
Cauliflower with cheese in the oven. egg recipe

If the fashion proper nutrition got to your daily menu, That cauliflower in the oven with cheese sure to fit into your family's diet. light dish can also be served as a side dish fried meat or goulash, or as a dinner for the whole family. And if you really like this recipe, be sure to freeze a few servings of cabbage inflorescences for the winter to please loved ones in winter vegetable casserole under a juicy cheese crust.

Cauliflower in the oven with cheese

You will definitely like cauliflower recipe with cheese, and it doesn't matter if you use fresh or frozen vegetables. The inflorescences are tender, in a creamy sauce and under a cheese crust. And it is desirable to serve at the table, decorating the casserole with fresh chopped herbs.

    Cauliflower - 800 g

    Sour cream 20% fat - 300 ml

    Eggs - 3 pcs.

    Cheese "Russian" - 150 g

    Butter - 1 tbsp.

    Spices to taste

    Salt to taste

As for spices, you can take any to your taste, it can be as separate spices, for example, ground black pepper, dried herbs, ground coriander, paprika and garlic, but it is better to choose the right mixture of spices. Ideal for cabbage casserole Suitable spice mix potato dishes, and you can supplement it with a mix of dried aromatic Italian herbs.

You can use both fresh vegetables and frozen, but in this case, do not forget to defrost the inflorescences first and put them in a colander so that all excess liquid is glassed. Since you froze the inflorescences after you boiled them, after defrosting, you can immediately start cooking the casserole. For fresh vegetables the stages of preparation are different: the head of cabbage must be disassembled into separate inflorescences, rinsed thoroughly running water and boil until tender in salted water, about 10 minutes. Then put the vegetables in a colander and let them cool slightly.

You will need a baking dish, the walls and bottom of which must be greased with a piece of butter so that the casserole does not burn. Lay out the prepared individual cabbage florets, laying them tightly to each other.

In a separate bowl, mix sour cream with eggs, you can mix the mass with a fork, but make sure that it turns out to be homogeneous. You can also use the mixer at low speed. Also add spices and salt to taste to the egg and sour cream sauce, but do not forget that we already salted the cabbage a little during cooking.

The resulting mixture should be poured into a mold with vegetables so that it is evenly distributed over the entire container and covers the cabbage inflorescences as much as possible. It remains only to sprinkle with grated cheese to get a juicy crust.

To cook cauliflower in the oven with cheese, you need to preheat the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees, set the baking sheet and shape, and cook for about 20-25 minutes. The crust should just brown a little, but be careful to cheese crust did not start burning.

Frozen cauliflower in the oven with cheese it turns out just as tasty as fresh, but the whole cooking process takes much less time. Having prepared a pre-frozen product, you can always cook a casserole for lunch or dinner, even if you are limited in your free time.

Cauliflower with cheese breadcrumbs in the oven

When it comes to healthy eating, then first of all all the girls are interested in the question, what kind of cauliflower with cheese in the oven calories? But we want to immediately reassure all adherents of a healthy and low-calorie food, because despite the fact that the composition of the casserole is present with fat sour cream, and cheese, the calorie content of one serving is only 70 kcal with the minimum amount fats and carbohydrates. Another lovely diet recipe you can find on our website - chicken with mushrooms in the oven.

If the calorie content is not in the first place for you, and first of all you go to please yourself and your family with an original delicious dish, try frying cabbage florets breaded with breadcrumbs in butter. A crispy crust is obtained on top, and tender pulp inside.

Worthy of attention and cauliflower with breadcrumbs, cheese in the oven, in fact, this recipe exactly repeats the previous one, but there are some differences in the cooking technology. And even those who consider cauliflower to be a bland and tasteless vegetable will definitely not refuse to try a casserole with such a crispy spicy crust.

Thanks to the addition of crackers to grated cheese, the crust is crumbly, crispy, and if you add more spicy spices, such as paprika, red pepper, turmeric, etc., then the crust will turn out to be even spicy, fragrant. It will go well with tender juicy cabbage. The casserole will become like a full meal for dinner, and as a side dish for fish and meat. You can also add mushrooms to cabbage - this is a great combination.

    Cauliflower - 0.5 head (medium)

    Cheese "Russian" - 100 g

    Breadcrumbs - 50 g

    Garlic - 2 cloves

    Salt, spices - to taste


Let's start by dividing the head of cabbage into separate small inflorescences and boil them for 5 minutes in slightly salted water (literally a couple of pinches). Then they must be thrown back into a colander so that all the liquid is glassed, otherwise it will violate the consistency of the finished casserole.

Cabbage should be laid out in a mold greased with butter - creamy or vegetable. You can additionally pepper and salt the vegetables, to taste, so that they do not turn out fresh cauliflower with cheese in the oven, photo the recipe will tell you how to arrange the vegetables in the dish.

We will not grind Russian cheese on a grater, but cut it into cubes. Garlic should also be cut into plates or chopped finely with a knife. Then in a blender you need to chop the cheese, garlic and breadcrumbs into a homogeneous crumbly mass, if desired, adding fragrant spices, which will only complement the taste of the crust.

Put the cheese mixture on top of the cabbage and put the mold in the oven, where cauliflower baked in the oven with cheese, will cook for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. the crust will turn out ruddy and very appetizing. Serving to the table, you can additionally offer spicy creamy garlic Sause with dill. As you can see, such a crispy casserole is cooked quickly, and there is still time to cook.

Cauliflower is an unusually light, tasty product that cooks quickly.

How to choose and prepare cauliflower for roasting

Cauliflower can be not only familiar white color but also purple and amber. However, no matter what color it is, there are common signs of its freshness.

To the touch, the head of cabbage should be firm, very dense. If the inflorescences diverge, then it is already sluggish. The leaves should be green, and the more leaves, the higher the guarantee that the inflorescences are fresh.

There are no brown or black spots on fresh cabbage; when broken, it should make a crunch. Slightly withered leaves and inflorescences become plastic.

Cooking it is also an art:

  1. To keep it white during the cooking process, you can add a spoonful of milk to the water where it will be boiled, or squeeze a little lemon juice;
  2. If you add a little sugar to the water during cooking, and then, throwing it into a colander, place the cabbage hot in cold water with the addition of lemon juice - then it will remain appetizingly white;
  3. You should not cook it in aluminum and iron utensils - it can become an unpleasant yellow-greenish color.

If you boil cauliflower correctly, its taste will improve, it will become richer.

  • Before cooking, you can stand it for several minutes in milk;
  • For the same purpose, you can boil it in mineral water;
  • You can’t cook it for a long time - they will be lost useful qualities, it is better to pour a little water in general, or cook in a double boiler;
  • If the cabbage is boiled in water, then this valuable decoction can be used for vegetable soup.

Cauliflower baked in the oven with cheese

Very fast, satisfying and beautiful.

Cabbage should be divided into inflorescences, rinsed very thoroughly. Pour boiling water, cook for 5-10 minutes. Rinse boiled vegetables cold water.

The cheese is rubbed on a grater, beat the eggs with milk, then mix with grated cheese.

Cabbage is laid out in a greased form, and it must be laid out beautifully, then it is poured with beaten eggs and cheese. The semi-finished product is baked for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 0. The dish should be served hot, you can decorate it - sprinkle with chopped herbs, sprinkle with nuts.

Very tasty, can be both an independent dish and a side dish. Appetizing cheese crust on top and tender juicy cabbage inside. You can use any cheese, a dried piece is perfect, on which no one will covet.

The products listed above are for 3 servings.

Cauliflower baked in the oven with cheese and breadcrumbs

This dish is able to amaze everyone, despite the fact that the main figurant in it is still the same cabbage. For cooking you need:

  • Half a kilo of cauliflower;
  • Cheese - about 100 g;
  • 1 egg;
  • A tablespoon with a slide of butter;
  • A couple of tablespoons of flour;
  • A glass of cream;
  • crushed nutmeg- 5 g;
  • Breadcrumbs - 2-3 tablespoons.

Cabbage in cream and even baked with cheese - such a dish can be served even to kings. slightly crispy, with golden brown delicious breakfast or lunch!

Breadcrumbs are fried in a pan without oil, until golden color.

Flour is mixed with warmed butter, after mixing, it is combined with cream, which must be vigorously whipped with a whisk. In received cream sauce chopped nutmeg is added.

Then the sauce is whipped again - with an egg.

The cheese is rubbed on fine grater, poured into the sauce, then again it must be whipped. At this stage, you can add salt to taste, but we must remember that there is already a lot of salt in the cheese.

Now we need to take on the cabbage: divide it into inflorescences, rinse. Boil water, pour the ingredient into boiling water for 5-7 minutes.

After cooking, rinse with cold water, then let the water drain.

Into a smeared form olive oil, cauliflower is laid out evenly, then everything is poured creamy cheese sauce, sprinkle with golden breadcrumbs on top.

The form is placed in the oven, preheated to 170 0, baked for 10-15 minutes.

Served hot, you can sprinkle on top with herbs, pepper slices, nuts.

Cauliflower baked with cheese and broccoli

There are many cooking options for this magnificent vegetable, but only the cabbage itself and cheese remain unchanged, and you can add anything you like.

You can get a wonderful yummy if you add to a head of cauliflower and cheese (there should be 4 cups in grated form):

  • 1 white baguette (about 300 g);
  • 1 head of broccoli;
  • Green onion feathers - a bunch;
  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • A glass of heavy cream;
  • 6 eggs;
  • Salt and pepper.

This is a recipe for those who like to cook long and hard.

Baguette cut into cubes. Disassemble the cauliflower and broccoli into inflorescences, rinse, it should turn out about 5 glasses in volume for each variety.

Rinse the green onion feathers, finely chop, it should also come out about a glass.

After all the ingredients have been prepared, you need to take the form, coat with oil.

In a bowl or saucepan, mix bread cubes, cabbage, broccoli, green onions.

Place half of the mixture in a mold, smooth, sprinkle with two glasses of cheese on top. Then put the second half of the bread and vegetable mixture into a mold with a second layer, evenly sprinkle with the remaining cheese.

After that, you can do the sauce: mix milk, cream, eggs, pepper and salt in a bulk bowl. Beat with a whisk, then pour over the contents of the form. big spoon mash vegetables a little, cover with a lid, keep in the refrigerator. The semi-finished product will be infused for a long time, 2-3 hours, but it is better to leave it for a day.

After the selected time has elapsed, preheat the oven to 180 0, place the mold there for 35-45 minutes.

It is better to let it cool down a little, let it stand for 10 minutes, then you can eat. Incredible taste cabbage soaked in cream, cheese crust - this dish will become a favorite.

For dessert, cook and although it takes a long time to prepare, its exquisite and light taste you will like it.

Raw cauliflower is almost never used, more often it is boiled, baked, and sometimes both. In dishes, only tender inflorescences are mainly used, and the stalks are thrown away.

The structure of this type of cabbage is very suitable for diet food- it promotes quick and easy absorption, does not overload the stomach. It is also good for people with impaired kidney and liver function.

As part of the vegetable great amount useful to man substances, amino acids, proteins, combined with low calorie content, this makes it an excellent part of the diet of those who want to lose weight, but in this case it should be consumed without the addition of high-calorie foods.

It is useful for those who suffer from skin diseases, as cabbage contains biotin, which prevents the development of many skin diseases, such as seborrhea.

If you regularly eat cauliflower dishes, you can reduce the risk of cancer.

You should not get carried away with it if you have problems with the thyroid gland (it is better to check this point with your doctor).

Bon appetit!

Cauliflower baked in the oven with cheese will become great addition to a meat or fish steak, but can also act as an independent vegetable dish. Cabbage inflorescences are baked under a cheese-sour cream layer, which makes them very soft, juicy and tender. Simply put, this is a real treat for all fans. simple meals from vegetables!

IN this case both fresh cauliflower and frozen will work, so the recipe can come in handy at any time of the year. So let's stock up simple products and start cooking healthy snack!


  • cauliflower - about 400 g;
  • hard cheese - 80-100 g;
  • sour cream - 100 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • butter (for greasing the mold) - 10 g.

Oven baked cauliflower with cheese recipe

  1. We sort the cabbage with our hands into small inflorescences. Rinse with water and immerse in boiling water salt water for about 5 minutes. Then we recline the boiled inflorescences in a colander and cool slightly.
  2. Beat the raw egg lightly with a pinch of salt and, if desired, a small amount ground pepper. We work with a whisk, combining the protein and yolk into a single mixture.
  3. We load sour cream to the resulting egg mass and mix until a homogeneous composition is obtained.
  4. We coat the bottom and sides of the heat-resistant form with a piece of butter. Distribute the cooled cabbage inflorescences evenly and pour over the egg-sour cream mass.
  5. Sprinkle generously with cheese chips. Under the influence of temperature, the cheese will melt and form a golden crust, which will make our dish even more appetizing.
  6. We send the container to a hot oven by that time. Bake the cauliflower for about 10-20 minutes at 180 degrees. As soon as the cheese is completely melted and begins to brown, the dish is ready! Serve the roasted cauliflower warm. We use it as a side dish or eat it just like that, without any additions.

Cauliflower baked in the oven with cheese is ready! This dish goes well with fresh herbs. Bon appetit!

Cauliflower is beautiful and delicious vegetable from which you can cook a variety of light dishes. Cauliflower is added to soups, sauces, main dishes are made from it. For example, cauliflower baked with cheese in milk sauce is fabulously delicious.

The milk sauce gives the cauliflower a tender, fresh taste. Thanks to him, each piece will literally melt in your mouth.

Roasted cauliflower doesn't take long to prepare. The dish is simple and any girl can easily cope with it.

Taste Info Second vegetable dishes


  • cauliflower - 1 fork;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • flour - 90 g;
  • hard cheese- 110 g;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • salt and spices to taste.

How to cook cauliflower baked with cheese in milk sauce

Melt the butter in a frying pan.

As soon as the butter is melted, it must be mixed with flour and fry until golden brown, stirring constantly with a spoon. Roasting usually takes no more than 2 minutes.

Milk should be warmed up. The main thing is not to boil!

Pour milk into flour with butter in a thin stream, constantly stirring the sauce.

For 2 minutes, cook the sauce in a pan, stirring it continuously. You can't let the milk boil!

Now you need to add a little salt and spices to the sauce to taste. Leave it to cool down.

Wash the cauliflower thoroughly.

The next step is to divide the forks into separate inflorescences.

Put a pot of water on to boil, pre-salting it. As soon as the water boils, put the cauliflower inflorescences into it and cook for 10 minutes.

Boiled cabbage inflorescences should be thrown into a colander and wait until all the water has drained from them.

Grease a baking dish with oil, and then put the cauliflower into it.

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The time has come ready sauce. They need to fill in all the inflorescences.

Grate the cheese.

Sprinkle cauliflower with grated cheese.

The next step is to preheat the oven to 200 degrees and place the mold in it. Under the influence of hot air, the cheese will melt, forming on the surface of the casserole an amazing, hot, ruddy, appetizing crust. Overeat!

Roast the cauliflower for 20 minutes.

You can serve roasted cauliflower as independent dish, but you can - as a side dish. For example, for meat.

Cooking Tips:

  • When cooking milk sauce, mix the ingredients with a wooden spoon or a special spatula.
  • In order to make the dish even more fresh, bright, interesting, it can be sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Baked cauliflower with cheese and chicken

Baked cauliflower with cheese and chicken breast in the oven is a dish that is perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner. The cauliflower itself is light, tender and juicy. She is considered dietary product due to the fact that it contains a minimum of calories. Cheese gives cabbage an amazing taste and aroma. And here chicken breast gives the dish incredible satiety! The end result is delicious, flavorful, hearty meal for real gourmets. Try it and see for yourself - you'll love it delicate taste this amazingly fresh casserole!


  • cauliflower - 1 fork;
  • chicken breast - 400 g;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • hard cheese - 500 g;
  • cream - 1 l;
  • salt and spices to taste;
  • garlic to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. The first thing to do when preparing baked cauliflower with cheese and chicken is to separate the cabbage into separate “forks”, wash it.
  2. Put the water to boil, salt it. As soon as the water boils, put the cabbage in it and cook for about 5 minutes. Then drain the water through a colander.
  3. Lubricate the form with vegetable oil, put all the cabbage in it.
  4. Put eggs, salt, spices and cream in a deep bowl. Mix them thoroughly with a whisk.
  5. Cut the chicken fillet into strips, lightly fry in a pan with the addition of vegetable oil.
  6. Submit chicken fillet over cabbage.
  7. Grate on coarse grater cheese.
  8. Peel and finely chop the garlic.
  9. Mix cheese, garlic and cream with eggs, mix everything well.
  10. Submit ready mix on chicken fillet with cabbage.
  11. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, put the form with cabbage in it for 30 minutes.

Delicious cauliflower baked in the oven is ready!

Cooking Tips:

  • In order to make the dish more tender, cheese, garlic and cream can be ground to a homogeneous mass using an immersion blender.
  • Instead of frying chicken fillet, you can boil it - you get a less high-calorie, but at the same time more tender dish.
  • In order to add the taste of summer and freshness to the dish, sprinkle it with chopped herbs. In winter, instead, you can put on top a layer of finely chopped, fried in vegetable oil Luke.
  • In summer, boiled or fried mushrooms can be added to the main ingredients of the dish. Novelty taste can be added fresh tomatoes and young squash.

Published 12.02.2015
Posted by: Enchantress
Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 40 min

I borrowed this recipe from the Smak program. Cauliflower baked with cheese and cream was prepared by some actress. As you know, actors are busy people, so they don’t spend a lot of time on cooking, and I also love quick recipes, so I turned my attention to this recipe.
I'm not a big fan of cauliflower, but I love cheese, so when I tried this recipe, I really liked it. The taste of cauliflower was enriched with the taste of cheese, the texture of the casserole turned out to be very tender, thanks to heavy cream. It turned out very tasty, although high in calories. Now I regularly cook cabbage, serve it both as an independent dish and as a side dish for meat. Cauliflower baked in the oven with cheese will appeal not only to adults, but also to children. By the way, you can still cook.

It takes only 40 minutes to prepare the dish. resulting from the preparation of this recipe dishes, will be enough for four servings.

- fresh or frozen cauliflower - 400 g,
- cheese ( soft varieties) - 200 g,
- cream 33% - 400 ml,
- salt - to taste.

How to cook with a photo step by step

First you need to grate the cheese. It is very convenient to grate cheese on a special shredder in the form of a small meat grinder, but you can also use a regular grater.

If you have fresh cauliflower, divide it into small inflorescences, if frozen, then you don’t have to do anything with it, it is already divided into inflorescences. frozen cabbage You don't even need to defrost, just boil it in in large numbers salt water. Boil the cabbage until half cooked, about five minutes. Throw the boiled cauliflower on a sieve, wait until the water drains.

Put the cabbage in a small baking dish, spread the mixture of cheese and cream on top. Try to spread the mixture evenly to cover all of the cabbage.

Pour the remaining cream over the cabbage. Place the tray in the oven for baking. Bake cauliflower under cheese and cream at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

Once the cabbage is golden brown, remove the cabbage from the oven.

Cauliflower baked in the oven with cheese is ready. Before serving, sprinkle the cauliflower with finely chopped dill.

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