooh, Christmas trees, a balloon, all cake decor based on the illustrations for the book "I am a bunny", minions - all from this mastic. There will be questions - write in the comments)

Mastic is a sweet plastic substance, from which cooks and confectioners make various decorations for desserts. Complex multi-tiered elements cannot be created immediately, however, even a child can make simple figurines to decorate sweets on the festive table. It is not only easy and fun, but also very tasty. From mastic, you can mold decorations for a wedding cake, heroes of your favorite children's cartoons, lay out simple applications. Below you will find a master class for creating small figures from fondant, which is also suitable for beginners.

Cooks have developed a variety of mastic recipes that are suitable for certain occasions. For example, to create a figurine with an abundance of small details, gelatin-based mastic is well suited. Honey mastic is very soft, does not crumble and does not fall apart. The most common - dairy - is used to fill confectionery, like marzipan. There is also industrial mastic. It is sold in the store and all that a novice cook needs is to start sculpting.

Learning to make figurines from mastic: a master class for beginners

The recipe for making sweet plasticine mass is as follows:

  • Powdered milk - 150 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 150 g.
  • Condensed milk - 200 g.
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Cognac or flavoring - 1 tsp.
Cooking mastic:
  1. Mix powdered sugar and milk powder.
  2. Pour into the resulting mixture of condensed milk.
  3. Knead the dough by adding lemon juice and flavoring to it.

If desired, you can make colored mastic if you add dye during the kneading process.

Consider how the modeling of figures from mastic takes place step by step. We will give MK for the manufacture of a peanut from a sweet mass.

  1. Prepare the mastic according to the recipe described above. To make the peanut more natural, when kneading the dough, you need to add a flesh-colored dye.
  2. Let's start with the body. Blind an oval the size of a small chicken egg. With a toothpick, make a hole - the navel at the bottom of the oval.
  3. Blind the head by rolling the ball. It can be attached to the body with a toothpick stuck in the body.
  4. Let's draw a face. Make eyes with a toothpick, draw a mouth, and instead of a nose, attach a small round ball crushed into a cake.
  5. From two small balls make ears, flatten them, giving them the shape of cakes.
  6. Now it's the turn of the pens. Roll out the sausages, bend the parts that will be the palms and draw the fingers with a toothpick.
  7. Attach the arms to the body. If they do not stick well, then lightly soak the mastic with water at the place of gluing.
  8. The peanut is ready. If you wish, you can make legs for him in the same way as the arms (roll up two sausages and separate the fingers with a toothpick).

You can make a toy for the little one with which he will play on your cake or cake. If a child wants to make a girl, it's easy. Weave three thin sausages from mastic, braid them into pigtails and decorate with a mastic bow. Attach the pigtails to the baby's head.

After learning how to make human figures, you can experiment with shapes, colors, and clothing.

We are trying to make a bright and tasty flower from mastic with our own hands

Sweets for adults can be decorated with mastic flowers. If you do not have a suitable dye, use the color mixing scheme.

Let's make a simple rose:

  1. Roll out small balls of mastic of the desired color and place them on a cutting board;
  2. Flatten the balls to cakes and give them the shape of rose petals, paying special attention to the top edge so that it is thin and wavy;
  3. Blind a small drop - this will be the core of the flower;
  4. Start attaching the petals to the droplet from smallest to largest, carefully bending the top edges to look more realistic;
  5. Having blinded the required number of flowers, they must be allowed to dry for at least a day.

Having molded several figurines from mastic and placing them on the cake, do not forget to decorate with decorative elements: tubes, curls, pigtails. Here are some helpful tips.

  • To make the coupling of parts with the cake strong, lubricate the places of the parts with water;
  • To make colored elements, it is not necessary to add dye to the dough. You can paint the elements of the finished figure;
  • For the test, take well-ground powdered sugar so that the mastic does not tear;
  • Instead of food coloring, you can use fruit juices;
  • Mastic is stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 2 weeks, in the freezer - 2 months.

Video on the topic of the article

You can see how craftsmen make intricate figures from mastic in this video. Master classes will tell you about other modeling techniques. By repeating after the master, you can also decorate your cake with beautiful sweet creations.

The art of modeling from mastic has recently burst into cooking. Now almost all pastries and cakes are decorated with figurines and various patterns from mastic. In addition, completely unimaginable forms can be sculpted from this mass, which together can create a whole cartoon plot or a romantic bouquet.

What is mastic, is it difficult to make figurines out of it?

By itself, mastic is an adhesive and astringent, which, moreover, is edible. If it is kneaded correctly, then it will be similar in its consistency to plasticine.

There are several varieties of this mass. It is created from different products and kneaded in different ways. The most famous:

  • Honey: It has a softer look. Suitable for modeling almost any figures, does not crumble and does not fall apart;
  • Mastic based on gelatin is distinguished by its high speed of solidification and hardening. Most suitable for preparing the smallest parts;
  • Dairy is one of the most common. Condensed milk is used as the main ingredient. Ideal for creating a base and a solid cover for a cake, as well as medium-sized figurines;
  • Marzipan is used to cover the cake. It is very soft and not suitable for sculpting figurines;
  • Industrial or universal mastic is bought in stores. It is used both for modeling and rolled out for the base. It practically does not differ in taste from home;
  • Flower - this type of mastic is best suited for creating jewelry where fine work with small details is required.

Each of these types is good in one way or another. In any case, you need to try different types in order to understand and adapt to this kind of delicious modeling.

Recipe for sugar mastic for sculpting figures at home

We take a suitable container (a wide bowl will be enough), sift the powdered sugar there, and then add the dry milk mixture. Mix and add condensed milk. Now you need to knead the mastic like dough. When kneading, lemon juice, cognac, dyes are added. The result should be an elastic mass with which it is pleasant to work and sculpt.

If you do not add dyes, then the mass should be matte.

Children's figurines from mastic for a cake with their own hands step by step: instructions for beginners

Mastic is good because you can make a wide variety of figures and decorations for goodies from it. This is especially useful if you need to decorate a cake or pastries for a children's holiday.

We sculpt a toddler from mastic step by step

To make such a cute peanut, you need flesh-colored mastic. To do this, when preparing the mass for modeling, you need to add a body dye.

Step 1. We make the torso. We fashion a small oval the size of a small chicken egg. We take a toothpick and make a hole just below the center (this will be the navel).

Step 2. We sculpt the head. We take a piece of mastic somewhere 20-25% less than on the body and roll it into a ball. Insert a toothpick into the top of the body. It will serve as a fastening element of the torso and head.

In the head with a toothpick, you need to make a couple of holes under the eyes. We sculpt the nose from a small piece of mastic: it should be a slightly flattened round circle with a diameter of about 4-5 mm.

We hold the mouth with a toothpick, while not forgetting to make stronger recesses for the dimples.

For the ears, take two small balls. We roll them up and with the help of a stack we make dents in the center. Glue them to the head.

Step 3. We fasten the parts: we put the head on the base (toothpick).

Step 4. Making handles. We take a couple of pieces, a quarter in size less than the head. Roll them into sausages. With the help of a toothpick at one end we make fingers.

Step 5 Attach the handles to the body. If the parts do not stick together well, brush over the mating areas with a brush dipped in water.

You can diversify the baby with a toy or other items you like.

Little mouse as a decoration

First of all, we prepare mastic of different colors. You will need yellow, light green, white and pink. For the eye and mouth, you will need black edible beads (powder). In the absence of black, you can replace it with dark blue.

From the tools you need to prepare toothpicks, a stack, a mold for the base (a glass or a glass will do), a sharp knife or cutter.

Step 1. We make a base out of light green mastic. We roll it out to a thickness of 3 mm. We use either a special form, or a glass (glass).

Step 2: a gift. We take the yellow base. We first make a ball, and then gradually move on to a cubic shape.

Pink mastic needs to be rolled out quite thinly: 1-2 mm thick. We take a knife or cutter, cut it into thin strips that will serve as gift ribbons. You also need to make a small bow out of them.

From the remnants of the rolled pink mastic, you need to make small peas (we use a special form). Their diameter should be approximately 1-1.5 mm. With the help of a stack or a toothpick, they are attached to a gift.

Step 3: mouse. White mastic is used to create the mouse body.

First we make a little body: we roll up the ball, then we try to give it a longer elongated shape. Next, we make paws, they are also a little teardrop-shaped. Using a toothpick, mark the stripes that separate the fingers.

We stick toothpicks into each part. We use halves for the paws, since they are small. We fasten the body with the paws so that one serves as the base, and the second is in the air.

For the head we roll up the ball, then we transform it: just below the middle we make a notch. We make a recess for the mouth and eye. We insert black beads there. We make a nose out of pink mastic.

We take a couple of small pieces, roll them into balls, after which we make indentations with the help of a stack - these are future ears. They need to be flattened well and cut off the bottom. We attach them to the head.

Now we put the head on the toothpick fixing the body.

The upper paws are made in much the same way as the lower ones, only they should be slightly smaller. We make the tail from a thin sausage, which should become thinner towards one edge.

Step 4: flower. We make the stem for the future flower from light green mastic. We roll it into a thin strip 3-4 cm long above the mouse. From a piece of pink base we make a flower. It can be cut in a special shape. With the help of a stack, we make indentations on the petals. Then we cut out another flower, but smaller and make indentations in it. We make the middle from a yellow piece the size of a pea, rolled into a ball. We fasten everything together. From the green mastic, add a small leaf, which we add to the stem.

lion cub

You will need 4 colors of mastic: yellow, white, brown and black, as well as tools.

Step 1: Sculpt the body and head. The head should be in the form of a ball, the body - in the form of a drop. From white mastic we cut out inserts on the body of a teardrop shape.

On the head for the mouth, add a little bit of white mastic using the bent tip of a sharp stack.

We make eyes and fashion roundels near the mouth.

Step 2. We make paws from yellow and white mastic: we sculpt the main part from yellow, and the part with fingers from white. Don't forget to draw lines to separate the fingers.

In the recesses for the eyes, first add white round parts, then, a little less, black. We make a triangular nose from a brown mass.

Then we sculpt the ears in the form of flattened circles, as well as the tail (sausage, thinning towards one end). At the tip, we also make a triangular brush from a brown mass.

Step 3. We make a mane from a brown mass. It is made in the form of separate petals, which are then attached around the head.

If there is a white and black mass left, you can mix them and make pebbles on which the lion will sit. Grass can be made from green.

We sculpt a panda step by step


  • Mastic white and black;
  • Modeling tools;
  • A couple of toothpicks.

Step 1. We take a white mass and roll it into a ball. We make indentations for the eyes on it. We sculpt small balls from the black mass, insert them into the recesses and expand them with a stack. Black color should be over the entire area of ​​​​the recesses.

Add a ball of white mass (nose).

Finishing the nose: add a black piece, in which we make a couple of holes with a toothpick or a stack with a sharp tip.

Step 2. From small pieces of black and white mass we make eyes, as well as ears.

The body consists of two parts: a round white and an elongated shape - black. Fasten them with a toothpick.

Step 3. We make paws from black mastic. They should be teardrop shaped. Now on each foot you need to make pads from white mastic.

We sculpt an airplane

You need mastic in two colors: white and blue, as well as a toothpick or a stack for modeling with a sharp tip.

Step 1. We fashion the white trapezoidal body of the aircraft. We add to it the front glass from the blue mass.

Step 2. Sculpt wings. We take a couple of balls, roll them out a little or knead them with our hands. We make triangular wings. We make the tail a little thinner and trapezoidal in shape.

Step 3. Add stripes to the wings, tail, the main part of the blue mastic.

Step 4. We make eyes from white and black mass. We draw a mouth with a toothpick or a stack.

Sometimes, even following step-by-step detailed instructions, not everything and not always turns out. Each craftswoman has a couple of secrets that help in the modeling process:

  1. Sometimes it's hard enough to cover the entire cake with mastic neatly. On the side parts, folds appear here and there, which spoil the whole look. In this case, the mastic should be rolled out in such a way that a sufficiently large margin is maintained. Next, we put it on the cake and, under its own weight, it should lie down as it should;
  2. It's hard to find black dye. In this case, you can get out of the situation as follows: take three dyes (blue, yellow and red) and mix them in a ratio of 2:1:1. There is also the option of adding blue to brown paint;
  3. In order for the mastic coating to shine, it must be lubricated with a solution of vodka and honey. To prepare it, you need to mix both ingredients in equal amounts. Lubricate the surface with the resulting liquid using a soft brush.

Fantasize and, perhaps, you will create your own individual figures from mastic, not like anyone else. Good luck!

Even the most uncomplicated cake will be transformed into an elegant and festive one if you decorate it with confectionery mastic. Find out right now how to quickly and properly cook it at home. We offer a selection of proven sugar mastic recipes for beautifully covering cakes, sculpting themed figures, spectacular flower arrangements, voluminous figures and congratulatory inscriptions.

Figurines from mastic for cake, photo

Sugar mastic recipe, step by step instructions

  1. 17-20 g of regular (not instant) gelatin is soaked in 6 tbsp. spoons of water at room temperature for 20-30 minutes. Then melt to a liquid consistency in a water bath.
  2. 140 g of ready-made glucose syrup is combined with 10 g of a thickener for confectionery mastic (CMC). Heat this mixture in the microwave for about 40 seconds. at full power.
  3. Combine gelatin with syrup. Immediately add to the hot mixture: 3 g of food glycerin, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, 35 g of strained lemon juice (for delicate sourness and whiteness).
  4. Sift 1 kg of powdered sugar into a wide, easy-to-knead bowl. In the center of the hill of powder, a recess is made into which the gelatin-glucose mixture is poured. Knead the mastic by hand for about 3-5 minutes, after which add 1 protein and food coloring (if required). Continue intensive kneading for another 5-7 minutes. Properly prepared food mastic is elastic, but at the same time plastic and homogeneous.
  5. The finished mastic is tightly covered with cling film, placed in a bag and cooled in the refrigerator for at least a day. Before covering the cake and making a confectionery decor, the sugar mastic must be heated to room temperature and thoroughly kneaded with oiled hands.

This food mastic recipe is used by professional confectioners. It is ideal for covering birthday cakes and making medium-sized decorations and figurines.

Homemade marshmallow mastic recipe, step by step instructions

  1. In a form suitable for a microwave oven put 100 g of marshmallows, 1.5-2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter. At full power, they warm up for about 15-20 seconds, until the mass increases in volume.
  2. Add to the melted marshmallows in small portions 70-110 g of twice-sifted fine powdered sugar, dye (if you need colored mastic to decorate the cake). Knead the mass thoroughly. By consistency, it should become like soft plasticine.

You can sculpt figurines, numbers, flower arrangements and other decor immediately after preparing the mastic. For complete drying of jewelry, 2-4 hours are enough at room temperature. Marshmallow mastic is not suitable for covering the surface of cakes - when thinly rolled, the layer may break.

A simple mastic recipe at home, step by step

  1. 2 tbsp. tablespoons of glucose syrup are mixed until smooth with 1 egg white whipped into liquid foam.
  2. Portions add to the syrup 400-450 g of sifted powdered sugar. The mastic is kneaded to a homogeneous and plastic consistency, after which it is rolled into a ball, tightly tightened with two layers of cling film and kept in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
  3. Before making the decor for the cake, the finished mastic is kneaded quite intensively again. If, after cooling, the mass sticks to your hands, you need to add a little more powdered sugar.

Marshmallow mastic recipe, step by step with photo

  1. In a water bath, stirring constantly, warm up 50-70 g of chewing marshmallow until completely melted. It is important not to overexpose the base for mastic. As soon as the marshmallow mass becomes liquid, it is removed from the fire.
  2. Add 25 g of butter to the melted chewing marshmallow, as well as food coloring (if you need to prepare colored mastic for decorating the cake). Knead until smooth.
  3. Pouring powdered sugar in small portions, knead the mastic, achieving the desired density and elasticity. In total, up to 140 g of powder may be needed for marshmallow mastic.

Unlike marshmallow-based mastic, marshmallow is suitable for both modeling confectionery decor and covering homemade cakes. For sculpting, the mastic mass should be quite dense, elastic consistency, for covering - soft and plastic. Before use, it is advisable to wrap it with a film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour or an hour.

Recipe for modeling mastic, master class

Chocolate mastic recipe, step by step instructions

  1. Melt, stirring frequently, a bar of good dark chocolate (with a cocoa content of at least 70%) in a moderately boiling water bath. Important: you need to melt the chocolate slowly, preventing it from heating over 37 °, delamination and folding.
  2. Add to liquid chocolate: 1.5 tbsp. spoons of glucose syrup, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of food glycerin. Knead until smooth.
  3. Before use, the prepared chocolate mastic is placed in a bag and must be cooled for at least half an hour.

Recipe for delicious mastic, step by step

  1. Chop up 100 g of white chocolate into pieces. Melt at a low boil in a water bath.
  2. 70-80 g marshmallows are added to liquid chocolate. As soon as the marshmallows begin to melt, put 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, pour in 30-40 ml of heavy cream, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of cognac or rum. Stirring frequently, heat until the marshmallows are completely melted and smooth.
  3. Sifted powdered sugar (about 140 g) is added in portions, thickening the mastic and achieving the desired density and plasticity. The finished product is rolled into a ball, placed in the cold for 40-50 minutes. Before use, white chocolate mastic is kept at room temperature for 5-7 minutes, after which it is thoroughly kneaded.

Milk mastic recipe

  1. Sift and mix 160 g of high-quality milk powder with 160 g of finely ground powdered sugar.
  2. A wide depression is made in the center of this mixture. In small portions, continuously stirring with a tablespoon, pour into it: 200 g of condensed milk and 25-30 ml of fresh lemon juice.
  3. After 5 min. kneading is continued by hand. The approximate time of "manual" kneading is 7-8 minutes. Ready milk mastic should become homogeneous, pliable and elastic. If the mass is too dense, you can add a little more lemon juice.

In order for the milk mastic to not dry out and retain plasticity for a long time, immediately after the end of the kneading, it is wrapped with cling film and placed in a tight bag. Confectionery mastic prepared according to this recipe is suitable for wrapping cakes, and for figurines, numbers and inscriptions.

Recipe for mastic for flowers

Recipe for mastic for covering a cake

  1. 1 full glass of unpeeled almonds is poured with boiling water. Boil for 2 minutes, after which the nuts are thrown into a colander. As soon as the water drains, the almonds are transferred to a dry board and the shells are carefully removed. The kernels, stirring, lightly brown in a dry frying pan. Grind the roasted almonds with a blender to a smooth puree.
  2. 1 cup of fine-grained sugar is poured into a quarter cup of cold water. Over moderate heat, stirring, boil the syrup well. Make frequent samples: a drop of the sugar mixture is placed in a cup of water. As soon as the drop begins to solidify and can be rolled into a non-solid elastic ball, the syrup is removed from the heat and combined with chopped almonds.
  3. The almond-sugar mixture is heated for 3-4 minutes, then 1-2 drops of almond essence are added to enhance the aroma of marzipan mastic (optional).
  4. The mass is laid out on a board sprinkled with sifted powdered sugar. Adding powder in portions, knead the plastic, homogeneous marzipan mastic with your hands. The finished product is divided into several parts, rolled into smooth balls, tightly covered with culinary film, placed in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 hours.

A beautiful cover of confectionery mastic can be made on any cake that has a fairly dense surface: on honey, sand, biscuit, etc. Delicate yogurt and jelly cakes, as well as soufflé cakes, are not suitable for decorative wrapping.

In addition, you need to make sure that the cream with which the layers of the cake layers do not dissolve the sugar mastic. Custard and butter creams, dense creams from condensed milk are perfectly combined with mastic. Creams based on yogurt, sour cream or cream are not a suitable base for mastic covering of cakes.

Condensed milk mastic recipe

  1. 120 g of high-quality milk powder, 25 g of potato starch, 120 g of powdered sugar are sifted into one plate. Stir.
  2. Four or five portions are poured into the mixture of 125 g of condensed milk (fat content - 8.5%). Spoon for 5 minutes. thick mastic "dough" is kneaded, after which 20 ml of strained lemon juice, dye are added.
  3. Continue kneading with your hands for another 3 minutes. Mastic from condensed milk will become smooth and plastic. The finished product is tightened with a culinary film and kept in the refrigerator for about an hour and a half.

Mastic prepared according to this recipe will have a warm creamy hue. If you need confectionery mastic of different colors for decorating the cake, separate the mixture and add suitable food coloring while kneading.

Video: mastic for cake step by step recipe

gelatin mastic recipe

  1. 2.5 st. spoons of cold water pour 15 g of gelatin. Set aside for 20 minutes, until the liquid is completely absorbed and swells.
  2. 125 g of liquid honey (it is better to choose fragrant - linden or buckwheat) is combined with gelatin. Warm up for about 2 minutes. on a barely boiling steam bath, until the lumps of gelatin dissolve.
  3. 800 g of fine powdered sugar are sifted twice. Add gradually (4-5 portions) to the honey-gelatin mixture. Knead the mastic until elastic. At this stage, if necessary, color it with natural juices or food coloring. Form a ball, tighten with a film. Before use, gelatin mastic is placed in the refrigerator for an hour and a half.

Powdered milk mastic recipe

  1. Dry ingredients - 1.5 cups of dry cream or milk (baby milk formula is also suitable), 3/4 cup of powdered sugar - combine, sift twice.
  2. Thoroughly knead with 170 g of condensed milk, adding it in portions. In the middle of the batch, a few drops of rum (cognac, vanilla) essence and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice are poured into the mixture. As a result, milk mastic turns out to be homogeneous, rather dense, but plastic. Before use, it is advisable to place it in the refrigerator for an hour.

Butter mastic recipe

  1. First prepare invert syrup. 350 g of sugar (it is better to use fine-grained) is poured into 150 ml of water. The syrup is brought to a boil with moderate heating, after which about 2 g of citric acid is added to it. The mixture is covered with a lid. On low heat, warm up for 40-45 minutes, cool for about 30 minutes.
  2. Add a pinch of soda to the cooled invert syrup (no more than 1.5 g). The mixture, if done correctly, should begin to bubble. After that, it is thoroughly kneaded for 5 minutes.
  3. Soak 25 g of ordinary (not instant) gelatin in half a glass of water. It takes about 20 minutes to swell.
  4. Pour half a glass of water into a tall saucepan, add 2 cups of sugar and 160 g of invert syrup (about 2/3 of the cooked portion). Boil, with a slight boil, 7-8 minutes.
  5. The gelatin is slightly warmed up. Pour, stirring, into a mixture of sugar and syrup, after which all the ingredients are beaten with a mixer until a snow-white color and a viscous consistency. At first - at a low speed of rotation of the whisks, after 1-2 minutes - at maximum speed.
  6. The base for white mastic is cooled, and then thickened to the desired density, intensively kneading with powdered sugar (fine grinding).

Cake recipe for mastic at home

Cake "Ideal"

How to cook:

  1. Softened margarine (180 g) is beaten with 150 g of sugar and 2 eggs.
  2. At 1.5 st. spoons of hot water diluted 3 tbsp. spoons of aromatic instant coffee. Pour into margarine mixture. There also add: 10 g of baking powder, 3/4 tbsp. crushed nuts (cashews or walnuts), 150-170 g of premium flour. Knead the first batch of dough.
  3. Bake a coffee-nut biscuit for a cake for about half an hour. The temperature is 185°. Cool down. Cut lengthwise into two identical cakes.
  4. All products for the second biscuit are mixed in the same quantities. They bake it, cool it, and also divide it into two parts.
  5. For flavor, all four cakes are not too abundantly impregnated with coffee liqueur or cognac.
  6. Cream is prepared: soften 350 g of butter, beat with 150 g of powdered sugar, 2 tbsp. spoons of instant coffee, a quarter cup of nuts. Assemble the cake, thickly smearing each biscuit layer (with the exception of the top) with coffee and nut cream.
  7. The side part and the top biscuit are covered with a caramel base for mastic. It is prepared from 150 g of butter, whipped with 3/4 of a standard can of boiled condensed milk.
  8. Decorate the cake with colored confectionery mastic.

Cupcake recipe with mastic with photo

Cupcakes "Creamy"

How to prepare:

  1. Add 180 ml of milk to the butter mixture for cupcakes, beat again. Sprinkle flour with salt and baking powder. Knead.
  2. Beat 370 g of butter with 400 g of sugar, 4 eggs, 60 g of coconut flakes until fluffy.
  3. 470 g of flour, 12 g of baking powder, 1 teaspoon of salt are mixed.
  4. Fill paper corrugated forms with dough to 2/3 of the height. It is convenient to dose it with a measuring coffee spoon or a pastry syringe.
  5. Bake cupcakes "Creamy" to a golden hue. The temperature is 175°.
  6. Decorate with thin circles of multi-colored mastic or protein glaze.

To conclude, here are eight helpful tips:

  • Mastic of any kind will perfectly retain its pleasant taste, softness and plasticity from several days to a week, if you tighten it with cling film, put it in an airtight plastic container and store it in the refrigerator.
  • So that when covering a cake or cupcakes, the mastic layer does not tear, do not roll it too thinly. The optimal thickness is 2-3 cm. The mastic should be thickened with finely ground powdered sugar.
  • A convenient way to roll out confectionery mastic is between sheets of polyethylene or cling film lightly greased with vegetable oil.
  • If, as a result of long storage, the mastic has frozen, is difficult to roll out, it can be softened a little in the microwave. It only takes a few seconds to warm up.
  • If the mastic is sticky, knead it again with a pinch of starch and powdered sugar.
  • Mastics of all kinds dissolve easily in water. It is important to protect pastries decorated with mastic and sugar decorative figurines from moisture. For the same reason, it is undesirable to put mastic covering on wet creams - sour cream, butter or yogurt cream.
  • An ideal base for covering with mastic is a dry biscuit or shortbread cake, covered with two layers of ganache, marzipan, caramelized condensed milk or thick butter cream.
  • To give the confectionery mastic decor a beautiful gloss, at the end of the work, grease all the elements of the cake design with a mixture of light honey and vodka. The proportion is 1:1.

We wish you success in confectionery creativity!
