
Cooking milk soup with vermicelli. Milk Soup - Best Recipes, Tricks and Features


Soups should be eaten by everyone, because such a dish is not only tasty, but also very useful for digestion. There are many different soups with a wide variety of ingredients. But a special case- it's dairy tender soup with vermicelli. We suggest you find out the recipe for it.

Milk soup: what is this dish?

Soup is a dish that no meal is complete without. No wonder it is called the first, it is simply necessary for those who are hungry, want to warm up in the cold season, or simply want to enjoy food. This dish is prepared from a wide variety of ingredients. Delicious soup with noodles, meat or chicken, vegetables, rice, buckwheat or lentils. As a base for the broth, you can use almost any meat, from beef to lamb, and even fish.

Gourmets who have already tried thousands of dishes may get tired of the usual meat or lean soups from vegetables. So it’s worth discovering the recipe for a delicious and tender milk soup.

How did milk soup come about? Who came up with it? Until now, little is known about this. But there is an opinion that such a dish appeared quite a long time ago in Ancient Rome, namely in the Chapel. There is even a painting with the same name " Milk soup in the Chapel. It’s not a fact that they cooked it with noodles, although everything can be, because this recipe the most popular. And here's the story behind it. At that time there was a strong enmity between Catholics and Protestants. And one of the wars just unfolded near the village of Capella.

Tired warriors were waiting for a solution to the conflict and rushed home, where their wives and delicious food were waiting for them. And then one evening, the Catholics brought to their camp a large pot of then-unknown milk fragrant soup. The Protestants instantly smelled this intoxicating sweet smell and, without thinking twice, took freshly baked bread with them and went to their enemies for dinner, offering them hot rolls in exchange for soup. The Catholics agreed to such a barter and moved the cauldron to the middle, warning that the enmity would be forgotten during the meal. But even after such a satisfying and tasty food no one wanted to fight again. The same views were held by people of higher ranks who started this conflict. Thus, a peace treaty was signed.

But today, mothers prepare milk soup for their children. This dish is often found on the menu of kindergartens. And not only kids are delighted with such a soup, but also adults.

As for the ingredients, not only vermicelli, but also rice, millet, buckwheat and other cereals can be used as the main one.

You can cook soup with milk from vegetables and even meat, it all depends on the tastes and preferences of the person for whom the dish is being prepared.

How to cook vermicelli milk soup: a simple recipe

Let's get the recipe delicious soup in milk with vermicelli. To get started, stock up on all the necessary ingredients. Here is a list of what will be needed:

  • 1 liter of milk
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 cup vermicelli
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 2-3 tablespoons of sugar
  • butter for serving.

First, mix water and milk, pour this mixture into a saucepan and put it on slow fire. Stir constantly so that the milk does not burn and run away. When the liquid begins to boil, gradually add the vermicelli. Do this slowly and carefully, stirring the soup vigorously, otherwise the noodles will stick together and form one lump. Boil the milk soup over low heat for about 15-20 minutes, do not forget to add sugar and salt 5 minutes before it is ready. After that, remove the pan from the heat, cover it with a lid and leave for half an hour to soften the noodles. And even better, do not touch the soup with noodles for a day, during which time it will become even more saturated and at the same time tender. Before serving, you can add butter to the dish. Bon appetit!

This recipe is the classic and most common. But in milk-based noodle soup, you can add other ingredients that will help improve taste qualities and make the dish original. So, you can add a vanilla pod or vanillin. Honey can also be used. Any fruits or berries would be appropriate: strawberries, bananas, raspberries, apples and much more. And if sugar is not added to the dish, then you can end up with an unusual, but at the same time tasty vegetable and even meat milk soup. So there are a lot of options, experiment, try to cook new dishes and treat them to your family and friends.

Such a dish is usually prepared on the stove, but if you have such a wonderful device as a slow cooker, then you can use it. This will greatly facilitate and speed up the process. Just set the desired mode, put everything in the bowl necessary ingredients and mind your own business.

Milk Soup Secrets

Even if you use classic recipe cooking soup, it does not always indicate what to do in this or that case, so that the dish turns out tasty. We list the main tricks that will allow you to cook the perfect milk soup with a taste that can return to childhood.

  1. If you do not want the pasta to boil and the soup to turn into porridge, then give Special attention choice pasta. It is best to purchase durum wheat noodles. Such vermicelli perfectly retains its shape during cooking, and is also more useful than products from the first and premium flour.
  2. If you chose small vermicelli(the so-called "cobweb"), then you should know that you need to cook it in a matter of minutes. And you can turn off the heat after boiling the milk and cover the pan with a lid. Then the vermicelli will absorb the liquid and swell, but will not boil soft and retain its consistency.
  3. Real milk soup should be liquid. So don't add too much vermicelli to it. Its optimal amount is ½ cup per 1 liter of milk.
  4. Do not use to make milk soup. whole milk. It must be diluted with water. Firstly, this way you can reduce the risk of burning milk, secondly, the soup will turn out tender and liquid, and, thirdly, such a dish will contain fewer calories.
  5. Milk can burn easily. How to avoid it? Take a saucepan with a thick bottom. The dish must be cooked on a slow fire. The soup must be constantly stirred during the cooking process. Or you can use this trick: first pour a little cold water on the bottom of the pan, and then slowly and carefully pour the milk.
  6. There is such a problem: vermicelli may simply not boil in milk. What to do in this case? You can do this: boil the vermicelli in water (the amount is equal to the amount of milk), and then add hot milk, bringing the soup to a boil, and then turn off the heat. If you cook noodles in milk, then it is not necessary to wait until it is completely cooked. If you leave the soup for a day, then the pasta will absorb the liquid and become what it should be.
  7. If you want to ready soup was thick, similar to jelly, then you can add a little starch. So, ½ teaspoon is enough for 1 liter of milk. Starch must first be completely dissolved in cold water, and then 2-3 minutes before the soup is ready, add this mixture to the dish.

benefits of milk soup

If you decide to cook milk soup with vermicelli, you should learn about its properties and benefits. So, what is the use of such a dish? It gives satiety and a boost of energy, because vermicelli are carbohydrates that the human body simply needs. And milk contains calcium, necessary for the strength of bones, nails and hair. There is also protein, without which muscle work would not be possible. Contains special amino acids that help fight stress and insomnia and improve performance nervous system. When drinking milk, immunity is strengthened, pressure decreases and heartburn disappears. This is such a useful soup.

One can only add that, knowing the recipe for such a soup, you can please your household with this delicate dish from childhood.

Posted on September 3, 2017

In order to cook delicious porridge in milk, you need to know the proportions and observe them. Milk porridge is very often prepared for small children, since there are a lot of necessary substances in milk for a growing body, and in cereals from which porridge is cooked, there is also a huge piggy bank of vitamins and minerals. That's why they are combined together.

In our country, milk porridge, and porridge, in principle, is considered national dish. Remember there is even a saying. "Schi and porridge is our food." So porridge should be eaten not only by children, but also by adults. Porridge perfect solution for breakfast.

From huge selection groats rice porridge for some reason the most popular. There are many recipes for making rice porridge. Earlier on our blog, an article was already published on how to cook rice porridge. And you can follow the link and read.


  • 1 cup pure rice.
  • 1.5 cups of milk.
  • Salt and sugar to taste.
  • 30 grams butter.

Cooking process.

1. Wash the rice several times. Place in a saucepan and fill with water 2-3 cm above the rice.

2.Po salt and put the pan on the fire.

3. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally.

4. As soon as the water in the pot with rice boils, we spot it for 12-15 minutes.

5. Rice until cooked is cooked for 12-15 minutes. Depending on the brand of rice.

6. After the time has elapsed, we try the rice for readiness. As soon as the rice becomes soft, pour in the milk, add a little sugar, stir, bring to a boil.

7. Cook for literally 2-3 minutes and turn off the heat under the pan.

8. Leave the rice porridge for 3-5 minutes under the lid so that the rice reaches.

9. Rice porridge with milk is ready. Butter can be put directly into the pan and mix so that the oil is distributed throughout the porridge. Or you can divide it into small pieces and put it on the table so that everyone puts as little as they want on their plate.

This is the easiest way to cook rice porridge with milk. more details about rice porridge can be read. Porridge is ready to enjoy.

Wheat porridge with milk

Now let's touch on such a cereal as millet, not to be confused with wheat. There are also many recipes for how to cook wheat porridge on milk. Can be cooked with the addition of pieces of fruits and vegetables. For example, cook porridge with the addition of apples, raspberries, strawberries, pumpkins.

But we'll figure it out basic recipe cooking. So to speak, a classic recipe for porridge in milk.


  • 1 glass of millet.
  • 2 glasses of milk.
  • 2 glasses of water.
  • 50 grams of butter.
  • Salt and sugar to taste.

Cooking process:

1. The very first step is to rinse the cereal well. Whatever the manufacturer writes on the packages, it is still necessary to rinse the cereal.

2. After the groats have been washed 3-4 times. We shift it into a saucepan, fill it with water and send it to the stove to cook until tender. Don't forget to salt a little.

3. Some housewives advise, before starting to cook millet, pour boiling water over it in order to remove a slight bitterness. I don't, but the choice is yours.

4. And so we cook millet until cooked. The cooking time of millet is much longer than that of rice and is about 20 minutes. So time will pass A bit more.

5. And so 20 minutes have passed, we try the millet for readiness, and if the grains become soft and they can be chewed without problems, the millet is considered ready.

6. We drain the remaining water, wash the millet and fill it with milk. Stir, add salt and sugar and put back on the stove. While stirring, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and sweat the porridge under the lid for about 5-7 minutes.

7. After a while, turn off the heat under the pan, remove the lid and add the butter. Mix well, leave the porridge for 3-4 minutes so that it reaches a little condition.

8. Millet porridge is ready, you can put it on plates and call everyone for breakfast.

Bon appetit.

Semolina milk porridge

Manka itself is not rich big amount vitamins. But in its composition there is a useful fiber that is very easily absorbed by the body. Also, semolina is very good at helping to strengthen bones and teeth. Because it contains calcium. IN general benefit obvious. And I see no barriers to not cook semolina for breakfast. Moreover, in my opinion this is the most simple porridge in the world, which takes a record short time to prepare.

There is only one but. Semolina burns very quickly to the walls of the dishes. So for its preparation, you need to take dishes with a non-stick coating, or at least with thick walls. Otherwise, be prepared to wash the pan after the semolina.


  • 1 glass of milk.
  • 3 tablespoons of semolina.
  • 30-40 grams of butter.
  • Salt and sugar to taste.

Cooking process:

The recipe is very simple and the porridge is obtained without lumps.

1. Before cooking semolina, my grandmother always wetted the pan cold water and only then poured milk into it. She said that this way milk and cereals would not stick to the walls.

2. And so rinse the pan with water. Pour milk into it and put it on the stove.

3. A glass of milk will boil very quickly, so you should not go far.

4. While the milk is boiling, you can add salt and sugar, mix and wait until the milk starts to boil. It will start, and not already boil.

5. At this point, we begin to gradually fill in the cereal. In order that the semolina would not take into lumps. Pour the grits in a thin stream and continuously stir the milk. It is very convenient to do this with a whisk.

6. And so the cereal in the milk left a little literally 2-3 minutes to boil the porridge and it is completely ready.

7. When cooking, the semolina swells quickly and it may turn out that there will be a lot of cereals and the porridge will become thick almost immediately. It's not scary. Turn off the heat, cover with a lid and leave the semolina for 3-4 minutes, the porridge will come to readiness by itself.

8.Before serving in another hot porridge throw a piece of butter, mix and you can serve porridge on the table.

9. Also, before serving, you can always add raisins or finely chopped prunes to milk porridge.

Semolina porridge is ready to bon appetit.

Oatmeal with milk

Properly cooked oatmeal can become your favorite breakfast dish. In addition, this milk porridge is able to cleanse the body of toxins very well. Saturate it with fiber, proteins and carbohydrates. What else do you need for the perfect breakfast?


  • Half a glass of oatmeal.
  • A glass of milk. Preferably natural.
  • 30-50 grams of butter.
  • 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar.
  • A handful of raisins.
  • A pinch of salt.

Cooking process:

For cooking oatmeal it is better to use dishes with thick walls or a saucepan with a double bottom.

1. Pour raisins with cold water and let stand for 15-20 minutes, drain the water.

2.Pour milk into a saucepan and put it on the stove.

3. Bring the milk to a boil and throw cereals, salt and sugar.

4. Cook for 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally.

5. For 2-3 minutes before readiness, throw in raisins and mix.

6. When the porridge is ready, put the butter in the pan and cover with a lid. We give the porridge 3 minutes to rest and can be served.

7. Oatmeal with milk and raisins is ready. Bon appetit.

Buckwheat porridge with milk

Buckwheat as well as all the rest cereal crops very useful and nutritious. Having a snack on buckwheat for breakfast, you can easily make it to lunch. Buckwheat is often cooked as a side dish for second courses and rarely for breakfast. This is all due to the fact that many housewives do not dare to bother in the morning and cook buckwheat for a long time.

Although buckwheat You can say the only one of its kind in that it needs very little cooking. Basically, this cereal itself comes to readiness with little or no human intervention.


  • 1 glass of buckwheat.
  • 3 glasses of milk.
  • 1.5 cups of water.
  • Butter.
  • Salt and sugar to taste.

Cooking process:

1. In order to cook crumbly buckwheat porridge We take the most ordinary dishes. There is no need for non-stick coatings and thick walls with a double bottom. We take the most ordinary pan with a lid.

2. And so, before cooking, inspect the cereal, if it contains foreign impurities, sort and rinse the cereal.

3. We pour the cereal into the pan, pour water a little salt and send it to the stove.

4. Bring to a boil boil for 5-10 minutes until all the water has boiled away. When all the water is almost boiled away. Turn off the heat under the pan, cover it with a lid and leave for 5 minutes.

5. During this time, buckwheat will reach readiness.

6. After 5 minutes, pour in milk, add sugar, mix and bring to a boil.

7. Boil for 2-3 minutes. Turn off the heat, add butter, cover and let the porridge stand for 3-4 minutes.

8. Now you can call the others to breakfast and serve fresh buckwheat porridge with milk. Bon appetit.

Milk porridge made from cornmeal

Not long ago, there was a corn boom in our country and everyone knew how useful corn is. I think that your mothers and grandmothers still remember this time. Well, for those who are younger, let me remind you that corn has a lot of natural sugar, vitamins and carbohydrates.

Corn porridge is not often seen on the tables. The reason for this is that few people know how to cook properly. corn grits. Very often it turns out hard and thick. But if you approach the solution of the problem correctly, then I think you can cook a delicious and satisfying porridge in the morning.


  • A glass of cornmeal.
  • Two glasses of milk.
  • Three glasses of water.
  • 1-2 tablespoons of sugar.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Dried fruits to taste.

Cooking process:

1. Rinse the cereal well before cooking.

2. Put in a saucepan, add water, add a little salt and send to the stove.

3. Bring to a boil, reduce heat by 40%. And cook until all the water boils away. Make sure that the cereal does not burn to the walls of the dishes. Constantly you need to stir the corn.

4. When the water has almost boiled away, pour in the milk, add sugar and butter, mix and cook for 3-4 minutes.

6. After 5 minutes, you have delicious and nutritious corn porridge on your table.

Bon appetit.

Probably every mother knows the recipe for milk soup. But does everyone get it right the first time? Which milk is better to choose? What kind and how much pasta to fill up so that the soup is not too thick? How long to cook? Today we will try to find answers to all these questions.

General principles of preparation

You can cook soup with ordinary store-bought vermicelli or with homemade noodles. It is better to choose high-quality pasta, preferably from durum flour - these will not fall apart during cooking and will not turn into sticky porridge. You can buy ordinary small vermicelli or ultra-thin, the so-called "spider line", which is prepared literally in a matter of seconds.

Milk suitable normalized 2.5% and 3.2%, which is sold in packages. You can use whole, but only diluted in water. Suitable and baked milk, which can be purchased at the store or melted independently at home. Here it is important to pay attention to the fat content of milk. The higher the percentage of fat, the more calories the soup will turn out. Very fatty store and even more so homemade milk be sure to dilute with water, especially if you are preparing children's soup.

Correct Proportions

In order for the soup with noodles boiled in milk to turn out tasty and tender, you need to correctly calculate the proportions. The soup should not be too thick. Therefore, you need to add pasta exactly as much as indicated in the recipe. You can pour a little less, but not more, because when cooking, the dough swells a lot, absorbs liquid and increases in volume. Optimal quantity vermicelli for milk soup - 0.5 cups (volume 200 ml) per 1 liter of milk.

    1. Choose the right dishes. To avoid burning, it is best to cook in a saucepan or in a saucepan with a thick bottom and be sure to over low heat.
    1. Don't let the milk burn. So that nothing burns, you should not move far from the pan. Stir the dish constantly during cooking. Most often, whole milk burns, so for the preparation of milk soups with vermicelli, it must be diluted with water. You can also use this trick: pour first cold water to the bottom of the pan, and only then add milk in a thin stream.
    1. Pour vermicelli only into boiling liquid. There are several ways to prepare milk soups, but general rule says that pasta should only be dipped in boiling milk, stirring constantly so that the vermicelli do not clump and stick to each other.
    1. Be careful not to overcook the pasta. As a rule, vermicelli cooks very quickly, a little more than a minute. Therefore, you can remove the soup from the stove almost immediately after boiling, as soon as the vermicelli reaches half-cooked. While the soup is cooling, it will absorb some of the hot liquid, become softer and at the same time not boil.
    1. If you like thick milk soup, like jelly, add a little starch to it (0.5 tsp per 1 liter of milk). To do this, separately dissolve the starch in a cup of cold milk, pour in at the very end of cooking, 2-3 minutes before readiness, bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat.

Some housewives cannot cook vermicelli in milk, it remains raw and hard, and the milk burns. What to do in this case? The problem is solved simply. Cook vermicelli in boiling salted water regular pasta, before fully prepared by following the instructions on the package. Then recline in a colander so that all the liquid is glassed, and immediately add to boiling milk, boil the soup and remove from heat.


  • milk - 400 ml
  • water - 100 ml
  • vermicelli - 50 g
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 1 chip.
  • butter - 1 tsp
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife - optional

Total prep time: 10 minutes / Prep time: 5 minutes / Yield: 2 servings

How to cook milk soup with vermicelli

The technology is very simple. I take a ladle with a thick bottom and non-stick coating. I pour cold water into it first, and then milk. If you have store-bought milk with a fat content of 2.5%, then you can not dilute it, but just rinse the ladle with water. I definitely dilute whole and very fatty, then the soup will turn out more tender and will not burn.

I put the ladle on the stove, on the very small fire. Stir constantly so that it doesn't burn and run away. As soon as the milk warms up, I send a piece of butter there, let it dissolve. Of course, you can add oil at the very end or completely exclude it from the list of ingredients if you are cooking for kids.

Patiently bring to a boil. As soon as it boils, I add salt - just 1-2 tiny pinches will greatly improve the taste of the soup. I fall asleep right away granulated sugar, as well as vanillin on the tip of a knife for pleasant aroma. If you have durum flour vermicelli, then sugar can be added at the very end of cooking, then the soup will definitely not burn.

I pour vermicelli into boiling milk, slowly and carefully, stirring the soup so that it does not stick together and one lump does not form. I measure the norm of pasta by handfuls. For 500 ml of liquid I take 1 large handful, from the heart, this is about 50 grams.

I continue to cook over low heat, stirring, no more than 1 minute. It all depends on the type of pasta. If you have a Spider Web, then remove it from the stove immediately after boiling, cover with a lid and wait a couple of minutes, it will evaporate on its own. hard varieties you need to cook a little longer and try “by the tooth”, inside the vermicelli should be soft, but not overcooked. Keep in mind that it will swell in hot liquid and still reach the condition.

Once the soup has cooled down a bit, ladle it into bowls. The soup is delicious, be prepared for the kids to ask for more! You can adjust the amount of sugar or add honey instead. Bon appetit!

In a cauldron. Pour water into a cauldron, put on big fire and bring to a boil. Add a pinch of salt. All liquid meals I cook with sea ​​salt, without additives. I recommend to everyone. I put thin vermicelli into boiling water. It is long, so I break the bundle into three parts. Stir with a wooden spoon and cook for 5 minutes, no more. Once the vermicelli is soft.

2. Then I pour in the milk and bring it to a boil once.

We tightly close the cauldron with milk soup with a lid and remove from heat. We leave for 10 minutes. During this time, absorb the vermicelli right amount milk and milk soup will become tastier.

3. Now you can add sugar to taste

and pour into bowls. Add a slice of plums to each plate. oils and you can eat. Milk soup with vermicelli is very fond of my children, especially for breakfast.

It is important to remember that when cooking milk soups, care must be taken to ensure that the milk does not burn or escape. To do this, use dishes with a thick bottom. And do not forget to periodically stir the milk soup after boiling.

Dear friends, today I want to tell you how to cook vermicelli milk soup. Yes, yes, I know that this is a favorite dish of many since kindergarten, but I also know that some hostesses do not cook milk soup with vermicelli for a child at home, because they simply do not know how.

In fact, there is nothing complicated in its preparation. This baby vermicelli milk soup is very easy and quick to cook, so in just 15-20 minutes after you start cooking, you will already be feeding your child hearty and delicious dish. True, there are some nuances.

For example, to prepare milk soup with noodles, it is better to use not only milk, but also water. Ready-made vermicelli does not differ in taste, but if you cook with the addition of water, the mass does not stick to the bottom, it is easier to cook it. But let me tell you about everything in order. So, please love and favor: milk soup with noodles - a recipe for children.

Ingredients for 1 serving:

  • 25 g vermicelli Gossamer;
  • 60 ml g of water;
  • 180 ml of milk;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1-2 teaspoons of sugar (to taste);
  • 10 g butter.

How to cook milk soup with vermicelli:

Pour water and milk into a saucepan. Put on fire and bring to a boil.

Add vermicelli, stirring. If you do not stir, the vermicelli may stick together in a lump - this should not be allowed.

Lightly add salt and cook over low heat (preferably using a splitter) for 10 minutes, until the vermicelli is fully cooked. You can cover it with a lid so that the liquid evaporates less, but you need to make sure that it does not run away. At the end of cooking, add sugar and, stirring, cook for a couple more minutes.

Then we turn off the fire and let it stand under the lid for 10 minutes - during this time the vermicelli swells even more.

Pour the milk vermicelli into a plate and put the butter to taste.

You can serve our delicious milk soup with vermicelli to the table.

If you cook not Gossamer, but ordinary vermicelli, you should take 50 ml more milk and cook for a few minutes longer.

If you want to get a milk soup - a less thick option, milk (a mixture of milk and water) should be taken 50 ml more.

You can cook milk vermicelli in the evening, leaving it to swell overnight under the lid. In this case, the amount of milk (mixture of milk and water) must be increased by another 50 ml.
