
Peas - the benefits and harm to the human body. Useful properties of peas for humans

Such a simple and familiar product as peas can bring tremendous benefits to the human body.

Unfortunately, few people know about this, but this gap is easy to fix.

Peas are full of vitamins and minerals, available to every consumer and sold in stores in all possible forms: frozen, dried, canned.

Green peas on the table means the holiday is coming soon! On the territory of our country, the most popular was and remains canned peas.

It is put in the Olivier salad, beloved by many. And this dish, in turn, is an invariable symbol of the festive feast in almost every home.

Canned peas are followed in popularity by dry peeled peas - soup and mashed potatoes from it are also considered quite a national dish. However, in terms of the content of nutrients, it is inferior to fresh fruits.

When choosing a dry product, preference should be given to chopped species - such peas cook faster and lose less valuable components. The nutritional value of peas should be mentioned - it is several times higher than that of potatoes, rice, buckwheat and pasta.

Peas, like beans, are the basis of the lean diet of all admirers of church canons. On fasting days, this vegetable freely replaces fish and meat, it contains a lot of protein, which is similar to meat protein in terms of the amino acids it contains.

Frozen (or fresh) green peas are valued as the basis of many vegetable soups in the diet. Some housewives harvest pea grains on their own during the season. They are frozen or canned according to numerous recipes.

Supermarkets also offer the widest range of peas in varieties ranging from frozen mixes to pea flour.

A bit of history

Like a large number of other healthy foods, peas came to us from the wise East. The ancient Chinese and Indians considered peas a symbol of wealth and fertility..

The Greeks fed cattle with peas, and the poor people themselves ate it. Columbus brought peas to the New World at the end of the 15th century.

Old Europe also turned out to be indifferent to this type of legume. It was served at the table of kings and commoners. For example, the French monarch had great respect for a quite simple and cheap dish - peas with fried lard.

Already in the 11th century, the British ate peas everywhere, actively growing them both as a garden plant and as a garden plant.

It is known that pea sausage was the main dish of German soldiers until the end of the Second World War. It was prepared from meat juice, pea flour and lard.

In Rus', peas have also been known for a very long time - since the time of the "King of Peas". Of course, the main use of peas has always been the kitchen.

But a large number of rituals, especially wedding ones, are also known to use this plant.

The young were symbolically whipped with pea lashes and sprinkled with peas. And then, by the number of grains stuck in the bride's dress, they could judge the future number of heirs.

And they say that peas are the tears of the Mother of God that she lost when the Lord doomed humanity to hunger for the sins committed.

The chemical composition of peas

Popular love for peas was given not only for its amazing delicate taste. Peas contain a huge number of familiar and unique elements, the balanced ratio of which makes peas extremely beneficial for the human body.

100 grams of peas contain no more than 300 kilocalories, and:
vitamin A - 2 mcg;
choline - 200 mg;
vitamin PP - more than 2 mg;
biotin (vitamin H) - 20 mcg;
thiamine (vitamin B1) - 0.8 mg;
vitamin E - 0.7 mg;
riboflavin (vitamin B2) - 0.15 mg;
folic acid (vitamin B9) - 15 mcg;
pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) - more than 2 mg;
pyridoxine (vitamin B6) - 0.3 mg;
proteins - more than 20 g;
fat - 2-6 g;
carbohydrates, including saccharides - 50 g;
starch - 4.5 g;
fiber - 11 g;
saturated and unsaturated acids - up to 1.5 g;
ash substances - 3 g;
a huge amount of minerals (nickel, strontium, magnesium, iron, calcium, silicon, molybdenum, cobalt, selenium, manganese, chromium, sulfur, chlorine, potassium, phosphorus, vanadium, zinc, copper, titanium, aluminum, etc.).

Mature pea pods contain chlorophyll and related elements that replenish calcium in the human body.

According to modern scientists, peas can safely be called a medicinal plant. Its effectiveness has been proven in the treatment of many ailments, as well as as a prophylactic.

1. Raw peas are rich in vitamin A, so they are recommended for those suffering from a lack of this vitamin.

2. Bean is high in antioxidants and reduces the risk of cancer.

3. A huge set of minerals - a real pantry of health. A few vegetables can boast of such a rich composition.

4. The minimum fat content makes peas indispensable for the heart.

5. Peas reduce bad cholesterol.

6. Valuable as a dietary product for overweight people.

7. Pea glucose and fructose are absorbed without the participation of insulin, so the bean is recommended for diabetics.

8. Vitamin pyridoxine is necessary for the full synthesis and breakdown of amino acids, improves metabolism. Vitamin deficiency is the cause of skin diseases and muscle cramps.

9. Selenium is a recognized anti-carcinogen, found in large quantities in peas..

10. Peas are necessary for physically active people to quickly restore strength and tone. Increases endurance.

12. Pea flour helps to normalize digestion, bowel function, relieves heartburn.

13. Vegetable is involved in the regenerative processes of internal organs.

14. Heals and nourishes the skin, hair, nails.

15. A decoction of the vine of peas is used for diseases of the kidneys and the genitourinary system.

16. Regular consumption of peas stimulates the immune system.

17. support not only health, but also beauty.

Harm of peas

The use of peas also has a number of restrictions and contraindications. It contains substances (purines) that provoke bloating and promote the accumulation of urea. Therefore, peas are not recommended:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • elderly people with flatulence and gout;
  • suffering from inflammation of the intestine, cholecystitis, nephritis.

Doctors advise seasoning pea dishes with dill- it helps to neutralize the possible unpleasant consequences of eating legumes. Be healthy.

Nutritional value of boiled peas and its chemical composition

Boiled peas are a source of vegetable protein, contain sugar, ascorbic acid, vitamins E, K, A, H, PP and group B, carotene, fiber and starch, and the chemical composition includes almost the entire periodic table, especially a lot of calcium, potassium, iron and phosphorus. There is practically no person who would not love peas in any form. And they use it raw from the garden, boiled, in the form of mashed potatoes, in soup and canned.

100g of boiled peas contains:

  • Proteins - 6.
  • Fats - 0.
  • Carbohydrates - 9.
  • Kcal - 60.

Due to the fact that there are a lot of carbohydrates and proteins in peas, it surpasses some types of meat in terms of calories. Young peas are very useful for the body. Brain varieties of this vegetable are especially tasty. Therefore, children are recommended to use fresh peas, which are much more useful than canned ones.

Useful properties of boiled peas and contraindications to its use


  • All the beneficial properties of boiled peas are preserved almost completely.
  • Of the vegetable crops, peas are the richest in vegetable protein and a number of essential amino acids.
  • The use of boiled peas normalizes metabolic processes in the body, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Peas help reduce the risk of cancer, hypertension, heart attack, and also stop the aging process of the skin and supply energy.
  • This vegetable is a prophylactic against anemia and obesity.
  • For people with duodenal ulcers, nutritionists recommend eating pea puree.
  • The use of peas helps to cleanse the intestines of toxins and toxins, maintain muscle tone and develop mental abilities.
  • Pea tincture eliminates toothache.
  • Peas are widely used in cosmetology as face masks (acne disappears, skin color improves).


  • You can not use fresh and boiled peas for nephritis and gout, as well as for cholecystitis and thrombophlebitis.
  • With an exacerbation of the gastrointestinal tract, peas should also be discarded.
  • For older people, peas should be boiled very well and consumed in doses. In order to avoid bloating, pea dishes are recommended to be consumed with carrots and bread.

The use of boiled peas in cooking

Boiled peas are used as a side dish in the form of mashed potatoes and in soups. The cooking time of peas is different and it all depends on the size of the grain crushing, namely:

  • Pea halves are cooked from 45 minutes to one hour.
  • Whole peas are cooked from 1 to 1.5 hours.

When buying, it is better to choose peas with a diameter of 3-4 mm, and the color is bright yellow or green. To properly cook peas, they should be soaked in water for about 12 hours, but no more, otherwise they may turn sour. Peas will cook faster if vegetable or butter is added during cooking. The optimal cooking time for peas is 1.5 hours. When cooking, you can not add water, and you need to salt the peas after it has boiled. Pea puree is wrinkled immediately after cooking, otherwise lumps cannot be avoided. If during cooking the peas do not boil for 1.5 hours, this indicates that it is better to throw away the product and not eat it.

Porridges, soups, kissels, stuffing for pies and noodles are also prepared from peas. Delicious canned peas, which are the invariable ingredients of the Olivier salad, beloved by everyone.

I would especially like to say about the benefits of sprouted peas. When sprouting in peas, enzymes are activated that affect the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates, and the amount of vitamins is doubled. This product is easily absorbed by the body and removes excess fluid.

Do not forget about the primordially beloved leguminous plant, pea, which diversifies the menu and enriches it with vitamins and minerals.

How to cook vegetarian pea cutlets, see the video below:

But the amazing times when green peas were in short supply are long gone. Peas are available, now in frozen form, and people's love is not scarce. We add bright cheerful peas to salads, vegetable soups, stews or simply use them as a side dish for meat dishes.

New "heroes" have also appeared - chickpeas, for example. Dry peas, from which porridges and delicious soups with ham ribs are cooked, are a little less popular. But we also know about him that he is useful and simply must be present in the diet. So, the content of sugars in it is less, and there is more protein and starch than in green peas. Peas are an extremely interesting product, of any variety and type. Therefore, I propose how to deal with it.

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What is a pea

Pea is an annual herbaceous plant belonging to the legume family. Its fruits are pods with spherical seeds - peas. True, many experts consider green peas a vegetable, not a bean. Depending on the structure of the bean wings, shelling and sugar varieties of peas are distinguished.

Shelling varieties are very hard and inedible. Such peas are harvested, dried, peeled from the husk and polished. Sugar peas are often sweeter. Its soft pods can be eaten whole. There are also medium or, in other words, "semi-sugar" varieties of peas, the wings of which are soft and edible in the unripe state, and as they ripen, they become unfit for consumption.
Dried peas are used to produce cereals: whole shelled peas polished and split polished yellow or green. Pea chaff is not used for cooking, but the flour from this product has found its place in many delicious and unusual dishes from different countries.

The benefits of peas. Useful and preventive properties

Pea groats are an easily digestible product. It normalizes metabolic processes in the body, has a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels, reduces the risk of cancer, heart attack, hypertension, and stops aging of both the skin and the whole body. In addition, thanks to the carbohydrates in its composition, peas are an excellent energy supplier.

Pea calories. 100 grams of dry shelled peas contains 149 kcal, the calorie content of boiled peas is almost half that.

Peas are valued for their vegetable protein content, which is similar to meat. It contains a number of essential amino acids. Peas are distinguished by a high concentration of ascorbic acid. It contains various types of sugar, PP vitamins, B vitamins, as well as starch, carotene, and fiber. Plus, peas are rich in macro- and microelements. Dried peas are an excellent source of molybdenum. It has enough potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and iron.

The composition of peas. 100 g of product contains 8 g of protein, 20 g of carbohydrates, 8 g of fiber

Medicinal properties of peas

Peas and the digestive system

In terms of fiber content, legumes occupy a leading place among food products. Like other legumes, peas are rich in soluble fiber. Soluble fibers form gel-like substances in the digestive system that bind bile and remove it from the body. One serving (200 grams) of boiled peas provides 65.1% of your daily fiber needs. Its insoluble fibers are necessary for the prevention of constipation and digestive disorders.

Peas against diabetes

The fiber in peas effectively fights diabetes by preventing a rapid rise in blood sugar levels after eating. The researchers compared two groups of people with type 2 diabetes who ate different amounts of high-fiber foods. One group followed the standard American diet for diabetics containing 24 grams of fiber/day, while the other group followed a diet containing 50 grams of fiber per day. In the group that received more fiber, the researchers noted lower levels of both blood sugar and insulin (a hormone that helps lower blood sugar). And they also reduced the level of "bad" cholesterol by almost 7%, the level of triglycerides - by 10.2%.

Peas for heart health

It contains virtually no fat, but it contains fibers that reduce blood cholesterol levels. More than 16,000 middle-aged men from the United States, Finland, the Netherlands, Italy, the former Yugoslavia, Greece, and Japan took part in the study, which looked at diet and associated risk of dying from coronary heart disease, over 25 years. Baseline: Higher consumption of dairy products in Northern Europe; higher consumption of meat in the US, higher intake of vegetables, legumes, fish and wine in Southern Europe, and higher consumption of cereals, soy products, fish in Japan. The result of the study showed that eating legumes can reduce the risk of dying from heart disease by 82%!

Potassium in peas reduces the growth and development of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels, and is also necessary to reduce high blood pressure. A serving of boiled peas contains 20.3% of the body's daily requirement for potassium.

Peas contain pyridoxine (vitamin B6), which is involved in the breakdown and production of amino acids. Lack of this vitamin can lead to dermatitis and seizures.

Peas as an anticarcinogenic agent

The most controversial issue. The findings require further research. It is believed that magnesium, zinc and selenium, which are rich in peas, actively resist cancer cells. In addition, the product contains phytoestrogens, which reduce the risk of certain diseases, including male prostate cancer and breast cancer in the fairer sex.

How to choose and store

High-quality dry peas are medium-sized, 3-4 mm in diameter. It is distinguished by a bright yellow or green color. Larger peas are a sign of a fodder variety. When choosing shelled peas, give preference to a product packaged in a strong package that protects it from the negative effects of moisture. Halves or whole peas should not be damaged by pests. The presence of debris or a large number of crushed pieces indicate poor quality cereals.

Dried peas do not lose their unique properties for several months if stored in an airtight container (such as a glass jar) in a dry place. At the bottom of the container, you can put a small cloth bag with a little salt so that the peas do not get damp.

New varieties and innovative production technologies of pea groats can reduce the cooking time to 35-40 minutes. Washed whole or very dry peas are recommended to be kept in cold water for 2-4 hours. In addition, to reduce the cooking time of the product, you can pour cold water into boiling water with peas several times.

Peas are one of the main ingredients in vegetable soups. It can be used as a side dish, as a filling for pies, as an appetizer. Noodles are made from it, pancakes are baked. There are many recipes for new and classic dishes from different countries using pea grits and flour.

See also:


Dried peas contain natural substances called purines. In some people, the kidneys are not able to excrete the breakdown product of purines, uric acid, which leads to an increase in its level in the body. With prolonged and excessive accumulation of uric acid, a disease such as gout occurs, kidney stones form. For this reason, such people should limit or eliminate the consumption of foods with purines. However, recent studies show that meat and fish purines increase the risk of gout, while plant-based purines have little to no effect on it.

From the history of peas

Modern varieties of this plant are believed to be descended from the pea, which was native to Central Asia and Europe. This product has been used since prehistoric times - its fossilized remains were found by archaeologists during excavations in Switzerland. Peas are mentioned in the Bible, they were highly valued by ancient civilizations. And if in Ancient Greece peas were used in writing, as a rule, by ordinary people, then after several centuries in Europe it acquired the status of a delicacy and took an honorable place in the royal menu.

Peas were brought to Russia in ancient times. In the 6th century, more tender varieties of these beans appeared, and people began to consume them fresh. Peas came to the United States shortly after the colonists settled in this country. The plant was grown for domestic use. Mass cultivation of peas as a field crop began only in the 18th century.

In the 19th century, during the early development of genetics, peas played a very important role. The basic laws of inheritance of traits were discovered by Gregor Mendel as a result of research that was carried out on this plant.

Today, the largest commercial producers of dried peas are Russia, France, China and Denmark.

Peas are one of the most popular vegetable fruits in the world. Belongs to the legume family, was eaten by the ancient Greeks and Romans - an established fact. Scientists believe that ancient China, India and the Mediterranean are the birthplace of peas, and later it spread to Europe.

Although it is not possible to establish this fact exactly, since the petrified parts of peas were found in excavations around the world and this gives reason to believe that this product has long been considered worthy not only of the table of a poor person, but also of the feast of crowned persons, treats of distinguished guests. And the Germans, French and Spaniards in the 19th century included dishes from it in the diet of the military, as "giving strength and liveliness on the battlefield"

Calorie content of peas per 100 gr. product is:

In shelled form - 298 kcal,

Boiled - 60 kcal,

Young green peas - 72 kcal.

It is not expensive, but it brings a lot of benefits to the body. First and second courses are prepared from peas, they make fillings for baking, and canned.

All varieties of peas are divided into two classes: sugar and peeling.

sugar varieties do not have a dense hard layer inside the pod and can be used both raw and boiled, canned at any degree of maturity.

Peeling grades inside the valves they have an inedible hard coating, when ripe they are used exclusively in boiled form and are not suitable for canning. They are most suitable for making soups, cereals, fillings, and retain their shape when dried.

It is used both in a separate form - cereals, mashed potatoes, flour, and as part of dishes - soups, salads. It is desirable to eat it boiled in the first half of the day, and canned green peas can be used in the second half, without fear of spoiling the figure and disrupting the digestion process - the calorie content allows.

The daily norm of eating peas is 150 gr. canned and 100 gr. boiled.

In any form, this is a real treasure in terms of benefits for the human body:

1. Contains highly digestible high quality protein.

2. It has a huge amount of amino acids.

3. The presence of fiber and dietary fiber, which have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

4. Many vitamins (B, A, C, E, PP), minerals (magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus).

5. With regular use, it helps to remove “bad” cholesterol from the body and cleanses it of toxins.

6. Improves heart function.

7. Accelerates metabolism.

8. Normalizes pressure.

9. Has antioxidant properties.

10. Prevents the occurrence of malignant neoplasms.

11. Prevention of thyroid diseases.

12. Reducing and normalizing the breakdown of sugar in the body.
In addition to the above, it has other useful properties, aesthetic and cosmetic nature:

1. Slows down the aging process.

2. Helps to get rid of excess weight.

3. With problems with the kidneys - relieves swelling.

5. Helps in the fight against poor eyesight.

6. Helps fight constipation.

7. Clears the skin from acne and inflammation in adolescence, eczema.

8. Relieves heartburn.

9. Is the prevention of infection with worms.

Peas are an indispensable food for people who refrain from eating meat. For the availability and high protein content, peas received a second name - "meat for the poor." Indeed, the amino acids that peas contain are similar in composition to animal protein. This makes it possible to eat pea dishes during fasting, believing people to whom meat is forbidden by faith.

If you are a man and wish - eat peas. It stimulates the work of muscles during strength sports, accelerates their growth, strengthens strength and makes bone mass strong, thanks to the high content of calcium in the product. So, this is a very useful product for you. In addition, it relieves prostatitis and other male diseases.

And for women, the benefits of peas also lie in the fact that it contains a lot of folic acid and normalizes the functioning of the genital organs. If you are planning to conceive a child or are in the process of carrying it, eat some peas daily in a different form. It will not only allow your reproductive system to function normally, but it will also noticeably improve your skin, the condition of which worsens during pregnancy and brings grief to many women. And also - the benefits of peas in stimulating the production of the hormone responsible for. But it should be remembered that eating it must be stopped a few weeks before childbirth in order to avoid gas formation.

The children's body also needs pea dishes and canned green peas. If it is a problem for you to feed your child - know that peas awaken appetite, they quickly saturate, energize for the whole day.

Harm of peas.

Like any food product, peas have contraindications for use. Let's take a closer look at them to avoid trouble.

Peas are harmful:

1. People with acute gastritis. But if there is no exacerbation at the moment, you can afford to use a small amount of sprouted or canned peas.

2. Pancreatitis excludes eating pea soups and cereals, due to their long and difficult digestion. However, with this disease, it is useful to eat sprouted peas.

3. Contraindications exist for the following problems: acute nephritis, gout, acute gastrointestinal diseases, cholecystitis and thrombophlebitis.

4. Restriction in the diet of the elderly, as well as children of primary preschool age (up to 3 years).

5. Raw peas of industrial (hard) varieties are best not consumed raw - they can damage the gastric mucosa and intestines.

6. If you are prone to abundant gas formation (flatulence) - limit the use of pea dishes.

7. When breastfeeding, the mother should refrain from pea dishes - this can cause bloating and colic in the baby.

How peas are used in folk medicine.

1 recipe: For men's health.

Collect green shoots after the plant has faded and chop. Brew 30 gr. plants in 250 ml. water and take 2 tbsp. spoons before meals. Reception leads to the removal of sand from the kidneys and improves the functioning of the prostate gland.

2 recipe: To restore the digestive tract.

Grind peas into flour. Consume 1 dessert spoon every day. Relieves persistent constipation, improves digestion, relieves headaches.

What you need to know when choosing quality peas.

When choosing the “right” peas, you should prefer well-dried, not large in size, with a yellow or green saturated color. The size of the peas in their bulk should be 3-4 mm - larger ones will be worse boiled.

If the peas soaked for several hours do not boil soft after 1.5 hours, do not cook food from it, as this is an old product that has lost most of its useful properties.

If you're buying canned peas, take a look at the ingredients. The composition should be: peas, water, salt and sugar. If any additives are still present - refuse to buy and choose another manufacturer.

The lid on a jar of canned green peas should be even, without a hint of swelling, which indicates that the product is spoiled and can harm the body. Don't forget to also pay attention to the expiration date on the can - don't buy an expired product, even if it looks great.

Soaking peas and using ordinary dill with it, which has properties to prevent the accumulation and formation of gases, can partially relieve bloating;

Do not drink cold water after eating peas in any form;

To get rid of a hangover after a party - eat a jar of canned green peas along with the liquid from the jar; . with fatigue and insomnia, green pea pickle from a jar will also help. 100 gr. such a "juice" - it will remove fatigue as if by hand and insomnia is gone.

The benefits of peas outweigh its harm, so eat to your health!

Read more:

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

family plant legumes, a valuable food product containing a large amount of vegetable protein.

Homeland - Eastern Afghanistan and Northwestern India. is one of the oldest cultures known to mankind. Cultivation began in the 4th century. BC e.

dried peas calories

The calorie content of dried peas is 298 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition of dried peas

Dried peas contain a fairly large amount of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, as well as magnesium and zinc. In addition, it contains retinol or vitamin A, as well as theanine, riboflavin, naicin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folacin (that is, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C).

The benefits and harms of dried peas

Peas are used in the treatment of a number of diseases: tuberculosis and vascular diseases. It lowers blood pressure, and a mild diuretic effect helps with kidney disease. The rich mineral composition is useful for those who care about youth and beauty, as vitamins and microelements affect the growth of nails and hair, improve the condition of the skin (calorizer). By lowering cholesterol levels, peas help prevent atherosclerosis, and vitamin A and beta-carotene are necessary for those who experience vision problems.

The benefit of peas is that it stops the growth of tumors, having an anticarcinogenic effect. Stimulating fat metabolism will help get rid of unwanted fat stores.

However, not everyone can use this product. Peas are contraindicated in gout, inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and inflammation of the kidneys. With peptic ulcer, peas can only be eaten in the form of mashed potatoes after heat treatment. Raw peas have a well-known effect on the intestines, irritating the gastric mucosa. During heat treatment, enzyme inhibitors are destroyed, and you can safely include peas in your diet.

How to cook dried peas

Dried peas are widely used both in cooking and in the food industry. Usually, dried green peas act as an ingredient in first and main courses. In addition, derivative dishes are made on the basis of dried green peas. For example, dried green pea puree or porridge (calorizator). One of the options for drying: sorted pea grains should be put in boiling water and boiled until they soften. If you add 50 g per 10 kg of peas to water, then the boiled peas will not harden during drying.

Cool the boiled peas in cold water and dry in the oven first at 80 degrees, then lower to 65. Drying should last 2-4 hours. Before using dried peas, it must be soaked in cold water for a couple of hours and boiled in unsalted water for 1-1.5 hours.

Secrets of storing dried peas

Dried peas should be stored in a cool, dry place. Best in a cold room. Sometimes stocks of peas are stored in a bag in a refrigerator drawer. Sometimes they are left in a plywood box on glazed loggias. In the cold, no pests are bred.
