
Instant sauerkraut. Recipes for crispy and juicy sauerkraut in jars without vinegar

According to what characteristics to select cabbage heads for harvesting and how to ferment cabbage so that it is crispy? What spices will add a special piquancy to it and what is the secret of proper storage of this most valuable pickle? Not at all idle questions, given the huge and well-deserved popularity among the people of crispy vitamin preparations from white cabbage. There are few secrets of proper fermentation, but if you show carelessness to them, then the delicacy may not live up to expectations: instead of an appetizing crispy cabbage, a sluggish, soft, or even completely moldy product will appear on the table. In order for all efforts in the kitchen to be successful, you need to know the rules of fermentation and strictly adhere to them.

Necessary conditions for sauerkraut

Properly fermented cabbage is fragrant, elastic, with moderate sourness. Its brine is transparent, not viscous, without foreign odors, it tastes fresh and invigorating. To get this result, you need:

  • choose the right cabbage for sourdough;
  • adhere to the desired temperature and conditions;
  • sour in a suitable container.

The white-headed variety is considered the most suitable for fermentation. He is a storehouse of vitamins in the winter, which is scarce for fresh fruits and vegetables. There are also many other useful substances in cabbage: vitamins P, group B, PP, K, D, pantothenic acid, carotene, biotin, tocopherol, minerals potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, phosphorus and many others. And cabbage heads can also boast of the content of various organic acids. An important feature of this vegetable, doctors call the predominance of potassium salts over sodium salts - this prevents fluid retention in the body, improves digestion.

The key to successful fermentation of healthy cabbage is a sufficient amount of sugar in it. Therefore, you need to choose ripe cabbage, not early, but late varieties, carefully clean the head of green immature leaves (they give bitterness) and damaged or rotten areas.

The fermentation process consists in the conversion of sugar into lactic acid under the action of lactic acid bacteria. In order to create favorable conditions for this, the air temperature in the room where the cabbage is fermented should be 15-22 ° C. At temperatures below 15°C, lactic acid bacteria develop slowly and the fermentation process is delayed. And if it is warmer than 22 ° C, then harmful bacteria quickly develop and the product acquires an unpleasant taste.

Another key component of a successful sourdough starter is the container. Everyone knows that it is best to ferment cabbage in wooden barrels or tubs. But if our grandmothers probably still had tubs in their cellars, now you can’t put a wooden barrel in an apartment. Therefore, most often chopped vegetables are fermented in an enameled bucket, basin or glass jar. The main requirement is that oppression can be placed on top. However, recently special wooden barrels for fermentation have appeared on sale: both large 10-50-liter ones and very compact 3-5-liter ones. If you want to pamper your family with pickled vegetables regularly, then it makes sense to invest in a wooden tub: firstly, it will last for more than one year, and secondly, a tree (most often oak or aspen) will add flavor to the taste.

Remember! Aluminum utensils darken from exposure to acids, so they are absolutely not suitable for sourdough.

When fermenting, salt is added to the cabbage in the exact proportion: 200-250 g per 10 kg of raw materials. Salt is needed for more than just taste. It also weakens the action of butyric microbes, enhances the preservative effect of lactic acid, facilitates its penetration into cells, which accelerates fermentation.

In the process of fermentation, it is necessary to periodically pierce the cabbage layer to the very bottom with a stick so that the gas comes out.

Tip: in Rus', a small aspen log was put in a barrel of cabbage - it was believed that it would not allow the product to peroxide.

For an acid balance and an optimal pickling process, it is recommended to add carrots (300 g per 10 kg of cabbage) and sour apples (500 g per 10 kg) to cabbage.

If the product turned out great, you need to try and keep it as such. So that the cabbage does not darken and soften, you need to keep it in the cold, at a temperature of about 0 ° C, preventing freezing.

Step-by-step instructions for sourdough cabbage

  1. Prepare dishes for pickling: wash and dry, put currant branches with leaves and dill on the bottom.
  2. shred cabbage, grate carrots on a coarse grater, cut apples into thin slices.
  3. Mix cabbage with salt, carrots, grind until juice appears, put in a bowl, layering with apples in the above proportions. Instead of apples, you can put layers of currant leaves and dill.
  4. tamp down, cover with whole cabbage leaves on top, put a cotton napkin and press with oppression (weight of oppression - 15% of the weight of the product).
  5. Leave the container for 2-3 days at a temperature of 15-20 ° C for fermentation. In the process, juice, foam, gases will be released. To release the gas, you need to pierce the vegetable layer with a stick, and drain the excess liquid into a separate bowl, and then add it back again.
  6. After 2-3 days, when the fermentation is over, the oppression can be weakened and put the product in the cold. During storage, care should be taken to ensure that the brine covers the vegetables at all times.

There are quite a few options for vegetable and spicy additives that affect the taste and appearance of cabbage pickles. So, many people like to sprinkle layers of cabbage with beets, others use raw pumpkin instead of carrots, others admire how delicious it turns out if you put halves or quarters of a head of cabbage in cabbage. Often bay leaves, cumin, black and allspice are added to the pickle.

Sometimes brine remains in excess from cabbage leaven. In no case should you pour it out, because it is saturated with vitamins and minerals, this is a wonderful refreshing drink. It should be preserved and left for future use: strain, heat in a saucepan to 85 ° C, pour into heated containers, pasteurize for 20 minutes. After cooling, store in a cold place.

Recipes for delicious sauerkraut

Appetizing cabbage with peppers and tomatoes

  • Cabbage - 5 heads;
  • sweet peppers and tomatoes - 500 g each;
  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • large carrots - 5-6 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 heads;
  • parsley, cilantro, dill, a small piece of hot pepper.

Crushed cabbage, sliced ​​zucchini (with peel), tomatoes, bell peppers are laid in layers in a bowl, sprinkled with plenty of chopped garlic and herbs. Pour cold brine (60 g of salt per 1 liter of water), keep under pressure at room temperature for 3 days, then remove to the cold.

Georgian Spicy Cabbage

A traditional recipe for fermenting spicy cabbage.

  • Cabbage - 8 kg;
  • water - 4 l;
  • sugar and salt - 200 g each;
  • beets - 300 g;
  • horseradish - 100 g;
  • garlic - 200 g;
  • hot pepper - to taste.

Cut the cabbage into 4 parts or large pieces, layer with slices of beets, grated horseradish and chopped garlic, pour warm (40 ° C) brine. Usually sour in a bucket, I put oppression on top and set it for fermentation for 4-5 days. Then it is better to decompose the product into jars and put it in the refrigerator. After 10-12 days, the snack is ready.

What else to pay attention to

Previously, important household chores (and harvesting cabbage for the winter for the family has always been considered the most important task of the hostess) were usually tied to church dates. So, it was customary to ferment cabbage on Pokrova, after the first frost. Today, the influence of the energy and magnetic fields of the Moon is a generally recognized fact. It has been noticed: in order for the cabbage to be crispy, it must be fermented on the growing moon, that is, on the new moon or immediately after it. If, on the contrary, soft cabbage is needed (for saltworts or pies), then it is harvested much later than the new moon. So, favorable days for getting crispy pickles in October 2017 are from 1 to 4 and from 20 to 31, in November - from 1 to 3 and from November 19 to 30.

It's no secret that a properly fermented vegetable holds the record for beneficial effects on the body. According to doctors, eating sauerkraut strengthens the immune system, prevents aging, heals, and has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and the entire body. So delicious crispy cabbage is also an effective doctor for the whole family!

Sauerkraut is not only tasty and inexpensive, but also very healthy. Every housewife tries to prepare such a healthy snack. Not one feast is complete without this fragrant dish. We offer you very tasty recipes for crispy homemade instant sauerkraut in a jar, which are simple and convenient, and the dish turns out just delicious!

You can also cook sour cabbage soup from cabbage, stew with meat, serve as a salad with vegetable oil and green onions to roast pork, fry and use as a filling for pies.

Delicious homemade instant sauerkraut recipe in a jar

It is not necessary to ferment cabbage for a week; you can cook a snack in one or two days. It turns out crispy, fragrant and incredibly tasty.

For cooking you will need:

  • one head of cabbage weighing approximately three kilograms, or several smaller heads;
  • two apples of sweet and sour varieties;
  • one and a half teaspoons of salt;
  • a tablespoon of sugar.

Cooking steps:

  1. Chop the head into thin strips.
  2. Peel apples and seeds.
  3. Cut into slices.
  4. Grate carrots on a coarse grater.
  5. Add salt and sugar to chopped cabbage.
  6. It is good to mash with your hands until the mass releases juice.
  7. Add carrots and apples.
  8. Mix well.
  9. Pack the vegetables tightly into a 3 liter jar.
  10. Leave in a warm place for two days.

Be sure to pierce the mass so that the gas that forms during fermentation comes out. Then put the jar in a cool place - in refrigerators or in the basement.

hot pickle recipe

For homemade sauerkraut according to this very tasty instant recipe in a jar, you need to prepare the following products:

  • cabbage - a head of cabbage weighing approximately 2.5 kilograms;
  • two carrots;
  • a few peas of allspice;
  • two or three laurel leaves.
  • water - 800 ml;
  • one tablespoon of sugar and salt.

Cooking like this:

  • peel the carrots and cut into thin sticks;
  • boil water, add sugar and salt;
  • mix chopped vegetables;
  • add allspice and bay leaf;
  • put in a jar (no need to tamp strongly);
  • very slowly pour hot marinade;
  • so that the jar does not burst, you can pour in the marinade with a tablespoon;
  • put a deep plate under the jar;
  • leave it on the kitchen table.

The next day, gas bubbles form in the jar. To get rid of them, you need to pierce the cabbage with a fork or wooden stick several times a day. After two days, gas bubbles will cease to form, and the jar can be removed to the balcony. Serve the next day.

Recipe with hot pepper and horseradish "Rustic"

The recipe is given for a large number of cans - 3-4 three-liter, but you can reduce the amount of products by half. To prepare this recipe, you need to prepare:

  • heads of cabbage - eight kilograms;
  • 100 grams of greens, horseradish, garlic;
  • 300 grams of beets;
  • one medium sized hot pepper
  • water - four liters;
  • 200 grams of salt and granulated sugar.

Cooking steps:

  1. Cabbage cut into medium-sized squares.
  2. Chop the beets into thin slices.
  3. Grind the garlic, chili pepper and horseradish.
  4. Mix all ingredients.
  5. Put in jars (no need to pack tightly).
  6. Prepare the brine: add salt and sugar to hot water, stir until completely dissolved.
  7. Pour warm brine over vegetables.
  8. Put for two or three days in a warm place.

Then move the jar to the balcony or lower it into the cellar.

Cabbage must be stored in a cool place at a temperature not lower than +1C. If the temperature is below zero, then the structure of vegetables will collapse and the cabbage will become soft and tasteless.

For fermentation it is necessary to use only rock salt. Iodized salt will make cabbage soft and tasteless.

If you pour hot marinade over cabbage, there is a chance that the jar will crack. To prevent this from happening, the jar must be sterilized.

Crispy Sauerkraut: Instant Recipe

This is a dish that can be prepared at any time of the year. You can use it for cooking first courses, for filling pies, and also as an independent dish, if stewed with beef or chicken. Salads prepared on the basis of sauerkraut contain many useful substances and trace elements.

You can make crispy sauerkraut according to an instant recipe in a few hours (if you use vinegar in the marinade), or in a few days (natural fermentation process). Whichever pickling method you choose, the appetizer turns out to be very tasty, crispy and fragrant.

And most importantly, the cooking process is very simple - chop a head of cabbage, chop other vegetables, add spices and be patient. And in a few days (hours) you will receive a healthy, vitamin and light snack containing a minimum amount of calories.

A simple recipe for crispy sauerkraut with cranberries in three days

This is a simple yet delicious quick recipe for crispy homemade sauerkraut with cranberries:

  • head of cabbage weighing two kilograms;
  • two medium-sized carrots;
  • cranberries - 100 grams.
  • a liter of hot boiled water;
  • a tablespoon of sugar;
  • a tablespoon of salt;
  • caraway;
  • three or four bay leaves;
  • black peppercorns.


  • chop the head of cabbage into thin strips;
  • cut carrots into cubes or chop with a coarse grater;
  • dissolve salt and sugar in hot water;
  • mix chopped vegetables in a large bowl;
  • put in a jar in layers;
  • put bay leaf, cumin and pepper between the layers;
  • lightly tamp with a wooden rocking chair;
  • put a handful of cranberries on top;
  • pour warm marinade;
  • leave in the kitchen for two or three days;
  • every day, pierce cabbage with a fork to release the resulting gas;
  • three days later put in a cool place.

Serve with vegetable oil and finely chopped herbs.

Instant sauerkraut in brine

Do you want your family members to be healthy and not catch cold in winter?

Prepare them a wonderful dish rich in nutrients and trace elements - instant sauerkraut in brine. A crunchy, fragrant and very healthy snack should be consumed almost every day, especially in winter, when the body does not receive enough vitamins.

You can cook sauerkraut in various ways and according to various recipes. According to the traditional recipe (dry fermentation), the appetizer should be fermented for at least a week. And if you want to pamper yourself with homemade pies with cabbage, but there is no cabbage? You can buy a snack in the store, but most often there it is oversalted and acidified. Therefore, make your own crunchy and flavorful kale using quick fermentation recipes that will allow you to bake pies in just a few hours.

Instant sauerkraut with carrots in brine without vinegar

Despite the fact that fermentation does not take place traditionally, but with the use of vinegar, the appetizer turns out to be just delicious!


  • a head of cabbage weighing two and a half kilograms or several smaller heads of cabbage;
  • one large carrot;
  • two tablespoons of sugar and so much salt.


  • chop heads of cabbage and carrots into thin strips;
  • mix with salt and rub lightly with your hands;
  • put in dense layers in a jar or pan;
  • dilute salt in warm water (liter);
  • pour brine;
  • leave in the kitchen for a day or two;
  • during this time, pierce the mass several times with a sharp knife or wooden stick to release carbon dioxide;
  • after two days, drain the brine, heat slightly and dissolve sugar in it;
  • cool and pour cabbage;
  • keep warm for 8-10 hours;
  • close with a nylon lid and put in the refrigerator or on the balcony.

Instant Sauerkraut Recipe in Vinegar Brine

Guests are on the doorstep, and you don't have enough salads and snacks on the table? Don't despair, cook sauerkraut in brine with instant vinegar in just a few hours. To do this, you need to prepare the following products:

  • a head of cabbage weighing one and a half kilograms;
  • half a head of garlic;
  • medium sized carrots;
  • black peppercorns and allspice - to taste;
  • a few leaves of laurel;
  • 900 ml of water;
  • half a glass of olive oil;
  • a tablespoon of salt and the same amount of sugar;
  • a bunch of fresh dill.

We prepare as follows:

  • vegetables - cabbage, carrots and garlic - cut into strips;
  • chop greens;
  • put in a deep bowl, mix;
  • prepare a brine: dissolve salt, sugar in hot water;
  • add spices;
  • pour hot brine over vegetables;
  • cover with a flat dish, put a load (cobblestone or a jar of water);
  • after three to five hours, the snack can already be served on the table;
  • Put the rest of the mass in jars and hide in the refrigerator.

Do you want cabbage to have a rich taste and aroma? Add one green apple, cut into thin slices, a handful of cranberries, or one bell pepper, cut into strips, to the vegetables.


The shelf life of instant cabbage is no more than two weeks in a cool place.

Sauerkraut with Vinegar: A Quick Recipe

Crispy sauerkraut according to an instant recipe in a jar is prepared very simply, and after a couple of hours you can treat your loved ones with a vitamin and healthy snack.

Instant sauerkraut crispy with garlic

For cooking, you need to prepare the following products:

  • cabbage - one kilogram;
  • three to four cloves of garlic;
  • two large carrots.

For filling:

  • 500 ml of water;
  • half a glass of vegetable oil;
  • three tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • a tablespoon of salt;
  • ten tablespoons of vinegar.

Cooking like this:

  • chop vegetables into thin strips;
  • skip the garlic through the press;
  • put the prepared ingredients in an enamel saucepan;
  • pour water into a bowl, add salt, sugar, vegetable oil, mix and put on a small fire so that the marinade boils;
  • remove from heat and add vinegar;
  • pour cabbage with hot marinade;
  • put a flat dish on top of the cabbage and put a load;
  • after three hours, cabbage can be served on the table;
  • Keep refrigerated.

Instant Cabbage with Cumin and Vinegar Essence Pickle

To prepare a very tasty crispy sauerkraut according to a quick recipe in a jar, you need:

  1. Chop a kilo of cabbage.
  2. Grind one medium-sized carrot on a coarse grater.
  3. Cut one onion into half rings.
  4. Transfer the cabbage to a bowl and mash well with your hands.
  5. Then mix cabbage with carrots.
  6. Add peppercorns, a couple of bay leaves, half a teaspoon of cumin, a pinch of Provence herbs. Mix.
  7. Tamp the cabbage tightly into liter jars.
  8. Prepare the marinade: dissolve two tablespoons of salt and a spoonful of granulated sugar in a liter of hot water.
  9. Add one tablespoon of vinegar essence.
  10. Cool the marinade.
  11. Pour into jars in a thin stream so that the marinade completely covers the cabbage.
  12. Use a spoon or knife to release excess air from the cabbage.
  13. Close tightly with a capron lid and put in the refrigerator.
  14. After two or three hours, you can take a sample - the cabbage is ready.


People who are sick with gastritis or pancreatitis should refrain from eating cabbage. And if you suffer from high blood pressure or you have diseased kidneys, then before eating sauerkraut, rinse it from salt under running water. Drain in a colander to drain excess liquid. Season with butter, sprinkle with finely chopped onions and enjoy a vitamin salad.

The appetizer goes well with meat dishes, as it contains vitamin B6, which contributes to the rapid absorption of protein. Sauerkraut strengthens the immune system, which reduces the risk of colds. In the absence of appetite, doctors recommend drinking cabbage pickle every day. And if you're looking to shed a few extra pounds, then sauerkraut is perfect for dinner or lunch because it's not only low-calorie, it's filling too.

Cooking sauerkraut is not at all difficult. It is enough to finely chop a head of cabbage using a special grater, and add an apple, lettuce pepper, pumpkin and cranberry or mountain ash (if it is not bitter) for flavor. To get a more piquant and spicy taste of cabbage, you can add various spices to it - chili pepper, garlic, cumin, allspice, cloves.


In the winter season, sauerkraut must be included in the daily diet. Since it contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals that strengthen the immune system and protect the body from viral infections.

And for those who are on a diet, sauerkraut will help get rid of excess weight. After all, cabbage salad with a little oil is a low-calorie and light dish. A piece of boiled meat and a small portion of cabbage is a great dinner for those who want to be in shape and have a great figure.

And for even and smooth facial skin, as well as for getting rid of small pimples and acne, sauerkraut brine is perfect. Apply a small amount of brine for ten to fifteen minutes on the face and rinse with warm water. The brine dries the skin, removes oily sheen and tightens pores.

We hope we were able to convince you that pickling vegetables is a simple matter. Our delicious, quick recipes for homemade crispy sauerkraut in a jar will help you spoil your home with a great vitamin snack all winter long.

In winter, when foods lack vitamins, sauerkraut has long been the main food. This is one of the main dishes of many peoples of Europe and Asia. Despite the fact that it is a simple food, sauerkraut was eaten not only by the poor, but also by rich people. Indeed, in addition to a large number of vitamins, it contains a lot of fiber, organic acids and trace elements. Therefore, every housewife should know how to

This unique vegetable is one of the oldest on earth. Now there are hundreds distributed around the world. It is useful fresh, and often its juice is used to treat certain diseases. But one of the most useful dishes is sauerkraut, because when pickled, it increases the content of vitamin C and useful organic acids. Fiber goes into a more easily digestible form, and brine improves digestion. But in order for all the beneficial properties to be preserved for a long time, you need to know how to properly ferment cabbage at home so that it does not turn sour and is crispy.

To do this, you need to choose the right cooking time and the vegetable itself. When can you pickle cabbage? It is best to do this on a growing moon, on Monday or Tuesday. Most often, salting is done in late autumn, because early varieties are unsuitable for harvesting - they are loose and contain little sugar. You need to choose a dense head of cabbage, clean at the cut. Remove all upper leaves, dark spots and stalk. Taste the cabbage - if it is juicy and tasty, then feel free to start pickling.

How to ferment cabbage at home so that it can be stored for a long time and be tasty? Different housewives have their own salting recipes. You can cook finely chopped or shredded cabbage, but you can even pickle it with whole heads of cabbage. Carrots are most often taken as additives, it gives the dish a pleasant color and sweetness. But you can ferment cabbage without it, as well as with cranberries, apples, horseradish, lingonberries or beets. Sometimes they make it even without salt, but such a dish is not stored for a long time.

It is very easy to ferment cabbage at home. For 5 kilograms, take 4 medium carrots and 3 tablespoons of fine salt. It is not recommended to use iodized salt, the quality of cabbage will decrease. You will also need an enamel pan, it is better if the enamel is not damaged. Cabbage is chopped finely or coarsely, as you like, carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater. Before laying in a container, they must be mixed well with salt, crushed a little with your hands so that juice appears. Strongly knead the cabbage is not recommended, because it will turn out soft.

You need to lay the cabbage in layers, sprinkling with grated carrots and well
ramming. Put a fresh leaf on top and put oppression. It is important that all the cabbage is covered with juice. Usually the fermentation process lasts 3 days. The readiness of the dish is determined by the color of the brine - it should be transparent. Be sure to pierce the cabbage to the bottom with a knife every day so that gases come out.

Many housewives are interested in how to ferment cabbage quickly? There is a recipe in which the dish is ready in a few hours. To do this, chopped cabbage must be mixed not only with carrots, but also with garlic. After laying in a jar, it is poured with hot brine. To prepare it, in addition to salt, you need to take sugar, nine percent vinegar, as well as any vegetable oil. Sometimes hot or allspice peppers and other spices are also added to taste.

Sauerkraut is a great winter dish. It improves digestion, helps to lose weight, boosts immunity and stops the growth of cancer cells. It relieves the condition in diseases of the liver and stomach, improves the condition of the skin and heals burns. Therefore, every housewife should know how to properly ferment cabbage at home, and delight her loved ones with a healthy and tasty dish.

Sauerkraut is a great snack and a rich source of vitamins, which are so lacking in winter. You can cook a lot of dishes with sauerkraut, cook soups with it, cook main dishes, bake pies.

It takes up to several weeks to prepare an appetizer in the usual way, but quick recipes are also known and there are many of them. We offer six of the most popular cabbage sourdough recipes in accelerated ways.

Instant Sauerkraut Recipes - General Technological Principles

For a long time, wooden containers have been used for sauerkraut, but modern housewives prefer to do it in enameled pots. There is a certain nuance, the enamel should not be damaged, otherwise the snack will get an unpleasant taste from the interaction of acids with the metal. The most common option for sauerkraut in a quick way in glass jars.

It is important which cabbage to take for quick fermentation. Strong dense forks of autumn varieties of vegetables are ideal for sourdough cabbage in quick ways. They are white in color and their leaves are usually juicier.

In preparation for salting, the forks are washed well and the top leaves are necessarily removed. Cut in half, remove the stalk, then chop or cut into pieces of the desired size. Cabbage can be chopped with a knife or a special shredder, cut into checkers or large pieces.

If vegetables or apples are added, their amount should not exceed 3% of the mass of prepared cabbage. To speed up fermentation, cabbage is poured with hot brine, in which, in addition to salt, sugar is also dissolved. Vinegar is often added to such a dressing, less often vegetable oil.

The optimum temperature for rapid fermentation should not be below 24 degrees, so containers with cabbage are left warm, and after they are ready, they are placed in the refrigerator.

Instant sauerkraut recipe - two days


Five kilos of white cabbage;

300 grams of sweet carrots.

To prepare brine, per liter of purified water:

Spoon without a hill of sugar;

Two full spoons of garden salt.

Cooking method:

1. After washing the forks, remove the upper dense leaves. Cut the head of cabbage and chop finely. It is convenient to use a special shredder or potato peeler for these purposes, although this can be done neatly and simply with a sharp knife.

2. After peeling the carrots, rub the root crop into a large grater or thinly cut into strips.

3. Having combined cabbage and carrots in a wide bowl, mix thoroughly. If the cabbage is hard, lightly crush it with your hands. We spread the vegetables in a container for pickling and prepare the brine.

4. Fill the pan with two liters of water, add salt and pour sugar. Stirring, bring to a boil, then pour over the cabbage. If there is not enough brine, and it should completely cover the vegetables, you can slowly prepare an additional portion.

5. Having covered the cabbage with a plate of a suitable diameter or a wooden circle, press down a little. We place a small load on top and leave it warm for two days.

6. We move the container with pickled cabbage for storage in a cool place.

Instant spicy sauerkraut: sourdough recipe in a jar


A large fork of white cabbage;

Two leaves of lavrushka;

Three large carrots;

Two small pods of hot pepper;

Six peas of allspice.

In brine:

Two teaspoons of boiled (fine) salt;

Liter of settled drinking water.

Cooking method:

1. Using a special tool or a knife, thinly chop the cabbage. Grind the carrots on a coarse grater or rub on the one that is used to prepare carrots in Korean.

2. After pouring carrots and cabbage into a spacious bowl, mix well. If in the previous recipe it was necessary to knead the cabbage a little, then this time, on the contrary, mix gently. It is best to do this with your hands, "fluffing" the vegetables.

3. Put the vegetable mixture in a clean three-liter jar, fill halfway and lightly tamp. Lay a leaf of lavrushka, a hot pod and three peas of pepper on top. We fill the jar a centimeter below the shoulders with the remaining cabbage, lightly tamp it down and lay out the spices. Don't forget to put hot pepper, although if you don't like hot pepper, don't put it at all.

4. Cooking brine for cabbage. We dissolve salt in cool, preferably room temperature water, the brine should be a little saltier than the cabbage you want to get. Pour the brine into a jar, and do it gradually. First, pour in about a third of the brine, carefully pierce the cabbage layer with a long stick and slightly push the cabbage apart so that the water fills all the voids. After that, pour out all the brine, fill the jar without adding 1 cm to the neck.

5. We put the container in a deep dish, bowl or pan and, without covering, leave it warm. Every day, day and evening, we slightly push the cabbage layers apart with a stick to release the gases. We hold out for three days.

6. Store in the refrigerator, under a tightly closed, preferably non-metallic, lid.

Instant Sauerkraut: A Recipe with Garlic and Vinegar in 5 Hours


A kilogram of late cabbage;

Two large carrots;

To fill:

Half a glass of unrefined sugar;

Half a liter of drinking water;

Black pepper - five peas;

A spoonful of large "salting" salt;

Allspice - 4 peas;

Half a glass of refined oil;

Ten tablespoons of food vinegar.

Cooking method:

2. After mixing the vegetables in a large bowl, press four large cloves of garlic into the same place with a press and mix again. It is convenient to do it by hand.

3. Bringing water to a boil, dilute sugar and salt, add oil and vinegar, lower the peppercorns. After stirring, boil the brine for at least a minute.

4. Pour cabbage with hot filling, cover with a suitable plate and put a load on top of it. We insist instant cabbage for at least 5 hours at ordinary room temperature. Then we transfer it to a glass jar and put it away for storage, tightly corking.

Instant sauerkraut: a recipe with beets and garlic in a sauce with vinegar


Two kilograms of fresh cabbage;

Large head of garlic;

Two large beets;

Six peas of pepper;

0.5 tablespoons of cumin (optional).

Brine, per liter of filtered water:

Spoonful of sugar;

35 ml of food vinegar;

Two spoons without a hill of garden salt.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the head of cabbage into checkers - square slices, up to 4 cm in size.

2. We clean the beets, wash them. We rub one root crop with the help of the largest grater, cut the other into thin strips. Finely chop the peeled garlic cloves.

3. We wash a three-liter jar in hot water with soda, wipe it dry with a towel. On the bottom of the container, lay out the chopped beets and garlic, add peppercorns and spices (cumin).

4. Tightly, without tamping, we put cabbage in a jar. There should be some space between the pieces for pouring. Put grated beets on top of the cabbage.

5. We prepare the fill. Bring a liter of water to a boil, pour sugar into it, then salt, stir, completely dissolving the bulk components. Pour in the vinegar and bring back to almost a boil, but do not boil.

6. Pour hot filling into a jar of vegetables. Having tied the neck with several layers of gauze, we leave it to salt for two days in warmth. Then we put it in the refrigerator, where we store it under a nylon lid.

Instant sauerkraut: Georgian recipe in twelve hours


Large fork of white cabbage;

small carrot;

Dark beets - a large root crop;

onion head;

Hot pepper - 1-2 small pods;

Black or, optionally, allspice - 5 peas.

For dressing with one liter of water:

A glass of vinegar;

Coarse salt - 2 full spoons;

Half a cup of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. We clean, thinly cutting off a layer of peel, carrots, beets and onions. We cut the carrots into thin circles, the beets into strips, and the onions into half rings.

2. Peeled large cloves of garlic, in the amount of 5-6 pieces, are pressed with a special device into a small bowl. Alternatively, finely chop with a knife.

3. Cut the cabbage forks into four parts and completely remove the stalk. We cut the cabbage into large pieces.

4. Put the vegetables in a large bowl, add hot and pea peppers, spread the garlic. Mix everything thoroughly, you do not need to crush the cabbage. Packing tightly, we fill a three-liter jar with a vegetable mass, do not tamp.

5. Dilute the indicated amount of salt and unrefined sugar in a liter of water. Bring the dressing to a boil, if rubbish has collected at the bottom, filter and boil again. After mixing the hot filling with vinegar, pour it into a jar of cabbage.

6. Having corked with a clean lid, leave it warm for 12 hours to “ripen”.

Instant sauerkraut: a recipe without adding vinegar with apples

Ingredients per liter jar:

Sweet and sour apples - 200 gr.;

50 gr. carrots;

A spoonful of sugar;

White cabbage without stalk - 700 gr.;

Two umbrellas of carnation;

Allspice - two peas;

A spoonful of special salt for pickling and salting.

Cooking method:

1. Thinly chopped cabbage, transfer to a spacious bowl.

2. Coarsely rub the carrots there and mix.

3. We wash the apples, cut into six slices, remove the core.

4. We spread half of the cabbage in a clean liter jar, on top of it slices of apples and cabbage again. Lay tightly, lightly tamping the cabbage layers.

5. Pour sugar and salt into the container, put peppercorns and cloves on top of the cabbage. Pour hot water so that it completely covers the top cabbage layer.

6. We tighten the neck of the jar with gauze and put it closer to the heat for two days. Several times during the day we pierce the mass with a wooden torch to release the air that has accumulated inside.

Instant Sauerkraut Recipes - Useful Tips and Tricks

It is strictly forbidden to use aluminum utensils for sourdough cabbage in quick ways. Such a metal, upon contact with acid, quickly oxidizes, and even the fastest cabbage will have time to acquire a grayish tint and an unpleasant metallic taste.

Before shredding the forks, tear off and try one sheet. If the pulp is juicy, with a slightly sweet taste, you can ferment. Not juicy, tasteless cabbage is best stewed with fatty pork.

It is best to store sauerkraut prepared according to accelerated recipes in the refrigerator, tightly closing glass jars with nylon lids.

Sauerkraut is one of the most useful and delicious preparations for the winter. It is a complete source of vitamins and minerals. It can be eaten on its own, added to soups, used as a filling for pies. Several recipes have been developed on how to ferment cabbage so that it is crispy. It is enough to choose the method that suits you and strictly adhere to it.

To deliciously ferment cabbage, you need to take into account many aspects. Even the quality of salt can sometimes affect the result. When preparing, follow these guidelines:

By adhering to such simple rules, how to properly ferment cabbage, you will be able to get an excellent snack. It will decorate not only everyday, but also a festive table.

Classic recipe

The most common way to ferment cabbage so that it is crispy is to use the classic recipe. You will need a minimum set of components:

  • head of cabbage weighing 4 kg;
  • five pieces of carrots;
  • salt and sugar 4 tablespoons each.

The whole cooking process can be divided into several stages:

You can store cabbage for storage after the end of the fermentation process. Close the jar with a plastic lid and place in a cool place. This cabbage sourdough recipe takes about 4-5 days to make.

Recipe with garlic

One of the ways to make sauerkraut tasty is a recipe with the addition of garlic. The finished snack acquires an original taste and aroma. You will need the following components:

  • cabbage forks weighing about three kilograms;
  • three - four carrots;
  • half a liter of pure water;
  • 100 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 100 ml of vinegar;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • a couple of laurel leaves;
  • one and a half tablespoons of coarse salt;
  • 4 spoons of sugar.

The method of fermenting cabbage so that it is crispy is extremely simple. The whole process consists of the following steps:

Such an appetizer can be served at the table a few hours after preparation. This recipe is rightfully considered the best way to quickly ferment cabbage.

Cabbage in honey brine

To prepare a delicious savory snack, a cabbage sourdough recipe in a jar with honey is suitable. You will need very few ingredients:

  • cabbage forks weighing three kilograms;
  • one large carrot;
  • a tablespoon of salt;
  • 700 ml of water;
  • a tablespoon of honey.

The cooking process takes place in several key stages:

Such an appetizer should ferment during the day. After that, it can be stored in a cool place.

spicy cabbage

If you love spicy savory snacks, then this recipe is just what you need. Cabbage turns out unusually crispy and juicy. For cooking, you need a minimum of ingredients:

  • a pair of cabbage forks weighing no more than 2 kg each;
  • two capsicums;
  • kilogram of carrots;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • half a glass of salt.

The cooking process is simple. It consists of the following steps:

Choose the way that suits you best, how to ferment cabbage deliciously and you can surprise your guests with an interesting snack. She will be in demand at any feast.

Video recipe for fermenting cabbage in old Russian
