
Recipe for liquid lagman dishes. Lagman at home from pork

Good afternoon. Today we will talk with you about a popular Central Asian dish. This is a lagman.

It is prepared from the most common products: meat, vegetables and pulling long noodles. With a large amount of broth, the dish looks like soup, with other cooking methods it looks like noodles with gravy andcomplex stuffing.

I prefer to make lagman as a soup and always cook it for lunch with a delicious salad, for example. Be sure to add spices and herbs to the Uzbek soup.

Well, according to tradition, a couple of tips for creating a delicious Asian dish:

  • obligatory components of the dish: homemade noodles, meat and vegetable mix;
  • always fry cold cuts with vegetables, and then stew with the addition of broth and spices;
  • boil the noodles separately and serve with the meat base in a deep plate.

The classic lagman differs in that it is usually made from lamb and long special homemade noodles are made. It is also necessary to add black or green radish to the meat sauce. The taste should be rich and bright.

We will need:

  • Lamb tenderloin - 1 kg;
  • Bulb - 1 pc.;
  • Carrot - 1 pc.;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
  • Potato - 2-3 pcs.;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Tomato - 1 pc.;
  • Radish - 1 pc.;
  • Tomato paste - 1 tsp;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Water - 16 tbsp. (8 - for noodles, 8 - for soup);
  • Boiled warm water - 1 tbsp. (for noodles);
  • Eggs - 2 pcs. (for noodles);
  • Flour - 3-3.5 tbsp. (for noodles):
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l..

Cooking method:

1. First of all, you need to cook homemade noodles. To do this, pour warm boiled water into a bowl, but not hot.

2. Add eggs and salt.

3. Eggs must be beaten.

4. Gradually introduce flour. The dough should be quite dense. Place it on cling film and leave it alone for 20 minutes.

5. Peel the onion and cut into half rings.

5. Rinse the bell pepper, remove the stalk and seeds and cut into strips.

6. Wash the carrots, peel and cut into small strips.

7. Rinse potatoes, peel and cut into medium cubes.

8. Finely chop the garlic with a knife.

9. Wash the tomatoes and remove the skin. Cut the peeled tomato into slices.

Advice!! To easily remove the skin from a tomato, dip it first in hot water, and then in cold.

10. Cut the meat into pieces, and then finely chop into strips.

11. Add vegetable oil to a preheated pan and fry the lamb until brown. Add the onion, pepper and salt to the meat and fry until the onion is golden.

12. Then add tomatoes, tomato paste and chopped garlic, as well as finely diced radish.

13. Now add pepper, potatoes, carrots and mix everything well. After adding hot water, bring to a boil and put on medium heat to cook for 40 minutes.

14. While the soup is cooking, prepare the noodles. To do this, we divide our dough into two parts. Dust each piece with flour and roll out thinly.

15. We wind the rolled dough onto a rolling pin. And carefully remove the roll from the rolling pin onto the table.

16. Press the roll with your hand and cut across into centimeter strips.

17. Boil homemade noodles in boiling salted water for 10 minutes. We recline in a colander and dip for 10 seconds in cold water.

18. Put the finished noodles into soup bowls. Put the vegetables with meat on top and pour the broth. Our lagman soup is ready.

If it seemed to you that preparing such a dish is difficult, then I assure you it is not. Moreover, many people use ready-made, purchased ones instead of homemade noodles, and this reduces the complexity and time of cooking the soup. So you just have to properly stew meat with vegetables and delicious Uzbek soup with us tole.

Cooking lagman in Uzbek with photo illustrations

Uzbek lagman is a very interesting dish, it is neither soup nor noodles with meat sauce, but something in between. Our family loves this dish very much. I try to use as many spices and fresh herbs as possible.

We will need:

  • Flour - 300 gr.;
  • Water - 100 gr.;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - 1 pinch;
  • Lamb - 1 kg;
  • Bulb - 3-4 pcs.;
  • Carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 3 pcs.;
  • Celery - 1-2 pcs.;
  • Green radish - 0.5 pcs.;
  • Garlic - 5-9 cloves;
  • Tomatoes - 5-6 pcs.;
  • Vegetable oil - 50-70 ml;
  • Salt - 1 pinch;
  • Coriander - 1 pinch;
  • Zira - 1 pinch;
  • Paprika - 1 pinch;
  • Chili pepper - 1 pinch;
  • Fresh herbs - 50 gr..

Cooking method:

1. Knead the dough by mixing flour, salt, egg and water. Cover the dough and refrigerate for 30-40 minutes.

2. Divide the dough into 3-4 parts.

3. Roll out each piece thinly and carefully roll into a roll.

4. Finely chop each roll and place on a floured surface. Leave it for a while to dry.

5. Lamb must be washed, dried and cut into pieces.

6. In a frying pan, fry the garlic cloves in vegetable oil and fat from meat.

7. Tomatoes must be beaten in a blender and mixed with finely chopped garlic.

8. Fried garlic must be removed and meat with chopped onions should be sent there.

9. Peel and cut carrots, peppers, celery and radishes into small pieces.

10. We send our vegetables to the meat and add seasoning. Close everything with a lid and simmer. After 10 minutes, put the garlic-tomato mixture and continue to simmer.

11. Meanwhile, boil homemade noodles in boiling salted water until tender.

12. Drain the water from the prepared water and send it to the meat with vegetables. If there is not enough liquid, you can add a little more hot water. The readiness of the dish is considered soft meat. Lagman in Uzbek at home can be served at the table. But on top, be sure to generously sprinkle everything with fresh, finely chopped herbs. Bon appetit!!

Step by step chicken lagman recipe

This soup can also be made from chicken, it turns out a very delicate taste, well, plus a dietary dish, that is, a great alternative to a traditional rather fatty dish. And if you limit yourself to spices, then it will be useful for children. Try to make a good lunch or dinner option.

We will need:

  • Chicken - 500-700 gr.;
  • Eggplant - 1 pc.;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • Carrot - 1 pc.;
  • Bulb - 1-2 pcs.;
  • Tomato - 2-3 pieces;
  • Garlic - 3-5 cloves;
  • Fresh greens - 50 gr.;
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • Noodles - 250 gr.;
  • Salt - 1 pinch;
  • Black pepper - 1 pinch;
  • Paprika - 1 pinch;
  • Chili pepper - 1 pinch;
  • Coriander - 1 pinch.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the chicken fillet into pieces and boil the meat. Fry the boiled chicken until golden brown. Don't take the broth too far.

2. In another pan, fry the onion cut into half rings and coarsely grated carrots.

3. Wash pepper and eggplant, cut into strips and send to fry with carrots and onions.

4. We also cut the tomatoes and fry together with vegetables for 3-5 minutes.

5. Finely chop the garlic.

6. We take a deep saucepan, combine vegetables with meat. Add garlic, pour hot broth and pour spices, mix everything well, close the lid.

7. While the vegetables and meat are stewing, boil the noodles. Put the noodles in a separate deep plate on the bottom, and pour our sauce on top.

On a note!! You can use homemade noodles, special store bought noodles, nest pasta, or thick spaghetti.


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Lagman is an extremely popular dish with Central Asian roots. Like any other national recipe, it has a lot of different versions. Some gourmets prefer a rich lamb delicacy, while others, on the contrary, prefer a simple lean soup. This treat is often referred to as Uzbek, Uighur and even Chinese cuisine.

A few words about the dish

The lagman itself is a special noodle seasoned with fried vegetables and meat, combined with special spices and spices. In fact, this delicacy is unique in its versatility. After all, a classic lagman can be both the first and second course at the same time. In addition, this treat has its own, unique aroma and taste.

But depending on the national cuisine, recipes for cooking lagman with a photo have certain differences. For example, Uighur and differ in their composition and cutting method. So, thanks to a wide variety of recipes, everyone can choose a delicacy for their family to their own taste.

In terms of density, such a treat is something between the first and second courses. You can cook it on the basis of pre-purchased noodles - you can often find this in supermarkets. But if you want to treat your family to a truly delicious, gourmet dish, then try making it from start to finish with your own hands. Moreover, even an inexperienced hostess can cook lagman in Uzbek.

Only one thing is important - to immediately deal with the features of the Asian dish. In general, the whole essence of cooking lagman comes down to getting a bright, elegant dish in the best oriental traditions. Although, of course, it is equally important to achieve a colorful, spicy flavor accent. So that this delicious dish does not turn into ordinary noodles with meat, it is necessary to strictly follow the technology for preparing lagman at home, the correct selection of spices and consistency.

Required Products

A real lagman involves making noodles with your own hands. However, most modern housewives give their preference to dishes that do not take too much free time to prepare. And there is nothing surprising in this! Lagman is a peculiar composition consisting of special noodles and dressing. And although vermicelli, of course, is an important component, vegetable sauce still comes first. You should definitely cook it yourself - a good sauce is the basis for a delicious, colorful lagman. And you can easily buy noodles in any supermarket, if only to save time. But if you have no problems with this, then do not deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying a true oriental lagman.

Pay special attention to the selection of spices for your delicacy. The traditional lagman includes red and black pepper, star anise, paprika, cumin and coriander. And you can add a special note to the dish with the help of jusai onions, which have an unusually delicate garlic flavor. But in the absence of such a rare ingredient, you can replace it with wild garlic or garlic feathers.

To prepare lagman in Uzbek, you will need:

  • 400 g lamb or beef;
  • 2 onions, carrots and potatoes;
  • bell pepper;
  • 2 small pods of hot pepper;
  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • 100 g of green beans;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 30 ml of vegetable oil;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • a small bunch of greens.

And in order to make noodles with your own hands you need:

If you decide to buy ready-made vermicelli, pay attention to long egg varieties - they are best suited for making lagman.

homemade noodles

Crack the eggs into a deep bowl, add water and salt to them. Beat all the ingredients well with a whisk or fork until a stable foam is obtained. Then add the sifted flour here, knead the dough and put it on the table. Knead the mass, which by this time should no longer stick to your hands. Cover the prepared dough with a towel or cling film and leave for half an hour. Then divide it into identical lumps, which should turn out to be about 20 pieces.

Make sausages out of these balls and stretch them with your hands into thin straws. You should get blanks 5-8 millimeters thick. Lubricate your hands with vegetable oil and continue to stretch the tourniquets even thinner, laying them on a plate. Then put the cooked noodles in the refrigerator. Stretch the dough again before cooking. If you get a very thin vermicelli, then before serving it, you just need to pour boiling water over it or leave it in it for just a couple of minutes.

As you can see, making noodles is not such a difficult process, a little skill and you will learn how to make it very quickly.

Uzbek lagman recipe with photo

Cut carrots, onions and potatoes into small cubes. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, then remove the skin from them and chop the pulp. Chop bell pepper and bean pods into thin strips. Pass the garlic through a press or grate on a fine grater. Chop hot pepper finely.

Cut the meat into thin strips too. In a thick-walled cauldron or a deep frying pan, heat the oil and start frying it over high heat. After a few minutes, lower the temperature, add the onion and continue cooking. Then send carrots, potatoes and beans to the pan.

After the vegetables are half cooked, add tomatoes, garlic, sweet and hot peppers to the sauce. Then pour the selected spices, add a few tablespoons of water and leave to simmer. The liquid should cover all the ingredients in the cauldron. After 10 minutes, salt and pepper the sauce, if desired, add jusai onion or garlic feathers. Once all the vegetables are ready, turn off the heat. Sprinkle the lagman with finely chopped herbs and let it brew for 15 minutes.

Boil the noodles in salted water. Usually, homemade vermicelli cooks very quickly - 5 minutes is enough. Arrange the cooked noodles in portions on deep plates, pour the prepared sauce on top and serve hot. Such a dish turns out to be very rich, aromatic and spicy. A description of the process of preparing lagman with a photo will help you create a culinary masterpiece as quickly and competently as possible.

Uighur dish

Such a treat has an extremely bright taste, an unsurpassed aroma and, of course, a colorful appearance. Perhaps for a beginner in cooking, this dish will seem too complicated. However, a detailed description of the preparation of lagman at home with a photo will help you cope with the task with a bang. Do not even hesitate, the result will exceed your expectations and will certainly please your family.


So, to prepare Uighur lagman, you will need about 3 hours of free time, as well as:

Cooking method

Put the lamb in the freezer in advance so that the meat grabs a little - it will be much easier to cut it. Wash and clean all vegetables. Cut the tomatoes into 4 slices, and chop the carrots, peppers, beans and radishes into cubes. Pass the garlic through a press or grate it on a fine grater. Cut the meat chilled in the freezer into thin slices.

Heat the oil in a cauldron and start frying the fillet pieces and onions in it. When the meat has a golden hue, add tomatoes, radish, carrots and garlic to it. Fry it all for 10 minutes. Then add peppers and green beans, as well as water so that it covers all the ingredients. Send tomato paste, salt and all spices here. Cover the pot with a lid and simmer the sauce for 15 minutes. After cooking, leave the dish to brew.

Boil prepared noodles in a saucepan. Do not forget to salt it and pour a small amount of vegetable oil. Arrange the finished noodles on plates, add sauce and finely chopped greens. Now you can fully enjoy the delicious and fragrant Uighur lagman.

Lagman is a very popular Central Asian national dish. It is believed that it owes its origin to China. Later it became widespread in other countries of Central Asia. It is prepared in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan. It is also popular among the Crimean Tatars and Uighurs.

This is both the first and the second course. It is a mistake to consider this dish a soup. Lagman can be cooked with a larger amount of broth, or maybe with a minimum, the so-called “dry lagman” among the Uyghurs.

A distinctive feature is that this dish is prepared mainly from lamb, vegetables and homemade elongated noodles.

And another distinctive feature is that this is a delicious dish. Lamb combined with vegetables gives a simply amazing firework of taste.

Today I will share with you such a recipe as it is prepared in Samarkand, the city of my childhood. This thick soup is cooked amazingly delicious there. And not only at home, but in any cafe, restaurant, and even just in the park in an outdoor dining room for 2 tables. Everywhere you will be served such a dish with a delicious cake that you can forget about everything in the world until your plate is empty.

Well, do you want to learn how to cook such a lagman? Then go ahead! And don't think it's impossible. Perhaps, and how! Cook once and everyone will ask you for the recipe.

Lagman in Uzbek - a classic recipe at home

We will need:

  • lamb meat - 300-400 gr.
  • onion - 2 pcs. (medium)
  • bell pepper - 3 pcs.
  • carrots - 2 pcs. (medium)
  • tomatoes -2 pcs. (or 50 gr. tomato paste)
  • potatoes - 2 pcs. (optional)
  • garlic - 1 - 2 cloves
  • vegetable oil
  • spices: paprika, zira, coriander, dried ginger - 0.5 - 1 teaspoon (mixture)
  • spicy herbs: cilantro, parsley, green onions - to taste and desire
  • salt, red pepper, ground black pepper

For test:

  • flour 3-3.5 cups
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • water - 2/3 cup


1. Meat, lamb, and preferably only lamb, cut into small pieces.

2. Cut the onion into half rings, as thin as possible. Carrots, bell pepper - cubes. You can put potatoes at your discretion. Sometimes they put potatoes, sometimes they don't. Both of these options will be delicious.

3. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, remove the skin and cut into cubes as well. If you cook in the winter, and you can’t find ripe red tomatoes, then we’ll cook tomato paste. I do and use it. You can see how to do it and take note of it.

4. Chop the garlic, cut the cilantro. We start cooking.

5. Pour a little oil into a cauldron or thick-walled pan in which you can fry. Fry the meat and immediately add the onion. Fry over medium heat until the onion is soft. Add tomatoes or tomato paste. Fry lightly.

6. Put zira, garlic, salt, do not forget to put a piece of red hot pepper. Pour water so that the meat is covered, cook for about 0.5 hours. Then add fire, and let the water evaporate.

7. During this time, the meat should be almost ready. We try it for readiness, the meat is a little hard, but it is already chewed quite easily.

8. Add carrots, fry for 5 minutes.

9. Add all the vegetables, garlic and remaining spices to the meat along with the cumin. The volume of the spice mixture should be 0.5 - 1 teaspoon. I usually add an incomplete teaspoon.

Add hot water. If you want to get a thick dish, then add less water. If you like it to have more broth, then add more of it. Keep in mind that we will be pouring the liquid component onto the noodles. And the dish should be thick enough.

10. Boil vegetables for 20-25 minutes.

11. Then turn off the gas and leave it under a closed lid so that everything is darkened for about 15 minutes.

How to make dough

1. Knead the dough. Pour flour into a deep bowl, make a well, beat in eggs. Add half of the water, salt. Stir with a spoon, slowly adding water. There shouldn't be much water. Knead the dough, it should turn out thick, like dumplings.

2. Knead the dough well and wrap it in cling film so that the dough breaks up and does not dry out.

3. Remove the film from the dough and knead it well again. The dough should be elastic, pliable, but elastic enough.

4. Cut the dough in such a way that it is convenient to roll out sausages, as we roll out for dumplings.

5. You should get 3-4 sausages. Each should be rolled into a tourniquet and laid in a spiral on a wide dish. Top with vegetable oil. Cover with cling film. Let it lie down a bit.

6. Open our flagella, take one at a time, and roll them out, stretching them out to the thickness of a pencil. The dough is soaked with oil, it has become even more elastic and will not tear. Do the same with the remaining flagella. Fold again in the form of a spiral, and grease with oil, cover with cling film.

7. Let the dough rest for 10 minutes, then once again we stretch each “pencil” and make it even thinner. You should get noodles, but still plump. If you have 3 "pencils", we draw out each one, and simply lay it out in 3 piles.

8. We collect the ends of all 3 piles, and begin to wind them on our hands, like grandmothers wound yarn. Now we slowly twist the brushes, thereby stretching the noodles even thinner. You can hit the noodles on the table.

9. The noodles are stretched. We put the water on the fire, let it boil, salt it. We lower the finished noodles into boiling water, cook for no more than a minute. We take out in a separate bowl.

How to properly serve a dish

  1. Chop garlic, parsley. Chop the green onion.
  2. In portioned deep cups, they are called braid, or kese, first spread the noodles. Spread the meat with vegetables on top, and then add the broth.
  3. Sprinkle with herbs on top and add garlic.

Secrets of cooking delicious lagman

  1. Lagman is essentially a dish of meat, vegetables and noodles. Therefore, vegetables are added any you want. Add celery, zucchini, eggplant to it. Fruits are also added - quince, apples, plums. This is already an amateur. You and I considered the classic recipe for an Uzbek dish.
  2. This delicious dish is mainly prepared only from lamb. Lamb is softer, fatter. It is easier to exchange juices with vegetables. From beef, this dish will also be tasty, but will not have such a rich and specific taste. From pork... I won't even speak. It's like cooking pilaf with pork. All you need is lamb!
  3. When preparing the dough, make sure that it is thick enough, but at the same time plastic, elastic.
  4. So that during the cooking process the noodles do not tear, at each stage (sausages, flagella, pencils, noodles). When you put the dough to "rest" - grease with sunflower oil. Let's stand, then it will be "obedient", and you can roll the noodles thinner.

If it is difficult or unclear how to make noodles, then it can be made easier. Just like rolling noodles to make homemade chicken noodles. That is, knead a cool dough on eggs, roll it out and just cut it.

And don't be afraid to try. It is difficult only at first, while you are learning. Everything is done fairly quickly. You cook a little, not on an industrial scale. Try it!

Well, if you really don’t want to roll at all, take ready-made noodles - like spaghetti, but flat. Or find special noodles for lagman. You can find one now in the store, it also turns out very tasty.

And do not look at what is written a lot. Think , many times, it means it is difficult. Not difficult at all. I tried to describe all the nuances, all the subtleties. I really want you to get a delicious, fragrant dish. The real one, the one that is cooked in sunny, hospitable Samarkand.

Bon appetit!

Hi all! Have you ever tried lagman? Until recently, I thought it was soup, but not quite right. I have never cooked it before. It turned out that in vain, because this is one of the most divine and popular dishes among the Uighurs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz and, of course, Uzbeks. Although it is prepared by both the Azerbaijanis and Armenians. I fell in love with him))).

And it all started with the fact that a family of Kazakhs settled in our house right behind the wall. It was from them that I learned all the subtleties of cooking a real lagman. There is nothing complicated about this, I am sharing with you so that you can also easily cook this Central Asian dish.

So what is it? These are noodles, but cooked in an unusual way, which are filled with a special fragrant vegetable sauce or filling in combination with spices. In general, it is very tasty, try it and you can do it! You can serve it at least for the first course, if you make it liquid in consistency, or use it as a separate second dish in combination with

You will probably be surprised, but a truly traditional lagman is prepared using radish. Most of our Russian people cook without this main ingredient. And in vain, because it is the radish that gives the very right taste, besides, it is very useful, in vain it was relegated to the background. Quite often come across recipes without it.

And also why our Russian people stopped adding sugar to the sauce, this is also wrong if you are making a classic lagman.

Interesting! There is one very interesting parable, perhaps a legend, that lagman was invented by one girl who really did not want to let her husband leave the family, she decided to surprise him very much by cooking this fabulously tasty and beautiful dish from ordinary pasta noodles, so to speak.

For this option, you will need a lot of different products, in principle, this applies to seasonings and spices.

As for noodles, you need to take a special one for lagman, although you can replace it with spaghetti, or cook

We will need:

  • lamb meat or beef - 320 g
  • noodles for lagman - 0.5 kg
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • tomatoes -2-3 pcs.
  • large green radish - 1 pc.
  • bulb - 1 pc.
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • white cabbage or Beijing cabbage - 100 g
  • green beans - 45 g
  • garlic arrows (if any) - 30 g
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp
  • apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp
  • garlic - 9 cloves of which 3 for seasoning
  • paprika - 1 tsp
  • ground coriander - 1 tsp
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • hot pepper -0.5 tsp
  • ground cumin - 0.5 tsp
  • greens to taste

Cooking method:

1. Since lagman is considered a vegetable dish, take fresh vegetables such as carrots, cabbage, bell peppers. Grind it all with a sharp kitchen knife in the form of small strips. Try to do this as carefully as possible so that all the ingredients blend well in appearance. Onion cut into half rings.

But as for the radish, it is best to grate it on a coarse grater, although you can also cut it into strips.

2. Rinse the meat with running water, cut into cubes and place in a frying pan, but it is better to take a deep stewpan or cauldron and heat the vegetable oil in this bowl and fry the pieces almost until cooked, so that the meat turns ruddy.

Important! Approximate frying time over high heat is approximately 10 minutes, do not forget to stir so that nothing burns.

3. In the next step, add the chopped onion to the meat, stir and cook until the onion is soft. Add red pepper and stir.

4. Next, send chopped vegetables such as bell peppers, carrots and radishes. Stir and simmer for about 10 minutes, the fire should already be weak.

5. In order to feel the tomato flavor in the lagman, tomato paste or tomatoes are usually added to it. Of course, fresh tomatoes are best suited, because the taste will turn out to be truly natural. I suggest another option, mix tomato paste and tomatoes on the spot, it will turn out even more effective.

So, do the following work with tomatoes, remove the skin from them, it is not needed, because when cooked it will become hard and tough, and this will look bad, and secondly it will be inconvenient to eat. To remove the skin, place the tomatoes in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, then use a tablespoon to scoop them out and peel them. Cut the pulp into small pieces.

Then add tomato paste to the pieces of pulp, crushed garlic through a press 3 pcs. and very important sugar. Stir this mass and let it stand for at least 10 minutes. And best of all, if you have time 1 hour.

6. Boil the noodles in a saucepan, and then, as you understand that it is ready, throw it through a colander.

7. Now the most interesting thing is green beans, probably many will be surprised at the sight of it. But in vain, if you cook as you need, then be sure to add this important ingredient. Garlic arrows also play a rather important role in the garlic taste. You can do without them, but it won't work. Chop the bean and garlic feathers like this, as shown in the picture.

8. Now add the fragrant tomato-tomato mixture and chopped bean and garlic feathers to the pan in which you are stewing the meat. Stir and continue to cook for 5-10 minutes over low heat. The liquid should decrease during this time, it should evaporate.

Then add chopped cabbage and pour a little of this whole vegetable mixture with boiled water, or use any meat broth, such as beef. Pour as much water as you want to make it moderately thick, but not liquid, at your discretion.

To give a magical taste, add zira, ground coriander. Ah, the unusual aroma will go through your kitchen.

9. If you consider yourself a spicy food gourmet, then you can make a spicy sauce, this is not for everyone. To do this, put 1 tsp ground hot pepper, a pinch of ground coriander and chopped garlic about 3 cloves into the pan and fry this hellish mixture in vegetable oil over low heat for 2.5 minutes until you feel a captivating aroma. After pour into a bowl and splash apple cider vinegar, stir.

10. Now set the table, take a plate and first put the boiled noodles, and then pour the sauce over it. Garnish with a sprig of parsley or celery. Such a radish lagman will give you an unforgettable dinner or lunch. Use it hot. Bon appetit!

Video on how to cook lagman at home

In the previous version, I tried to tell you in detail and in detail all the steps for preparing the lagman, but still, maybe someone had some questions about this, so I found this video especially for you:

And this is how true gourmets cook, who are able to create culinary masterpieces, if you love Uyghur cuisine, and are ready to repeat all the stages of work after this cook, then you will definitely succeed, because the king of all lagmans in a cauldron is guyru-lagman, do not believe then watch this video:

Uzbek lagman with beef

Another purely classic option is lagman in Uzbek. Many argue that it was in Uzbekistan that he first appeared, and then all kinds of interpretations began. Although there is an opinion that lagman came to Central Asia from China, although archaeologists have proven that the ancestors of the Uyghurs, the Tokhars, invented noodles, who is right and who is not, it is not for us to judge. So you can read in the story about the lagman.

You must understand the most important thing, what the gravy will be, and this taste will be transferred to the entire final result. So, the sauce should be garlic-spicy, look reddish in color.

We will need:

  • beef meat - 1 kg
  • red bell pepper - 3 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • eggplant - 1 pc.
  • noodles for lagman - 0.5 kg
  • greens, cumin, coriander, basil and celery, cilantro, bay leaf, cumin, chili
  • garlic - 2 pcs.
  • tomatoes - 500 g
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp
  • water - 1.5 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil
  • sugar and salt to taste

Cooking method:

1. Slice sweet bell peppers. Onion cut into half rings. Chop the tomatoes into thin slices. Carrots are also cut into cubes, and not grated.

2. Cut the meat into pieces of the same size, but do not grind it, it will boil down.

3. Now take a frying pan with a thick bottom or better a cauldron and send sweet pepper and vegetable oil there, add hot red pepper and paprika, you need the pepper to be well fried, then add meat and onion, as the onion becomes transparent and soft, add carrots, mix .

Important! Be careful, all vegetables are fried very quickly, make sure that nothing burns, especially meat.

As the carrots are fried, add one eggplant cut into cubes. Salt it first, then you need to get all the bitterness out of it, it must stand and give juice. Drain the juice and add the cubes to the cauldron with the rest of the ingredients.

On a note! Instead of eggplant, you can add potatoes.

After 4 minutes have passed, as the eggplants are stewed, add the tomatoes + tomato paste. It is possible that your vegetables will give their juice, and you will get meat in its own juice, but if there is not enough juice, then add boiled water or broth.

Add lavrushka, cumin, cumin and coriander, you can add basil, mix and cook until the meat is ready. Cover with a lid, 10 minutes before cooking, add your favorite herbs and two cloves of garlic.

4. Serve the lagman in portions, put the noodles in a bowl, and the broth on top. If you want, you can make it thinner or thicker, adjust the consistency yourself, to your taste. You can eat with a fork, spoon and even chopsticks. Lick your fingers! Happy discoveries!

Lagman chicken recipe with photo illustrations

It turns out pretty amazing in taste, super! And most importantly, chicken cooks much faster than any other meat, which means you will save your time. In general, if you are a lover of everything chicken, then I suggest you look here

We will need:

  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • sweet bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • radish or radish - 100 g
  • cabbage - 200 g
  • cilantro, garlic, salt, pepper, zira to taste
  • chicken fillet and wings - 500 g
  • any noodles, preferably for lagman or spaghetti - 400 g

Cooking method:

1. Chicken meat, you can take any parts that you have, or what you like the most. Chop the fillet into pieces, the wings can be left unchanged.

3. Then put the cauldron on the stove and pour vegetable oil, put the chicken pieces, fry them lightly. Then add the chopped onion. Stir and simmer for 2-3 minutes.

4. Add carrots, bell peppers and cumin. Then potatoes and radishes.

Important! Fry all ingredients over low heat.

At the very end, add the garlic passed through the garlic press.

5. Salt and put the tomatoes cut into pieces. Simmer for about 30 minutes, maybe less, taste.

7. After that, cook the noodles, boil them in salted water, then drain the water and pour over the prepared filling sauce. Decorate with greenery! Bon appetit!

Home lagman in a slow cooker. video recipe

For those who like to cook dishes in a slow cooker, I recommend watching this short video:

Authentic classic pork lagman

According to this option, lagman can be cooked not only at home, but also outdoors by the fire in a cauldron. You will need the most common products, approximately the same as in other recipes, only the meat here is taken fatty, that is, pork is used.

Therefore, of course, the taste will differ from the previous options, try to make it just like that, perhaps it will become your favorite and unique, which you want to cook all the time.

We will need:

  • meat (pork pulp) - 800 g
  • noodles (for lagman) - 500 g
  • potatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  • tomatoes -2 pcs.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • radish-50 g (optional)
  • tomato paste - 2-3 tsp
  • salt, pepper, spices to taste
  • meat frying oil

Cooking method:

1. Chop all the vegetables on the list with a sharp knife, in any order and in any shape, for example, potatoes in a small cube, peppers in strips, tomatoes in slices, onions in small pieces.

Cut the radish into thin strips, chop the garlic cloves.

2. Pour vegetable oil into a cauldron and heat it up. Omit the pork pieces. Stir. Salt and pepper to taste. After a few minutes, add the garlic so that it gives up its flavor, fry for 5 minutes.

3. Add onions, stir, simmer for about 3 minutes, then add bell peppers and tomatoes. And add the radish with the very last component, stir the ingredients all the time.

4. Add potatoes at the very end so that they do not boil. After potatoes, add tomato paste and simmer, cover with water so that all vegetables and meat are covered.

5. Boil the noodles in salted water, it is cooked according to the same basic rules as ordinary noodles.

6. After that, pour the boiled noodles for the lagman with the prepared sauce with meat. Serve to the table! Bon appetit!

How to cook dough and noodles for lagman at home

If If you want to make noodles yourself, learn how to do this, or don’t trust store packaging, then you can borrow the process of making noodles for lagman and its recipe from this video:

That's all for me, write your reviews and wishes. Have a nice day and sunny mood everyone.

Lagman… mmm, how delicious… tender meat in vegetable sauce and homemade noodles. Yes, it really is incredibly delicious. Therefore, in the summer, when the bazaar is already full of cheap vegetables and herbs, do not miss the moment, by all means treat your family to this famous Central Asian dish. And it is not at all necessary to pull or cut the noodles yourself. My God, where does a young mother or a working woman come from at this time! Just buy ready-made homemade noodles (fresh or dry) and enjoy the taste of lagman. Believe me, the main thing in lagman is meat and vegetables! Noodles are also important, but this one is secondary))) So, for practical housewives, I share a recipe for how to quickly cook a delicious lagman.


(4-5 servings)

  • 600 gr. veal
  • 2 pcs. Luke
  • 3 pcs. carrots
  • 3-4 pcs. potatoes (optional)
  • 1 eggplant
  • 2 pcs. lettuce pepper
  • 3-4 tomatoes
  • 1 PC. hot pepper
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 100 ml. vegetable oil or fat tail fat
  • 400 gr. homemade noodles
  • salt to taste
  • ground black pepper to taste
  • zira to taste
  • bunch of cilantro or parsley
  • To prepare lagman, it is best to use a large cauldron or a high frying pan with a thick bottom and walls. The more voluminous the vessel, the better, because there will have to be placed not only meat, but also a whole bunch of vegetables.
  • Since the lagman cooks quite quickly, I recommend cutting the meat right away and preparing all the vegetables.
  • The ideal meat for lagman is veal or young beef up to a year old. It is this meat that cooks very quickly and has a delicate taste. But you can also buy ordinary beef, which is cheaper, however, in this case it will have to be stewed a little longer.
  • Beef, preferably with a small layer of fat, cut into cubes or fairly large strips.
  • At the bottom of a cauldron or frying pan, put tail fat or pour vegetable oil.
  • While the fat is warming up, cut the onion into half rings. And we cut it quite large, thin onion rings in this dish will be completely out of place.
  • Put the onion in the hot fat. Fry until light golden brown.
  • When the onion is golden, put the pieces of meat. Meat and onions are fried in boiling fat.
  • When the meat is fried on the outside (redness will go away), put the carrot. You can cut carrots in different ways, the main thing is not very small. I cut into large straws, but you can also cut into half rings. Here, every hostess is her own creator!
  • Often potatoes are also put in the lagman, with potatoes the dish turns out to be more satisfying. But as for me, the lagman is already quite satisfying, because it has a lot of meat, plus vegetables with noodles. Therefore, add potatoes or not, see for yourself. If you add, then put it after laying the carrots.
  • Fry the contents of the cauldron for 5-10 minutes on a fairly strong fire. Vegetables should boil and gurgle in fat.
  • Then we put the eggplant cut into large cubes. Fry. Instead of eggplant, you can put zucchini. In general, the lagman is good because you can put any vegetables in it.
  • While the meat is stewed with vegetables, coarsely chop the lettuce pepper. For beauty, you can take multi-colored peppers. I have red and green. Add pepper.
  • After the pepper, lay the tomatoes, cut into large cubes. We choose ripe, juicy and fleshy tomatoes, so that they release a lot of juice. Optionally, you can add 2 tbsp to the lagman. tomato sauce, but this is when there are few tomatoes.
  • Cover the pot with a lid and reduce the heat. Stew, let the tomatoes release the juice.
  • After 5-10 minutes, add chopped garlic and a small hot pepper. Be careful with hot peppers. Salt, pepper to taste, add cumin.
  • Then pour boiling water over all this vegetable splendor. We pour enough water so that it slightly covers the meat and vegetables. Do not pour a lot, otherwise you will get a regular soup.
  • Cover the cauldron with a lid and simmer everything together over low heat. Simmer until meat is cooked. If the beef is young, then 20-30 minutes is enough.
  • While Lagman is stewing, boil the noodles. This is done as usual. We collect more water in a saucepan, put it on fire, salt the water.
  • When the water comes to a boil, add the noodles. Cook the noodles until done. Fresh noodles cook much faster than dry ones, so we control the cooking process. Who likes noodles to be al diente, so we cook less time.
  • We throw the finished noodles into a colander.
  • That's almost all, our delicious, fragrant lagman is ready! We put the noodles in voluminous bowls, and pour plenty of vegetable sauce with meat on top. Sprinkle with chopped cilantro and serve.
  • By the way, lagman, this is not soup, this is the second dish)))). Also see another great recipe for Caucasian cuisine -
