
Sweet pasta recipe. French Sweets: How to Make Macarons

Preparing a sweet pasta casserole in the oven or slow cooker. The cooking process is as simple as possible - mix the ingredients and bake, and in original recipe only pasta, eggs and sugar are used. But there can be many cooking options - with cottage cheese, fruits or berries, with cream cheese, upside down or puff. How to figure it out, having such huge selection? Below are the most popular recipes. Choose the one that suits you best: classic, sweet pasta and cottage cheese casserole, with apples, or experiment - add ingredients to your taste.

3 secrets to the perfect casserole

  • Macaroni should be cooked until half cooked. This way they will keep their shape when baked. Completely cooked, they can dissolve in the filling during the baking process, and the casserole will lose its attractive appearance.
  • You can use any pasta. Experiment - there are many varieties and types of different shapes and sizes. For example, children are very fond of sweet casserole from small vermicelli or “bows”, and “feathers” are perfect for an inverted one.
  • Sprinkle the top with sugar. When baking in the oven when exposed to high temperature the sugar will melt, caramelize and create a crispy crust on the surface.

Sweet pasta casserole in the oven

Classic for children

This is the dessert recipe kindergarten. Even a novice hostess can handle it, it is also perfect for joint cooking with children.

You will need:

  • pasta - 200 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • milk 3.2% - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • butter- 60 g (leave 10 g for mold lubrication).


  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
  2. Boil pasta. For such a quantity of dry products, 1 liter of water is required, which must be slightly salted. Cook for 8 to 12 minutes, depending on the shape and size, then drain the water, season with butter and let cool.
  3. Prepare the filling for the casserole. In a deep plate or bowl, mix eggs with sugar until it is completely dissolved. Add milk to the mixture and mix thoroughly again.
  4. Grease the bottom and sides of the mold with butter and lay out the cooled pasta. Top with a mixture of eggs and milk with sugar.
  5. Bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

The finished pastry should be allowed to cool so that the egg-milk mixture freezes well - then it can be cut into even pieces. Serve with sour cream, honey or jam.

with apples

This dessert is served in the form of an inverted casserole, and is more like birthday cake, and preparing is much easier than ordinary charlotte.

You will need:

  • boiled pasta- 500 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • cream 20% - 150 ml;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • apple - 2 medium;
  • vanilla sugar- 10 g (can be replaced with vanillin - 1 g);
  • ground cinnamon - 5 g;
  • butter - 10 g (for lubrication of the mold).


  1. Mix eggs with sugar and cream. Add vanilla sugar and cinnamon there.
  2. Grease the bottom of the mold with butter and sprinkle with sugar.
  3. Peel the apples from the peel and core, cut into thin slices.
  4. At the bottom of the form, carefully place the slices of apples, then the pasta and egg filling, place in a preheated oven.
  5. Cook the flip-flop casserole for about 30 minutes at 180 degrees. It is especially necessary to carefully monitor the bottom of the mold - sugar can melt and burn.

Cool the casserole until room temperature and turn over and place on a platter. apple slices will be caramelized with melted sugar and butter. It looks very appetizing. This dish looks beautiful and is perfect for any holiday.

You can cook pasta casserole both in a slow cooker and in the oven, it depends on your capabilities and desires. The main advantage of the oven will be a crispy crust on the surface, and multicookers - the softness and tenderness of the dessert.

With cottage cheese in a multicooker

This casserole will ideal option for a children's diet, especially when using a slow cooker - it produces excellent sweet cottage cheese casseroles with pasta, fluffy and tender.

You will need:

  • boiled pasta - 400 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • milk 3.2% - 200 ml;
  • cottage cheese 5% - 200 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
  • butter - 30 g.


  1. Mix sugar with egg, add milk and stir until sugar dissolves.
  2. Make cottage cheese homogeneous - for this, use a meat grinder or a sieve.
  3. Mix cottage cheese with egg-sugar mixture, add vanilla sugar. Once again, mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Mix the curd mixture with pasta and put in a bowl. Spread the butter, cut into small pieces, on top.
  5. Set the multicooker to the "Baking" mode, cook for 60 minutes, or "Steam" - for 1 hour and 20 minutes. This sweet treat is best served with sour cream.

This recipe is great when kids don't want to eat cottage cheese - there's a good chance they'll love the sweet pasta casserole in the slow cooker. In addition, you can add chopped fruit or chocolate, raisins, nuts, garnish with whipped cream and colorful sprinkles to make the dessert more attractive and appetizing for the child.

Favorite recipe sweet casserole pasta can be varied additional ingredients which makes this dessert unique. So, with dried fruits, nuts and spices, the casserole will become more piquant, and with cream cheese and coconut flakes succeed the most delicate pudding. Try new things, create, surprise yourself and your loved ones!

The classic recipe macarons are based on Italian meringue, therefore, to prepare this cake, it is advisable to purchase a pastry thermometer, since it is very important to correctly determine the temperature of the syrup being prepared. Italian meringue pasta is more stable. For french meringue You don’t need to boil the syrup, the proteins are simply whipped with sugar.

In the preparation of pasta, accuracy is important, each gram of the product is worth its weight in gold, be meticulous in weighing the ingredients. Accurate kitchen scales are not a whim, but a strict necessity.

IN this case fragrant ganache is used as a filling, it should be prepared the day before so that the ganache has time to settle and acquire the desired consistency.

So first you need to mix almond flour and powder. Sift, warm for 3 minutes at 120 degrees.

Then add dye and protein No. 1. It is worth noting that in order to good result not worth taking fresh eggs, the protein should be “aged”, let the proteins stand outside the refrigerator for at least a day, be sure to close the container tightly so that a crust does not form. In his book "Macaron", Pierre Herme advises to age proteins in the refrigerator for one week.

Now you need to cook the syrup. To do this, mix sugar and water, pour the pan on medium fire.

Heat up to 110-114 degrees.

Separately, start beating whites No. 2 until foam appears.
Start pouring the syrup in a thin stream, without touching the walls of the bowl and whisks of the mixer, so that the syrup does not splatter. Beat until the meringue cools (7-10 minutes to a temperature of 30-35 degrees).

Mix the almond flour and everything in the bowl. Gradually fold in the meringue. Knead until the state of "heavy tape", clockwise, while twisting the bowl counterclockwise. The measure is important here, the main thing is not to mix, if the ingredients form a homogeneous mass, it flows like a tape, immediately stop kneading.

Fill the pastry bag with a flat round nozzle with a diameter of 8-10 mm. Transfer the dough into a bag. Drop the pasta into checkerboard pattern(this way air circulation will be better and the pasta will be baked evenly). In order for the pasta to turn out the same size, you can draw circles on parchment paper and deposit the dough in them. Now there are special silicone mats for pasta, they immediately outline the boundaries of the cake.

After jigging, be sure to tap each side of the baking sheet on the table several times so that the dough spreads evenly and the resulting tails and excess air are removed. Some masters advise leaving the deposited pasta at room temperature for about an hour to form a crust. In my experiments, this was not required, the cakes rose, the skirt formed, the surface was smooth.

Preheat the oven to 145-150 degrees, convection mode (if any). Of course, here you need to know your oven thoroughly, you need to bake several times to understand which mode is suitable for baking these French pastries. Bake the pasta for twelve to fourteen minutes: first 7 minutes, and then turn the pan 180 degrees and bake the remaining time.

Remove the sheets from the baking sheet after baking, wait for the blanks to cool, and only then remove from the paper (or silicone mat). During baking, you can watch the halves rise and form a skirt. If it is not there, then there may be a number of reasons for this: the ingredients were weighed incorrectly, the dough was not kneaded enough (too tight), low temperature baking.

Let's make ganache. Grind raspberries, punch in a blender, rub through a sieve, add sugar to taste. Boil the cream, pour it over the dark chocolate, stir. Mix gently with raspberry puree. Whisk. cover cling film and leave for a day, then the ganache will become plastic and will keep its shape well.

Choose the size of pasta halves according to the classic recipe. Fill pastry bag ganache, squeeze ganache on one of the half, press down with the second half. It is delicious to put a fresh berry in the center of the filling, it will give bright taste and aroma.

Total estimated cost of products as of 05.05.15: 550 rubles.

I wanted to cook something unusual. On the Internet I came across a recipe for pasta with raspberries. The pictures looked interesting and colorful, and the recipe itself was described as “very tasty, satisfying and easy.” Well, actually, that's why I decided to cook.

This dish is my first experience of crossing something sweet with pasta, both in the history of "pasta mania" recipes and just in my whole life (not counting milk soup with pasta, in which only sugar is added).

Looking ahead, I’ll say right away that this recipe is specific and not to everyone's taste. But it's worth a try just to see if you like it. taste buds combinations of this bundle of ingredients. If this is “yours”, then new opportunities will open up for you to experiment with already familiar and new dishes with pasta and more.

Subjectively, sweet pasta with cream sauce and raspberries is very varied in taste. The sourness of lime and raspberry is replaced by the sweetness of honey, and a second later it returns with renewed vigor. This whole range is wrapped in creamy sauce, cinnamon aroma and pasta. In general, extremely unusual. But still, I would not repeat this particular recipe in the future, since pasta with meat, familiar vegetables and sauces like more =).

About the ingredients:

Sweet pasta with raspberries in a creamy sauce. Step by step preparation:

    Put a pot of cold non-salty water on a strong flame, at the rate of a liter of water per 100 grams of pasta.

    Put 2/3 of a raspberry or other berry in a bowl and add 3-4 tablespoons of honey there. The rest of the berries will go to decorate the finished dish.

    After the water boils, pour the selected type of pasta into the pan. It will need to be boiled at the rate of minus 1-2 minutes from the time indicated on the package or until “al dente” state. The easiest way to check if the pasta is done is to check for teeth, it should still be slightly elastic. The pasta will “reach” after being combined with the future creamy sauce.

    While the maccheroncini or other pasta is cooking, grate the zest of one lime or lemon.

    Put the pan or pot on slow fire. Pour cream into it, add cinnamon and grated citrus zest.

    Drain cooked pasta in a colander and return to the pot it was cooked in.

    As soon as the cream begins to boil, turn off the heat, remove and discard the cinnamon.

    add cream sauce into the saucepan with the pasta and mix the contents of the saucepan thoroughly.

    Squeeze in the juice of a lime or lemon. Add raspberries to honey and stir again.

    Sweet pasta with raspberries in a creamy sauce ready.

    Put pasta on a plate, raspberries set aside earlier, mint leaves (if they were purchased).

    Try new things, live deliciously and buon appetito!

Most of you have probably known this recipe since childhood. Our grandmothers cooked sweet pasta in Soviet times when such a dish perfectly replaced a candy or dessert for a child. Undoubtedly, times have changed. But the food itself is delicious.

Of course, it can hardly be called the most useful, but more harmful than candy and other modern store sweets it definitely won't. Yes, and as a dessert, the dish is quite suitable (especially in combination with such useful products like cottage cheese, honey and cinnamon). Well, let's try to cook?

Sweet pasta. Basic recipe

For the dish, we need: half a pack (200-250 grams) of pasta, a little salt, a couple of tablespoons of butter, half a glass of granulated sugar (if possible, you can add vanilla on the tip of a knife).

  1. Pour pasta into boiling water with salt, cook until tender (cooking time is usually indicated on the package). In the first few minutes of cooking, they must be carefully stirred so that they do not stick together - clockwise.
  2. Cover the cooked pasta in a saucepan with a lid and let stand for two minutes.
  3. We discard the product in a colander and return it back to the pan.
  4. Combine pasta and sugar in a bowl, stirring again to melt.
  5. Drizzle sweet pasta (while hot) with butter. And when serving, lay out on plates (if desired, you can pour sour cream).

Improved meal option

You can cook pasta not just with granulated sugar, but try to improve the old Soviet recipe and fry sweet pasta in sugar caramel. And then serve to the table, sprinkling fragrant cinnamon. Just lick your fingers!

Need to take: figured from wheat durum varieties(better fried and do not stick together), granulated sugar, butter, a little cinnamon. Add salt to taste while cooking.

Cooking is simple

sweet treats

Can you still cook this dish using an ingredient such as cottage cheese. It is better to take a granular product of the "market" type, but if there is no market nearby, then shop cottage cheese from a pack will do. The main thing is that it should not be pasty.

We leave all other ingredients, as in the first version of the recipe. Let's do it step by step. And in the final, we fall asleep with crumbs (or grains) of cottage cheese, a portioned dessert dish laid out on plates. In this case, sweet pasta will not only be tasty, but also healthy for your child.

The nuances of cooking

For the dish, you should choose pasta of firm varieties and not too big size. And more interesting for children will be products unusual shapes: bows and spirals, gears and letters.

You can also pour sweet pasta with condensed milk or sprinkle with cocoa (then you can put less sugar). And also - to decorate this simple dessert fresh berries, pour liquid jam. Good for filling and thick jams. But this is optional, according to personal wishes and tastes (for example, your child). Some kids just love sweet pasta sprinkled with grated cheese and flavored with crumbs. white chocolate. Or maybe they will like a dish sprinkled with honey? In general, start with a classic recipe, and then you can experiment. Bon appetit everyone!

Miniature macaron cake gourmet dessert originally from France. Two halves air cookies made from almond flour and rich chocolate ganache, which holds them together ... Today I will share with you a step-by-step recipe for the famous Macarons that have won the hearts of many sweet teeth.

Before writing a recipe for Macaroni cakes, I thought for a long time how to describe the process in detail and in detail. I think I'll settle for the golden mean - I hope that 30 steps will be enough to achieve a positive result. In general, frankly, I'm far from an expert in cooking this. homemade dessert- successful Macaron cakes (Macaron) turned out for me only with ... 4 times.

I cannot but draw your attention to the fact that in the preparation of this capricious delicacy - great amount nuances and subtleties. It would seem that you do everything according to the recipe, the author of which you trust as yourself, and still nothing happens ... This time I cooked Macaron cakes according to the recipe of my dear friend Lenochka Funk (thank you very much!), And the result is in front of you.

What are the pitfalls encountered in the preparation of this french dessert? First of all, without weights (with a division of 1 gram), you can not even try to start. So to say, measuring products "by eye" - immediately disappears. Accuracy, accuracy and again accuracy is one of necessary conditions this recipe.

You can do without a cooking thermometer only if you are friends with the meringue, because you will need to boil the syrup correctly. Almond flour, of course, can be prepared at home, but for the first time, I still recommend buying it in the store. Well, read about everything else in step by step recipe pasta cakes, otherwise I probably already killed you with my long introduction.


Almond Dough:

Italian meringue:

Chocolate ganache:

Cooking step by step with photos:

To make macaroni cakes, we need following products: almond flour, egg whites, icing sugar, granulated sugar and water. I intentionally did not take pictures of the ingredients for the chocolate ganache, as I was not sure that at least the fourth time the result would please.

Preparing pasta dough. To begin with, we weigh exactly 100 grams of almond flour and powdered sugar.

Sift the flour with powder through a fine sieve - two or three times. This is done in order to get rid of large pieces that are always in almond flour. If they remain in the sieve, you can simply grind the small parts in a coffee grinder (then pass through the sieve again) or replace the already sifted flour with the same amount.

As a result, in a bowl there will be exactly 200 grams of a homogeneous dry mixture consisting of almond flour and powdered sugar. Double or even triple sifting is necessary to ensure that the surface of the cakes remains smooth and even.

We add 37 grams to the dry mixture (no more, no less, but exactly 37!) egg whites and while we leave everything on the table. A small digression: when preparing pasta cakes, most often cooks use aged proteins - that is, they leave them at room temperature in a bowl, covered with cling film or a saucer, which is pierced with a toothpick. Due to such manipulation, the structure of the protein seems to change and when whipped, it turns out to be smoother. I use ancient proteins in general, if I may say so. The fact is that when cooking, sometimes I only need yolks, then I freeze the whites and store them in the freezer for several months. When I need them, in the evening I move them to the refrigerator, where the proteins spend the night safely and are completely defrosted.

We turn to the preparation of Italian meringue - that's it protein cream will become the second component of the dough for pasta cakes. In a small saucepan or stewpan, pour 27 milliliters (sounds funny, but it’s necessary) of water and pour 100 grams granulated sugar. Place the saucepan over medium heat and bring the mixture to a boil. From now on sugar syrup cook on low heat for about 5-6 minutes. If you have a cooking thermometer, wait until 110 degrees is the ideal temperature for sugar syrup. Or do a soft ball test - drop the syrup into a bowl of ice water, then take between your fingers and roll. If you get a soft ball, the syrup is ready. Of course, if you are constantly cooking custard types meringues, then you can safely work without a thermometer, but for beginners it is vital when preparing these cakes.

When the temperature of the syrup reaches about 90-95 degrees, it's time to beat the egg whites (room temperature). Whipping utensils must be clean, dry and free of grease. We start and continue to beat the whites at high speeds, without changing the speed until the very end. At first, the proteins will become cloudy and a light foam will appear, then gradually the mass will begin to turn white and noticeably increase in volume, turning into a snow-white, persistent and dense foam.

At this time, sugar syrup will be prepared. Let's take it off the stove...

And pour in a thin stream into the already dense proteins, which are still continuing to whip. It is important to pour hot syrup exactly in the middle between the walls of the dishes and the beaters. If it hits the wall, it immediately crystallizes, and if it hits the whisk, it cools down quickly and wraps itself with caramel thread. I have a small amount of However, the syrup got on the wall, as it is extremely inconvenient to hold the camera in one hand, and in the second a heavy saucepan with hot syrup.

We return to the almond base - with the help of a spatula, mix the dry part with egg whites. In general, of course, you need to mix everything until smooth, but here I didn’t really try, but only interfered most squirrel. I read that it is not critical. Some chefs do not mix proteins into almond flour with powdered sugar at all.

Another one to come milestone- pasta. This is the final batch of pasta dough. In this case, we need to achieve the correct consistency of the dough. Transfer to a bowl Italian meringue and mix it in with a spatula clockwise, turning the bowl in the opposite direction.

It's interesting that experienced confectioners claim that for the correct consistency of dough for pasta cakes, you need exactly 50 movements with a spatula. How much it took me personally, I did not count. So, with proper kneading, the dough should not only become smooth and uniform, but also drain from the shoulder blade with a wide ribbon.

We twist the bag from the wide side, adjusting the dough closer to the spout. Now you can exhale slightly with relief, but only slightly - there are still a couple of crucial moments ahead.

To bake halves of cakes, we need either a special pasta mat or a simple baking sheet and a quality parchment paper. If you are an aesthete and preparing this dessert for the first time, take care of the preparation in advance. WITH reverse side paper with a simple pencil, draw circles with a diameter of 3 centimeters. Then turn the paper over and place face up on a baking sheet. Since I was cooking Macaron for the fourth time, I decided not to draw anything and put the dough on my eye. It seems to be pretty smooth, don't you think? Another important point for aesthetics: how to properly deposit the dough. Hold the pastry bag strictly vertically above the paper, squeeze the dough (remember that it will still spread) right into the center of an imaginary or drawn circle, and at the end, with a sharp but gentle movement, remove the bag spout to the side. Thus, the dough will break off and no nose remains on the surface. When all the blanks are deposited, admire the work done. If the humps are still sticking out, you can help them straighten out. Place a thick towel on the table (best of all, a terry towel) and very gently tap the baking sheet on the surface. If even then the spouts still continue to rise, then you did not mix the dough well.

Next, it is important to let the blanks dry. Just leave the baking sheet on the counter for 30-60 minutes so that the dough is covered with a crust. In this case, time is a rather relative concept and depends on many factors. The main one is indoor humidity. 30 minutes was enough for my preparations, while the oven was heated. Touch one blank - if it is no longer sticky and you can even lightly run your finger over the surface, you can safely proceed to baking. Only in the presence of this very crust can one expect a recognizable skirt, which distinguishes Macaron from other cakes.

Halves of cakes are baked in a preheated oven at an average level at 140-150 degrees for 14-17 minutes. In my oven, fortunately, this is the minimum temperature that can be set. We put a baking sheet, closed the door and wait. It is clear that you will sit in trepidation and look through the glass and wait whether this very skirt will appear or not. At about the fifth minute in my Pasta, it began to emerge, gradually becoming more and more. So everything was done correctly and Macaron cakes were a success. After 16 minutes from the start of baking, I already took out a baking sheet (the crust of the halves became dense, and the bottom easily moved away from the paper) and set the second one to cook (I deposited these blanks immediately after the first batch). Immediately remove the hot cakes from the baking sheet so that they do not dry out.

And here you can take a closer look at the kids. You see, the surface of the halves is even, smooth and glossy. The skirts turned out just amazing - so fluffy and quite high.

The macaroons come off the parchment easily and the underside is smooth and light. We bake the second batch of blanks and let them cool completely. In total, I got 56 halves, but not all of them survived to the final - it was painfully impatient for me to take a sample. Finished macaroons can be easily stored in an airtight container for several days, and only then filled with stuffing.

Well, it's time for the ingredients for the filling. It can be made from almost anything: jam, custard, confiture, jam, thick sauce- whatever your heart desires. The main thing is that the filling is not liquid and keeps its shape. Since I made cakes without dyes and flavor additives, I also decided to make the filling the simplest - chocolate ganache. To do this, you need chocolate and cream. I have, of course, bitter (regular readers probably know about my love for this particular species), but milky or even white is perfect. I used cream 10% fat, but you add those that you want and that are available. You can even use butter.
